The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 12, 1907, Image 7

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    . 4 .
( ,
I'VK f.VI.K- l H-f well tiiirvfl. only
rn -r ai'rr. 1 mlh-n lu- t si of lYri-i.
?-;iiiiii r county. N-h.
::t W m. A Kri'iinMit. N t.
liim HulT.ilo county f.irms for unit: ulso
K letli i'oiiui y IhikI hi from t to I :.U r arre
Writ-uh for IKt. i; aic it mi V Nmhoi.m.
lit K-irn-y. !.
r'l'K SAI..K ll ht- Cnlf:ix county. IhikI.
ull tllluMc. Mint 1 1 gran pitxturt- near liulld
InifH. tincst of I1 iir k loam Mill; Improvement
firactlcally all nrw. Ml ai'rctof I'lalte Valley
anal, tiulancu icently rolling. All ftin-cd.
CIoh to two cimmI inarkftM. Kural fiellvfry.
Nebraska teleplioiie In house, ImmmI tieltfti
liorlioiMl. Will make a Hue home and can If
hal at a rlKlil urlct. For full particular
write A. .1. liHr.rK. Koer. Neb.
Valley Land for Sal
3iM acres -tir lit inilrn frtn Orl. Nel... well
In. proved ; price I4.IMI. 33) wi-f f lirlit mllen
from Orl. well Improved: prion JiOWO. Wt
acren thre tnllen frm Orl. iforxl house and
tmrii.' 10 acres in tltutnr. MW acre.,- under iilow.
4i acres pasture, with riiniilnir water on farm.
I'rli-e ?... 0 acres -Join Hty limits, price
t-MOO. I.mI iKtsture lauds at li to j-JU T
ai-re. Valley county Is the licst farfnlmr
county on the IMip Valley. For Information
address. Mi Ni ttA IIi.kssimi.
41 I rd. Ned.
Write me ahout lrrlat-l land In So. I'latte
Valley where we raise ilU .'f tons of Ix-ets ;ier
acre hdiI pay for the l;ml eai-h year from the
crop produced. Kastern anil western market.
Pr-sent price on these lands low - 4tl to H-r
M,.rt.. C. M. Mohtiix.
,-::t Sterllnir. Colorailo.
i-oomr iiimii : roiiow ine looisivir
ff your fattier. Itn y some choh-e fanning land
while It Is yet cheap. It will make you rich
in a few .years. You will find t he liest In Keith
county. Nebraska. Iwfiiire of Pinion KealtT
Co.. I'axtoo. Neli. Write them tMl:iy. i-IJt
I have first-class well-Improved farms ranjr
Inff from to fjj er acre. Have lieen h-re
twenty-elht years and can offer Iniyers their
chol.-e of the very liesl farms tl at are on the
market. Write your wants and I wll semi you
full description of places that will suit you.
:'i--'t .1. C. Woi.rK. lMljreole. Neh.
Hi you wantalisolntely reliahle information
reicar'diinr the opMirtunlt les for investment In
lands in western Nebraska and north eastern
Colorado? You can Ret it from those who for
fifteen years have lisen chsely connect ed wit h
the farming lnterettsof that section hy writ
ing to the old reliahle. .Iiileslnirtf Land Co..
Julesliiirir. Colorado. :'-4t
Tlie soil of tlie tableland in Serltfwlrk coun
ty Colorado. Is a bliiek sandy losim. ranging
i n depth from :t to 5 feet ; very productive in
winter wheat, oats. sM-ltz. rye. macarona
wheat and xt at. h-s: raises farly Rood corn
one year with another. Sedjiw ick county Is
rapidly Hllintr up with a desiralile class of
tieople ami Is the coniinu county of eastern
Colorado. Lauds are ad vancinsr in price now
is the time to buy. We have raw lands in
ouarter section, half sections or full sections:
all tillable; raiiRimr in price from to 12 per
acre: improved farms at 15 to JO and Come
and see them or for special proiHisitions write
Flora Itros.. .lulesburjr. Colorado. Sh-'-t
MOacrc -ilfalfa ranch in Platte valley. Buf
falo count v. Nebraska. All level and "st- f.f
soil. Fine improvements. Iimiu'res in alfalfa.
nemil to shipping station Price smi per
I'.. .1. H in i ii.
j iwarnev. .nir.
level table lands, also choice valley
..i.i, ..nil without irriiration. tisid
liun li and school pri ilejres. We are located
on the main line of the I . P. near two cot mi
markets, t piwrtunites for sev ral lines or
business in a new and jrrowinsr town, ror fur
ther particulars write us or cation Moore.
