LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Final Notice. Tr'-t No. m'ni. 1 ii t In illsi rl-l ourt f 'us minly, N In iiska. t'l. m t V..I.i..L . ll.. 1..1 itr VH. TliM'-ral ian--ltof laml ln-nlnuf l-r li-s-illi- J all i riii- ami i-m mi ut Ions having r -:tliiiliik' tllli- to. or any int-rrst rlt'lil or 'laliii Imir to hik'Ii ari'a-ls of if a I -state, or uny part thcn-uf. I h fiiilanls. To unknown owti-rs. luimaiits ami IiIii-IikWI--rs of lot. '.Tx, In tin village of tiiMiicil, i 'on nl y of 'ass fount y. .Ni-lr:isUa: Not Is lu-rt'liy iivt-n I liat iiimI.t a I-i-ii-- of t Uf ills! rll roil rt of snlil rounty n-iiinl In tin- slat- tax suit for tin- y-ar I'.rn. tin- follow tnir l's)'rilx- rvnl -st ai-sil uati-in t In ronnly of 'ass a n I -.1 nt of Net -rusk a. to-wit : I-ot "V". in I Ik- villa of i rt-ciiw-m mI, 'ass i'oiiiiI y. Ni'lr. was on t In- 1M Ii ilay of No-wmlM-r. I'.. duly solil at imlilii v-nlu li.v tin t In- fount y I n-asiiitr of s:tll fount y in t li inan-lu-r prov !!- I ly law ami t In-i" i I' "1 "f rl'iii tioii fiuin siifli sail-u ill -ilt- on t tn-!M Ii day of Novi iiitxT. I'.mT. Vnu ai fuii Imt iinlitiiil that the uh hit of I lie i-rt itii-alc of I a x a l-Issik-iI ly 1 1 tn-as-iht w ill make aiilif hi ion lo i In- foiirt in 1 1 ;l I . -iii Ii !! f nus for onli rmai ion of sail al' as s4Niii as prai't i':tll aflcr 1 1 imtmhI of il'iiiM iii .ias lrrf-. anil ,ou an lirKy I ml Hm i thai I hi- I inn- ami lai- of I In- heal iiur ii (n hi su-li ii i In Ion u ill In.- -iiiTvl in tin - i ) Ii 1 1 1 1 a I ion iii'ukI kft li.V tin' il ik rif saiii niirl mi U'fiin' llii- mh iy of No finlM-r. I'C Ynu v III f aniiii-saiii I'liiilii-tiial ion iff onl t asa'i-i't ain t In- turn- of saiil lu ai liu.' nil may ! ihi m iiI. If j nu mi ili slri'. to make any ol I i ins I l sin nv f :ills- ll V the s:e -hoill'l not i iiiii ineii. ii . i . i" i:m i;i.i:. n 'la rk. At I y. ' v. m-r of 'TI i'.'n-n'i-. U UULa LziLsUVU UU KJKJXZJ chautauqua; i First One and Ever Held in Gass County, guaranteed Success. THEY HAVE A BEAUTIFUL PARK In Which to Hold Same and Many Very Inter . c sting Attractions. Legal Noti; -i ate . f Ni-I.ra-Ua ' I Ulllt '.' IlKt ' on nl of 'ass To all ;i s(,iis lute n-xieil in I'll- estMe of Cen laitiiti l.'aittianl. Ia;e of . i I foiiitly. i!e- 'itM'll. Vim are lien lK ii. it it. . l that on tin- .'Isl ilay f .dine A. I . I'.i'i. Ix.uis Kaiiiiaiil tiled his !et ii t it! in I he - hi ul y unit for I he iji'xiiiit -iiieiit of I a i'l .1. I'ltitiati. as 'utminisl talor of tin- siiin-of ISen.iaiiiiu Kainiaiil. late of saiil Mill I y tlefeaseil. mill thai the Mlll'i' Will In- hearil al theroiiuty eourt i-iniiii in thefilyof I'lai Is: i n H 1 1 h. in sail I fount y. oioi he i::t Ii ii:i. of .1 illy A. I . I " :. at I he li.iiir of In o lo-k A. M. All pail i s tnieresieil tn sa'ul uialter .(ill fill' t hel r oli jft ii hi to .sall ixlilion on of iN-fun-mm- oil. nk A. M. of sail I i:;t h ilay of .1 ul.v I!"1.". if I lie i'iiiii I ill iri ant I he prayer of saiil h-i i t Ion ami t.'i ant leiiers of aiimiiiisl rai ion to laiil.l. I'll man. or some ot lier siiitahle hi son anil proreeil to a settlement of saiil estate IIuvkv l. 'I'm vis. y. A reher. 'onnly .1 mlire. Atlolliey. "Itellol till' l!'M l. V. in nit I i.e !iev is t lit (1. Nnf .l i t lite last In lai ! I:e i 1! as'nle." j ("hautati'iuas have orne to siny. and I it is an intt-n stin f;u-t that more than j .'!: wen- cnn'luited !.