The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 29, 1907, Image 8

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The County
W MM Ckiiftral lataract ValaHa4
From the Led iter.
Jack Chalfant departed Tuesday
evening on a trip to Belle Fourche,
South Dakota.
Misa Leona Sans returned Friday to
her home in Rock Bluffs, after several
days visit with relatives in this village.
Mri. W. E. Stanton was taken ill
while attendinding the teachers' insti
tute t Elmwood last week, but since
being brought home she has been im
proving. Edward Grimes and wife arrived from
St. Louis Tuesday, having been notified
of the serious condition of Ed's mother
who has been very ill for some time.
Miss Jennie Craig ,of Ashland, for
merly a teacher in the Union schools,
arrived last Saturday night to mak a
visit with friends and to attend the old
settlers reunion.
Mrs. W. B. Banning and son, Hollis
departed Wednesday morning for Du
buque, Iowa, where she will make a i
visit with friends. W. B. accompanied
them a far as Omaha. j
Grandma Applegate arrived home
Monday from Vallisca, Iowa, where she
has been visiting the past several weeks
with relatives. She was accompanied
home by Delia Moore, who will spend
some time visiting with relatives.
Lee Applegate and daughter, Clee
arrived home last Friday night from
the Pacific coast, where they have been
for the past few months In hopes of
benefitting Mr. Applegate's health. He
reports a most pleasant trip and his
health is much improved, and Clee
thinks it a great country but not quite
as good as Nebraska.
But Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy Cured Him
It is with pleasure that I give you this
unsolicited testimonial. About a year
ago when I had a severe case of measles
I got caught in a hard rain and the mea
sles settled in my stomach and bowels.
I had an awful time and had it not been
for the nse of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy I could not
have possibly lived but a few houis long
er, but thanks to this remedy I am now
strong and well. I have written the
above thaough simple gratitude and I
shall always spead a good word for it.
Sam II. Gwi.n', Concord, Ga. For sale
. by F. G. Fricke & Co. and A. T. Fried.
From the Courier.
John Baker and wife came in from
Denver Thursday for a few days visit
with the home folks.
Albert Shelhorn was over from his
farm near Elmwood Tuesday visiting
with his old time friends.
John Schlater. jr., returned from
Omaha Monday, where he underwent
fe. successful operation for appendicitis.
C. G. llayfield left Tuesday for
Oklahoma to visit with his son. He ex
pects to pay a visit to the Lone Star
state before he returns.
Miss Kreiter, head clerk, and Miss
Rathburn. cashier at Diers Bros. &
Co.'s store, left Thursday for Iowa
where they will spend their vacation.
Miss Anna Goehry in company with
two other young ladies drove down to
Murdock last Tuesday. On the way
one of the young ladies had the mis
fortune to lose her pocket book con
taining $10. If the finder of same will
leave it at the Courier office it will be
returned to the owner.
'I wrote you for advice, "writes Lelia Hagood,
of Sylvia, Term., "about my terrible backache and
monthly pains in my abdomen and shoulders. I
had suffered this way nine years and five doctors
had failed to relieve me. On youradvice I aook
Wine of Cardui, which at once relieved my pains
and now I am entirely cured. I am sure that
Cardui saved my life."
It is a safe and reliable remedy for all female
diseases, such as peri
odical pains, irregulari
ty, dragging down sen
sations, headache, diz-
ziness, backache, etc.
At Every Drug Store in
iff i ri l. "
of l&Mil
fraai tfca ' Cnlnata Pmitanaarariaa
iibp m v v vvhihii i
Mrs. E. Palmer and son, Arthur re
turned Tuesday from California. Mrs.
Palmer has spent several months on
the coast and the change of climate has
greatly improved her health. Arthur
recieved his discharge from the navy a
few months ago, but remained there
until his mother was ready to return.
The change of climate was also bene
ficial to Arthur and he has developed
from a pale faced boy into a robust
and healthy young man, but he says he
wants no more soldiering in his. Their
many friends join in welcoming them
For the good of those suffering with
eczema or other such trouble, I wish to
say, my wife had something of that
kind and aster using the doctors' reme
pies for some time concluded to try
Chamberlain's Salve, and it proved to
be better than anything she has tried.
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. and A.