Ucarim.'. ISrule. Nebraska. i--t
The Land of Wheat. Corn. Alfalfa. Fat
Hogs and Cattle
We have some specially attractive proposi
tions for the Investor or the speculator-money
makins propositions in Keith ami I erktns
counties. There is irood money in it for the
man who frets in now prices are jrotujr up A
larire list of irrigated Platte liottom lands :il
rx, per acre and Also unimproved table
lands at ?H per acre and up. Crops on and
.lose tothis land are makinir arounil 40 bush
els to I he a. re of fall wheat. Come and see us
or write for full description and price.
:w-4t I . A m i . Sf.ssos. Itrule. Nebraska.
Look Here! Now's Your Chance!
iit mi and take notice. The Ix st land the
sun shines on. Plenty of rain. No bad storms
M i 'iiiti.-ent crops. Kidicst kind of soil. Land
iroin" t!et in In-fore cheap homes are
'oneT Prii-es ranire from ?W t acre up. un
improved land Improved f.irms at prices
ransrinir from :C to ii M-r acre, t urt her par
ticulars call n or write Carter . .sexsoli Laud
c.impanv. t:rant. Nebraska. :J-4t
li.MMl llawson and Lincoln county frrii and
alfalfa lantl at 1 to 7. per acre. (i.HKl pas
ture land, all bard black soil, in tracts f one
sect ion or lamer, to suit purchaser, at stoslii
nerarre. This land can Ik- liouu'ht on easy
terms Price on this land is steadllv ad vanc
insr. Call or address tint hent'iir Keal Kstate
Aijcncy. tiotliciiburir. Nebraska :tl''-'t
Rain Belt vs Irrigation
In anv eastertr Nebraska county, averasre
yield of corn :n bushels per acre: averaire
price V iht bushel: cost to pnMiuce V:- per
bushel: net profit ?ri.4it jmt acre; price of land
T." to ?!'- Ier acre.
Sedirwick countv. Colorado, snirar ln'ets av
era li tons (ht acre: contract price per ton
"no test :"cist to pn Ml lice Xi piT acre. Net
pri.Kt to owner s4l an acre. Price of Sedirwlck
county Irrigated land .' to p.-r acre, and
prices rapidlv advancing. . I rnsat ion means
sure crops. Which results in a larire bank
account; .
Ssi"w-ick coimtv. Colorado. h:is more than
d".ubld in population in the last few years.
Climatic conditions are ideal. The wnle-iW-ike
proirressive farmer can make more
money here ami make it easier, than in east
ern Nebraska. ,
For fuM information write l.ealty Loan.
Insurance company. .Iulesburr. Colo. If'i-.t
Ifvouwant t consiTve your Investment
ami at the same time ilicrease your income
from farm or ranch property. Lincoln or Keith
county lands Ivin alonir the mam line of the
Fnion Pacific railroad will please you. Prices
on tbis land are ranirin- very low. less than
one-half what tbey should or will s.mii le so
far the advam-e has la-en steady, we look for
stiff raise soon. The soil Is a heavy, rich
black loam from .i to 5 feet deep: underlaid
with an excellent clay sul-soil :iree from nick,
alkali and bard p-m: ields easily to the plow
and Is well adapted to t he raising of com.irraln
and sto-k One tnan and team ran cultivate
at least twice as much arreaire as in eastern
Nebraska. Fall wheat and alfalfa do finely.
Tliere is no other section in the state where
you can m easily and cl eaply irrowsuch heal
thy ho"' ot a pauper in these counties, tax
ver lovv. climate unexi-elled. .Inst to set ac
quainted, three rare bargains JW acres six
miles from srood market, at' acres under p'ow.
all k.mmI farm land, the rrtnis prove it. tier
man settlement. Price for iiir sale.
livt acres : miles from irxxl railroad town, all
level and subject to cultivation, now in grass,
school house on corner. Price l.ii acres
all irood farm land, price sIsV.i. t ome and let,
us show vo l these lands, or write us for more
detailed information Pintsos . iii KTOx
3,;.4t Sutherland. Nebraska
Mr. Homeseeker:
If you want a farm where at least the first
two rroiis will pay for your land, buy a ticket
to tirant.
111. till" I 'OHIO .v v.... .j .
tnd see wtiat we have f:r you. jret in
with the actual conditions here and get
our pric-.
