Iblattsmbutb- journal. PLATTSMOUTII, NE 1511 A SKA. TIIUI1SDAY, SKITIiMliEK t!, 1907 XUMKHIt VOLUME XXVII t t BURLINGTON TO STAY Like a little tot with his first pair of trousers on, which, when he looks at himself, thinks that he is really a man, and in truth we can hardly blame him, for this is getting ahout as near the estate as he will he for many a year, is like the little village of Havelock, an annex to Lincoln, which assumes airs of a city. The State Journal of this morning says they are to have the coach shops removed from Plattsmouth to the outlying districts of Lincoln. They say that the coach shops at this point is in a state of ruin at the present time. True the paint department of the coach shop, consisting of two stalls of the building, was injured by the flood of July f.th, but Mayor Iering and W. V. Coates, in conversation with G. W. Iloldrege, general manager of the Burlington lines west, said tothem: "That the damage done the building would be repaired in a very short time, and that the shops would be maintained here. That it was necessary for more room for the engine work, and that there would be more of that character of work done at Havelock than here-to-fore. The facilities for the proper care for this kind of work is needed there, or it surely would not be necessary for any particular work to be sent to Plattsmouth to be done from the shops at Havelock. That the unloading of a few car loads of ties or other material at Haveleck, should cause the removal of the shops from this place is sheer nonsense, but the credit whi?h some people give to irresponsible utterances, causes them to have lack of faith in the town in which they are making their home und investing their time and money. We have heard a story tokl of a donkey who, on being placed midway between two piles of hay starv ed to death because he could not arrive i ' at a conclusion of which was the closer of the two. So it is with peonle, many a time suffer because of a failure to arrive at a conclusion when they should never have waited a moment, but have spent the time, money and energy which was wasted in waiting -and bickering with a useless question. Now we have had the question of tak ing care of an excess of surface water before us for a number of years, and while it has cost thousands of dollars ! to our merchants, and many other of our citizens, we have, when the loss came, felt that something must be done, but after a lapse of time allowed the same conditions to prevail as were be fore. Many schemes have been dis cussed for the care of this excess storm water, and the discussion is of no avail J we are not as yet ready to admit such a unless we act. Shall we do it? j charge against him. Outside towns are watching and ever j In the first case before Judge Archer ready to use our lethergy and in action j yesterday was that of the State vs. as a leverage to pry loose the Burling- I Henry Burroughs, wherein the prosecut ion shops at this place. Many lay ing. witness, Clyde Jones, admitted that great stress upon the industry here, i hewas paid by the day for his work as and still do nothing. j a -spotter," that he received $3.00 per In conversation with one of our prin- day anil that he had worked in that ca cipal merchants this morning, ( Robt. i pacity five days. When he was asked Sherwood & Son) they said that they i by Matthew tiering, the attorney for were ready -and waiting to make some the defense, who paid him for his work, extensive improvements on their store jhe said Mr. Rawls had paid him $15.00. building, which they occupy for their After the dismissal of the case against business, but they are awaiting the de- j Burroughs, the cases against four other cision of the matter of lowering the : parties, were upon motion of the county streets to care for the flood waters. attorney, also dismissed. The estimate placed upon thedepessing j There were originally sixteen cases in of the center of the streets to carry j all, several of which will come up today the excess fiood waters has been placed j for trial, but as to their disposal will be at a figure less than ?12.000, while the j made known later. loss at the last flood by the merchants exceeded that amount twice and prob ably thrice, for the one storm. Taking the storms which have occasioned losses during the last ten years, the caring for the waters would not amount to a tithe of the losses. We still remain in the position from attacks without for the acquiring of the industries we have and from losses to ourselves every day we delay putting into execution some plan to amply care for the waters which occasionally come our way. We are at the parting of the ways. Are we going to do something or are we going to dally with the question, and allow ourselves be made the target of the designing towns all over the state in a conflict to retain what indus tries we have and give them a double advantage in the contest for the indus- i the exception of one. who plead guilty. tries which we might obtain if we would j - - only wake up and get a proper move ; Qasg fQr RawS- on ourselves? Let all sectional bicker- j ings and party jealousies be thrown to ! Our friend, Joseph Martindale, figur the wind, and