T. Fried.
From the Leader-Echo.
A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Groves, Tuesday, August 20th.
The three-year-old son of J. B. Suth
erland is dangerously ill with dysentery.
A. B. Dickson, Howard Capwell,
Harry Williams, Ferdinand Rosenow
and Albert Thiel left Monday for South
Dakota to look at land.
Mrs. J. G. Stark is very sick, with
all the indications of a run of typhoid
fever. Miss Clarke a trained nurse
from Lincoln, is caring for her.
Misses Helen and lone Dovey, and
Miss Vesta Eaton, of Plattsmouth, and
Miss Getrude Greene, of Alliance, were
the guests of the Deles Dernier sisters
during the chautauqua.
Mrs. J. C. White, who has been dan
gerously ill for the past two weeks
with heart disease, was reported a little
better yesterday. A nurse was pro
cured last week to assist in caring for
John Oehlerking left Sunday for Lin
coln Park near Vermillion, Ohio, to
attend the convention of Y. P. A., of
the German Evangelical Association.
From there he goes to Cleveland,
Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and other points
of interest, before returning to college
at Naperville, 111.
One of Fred Bauer's horses run a nail
into one of its hind feet Wednesday
afternoon, and when Fred discovered
the nail he got a claw hammer and
pulled the nail out. The horse imme
diately repaid Fred for his kindness by
kicking him, breaking his left leg below
the knee. Dr. Munger was called and
reduced the fracture.
Dyspepsia is our national ailment.
Burdodk Blood Bitters is the national
cure for it. It strengthens stomach
membranes, promotes flow of digestive
juices, purifies the blood, builds you up.
(From the Register.)
The stork paid a visit to the home of
G. W. Ford on the 15th inst. A 10 lb.
girl is the result. Mother and babe
doing nicely.
Mrs. John Kuhney came down from
Plattsmouth Sunday evening to look
over the town and visit with her hus
band. She was accompanied by John's
pet, little Miss Ida.
Last week we made mention of the
83rd birthday of Mr. McBride. We
were wrong he was 85. Grandpa sent
Write us a letter describing all
your symptoms, and e will send you
Free Advice, in plain sealed envelope.
Address: Ladies' Advisory Department,
The Chattanooga MeJirine Co., Chatta
nooga. Tenn. J13
$1.00 bottles. Try it.
fi. - i, -
us word that he wanted it corrected
he does not want to be classed with the
At a party given, last week by Mrs.
Rosa Ehlers, the announcement of the
engagement of her sister Miss Dena
Nutzman and John Ruhge was made
public. The wedding will occur Sep
tember 4th.
Prof. Rost, the new principal of the
school came in Monday to look over
ground and secure a boarding place. He
Jeft on the evening train, but will re
turn about the first of September to
take up the work in earnest.
Three kegs and five cases of beer was
the sum total received here last Satur
day night, but this is such an improve
ment over the way it came in whi it
could be sent in C. O. D. that we think
we are making some little improve
ment. Mrs. Lottie Pollard-Shotwell came
home for a visit with her parents on
Tuesday evening. She expects to re
main nntil after the Nehawka Fair.
She expresses herself as delighted with
Seattle and that she has a beautiful
home. Her friends will see to it that
she stays the full time limit, four weeks
and six days.
Remedy for Diarrhoea Never Known
to Fall
"I want to say a few words for Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrrhoea
Remedy. I have used this preparation
in my family for the past five years and
have recommended it to a number of
people in York county and have never
known it to fail to effect a core in any
instance. I feel that I can not say too
much for the best remedy of the kind in
the world." S.Jemison, Spring Grove,
York county, Pa. This remedy is for
sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. and A. T.
Dr. T. P. Livingston is Made
Head Physician West of
the Missouri River
Dr. T. P. Livlngtson, who has been
with the Burlington at this place for
many years, and one of the chief medi
cal advisers of the lines west, has been
appointed head physician and surgeon
for the Burlington lines west of the
Missouri. This is a promotion of a
worthy person. Dr. Livingston has
lived in this city since childhood and is
well equippped by reason of experience
and skill for the position to which he
has been appointed.
