The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 03, 1907, Image 7

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    . ' 4 . ''1.
w . von n Instil '. !': low tin- f- l -ts
of (ni In r. I in y son.t- -lio.-- fur mini; lit in I
vvhll-' II N l'ii ll it hi in:iUt- you rl'li
In :t few i :ir ou u HI llli'l tin- lnl in K ll h
ounlv. .Ni-I r :t t. ii. I in j I r- of I'.i moii lli-it II V
Oi., I'.til mi. rili- I Inin lI:iy. .'li.-lu't
C-Hi 4.I.K. ;ilnv otli.l V. Nflr;i.l,:i. l.:mK.
'.Vrit.i- l-.MTlV .V '.
North lnip. Ni l. j
CM r. V l;.N V. on nt v l:uil f- r !-. .ol r i -I i ! I iml for from nil ii-il:iri lo ,! v I --!
ilol !;i rn i-r ai'ri. I.:tml -.Iiowd in :iitl.ifii-iliil'--C':tl
I ou t r H rlt i- Uo-I ii.:i:i I .-- !i n I .:ml 'o .
Silm-y. .i-l. u- t
CHIC SAM.'Ifi:. Siu:iri- Mi-lion IT-H..I j
iiortln-:i-t Ni ii t-k.t laml. i-ihl milt", from
'oiint y -:ii. parity improt-il. uitli r.iiinini:
wall r. I'rl'-t- !. r :t'Ti-. I 'or p irtii-u'ar-.
rti.f I". .1. I i-.lnn-r. O'N. i!!. Nil).
ll ICi; . r it an-l alfalfa farm-, ami h
in tin- i-orn Im-Ii . for miIi- i-ln-ap or .-.
K. A. II iinli-r .V. f ii. lirolit-ii ll-iv. Ni-li.
LI-IKN; a-orn. wln-at an-1 alfalfa lamls in
-ii i Ii w 1--.I i-rn l a n;t- f rom i;.'J. torJ. r
;oT-. V. inn- ami Waviii- I .an 1
( r i ii-lin I Kansi-.
pl:MSfor-:ilt-. f'lark fount y. S- nt Ii I lakol a
iioiit-aitv ltN-r. I'rifi-t ;rilii'.r up. t ornt-
imw. Sharp A Harris. Clark. S. I .
llfK liati- -vi-ral i-lioii-i- fit in-. i-lo-i- lo tow u
for -.ali-in lloyl fount.v. Nt-Lr . t .' to
'..Ytn M-r in'ti-. Nn lit llrr laml in Nt-ltraokrt.
A' riii- u. or l-.t ti-r si III. fall ami . for your-M-Ui-i.
Aim ri-'an I '. v.-lia n't- H i n k .
IOUio-a. Nt-i.
ICfi ii'-rt-s. smiM.l Ii farm laml. t-i-i l It-nl soil.
IvJU . t miii-s of raiiro ttl. ?lu pt r in r-.
4ii-l K. .1. Wo l wortlif.
Ki-.uriu-y. Nfl.
IM I'Ki V Kit farms in I'lllmori- i-oiint y. ?iui to
i r HiTf. Mont-lH-tti-r. Write Allu-rion
t Kvans. lieneva. Neli. -l')-4
CAKMS. l-'.MtMS. I'A CMS. Any sii- trai t.
' level, soil to 3 feet leep. prtMlui'iu forty
liusliels of wlieat M-raTe. Write for Ijooklet
ami priees. Wlilte A. Sears.
4i-4 Holyoke. Colo.
A Snap. o m wi one tiuart t r liay laml. 4 miles
from Norfolk, only 4skMjo.
40-4 .1. II. Conely. Norfolk. Nebr.
FOi: SAI.K very cheap nil or part of fourteen
iuarter sei t Ions In llo Kutte eounty. Nel.
nortli of Alliance. As line l.lark loam laml us
tlierv is on earth; no saml. no snivel ami Im-sI
of erops. Will traile for imhI hih prii-el land
40-4 .1. II . Conley. Norfolk. Nt h.