Our soli Is a deep ridi. niacK loam.
rlav subsoil and i al:i ,il d m t lie r ilsinir or
corn, wheat, oats, alfalfa, etc. No rorks. sand
or alkali.
plenty oi pure. sparKiui- anr
und an ideal c imate. The crops that are Im-
i ii-
raised from year to year in crmns -ou-
. 1,.. . ilnnii tit r:i t ti ill nf tlil ri:il
ty trive
f this land. While land i rapidly fcd-
t his ri'i
nrcsent prices are less ? nan one-na 1 1
t his real value. Mere are some snaps you will
Im unable to dti pilcate !' acres inree nines
from town, smooth, level land, every foot tili-
able at l
..HI per n i e. ................
.... . ...!.. 1... I
I'ount y se
:it. eviTy I'Mii oi ii iti- i iT-ei. i
.inn :il si, it acre: live ouariers an-
t iwnsiirht at s j..m per acre, w ill sell
v or all toirether. r arms au.ioininsr
lands are urtMjucin crojis that will net
the ful I price of the land this year. We have
may others, tioth larpe and small tracts, and
,-,.ri'.Hiiv !,;. ie v iu. Call arid s.-e or
write f
furtiiir in.crni.siiou i- wriM i..
rant. Nt ir;iska. ;s4l
Farm ai.d ranch lauds in Keith and Perskin
counties at rluht price.' V rite ii. W. Snider.
Oirullula. Nebraska. Itfi-Ut
For Sale Fifty ItuJTulo county farms Iim-mI-ed
In WimmI river valley known as the finest
alfalfa, grain and stork ;ountry In Nebraska.
Oinie. In vest Ik ite w Idle , the prices ure low.
Homes from 'i an acre up.
lilveruale. Nenr.
Lincoln county. Nebraska, hasten railroad
towns; North Platte Is county seat. populat ion
jth uJ miles of railroad, aliout hu more will
Im built. rltthl-of-way has Is-en purhased and
some construct Ion work has lieen done, popu
lation of county l.YUM. 1 15 M-hool districts with
4ii pupils. Principal crop IMO valued il.fjM.
uui. tlun per capita ; total property value flti. -Im
.(). .mmI farm land at IU to jli M-r acre;
iriod irraliiir land at :rto7 iieracre. tiood
Platte river valley lantl 'Ju to 40 ht crfu Op
portunltles for all. We are acquainted with
every section of land In this county and will
e triad to answer all correspondence prompt
ly. If you want to double your acreage and
income, come and see or write O. K. Klder.
lloiided Alistractor. MaTiaxer tiurantee Keal
ty company. North Platte. Nebraska.
A iren ii I ne snap for uhk sale. X?) acres. M
miles south of Sutherland, all level, ifood soil,
all buffalo (trass, as nice half setloii as there
Is In any county, unimproved. Price 10 per
acre. :i-St
Ite wise! Iluy land In Iluel county. Nebras
ka, where one ai-re of eastern laud will Jmy
flve'whlf h-wlll produce per aa-re. Justim-maiMi
corn, wheat, oats. rye. millet or alfalfa. Any
thing that rrows can lie produced In Ituel
county. We have the black, rich soli ; favor
able climate: abundance of rain fail and good
health kIvIiijc water This Is the place for you
to make a personal Investigation liefore you
locale or In vest . We only want you to look
for yourself . The Duel county proposition Is
one that is worth your time and attention for
It means money to you. Iluel countv land
can Im: had from 14 to Sis per acre. If you
want a home of your own or want an invest
ment that is irui' that will pay larire
dividends on the amount you have invested,
we have what you want. It matters not what
it Is. Improved and unlrnpr.ived farms and
ranches lM-atel on t he main line of the I'. P.
near Chappell. the county seat of Iluel coun
ty. Kcmemlier we refumf all expenses to buy
ers after they reach our office. Now. if you
want to make money and place it where you
are secured In every turn ami deal you make.
Ituel county Is the place for you. Itropusa
line and we will send you an i'lustrated iMMik
let free of charge, w hich will give you full In
formation as to Iluel county lands ami crops.
.1. K. SriHASTIAN. Manag r.
:'i-Jt Chappell. Nebraska
Notice of Probate of Will
ty. Nebraska.
In the matter of estate of Henry Spa ugler.
de "eased.
To A i.i. Pkksoxs Coxceuxkii:
You art hereby not itieil tliat a M-t it ion has
been tiled to probate a will pui iMii ting to l"
the last will of Henry Spangler. and for the
appointment of t lie executors named theiein.