Senator Root Answers Ques
tions Propoundedby Food
So many letters have been received
by Food Commissioner Johnson from
liquor firms, claiming the new pure
food and drug law will work injury to
them and requesting lenient treatment
in its interpretation, that the food com
missioner in order to feel assured of the
ground he has taken for strict enforce
ment of the statute, wrote to State
Senator Jesse L. Root of Cass county,
asking him as to the intent of the legls
ture regarding certain sections, says
the Lincoln News. Senator Root has
sent this reply to the inquiry:
"Dear Sir: Your favor of the 2 d
inst. at hand. You are in accord with
my understanding of the pure food law.
Retailers were exempted from stating
the net weight, etc., on packages not
only because the consumer might watch
the weighing, but because purchases
are frequently gauged by value, as a
dimes worth, a quarter, etc., and be
cause the packages are often small,
made up in haste and a regulation re
quiring the branding of the package
would be such an interference with busi
ness that the court might not uphold.
"On the other hand the package
goods and liquors put up by manufac
turers are prepared with deliberation, in
containers uniform in capacity, and
under such circumstances that the manu
facturer can unerringly state the con
tents as to weight or quality. It will be
but little trouble and trifling expense
for him to apprise the purchaser what
he is buying. The requirement as to
par cent of alcohol is imperative.
"In my judgment Nebraska's maiket
holds forth sufficient inducement to
manufacturers and jobbers to compel a
compliance with the pure food law if
they know they must do so. The pur
veyors to the people ought not to ob
ject to honesty and fairness, and that
is all the law aims at in the particulars
Cut Your Weeds
It would be well for some of the resi
dents along the principal streets especial
ly, to have their weeds cut before La
bor day. A large number of strangers will
will be here that day and the procession
may pass right by your place. You would
not want Governor Sheldon and the other
speakers to note your carelessness
would you?
If You Hive, the Statement of this Woman
Will Interest You
Ever have a "low down" pain in the
back? In the "small," right over the
hips? That's the home of backache.
It's caused by sick kidneys. That's
why Doan's Kidney Pills cure it. Platts
mouth people endorse this. Read a case
of it.
Mrs. Joseph H. Smith, living at cor
ner of Second and Diamond streets,
Wintersteen Hill, Plattsmouth, Neb.,
says : ' 'Owing to a derangement of the
kidneys I have suffered a great deal for
years from pain in the small of the back.
1 was troubled the most when on my
feet or from any over exertion. Difficul
ty with the secretions annoyed me and
especially at night when my rest would
be disturbed. My husband had his at
tention called to Doan's Kidney Pills
and brought home a box for me from
Gering & Co., drug store. I used them
according to directions and their use did
me an infinite amount of good. The
pain was relieved Bnd there was much
improvement genenerally. I pronounce
Doan's Kidney Pills a most excellent
kidney remedy."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50c.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
This is Almost True of the Big
Sale Now Being Con
ducted by M. Fanger
We know the above question is true,
but will you buy good goods at almost
nothing? This is exactly as things exist
during the remaining days of closing
out the E. A. Wurl stock of goods by
M. Fanger on lower Main street. Every
thing must be sold and this week too,
as the attention of Mr. Fanger must be
directed to the fall business at the De
partment store. He departs for the
east, to buy fall goods, the forepart of
next week, and this stock must be dis
posed of before that time, and such
prices will be made as to close out every
article before that time.
We are going to offer you a genuine
bargain in corsets. While they last,
every corset sold by Mr. Wurl at 50c,
$1 and $1.50, will be given to you, your
choice for 25c.
In the hosery line, many good things
remain, and all will be placed in one lot
and offered you, your choice for 10c.
These prices apply to both ladies and
men's hose and gent's socks. These
articles will not remain long at this
We still have many bargains in laces
and embroideries, also ladies', men's,
children's winter underwear that will
be sold at your own price. It will only
be a short time until you will be forced
to purchase winter underwear, so why
not take advantage of this offer, and
buy now. We have the goods and they
must be sold this week.
It makes no difference to us whether
or not you have the money, if your
credit is good it will be good here, but
we want to dispose of this stock, and it
is going to be sold. Make it a point
to call and see the amount of goods a
dollar will buy here.
We still have a few pieces of fine
worsted dress goods, some not damaged
at all, that you can buy at your own
You can have your choice; the goods
will be sold at private sale or at auction.