BIT.M I'KI! crop this year for Cheyenne coun
ty. We are harvesting the liest crop of
small jrain in Nebraska. The opjiort nuit ies
are greater here for the man with limited
means than any other section of the tvest.
Come out ami look t his country over, and it
will verify our statement. I. ami from to
i M per acre. Write for circular etc.
Western Ke'tlt y Co.
40-1 Sidney. Cheyenne Co. Neli.
TIIK American Land and Immigration Co.. of
Sidney. Nebraska, answer all corresoii
deiits in Knjrlisli or Jo-mian concerning the
U-st land in the west situated in Cheyeimu
county. lUa. k loam soil, clay suli-soil pn an abundance of all crops known to
the jrreat com licit. Values increasinir daily
anil a tli-sirahle class of tcople lillin-f up the
iiniH-cupietl farms. I. ami from stf tt ''l per
acre. Write the aitoxe company for ail in-
firmat ion. 4U-1 j
WIIKN purchasinir 'estern Nebraska lands, j
't-t the liest. There are yet plenty of j
choice farm lands with deep, rich soil, to lie
had at from ten to lifti en tlollurs per acre, in
Keith county. Nebraska, surrouiiilin I'axtou
Nt drou t h in this section: cros are j;ood :
have had suthVic nt rainfall ill tills section to
irrow crops tlie past eiirht years. These lands J
will ;-rc any kind of crops atlapteii to the
State of Nebraska, and will advance ranidly
rapidly in price. Cune and see for yourself,
or write today I'axtou Kealty Co..
4.1-1 I'axtou. Neb.
F(K S.M.K Ti'.'i acre Stock farm 1 1 - miii-s
from railroad town in Klkhorn Valley. Is
home farm of an old resident: fine comlit ion :
lil acres crops. Ititi acres hay. I.'mi acres of tine j
alfalfa laml. blue grass ttollom pasture for :wu
cattle.plenty of runninir water; tine i.uildinv:-. .
plenty of ash timber. Owner" U old and r -tired.
sJ7.."i) ht acre. No trade. Kcasonahle
IKiyniPiil : lonsl time on balance Hurry.
3Ji) acres one mile from town. 140 acres crops
l alance pasture and hay. In Klkhorn Valley,
fenced, no buildings, lays level, all alfalfa
1 iml: black loam: rm'.iiu er acre, icood terms:
come and imestinate.
The liuar inty Title and Trc.stCo
411-4 Neliifh. Neb.
Cheyenne County Kansas.
75 HCres. iitijoinlnir the town of Wheeler:
4ii'l cuitlvatetl. M." fenced to pasture. Frame
house. t;vjK: addition 14x14 : stable, srrauary.
sheds :nd hoe lots: IS acres feinted with wov
en wire; Hi acres alfalfa. Well, windmill ai.d
tanks; youmr orchard; out half mile from
trrxxl st-hotl. phmI rraiu market and store, j
miles from St. Francis. urt per acre. ad
.iolnlnz. 17V cnitivatetl. All fenceil with three
wires, r I. " per acre. Can tie sub-divided.
Travis W. Ilen intuit!
4M St. Francis. Kansas
Farms for Everybody.
310 acres"seven miles from town, nil fenced.
42 acres tine alfalfa partly fenced hos tijrht;
over 29 acres under cultivation, balance fin
est pasture and hay land. i;oi well and wind
mill, very fair buildings. Price ?40.00 per
320 acres I'i nillo from town, all untler fence
35 acres alfalfa, fenceil hog tiglit. 2'3 acres
cnltivatetl. remainder In hay and pasture:
two good welisand w indmill: very good house
ami other fair improvements; two small
groves: will divide nicely into two farms.
Trice ?40 00 per acre.
There is no saml. gravel, rock.a'kali or hard
pan anywhere in tliis ltMMlity : all fine black
loam with clay sulisoil. Fine alfalfa ami corn
land. We can almost let you make your own
terms of payment on either of these farms
Let ns eorresotid with you ainuit them or
show them to you. Ilradley A Matheisou
4it-i Walhach. Creeley. Co.. Neb.