let us unite for the wel- j ed in another pitched battle at the fare of the city and ourselves: get a j boarding house in East Nehawka last progressive rustle on ourselves and j Sunday. He says that two fellows make this place one which even those I brought whiskey over and they all im who shall compete with us in the race ! bibed liberally of the "fluid fightous." for a better, more prosperous and bus- j and while at the table one of the fel ier town; point with pride and satisfac- lows used bad language, to which tion to Plattsmouth. and say with some degree complacency, '."See what the old town is doing going right ahead. I lived in that town once and she is one of the best towns in the state." We can make this the best and the busiest city in the land if we will, we have a goxl. stirring city, and it is within our power to make her better, and in the race for supremacy, it is ours to win if we will. Now, we put this question to all: Shall we do it, or not? The Anti-Treat Cases The Journal has had very little to say in condemning or approving the method adopted by County Attorney Rawls, in securing evidence in his prosecutions under what is termed the "Anti-Treat Law," nor is it our intention to severely condemn him now, that he has been "completely routed" in his efforts so far. When he sent to this office a notice warning those who might be caught in the act of treating their friends after its publication, the Journal was dispos ed to treat the matter as a joke, laying the notice aside without publishing it. Hut later developments are to the effect that he went after the boys with the de termination to "let no guilty man es cape," and created quite a furore in the city. The citizens generally do not criticise the County Attorney so much for his attempt to enforce the law as they do the manner he adopted in securing evi dence against those who have been in the habit of being sociable with their friends. However, the dismissal of all the cases brought before Judge Archer yesterday, demonstrated that the pros ecuting witness was not a citizen of the best morals and was never known to re fuse a drink when another party was paying for it. When Mr. Rawls got his "spotter" in readiness and he began his "spying" around the saloons, the warrants for ar rests began to multiply, and those upon whom these warrants were serve! be gan to feel uneasy as to the result of such prosecutions, and the movement of Mr. Rawles has been the subject of dis- cussion A . 1 and it must be said, with but little sentiment in his favor. As stated in a previous issue of the I Journal the law has no connection what ever with the Slocumb measure, as many had supposed, but is a law that was passed by the legislature twenty six years ago, and has remained as a dead letter ever since, and in no section of the state has an attempt ever been to enfooce it. Many attorneys believ ing at the time of its passage that it was intended more as a joke than any- thine, or. in other words, "for the re lief of candidates for office. " Many of our citizens are disposed to believe and say that Mr. Rawls began the enforcement of the anti-treat law ' for political effect, but from our per j sonal acquaintanc e with the gentleman, While Mr. Rawls may think he is do ing his duty in enforcing a law that has never before been enforced, and we ser iously doubt if a case of this character would stand good in the higher courts, ! from the fact it is taking personal rights j from people who are disposed to be j social, and we do not belive that 1 there is any constitution in any state i that will permit such interference with j a man's personal rights. And with all due respedt to Mr. Rawls, of whom we j have the greatest regard, both as a cit izen and an officer, the Journal believes he has made a great mistake in his ef fort to enforce a law that has become so musty with age. The cases under the anti-treat law which were called this afternoon were continued over to next Tuesday, with Martindale objected and a fight ensued. There were several at it and but for the friendly weapon (a beer bottle) in Martindale's hand, he might have fared pretty poor. However, the war was quieted, and Monday morning Martin dale and three others were hunting other jobs. Nehawka Register. THE ANTI-TREAT LAW A Molly-Moddle Law That is Worse Than the Connecticut '-Blue Law." As stated elsewhere on this page the editor has only praise for County At torney Rawls for the stand he has taken regarding the ante-treat law as now de fined on the statute books of Nebraska. However, this. does not deter us from "speakin' out in meetin' " what the Courier thinks about the law. We have all heard of the old Connecticut "Blue laws." In those old Puritanical days one hardlv dared wear a "biled" shirt except on Sundays. Old women whose haggard features betrayed the passing of years and the decadence of youth and beauty were burned at the stake be cause they were witches, in the estima tion of these honest but ignorant Pil grim fathers and mothers. Do the people of Nebraska know that the enforcement of this Molly-Coddle las as it should be enforced would neces sitate the building of more jails than there are school houses in