-:st year in the' United States, and Jill t tided Iy more ; than 4,(mhi,XI; j:eo;i!e. Fn tliis a.ernost, peojile f every clur-.s re.faniless tifpio- fession or location, helicvetiiat they re ! entitletj to a peritnl of recrt ;;tioi. While REAL ESTATE Classified V IJ SA I.K - Is I arres well improxej. only ?."7.."i" per :t'-re. j miles line west of l'eresi-o. ;iiihIit i i ii nty. N-l. :l V.M. A ICNOI.I.. I'retliout. Nil'. 1 tine llu tt ,i Ii ion ii I y farms for sale: also K ietli i-ouiity hiiul :i from n to per acn- Write us for list. C aiciim; A Nii iioi.s. ;:t Ke:.riii-y. .Ni l. I'Ul: S.M.K P't aeres Co! fax founl y. I.iikI. all tlllahle. small irrass pasture m ar huiul iiil's. timst of lii.i. -k loam soil; I mprovetuent s pr:iftif:illy all new. aeres of I'latle Valley Intnl. Paiaitfe gently rotiiii-. All fein-e.l. Close i. i jixNi markets. Kural ilelivery. Nelir iska teleplione in house. looi li i'li iHirliixiii U ill make a tine home uml fan lie hail at a riviit priee. For full partieulars write A. .1. liliitll. Kojrer.s. Ncli. 4 5 'X "'- :fis lit : 'v iv ' 'J " t i - . " : '. - ' - ' f. r !'""- . : - ,.-.' H." - : '--ly -V-.-. . ' --.-.' s-: -.s- - ,-:: .Ilii'Vim I 1 J - -2 ..I -n i --i OPIE READ. SENATOR JOHN P DOLL1VER. I weave the magic spell that holds his hearers enthriiled. Cine minute you j roar with laughter, the next you are j staring at the speaker through hot, i Minding tears only t break into fresh screams of laughter again. On Satur- day, August 17, the attendants will i have the pleasure of hearing J. Adam i Uede, the celebrated humorous con gressman form Minnesota. Congress j man Uede is in the same class as Cor ! gressman Champ Clark, of Missouri, ; and it is said that when they are both to speak on the same day. the congres- sional doorkeepers are kept on the out side to keep the surging crowds hack. that will add to the comfort of those who attend. The Journal will again invite the peo ple of Plattsmouth to attend the Elm wood chautauqua. Elmwtxxl is one of Cass county's best towns, and we should all be interested in making the first un dertaking of this character ever held in the county, a grand success. The citi zens of that town have the grit and and energy to try such a venture, where other towns in the county have not, and it is the sincere wish of this paper that our people will attend in large numbers, and assist in making it a success, soci ally beneficially and financially. deatiFofj7h7 VVflLLINGER He Passed Away Last flight at St. Joseph's Hospital in Omaha At the St. Joseph hospital at Omaha last night, near the hour of twelve, J. II. Wallinger passed away, not recover ing from an operation which had been performed some time ago for appen dicitis. The wound which was made for the relief of the disease above men tioned had almost healed, but other complications had set in and his con dition has heen very serious for the past few days. For some time he has been troubled with appendicitis and at last he submitted to an operation in the hopes that he might be cured, which seemed probable had not the complica tions set in, resulted, in his death. His wife was at his side when he passed away. John Wallinger leaves a wife and three small boys, the oldest about thirteen years old, to mourn his un timely death. Besides those, he has two brothers and one sister, George Wallinger, living west of town; Albert Wallinger living at Elm wood, this county, and Mrs. A. A. Schafer, at Pocasset, Indian Territory. No definite arrangements for the funeral will be made until word is received from his sister, Mrs. Schaefer, who resides at Pocasset. The remains will .he brought home this evening by way of Cedar Creek. XjI acres Platte Valley laml. well itnprovt-il. all iimler plow, all liottotii. alf ilfa laml. finest farm in I Su Ii all fount y. ; miles front kenrney Kailroail sw iieli at laml. I 'rif e for ipiifk s:le. ;mt aere. i. W. Wiiitkakik. it Kearney. !S-h. DO YOU WANT IT illil a. res luir.