The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 19, 1907, Image 2

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Krom Friday' Dull v.
Mrs. Rev. M. C. F. Chambers, of
Avoca, Iowa, came in this afternoon
and will visit for a few days with her
brother. Rev. A. L. Zink and family,
while her husband. Rev. Chambers, will
attend the Methodist Conference at
Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Fred Bugford and wife came in last
evening from Maywood, and will visit
in the city with friends and relatives,
guests at the home of Ben Brooks,
Mrs. Bigford and Mrs. Brooks being
sisters. They will remain in the city
for about two weeks.
A case was in the county court this
morning having a title of Van Horn vs.
Van Horn, for the accounting of $250,
which the father had loaned out for the
benefit of theson.
Frank Albin of near Union was a busi
ness visitor in the city this morning
bringing a load of wheat to town. Bring
your wheat along, we need it and can
use more of it.
George Berker, who has been visit
ing in the east for the past week re
turned home from Pekin, Illinois last
Robert Nichols, of near Union, was
a business visitor in the city this after
W. T. Richardson, of Mynard, was a
business visitor in the city this after
noon. J. R. Vallery attended the horse sale
at Omaha on Thursday.
Chas. Cook and wife returned today
from Murdock, where they were called
by the death of a little neice of Mrs.
Cook's who died Wednesday.
Miss May Vallery was a passenger to
South Omaha Thursday, where she will
visit friends and attend the grand ball
at the closing of the "Country Club,"
Friday evening.
John Rodine, of North Platte, and
Peter Milmine, of Gothenberg, both
having married sisters of T. E. Olson,
came in yesterday while on their way
to Iowa where they have some business
and visited during the day and over
night at the home of Mr. Olson, de
parting this morning for Omaha, where
they have some business.
C. Bengen from southwest of Mynard
was a business visitor in the city this
F. M. Young, from near Murray, was
a business visitor in the city today.
A. F. Seybert, of Cedar Creek, was
a connty seat visitor this morning, hav
ing business to attend to in the city.
W. A. SwearingerT came in this 1
morning from Omaha and is looking af- 1
: ter business tor the house which ne
I represents.
James and Floyd Chalfant were pas
; sengers to Omaha this morning where
I Floyd is receiving' treatment for some
nasal trouble.
; C. J. Gaebel, of Louisville, was in
- ' the city today advertising his big stock
sale, and let the light of his good nat
1 ; ured countenance beam in upon us.
Peter Meisinger from near Cedar; Chris. Mockenkaupt, of Wabash, was
Creek was a visitor in the city this a Plattsmouth visitor today and took
morning, where he was looking after . time to call on the Journal a few mo
some business matters. ; ments.
W. B. Banning was a visitor in the ' Mat and Peter Spader, who have
city this morning from Union. He is j been at Murdock for the past few days
here attending the county central com-, visiting with their uncle, John M.
mittee meeting of the Democratic J Leese, returned home yesterday after
party. noon-
W It Ilil the well known Red! Mrs. J. W. Gamble drove with W.
ru it U U t(C
Polled stock breeder, of Eight Mile
Grove, was in the city yesterday, and
was a business caller at Journal head
quarters. Joseph Schlater, of Louisville, came
down this morning and will visit over
Sunday at the home of his brother,
Conrad Schlater, after which he will
depart for Denver, where he will visit
for a while with a daughter who lives
W. Gamble, J. W. Gamble's 'father, to
Omaha yesterday via Pacific Junction
' and Council Bluffs, returning home this
l morning.
j Dr. and Mrs. E. D. Cummins depart
ed this afternoon for Belna, Nebraska,
i where they will attend the wedding of
J. W. Kimball, of the Great Northern
!Ry., and Miss Edith Ham, which oc-
! curs there this evenihg. '
Geo. M. Porter was a passenger to !
Omaha whpr hf will visit and lnnk af- '
From Mouday'sDaily. , , . , .
' ; ter some business during the day, and
Chas. Stroebel, of Avoca.Jwas a busi- i meet Mrs. Porter's brother, J. C.
ness visitor in the city today. ; Critchfield, and sister, Mrs. Allie
Solly C. Keckler, of Manley, was a j Moore, of Shreve, Ohio, who have been
business visitor in the city this after- j at Lincoln visiting with Bird Critchfield.
