ri. r.r . i;K - K Ki:K"i .ilk - Jltlt W'k ,r,i '' ' " J t ajiu. fi l l II I 1 17; ,. ; 1 I I V : 4t V The Stay Satisfactory Range FOR SALE BY PITMAN & DAVIS, Murray, Nebraska. Owin,' t. o.Iraorx! ::iry rush f work and a nu.'.ih r of o mpos'tors oi the Journal force attending the Ak-sa -be:i pa--a.!e at Oniu'ia we vore compell ed to f. i,e up o. r ::.v,i ;! ;rip to Murray on Wednesday. We tr; st that olt r a Jers will i ff our prsent ;"s!li- it r.rd overlook our r.egligen.e in not X.v 'nz the usual ar unt if revs from tier fl ;urL;h:n- little city. And will end.-.--. -or " o peVw:it a rwecurarce in ti e future. 3cv. Phi's? Surfr:? Dead The fonowi.-.g is taken from Hillsdale j vorrtsponier.ee to t!ie Glenwood Tri- j bune. The dec-eased wxs the father of I lev. Taylor Surface, who formerly preached for the congregation, south of this city. The deceased also preached -and was well known in the south part of Cass county: "Rev. Philip Surface died at his l.orne near Viilisea. Sept. 2'i, 1907. He v. as for many yenrs a minis ter In the United brethren church and was at or.e time located at Hillsdale and had many friends and acquaint ances here. At the time of his death he was a member of East Nebraska conference where he preached several years. He leaves a wife, two sors and three daughters, all grown and married, besides many other relatives." Burlington Passenger Earnings. The report of the Burlington road shows that its receipts from passenger business with the state of Nebraska during July was $202,800.72 and the re ceipts from interstate tickets $127,353.06. The passenger revenue of the Burling ton system for the year 1906, was $19, 971,000, including mail and express. It is estimated that the state traffic in Ne braska for July was one-sixth of the passenger business of the system. There is nothing in the report to prove the statement that the company is re ceiving less money than was received before the two-cent fare law went into effect. The revenue from freight traffic on the Burlington in Nebraska during July was as follows: On freight forwarded -State, $393, 385.50; interstate, $513,135.39. On freight received State, $271,331. 54; interstate, $631,463.84. Bids to be Rcccivsd Bids will be received by me up to and including October 7th, 1907, for the $1800.00 bonds to be floated for the erection of the new school house in District No. 7. Said bonds must be sealed and will be opened on the above date and sold to highest bidder. Ad dress all letters to the undersigned at Murray postoffice. H. R. Cramer. Emil Stutvenigger of South Bend the merchant pr'ne at that place was !n the county f at thi.-j morning looking after so business matters at the Murray Department - "IIE I'r.'MMJ; OF ML'ltUAY ,,.. ; .1 i.inl ertii' ,i- i,i itiiii of interest .!. "l .... ijji .'ITS Wil! Fay es?2ci S3 the Dead. I'm' :1c Her.ry Poeik has received from !he St. Louis Single Tax League, an invitation to fie present and attend a j ublic Memorial Service to be held in S:. Louis on the 1 th of the present month, in memory of the lives of Mrs. Louise (1. Nake ard Miss Nellie Nake. the forn.tr a nie.-e of Mr. Boeck, who were dro.vneu at the time of the loss of the "'Columbia". Uncle Henry thinks of going to the service. The following '.a the text of the invitation. In Merr.oriau!; Mrs. Louise G. Nake, 11 ':a Nellie Nake. Mother and daugh ter, the latter a teacher at the Laclede school of this city were of those lost by the s::;ki:: of the steamer "Columbia" o!f thi; ( aJifomia Coast in July. Both were i:a:n er of thio Association, and as an yv. .'.... e of our respect for them while iiv.r.-j ;-d of the regret we feel at losing Uit-n. we have called a public Memorial St-:".cc for Friday, Oct. 18, 1907. at ! o . ; (. a. m. The Aschen broedl Club i.a.:. :i-535 Pine street, to which we request, the attendance of yourself and ii lends. Rev. Herbert S. Rigiow of the Vine street Congrega tional Church, Cincinnatti. Ohio, and Dr. Vm. Preston Hill, of St. Louis, will deliver the principal addresses. Note: -Ushers will be at the entrance to the place of meeting to direct those who attend. Cars pass on Grand Ave., a few doors west. St. Louis Single Tax Club. When Most Attractive Annie Vio Gates, the talented asso ciate editor of the Auburn Granger, has been awarded second prize for an swering the question