the state? Reform legislation is good, but when you encumber the statute books of Nebras ka with a lot of "Tommy Rot" like the anti-treat law was we simply invite crit icism of those people who are endowed with gocxl common horse sense and look upon us with pity for our lack of brain development . Nebraska has dropped its swaddling clothes and steps forth in the arena as one of the great states of the Union. It would take a thousand special officers and detectives to half way enforce this law in Omaha alone and half that many to enforce it in Cass cunty. It is be lieved that the next legislature will purge this nonsencial law from the sta the books and fill in the space with bet ter matter. The county attorney is simply doing his duty, as defined by the law, in this instance, and a thing that every officer in the state should do, in compliance with his oath of office but the next best thing to do is to see that the next high school cadet who introduces such a measure in the legislature is taken home to his mamma and given a severe application of the slipper. Louisville Courier. GRAND LODGE FIFTY YEARS OLD TODAY Many Members of this City Attend the Celebration in Omaha. In commemoration of the fiftieth an niversary of the establishment of the Grand Lodge of Masons in the state of Nebaska, today the Masons of the state will meet at Omaha, parade, make speeches, give toasts and eat a sumpti ous dinner. Just fifty years ago today there being more than three local lodges of the Masons in the state, they formed a grand lodge. Today, after fifty years in which there has been more progress made in all lines, than in any other period of the same length in the world's history, the Masons, who at that time were a mere handful in the state, now are numbered by the thou sands. There was a goodly crowd from this place to visit and take part in the festivities of the occasion, among whom were: J. N. Wise, J. M. Meisingerand daughter, Cora, G. F. S. Burton, A. E. Gass. Julius Pitz, George H. Griffin, A. D. Despain. C. C. Despain and wife, L. F. Sallee, John S. Duke, J. W. Roda fer, Thomas Stitts, II. B. Burgess, Harry Johnson, H. S. Barthokl, J. M. Robertson, wife and daughter, Miss Marie; Mrs. H. A. Schneieder, J. G. Richey, G. Knappe and wife, Geo. ' W. Thomas, Earl Wescott, H. M. Craig, O. C. Dovey, D. O. Dwyer, Wm. Holly and wife, W. D. Wheeler, Julius Pep perberg. Got There Just in Time. Roy Howard and wife were wishing to go to Omaha this morning and from a difference in their time piece or a lack of understanding as to the time of departure of the train, they appeared at the head of Main street at the time the train was do to go. As the shop whistle told of the hour of seven, they began to move down the street at a lively rate, and as they got nearer the station the bystanders shouted "all aboard" to the consternation of the couple, who ran faster and faster, until it seemed as though they were swept along by the wind. The trainmen were holding the train, seeing them coming, and as they stepped aboard, the signal was given and away went the train on its journey. For Sale The brick and frame houses on lots one and two, in block 28, the new post office site. For particulars apply to Windham Investment Co GIRL KILLS HERSELF Mrs. Chas. Peacock, who has been troubled with peritonitis for some time, was compelled to be taken to the hospi tal for treatment and an operation some two weeks since, and in doing so, the family had to be taken elsewhere, there being two little children, one of whom was taken to the home of her sister, Mrs. George Kaffenberger, while an other was taken to the home of Mrs. Peacock's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Becker. There were of the house hold an adopted child, Miss Josaphine Macy, who was also taken to the home of Mrs. Peacock's sister, Mrs. Kaffen berger. Here she stayed and seemed very contented, with the exception that she was very solicitous as to the way her foster mother, Mrs. Peacock, was getting along, and many times inquired about her and as to whether -she was going to recover from the operation which she had underwent. Last Saturday Chas. Peacock went to Omaha to see how his wife was get ting along, leaving his hired hand, Or ville Newton, in charge of the farm. About four o'clock, he wishing to get the chores done up early, it being Sat urday night, went into the house to see what time it was and ascertaining that it was just 4:20. He was just leaving, and hearing a noise , as if some one groaning as in misery or suffering badly, he went into the dinning room and found Miss Josephine lying on the floor in erreat agon v. He ran to her and tried to help her up and on a chair, but he could not get her to get up or to answer him. He then layed her down as easily as he could, and having the team already hitched, he drove to the home of George Kaffenberger and tell ing Mrs. Kaffenberger, she and another lady got in the buggy with the hired man and went immediately to the Pea cock home. When they arrived they found the poor girl dead, with a bottle which had contained strichnine, and the contents of which was evidently the cause of the young lady's untimely death. While living at the home