The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 24, 1907, Image 7

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    Weather Kemoiro'd You
that the Heavier Clothing Season is almost here? It it does it remains our duty to remind you that Holly's is the place to buy them. How ubout
that New Suit or Overcoat, Winter Weight Underwear or Shoes? Wa have a complete line both for men and boys. Call and let us show you the
many new things we have in Winter Wearing Apparel.
:Hoiiy's 5c Huskers, the Best in the State,
WM. IH1LLY, the Icrthleir,
Does this
writ, voilliir li
of your faliier. itu
man: hollow tlie roolsi.eps
y norne choice farming land
while It la rt rhcHi). It will make you rich
In ti(i'wynir. You will ninlthe lient In Keith
i-oiinty. Neltmska. I nulr-of Tax ton Kt-nlty
Co.. I 'ax too. Neb. Write them Unlay. 3rt-l''t
:iU 9AI.K. VU-y county. Nenkj4. IttMlo.
Write Kverly A: Co.
North I ou p. Nel.
Cli KYKNNK 'oniily lain! for wtle. t.ooil rich
level land for from ten dollar to itlxteeii
dollar -r arrir. uiud shown In automobiles
Call on or write Kxlmsui-l.ioNclien lind Co..
Sidney. Nel. -
FtHt SAI.K yl'ICK. Siuare section jrood
northeast Nel;esk;i lainl. eitfht miles from
county seat, partly Improved, with running
water. Price I5 per acre, r'or particulars
write F.J. I Hshiicr. O'Neill. Neh.
C HOICK eorn and alfalfa farms and ranches
In the com Im-II. for sale cheap or lease.
IC. A. Hunter .V Co. Broken How. Neh.
LITKN! corn, wheat and alfalfa hrnds In
southwestern Kansas from i to ?"J j mt
acre. Come and . Wayne I.and Co.
Creenshurg. Kansas.
FA RMS for sale. Clark county. Sout h Dakota
none any U tter. Prices going up. Come
now. Sharp Jk Harris. Clark. S. I).
WK have several choice farms close to town
for sale in Boyd county, Nehr.. Jjfi.UO to
ji'o.00 per acre. No lietter land in Nebraska.
Write us. or In-tter still, call and see for your
selves. American Kxchange Bank.
Bristow. Neh.
acres, smooth farm land, excellent soil,
'i miles of railro id. l per acre.
40-4 K. .1. Woolworthe.
Kearney. Neh.
IMI'KOVKI farms in II 1 1 more county. SiUMo
t per acre. None In-tter. Write Atherton
Ac Kvaus. (ii'ncru. Neh. 40-4
FA K.MS. KAKMS. FAKMS. Any size tract,
level, soil J to 5 feet deep, producing forty
bushels of w heat per acre. Write for tiooklft
and prices. White & Sears.
4l-4 1 1 ol yoke. Colo.
Snap. ;mmI one ouarter hay land. 4 mill's
from Norfolk, only ?4sim.mi.
4"-4 J. II. Conely. Norfolk. Nebr.
FOB SAI.K very cheap all or part of fiurtecn
liiarter sections In Box Butte county. Neb.
north of Alliance. As fine black loam land as
there is on earth: no sand, no gravel and est
f crops. Will trade for good high priced land
40-4 .1. II- Conley. Norfo'k. Neb.
BI'.MI'KIC crop this year for Cheyenne coun
ty. We are harvesting the liest crop of
small grain in Nebraska. The opportnuitles
are greater here for the man with limited
means than any other section of the .vest.
Come out and look this country over, and it
will verify our statement. Ijind from ?s to
iO per acre. Write for circular etc.
Western Kealty Co.
40-4 Sidney. Cheyenne Co. Neb.
W1IKN purchasing Western Nebraska lands,
get the Ix'st. There are yet plenty of
choice farm lands with deep, rich soil, to te
had at from ten to fifteen dollars per acre, in
Keith county. Nebraska, surrounding Pa ton
No drouth In this section: VM7 crops are good;
have had suflicient rainfall in this section to
grow crops the past eight years. These lands
will grow any kind of crops adapted to the
State of Nebraska, and will advance rauidly
rapidly in price. Come ami see for yourself,
or write today Paxton Kealty Co..