propounded by the St. Louis Post Disdatch. The question was: "When is a man most attractive?" The answer was: "A man is the most attractive to a woman when he has reached that stage which enables him to willingly cater to 'her wishes exclu sively; to be blind to her short comings and to think of her as the 'tripple ex tract' of perfection, no matter whether his years be IS or 81." There is a ray of hope even for "old folks" in this, and we have a very near and very dear friend who is rapidly approaching the age limit, and he should cut this out and paste it in his hat. Afflicted with Sore Eyes for 33 Years. I have been afflicted with sore eyes for thirty-three years. Thirteen years ago I became totally blind and was blind for six years. My eyes were badly inflamed. One of my neighbors insisted upon my trying Chamberlain's Salve and gave me half a box of it. To my surprise it healed my eyes and my sight came back to me. P. E. Earls, Cynthiana, Ky. Chamberlain's Salve is for sale by F, G. Fricke & Co., and Plattsmouth Drug Co. Poultry Wanted Highest cash paid for poultry, deliver ed at Mynard any day in the week. Tel. 3 O. W. F. Richardson. AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY i in this ririnit; uml iriil '.mail same to this He Found Out it Was Leaded Arthur White a son of W. A. White, had the misfortune to have been pre sented with an air rifle, which became the interesting topic and object of all the boys around his neighborhood. The other afternoon a crowd of bos collect ed and were trying the gun which re fused to operate. Little George Dovey son of Geo. E. Dovey, about seven years old, thought he could make it work and putting one finger over the muzzle of the gun and pulled the trig ger, with the result that it went that time. There was a piercing scream and he ran to his mother. He said the gun hurt his finger, and upon exami nation it was found that the shot was imbedded in his finger, and the services of a physician had to be employed to get the shot out. The finger will be sore for some time but, if it has caused him to fight shy of this kind of a paying he will not have suffered in vain. This shooting iron proposition for children to play with is a dangerous proposition both for the child and everything in the neighbor hood. Had a Kitchen Shower. Last evening at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Herger, given by the genial hostess, Mrs. Herger, was held a merry event, in honor of their friend, Miss Frances Swoboda, known as a kitchen shower. All brought an appro priate present some article which would be useful in the kitchen, and what was the best they had a very merry time, as expressed by one who was there, say ing that "it was the best time I ever had in my life." A bounteous supper was served, furnished by the hostess, and at a late hour they all departed, all glad they had been there. Those pre sent were: The Herger family, the Misses Anna Jeroucek, Margaret Ren nie, Katie Shields, Anna, Mary and Tony Janda. Mary and Herman Nowat ny. Anna and Alma I'atecek, Barbara "Ptak, Anna and Ida Egenberger, Mary Toman, Francis and Mary -Swoboda, Tena I'atecek, Anna and Herma Kanka and Laura Gilmore. Closing Out I have decided to close out my entire line of day goods, boots and shoes and all furnishings just as soon as possible, and discontinue carrying these lines of goods, and place in a larger line of staple and fancy groceries. In order to do this I will make some of the lowest prices ever offered in Murray on this line of goods as long as the present stock lasts. Everything will be sold at or even below first cost. Call in and let us prove this to you. W. H. McDaniel. C. 5. STONE IHotary? lpublic DR. G. H. GILMORE Physician, and Svirgeon Prompt Attention to All Calls HARNESS REPAIRS John Cook Boss Harness Man Get My Prices Before Buying WAGONS BUGGIES BRENDELL & BRENDELL Physicians and Surgeons All Calls Promptly Attended to HOLMES & SMITH ( Th Big Corner Store) Always carry an up-to-date line of General Merchandise Get their prices on all goods before buying Dr. Hayes Gsantner DENTIST OF OMAHA IN MURRAY 1st AND 3d WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH At tbe office of DRS. BRENDEL & BilENDEL on THE JOUHNAL IiEADEUS. office it will apjictir un-tlcr thin heading. Mvirdock Hy U. A. fis.)' I'KODUCK MAKKKTfc Corrected weekly by Martin !fc Tv)., who pay tbe highest prices for produce and guarantee satisfaction: Butter 1m: KjtKs Hens . '.k: Springs lnc Crt'iiin i"c C:ittle f-'.'iO to$.0 Hot's fl..'0 to ".::.' OKA IN MAUKKTS. Corn . . Wheat Outs... ."