We Sell Land
Where corn is King; where alfalfa is tueen;
In 2uchols county, the great corn, small
grain ami alfalfa county of Southern Nebras
ka. Write for oar land list.
. I. Follrucr v Son.
4&-i Nl'lvin. Neb.
Well Improved Ranch.
lai'ns tun miles from railroad station
a liout 3U0 acres under cultivation, remainder
in prairie, all fenced. I'i story frame nine
r jom house, one g xnl sod house; barn 32x60:
two granarys. cattle sheds etc.. five wells nd
two mills. Si! rich black loam, smooth. Will
sell a'.I or half. Trice ?Z.''(0. if taken at once.
Terms and particulars see West's Land
Agency. Ilemingford. Neb. J-4
No Joke About Logan County:
Ild you think that I was .i'-king when I
told you in my ad last month that one crop of
Ixfts would pay for the land in South i'iatte
V;i!!f near Sterling- I wlii prove just what
I :iy If you will if hIi jwii. Now l tlx
tliiM-to m ir what c li;iv- rxliii-'il In !t 7.
TIkt)- Ii no HiK'lt I Mux u- fiiiluri- iinl-r lrritf;i
lion. CM Morton. Sicrliiix. Colo. 4u-3
Sedgwick County Table and Irrigated
Mr. I.ttml Si i-k-r. In- -unl Imy your (Tul-'l Wi-iii rn N-lra-.k.i IniKlt of Flora
lirus.. tht-y i- in f n: in . m y on anytlilii
you w ant. Writi- for our spt-i'ial propositions
S-lwi-U i-ounty. farms ami ram-lii-s. We
We itiivf t In- only illary ami tf:irl-n farm ou
tin- luarki-l ; i'iiiiii- on t anil si t-. l'lora Itro?-..
Juit sliur. t'olora-lo 4u-:i
The Lincoln evening Star of yester
i!ay says the Nehraskans are the own
ers of a half section of land situated on
the hay of (lalvoston and have owned
this strip since 1N'.)7 unknown to them
selves. An old deed to Alvin Saunders
i'i trust for the people of Nehraska has
just turned up in the (cvernor's office.
A copy of the deed was filed with Gov
ernor Sheldon several days ajfo and he
has heen studying out the ownership.
From the deed it is uncertain whether
the estate covered by the deed is under
water in the hay or not. Inquiry at
the oflice of the land commissioner fail
ed to find any trace of title to the state
in the land described in the deed. Un
der this deed, Nebraskans can co to
Galveston and fish for bip or little fishes
to their hearts content and imagine they
are at home.
From the wording of the deed filed
with the governor it is presumed the
gift was a sort of appreciation of the
efforts made by Nebraskans to alleviate
the sufTerini? in Galveston at the time
of the great storm that destroyed the
city. Following is a copy of the deed:
"To all to whom these presents shall
"Know ye that the undersigned com
mittees, representing various commer
cial organizations of the city of Galves
ton, Tex., in consideration of the natur
al love and affection for the state of
Nebraska through Alvin Saunders and
other representatives in Congress of
said state of Nebraska, the existence
and receipt of which is hereby declared
and acknowledged, hereby grant and
convey to the said Alvin Saunders as
trustee for the use and benefit of the
said state forever, the first one half
mile of the south jetty at the port of
Galveston, Tex., beginning at the life
saving station, and extending east
wardly along said jetty one-half mile,
thence north to the south side of the
ship channel, thence westwardly along
said channel to the whistling buoy, and
thence south wardly to the place of be
ginning, containing 320 ac res more or
less of the choicest part of the harbor
of Galveston, together with all rights,
privileges and herditaments, piscatorial
pelagic and otherwise therein and there
to belonging:
"To have and to hold the said proper
ty and premises aforesaid, under the
said Alvin Saunders, trustee as afore
said, and to his successors forever.
"Witness the hands and seals of the
committees aforesaid at the city of
Galveston, on the Sth day of December,
1897, in the sixty-first year of Texan
"Vice President Chamber of Commerce,
"Director of Chamber of Commerce,
"F'resident Galveston Cotton Exchange,
"Director of Cotton Exchange,
' Chaiaman Deep Water Utilization
"Chairman Texas Deep Water Utiliza
tion committee.
