The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 31, 1907, Image 2

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I'n m l-'ri'iay's Iii!v.
Mr?. JY;'!ik Curtssof Union, cawc in
this rt; re to vi. it with fr'un!s and
(). !!. Viivin from Murray was a
visitor in thv ity this afternoon on
Albert J.
Union were.
llanscli anl wife
visitors in the city
Grandpa Doty, from the other side of
Hie rive.-, was a business visitor in the
city this morning.
Attorney W. C. Ramsey took the
early train this morning for Omaha to
attend to legal business.
II. M. Soennischsen. who lias been at
Greenwood on business for the past few
days, returned home last evening.
Clinton M. Andrus, from Manley.
the manager of the Peoples elevator
at that place, was a business visitor in
the city this morning.
Mrs. E. S. Dungan of Grand Island,
came in this morning-, and is visiting
with her friend, Mrs. J. W. Gamble,
for a few days. Dr. Dungan is the
physician at the soldiers' and sailors'
home at Grand Island.
George M. Spurlock, who will be a
delegate from Nebraska to the general
conference of the Methodist Epircopal
church, was a member of the legislature
a few years ago. He then lived at
Plattsmouth. Later he moved to Om
aha, and is now a resident of York.
From Saturday's Daily.
Geo. Rhoden was a visitor in the city
this afternoon.
Hon. S. L. Thomas was a visitor in
Omaha this morning.
J. T. Rhoden from near Murray was
a business visitor in the city this morn
ing. John Cambell from near Murray, was
a business visitor in the city this morn
ing. John Chalfant. from near Union, was
a business visitor in the county seat this
Bob Fitch, from Kanosha, was a
business visitor in the county seat this
W. H. Heil, the famous raiser of the
Red Polled cattle was a business visitor
in the county seat this morning.
J. A. Walker of Murray was a visitor j
in the county seat this morning where
he was looking after some business.
Ed. Graves, from Murray, was a vis
itor in the city this morning where he
was looking after some business mat
ters. Mike Rys, who conducts a blacksmith
shop at Cedar Creek, came in this morn
ing and will visit over Sunday with home
W. F. Gillespie, the genial grain deal
er for the stirring little city of Mynard
was a business visitor on our streets
this morning.
Frank Young, sr., was a visitor in
the city this afternoon for a short time,
on his way from Lincoln, where his son
died Thursday.
Eugene Frey, who has been visiting
at the home of John McNurlin for the
past few days, departed for Cedar Creek
this afternoon.
John Schlater of Louisville, came
down yesterday, and is visiting with his
brother, Conrad Schlater who is sick
and confined to his bed.
Chas. Jordan, of Alvo, the democratic
candidate for county commissioner, came
in this morning and is looking after
some business in the city.
Mrs. George Weidman, who has been
visiting at Plainview" and Havelockwith
friends and relatives for some time, re
turned home this morning.
Miles Standish, one of the substantial
farmers living near Murray, was a coun
ty seat visitor this morning looking af
ter some business matters.
A. M. Heath and wife and James
Carlyle and wife of Valisca, Iowa
came in this afternoon on the fast mail
and departed for Union on the Mo. Paci
fic where they will visit over Sunday
with Mrs. I. N. Appledate.
Conrad Meisinger, one of our thrifty
farmers from west of the city, brought
into the Journal office two pods of cot
ton, which were full of bloom and ripe,
and shows what t an lie done in this cli
mate, which in many respects beats
Fred C. St ringfellow came in night
before last from Fairfield. Iowa, and
has taken charge of the Kraft clothing
company's store at this, place. Mr.
Stringfellow has been engaged in the
clothing business for some time and is
well versed in the business having been
with the above firm at Fairfield for
some time.
John Inhelder and brother, of Stanton,
came in this morning and sold two cars
of potatoes, which they shipped from
that portion of the state. The Inhelder
boys used to live in Weeping Water,
and say that theiv was a good crop of
potatoes in their part of the state, but;
they j. re getting mostly shipped out at j
this tin;..
I'rom Moi:il:iysH:iily . !
Rev. F. W. Brink, of Mynard, was a j
visitor in the city this morning. j
Mrs. Will Thomas and Mrs. Nicholas J
Todd were visitors in Omaha today. j
Anderson Rouse and family visited
yesterday with McGinnis Churchill of
Chas. Chriswisser, from near Nehavv
ka, was a visitor in the city this morn
ing, having business at the court house.
