The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 19, 1907, Image 7

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I-'UII SAI.K - t h.t.-h well iriipruvi-il. only
iT..'l lT BITI'. .' IllllfS iV. lf tVn-M'o.
hiiumfi-r "inmy.
.'it V m. A Kn-moiit. N-lt.
fi liutr.tlo cniiiil y fiirriiM for hiiIc; kIm
K Iff li on ut y I iiml hi from in to 1:1 .'Ml mt iktu
Writ iih for list. Caiiiih; A Nii iioi.k.
.'it Keitxney. Nfl.
I'i: SAI.K IMI iit-rr Colfax i-ouiity. land,
ull llllitltlf. small riiss piistun- iifiir liuilil
Inirs, lint-si of IIm-L Iuuiii soli; lniiroviin-nis
ir-lt-itlly ull nw. maiTinuf I'lnttt Vullt-y
fund. Ii!iIhii- jffiitly rollliiir. All finrcil.
Cliistt in two tiNkl markr-ls. Kuril I delivery.
Nelirttskn telcuhonn In liousc. (iood iiHiftt
IrorlioiMl. V III niuke u tine home Hnd run tie
had ttt a rljrlit prd'e. For full itarllMil:tr
wrlu- A. .1. (Jkkkh. ICuKerM. N-lt.
Valley Lands for Sale
uiTen eliiht mllem from Orel. N-li.. well
Improved : prlre iH.VHh 33 ai res elitht miles
from Orl. well Improved; price Irtil
iwres three miles from Ord. fcmril house and
Intm. 10 a--res In tlmlier. IU a-res under itlow.
arret M.sture. witii-rutinliiir water on f;irni.
I'rli-e iM.wm. M aeres join rlty limit s, price
f.'ruuo. t.Mxl iHisture lands at I5 to i'A per
ai-re. Valley inunlv Is the I rest farming
county on the loup Valh-v. r'or Information
address. Mi Ni'ttA Hi.kshimi.
41 i rd. Med.
Write meaUiut Irrigated land in So. Platte
Valley where we raise 20 to tons of U-ets ;kt
acre and pay for the laud each year from the
crop produced. Kastern and western market.
I'resent price on these lands low 4(1 IhhO -r
Hi-re. C. M. .Miikton.
:u-M Sterling. Colorado.
(io west, voiimr man! Follow the fiMitsteps
of your father. Iluy smecholce farming laml
while It Is yet cheap. It will make you rich
In afew years. You will find the liest In Keith
county. Nehruska. Iimulreof I 'ax ton Kealty
Co.. I'mUio. Nt h. Write them tinlay. :m-2l
1 hae first -class well-Improved farms ranir
Iiik from ill to 'Ji er acre. Have la-en here
twenty-elirht years and can offer huyers their
holce iif the very lest farms tlat areonthe
market. Write your wants and I wjll send you
full description of places that will suit you.
:M-l't -I. C. WoLfK, liKl?eole. Nel.
lo you wantals4liitely reliatile Information
reirardiiiK the opirortunit ies for investment In
lands in western Nebraska and north eastern
Colorado? You can iret It from those who for
fifteen years have l.enclisely connecu-d wit li
Hie farming interests of that section hy writ
ing to the old reliable. Juleshurtf hanil (;i..
.luleshiinr. Colorado. :&'r-4t
The soil of the tableland In ScdsrwicW coun
ty. Colorado. Is a black sandy loam, ranirinir
in depth from :ito& feet: very productive in
winter wheat, oats, spelt., rye. macaroiia
wheat and pot sitoes: raises fairly pood corn
one year with another. Sedgwick county is
rapidly tilllnir up witli a desirable class of
ireople and Is the coniinK county of eastern
Colorado. Lands areaiivanclm; in price -now
Is the time to buv. We have raw lands in
inarter section, half sections or full sections:
all tillable: ramrins in price from s to tii per
acre: improved farms at 15 to "JO and f.VK Come
and see them or for special proMisitlons write
Flora Hros.. .lulesliursr. Colorado. Sl-l'l
Mil acre Hlfalfit ranch in I'latte valley. IJuf
falo count v. Nebraska. All level mid Is-st of
toil. Fine improvements. liNt acres in alfalfa.