40-4 Paxton. Neb.
FOK SAI.K -7tV acre Stock farm 1'4 miles
from railroad town in Klkhoru Valley. Is
home farm of an old resident: fine condition;
130 acres crops. 160 acres hay. IM acres of fine
alfalfa land, blue grass bottom pasture for 300
cattle.plenty of running water; fine buildings,
plenty of ash timber. Owner is old and re
tired. f-JT.jO per acre. No trade. Keasonable
payment: long time on balance"' 'Hurry.
3J0 acres one mile from town. 140 acres crops
balance pasture and hay. In Klkhorn Valley,
fenced, no buildings, lays level, all alfalfa
land: black loam; SW.OO per acre, good terms;
come and investigate.
The Guaranty Title and Trust Co.
40-4 Neligh. Neb.
Cheyenne County Kansas.
975 acres, adjoining the town of Wheeler:
460 cultivated. 515 fenced to pasture. Frame
house. ItixiH: addition 14x14: stable, granary,
sheds und hog lots; in acres fenced with wov
en wire: 10 acres alfalfa. Well, windmill and
tanks; young orchard; one-half mile from
good school, good grain market and store. 5
miles from St- Francis. zM.OO per acre. 227 ad
joining. 179 cultivated. All fenced with three
wires. $15 per acre. Can be sub-divided.
Travis W. Benjamin
40-1 SU Francis. Kansas.
Farms for Everybody.
3-JO acres seven miles from town, ail fenced.
42 acres line alfalfa partly fenced hog tight;
over 200 acres under cultivation, balance fin
est pasture and hay land, good well and wind
mill, very fair buildings. Price 40.00 per
3J0 acres 1 "i mile from town, ail under fence
33 acres alfalfa, fenced hog tight. 2C5 acres
cultivated, remainder in hay and pasture:
two good wells and windmill; very jrool house
and other fair improvements: two small
proves: will divide nlce'y Into two farms.
Price jli) u per acre.
There is no sand, gravel. rock. alkali or hard
pan anywhere in this locality : all tine black
loam with clay siilsoil. Fine alfalfa and corn
land. We cm almost let you make your ow n
terms of piynietit on either of these farms
Let us correspond with you aUt:t them or
show them to you. Bradley A. Matheison
4-j Waibach. Oreeley. Co.. Neb.
We Sell Land
Where corn is King: where alfalfa Is i.Hieen:
In Nuchols county, the great corn, small
grain and alfalfa county of Southern Nebras
ka. Write for our land list.
ti. I. Follmer A: Son.
4j. Nelson. Neb.
Well Improved Ranch.
120 acres two miles from railroad station
about 3j0 acres under cultivation, remainder
in prairie, all fenced. 1'4 story frame nine
room house, one good sod house; barn 32x60;
two granary, cattle sheds etc. five wells and
two mills. S11 rich black loam, smooth. Will
sell all or half. Price fcioOO. if taken at once.
Term and particulars ee West's Land
Agency. Hemlngford. Neb. 40-
No Joke About Logan County:
llid you think that I was joking when I
told you In my ad last month that one crop of
beets would pay for the land in South Platte
Valley near Sterling' I will prove just what
I say If you will come lie shown. Now Is the
time to see what we have produced In 1C
There Is no such thing as failure under Irrlga
tlon. C. .M. Morton. Sterling. Colo. 40-3
Alfalfa, corn and wheat lands for sale. tiood
rlcji aJfUa,,wlieat aiid ciru laiuls in the
great long grass loup Valley country In cen
tral Nebraska, on long time and easy terms.
Address P. II. .Marley. Mason City. N b.
Stop at Sidney. Nebraska, and look at our
choice bargains in lands. Write for lists.
Agents wanted. Sidney I. and Co.
Fillmore county snap. I4:t acres, well im
proved, adjoining town. ..iiu. other bar
gains. Write BalicocK Laud Agency.
