The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 01, 1907, Image 7

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Final Notice. j
Traa-I No. WW. i
1 n l h- alKi rli'i aimrt f 'a t'onrity. Na-lirusk, !
Tli Stt of N-Iraku. I'laituilT i
Tli-vril iari'Kof land lia-ra-lnafta-r al'-rll-raj
aiitl all mtii ana i-nrinii nt la him liavlnir or
I'latmlnir tit It to. or any lnira-.t rltrlit or
liiim Tnor toKiu-li ijn--U of rval fstatf, or
any part t lifrvaif . I Hfa-nalant .
To unl itowii owiith. a-lalinant atul l'ln-lialal-fMnf
lot iTTi. In I villain- f (irM iiwoxl.
i 'on nt y of Cans i-oiint y. Xlraka:
Notl.-i- Is liervlty irlven that under a (lirpw of
t lia district I'onrt of ulil niimt y ra-iiila-ra-al In
ltn Matv ta Milt for tin year l!4. tin- faillow
Inif il-wrlM'l real f-t at Miniate In t Ik-county
of Cuts anal Mtate of Na-liratka. to-wlt : I
Lot 'Si. In 1 1 - vlllairt of lireenwamal,
as.M -oiini j-. lr.. was on tli lt li flay of No- j
vnnlxr. linn), aluly wiliI at imiI.II.- reiialuaa l.y the
th foil nt y I rcuHiin-rof Malal a-a unity In t lie man
lier rovlil-il l.j' law ami the iwrltxl of relemi
tlon from hiii-Ii Mala will expire on tlielitli alay
of Novemlier. I'.7.
You in- further notified that the owner of
I he eert ilia-ate of t ax aale Isniied ly the treas
urer w III make aiili-al Ion to t he eourt In the
alMtve entitled cause fir -intirinat lou of said
sale as soon ati prai-t l'ale after the iierlod of
redeinttioii lias expired, and you are lierehy
notified that the time and place of the liearimr
iiimiii Mirli eontiruiat ion will le entered In the
'oiitirinalli.ii record kept t.y the clerk of said
'oiirt on or iM-fore the SHh alay of Novemfier.
t'.7. Von will examine said continuation rea--onl
to ascertain the time of Maid henrimt and
may he proent. If you soileslre, to make any
otijeclloiisoB show cau why the sale should
not l- confirmed. fllAS.f. IWKMFXK.
My ron 'lark. Any. t w ner of I'ert Itia-ala-.
Final Notice
I ii I he disl rii-t court of I'ass county, Nehraska.
The State of Nehraska. I'laiutitT.
The several para-els of land hereinafter (li
scrifwd and all iwrw.ns and corimrat Ions
hax-lntr or a-laliiiini; title to or any interest,
rlirht or claim in or to such pan-el of real
estate or anv part thereof. Iiefeiidants.
Tract No. 483
To Nellie M. I'arniele. John ;. O'Kourke. Jos
eph T. 4 1'Kourke. Anna I, i I'Kourke. heirs of
Anna M. O'Kourke. deceased:
Notice is herehy iriven that under a ilccree
of the distrii't court of said county rendered in
the Mate tax suit for the year I14 the follow
intf di-scrlhcd real estate situated In the coun
ty of Cuss and state of Nehraska. to-wlt:
lxts Hfta-en to tweiily-l wo l." toi') Inclusive
In hlax-k twenty (Ji'l. I Mike's addition to the
city of I'lat LsiiiouUi in the said county of
Cass, were on the Ttli day of Novemlier.
I'.P4. duly sold at puhllc vendue hy the county
vsurer of sail county in the manner provid-
ty law and the iieriod of redemption from
sucli sale will expire on the Ttli day of Aiur
ust. I '.HI.
You are further not Hied that t he owner of the
cerl iticate of tax sale Issued hy t he t reasurcr
will make application to the con it in the alxive
entitled causes for continuation of said sale as
Maxm as practicahle after the iieriixlof redemp
tion has expired, and you an lierehy notitieil
that the time and place of the lieariiur uimn
such confirmation will lie entered in tha a-on-.
tirmation record kept hy theclerk of said court
on or licfore the 7th day of Novemlier, llT.