One milt to sliippin station. I'rice ssii wr
Hl.r,.. K. .1. Wimii.wohtii.
;ji;.t Kearney. Nebr.
Fine level table lands, also choice va Hoy
lands with and without irrigation. 4hmsI
church and m IiooI prlvileires. We are located
on the main line of the 1". I. near two jtinmI
markets. Opportunites for several lines o
tiusiiievs in a new and srrowinir town. For fur
1 her particulars write us or call on Moore A
Irearintr. Ilrule. Nel-raska. S'r-rlt
The Land of Wheat Corn. Alfalfa. Fat
Hogs and Cattle
We have some siecially attractive proposi
tions for the investor or t lie speculator mon
ey m:ikin-r propositions in Keith and JVrkiris
counties. There is muni money in it for the
man who sets in now - prices are coin!: up. A
la rife list of irriiated Platte Imttom lands at
per acre and tip. Also unimproved table
lands at jn r acre and up. Crops on and
chrse tolhis land are makiin: around 4 lnsh
els to the acre of fall wheat. Come and see us
or write for full description and price.
:-4t I.Al A Sk.xsoX. Itrule. Nebraska.
Look Here! Now's Your Chance!
Sit up and tak notice. The sst land the
sun shines on. IMcnt v of rain. No bad storms.
Maaniticent Tps. Kichest kind of soil. Land
isoiii!: Ltst. tiet in iH-furc cheap homes are
rone. Prices ramre from sio er acre up. un
improved land. Improved farms at prices
ranirinc from :C to sjit per acre. Further par
ticulars call on or write Carter A Sexson Land
company. Crant. Nebraska. y,'-4t
t.ixKl Uawson and Lincoln county farm and
alfalfa land at .10 to ?7." per acre. Good pas
ture land, all hard black soil, in t racts of one
section orlarircr. to suit purchaser, at s tosl"
per acre. This land can ! Ixnc-'ht on easy
terms Price on this land is steadily advanc
ing. Call or address toithenbur Keal Kstate
AsefH-y. i:thftilur:. Nebraska ol'r-'Jt
Rain Belt vs Irrigation
!u any eastern Nebraska county, average
vi..lil .if isirii :: bushels per acre: average
price .'Vic per bushe! : i'iM to irsluc'
bushel: net profit s.V 4n per acre: price
7." to rli'r T acre.
Sedirwick inunir. Colorado, suirar Is-ets av
eraire IS tons per acre: contract price per ton
" "no test:"cist to pnsluce ;." jH-r ifre. Net
pri.lit t . owner 4.l an acre. Price of Sed-wick
county irrigated land .H to -!:: per sicre. ami
prices rapidlv advaucim. I rriirati n means
sure cr ps. Which results in a law bank
i'(l"wii-k fiiiintv. Cn'.irailo. has more than
doubled in population in t he last f-w years.
Climatic conditions are ideal. The wide
awake progressive can make more
money here and make it easier, than in east
ern Nebraska. .
For full information write I.ealty Ioan A
Insurance cotnjiiiny. .lulesburc. Colo. :n'-Jt
If you want to conserve your investment
and at the same time Increase your income
from farm or ranch property. Lincoln or Keith
county lands lying alonz the main line of the
I'nion Pacific railroad will please you. Prices
on this land are rans:iiii very low. less than
one-half what they should or i iU soon In so
far the advance has liecn steady, we look for
a stiff raise s-sin. The soil is a heavy, rich
black loam from 3 to 5 feet deep: underlaid
with an excellent clay suirsoii :fr e from rock,
alkali and hard Din; iehls easily to the plow
and is well adapted to the raisins: of corn. grain
and stock. )ne man and team enn cultivate
at least twice as much acreage as in eastern
Nebraska. Fall wheat and alfalfa do finely.