Wm. Loughrige,
Who read this are join to buy a new carpet this fall, and
to you and others that are interested in carpets, we will
say this
Our new carpets are heinnin ts arrive and we are
getting them in shape as fast as we can. We have a good
stock to select from and the quality is the very best that
money can buy. We buy direct from the mills for cash,
thus securing the lowest possible price. It is a great pleas
ure to us to show carpets, knowing that we are in a posi
tion to show you a greater variety of patterns than any
carpet house it this vicinity. It does not make any differ
ence what you want to cover your floor with, we have it
So let us figure with you. Call up the carpet mail. Inde
pendent No. 70, Bell 153. He will be right' there to give
you the desired information. Tell him to come and take
the measure of your room and you will be sure of a nice fit.
of Murray, was a
business visitor in the city this after
noon. John A. Davis, from west of Murray,
was a business visitor in the city this
Fred Patterson and wife, from Rock
Bluffs, were business
city this afternoon.
! They will come to Plattsmouth for a
short visit before returning to their
i home in the east.
W. B. Virgin of near Murray was a
business visitor in the county seat this
Hugh I. Cecil departed this afternoon
visitors in the I uF""6"tK' n ... ......
awhile and then probably locate in bus-
H. A. Gast, of Murdock, was a visi-
tor in the city today, having some busi- ! Wm' Seay Lwent to Wood Lake, Cher
ness matters to attend to. j couny. where he has a claim. He is
i going up to build a house and will move
District Judge Paul Jessen came in there in the rf
this morning from Nebraska City and T , , w ,
opened court here this afternoon. ! Banker Neitzel of Murdock. and
I Chas. Guthman were passengers to
D. K. Barr, the attorney who repre- j Qmaha tWg afternoon where they will
sents Greenwood, was a business visi- , attend the bankerg. convention.
tor in the county seat this morning. ,,,..,, . ,
. John L. Mayneld, who has been agent
Lewis Anderson. from" Weeping ; for the Burlington at Peasantdale,
Water, was a visitor in the city today, j came 5n ,ast evening and will assume
uaving uusiness mailers 10 iook alter,
From HUturday's Daily.
Bals Meisinger was a business visitor
in the city this afternoon.
M. G. McGuire was a business visitor
from Union this morning.
John Lloyd from below Murray was a
business visitor in the city today.
Alex Graves was a business visitor
in the county seat today from Murray.
W. II. Seybert was a business visitor
in the city this morning from Cullom.
Jacob Meisinger from near Cullom
was a visitor in the city this afternoon.
Henry Sr.oke jr., was a visitor in the
county seat this afternoon from Union.
Wyatt Hutchinson was a business
visitor from Rock Bluffs this afternoon.
O. W. Zarr, of South Bend, was a
business visitor in the city this after
noon. Miles Standish was a business visitor
in the county seat this afternoon from
Justice Lilly, from near Union was in
the city today transacting business
with our merchants.
Floyd Chalfant and wife from near
Rock Bluffs were business visitors in
the county seat today.
Sheriff Quinton departed for Green
wood this morning where he has some
business to look after.
Adam Kaffenberger was a passenger
to Omaha this afternoon where he has
some business to look after.
J. P. Xoyes. one of Louisville's pro
minent citizens, was a business visitor
in the ccunty seat this afternoon.
Charley Reihart was in from Cullom
this morning to meet A. F. Seyhert
who was returning home from Omaha.
Philip Horn was a visitor in the city
from near Cedar Creek this morning,
where he is looking after some busi
ness. Chas. R. Jordon, of Alvo. the demo
cratic candidate for commissioner, of
the third district, was a business visitor
in the city.
J. G. Johnson, of Eagle, came in this
morning enroute to Malvern, Iowa, to
see his mother, who is very ill nnd ad
vanced in years.
Mrs- A. F. Seybert and Mrs. Wm.
Kefi, w ho have been visiting in Huron,
S. D., for the past week returned
home this morning.
J. D. McBride was an over Sunday
visitor at home, returning to his duties
at South Omaha this morning via the
Missouri Pacific.
Mrs. Charles Ahl, who has been vis
iting at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Hayflicker, at Waukeena,
Kansas, for the past three weeks re
turned home last Friday evening.
Mrs. Anna Cartright and three daugh
ters, Lizzie, Emma and Clara, of Oma
ha, were passengers for home this morn
ing, having been visiting at the home
of Mrs. Cartright's brother,
Steppet. sr.
W. J. Davis, of Ozark, Ark., came
in this afternoon and will visit with
relatives southwest of Murray. His
brother John A.' Davis met him here,
they then going to Murray on the after
noon train.