41-4 Miiowa. Neb.
Homescckers Come to northwest At kausas.
Fruit, stock and grain farms. I have tried
17 states, this lieats them all. Particulars and
price list free. Write today. .1. T. Oswalt.
41-4 ira vette. Ark.
For Sale by owner. Buy direct, save commis
sion. Two improved Colorado irrigated
farms in cultivation. Oood ditch and reser
voir water rights. Prices and terms on a ppli
catlou. Address II. N. I.ineharger.
41-4 .lulesburg. Col.
Renters wanted for Minnesota farms. Kight
good farms adjoining town witii creamery
to rent for one. three or live years. Cash or
part of crop rent. Also farms for sale on crop
pay incuts with small cash pay ment down, or
you might want to trade a small farm for a
larger one. or exchange some village property
In part payment on a farm. In either case,
would like to have you write me and see what
I can do for you. John Powers. Murdock.
41-4 Swift Co.. .Minn.
Northeast Nebraska Improved farms, buy
from owner. 1 am tillering four farms in
northeast Nebraska .it ?10 per acre less than
actual value, terms easy. Address owner. P.
M. Moodie. West Point. Nciir.
'lock and grain lauds, gootl soil, low prices.
i.yinaii aiermau. Oueiil. M-u.
Did you know that the liest black loam corn
lands can still be had iu Thurston county.
30 miles southwest of .ioux City at from S0 to
?7j per acre! Write A. Id. Krause V Co.. West
Point, for particulars.
Iowu 30 acres lioltom laud i utiles from
ChapiH'll. Outlet County. M il., -rlo per acre.
Have other tirst class lands. IJ line land 5
miles from Chappell. ?ll.50. A large number
of choice quarters, half sections, at rock liot
tom prices Write me for further informa
tion. O. pft Her. Chappell. Neb.
s"'r,'s Ivlmhail couhty. Neb.. level
OHU iitiick loam soil at'ti per acre. casn.
balance time. A bargain, investigate it. Other
bargains in farms. ranches and homestead re
linquishments. Write or call on American
Iund & Immigration Co.. Sidney. Neb.
Otter Creek valley, is i acres lest alfalfa land
close to town. i.Uiiier and living water on
place. Best bargain in Kansas at S3 J per acre
Office in 1-MtCrosse State bank. Wblteman A:
Wbitenian. Kan.
Land ten to tenty dollars, produces splen
did crops, too. see this country and you'll
buy. Sidwell Bros, or I T. Bonner,
41-4 Imperial. Neb.
Sunny Idaho, no blizzards, no cyclones. Im
proved and unimproved laud under best
irrigation systems. Jackson & Trenam.
41-4 Weiser, Id.
farmers and young men. I have over 50 good
. quarters of land a number one, from, flu to
450 an acre. 'Kansas. Nebraska. South Dakota,
from Lincoln. Neb., to Denver. Col., and 200
for Jo per acre. Call on or write Henry Hum
mels. Macon. Neb.
Homeseekers. Investors, let me tell you about
the great Klkhorn valley country. My
bargains will make you big money. Don't de
lay, write W. L. Lowe. Atkinson, Neb.
A good home. 320 acre farm. 24 acres in timo
thy and clover, balance uuder plow, no
better land in Nebraska, fair improvements.
?i mile from Gresham. York county. S75 per
acre, one-half cash, balance ten equal annual
payments. Inquire of Jones National bank.
41.4 Seward. Neb.
rite First National bank. Wisner. Neb., for
choice in proved Cummlng county farms.
For Sale Best ranch in eastern Nebraska.
Will take 100 acres of good land, write for
particulars 1 am closing out my land and
offer bargains. A. J. Durland. Norfolk. Neb.
Deal Estate Bargains A half section of land
5 miles from North Platte. 2 0 acres in val
ley. S2.200 part time.
fr0 acres extra good grass land, part in sec
ond valley. ?4 per acre. Bratt & Goodman.