There Is no oilier sect ion in the state where
you can so easily and cl-cap'y grow such heal
thy hogs. Not a pauper in these counties, tax
ver low. climate unexcelled, .lust to get ac
quainted, three rare bargains ln acres six
miles from good market. 5i acres under p'ow.
all good farm laud, the crops prove it. Ger
man settlement. Price for quick sale. s-ViO.
10 acres 9 miles from god railroad town, all
level and subject t cultivation, now in grass.
School house on corner. Price iJim. 11 acres
all good farm land, price slsj'i. t ome and ler
ns show vo l these lands, or write us for more
detailed "information. PiKitsos A Ilrnrox.
Sutherland. Nebraska
Mr. Homeseeker:
If you want a farm where at least the first
two crops w ill pay for your land, buy a ticket
to Grant, the county seat of Perkins courty.
Come and see '! at we have fLr you. get in
touch with the actual conditions lu re tml get
our price, our soil is a deep rich, black loam,
clay sulisoi! and is adapted to the ra ising of
corn, wheat, oats, alfalfa, etc. No nrcks. sand
or alkali Plenty of pure, sparkling water
and an ideal c incite. 1 lie crops that are Is
ing raised from year to year In Perkins conn-ty-lve
a practical demount rat ion of the real
value of this land While land is rapidly ad
vancing, present prices are less than one-half
this retl value. Here are some snaps you will
lie uuthle to duplicate 1'Vi acres three miles
from town, smooth, level land, every foot till
able at cli.x) cr acre: US) acres five miles from
county seat, every foot of it perfectly level, a
"inline snan at si3 per acre: live quarters ad
jo towi .ight at si2..VJ pr acre, will sell
sep trtel or all together. Farms ad joining
these lands are t.roducing crops that will net
the fall pri -e of the land this year. We have
may others. Irotli large and small tracts, and
can certainly please you. Cail and see or
write for further information to Orvill K.
Lun;b. Grant. Nebraska. 3il-4t
'"'Farm and ranrh lands in Keif h and 1'erskln
count ies at rlglit price. Write G. W. Snider.
tVallala. Nebraska. . Itti-Jt
For Sale Fifty HufTalo county farms locat
ed In WimmI river valley known as the finest
alfalfa, strain and stock country in Nebraska.
Come, in vest lgte Idle the prices are low.
Homes from i.ri an acre up.
Klverdale. Nenr.
Lit Ill county. Nebraskit. has ten railroad
towns; North Platte is county seat. populat ion
.'rMm. hi. miles of railroad, a trout su more will
Ire built. right-of-way has Is-en purchased and
Mime construction wurk has Is-en done, popu
lation of county IV 00. 115 school districts wilti
401 pupils. Principal crop .n5 valued il.fiiiii.
. sum per canlta: Urtal property valui; lrt.
uoo.txio. Goisl farm laml at 10 to fjb -r acre :
good gra.liig land at 3Ut(7 frer acre, tiisxl
Platte river valley land 'M to f4 per acre, i p
portunltles for all. We are acquainted w it h
every section of land In this county and will
Ire glad to answer all correspondence prompt
I). If you want to double your acreage and
Income, come and see or write O. K. Klder.
Itonded Alrstractor. Manager Gurantee Real
ty company. North Platte. Nebraska.
A genuine snap for quick sale. :t acres. 8
miles south of Sutherland, all level, good soil,
all buffalo grass, as nice half section as there
Is in any county, unimproved. Price 10 per
acre. jti-2t
I u U Vi u VJ L-aiau u u u u Lau vi i r - v " -iv-r ..iv. w iv . n
m m msmm
An Open Letter
He wise! Buy land in Duel county, Nebras
ka, where one acre of eastern laud will buy
Jive which will produce per acre. Just as mutli
corn, w heat, oats rye, millet or alfalfa. Any
thing that grows can Ire produced In lucl
county. We have the black, rich soil ; favor
able climate; abundance of rain fall and gin si
health giving water. This Is the place for you
to make a personal Investigation In-fore you
locate or in vest. We only want you to look
for yourself. The Duel county proposition Is
one that Is worth your time and attention for
It means money to you. Duel county land
can la; had from 14 to Sis per acre. If von
want a home of your own or want an invest
ment that is guilt that will pay large
dividends on the amount you have invested.