There w ill Is- a hearing upon said s-tit ion at
my office in the city of Platlsiiioutli.Casscoiiii
ty. N'ebmska. at 10 o'clock a. in. on the 14th
lay of SeptemlK'r.limr.and ull objections theii
to must tie filed by said hour, and at said lime
such orders will 1m- made as are just and prop
er in the pivniiscs. IIaicvey l. Travis.
I ska i.I County . I udge.
I. t. Iwyer. Attorney.
Notice to Creditors
in tiikcoi nty conrr OF CASS COl'N
A ty. Nebraska.
In the mutter of the est ate of F.mcline Trupp.
A II creditors of said deceased will meet the
executors of said estate, liefore me. county
judgi-. in said court at Plat tsmout h in said
county and state on the t It day of Oetolier.
I '.n'T. 4th day of I lecemls r. t!K7 and 41 h day of
February. Ill's, at o'clock p. m.. each day. for
lh" purpose of present ing their claims for ex
amination, adjust ment and allowance.
Creditors have tint i I t he :ul day of February.
Imis. but not longer, in which to file claims in
this court against this estate.
hated at Play smoul h. Nebraska. August ".Vt.
l!H7. Harvey l. Thavis.
Iskai.I County . I udge.
Notice to Creditors
I n comity Court
Cass Count v
In the mutter of the estate of Harvey M.
1 ton nsa veil, deccasrfsl.
Not ice is heivby given that t he creditors of
said deceased will meet the administ rat or of
said estate, liefore me. county judge of Cass
county. Nebraska, at the county court room in
Pluttsinoutli. in said county, on t lie Ist day of
Sept ember. l'.'i'7. and on t he lst day of M arch.
I'.Ms. at Ii' o'clock a. in.. each day. for the pur
pose of present ing t ieir claims for examina
tion, adjust mcnt and allowance.
Six mom lis are allowed for the creditors of
said deceased to present their claims, and one
year for t he administ rat or to. set t le said estate,
from ihesib day of August. PH'7.
Witness m.v hand and seal of said county
court, at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, tblssth day
of August. 1!7. IIaiivkv 1. TltAVIS.
Iskai.I County Judge.
Notice of Administration.
In the County Court of Cass County. Ne
braska. In the matter of the estate of IJachtl Froh
lich. decreased.
AM persons interested in said estate are
hereby notified, that a petition has been filed
in said court, alleging that said deceased died
leaving no last will and testament, and pray
ing for administration upon her estate.
A hearing will be had upon said petition on
theistli day of September. A. I. l!o7. at the
county court room at Plattsmout h. Nebraska,
at lo o'clock a. m. and that all persons having
anv protest or objection lo such petition, will
be heard at that time, otherwise the court
may grant said petition, and grant adminis
tration of said estate to Paul Frohllch.orsome
other suitable jierson. ami proceed to a suita
ble settlement thereof.
Witness mv hand and the seai of said court
at Plaitsiuo'uth. Nebraska, this loth day of
Septcmlier. A. I. l'.o7.
sK.ti.i Harvey 1. Travis.
H. o. Dwyer. County Judge.
Notice of Incorporation.
Notice is hereby given that a corporation
lias been formed as follows:
1. The name of the corporation is the "S-F
Stock Co."
2. The principal place of business is in the
city of Plattsmouth. Neb.
X The business is for the raising, buying
and selling of live stM-k. and for the buy ing.
selling, mortgaging and leasingof real estate,
rights and all kinds of property necessary or
used in connection with said business
4. Theaniountof authorized capital stocK
is TlllMMU l. divided into shares of 1U0 each,
none to lie issued until fully paid. 4o percent
must tie subscrilied and paid Wfore the above
shall commence business. The commence
ment of the corporation will Im? October I. l!o7
ami continue for a period of twenty rive (2)
fi. 'I"he highest amountof Indebtedness per
mitted is four-fifths (4-5) of the amount of
capital st jrk issued.
i;. The affairs of the corporation sh.ill lie
conducted by a lioartl of directors who shall
elect a president, vice-president, secretary
and treasury, and provide for such other em
ployes as may Im- necessary.
In witness whereof, we. the undersigned in
corporators, have hereunto set our bauds t his
7th day of SepteinU-r. A. l. 1WC.
Frank K. Schlater .
Fd Fitzgerald
James A. Fitzgerald
S- K StM"k Co. by
Kd Fi.gerald
skai.1 its President.