41-4 North Platte. Neb
Just what you want 100 acre farm. 1 10 acres
smooth land, balance rolling, growing buf
falo grass, all hard black soil clay subsoil
good wheat or corn land, two miles from
church one mile from school. 5' miles to mar
ket. 5 acres native timlier. trees 12 years old.
good water obtained anywhere on' place, is
ler acre, two-thirds cash, balance to suit pur
chaser. Write today to Uruliner Bros.
4l-4 Be hkelman. Neh.
Splendid opx.rt unity, line all round farm,
best of pasture and tame hay. ?0 acres good
plow land, fair buildings. 40 A. J. Durland.
41-4 Norfolk. .eb.
Homeseekers. investors, come to northeastern
Nebraska where the climate Is delightful,
the soil extremely productive, the ralnfat'
abundant, the water pure, the people intelli
gent, sociable and generous. The principal
crops are corn. oats, wheat, rye. barley and
potatoes, which grow in abundance The prin
cipal grasses are blue jcint. timothy, clover,
alfalfa. Tame grasses grow liouutifully.
Horses, hogs, cattle are raised in great num
bers. Farms can lie bought for t20 to J60 per
acre, according to improvements, location
and quality. For farms write or see
Campbell Kealty Co.
41-4 Crtlghton Neb.
Sedgwick County Table and Irrigated
.Mr. Land Seeker, lie wise and buy your Col
orado and Western Nebraska lands of Flora
Bros., they eun save you money on anything
you want. Write for our special propositions
Sedgwick county, farms and ranches. We
We have the only diary and garden farm on
the market; come out and see. Flora Bros.,
.lulesburg. Colorado 40-2
One million acres Irrigated land iu theCpper
Snake Klver valley. Idaho, land 2o per
acre up. easy terms, most abundant water
supply on the entire continent three Beet
Sugar Factories In the valley, an ideal fruit
country, an unsurpassed climate. Idaho Falls
Is destiued to tit-come, the greatest railroad
center and the largest city In the state. For
particulars address Idaho Falls Development
Co . Idaho Falls. Ha ho.
Dairying, the coming business I haven
farm that will make you a fortune
have n dairy
In ten
years. Write owner A. .1. Durland
Frt d P'crson. the Land Man. sells gix d era- j
ing laud from 3 to t'4 per acre, good farm- 1
ing land from so to !." per acre. Ior quick
sale I quote the following nieces good heavy
loam with day subsoil; HkI acres 10 miles from
a gootl town, schoolhouse on the land, price
$2.25n : 172 acres ti miles from town, in a good
thriving neighborhood, pricv $2..V'o. 32u acres s
miles from town all nice land, price $11.50 per
acre. HXi acres four miles from town, all in
cultivation, price $2.4un This isonly a partial
list of the land I have for sale. If these do not.
suit write for the latest price list ai.d terms
or better yet. come and It-t me show you the
land. Fred Pierson.
41-4 Sutherland. Neb.
Bargains in farms, for list of corn, alfalfa
anil winter wheat lands write J.T. Camp-Im-11.
Litchlield. Neb.
Must be sold -$Uu0 buys a good hid acre farm
located 7 miles souihwest of Pawnee City.
House ll.24 barn 30ft square, good wagonshed
and corn crib, all newly painted, in good re
pair. Whole farm fenced 3 wires. Good or
chard, woven wire hog pasture. 15 acres tame
hay. Wind mill and tank, forty acres pasture
balance cultivated. I'nion Central holds
$4,000 mortgage. ! per cent. (Never loan over
35 per cent of value.) Terms $1,000 down, bal
ance easy payments. Mortgage optional.
Address Box 4'4. David City. Neb.
Best land in the west
acre. Information
lit from $1 to $20 per
free. West's Land
Agencv. Hemlngford. Nebr.
Wanted, to rent ten good sandy corn farms to
" Nebraska corn raisers. For particulars
write W. O. Flynt. Shamrock Texas.
this fall.
Sale. Best, ranch in county. 1040
I mprovements cost $!.00 Must sell
$20 per acre. Arthur F. Mullen.