"Approved. A. W. FLY, Mayor."
Out of Sight
"Out of sight, out of mind," is an
old saying which applies with special
force to a sore, bum or wound that's
been treated with Bucklen's Arnica
Salve. It's out of sight, out of mind
and out of existance. Piles too and
chilblains disappear under its healing in
fluence. Guaranteod by F. G. Fricke
and Co., druggist. 25c.
The Touch that Heals
is the touch of Bucklin's Arnica Salve.
It's the happiest combination of Arnica
flowers and healing balsams ever com
pounded. No matter how old the sore
or ulcer is, this Salve will cure it. For
burns, scalds, cuts, wounds or piles, its
an absolute cure. Guaranteed by F. C
Fricke & Co., druggists. 25c
No rppetits, loss of strength, nervous
ness, hsadache, constipation, bad broath,
general debility, sour risings, and catarrh
of the stomach are all due to indigestion.
Kodol relieves indigestion. This new discov
ery represents the natural juices of diges
tion as they exist in a healthy stomach,
combined with ths greatest known tonic
and reconstructive properties. Kodoi for
dyspepsia does not only relieve indigestion
and dyspepsia, tut this famous remedy
helps all stomach troubles by cleansing,
purifying, sweetening and strengthening
the mucous membranes lining the stomach.
Mr. S. S. Bail, of Ravenswood. W. Va.. says
" 1 -s troubled with sour stomach for twenty yars.
Kodol cured me and we are tiow using it in milk
for baby."
Prepared by E. C. DeWITT & CO., Chicago
Ha! Smokers!
Are you ready for
a New ripe?
lias the Large and Most
Complete of
ever seen in PJattsmouth, from
the Low Priced to the Very Rest
on the Market.
Dr. Cook's Mother Sick
Mr. and Mrs. (). II. Cook, of Salem,
Iowa, parents of Dr. E. W. Cook, of
this place, are visiting with two other
sons. Judge A. K. Cook and Clifford
Cook, a merchant, both living at
Malvern, Iowa. The doctor received a
message this morning stating that his
mother was sick, ami requesting him to
come. Mrs. Cook is well advanced in
years, being about 82, and has not been
enjoying robust health for some time.
It was thought that the visit with the
children would benefit her, and as she
was somewhat better than general they
came to Malvern expecting to come on
to It is hoped that her sick
ness is not serious. Dr. Cook departed
this morning for Malvern.
Moves to Plattsmouth.
C. A. Phillips, wife and daughter,
came in this morning from Marquette;
this state, where they have been mak
ing their home for some time, and
where Mr. Phillips had been connected
with the First National Bank of that
place. In coming here they will ex
pect to make their home on the Walker
homestead southwest of the city, which
has been rented to others for some
years past. Mr. Phillips is today un
loading a car af household goods w-hich
he had shipped from Marquette, and
will until spring make their home in
the city. When the work is completed
incident to the moving .and they get
settled down, Mr. Phillips will go to
Lincoln, where he has a position in a
newly organized bank, The City Na
tional Bank, which has offices in the
same place that was occupied by the
Columbia National Bank, which sus
pended business only a short time since.
We are glad to welcome these people
to our city, knowing of the excellency
of their citizenship.
Give the Workman a Chance
II. C. McMaken and Son complain
that the people living past where they
are constructing cement sidewalks have
no respect for the work they have done
or the trouble they have gone to to
have the walks look right when com
pleted, or give them an opportunity to
harden correctly.
It has been the exception, instead of
the rule, that any respect had been paid
to the ropes which have been stretched
around new work, in order to keep the
same from being tracked and defaced
before it hardens. Those who apprec
iate the effort of the city in its en
deavor to make and have respectable
walks, should give the men who are do
ing the work an opportunity to accom
plish the right kind of a job. It re
quires from eight to ten hours for the
cement to harden, but it is wished that
twenty-four hours be given for th a
purpose. It is evident that some one
caring more for the walking in some
place where he has no business, has
paid no respects to the requests of the
workman and the decent self respect
ing citizens, which have been made by
the placing of the ropes and guards
around the new work until it hardens,
and have "butted in" seemingly be
fore the workmen have gone for half
an hour. This reference to this matter
should be sufficient, and we trust it
Quinsy, Sprains and Swellings Cured.