You will examine said conrlrniul ion record to
aw-ertaiii t lie time of said lieariiur anil may lie
present, if you desire, to make any ohja-a-l ions
or show cause why the salt should not he con
firmed. Axtii.v .Ianpa.
A. N. Sullivan. Ally. Owner of (Vrt iticate
Final Notice.
I ii t he dist I id court of Cass count)-. Nehraska.
The SI ate of Nehraska. I'laiuliiT
The several panels of land hereinafter !
scrilx-d. and all iiersons and corporations
having or claiming tit le to. or any interest,
rii-'l.t r claim in or to sm-ii iian-a-ls of real
est ate. air any part thera-a.f. Ife-fa-iialuiits.
Tract No. 354
To Frank Calley ami Mrs. Frank Call" .v. his
wife, ami unknown owners sinal a-Iaimaiits
t hereof:
Not ice is lierehy riveii that under a ak-i-itn-of
tin- district court of saial county rviiiia-red in
t ! stale tax suit for the year l!4 t lie follow
ini; alt-scrilx-al ra-al t-Male situata-al in l lie coun
ty af Cass and sfata of Na-hraska. to-wit:
liiils oi:a anil two (I-:!). four 14). in
YouiiiTA: Hays aaUlitioii to I'lattsmoiith. N
hraska.insaid count. v. was on t lie Jt Ii day of No-vemlM-r.
I:"1, duly sold at pulilic i eixlue hy the
a'ounty treasura-r of saial caHinty in tlx manner
pnvida'al ly law and the iM'iiatil aif ion
from such sa la- will expire on the 7th aiay of
Novemlier. I:HT.
Yau art further notinVd that tin owuerof tiie
cen itia'ala of tax salt issued l.y lite treasurer
will make application to the aturt iu the aliove
em it leal causes for confirmation of slh-Ji sale as
soon as pra-t 'i-ahle after tlie ueriaxl of it-deini-tiou
has expircal. and you are herehy nolitit-d
that Ilia time anal plai of tlte Ireariiur uiniii
such confirmation will In eiitertnl in the
contirmatitin record keit hy tlie a-lerk af
said a-ourt. a.n or IM-fore the Jth alay of Xorfm
ler A. 1 - lrtT. Yam will examine saial atuitir
mat ian rea-ord to ascertain tlx time of uch
hearinir anal may U" present, if you tlesire. ta
make any ohjas-tians ar show cause w hy the
sale should not In conti rina ai.
Allen .1. iteesain. V. V. CATE'.
Attorney. tiwnerof Certifia-aie.
Final Notice
In tlie aiisiii.-t court af Cavi county. Nehraska.
The Stat a of Natraska. 1'laiutiff,
The several pan-els of laixl hereinafter ale
scrilaeal aini all im-i-soiis atMl a-orjx.rat ions
. tia viiii.' or claimiiiiT til k- tat or any interest,
rij-'ht or claim in or to suali tuircels of real
estate or any part thereaf. 1 H-feudauts.
Tract No. 214
To Henry II. Nelstm:
Not ia-e is herehy jriven that untler s docree
of tiie tttsl ria-t a-amrt aif saial county renak-red ill
the state tax suit for the year PJP4 tlie follow
intr da-s.rilel real estate situated In tlie coun
ty of Cass anal state of Nehraska. ttvwit:
Ixt nine (). hloa-k eiriity-fiur (4. in Ilit?
city of I'lattsmoutli in said a-ounty of Cass.
Tract No. 212
To Achilles Kotrers:
Ntitice Ls heiehy rivt n tliat limit r a lt4tre
of the district caiurt af said county rendered in
the state ta.x suit for tlie year IH4 tie follow--iinr
descrilietl real estate situated in tit couu
ty of Cass anal state of Nehraska. to-vrit:
Iot four (4). hlin-k eiifhty-fawir s). In tlit?
city of riattsmamtli in said county of Cass.