( and Me K.V 4V Rock Islani Time Tahi.k Murdock Station. WKST IM)lM. No. 15, local 9:52 a in. No. K5, local freiMir, 8:.'!0 a. m. No . mail 2:30 p m No. 37. mail 5:53 p. m. No does not stop for passeers fast of Denver. KAST HOUND No. 91, freight 12:30 a. m. No. 304, local passenger 9:11 a. m. No. 18, Local 1:27 p. m. No. 6, mail 3:00 p. m. No 86, local freight 1:14 p. m. No. does not stop for passengers west of DesMoines. The dance given at the M. W. A. hall last Thursday evening was a decided success, there being over a hundred people in attendance. The music fur nished by the Harmon brothers of Avoca was satisfactory and they have been engaged for the next dance which will be given on Friday evening, October 11th to which all are cordially invited. Good order will be strictly enforced. Mrs. J. E. Baumgartner and son, Condrad, departed for Illinois, Friday, sit relatives for where they expect to visi about two weeks. Glen Hart is visiting friends and rela tives in Indiana at present. Frank Glaubitz returned from Neligh, Friday after an extended visit with his brothers who are located theue. business Wm. O. Schewe transacted at our metropolis Friday. The horse show at Murdock Satur day attracted quite a large crowd and some very fine colts were on exhibition. E. II. Davis and wife are visiting here this week. Mrs. Jones returned to her home Mon- attend the entire time school is in ses day after an extended visit with Mrs. , sion The chiM labor ,eaves allpersons II. V. McDonald and Mrs. H. A. Tool j Habe to a fine who employ chiidren un of this place. j er sjxteen unless they hold a certificate H. A. Tool transacted business in Omaha Monday. The local M. W. A. have carpenters busy constructing a stage in their hall. The first of a series of lectures will commence next Monday evening. The M. W. A. of this place will give an oyster supper in their hall on Satur day evening, October 12th. Some excitement is looked for at the special school meeting to be held here Thursday evening. John Ruge and bride pulled in Tues day and now most of the boys are smoking good cigars at John's expense. Chas. Campbell pulled in Tuesday after a couple of years stay in Oregon. The Murdock School Muddle At Murdock a good deal of trouble is being experienced by the fact that the old school board, two members of whose term expired before the beginning of school for this year, attempting to make an appointment of a teacher for the coming year. They appointed Miss Olga Neitzel, this purported election being for the year which comes after a majority of the board's term of office had expired. When the new board came into office, they entirely ignored the action of the former board and elected another person for their teacher. Now there arises a controversy between the two factions. They have appealed the matter to the county superinten denthe rendering a decision that a school board could not elect a teacher for a longer period than the time for which they have been elected them selves. Whether this wilr settle the matter or not, is not known as Miss Neitzel evinces a disposition to hold the school anyway, but later developments will determine. Brings Carpenter Horns George H. Griffin, the superintendent of the Masonic Home was a passenger to Omaha this morning where he goes to bring Mr. Geo. H. Carpenter home, who was injured on the 23rd of Septem ber by falling on the steps of the audi torium at the time of the fiftieth anni versary of the establishment of the Grand Lodge of Masons. Mr. Carpen ter who is a man wed advanced in years, was quite severely injured and it was feared he would not survive the acci dent but the rallying forces of his con stitution came to his aid, and he is now able to Veturn home. His many friends will be pleased to know of his conva-lecence. TEN THOUSAND MEN WANTED No Man Need to be Without Work at the Prices Paid Around Omaha. No man need look for work long in Omaha or become a vagrant because of the lack of employment says the Omaha News. Local contract labor agents complain that men, when offered work, refuse it. Five thousand