"In November, 1901, I caught cold
and had the quinsy. My throat was
swollen so 1 could hardly breathe. I
applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm and it
gave me relief in a short time. In two
days I was all right," says Mrs. L.
Cousins, Otterburn, Mich. Chamber
lain's Pain Balm is a liniment and is
especially valuable for sprains and swel
lings. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.,
and Plattsmouth Drug Co.
Legal Notice
in the nialterof tlieestate of Ivan House,
In the County Court of Cass county. Ne
braska. All iiersons interested in said estate are
hereby notified that a petition lias loen tiled i;i
said court alletritur that said deceased died
leaving no last will and pt-ayin for adminis
t rat ion upon Ids estate, and that a hearinir will
he had on said x-tilioii lK-ftre said court on
the Ktli day of IH-lolier. A. 1. V.V7: that if tlicy
fail to aiijear at said court on the said lTtli day
of Octolier. A. i.. imC. at It) o'clock on said
day. to contest said ietillon. t he court may
trrant letters of administration to (ieortre
IV arson, or some other suitable person and
proceiti to a settlement thereof.
Harvey p. Travis.
Iseai.) County . I uii-e.
1. l. larr. Attorney.
Notice of Incorporation.
Not In; Is lu-rcliy glvt'ii a i-oritorutloii
lias Ih'cii formed us follows:
I. '1'ln- iiann; of t lit- -or H.r 1 1-ti Is tin;
StoU t'o.'
'. I In- prlfii-ii;il )l:ici- f business K III t In
rityof I'lititsrnotilli. .Si-li.
:t. The tiiiti-s Is for tli; r;ilsl n tr. Iuiii
itml srlltim of llvt sih-U. iiiil for tin- lti lui;.
si-1 1 in )r. in- iri k' i iiu' ii in I li-u-l iij; i if ri-it I ist ;ti -.
riiihts iiml nil Ulmis of proin-ny ni-i'i-ssiiry or
llsiil ill i-oiilii-i'tloli Willi sitiil Itiliilil-ss
4. Tin-annnim of uullioi ii-i c;iiil;il sl'K'k
Is Tim.oiNi.i ii. into shiiri-sol rim r.-icli.
iioiii- to ! isui-l until fully imiil. 4o iiiTi-i-iit
must miIisitiIk-iI uml MitlU l fori- t In- atio
shall i'oiuiiii'iiii- tiusim-Ns. 'I'll- i-oiiiIiii-iii'--iiii-nl
of t In- i i irMirat Ion will In- (.-toliir I."
.iml rout inui-for :t period of iwt-niy livffj )
."i. The Ii i'he.t amotintof imleliteilm-ss per
mitteil is f-mi r-Ii ft lis (l-.O of 1 lie amount of
i-apitai M-k issin-il.
ii. Tin- allairs of tin- -oi p irat ion shall l-i-onilurteil
hy a lioanl of ilirertors who shall
elect a lin-siili'iit. vir--preiileiit. si-i-retarv
ami treasury, ami provide for such ot her em
ployes as may lie nei-essary.
In witness whereof, we. the n nler--l'iiel ln--ii
p irators. have hereunto set our hands this
Till day of Septemlier. A. I . I'.mT.
I'rank K. Si-hlatej-Kd
I- itv'et alil
.lames A. I'it-'erald
I-' Stock t'o. Iiv
l.d I i.-erald
iSKXI. ils I'lvsidellt.
Attest: l ianlv K. Si'lilater.
It Secretary.
I N III i: ol NTY
t rilT K ( 'ASS COI-N-
ty. Nebraska.