O'Neill. Nel. (
Cterling. Colorado. Large immigration hero ' side. The food commissioner was Un-
from Nebraska and Iowa. .Mesa lands $5 : abje to get actjon from County Attor
to $10 per acre, irrigated lands $40 and up. , j. . ,
Beet sugar factory running. Some farmers'" English, of Douglas county, where
get $100 per acre for this year's crop. Ad ver- j the large packing houses are, and so
tising free, statements guaranteed. Write us j the proceedings will be started here, as
today. Chatnlier of Commerce. Sterling. Colo they can be reached through the saleof
4t4 ; such goods in Lincoln. Something is
Por Sale cheap, few improved, productive ! due to be started within the next
soil level farms near Oklahoma City.south j twenty-four hours. Mrs. Harriet Mc
Investigate. Brand. Banker. Moore, okla. ... . . j ; .-ii v
Invest your money in Thomas county (Ks)
land, the smoothest county in the state,
with 200.000 sown to wheat. Prices ranee from
?12 to ?35 per acre. Now is the time to place
your money. J. N. Fike, Colby. Kaiis
Whvp:tyt75an acre for land when you can
. "buy just as good for- f30V .'
' 320a4res 6 miles from D'Xetll level prairie
unimproved, good soil, tlb
160 acres second bottom, level, unimproved,
5 miles from0Nelll. ?12 per acre.
ItW acres 8 miles from O'Neill a little roll
ing, running water, unimproved $12.50
42t4 T. V. Golden. O'Neill. NeK
In the District Court of Cass County, Ne
braska. f Walter A. Lauchlln.
Administrator of the
estate of Keuben A.
Chapln, deceased:
Allert D. Welton.
Ira Chapin
Jesse O. Chapin,
Edward Chapin.
Florence B. Chapin.
May F.. Chapin,
Hoy M. Chapin.
Tacie Laughlin.
Oscar W. Lautrhlin
I Kate Beeler, and
I Walter A. Latrhiin.
I Ouardian of
Florence B. Chapin.
I May E. Chapin.
Boy M. Chapin.
I Minor heirs of Keuleii I
i A. I haiMn. deceased
, ,,. . . Defendants. symptoms of a sickness, like loss of ap-
To Ira C hapin. Edward C hapin. and Kate ; J F '
Beeler. non-resident defendants: . petite and weakness, can always be
You will take notice that on the 3d day of j ,, . . j ... rr
oc toUr. iivr.os.-arW. Laughlin plaintiff here- ! successfully treated with Timer s Amen
in. tiled his iet it ion in the district court of ! rarl fMivir of Ritter Wine a remedv
CassCounty. Nebraska, against you impleaded S can Lnxlr OI i--er lne remeuy
with Walter A. Laughlin. admist rator of t lie ) composed of bitter herbs and the best
estate of Kuelien A. Chapin. deceased, and ,. - , . ,
guardian of Florence it. Chapin. May K.Chapin. i California red wine. It is an excellent
Hoy M. ( Iiapin. minor heirs of Kuelien A. 1 rpmFj., fnr Thf whole rlip-pstive tract
t defeased, and Allien 1 1. w ebon. I ra i remedy lor tne noie o.igesu e tract,
Chapin. Edwaid ( hapin. Jesse o. ''iiapin.
Florence B. Chapin. May E. fhupin. Koy .M.
Chapin. Tacie Laughlin. und Kate Beeler. as
" 'The libjSt 'and prayer of which are to fore-
close two certain mortgages executed and de -
livett-d by Kut iu A. t hn.iin anil Teresa O.
chapin. to w. a. and o. L.Woodward, upon the
North half of the Northeast .gaiter of 'sect "
thirty-three .W) township No. twelve 12(
' . . . . , .... .... . . ,
range nine r.ijeasr oi ine ixmi t i ii i principal
iiicriuiaii. iii uss niuin.1, --M'orasKa; one 10
secure a iK.nd of eight hundred dollars (ssiV)
tlated June si h. 111.. pavahle .1 tine 1st. 11 '2. ex
tended to June 1st. 1I2. at ti It-r cent Interest
j per annum.
l!Hl. given to secuie the payment of ten notes
of each, of which live aiv yet unpaid, said
notes one l-eing payable eacli year on and after
June 1st. l'.ni'-'.