Attest: Frank K. Schlater.
4t Secretary.
Had Tetter for Thirty Years.
I have had tetter for thirty years and
have tried almost countless remedies
with little, if any, relief. Three boxes
of Chamberlain's Salve cured me. It
was a torture. It breaks out a little at
times, but nothing to what it used to
do. I). II. Deach. Midland City, Ala.
Chamberlain's salve is for sale by F.
G. Frickey and A. T. Huld. x
to death.
'Just Kids' will tickle you
(Stuff rorresiKindcnt. Omaha lice)
Lincoln, Sept., 11. In the fight be
tween the State Railway commission
and the allied raiiroads, precipitated by
the action of these corporations in se
curing a temporary restraining order
against the commission to prevnt it
from making a grain rate, the commiss
ion is considering two modes of pro
cedure. First, the starting of a multi
plicity of hearings on rates on com
modities other than grain, and, second,
the arrest of railroad officials for every
infraction of the commission law,
whether grave or trifling. And it may
do both.
TheununuisiQn.may,order.the arrest
of George W. Holdrege, general man
ager of the Burlington, because chair
man Winnett and Commissioner Clark
say the Burlington pass list is not com
plete, though made under oath; they
claim also that the Burlington west of
Grand Island is not complying with the
Aldrich 15 per cent reduction bill,
passed by the recent legislature, and
that it has not yet filled its schedule
showing this reduction on lumber and
grain west of Grand Island.
The commission has evidence of four
teen passes issued by the Burlington
road in Nebraska that were not included
in what purported to be true list fur
nished by the road. The law provides
a heavy penalty. The filing of a false
statement under oath may also be con
strued as perjury."
Governor Sheldon and Senator Aldrich
who have been retained as special coun
sel for the commission, favor starting a
multiplicity of hearings on other than
grain rates. The commission desires
some time to get its present hearings
ended before doing this. Governor
Sheldon said today:
May as Well Be Busy
"If the railroads intend to go into
court and secure an injunction against
the commission every time it promul
gates an order or begins a hearing,
they may just as well be kept busy.
Should the commission announce a
hearing, one day on a certain commod
ity, a hearing the next day on another
commodity until the rate on every com
modity or class has been heard and
it has been enjoined on each hearing,
one remedy is left. I call an extra ses
sion of the legislature and the railroads
may be compelled to comply with the
law making a reduction of 25 per cent
on all classes of freight. The railroads
have no right to enjoin the commission
without first having put in testimony
and the case has been heard. They are
not fair and have shown no disposition
to be fair. ' '
The action of the railroads in secur
ing an iujunction with the commission
was merely taking evinence on the just
ness of a rate, according to Chairman
Winnett and Commissioner Clark, justi
fies their position taken some time ago
in the matter of trying out the consti
tutionality of the Sibley express law.
Had they attempted to enforce that
law or to arrest anyone under its pro
visions they say the result would have
been the same as that in the grain
Incidentally, the commisson may file
complaints against all the roads except
the Union Pacific and the Northwestern
for failing to file a list of their pass
holders prior to September 10, the date
fixed by law when this information
shall be filed with the commission. The
two roads mentioned are the only ones
having complied with the law "in that
Senator Aldrich again expressed his
confidence in the ability of the com
mission to win out in the injunction snit
by reason of the notice, which he, as
representative of the commission, served
on the railroad companies and made a
part of the records of the com mission.
How to Avoid Appendicitis.
Most victims of appendicitis are those
who are habitually constipated. Orino
Lnxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic
constipation by stimulating the liver
and bowels, and restores the natural
action of the bowels. Orino .Laxative
Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe
and is mild and pleasant to take. Re
fuse substitutes. F. G. Fricke & Co.
ana Lqiq,
There is a remedy over sixty
years old Ayer's Cherry
i Tnrtrrii OF rnttrse vmt hflVP
b" heard of it, probably have used
Sit. Once in the family, it stays;
the 6ne household remedy for
g coughs and hard colds on the
chest. Ask yourdoctoraboutit. 1
S The hezt liin'i ct a testimonial 9
jf " Sold for o-.-er Bity years." fi
j: 2t--.'rs v- T. f? A;-r fo.. I,-wt:n. Hess. 3
K 4 .'..-'I i:nrm!'acturer& of B
ij . :-.??VrA.n::iu. H
I A J&ij '-... O- ::.'.::: vices.