men are sought today by local labor agencies. One agent scur ried all around town this morning look ing for 100 men on railroad construction work in Nebraska, Kansas and Iowa. Free board and lodging, free trans portation and from $1.75 to $2.25 a day are offered, but there are comparative ly few takers. Ten thousand men are wanted im mediately by the Great Northern rail road in British Columbia, Canada. Free transportation. So far a few men have signed here. Although contrary to lav, labor agents and those connected with the labor departments of great railroads and steamship systems are scouring Europe for men, and shipping thein to to this country to work with construc tion gangs. "The average American won't do the work of a common laborer," said an agent today." "He'd rather loaf." THE CHILD LABOR LAW Children Who Gome Under This Law Seing Lined up The present compulsory attendance 'aw arK t'ie cki labor law printed in these columns a lew weews ago are oe l ing enforced in this city by Supt. Gam i ble and Truant Oflicer Fitzgerald. Yes ! terday afternoon and evening they j visited a number of families who have I been violating the compulsory atten dance law and served notice that their j children must enter school at once. In all cases the parents agreed to have j them enter. Failure to comply with the requirements of this law subjects i the offender to a fine of not less than i $5 nor more than $25 for the first of j fence. According to the provisions of I tViic lijxr sail rVi7rJ-in llnrpr civ t cmii mnct from the citv sunerintendent and teach- er showing that they have completed the eighth grade. Children over four teen holding these certificates may be employed. These laws are being rigdely enforced all over the state at this time. Child ren are entitled to an education and should have it. Officer Fitzgerald has been instructed to apprehend every child of school age found out of school during school hours. Parents will do well to assist the au thorities by insisting upon regular at tendance on the part of the children. The business men of the city are for the most part observing the child labor law. Land Loans. For Sale or might rent to a good party 160 acres. Johnson county, . four miles to depot, 90 rods to church and school. Five room house, cattle shed, barn, double corn crib, granary, well and wind-mill. 15 acres of clover and about eight acres of alfalfa. 167 acres six miles northeast of Shu bert, Neb. All fenced hog tight. Sev eral different fields fenced hog tight. 33 acres in clover, eight acres in alfalfa Might sell and give good terms to right party. Would also rent if had a good party who liked to take care of orchard and fruit and a good hand with stock. They should have some help of their own. Improvements good and abund ant. Good house, six rooms. 640 acres Nemaha county, Kansas. Will sell or will rent. A good chance for some one. 60 acres eight miles north of Preston, Nebraska. Good terms. A nice little farm. 40 acre farm two miles north of Rulo. 320 acre farm, Nemaha county, Kan sas. 265 acre farm northeast of Falls City. Good terms. Other farms and lands for sale, rent and exchange. Money to loan on farm land security. Write for terms. Henry C. Smith, Falls Citj-, Neb. They Make You Feel Good. The pleasant purgative effect experi enced by all who use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and the healthy condition of the body and mind which they create makes one feel joy ful. Price, 25 cents. Samples Free at F. G. Fricke & Co., and Plattsmouth Drug Co. Making Good. Thro I no wiiy of miikiui? lntin(f friMiN like "Making Hood;" uml Doctor I'hTce's rm-ilicinri wHI .vmplify tills, uiul thfir friends, after moro tliuii two i'Ciil-s of popularity, an- initiilwred by t!i hiirnlr'ls of tlioitsaiils Tfu-y liavtt "made jjoikI" and they have nut madd druiikard-i. A (food, honest, S'piare-denl medicine of kiiotvii composition I LTr- INcrce'a tJoklcn Medical Discovery. It still enjoys an Im mense s:ile. while lliot of the prepara tions that have come Into prominence in the earlier period t' it popularity havw "tfone hv the hoard "ami are never more heard of. There must be some reason for this longtime popularity and that is to tie found in its superior merits. When once (riven a fair trial for weat .stomach, or for liver and blood alTeetions, its