That sail notes and mortgage have for a val
uable cousitlerat ion been assigned toOsrar W.
Laughlin. the plaintiff herein, who is now the
iioitier unit on ner tnereoi; inai mere is now
due ui-m said notes and mortgages the sum of -
hundred ninety-eight and 32-Iihj
For which sum with interest from this date
plaintiffs pray a decree that defendants be re
nuireti to pay the same or that said premises
be sold to pay the amount found due with cost.
You are required to answer said ietitionon
or In-fore the llth day of Novemtfr, 19t'7.
Dated tills 2d day of October. 1T.
tisi-ar W. Laughlin. Plaintiff.
Pure Food Law.
Foot! and Dairy Commissioner, J. W.
Johnson has at last succeeded in en
listing the aid and support of several
county attorneys in his campaign for
the enforcement of the new state food
law, says the Lincoln News. The re
port comes from Jefferson county that
a dealer has been arrested there on a i
charge of selling butter packages not j
bearing a net weight brand, after he
had been notified to cease the practice, j
Unofficial tidings from Washington j
county, is that violaters of the law are
being prosacuted there. The food com
missioners office furnished information
to the Washington county attorney con
cerning the transgressions of dealers,
but has not yet had any reply from
In Madison county a man named Ed.
Ericson, of Newman Grove, is report
ed to have been selling unbranded but
ter, and this fact was learned bv a
state inspector for the food commission
ers department. County Attorney
Jack Koenighstein was asked to prose
cute Ericson. He did. not file any com
plaint, but instead writes that the New
man Grove dealer is no longer disobey
ing the law, but is now labeling every
package of butter with the net weight.
The county attorney has also brought
the Meadow Grove Creameiy into line,
and it is doing the same.
The Jefferson county prosecution is
directed against Albert H. Loyns, of
Fairbury, on data furnished to county
attorney C. H. Denny of the food com
missioner. The county attorney gave
Lyons warning on October 16 to dis
continue the sale of unbranded butter.
Three days later he learned that the
merchant was still doing business in
this line. Denny thereupon started
proceedings against Lyons. The result
of the hearing has not yet been re
ported. While looking after the dealers who
are selling butter in a manner contrary
to the law. Food and Dairy Commis
sioner Johnson has not forgotten the
packers. He was in conference dur
ing the forenoon with County Attorney
Tarrell on the question of filing com
plaint against one or more firms which
supply hams, bacon and other meats in
i cloth and paper wrapping, without
stamping the net weight on the out-
j itiurpuy , fcLcttc iuvu tiisit;;i.oi., win uc
i the chief witness for the prosecution.
! Food Commissioner Johnson is much
gratified because of the response that a
number of couhty attorneys are mak
ing to his appeal for their co-operation
in inforcing the law. He thinks that
when dealers understand they are lay
ing up trouble for themselves by con
tinued violations, they will make haste
to study the pure food enactment and
be governed by its terms.
There are one or two merchants in
Plattsmouth who should take warning
! from the above because they may be
visited by the pure food inspector most
any old time and compelled to pay a
fine for ignoring the law.
Reputation of America.
j The reputation of America is, that
iwe know how "to do things." his
j means that our people have courage
and energy, that it quickly grasps the
! opportunity and finishes all work with
! out hesitation, that it always knows
; what it is doing. There is only one
i thing where some of our people are slow
and that is sickness. Very often they
neglect it at the start only to find later
i on that is too late. The most common
I making it able to accept all articles cf
i r , , . . f . u n uj
food and to transform them m the body
int healthy blood. As long as you Can
: eat and digest regularly, you are wel 1
; , . , - - " i . . .
and you therefore give jour bett atten-
j tkn to vour digestion. This remedy
j & j
- . ' H. . 1 j. 1
j will Keep IT. m tne Dest oiuer.