-tlo founty itiinl. i'0 acres in Vil liiver alley : Ml aeres rollinir: !'.' acres ulsalfa: :si acres i ier ;!ow: 1 acres prairie meailow ami hatnitce in pasture; plenty of t itnlier ami riitiniu water, liimd eiirln room house. iTt nut liarn :unl other out luiildins. i wells wttli miils: all fenced ami cross fenced. ne-half mile to m-I.ooI. ami two miles to rail road town, liooil location and tine m ihlior hood. Prii-eiia per acre : li'.li"! cash, balance terms to suit. Come and sis-. II. .1. Nkau Im.v .'fcni. Kearney. N !. il Valley Lands for Sale 3Ti acres eiirht miles from Ord. Ni li.. well improved: price I4.iK. Xi acres eiirht miles from ord. well improved: price s's.ttmi. pki acres three mites from Ord. ;ood house and harn. 10 acres in liinlier. liv acres under plow. 4ii acres pasture, w ith riinuiii water on farm. I'rice '.'n". rxi acres -join city limits, price ?.'mK. I.ihmI pasture lands at s. to sju M-r acre. Valley county is the best farmim; count v mi the Imp Valley, for information address. M t'TT V Itl.KSstxi;. 41 rd. Ned. 'I'll t: W . K. I.K.TT Kt .ll.TV Co.. Kim Creek. Neh. Choice westtrn lands, irrigated ami lion irrigated. 1 1 ere is a harirain . N. W. one -fou rt ti sect ion 4-s I:, p;. Kearney county. All level atiey laud I half under cultivation. i. to alfalfa- tioodsix room house, (xkit harn. PkhI liii-aiiini. thri i' miles ami one-half from Kearney. Price ."' per acre. 'l J ADAM BEDE. 20000 ACRES Jiiik. acres of Keith. Cnel and Perkins coun ty land for saie in tracts to suit purchaser. Prl.-e to ?1." Jier aere. A (Mod level tahte land. Kirst-class st-i . raisin: as :hm1 crops as are raised ill eastern NchrasKa. V inter wheat vieitlin4: fr. m 3u to 4' tiushels jx-r acre ami corn I -ids fair to make :i hum per crop. Isuy ow wniie you can s:ct in on the irrouiiu lloor. t'r f'ltllit r informal iin write the Kearney i.umi Co. . Kearney. Netiraska llranch oliices 'tit ifilla'la. ."Senr.iska an. I ili fprnijis. Ne ' hrasKa. -t Greeley County Land lilc-acre ranch. j.muI improvements. 'A miles from town, a snap at Zb per acre. X.V acres it'iproveu. i miles from town, a tine sloe It farm. fja. er acre. sii acres improved. ' mill to town s.!iool. a Hue home, siki M-r aere. Investigate at oitfe. Write to Stiietzel A: West. Scot la. N'eh. It Howard and Greeley County Land for Sale 210 acres n U'tter land any w here, improv n almut ."5 miles from town, school on land. ItiO a-res level. ?.iH per acre. l.V) improved, ad ioiiiim: town, partly in al falfa. ?4:i0. so af res adjoining town, fixed up for fecdin;: cattle, ft.nn'. Pi) aeres J miles from a town, some alfalfa. s"-iOJl. ur soii is heavy IilacW loam, clay suiixul. tine rrain and alfalfa land, plenty of water and rass. mr is the lireatest lsj and cattle country any wlu're: we own these farms and many more": wiii make very easy ternisof sale. Write lis. BiiAii EY Matiue-kx. Woll.acli. Neh. feliuiviffviluli Wr' ''V . LLSA' NOTICE Of HEARING in tl.c est at .f Kllie- YKl'K i: l IIEAUINh N PKhKATK will. To all ih-i-soiis iuti-iesied line Tra-.ip. ls-e:is.-.l: On the J4th day if July tlc- tiled a IH-Iitioli ill the -.kiiii e Ni.irasl:i. i.rayii ;l..o..ii i lie L"4ti .lay of July. to Ih- the last will and testament l:T. ois.'e W.Jus itint.v court of l a .'that t he instrument purport mtf of Kmelitu- r ........ i.-.---.sed- In uroved. aiiproved. allow ed prohated atiil rs-ord-rt as such last will and tst anient, and for cram Intr letters testameu-Hl-v lo;eors:e W. Justice asex.s-ntor V lieariusr on aid pet it ion w ill le had in said irt on the 14th day of August. HC. at !:n loik a. in., at which time cause may le ,-wn if nv. whv the prayerof said iietitioii- shoiild not U irranted. .enrasKa. tins ,-nu TKA VIS. I 1 V I . 1 . O 4.. I .... 1.11. quartette, and will be with the chautau qua Saturday. Sunday and Monday. The Euphonium Glee Club is another musi cal attraction which will appear on Fri day, Saturday and Sunday. Augnst 16, 17 and IS. The Epbcniums have a world-wide re .vi tat ion. and their music is always highly appreciated. They will cinr tht n'. I -;r-rw r1 u vcfdl a thp .. u " i- ,-i i r , e old critics sav of the Harmony Ladies catchv meiiHiies oi tbi dav. One of ..." . . . . J the boys is a talented comedian; one. a fine reader: another a fine accompanist, Dr. James Montgomery, who will de- ! i liver the Sunday morning sermon; Gil- ; bert A. Eldredge, the celebrated im- j personator, with but few rivals; and i last, but not least, "The Harmony Con- cert Company." more generally known ! as the "Harmony Lady Quartette, i Sweet faces and sweet music, make a : combination that is irristiable, and the I 'That while music hath charms. musicians have also. some should not He irranieo. liated at Plattsmouth. N.'-'.Ta- r of July. ''- "AI:N lA y jSKAI.i ( while the fourth adds novelty to the program with a violin number. On August 15. the inimitable .Opie Read will lecture upon the subject, "First One Thing and Then Another." Nearly CONVENIENCES ON GROUNDS. A check stand will be conveniently located where attendants can safely leave packages, valises, dinner baskets, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wendel, parents of Mrs. Chas Forbes, departed last even ing for the east where they will visit for the remainder of summer and early fall with friends and relatives in the state of New York. every one who has read Mr. Read's ; umbrellas, etc, for the small price of j novpls will no doubt have a curiositv to ' rpnts. You can have vour letters ad- i see and hear the author of the "Ken- dressed "Chautauqua" and they will be tucky Colonel." "The Tennessee Judge" delivered on the grounds, where station and other interesting works. The in- j ery and stamps will be kept for sale, describle witchery of his words, the j An independent telephone will be con charm of bis voice and manner, the in- ; veniently located for the use of same, fiuence of his personality, all combine to In fact nothing has been left undone heretofore the people of Cass county have had to go away from home to en joy one of these assemblies. Elmwood people have given our pec pie an oppor tunity to avail themselves of one of those interesting oc casions right at home. ' They have not only done this, but they have secured seme of the iinest talent in the United States to entertain those ' who litter.-,!. The Elmwood chautauqua ! will open on Saturday next, snd will be j inaugurated by one of the most brilliant . orators in the United States John P. ; Dolliver, of Iowa. Though born in ihe easL he has resided , so long in the west, that his interests are fully identified with the western people, as the positions he has held in j Iowa will fully testify. He was many j years in the lower house of congress, j previous to entering the senate. Platts- : mouth people fully realize his oratorical j abilities, as he has lectured here several i times. The managers have spared no time, pains-or money in securing the nnest ot tplent for their chautauqua. In the , , , , , . . , .. .. . 