we nave wnat you want, it matters not wnat
it Is. Improved and unimproved farms and
ranches located on the main line of the IT. P.
near Channel!, the count v seat of Duel coun
ty. KememlM-r we refund all expenses to buy
ers after they reach our office. Now. if you
want to make money ana place It. w here you
are secured In every turn and ileal you make.
fuel county Is t lie place lor you. Drop us a
line and we will send you an illustrated nook -let
free of charge, which will give you full in
formation as to Duel county lands and crops.
Address .
Si-ieiM'SK I:kai. Kstatk Aijkncy.
.1. F.. Skhastias. Managi r.
IMi-i't Chappell. Nebraska
Nicholas llalmes,
While Yet a
Who Game to Nebraska
Territory in 1831.
Scvcnlccn Years of Age lie Went to
Central Africa, Where lie Resided
for Two Years.
Notice of Probate of Will
A ty. Nebraska.
I n the matter of estate of Henry Spanglcr.
To Am. Peksiixs CitM'Eit.Ki:
1 on are hereby notified that a irel it ion has
lii-en tiled to probate a will puiixu t ing to Ire
the last will of Uenry Spungler. ami for the
aiirointment of the executors named therein.
There will lie a hearing ufron said rel it ion at
my office in the city of Plattsuiouth.Cassconn-
ty. Nebraska, at in o'clock a. m. on the 14th
lay of Seitcmbcr.r.Kr.iiiid all object ions 1 here
to must Ire tiled by said hour, anil at said time
such orders will Ik- made as are just and pro -er
in the premises. 1 1 a t( v K v D. T it A v i s.
Iskai.I County Judge.
D. o. Dwyer. Attorney.
Notice to Creditors
ty. Nebraska.
I ii t he mat ler of I he est ate of Kmeliite Tram,
A II creditors of said deceased will iths t the
executors of said estate. Irefore me. county
judge, in said court at 1'lal tsinoutli In said
con uly and stale on the 4th day of tvtofier.
I'.iT. 4th day of Decenils-r. 1!-T and 4th day of
February. I'.l's. at o'clock p. in- each day. for
the puriHrseof present ins: their claims for ex
amination, adjust nieut anil allowanis-.
Cit-ditors have mil ii t he :tl day of 'February.
l-.'s. Inn not longer, in which to tile claims in
this court against this estate.
Dated at Plat f smout h. Nebraska. August 2t'.
l'.iir. llAitvEV D. Travis.
Iskai.I County .fudge.
Notice to Creditors
STATE .OF NKltKASKA , (.0,m . c.ln,
t a.ssl on ut y
In the matter of the estate of Harvey M.
Kounsavc II. ilei'easeil.
Not ice is hereby given that the creditors of
said deceased will meet tire nilminist rator of
said estate. Irefore nie. county judge of Cass
county. Nebraska, at the county court room in
Plattsmouth. in said county, on the L'lst day of
Scptemlrer. 1;U7. and on the ilst day of March.
r.s. at 10 o'clock a. in., each day. for the pur
pose of presenting tneir claims for exaniina
tiiui. adjustment ai.d allowance.
Six months are al'mvi'd fur the creditors of
said deceased to present their claims, and one
year for 1 he ail minis! ratorloset t le said estate,
from ilieitii day of August. Ki7.
Witness my hand and seal of said cnunty
court. at Plattsmouth. Nebraska. 1 his ist h day
of August. l'.'T. Hakvpt D. Tiiavis.
Iseai.i County Judge.
Notice of Administration.
In the County Court of Cats County, N't- (
braska. j
In the matter of the estate of Kacfjel Froh- j
licli. decceased. j
AM persons interested in said estate are I
herebv notified, that a petition hasliei-n tiled
in said court, alleging that said deceased died j
leaving no last will and testament, and pray
ing for aiiminist rat ion upon her estate.