Thomas Wiles, as administrator,
sold at the south door of the court
house, the Robbths property on high
school hill today.
F. E. White was a business visitor in
the city this morning, looking after
some matters relative to the building of
the addition to the Masonic Home.
A marriage license was issued in Lin
coln Saturday to Mr. John W. Shank of
that city, aged 31, and Emma E. West
lake, of Murdock, Cass county, aged
Mrs. E. S. Barker and little daughter
departed this morning for Nebraska
City, where they will visit for some
time before returning to their home at
R. B. Windeam, jr., moved to Green
wood this morning, where he will make
his home in the future, and will as
sume the management of the Platts
mouth Telephone Co. both at that place
and Havelock.
Lisense was granted to Frank Boe
daker, aged 21, and Miss Attella Opp,
same age, both of Nehawka. The wed
ding to occur on - Wednesday of this
week. The friends of the groom-to-be
are giving him a shower this evening.
From Tuesday's Daily
Henry Knabe, of Nehawka, was a
business visitor in the city today.
S. W. Orton of Weeping Water was
a business visitor in the county seat
George Westlake was a business
visitor in the city this morning from
Wm. Delles Denier, of Elmwood, was
a business visitor in the city this
John Beckman was a business visitor
at the court house today from near
Earnest Richter was a business vis
itor in the city today from south of
E. A. Eaton, from Union, was a busi
ness visitor in the county seat this
Clarence E. Tefft, an attorney of
Weeping Water, was a business visitor
in the city this morning.
Horace Rand and wife came in this
morning from Cedar Creek, and will
visit in the city for the day.
Robert Fitch came in this morning
from Rock Bluffs and is looking after
some business matters at the court
James Fisher, of Greenwood, was a
Plattsmouth visitor today, coming to
attend some business matters which he
had at the court house.
Miss Claire Metzger, who has been
visiting in the city for the past few
days, departed for her home at Cedar
Creek this morning.
W.C. Brown and wife, of Murray,
departed this morning for Valisca, Iowa,
where they will visit for a short time
with relatives and friends.
E. F. Marshall and L. D. Switzer j
came in this morning from Weeping
Water, and are looking after county j
business at the court house.
J. W. Holmes came in from Murray
last evening and departed for Omaha
this morning, where he goes on business
in connection with his store in Murray.
Miss Mogey of Union, who is em
ployed in the bank at that place, was a
visitor in the city last evening, attend
ing the lecture at the Parmele.
H. G. Wellenseik of Avoca, was a
visitor in the city this morning, where
he had business in county court, de
parting for Omaha this afternoon.
J. L. Burns of Louisville was a vis
itor at the county seat this morning
coming down on legal business. He
also dropped in and subscribed for the
Mrs. John McNurlin, who has-been
visiting at Cuilom for the past few days,
returned home this morning, and was
accompanied by Mrs. A. F. Seybert,
who will visit for the day in the city.
Mrs. David Line of Louisville, who
has been visiting with relatives and in
Carthage, Illinois, for the past two
weeks, returned home this afternoon,
coming in on the fast mail and going on
home on the Schuyler train.
County Attorney Rawles was a pas
senger to Lincoln this morning, where
he goes on legal business.
Mrs. J. S. Hall was a passenger to
Omaha this morning, where she goes
on business connected with their store.
J. H. Inhelder, who has been deliver
ing potatoes from the. car here, which
he and his brother shipped from Stanton
departed this afternoon for Lincoln,
whore he alr.o has a consignment for
The Ve-t!ake e.- taie in Use probate
otirt cnie up for final settlement to
day. There are a number of parties in
terested, and attorneys in the city, at
the settlement.
J. W. Cox, formerly county commis
sioner for this county but now residing
at Alva, Oklahoma, and who is visiting
at the old home at Weeping Water,
came in this morning and is renewing
ac juaintances in the city.
Byron Reed, from Murray, was a
business visitor in the county seat this
morning, where he is looking after
some business. Byron says he is having
a good deal of trouble with the rheuma
tism again.
Fioni W t tliifMiJiy's daily.
John Lohnes from Louisville had some
buesiness in the city today.