of Mrs. Kaffenberger, she had seemed very cheerful and contented, with the ex- deption that she seemed somewhat con cerned about whether Mrs. Peacock would recover or not and as she was very fond of her new mother, with whom she had lived three years, it was not to be wondered at that she wished for her recovery. Saturday afternoon she had asked to go over to the Peacock home to get some clothes in order that she might go to Sunday school yesterday, and wTas permitted to go. The clothes which she had intend ed to get, had been in a trunk and the trunk was found open and the clothes laved out ready for taking back to Kaff enbergers when she should return. Miss Josephine Macy, or as she was called since her adoption by the Pea cock family, Miss Josephine Peacock, was a young lady of exemplary habits, always cheerful and agreeagle with all who knew her. ' Some three years since she with a brother and sister had been brought from New York, where they were in a orphanage. Miss Jose phine was adopted by the Peaeock fam ily while her brother two years younger found a home with the family of Phillip Tritsch, jr. and her sister Miss Lillian Macey, made her home with the family of Joseph L. Thompson of this city. On arriving at the house Mrs. Kaffen berger found the unfortunate girl dead, but while she thought her dead did everything she could to resusitate her, to no effect. Medical aid was immedi ately sent for but all efforts to restore her to life was of no avail. Mr. Pea cock who was at Omaha with his wife, having gone that morning, was tele phoned for and arrived at home at 1 o'clock yesterday morning. He was expecting to remain in Omaha until morning and when he received the news, he told his wife, on whom he was fearful the shock would be serious, that Josie was very sick and he would have to go home. The funeral occurred this afternoon from the Peacock home and was preached by Rev. J. E. Houlgate. In terment was made at Oak Hill ceme tery. Land Buyers Plentiful. Thomas Wiles came in this morning from a short sojourn in the western part of the state. While away he visit ed at Maywood, and was looking at lands there. He tells us that he never saw so many land seekers in his life. Last night the hotels at Holdrege were so crowded that it was not possible to get beds for the traveling public, and that many of them went to neighboring houses for sleeping quarters, while some did not even get that, but had to sit up. He says he was compelled to set up un til his train came. SEE THE WUHAN FISH Ak-Sar-Ben Book Big Bunch of Blooming Attractions for Fall Festival More attractions for the Ak-Sar-Ben fall festival have been contracted for and the carnival grounds this season will rival any of previous years in their wealth of amusement novelties. In addition to the list recently an nounced Doc Breed has signed contracts for the appearance of a new novelty, "The Girl in Red," which is a series of fire dances; an electric swing similar to that at Krug park; a Turkish theatre with three camels and four elephants; the Oriental burlesquers and Charles Bigney, "The Human Fish," who eats, drinks, sleeps and plays a cornet under water and will give a high diving exhi bition free each day at the carnival grounds. " Omaha Daily News. "Other kingly festivities have been good, but the thirteenth, in 1907, is to be better. Beginning September 2, and continuing with increasing interest day after day until October 5, there will have been nothing like it ever witness ed by the people of the Trans-Missouri. Only in the matter of form and location will the program resemble past efforts. Greater attractions than have ever been secured before, more wonderful and more numerous, will be offered to the crowds of visitors, and the experience of former years has taught a number of new wrinkles in the way of producing more dazzling effects in all the other details of the ten days festal period. Instead of having only one set of car nival shows, the various shows which it is desired to secure have been obtained individually, thus affording an oppor tunity of choosing the best attractions showing anywhere in the country. The greatest of the free acts is the exhibi tion of Harry La Thoma, the world's famous aeronaut, who ascends in a mammoth balloon from the carnival grounds at noon on a set day, during the carnival (weather permitting) and will remain many thousands of feet in the air for 27 hours. The famous La Thoma will also make daily ascensions and participate in the baloon and air ship races. The most daring feat of the free acts is the slide for life that will be made by Mille LaBlonche, along a cable suspended from the top of the 44 foot tower erected on the roof of eight story Brandeis building, to the highest point on the steeple of the First Presbyterian church, hundreds of feet away. Her descent is made without the use of brakes and, is the most perilous and genuine thriller of the age. It is the most sensational feat that has ever been offered to the public." The Excelsior. Those of the paid acts that are head liners is the beautiful Bagdad, the most pretentious outdoor musical comedy or comic opera ever made in America. The show is half fun and half music. It