A hearing will be had upon said petition on
theiTstii day of Septemfier. A. I. ioT. at the
county court room at Plattsmouth. Nebraska,
at lo o'clock a. in. and that all persons having
any protest or objection to such petit ion, will
l.e" heard at that time, otherwise the court
mav grant said iietilion. ami grant adminis
tration of said estate to Paul Frohlicli.or some
other suitable person, anil proceed to a suita
ble settlement thereof.
Witness my hand and the seal of said court
at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this loth day of
Septeinlrer. A. D. l'.H7.
Iskai.I Harvey D. Travis.
I . O. Dwyer. County Judge.
Notice of Incorporation.
Notice Is hereby given that a corporation
has been formed as follows:
1. The name of the corporation is the "S-F
Stock Co."
2. The principal place of business is in the
city of Plattsmouth. Neb.
3. The business is for the raising, inlying
and selling of live stock, and for tiie bu In sr.
selling, mortgaging ami Icasingof real estate,
rights and all kinds of property necessary or
used in connection with said business
4. The amount of authorized capital stoCK
is ? divided into shares of ;HM each,
none to Ire issued until fully tiaid. 4o percent
must be subscribed and paid in-fore the alrove
shall commence business. The commence
ment of the corporation will be October I. lr?
and continue for a period of twenty -five; (2 )
vea rs.
;. The hlsjhest amount of indebtedness per
mitted is four-fifths (4-5 of the amount of
capital st ck issued.
ti. The affairs of the corporation shall le
conducted by a iKianl of directors who shall
elect a president, vice-president, secretary
and treasury, and provide for such other em
ployes as may be necessary.
In witness whereof, we. the undersigned in
corporators, have hereunto set our Lands this
Ttli day of Septernlier. A. D. 1!T.
Frank K. Schiater
F.d Fitzircraid
.lames A. Fitr.gerald
S- r' Stock Co. by
F.d Fizgerald
Iskai.I its President.
Attest: Frank K. Srhlater.
41 Secretary.
Legal Notice
In the matter of theestate of Ivan Kouse,
In the County Cunt of Cass county. Ne
braska. All iiersons interested in said estate are
hereby notified that a iietition haslieen tiled in
said court alleging that said deceased died
leaving no last w ill and praying for adminis
tration uixin his estate, and that a hearing will
be had on saiil iietition before said court on
the 17th day of October. A. D. 1!'7: that if they
fail L aiirear at said court on t he said 17th i ho
of Ovtoiier. A. !.. I'.mT. at 10 o'clock on said
day. to contest said iietition. lite court n mi
grant letters of administration to (ieorge
Pearson, or some other suitable person anil
proceed to a settlement thereof.
Harvey P. Travis.
!kai.1 County .Itmge.
D. K. Ha r. Attoi l.ey.
In a country to which he has always
been deeply attached, notwithstanding
he is a faithful and patriotic American
now, and would fiht for the land of his
adoption, in the year 1831, was born a
child who in the years that were to
come, would be known by the thousands
of people here, and to know him would
be to love and respect him.
Nicholas Halmes first saw the light of
day in Germany, where he lived until
he was about seventeen years old, and
with a7 number of other venturesome
spirits made his way to Central Africa
and to the Transvaal, where he made
his home for a little more than two
years. At Johannesburg he lived dur
ing his stay in that country and worked
as a laborer. The two years spent
there did not increase, but on the other
hand rather deminished his love for the
wilds of Africa. The time spent there
did not fulfill the promise which has
been held out to the promoters of immi
gration to that, as it seemed, desolate
and almost worthless portion of the
earth. At the end of the second year,
having had all of that country he de
sired and the price to get away, he bid
adieu to the land of darkness and doubt
and turned his attention and footsteps
to "the land of the free and the home
of the brave. " ;
For two years he remained in (ler- '
many, ere coming to America, but on j
arriving here in 18T3, he went to Ozan- I
kee county, Wisconsin, where he lived, j
following a number of avocations. At :
this place he remained for three years, j
with indifferent success as to the accu
mulation of money. Not finding what I
he wanted he turned his attention to !