D. K. Barr, of Greenwood, was a
business visitor in. the city today. -
George Horn of Cedar Creek was a
business visitor in the county seat to
day. Henry Westlake of Murdock is in the
city today looking after the settlement
of the Westlake estate.
John Westlake of Louisville came in
this morning looking after some legal
matters at the court house.
W. H. Seybert, from Cedar Creek,
was a visitor in the city this morning,
having some business matters to look
G. A. B. Hicks, of Cuilom, came in
this morning, and is transacting busi
ness with some of the Plattsmouth mer
chants. Last evening the board of county
commissioners departed for Elmwood
for the purpose of appraising some
school lands in that neighborhood.
George Sherman was a passenger to
Omaha this afternoon, where he goes to
meet his daughter, Mrs. Anna Timyon,
who is coming from Denver to visit for
a short time.
Mrs. J. R. Blunt came in this morn
ing from Denver, where she has been
making her home for some time past,
and will visit for a few days with her
children in the city.
Prof. F. D. Brooks, brother of Prof.
Brooks, of the High school of this place,
who was visiting here, departed for his
work at Crete, Neb., where he is super
intendent of the city schools.
J. H. Becker was a visitor in the
metropolis this morning.
George McDaniels and wife were vis
itors in Omaha this morning.
Henry Herold was a business visitor
in the metropolis today, going on the
morning train.
C. H. Hiatt was a passenger to Oma
ha this morning, where he is looking af
ter some business matters today.
Mrs. S. E. McElwain departed yes
terday afternoon for Lincoln, where she
will visit for a while with relatives.
Mrs. B. E. Galligher departed yester
day afternoon for Lincoln, where she
will make her home for the present.
Mrs. and Mrs. Nis Cronk, who have
been visiting with friends and relatives
in the city for some time, departed this
morning for their home in Des Moines,
Mrs. R. 'E. Sawyer and children de
parted for Omaha this morning, where
they will visit with relatives and friends
for a few days.
uainfy footwear
for Women!
Wp do not relv on one make
LJ to please and fit. We have J
f choice tail styles irom tne f
iour iouowing lines; domi
Cross, Julia Marlowe, White
house and White Ribbon. Why
are we not able to well serve
p Sherwood & Son "j
I Ipiinn - i kipk pi niiR II
: lira im imm31 E MiMl Uf f s
I " in
and get an idea of what we
Largest Assortment but we
the country. Quality, workm
things in fur and we know
pleased with your purchase,
look at the goods.
Black Coney Derby
Black Coney Ford
French Chinchilla
French Ermin
Genuine Beaver
We have many others, but space will not permit us to enum
ate them all. We invite you to come in at any time, as our Fur
Department is now ready for your inspection.
9 E
Mrs. L. B. Egenberger and daughter,
Hellen, were passengers to Omaha this
morning, where they will visit with
friends and relatives for a few days.
Frank Wooster, wife and children,
who have been visiting in Denver for
the past week with relatives and friends,
returned home this morning on the
early Burlington train.
Miss Rose Shall, who is now making
her home in Omaha, came in Tuesday
evening and visited over night with her
sister, Mrs. M. Fanger, returning home
yesterday afternoon on the fast mail.
C. E. Metzger, of Cedar Creek, .demo
cratic candidate for clerk of the district
court, came in last evening and visited
over night with friends, departing this
morning for Union, where he has some
business to look after.
M. P. Nelson, wife and two small
children, came in this morning from
Omaha and attended the funeral of lit
tle Mathew Bajeck, this morning at the
Holy Rosary church, and returned home
on the fast mail this afternoon.
Mrs. and Mrs. Henry Maynard, of
Deadwood, who have been visiting in
the city for some time with relatives
and friends, the guests at the home of
Soseph Droege, departed this morning
for their home on the early train.
But few people away from Platts
mouth are aware of the fact that we
have a city of 6,000 inhabitants and not
a negro among them. With the passing
of "Uncle Ned " about one year ago,
went the only one that our city had.