Tract No. 545
To Elmer E. Monroe:
Notice is herehy ri veil that iinaler a dece
of tlie district a-ourt of saial county rentieretl in
the state tax suit for the year tlie follow
ing desert I ed real estate situated in tlie coun
ty of Cass and state of Nehraska. to-wit:
Lot eijfht (s). hlock one (I) in IHneian addi
tion to city of I'lattsmoutli, were on the 7tli
day of Novemlier. lau. duly sold at puhlic ven
due by the county treasurer of saial county in
the manner provided by law and the perioalof
redemption from such sale will expire on the
Ttli day of Autrust. I'.nT.
You are further not itied that the owner of
the certificate of tax sale tssueal by the treas
urer will make applia-ation ta tlie a-ourt in tlie
a)ave entit led causes far a-ontirmation of such
sale as soon as practicable after the iieriod of
realemption has expired anal you are unified
that the time anal place of the lieariiur upon
sua-h contirniatian will lie enteied in the con
firmation record kept by the a-lerk of saial
court on or before the 7th day of Novemlier,
lm7. You will examine said confirmation rec
ord ta ascertain tlie time of sua-li liearimr anal
may e present. If j-ou desire; tt make any ob
jections or shaiw cause why the sale should not
he contirmeal. C. La wkenck STri.u
A. N. Sullivan. Atty. owner oi t. ertincaies.
NJOTK'E OF H FAKlNti ON I'liDIIA 1 r. )l
To all persons interested In the estate of Eme
line Trapp. tleceasetl:
tn the itli "lay of July. I'tT. .etrre .Jus
tice fileal a petit itni in tlie county court of Cass
a-ounty. Nebraska, prayiturthat tlie instrument
tiled on the -llh day of July. Ii. punxrtinv
ta lie tlie last will anal tt-stament of Kmeline
Trap!', alti-eiw-d. I- proved. apiroved. allow
ed, probated anal recorded as such last will ana
testament, and far erantimr letters testamen
tary to Geamre V. Justice as executor.
- A liearimr on saial petition will lie had In said
court on the 14th day of Auirtist. HvT. at l:i0
o'clock a. ni.. at which time cause may lie
shown. If any. why tlie prayer of said petition
er shtwild not e irranted.
Dated at riattsmouth. Neraska. this .'4th
day f July. I WT. HAKVEY I- TKA V I s.
'SEALI County Judre.
Frank Moore from south of Murray,
was a business visitor at the county seat
Legal Notice.
Stale of Nebraska t i
i 'mint y of Cbhh f 1 n ''u,"l ''""
To all Iiersons InlereHted In Hie estate aif
Itenjamiu Kaimaral. late of saial a-aiimty. alt
Vim are hereby iKitltieal that am the -'1st day
tif June A. I '.HIT. Iouls ICannaral ttlea his
I?t ItJon III t he comity a-ourt for Ilia apiMilnt
iiient of I avlal .1. I'ltmaii. ait administrator of
the est ale of Itcnjamtii liaiiiiaral. late of saial
i-aiunty alea-easeal. anal that the same will lie
hearal at the county a-ourt room In the city of
I'lattsmoiith, in saial a-ounty. on the l.'ith alay of
July A. U. r.t7. at the hour of III o'clock A.M.
All parties Interested In saial matter will tile
I heir object lou to saial tielllloii on or I ef or
pine o'clock A. M.tif saial KMh July l!7.
or the court will irraut the prayer of saial M-ti-lion
anal irranl la-tiers of administration to
HavlalJ. I'll man. or saiuie other suitable ier
son anal praia-eeal lot settlement of saial estate
M. Archer. Caiunty J ualire.
Attorney. lsEAI-l
I have some line bargains In good furuis In
central Nebraska. Iiotli itripriveai anal iiniiu
nroveal. Huy naw. before the raise in price.
Fine sarins from $i"i per acre anal up. (iood
irrass land from ." per acre up. For full In
formation write A. J. Mai.i.kv.
It tireley. Na-b.
C'nlverslty I'lace. Ntbr.. the Ideal liaiuia'
ttiwn anal ealua-atiauial a-enter. For a list of its
saleable proie rty write.