Use it
: -1 1 i .1 i - i , .
! as soon as you will feel the slightest in
i disposition. Jos. Triner, 799 Ashland
Avenue, Chicago, 111.
Change of Date.
The Hollow'en party, which was to
i have been at the home of Rev. A. L.
i Zink, a week from tonight, has been
, , 1 Ml v uu r i
! changed, and will be held on ednes -
I d the 30thj instead of the 31st,
There will be one given at the home
of Mr. Todd, northwest of town, on the
latter date, and this is changed so as
not to 'conflct, as many would like to
go to both places.
boarding with the Earle family. Itj
seems that she stopped to dress, and !
was shut off from escape except through I
the upstair window and in jumping I
landed on a concrete walk, breaking j
her lower jaw bone and fracturing her
right arm. Time prevents us from
giving more particulars. j
" j
To Whom it MaY Concern
ELM WOOD, Neb., Oct. 7, 1907
Mr. Albert Hunt:
Sir, Yours of October 5, received.
Would say that you are correct. You
received judgement for $13. TA), and
costs, amounting to $10.0T, against the
village of Murdock. Mr. Neitzel has
paid $13. 00 which is now in my hands on
said judgement, and I have notified hirn
how the matter stands, but thus far he
has not answered. 1 will write to him
today and if he does not answer soon
will issue execution and send an officer
to collect the balance of the judgement.
I wish you would see Mr. Goehry
others of the board. Show them
and i
this i
. - i
letter, as I do not want to make any
more costs on this foolish matter. You
know I had to wait ten days before is-
suintr execution, but that time is nast.
Now the balance due on judgement is
$10.05. And now in conclusion,
thought I had stated the case as plain
as I could if the plaintiff did not re
cover over $11.00, the amount tendered
he would be held for costs, and as the
plantiff recovered $13.00 the costs were !
taxed in the defendent. Hoping
will be satisfactory I remain
Yours Truly
David McCaig
Justice of the Peace.
Bad Fire Narrowly Averted
A mysterious fire occured at the resi-
dence of John Koop on Thursday after- i ical church in Murdock, Thursday even
noon and but for the prompt action of i ing, October 31st, for one night only,
the neighbors there would have been All are cordially invited to attend,
little chance of saving the fine residence j Martha Goehry visited in Lincoln Fri
property. At about 3:30 Mrs. Koop a.,
started to go into the bed room where !
she was horrified to find the room filled '
with smoke. She immediatly gave the j
alarm and when assistance arrived it j
was almost impossibie to enter the j
room for smoke. The fire was discov- j
ered to be issuing from a bed matress ;
and as Mrs. Koop is certain that the
room had not been entered since morn
ing it is supposed that one of the boys
had dropped a match on the bed
in the morning and that the room
being shut up prevented the fire from
gaining headway. The mattress was
thrown out of the window and no dam
age was done other than by a few
buckets of water thrown into the room
by the more excited ones. Louisville
Mashed His Foot With Rail.
Frank Hackenberry, who is employed
in the local shops, while at work yester
day handling some railway rails in j
some manner one was dropped which !
fell upon his foot with the result that j
his foot was very badly bruised. He j
had the member dressed and cared for
as well as possible, and while it is not
giving him as much pain as when first
injured, it is still very sore and will be
for some time.
Arm Broken in Two Places. i
Last evening while playing around a j
corn elevator at home, eight miles west j
of town, little Johnny, son of Frank
Blatzer, got his arm under the tumbling
shaft and caught it in such manner as
to break it in two places. He was
hurriedly brought to this city, where
the fracture was reduced by Drs. Liv
ingston. The ordeal of setting the arm
was very severe and caused a great
deal of pain for the little fellow, but he
has since been resting much easier.
For Sale j
Fos Sale A few thoroughbred Poland j
China hogs, weighing about 156 to 180
Dounds. Pedigrees can be furdished if
Call at my tarm eastoi Murray
or address D. A
Young, Plattsmouth,
R. F. D. No. 1.
Laxative Fruit Syrup
Pleasant to take
The new laxative. Does
not gripe or nauseate.