I n I he matter of t hi
il ate of .1 ;imc, I.. I lev. e.v
A II persons interested in said esl ate are here
by not itii-d that a M-tilitioii has been tiled in
said court :i I leiriujr that said deceased died
leaving no last will and lesl anient anil praviiii.'
for adininist rat ion uihiii his est ate. and I hat a
hearing ill In- had on said etil ion lie fore said
court on the 'lst day of October. I'.m;. at In
o'clock a. in: that if they fail to appear at said
court on said L'lsi day of October, P.1'7. ai In
o'clock a. tn.. to contest said iet it ion. I he con it
may tyrant the same and irrant letters of :id
miiiist rat ion to A. I. Welloii. or some other
suitable person and proceed lo a sett lenient
then -of.
1 1 arvey I . Travis
Iskai.I County .1 mitre
O. Ii. I'olU.
Attorney. 4iv.:tl
TN 'I'll K CtM'NTV CtM'l.'T !' CASS COCN
- ty. Nebraska.
In the matter of estate of Christ ine Johnson,
All liersons interested in the almveestate are
hereby not itied t hat a hearinjr will Im- had uimhi
the linal it-iMtrt of the administrator tiled in
said matter and iiikhi his iK-lilion prayintr for
the adjustment of his final account and forthe
assignment of t lie residue of said estate to t lie
liersons ent itied tliereto by law: a hearing; will
lie had utKin said reiKirt and t'Iilioii on tlie
ilst day of ttctoiier. A. I. I!i7 at t lie Count. v
Court lJoom at I'lattsmoiith. Nebraska, at Id
o'cltM-k a. m. All i'rsons Interesti-d in said
estate are n ijuieed to apear or till' t heir ob
ject ions if any they have to said reort and im
t it ion. on or liefoie '. o'clock of said 21. st day of
Octolwr. A. i. I.Kr. or tlie court will trrant the
prayer of saiil petition and iiikiii examination
approve and pass said reiMii t and lischarj.'e t he
said administ ralor.
I SKA I. County .ludire.
A. I,. Tidd. Attorney. 4nw.ll
Notice to Creditors
ill tlie matter of the estate of Henry
Spamrler. deceased.
Notice is hereby sriven that tin creditors of
said deceased will meet I lie executors of
said estate, liefore me. county judtre of Cass
county. Nebraska, at lhe county court room in
l'lattsmout Ii. in said county, on t lie 2(il h day of
October. I'.HiT. and on tlie 27tli day of April.
IS is. at Itio'cliM-k a. in.. each da.v. for the pnr
imse of present in-.' I heir claims for examina
tion, adjust mcnt ami allowance.
Six mom lis are allowed for the creditors of
said deceased to present their claims, and one
year for the executors to settle saul estate,
from the 1st day of Octolier. l'.nr.
Witness my hand and seal of said county
court, at l'lattsmout It. Nebraska, this 2nd day
of Octolier. I'.MT. IUkvky I). TltAVIS.
Iskai.I County .1 mitre.
Notice to Creditors
Cass County. '"'
In tlie matter of tlie estate of IJachel l'roh
iich. ticcceused.
Notice is hereby -riven that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the administ rat or of
said estate tiefore me. County .ludtre of Cass
county. Nebraska, at the County Court Room,
in riattsmouth. in said county on tin- Mlilh day
of October. i;m7. and on 1 lie 2Tlli day of April.
Hi's, at 10 o'clock a. in. of each da.v forthe pur
IHise of present intr their claims for examina
tion, adjustment and: allowance.
Six months art- allowed for the creditors of
said deceased to present t heir claims from tlie
2iit Ii day of Octolier. linC and one year for the
administ rat or to set tie said estate from the 1st
da.v of Octolier. l'.mT.
Witness my hand and seal of said county
court at 11 at t mouth. Nebraska, this 1st day
of t ictolx-r. liH""
seal Harvey ). Travis.
1. O. Iwyer. County .ludtre.
Attorney for Kstatc. 4v4t
In the
district Court of Cass County, Ne-
Walter A. Lautrhlin.
Administrator of the
estate of Keuln-n A.
Chapin. ileceased;
AllKrt 1. W elton.
Ira Chapin
Jesse O. Chapin.
Fdward Chapin.