It WlMIIKItl.V .V Co.
lain acres of U'ooal itlver Valley land located
three and adie-half miles from Shelt'in. Neb..
Six liouse. barn X'x4o feet. Five acres
of hay land. 2a acres of pasture and balance
under a-ulti vat Ion. This is all level valley
html and is cheap at the prii-e; stX) per acre.
We have ot hers.
It Tiik Hhki.ton In vkstmkxt Ca.
Slmllon. Neb.
F.K S ALE 4s I aa-res well Irnproveal. only
.1T."ii per aa-re. Smlla-sdue west of Ceresco,
Saunaler trounty. Neb.
:tl Wu. Ahnoi.ii. Fremont. Neb.
I UP tine HiitTalo a-ounty farms for sale; also
Kleth tMuuty land at fraim in ta ?l-.5o K-r acre
Write us for list. CAiutiii t NifHaii.s.
Si 1 Keurney. Neb.
FOIC SALE Hill aeres Colfax county, land,
all tillable, small trass pasture near huild
imrs. finest aif black loam soil; improvements
pructia-ally all new. no aa-resaif I'lat te Valley
land, balance gently rol I i utr. All fa-na-a-d.
Close to two ifoo.1 markets. Hural da-livery.
Nebraska telephone In house. Uood neljfh
liairhoaid. Will make a Una-home and can Ih;
had at a riKht price. For full particulars
write A. .1. Gkkkk. ICotfers. Neb.
:tjl acres I'latte Valley land, well lmnrovetl.
all under plow, all Ixtttom. alfalfa land, finest
farm in Kutfalo county, s miles from Kearney
Kail road swita-h at land. I'ria-e foriuick sale,
pa-r acre. H. W. Whitkakkh,
2t Kearney. Neb.
i;4tl aa-res IttitTalo a-aiunty land. toO acres in
Wooal Kiver Valley ; nil acres rolling: '.. acres
alsalfa: SMI acres iinaler plow: is acres prairie
meailow and balance in pasture; plenty of
li ml nt anal running water. tiiMKl eicht roaim
house, irood barn anal titha-r out l.uiidiiit;s. '2
wa-lls with mills; all fenceal and crtiss fenced.
One-half mile to sa-l:tiol. anal two miles to rail
rtiaal town, laaaxi laH-ation and tine neihlxir
IiinmI. I'riceai." per acre; silicon cash, balam-e
ta-rins t-o suit. Come and sea-. 11. .1. Nkai- Imx
'Mni. Kearney. N.b.
Valley Lands for Sale
3t'A acres ciirht miles from tlrd. Neb., well
improved; price sl4.lM. 3-Jtl acres eistht miles
from Oral, well improved: price pit)
acres three nines from Ord. -;ol house and
I .aril. 10 aa-res in timlier. inn aa-res under plaiw.
4u acres pasture, witli riniiiiu water on farm.
Price sy.iitAi. io acres join city limits, pria-e
sjiiiki. Jixm1 pasture lauds at 15 to Sti per
aa -re. Valley caiunty is the liest farrnin;;
county on the Ixmp Valley. For information
address. Ma'Ni'TT t l.l.KSSiNti.
41 trd. Ned.
Folf SALE 4:iO acre farm; 3M acres braike.
at c-'ft) ht aa-re. Fkaxk E. Hkkmax.
It Kearney. Neb
ThkW. K. Lktt Keai.ty Cti.. Elm Creek.
Neli. Clioia-e westtrn lands, irrigated and
non irritfateti. Here isa bargain. A. W. one
fourth sea-tion 4-s It. Hi. Kearney caiunty. All
level valley land 1 half under cultivation,
to alfalfa, tiaasl six roaim haiuse. pMir barn.
oimI loa-atitin. three miles and one-half from
Kearney. 1'rice per acre. -t
20000 ACRES
.'(niajii acres of Keith. Cuel and Perkins coun
ty land for sale in tracts to suit purchaser.
Price siu to ?1d per acre. A pots! level table
land. First-class soi . raising as good crops as
are raised in eastern Nebraska. Winter wheat
yielding from 30 to 4 1 oushels per acre and
i-orn bialsfairto make a bumper crap. Huy
ihjw while yaiu cau Ret in on tlie jrround lloor.