the country just opening up here and 1
when the state was on'y a territory, j
In 18-S3, on the second day of February, J
the subject of our sketch came to this :
place and took a claim on the Weeping j
Water, near the city bearing that name, j
Here he lived for four years, with In-;
dians much more plentiful than white ;
people were for many years afterwards, i
After a residence of four years there,
he returned to Plattsmouth, and was!
united in marriage with Etta Aler-j
notte. in 18 "u. At this time he tool; an-!
other claim, as the one he had at Weep- j
ing Water was not perfected. j
In 1857 he burned the first lime kiln j
that was ever burned in the county or J
state. 'In the year 1853, in partnership '
with Christain Moektnhaupt, sr., he
embarked in the brick business, which
they conducted together for about three
years, during which time they made the
brie- which was used in the building of
the Mock on lower Main street, known
as the "White Elephant." At the end
of three years he released the yard to
his partner, who conducted it for a
number of years, and who was succeed
ed by his son, Christain Mockenhaupt,
jr., who now conducts the business,
south of the city. During this time
Uncle Nick continued to live on the
farm, walking from home to his work
in the brick yard or sleeping at the
yards. After he had discontinued to
work at the brick yards he began rais
ing broom com and making brooms. At
this he worked about two years. Ashe
got more of his land under cultivation
he was not able to continue the manu
facture of the brooms, and keeping the
machinerv for sometime at his home
where he had made the brooms. He
finally soid the outfit to James Dworek,
who conducted the business in Platts
mouth for a number of years, taking
his brother-in-law, James Iiebal, into
partnership with him, who in turn suc
ceeded to the business, and conducts it
at the present time. Continuing on the
farm he made the matter prosper and
added farm after farm, and when the
time came he was able to give each of
the children a farm and retain a good
home vsith many broad acres for his
own use in the later years of his life.
In 1880 Mrs. Halmes died, leaving be
sides her husband to mourn her loss,
seven children: Mary, Nicholas, Peter,
Lena. Rose, George and Joseph, all of
whom are living at the present time. A
few years after he and Mrs. Ploeger,
his present wife, were united in mar
riage. They live on the farm about five
miles west of this city. During his
residence here Uncle Nick has made
three trios to the Fatherland; the first
was just a short time after returning
herefrom Weeping Water; the next
about five years ago, and the l:zt was
two years a ago, at which tii.':c Mrs.
Halmes accompanied him. remaining
and visiting with old acquaintances for
about three months. About eight years
ago Mr. Halmes engaged in the milling
business, taking into the business with
him his son Nicholas and Herman
Kiietsc.n, to who he subsequently turn
ed over the business to theni and which
is now conducted under the name of
Kleitseh & Halmes.
2g301 11 I I
sun.mon.tue5.Iwed. thurs fri. sat
Comic Automobile Parade,-
Grand Electrical Parade-
Ladi&s Float- Parade- -
Coronation and Grand Ball -
One more opportunity to secure an ICdison
Phonogragh, a Ueautiful Morning dory Horn, an
Kxcellent Crane and 12 ICdison Records for $26.25.
Uecause of the National Phonograph Company's
inability to supply ICdison goods this opportunity
has been extended from the 15th of September to
October 1st. The big sale is now on at
Nebraska Phonograph Co.'s Big Store,
Sauter's Old Stand.
Main Street.
J to suit your ideas
lYlHflR t ''t your form
iiiuuu with Ktye an(1 ,lura.
We enter into our 12th sea
son with Alferd Penjaman &
Kirschbaum Clothiers for men
with a very attractive line of
woolens anil with a firmer con
fidence born by our experience
that we can fit and please you.
Our great buying ability en
ables us to save you from
$2. to $5, per suit
and when it comes to showing
points of merit, we can show
workmanship not seen in any
product sold in Cass county.
(Jan we prove this to you'.'
Lets get together for Mutual Benefit.
Yours for Business,
KRAFT Clothing Co.
Wednesday, Oct.
Duric Jerseys and Poland China.
This will include my entire herd of
Poland Chinas
351aies; 30 Females
Three Short-Horn Bulls
Send for Catalogue to