1 In a remarkably short period ot time , . Congressmen Bede has risen from an ' ' ordinary newspaper man, like the Jour ' nal editor, to a position of prominence and influence in our nation's counci1. w T ' l , -I - I 1 T I 4 r- v . r . j I 1 ins numorisuc sine is always out. in presenting to President Roosevelt his several children, who, when properly j arranged, make stairsteps, Mr. Bede j said, "Mr. President, this is my string j of beads." The interesting subject up on which Congressman Bede will speak is, "Our Nation; Its Problems and Pro- ! gress," in his own inimical style. It j will pay to go many miles to hear the ' Minnesota Congressman. MANY OTHER ATTRACTIONS. Among the other intei-esting speakers ', and musicians are Bishop William Horn, of Cleveland, Ohio; Rev. Frank L. ; Loveland, one of the finest platform orators in the west; Mr. Harrv Hunt- - i ington, one of the funny men of the , - , ,. , j o . ! age; J. Frank Cavenv, the "Chalk; musical line tney have secured the Sap- "' , . o : ... . , . u r . e .v. i - oc-oi Talker; Otterbein O. Smith, who s sub- pho Quartette, one of the best musical ' .. . , , q.i .f , ject is the "Bad Boy and His Pa;" Rev. ! attractions m the land. This is af female -L , . , .,, , i i lomna t. AnrtTfimori' vunn 1 1 ip. 1 Moves from Louisville Chas. Johnson has sold out his barber shop at Louisville and purchased another one at the little city of Benedict, and is at that place now where he had expect ed to have moved soon. He has an op portunity to dispose of his recent pur chase and will defer moving until he de termines whether he will remain there or not. Mrs. Johnson and children came in this morning from Louisville and are visiting with her parents, C. A. Hager strom and wife for a week or so, and during the time Charlie will determine what he will do regarding the disposi tion of the shop at Benedict. J. E. Hanna completed his new hay barn todav, which has been in course of construction for some tpme, and whicb was blown down once. The barn is 42x58 feet in dimentions, and has pro vision for keeping hay and for feeding a large number of stock. Mr. Hanna expects to feed a larger number of stock than formerly, although he has generally carried a good sized herd in his feeding lots and pasture. The Greatest Summer Drink is Hfcs toil Bqqit Drawn from the Kamous Knot Beer Kef ONLY Just rijht it cools and refreshes and makes you feel riht. WHER Prescription Druggists Our damages have all been replaced and we are now ready to meet all our friends and customers with a Bright New Clean Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Not a single dollars worth of water soaked goods will be found in our house. Everything New and Fresh from the markets to re place our line even in better condition than before the flood. Remember we have nothing but genuine bargains to offer in Dry Goods and Groceries. J L. HE remainder of the Wurl stock will be sold at AUCTION b3' Col. Sommenberg, of Oma ha, in the building first door east of the Court House, commencing SATURDAY; August 10th, and continuing for three days, Monday and Tuesday. Sale will open at 10 o'clock a. m., close at 12; re-open at 2:00 and close 4:00, and. after supper from 7:00 until closing time. Goods at your own price. Attend this sale and buy what you want and pay what you like. IF&KI' o :0 i I