For further information write 'the Kearney
La ml Co.. Kearney. Nebraska. Hrani-h offices
at Osrallalla. Nebraska anal Hi Springs. Ne
braska, -t
Greeley County Land
J4ti-acre ranch, srood improvements. 3 miles
from town, a snap at T-Mi per aa-re.
:tai acres improved. miles from town, a tine
stoa-k farm. ?25 per acre.
so acres impnived. 'i mile to town school, a
fine home. itio per acre. Investigate at ona-e.
Write to Stoet.el & West. Scaitia. Neb. It
Howard and Greeley County Land for
240 acres no bettor land anywhere. Improv
ed, aliout 3 miles from town, school on land.
PHi acres level. ??.V er acre.
130 improved, adjoining town, partly in al
falfa. "J4.100.
so acraisadjoinins: town, fixed up for feedinjr
cattle. f4.Vn.
PWacres 2 miles from a town, some alfalfa.
Our soil Is heavy black loam, clay subsoil,
fine Krain and alfalfa land, plenty of water
and grass. Our Is the greatest hog and cattle
country anywhere: we own these farms and
many more: will make very easy terms of
sale. Write us. Hkaiiley & Mathiesbn.
it Wolbach. Neb.
221 acres (ireeley county. Nebraska, land.
140 acres under cultivation. 20 acres alfalfa,
balance bay and pasture. 1 mile from Scotia.
Pria-e for quick sale ?J9000. Terms to suit. Ad
dress J. 6. Mc.MIllen. Scotio, Neb. It
5G0 acres of (Jreeley county land at S14 per
acre. Small house and barn, all fenced. Good
soil. 120 acres undt r plow. 320 pasture, bal
ance hay. ten acres timber. A snap.
jt Weeks & At. den.
Scotia. iNeb.
For Sale or Exchange
Ciood land in Greeley county. Nebraska, for
sale or will exchange for smaller farms or in
come property anal give time on balance to
suit tlie purchaser. I'niniprovbd lands from
25 to 4u per acre. r obey & Swain.
It Greeley. Neb.
I want to hear from buyers who want gootl
farms at moderate prices. Eastern Nebraska
farmers can double their acreage at from one
half to tw-tj-t birds the value of present hold
ings. Nothing but good land aiuoteal. infer
ences furnished. A.J. KaiwbE.
It Central City. Neb.
("niversity Plaa-e. the educational town of
Nebraska, elegant residena-e lots for homes.
Wlmlierlv t Co. have the best. It
Secure homes in Linaxln. best place to re
tire, city sa-hools and a-hurches. our lists large
and complete. Fkttekman Hkos.
It 1130 O.. Lincoln. ieb.
400-acre farm in Howard county. 4'-i miles
from town. 14 mile to school. 20U acres under
plow, balance pasture and hay land.good soil,
good Improvement, price only per acre.
For particulars write It. M. Sailing & Son.
Cushing. Nebraska. It
Corn anal alfalfa lands in central Nebraska.
I have for sale some well improved farms
ranging in price from J30 to ibu per acre. Also
some rare bargains la staick ranches. Write
me today. W. P. Thohp.
It I.urwell. Neb.
20 per cent discount on Suit Cases and
Grips, at Coates Dry Goods Co.
O'lieclal Cone simnalf net-)
Iiemember the biff picnic at Avoca
Tuesday, August (ith.
II. G. Wellensiek made a trip to Oma
ha Sunday.
J. O. Rowland visited his brother, C.
M., at Denton Saturday.
Chas. S. Harris of Lincoln will make
a baloon ascension picnic day.
Dick StefTens and wife spent Sunday
visiting at Lorton.
E. C. Nutzman and Louis Marquardt
were at Lincoln Monday on business.
Ralph Graham was at Weeping Water
Governor Sheldon, baloon ascension,
steam merry-go-round, a good ball game,
will be some of the attractions picnic
F. W. Ruhge was an Omaha visitor
John Ehlers and wife were Omaha
visitors Sunday.