has a hundred laughs, fifty pretty girls, a big orchestra, scores of song hits, special vaudeville stunts, and offers an education for lovers of music. Beautiful Bagdad epitomizes the newest, latest and most distinctively original type of out door entertainment yet offered to amusement seekers. The most remarkable exhibition of horse sense that has ever been of ferred to the public will be 'King Pharaoh' spells, writes, does arithmetical problems, distinguishes colors and per sons, without the aid of a trainer. He obeys a word of command from anyone. Ella Wheeler Wilcox, the famous author says of him: "He is the most wonder- ful king of his race the world has ever i seen." The New York World says of j him: "He does everything but talk." ! BURLINGTON GAR BURGLARS CAUGHT Detective Malone Has Fiv Suspects in Custody. The Lincoln News says that Detec tive Malone has in custody at the police station a gang of five suspected car burglars who have been operating along the Burlington between Creston Iowa, and that city. The men are John Carlock, alias John Firstono, an Italian Amel Knwitzky, Albert Palmer, Wm. Brockman and George Callahan. Brockman and Palmer claim to be cooks and Knwitzky a butcher. The other two being laborers. It is sus pected, however, that Firstono, the Italian, has been acting as agent for the others in disposing of goods stolen from the cars. The officers claim to have come into possession of a large quantity of the goods, among them be ing a large lot of cutlery. Some of this had been sold to an Italian section gang at Ashland. The section boss at Ashland had his gang at the station this morning identifying the men under arrest, ar.d the police say that the evi - 'dence against the suspects is strong. FRANK E. SGHLATER Candidate for the Office of Treasurer of Cass County. The voters of Cass county have long since become satisfied with the fact that it pays to vote for a candidate that in their judgment is the most competent person for the office, irrespective of party. The ollice of county treasurer is a most particular one to fill, and it takes a man who is well versed in all things connected therewith. Frank E. Schlater is that kind of a man. For the past four years Mr. Schlater has been Mr. Wheeler's faithful deputy, and he is well acquainted with the duties of the office in every way. Pre vious to entering the treasurer's office, Mr. Schlater was always looked upon as a gentleman competent to fill any office FRANK E. SCII LATE. R. in the county. His education thus fits him for such work. As an accountant he has no superior in the county, and as a gentleman his reputation in all his business transactions Kpcak for itself. His friends are legion, and he retains them by gentlemanly manners when ever he meets them. He is a thorough business man, and one whose honesty and integrity is above reproach. The democrats nominated him because they knew his excellent qualities for the place, and also know that in his elec tion the business of the county treas urer's office wil! receive that great care which devolves upon an efficient and faithful custodian of the office. The money which belongs to the taxpayers of Cass county will be well guarded in the hands of Frank E. Schlater, and when his books are investigated they will be in that shape that every cent I that has passed through his hand.-, will j be accounted for. Bring Them Back I do not desire to publish names of customers, who through a mistake, get a harness changed at my place, and then neglect to come around and rectify the mistake. Not long since a mistake was made, whereby a certain person made a mistake and got the bridles of the harness belonging to Julius Pitz.. He has had ample opportunity to bring them back and get his own, but has neglected to do so. Mr. Pitz has come repeatedly for his bridles, and now we are going to give this party a chance to come in like a man and get his own bridles and bring Juiius Pitz's bridles back. We do not care to publish his name, but we cannot wait much longer for the adjustment of the matter. EM .VEAN.Sf'KAKKI'.. Land Still Goes lip It would seen that Cass county real estate is still o;i the boom. Gus Waitsel living near Greenwood recently sold a tract of land to George Nichols for per ac re. Albert Waitsel, living in the same locality, bought w hat is commonly called the old Barton farm for $10." per acre. The Journal is informed that a few days since John D. Ferguson, living near Louisville sold his homestead for the magnificient price of per acre. This is a big price for land. We are also informed that Mr. and Mrs. Fer geson expect to purchase property in Plattsmouth for the purpose of making this city their future home. They will be welcomed. Colonel Sturm. It is now "Colonel A. F. Sturm," of Nehawka, if you please, as that gen tleman is one of the newly appointed colonels on the governor's staff, as was announced yesterday. We congratu late the new colonel and are sure he will never cause the governor to blush for his action. Weeping Water Re publican. For Sale A good seven-room house, nine lots, in Egenberger's addition to city, good well. j good fruit, and will be a snap if sold I soon. J. H. Thrasher, Coates block.