snpi rior curative uallties are soon manifest; hence it has survived and (rrown in pop ular favor, while scores of less meritorious articles have suddenly flashed into favor for a brief period aud then been as soon forirdttell. For a torpid liver with Its attendant Indigestion, dyspepsia, headache, per haps dizziness, foul breath, misty coated tongue, with bitter taste, loss of appetite, with distress after eating, nervousness and debility, nothing Is so good as )r. I'ierce's (iolden Medical Discovery. It's an honest, square-deal medicine w it li all Its ingredients printed on hottlc-wra nper no secret, no hocus-oeus humbug, therefor d'tii't tirtwit Ktttihtit utr thiit thrt dealer may possibly make a little big ger profit. Insist on your right to havo what von call for. Don't buv lr. Pierce' Favorite ITescrlp tlon expecting it to prove a "cure-all." it is only advised ' for woman's xifrinl ail ments. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. Less advertised than some preparations sold for like purpose, its sterling curative virtues still maintain its position ru the front ranks. here it stood over two decades ago. As an in vigorating tonic and strengthening nerv ine it js inieipialed. It won't .satisfy thosn who want "booze." for there is not. a drop of alcohol in it. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, the orff- llill Little Liver I'ills. fill hough the li I .t pill of their kind in t.e- market, still lead, ami when once tried are ever afterwards iy favor. Lasy to take us candy-one to three a do.se. Much iinitnUd but never "tiUA.dcd. Wil! Unveil the Grassman Monument. On next Sunday the Woixlmen of the World will unveil the monument mark ing the last resting place of the mortal remains of Ed. Grassman. The local lodge at this place will have charge of the ceremonies, and will be assisted by lodges from the neighboring towns. A large crowd is expected to be in atten dance, and there will be some of the head officers from Omaha here to as sist in the ceremonies. Are Visiting in the City. Mrs. Edward St&mm, of Havelocl:, accompanied by her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Geo. Stamm, of Molinc, 111., who has been visiting her at Havelock, came in this morning and will visit with Mr.. Stamm's mother, Mrs. August lihcin ackle, for a few days. Mrs. Edward Stamm will return to her home at the end of the week, while Mrs. George Stamm will also depart for her home at Moline, 111. Duty? Whose? To bring a whole nation to, and to keep it on, the acme of physical strength is certainb a sacred duty. Whose? It is impossible to regulate it by law or to infarce it by punishment. Is it not the duty of every citizen, to try to keep himself and his family in full health and strength? Let all of us do so and it will not take long before our natk n will be the strongest one in the world. It is only necessary to be moderate in everything and to pay close attention to the laws of nature. As soon as an indisposition is felt, Trinener's Ameri can Elixir of Bitter Wine should be em played. It acts directly on the diges tive system and speedily dispells all irregulations in its functions. It not only creats a healthy appetite but makes the organs strong enough to ac cept, digest and assimilate all food. It will renew a I blood, will strengthen the nerves aud will make the whoe body powerful. Eo not allow your di gestion to weaken; use in ail cases of weakness Tnner's American Elixir of bitter Wine. At drugstores. Jos. Triner, 799 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. Opportunities That Will Not Last OR. SALE: The following prop erty; payments $20to S25; btvl tvnee 510 pr month: A six-room, cottage in fine repair witn ot,c Jul and a iaif $800 A n.e loom collate wiii cu aiKi, in no'ni rrprtir with brick ba'uaud "Lher improveiut-nl $875 A tfood four-room collate witntwoJuih $700 A fine five room .iiai;e with One lot. ci v a I r . .$725 Two good tivu-room co'tan ir loi an'l ('Hue eacti :r-ir toe sifp- $800 On- nine (0'u house with ortn acre of groui.d and impovi mfnis $900 One mx r.iflm cottage, one acr of if round $6CO One five-room cottage with four lots $650 Five, six, ten and twenty acre I m proved tracts for sal; one fourth down, remainder In sums to suit, purchaser Prices furn ished at oflice. WINDHAM INVESTMENT COMPANY