The A. G. McGuigan carnival and
amusement company will be here picnic
W. II. Hollenberger left Sunday for
the west.
The Oxford hotel will open Thursday
for business.
Arthur Ward was in town the first of
the week.
Elmwood anal Avoca will play ball
picnic day.
E. Nutzman, sr., had business at
Omaha Monday.
Nutzman & Marquardt will commence
the erection of a 20,000 bushel elevator
next week.
(Hy G. A. Lets.)
Corrected weekly by Martin & TAX)!,
who pay the highest prices for produce
and guarantee satisfaction:
Butter lc
F.ggs hc
Hens !c
Springs Bi-2 Kc
Cream 1SW
Cattle T2.."i0 toa'..(Mi
1 1 ogs S.".2." lo?.').".')
Corn 42,,4anaU:tSc
Wheat 1m:
Oats 34c
Rock Island Time Table
Murdock Station.
west nocxD.
No. 1", local !:52 a. m.
No. S5, local freight 8:."50 a. m.
No (. mail 2:30 p. nv
No. 37. mail 5:53 p. m.
No ! does not stop for passegers east
of Denver.
No. 94, freight 12:30 a. m.
No. 304, local passenger 9:11 a. m.
No. 18, Local 1:27 p. m.
No. 6, maii 3:00 p. m.
No. 86, local freignt 1:14 p. m.
No. (5 Hoes not stop for passengers
west of Des Moines.
Mr. Lewka and wife of Iowa are visit
ing at the homes of H. A. Tool and H.
V. McDonald this wreek.
Chas. Rager met his wife at Lincoln
Thursday after her two weeks visit with
relatives at Mason City, Neb. They
stopped in Lincoln long enough to see
the elephant ere returning home.
Among those that went to Lincoln
last Thursday to see the elephant were
H. A. Tool and family, Dave Thimgan,
Lacey McDonald and Harold Tool.
The Modern Woodmen have a trained
nurse in charge of Neighbor Albert
Hunt, who is very ill with a complica
tion of troubles.
The Misses Grace and Ruth Bailey of
Alvo visited at C. Mooneys Sunday.
J, J. Million of Arlington, visited at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. C.
Monroe of this place this week.
George Becker came up from Platts
mouth and visited with J. J. Gustin's
over Suuday.
Mrs Hackenmack of New York City,
visited with her neice, Mrs. S. Schleuter
last week.
Raymond Westlake visited at Avoca
this week.
Mrs. Albert Streich was a Lincoln pas
senger Wednesday.
Miss Mary Schleuter visited in Platts
mouth Tuesday.
A couple of vicious dogs owned by
Will Heier,. attacked and severely bit
Mr. Backmeier Tuesday.
The families of. H. A. Tool. H. V.
McDonald and Mr. Lemka spent Sunday
at Richard's park in Wabash.
The severe wind Tuesday evening
blew down nearly all the shock grain in
this neighborhood.
J. R. Funk visited in Omaha Wednes
day. Henry Schafer of Germantown, is
visiting friends in our burg this week.
H. A. Tool, A. J. Tool, H. V. Mc
Donald and I. G. Hornbeck expect to
go to Minnesota next week for a fish
ing trip.
O. E. Clapp and family of Omaha
visited with A. J. Tool and family Sun
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Operation to be Preformed
Miss Antonia Bejeck, who was taken
to the St. Joseph hospital the latter part
of last week, to be operated upon for
appendicitis, is now so the ofieration
can be performed. Her condition at the
time Bhe was taken was such that she
could not safely undergo the ordeal.
Yesterday Dr. Cummins recieved a mes
sage from Dr. Allison that the patient
had passed into that stage of the disease
that it would permit the operation. This
morning her father Paul Bajeck, ac
companied by Dr. Cummins departed
for Omaha where the young lady will
be operated upon.