S Wf ?r In! V.'e 3Mib:s!a
Aye? s Pil.i ..'C!j';u t.c activivv of
th-s, i: recovery.
ARIOSA comes in
one pound packages
,3g' only, sealed for your
protection to insure your
"t getting the genuine old
r fashioned Arbuckles
ARIOSA Coffee everytime.
Be real angry if they send you
a substitute, which is not as good
and may in time ruin 'your
digestion and nerves.
Complin with all rcquirnrou of the National Puie
FoodLaw.GuaryleeNo. 204 1 . fcled at Wtli,
Oxfords Men's
Ilavr- sl y ir and litace a
pleiit.v mm , i i l-x-peii"""
to frvice. Take
our$.:V0 a n.1 $4 (don't
pav $". us wiling) Ox
fnrns fur ins nur.f. T"v elintf lo
yniiranklnrtN i umiii vi.ur luii wa.s
mou'Oi-i) in no in. W'n iiaic Horn
in 'at fnl. ii" Hid M"iiak Ca'f,
on Gnri.'vs i i-f a nit ing L:its.
iiihi' irseis tiiinlrt
-- on' IK ti'! () Hurt
We're "IT" on
Children's Slippers
-J i
if you are to busy to come yourself.
But the importance of keeping a check
account in a safe bank cannot be over
estimated. Our methods are conserva
tive and vour money is safe with us.
Bank Safe Denosit Boxes to rent for a
very reasonable charge per year.
Recovering Nicely.
A.' W. McGowen, who visited here :
some two weeks ago and went from
here to Kansas City to have a surgical ;
operation performed, is now recovering i
nicely from the operation. He writes :
W. D. Jones that he is almost ready to I
leave the hospital, as the stitches which '
were necessary to close the wound, have :
been removed. While no one here knew j
that he had to undergo an operation, all j
his friends will be pleased to learn that ;
he is progressing nicely.
She was There to Stay
There is trouble in the Murdock !
schools because the outgoing school j
board elected a teacher for the coming
year and the new board elected another
for the same place. When school com- !
menced, the teacher, Miss Neitzel, J
elected by the old board, was on hand j
promptly, and refused to be ousted, but
opened school and commenced work. ;
There was a hot time, and finally a
Wabash officer was saught to compel
her to leave but up to the present time :
Miss Neitzel holds the fort, and it is :
said that the old board acted on a nil- ;
ing made some time previous, that '
hereafter, owing to the scarcity of tea- 1
chers after the new board was elected, j
the old board should elect a teacher be- j
fore they retired from office. WeepingJ
Water Herald. 1
Fall EuiUY
Lets get together for Mutual Benefit.
Yours for Business.
KRAFT Clothing Co.
Many Opportunities to Hake Honey!
Trading on Chicago Board of Trade the
heaviest for several years.
If you are interested in these markets
we would be pleased to keep you in
formed as to prices, etc.
If you wish to place an order to buy or
sell we want your businessand guar
antee you the best service possible
to obtain.
'DlinftirC- ' I'luttsmoutli 4l
rnUtltO. ( ,.,t aska 41.
The Best of Goods at Fair
For something appropriate in
Anniversary Presents we
Our Si I
is unique in pattern ami uesin
A a. J j-
We are showing some fine Diamonds in both single settings and
combination with Genuine Rubies.
V Constipation, Kidney Troubles, V
Stomach Trouble, Rheumatism, V
V Indigestion, Nervous Trouble V
J Gastritis, and JJ
Liver Troubles.
A trial will convince you that this is the most helpful 0
V Natural Mineral Water on the market Pleasant to take V
J? Odorless. X
)Sk ternational Exposition, 1904.
Piattsmouth, Nebraska.
to ku it your ideas
to fit your form
with ntyle and dura-
We enter into our l'Jth sea
son with Alferd itenjarnan &
Kirschhaum Clothiers fur men
with a very attractive line of
woolenB and with a firmer con
fidence born by our experience
that we can (it and please you.
Our great buying ability en
ables us to save you from
$2. to $5, per suit
and when it comes to showing
points of merit, we can show
workmanship nrt seen in any
product sold in Cass county.
Can we prove this to you?
COATES BLOCK, Piattsmouth, Neb.
Prices are what are most desired.
the line of Birthday, Wedding or any
have a line that is Unsurpassed.
vet-wear k
anu surprising in quality and price.
1 1 A 1 a
The Jeweler.
Loss nf Annetitp. f
awarded at the St. Louis In
I ! '
i f
1 11
1 - l,Vl'w'1