Cures stomach and liver
troubles and chronic con
stipation by restoring the
natural action of the stom
ach, liver and bowels.
Refuse substitute. Price SOo.
(By O. A. i el.
Corrected weekly bv Martin Sl T.ioh
who pay the highest prices for produce
and Kuarantce satisfaction:
iiutu.r ' ,K;
Kggs I..c.
Mens tNT
. ::..'i
. .M .i to $.. '
Corn ..
Oats. . .
.'iO und Mc
Kock Island Timk Tabi.ic
Murdock Station.
1, local !:":! a.
5, local freight M:.U) a.
r. mail i!:.H p.
! No. .'17, mail .r:';j p.
,; doe nut to) for passt '.'rs east,
- i .
oi weiivtrr.
X'.. Ill t.nt..i.t
.12::;o a. m.
.'.:ll a. in.
. 1 :2"t p. m.
;t:H) p. m.
. 1:14 p. rti.
, N( v;t;:
j0 Lcal
No. (i, mail
: R" local ireigtu..
No. does not stop
west of DesMoines.
II. A. Tool transact oil busiimsH in
Omaha Tuesday.
August Glaubitz and wife were called
, to Neligh Friday through the illness of
i their son, August.
Miss Mamie Schewe
returned from
Lincoln Friday.
Col. Hates of the Journal force, was
shaking hands with friends here for :i
few hours Friday.
Bishop W. F. Hei), of Highland 1'ark,
111., will hold services at the Kvangel-
Eugene Tighe of Havelock, visited
friends here Sunday.
E. C. Kuehn and wife, of Lincoln,
were visiting relatives here the fore part
of the week.
Will Gerdes was down from Lincoln
i Sunday.
j Mr. C. Wood and Miss Haruhardt, of
i Louisville, visited at the Goehry home
I Sunday.
Wm. Gentry and wife and M. Gentry
; of Louisville, visited relatives in this
I burg Sunday.
; Another cornhusker arrived at the
ihome of Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Moore
i Monday. The little fellow weighed
' about ten pounds and is doing nicely.
Mrs. A. J. Tool entertained the
I Kensington on Wednesday afternoon.
. T li 1 .1
' luncneon was serveu.
I H. A. Gast transacted business in
Lincoln Tuesday.
Ttio late for last week.
F. M. Cox was down from Omaha and
I spent Sunday under the parental roof.
The oyster supper that was given by
the local M. W. A. in their hall Satur
day evening, was a decided success, the
proceeds being over $30.
Miss Mable Skinner of Alvo, visited
here over Sunday, the guest of Miss
Mary Austin. -4
The Jap quarantine was raised at
; Alvo last week with no deaths reported.
j nueer jsn't it
j .,.
J- Kough and family and Mr. Garber.
j f Manle'. v,slted at J- f'hry
Wm. Newman, Wm. Wilken, Carl
West and Henry Kornemeier were
among" the South Dakota passengers
Jonas Beck and wife of Illinois, visit
ed with J. M. Leis and wife this week.
Chas. Rager transacted business in
Omaha Monday. v
C. Mockenhaupt and H. li. Neitzel
left for a sight-seeing tour of Oklahoma
Rev. Decius and family started for
! Prosser, Neb., Wednesday, at which
1 place he has charge of a flock for the
coming year.
Lute Lau of Omaha, is visiting rela
tives here this week.
H. A. Tool was an Omaha visitor
C. J. Leis placed the new bell in posi
tion at the school house last Saturday.
Miss Delia Price of Indiana, is visit
ing at the horr.e of H. Hart and expects
to make her home here in the future,
i Fire completely destroyed the fine
1 farm residence of John Earle, three
and one-half miles west of town last
: Tuesday morning. A piano, a couple
of carpets and some furniture was
saved, but the total loss will be near
four thousand dollars. All members of
the family escaped without injury ex
cept Miss Edna Miller, who was teach
ing in the Callahan district and was