$1000 Reward
Sheriff Quinton received a description
and notice of a reward of $1,000 offered
for the capture of one James Richard
son, who killed Deputy Sheriff Joseph
D. Price on March 13 last, while in his
custody. The offer is made by the
sheriff at Fresno, California, where the
murder occurred. The description given
is that the man is about 21 years old,
and has the appearance of being 23, is
light complexioned, light blue eyes,
stands straight, is five foot ten and a
half inches and weighs from 150 to 200
Mrs. Mamie Hansen and two sons,
Robert and DeForrest, of Ogden, Utah,
who have been visiting Mrs. Henry
Weckbach, Mrs. Hansen's mother and
other relatives and friends for the past
month, departed for Grand Island where
they will visit for some time before re
turning home.
Daily Local Events
R. B. Windham was a bnsiness visitor
at Lincoln this morning.
Eli Manspeaker lost a horse last even
ing which had been sick for a day or
two with the colic.
Alarm clocks. The guaranteed kind;
different kinds different prices. Come
and see them, at Crabill's.
George Sayles, of Cedar Creek, came
in this morning and is looking after
some business for the Duff Grain Com
pany. John Cory, the night police, who has
been on the sick list with gastritis, is
somewhat improved, but is not so he
can be on duty yet.
Clyde Jones and Ed Black departed
for Leadville this afternoon on the fast
mail. They expect to stay there if they
find things to their liking.
Joseph Lloyd was a passenger to
Council Bluffs this afternoon on the
fast mail, where he goes to secure
some repairs for his engine.
Herman Kleitsch, the jolly Weeping
Water miller, came in last evening and
was looking after business in his line
and renewing acquaintances.
George Saxton was in this morning
from Union and fiJed his intention of
becoming a candidate for constable of
Liberty precinct, subject to the demo
crat party at the primary election to be
held September 3d.
Robert Foster, of near Union, was in
the city today and while here filed his
intention of becoming a candidate for
the position of justice of the peace, sub
ject to the ratification of the democratic
party at the primary election to be held
September 3.
Mrs. Cora Phillips of Marquette, is
reported to have been poisoned by eat
ing canned dried beef last Saturday and
has been in a very serious condition for
a number of days, but is reported as
considerable better and is thought to be
out of danger.
Orsan A. Johnson of Weeping Water,
today signified his intention of becoming
a candidate for the position of county
commissioner for the third commission
er district, subject to the ratification of
the republican party at the primary
election to be held September 3d.
J. W. Spence was in from Louisville
today looking at the bloodhounds owned
by Frank Benfer, and pronounces them
as being the finest of dogs of their
breed, and says with the proper train
ing they will make excellent animals
for the purpose for which they are
Roy Pepperberg, who is on the geo
graphical survey, came in yesnerday,
his friend and fellow worker, Edward
Davis, accompanying him. Mr. Davis
stayed over night and this morning de
parted for LaPIatte where he takes up
his work again. Roy will remain at
home for a few days.
No appetite, loss of strength, nervous
ness, headache, constipation, bad breath,
general debility, sour risings, and catarrh
of the stomach are all due to indigestion.
Kodol relieves indigestion. This new discov
ery represents the natural juices of diges
tion as they exist in a healthy stomach,
combined with the greatest known tonic
and reconstructive properties. Kodol for
dyspepsia does not only relieve indigestion
and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy
heirs all stomach troubles by cleansing.
purifying, sweetening and strengthening
the mucous membranes lining the stomach.
Mr. S. S. Ball, ajf Rarenswood. W. Va.. says-
" 1 was troubled with sour stomach for twenty years.
Kodol cured me and we are how usinc It in milk
lor baby."
Prepared by E. O. DeWITT a CO., Oh ices
F. G Fricke & Co., Druggist.
Our damages have all been
replaced and we are now ready
to meet all our friends and
customers with a Bright New
Clean Stock of Staple and
Fancy Grpceries. Not a single
dollars worth of water soaked
goods will be found in our
house. Everything New and
Fresh from the markets to re
place our line even in better
condition than before the flood.
Remember we have nothing
but genuine bargains to offer
in Drv Goods and Groceries.
Rev. Salsbury's Mother Better.