Florence H. Chapin.
May K. Chapin.
Ko.v M. Chapin,
Oscar V. Lansrldin
' 1 acie I.autrliltn.
i J'ate Heeler, and
j Walter A. Lairhliii.
j (.uardian of
; Florence B. Chapin.
i .May K. Cliapin,
. Hoy M. Chapin.
i Minor heirs of Keulien
, A. Chapin. deceased:
1 'efendants.
To Ira Chapin. Edward Chapin, and Kate
Heeler, non-resident defendants:
You will take notice that on the VA day of
Octolier. lnor. scarW. Lautrhlin plaintiff here
in, tiled his iietition in the district court of
Cass County. Nebraska, atrainst you impleaded
with Walter A. Lautrhlin. adniistrator of the
estate of Ruelien A. Cliapin, deceased, and
truardianof Florence H. Cliapin. May E.CIiapin,
Roy M. Chapin. minor heirs of Ruelien A.
Chapin, deceased, and AllH-rt F. Welton, Ira
Chapin. Edward Chapin. .lesse O. Chapin.
Florence H. Cliapin, May E. Chapin, Roy M.
Cliapin. Tacie Lautriiiin. and Kate Heeler, as
The object and prayer of which are to fore
close two certain morttrasres executed and de
livered by Rulien A. Cliapin and Teresa O.
Cliapin. to W. A. and O.L. Woodward, uiioii tlie
North half of the Northeast iiuartcr of section
thirty-three (SI) township No. twelve (12(
rantre nine : east of tlie Sixth (tith) jirincipal
meridian, in Cass county. Nebraska: one to
secure a IkiikI of eitrlit hundred dollars (sstm)
dated June si lr. IsiiT. a vable June 1st. l'.2, ex
tended to June 1st. l'.'U. at ti per cent Interest
lier annum.
And a certain mortiratre of date of May 14.
liiil. triven to secure the payment of i en notes
of Ss.OO each, of which five are yet unpaid, said
notes one lieintr payable each year on and after
June 1st. 1;2.
That said notes and morttratre have for a val
uable consideration been assitrned to Osca r W .
Lautriiiin. tlie plaintiff herein, who is now the
holder and owner thereof; that there is now
due uiion said notes and morttrasres the sum of
(sssis.-vj) eitrlit hundred ninety-eitrhl and :J2-lu
For which sum with interest from tins date,
plaintiffs pray a decree that defendants lie re
nuired to pay the same or that said premises
Ik sold to pay the amount found due witli cost.
You are reiiuitvd to answer said ielitionon
or lefore tlie 11th day of Novemli-r. 1.'7.
Hated this 2d day of October. PAT.
tscar W. Lautriiiin. Plaintiff.
Commissioners L. D. Switzer and E.
F. Marshall, of Weepinp: Water, came
in this morning and will look after
some county business.
The effect of ..
iji pale children is r. .i'-::.
It melees tlicr :.'
it comams .r. . . .
and Glycerine, tn ;:.-;!.:. f
and so put tope'Sc.- iJ.
uy nine i oik.
J 3 r'H
nra PI
DlueKibbonShoes OF LATE
Buster Brown School SKoesJ
In Ocll Leather and Fists.
for boys! SHERWOOD & SON, for girlsi
If you miss your train it will not he the fault of the watch you
buy here. We sell the "dependable" reliable kind only because
we believe the unreliable kind are as jioor a possession as an un
reliable servant. Please do us the pleasure of Kettiiij.' ur ju ices if
you are in need of a reliable watch. You will find here "quality"
first, then most moderate price: J?"; -f 10; $15; $20; $2-r; $!' and $.V)
Inesdajf, Oct. 9, '07
Duric Jerseys and Poland China.
This will include my entire herd of
Poland Chinas
5 (Males;
Three Short-Horn Bulls
Send for Catalogue to
rn-v Zsicr. on th?n, 0
v. . .oypopriaspiiies .
' h?cod and bone,
it is easily digested VusM
tiOc. AND &LOO
' ; 'try
I The Jeweler.
tua I
I 1 II A "V . X