Tuesday, through their attorney,
C. A. Rawles, of this city, the farmers
filed a memorandum with the railway
commission, at -Lincoln, asking that i
they compel the Missouri Pacific rail- j
way company to place a siding to .their :
elevator at Manley. The matter is ex- (
pected to be heard in about fifteen or .
twenty days. j
Mrs. O. C. Ebert, of McCook, for- j
merly Miss Nellie Stockton of this j
place, who had been visiting in the city j
for some time, the guest at the "Sun-j
ny Side" with the Wescotts, departed!
last evening on the late Burlington j
train for her home, where her husband j
is engaged in the banking business.
F. W. Eaton, of Lincoln, came in this
morning and was a visitor at the ma
chine department of the local Burling
ton shops, with a view of coming here
to live if he could make the change in
place. Mr. Eaton is the grandson of
Mrs. August Reinackle. He departed
this afternoon for his home in Lincoln.
show in the fur line. Not only the
represent' one of the best houses in
anship and style are three important
when you buy from us you will be
Look over this
Fox Loretta
Fox Loretta
Isabella Marten Hiawatha
French Mink
Genuine Fox
August Gorder was a business visitor
in Omaha this afternoon.
Mrs. T. E. Parmele was a visitor in
the metropolis this afternoon.
Dr. E. D. Cummins was a visitor in
Omaha today, going on professional
Miss Georgia Matous was a passenger
to Havlock today, where she will visit
with friends.
Ray Christwisser from near Nehawka
was a business visitor in the county seat
this morning.
W. I. Good, a business man of Moulton,
Iowa, was a visitor in the city this morn
ing on business.
Herman Bestor is visiting at Cozad
this week with his son, Guy, having
gone out last Monday.
Clayton Rosencrans, the Riley Hotel
barber, was looking after business in
Omaha this afternoon.
J. R. Norris of Council Bluffs was in
the city this morning on business, return
ing home on a later train.
A. S.- Will was a visitor in Omaha and
South Omaha this morning, where he
has business to attend to. j
Jos. Linn and John Frank were pas
sengers to Omaha this afternoon, where
they will visit for a few days.
Mrs. Mike Warga who has been visit
ing in the city with relatives for the past
few days, returned to her home at Have
lock today.
H. G. Van Horn, the music man, was
a passenger to Omaha this afternoon,
where he is replenishing his stock of
records and machines.
Mrs. James W. Newell, of Omaha,
who has been visiting at the home of
her parents for the past few days, re
turned home this afternoon.
Mrs. J. H. Teegarden of Hickman,
who has been in the city for the past few
days in attendance at the funeral of her
cousin, Mrs. James Fogartv, returned
home today.
s : . .
Scott s ELmxjL lesion strengthens enfeebled tjf
ij nursing mothers by increasing their flesh and
nerve force.
It provides baby with the necessary rat Q
and miners! food for healthy growth.
list, then come and
Marten 90 in. han 10.00
Philip Meisinger was a business vis
itor in the city this morning, from near
Cedar Creek.
Washington Smith was a passenger
to Omaha this afternoon, where he is
visiting with his son, Glen, who is in
the hospital at that place. Glen is re
ported as progressing nicely.
W. D. Crawford of Lincoln came in
last evening and is looking after some
business in the city. Mr. Crawford re
ports that he was confined to his bed at
home for the past four weeks, and has
just gotten out again.
Mrs. Mollie Warren, who has been
in the city for the past few days with
herchildren, departed this afternoon for
Lincoln, where she will visit with her
daughter, Mrs. Robt. McClannahan, be
fore returning to her home at Denver.
Bennett Chrisweisserand C.A. Rawles
departed this morning for southeastern
Kansas, where they will look at the
country with a view of purchasing some
land, sliould the price and appearance
of the land be such as to appeal to
Mrs. Bernett Fetzer and daughter.
Miss Katie, who have been visiting at
Omaha for some time past, returned
this morning and will visit for a while
with her brother, Joseph Fetzer, before
returning to their home at Manatowoc,
Hans Tamms came in last evening
from Walbeck, this state, where he has
been working for the Burlington, build
ing a depot at that place. Having fin
ished that job he will not take up any
more new work this fall. Mr. Tamms
will be engaged at this point from now
W. H. Coolige came in last evening
via the Missouri Pacific and viited orer
night at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Washington Smith, departing for Oma
ha this morning. Mr. Coolige went to
Omaha to purchase good3 for his busi
ness at Rosalie, where he started in
the grocery business about a month
since and is having a nice trade.
: 50c. AND Sl.OO.