A postal from Mrs. Salsbury says that
Rev. Salsbury's mother has passed the
crises and is now improving and that
the wound caused by the operation is
now healing and that her condition is
good and the pulse and temperature be
ing normal. Her spirits are bright and
hopeful, and her friends entertain the
belief that she will soon be able to be
removed to her home at Breckenridge.
Mrs. Salsbury, who has been in Kansas
City for some time, left for Breck
enridge Monday evening where she had I
left the little boy.
Comes From Montana
Wayne Stoneking came in this morn
iug from Antonia, Montana, anal is visit
ing in the city today, with the parents
of his deceased wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Mike Rys, whore his children have been
staying since the death of his wife in
April last. Mrs. Stoneking died in
Lead, S. D., and was brought here for
burial. Mr. Stoneking will make his
home at Lead, and will depart for that
place this evening, taking the children,
one boy and two girls with him to his
new home.
SOc Men's UY.derwear for 39c, at
Coates Dry Goods Co.
Gradually Growing Weaker
Uncle Henry Spangler, who lies sick
at home south of town, is in a very ser
ious condition and he is growing weak
er as time goes on. He has a strong
constitution, but during the time he has
been sick he has suffered enough to
wreck the strongest physiques. His
sufferings were so severe for a while
that he had to be kept under the influ
ence of opiates to deaden the pain.
Runaway Girls Held
The following appears in the World j
Herald this morning and refers to some j
of our citizens :
"Marie and Margaret Ashenbrener of
Plattsmouth are detained temporarily in
the matron's quarters in the city jail as
runaway girls, but will be sent home as i
soon as their parents are heard from.
The girls are about 20 and 16 years ;
old, respectively, left Plattsmouth sev
eral days ago and journeyed to Kansas
City where they intended to seek work.
The Kansas City police, fearing for two
young girls adrift in a strange city, sait
them back on the first train with word i
to the Omaha police. j
50c Work Shirts for 35 cents, at j
Coates Dry Goods Co. j
First House West B. 5c M. Depot
We Solicit the Farmers Trade
and Guarantee Satisfaction.
When in the City Give Us a Call
73he Perkins Hotel
Able to Be Out Again.
When we went to the Burlington sta
tion this morning to make the early
train we were pleaseal to see Walter
Cummings, tlie switchman wha laist his
foot between the draw head of an en
gine and a box car some time since,
there talking with his f riends. 1 1 looked
good ta see him out again, anal we haipe
his recovery from this on will be rapial
and ere long he will be in as gooal shape
as ever with the exception that the last
member can never be retored and no
amount of inalemnity can in any way re
pay t he loss.
Celebrate Their Wedding
At the home of Albert Nelson yester-
day evening, gathered a number of the
i relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs.
j Nelson to celebrate the third anniver
i sary of their marriage. The evening
: was spent in social conversation and
j reminstrances, and a general goan! time
was had and when departing, all declar-
ed the host and hostess were royal en
! tertainers. A number of beautiful and
j costly presents were received, anal an
1 elegant supper was served which all en
joyed. Among those present were Aug
i ust Anderson and wife, L. C. Anderson
' and daughters, Charles Ryberg and wife,
1 Eric Carlson and wife anal C. A. Hager
strom and wife.
Thrown from a Horse
Carl Fricke had a very exciting ex
perience Monday evening. He was tak
iny his horse out for a little exercise
and as she had been in the stable for
some time, was feeling pretty how-come-you-so
and looking for something
to get scared at. As he rode out of the
alley something attracted her attention
and she whirled around almost instant
ly, unseating Carl and throwing him to
the ground with great force. Oscar
Wilson who was just passing, ran to his.
assistance and helped him to arise. He
soon recovered himself and was not hurt
more than bruised, and today he is feel
ing rather sore from his experience.
The horse ran down town and was caught,
and returned home.
Odd Fellow Reunion
The Avoca lodge of Odd-Fellows will
hold their annual reunion on the 6th of
August, at which Governor Sheldon has
been secured to make the address of the
day. The meeting will be in TefTt'
park where there is an abundance of
shade and good drinking water. A
large attendance and a fine time is ex
pected. Avoca is a place which does
not do things by halves but when they
attempt to have anything of this kind
they always make it a success.