The peach harvest at the home of H. ;
L. Oldham at Murray, commenced in
earnest this morning. Geo. Oldham '
went to Murray this morning to assist ',
his brother in packing and shipping !
them out. They expect to pick and
ship 100 bushels today.
the duties of cashier for the Burlington
at this place in place of W. J. Evans,
who goes to Denver to assume a similar
position with the Burlington.
Mrs. W. W. Tunison and ,Mrs. Fred
Yeck and son, Clarence, who have been
visiting in the city, the guest of Mrs.
Tunison's brother, Jesse Heiner, for the
past few days, returned to their home
in Malvern this morning. Mrs. Yeck
and son live in Bridgeport, Ontario,
Canada, and are visiting with her sis
ter, Mrs. Tunison. at Malvern.
Stephen A. Wiles some three miles
August . south of the city is having built a new
granery and crib combined, in which
the center drive way is being made ele
vated above the sides, that the work of
high scooping will be avoided when the
unloading process of the harvesting of
the corn crop comes. Jasper Sanders,
Jay Herring and Thomas Stokes are do
ing the work.
Sanitary Carpets
Ingrain 2-ply Carpets
Ingrain 3-ply Carpets
Moquett Carpets
Smith's Axminster Carpets
Wilton Velvet Carpets
Brussels Ca.pets
Floor Oil Cloths
Linoleums, in 6
Inlaid Linoleum
Rugs 9x12 in
Moquetts and
and 12 feet
Vi-u w w Jr -n it if- r
Uncle Nicholas Holmes has been vis
iting in the northwest for the past
week and returned home Monday. He
was at Chamberlain, South Dakota, and
other points in that state, and says the
crops are in fine condition, but more
rain would be beneficial. On his return
he visited in Knox and Pierce counties.
with little, if any, relief. Three boxes
of Chamberlain's Salve cured me. It
this state. He stopped at Plainview, j Chamberlain's salve is for
and was the guest of rred fcbenger, G Frkkev and A T. Huld
wno ne says is niceiy locateu anu uumg
a good business.
Had Tetter for Thirty Years. How to Avoid Appendicitis.
I have had tetter for thirty years and Most vic tims of appendicitis are those
have tried almost countless remedies ; wno are hahituallv mnsti Uu.A Mr.
Lnxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic
constipation bv stimulating the liver
was a torture. It breaks out a little at ! an(i bowels, and restores the natural
times, but nothing to what it used to j action of the bowels. Orino Laxative
do. D. H. Beach, Midland City, Ala. I Yrut Syrup floes not nauseate or erme
sale by F. I arj js rnif -An, pleasant to take. Re
' f jse substitutes. !'. . Fricke & Co.
Wm. Schwab from Kenosha had busi'
ness in the city today.
i A. B. Forniff and family were busi
I ness visitors in the county seat this
morning from Cedar Creek.
Davis Rakes from Rork Bluffs was a
business visitor in the county seat this
From Wednesday's dally.
Wyatt Hutchinson was in from Rock :
Bluffs this afternoon looking aftersome
Harry Reed, of Weeping Water was i
a business visitor in the county sert this
afterntion. ;
The Board of County Commissioners j
convened this morning and are taking i
up the regular work. j
Mrs. 0. A. Davis and Miss Hasser, j
of Murray, were visiting with friends I
in the city this morning.
E. F. Marshall came in from Weep- '
ing Water yesterday to attend the meet
ing of the county commissioners. '
C. A. Baldwin, of Weeping Water, ;
came in this morning and is looking af- j
ter some business at the county seat. '
J. M. Meisinger and wife were visit
ors in Omaha this morning, where they j
also have some business to look after. ;
J. W. Barwick, who has been at j
Aurora, 111., on company business f or J
the past few days, returned home this ;
Chas. R. Jordon of Alvo was a visit- j
or in the city this afternoon having j
some business matters to attend to at I
the court house. i
W. C. Brown and Philip Prisben, of j
Murray were visitors in the county seat i
last evening, having some business j
matters to attend to. j
Mrs. John McNurlin departed for
Murray yesterday where she will visit !
at the home of Mrs. Chas. Beverage i
for a couple of weeks. '
Miss Christie Biggs was a visitor in
Glenwood this morning.
Mrs. M. E. Gallagher was a visitor j
in Omaha this morning. j
H. M. Pollard, of Nehawka, was a
Flattsmouth visitor this afternoon.
Saturday . lm:$Mm,
p. .
You are especially invited to attend this opening and view the lovely dis
play f Pattern Hats