Call early and you can have your choice
of the goods at the price you wish to
Headquarters for Phonographs
Remember the headquarters for all
kinds of phonographs, records, etc., is
in the Riley hotel block. Everything
in the line of up-to-date machines and
other articles pertaining thereto. Mr.
VanHorn has everything in the phono
graph line, and he proposes to supply
the people who desire such music with
all the latest records as cheap as they
can be puchased anywhere on earth.
Don't buy anything in this line until
you have visited the phonograph heac 5
quarters in the Riley hotel block. "
Out With It Who Were They?
The Palmyra Items says: "Sunday
five young people, two boys and
three girls, were swinging on a rope
that hung ever a creek in the
chautauqua grounds at Elmwood. Just
as the swing was over the middle of the
creek the rope broke letting the occu
pants fall about ten feet into the
stream. All received more or less of a
ducking, and as they were in a strange
town, they had to spend the rest of the
day in wet duds." It is hinted that
one or two of them lives in the vicinity
of Plattsmouth, but the Journal don't
beleave it. '
Are you making arrangements to at
tend the celebration next Monday?
The Best of Goods at Fa
f l. : : l.
4 Anniversary Presents we
Out Si
4 is unique in pattern and design a
8 CC3ABQLlL,!he Jewotor;
we are snowing some nne uiamonas in win bik,c '"""S" "
P combination with Genuine Rubies.
Buy Your School Supplies!
Better Gocds for Same" Money
Same Gocds for Less Money
6x8 Noiseless Slate 10c
Pencil Boz Containing:
1 Rubber Tip Led Pencil.. ) f"
1 Pen and Pen Holder 1P
1 Flag Slate Pencil ( tJll
1 12-inch Ruler )
Leatherette Composition Book, I ft
containing 80 pages luu
Tablets 1 to 10c
Spelling Tablets 5 to 10c
Gocd School Knives 5 and 10c
Bov's Knee Pants Suit, $1.50,
$1.75 and $2 00
See them before buying.
Corduroy Knee Pants a good
one 50
Others as Low as 25
The Variety Store
Always the Cheapest.
Any skin itching is a temper-tester
Tne more you scratch the worse it itches'
Doan's Ointment cures piles, eczema
any skin itching. At all drug stores. .
The Republican Muddle
A special from Lincoln, in speaking
of the republican contest for the nomi
nation for supreme judge, says: "Con
servative republicans are expressing
fear regarding the outcome of the elec
tion this year because of the bitter fight
that has broken out in the primary con
test. Charges have been made against
both candidates, so that the democrats
will have plenty of material for the elec
tion campaign, no matter which candi
date is successful in the primary. The
supporters of Judge Sedgwick are ap
parently confident of victory, and the
same may be said of the men who are
working for Reese. The wordy warfare
between F. H. Abbott and Roscoe Pound
has only helped to make the two wings
of the party more bitter toward each
other. Republicans may be found in
Lincoln who predict victory for the dem
ocratic ticket this fall, because of the
charges that have been made against
the republican candidates."
Regulets the bowels, promotes easy,
natural movements, cures constipation
Doan's Regulets. Ask your druggist
for them. 25c a box.
Kodak Way
Makes Photography Easy
Come in and let us
You can have the benefit of our exper
ience in selecting- a kodak for ordinary
or special work. We have sorrie manu
als on developing Velox. Also, seed's.
"The art of negative making," which
are distributed GRATIS.
ir Prices are what are most desired.
a line that is Unsurpassed.
nd surprising in quality and price.
Oxfords Men's
Have style and grace a
plenty aDd at no ex
pense to service. Take
our $.350 aDd $4 (don't
pay $5, Its wrong) Ox
fords for instance. Tuey cling to
your ankle as though your foot was
moulded in them. We have them
in Patent, Gun and Mobawk Calf,
on Conservative and Swing Lasts.
Smart Dressers shuold
see our BOSTON and
We're "IT" on
CKlldren's Slippers
it's a -Hiii f coal satisfact Ion. Want
to hear trie miiMu in your kitchen?
Easy order coal from this ollice and
yard. The output of the Trenton
mine the fuel we handle has no su
perior anywhere, its equal In few
I'latismouth No..
Bell No. 31.
show vou some of the