The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 01, 1907, Image 4

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    The Plattsmouth Journal
Komrnl h. tin- uostortlou l I'lalt.tniuuth. M
hraska. as ::ondclaii matter.
Poutics are beginning to move in
('ass county.
Let the perpetual knocker be sent to
the rock pile where his hammer may be
aptly employed making little ones out
of big ones.
The Republicans threaten us "hard
times" if the tariff is revised. What
about the "hard times" we suffer be
cause the tariff is not revised?
This hot weather is making the corn
grow to a mortgage-lifting height.
Therefore be patient with the weather
man and with the mercury in the thermometer.
The "business interests" of the Re
publican party may be behind Knox,
but it remains to be seen whether Cor
telyou can't collect the biggest cam
paign fund.
We guess that the Attorney General
and Senator Root don't know as much
about the primary election law as they
thought they did. Fusion is all right,
according to the supreme court.
The name of F. A. Bricka was filed
today for the office of county clerk.
Bricka is editor of the Weeping Water
Republican, and we guess he has been
in the county long enough to run.
Scientists have figured it out that
the sun will furnish heat for 30,000,000
years. If it isn't going to last any
longer than that it seems like reckless
prodigality to let go of so much of it
this snmmer.
We observe that twenty-three car
loads of shopworn teddybears are being
shipped back by slow freight from Den
ver, the western distributing point, to
the factory in Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
How pathetic, how prophetic.
It is not a matter with the democrats
as to who shall be nomination for the va
rious offices to be filled this fall, but a
question as to who will accept such nom
inations. We have unquestionably plen
ty of good, capable men in Cass county,
and men whose capabilities and popu
larity will pull them through.
There are enough voters in Cass
county, composed of republicans, popu
lists and democrats, who would be only
too glad to vote for Judge Travis for
another term, for the reason that he has
conducted the affairs of the probate
court in a more satisfactory and business
like manner than they have ever been
Mr. E. H. Harriman will perform a
service of great value to the domestic
commerce of this . country if he will
make good his threat to test in the
courts the bungling shipping laws which
have for more than forty years banish
ed the American merchant flag from
the high seas and made a costly monop
oly of our coastwise carrying trade.
Harriman is chipper and debonair
during all the hubbub raised -over his
alleged sins of omission and commission
anent the railraod exposures. And
why should he not be? He is immune
from prosecution and has the evidence
to show for it in the shape of check
stubs for cash given the Republican
campaign CDrrupt:on committee n a
national election. O, yes, Harriman is
immune, laughably immune.
The postal authorities have found it
necessary to issue further instructions
to users of the mails, giving warning
against the practice of placing written
notes in parcels that are mailed at one
cent an ounce. Any writing in a pack
age makes it subject to letter postage
of two cents an ounce, and the person
who violates the law governing the
rates is liable to a heavy fine. Ignor
ance is not accepted as an excuse for
violating the postal laws.
Beatrice Sun: "All newspaper men
are good looking, though some are more
handsome than 'others. However,
most newspaper men are modest, and it
is indeed seldom that vanity will sug
gest the running of the editor's picture
at the head of the paper. The excep
tion is found in Editor Dalby of the
Shubert Citizen. He carries his picture
at the head of his columns." When
vanity takes hold of an editor to the
extent that he thinks he is pretty, and
takes this method of showing his read
ers, he is a snap for the fool-killer.
Time was, and that but recently,
when Governor Cummins of Iowa was
considered in his state as a genuine re
former and a consistent advocate of
the radical reduction of the distressing
ly high tariff. But faith in his profes
sion and avowals was much weakened
by his permitting the convention which
nominated him for a third term to adopt
a standpat platform when he already
had the convention under control and
could have had any kind of tariff plank
adopted that he saw fit. His friends
then for the first time began to suspect
him of being only a professional reform
er and not genuinely in favor of relief for
the people.
How would you like to be the receiver
of the Ice Trust?
Candidates are looming up in great
shape. Allen Walker has filed for com
missioner in the Third district on the
republican ticket.
Iced air in theatres is not new. As
far back as a century many a building
star felt the iciness of the atmosphere
along with fruit that escaped cold storage.
Since mentioning Jacob Tritsch for
county assessor, there ha3 been no less
than a dozen republicans who have re
marked, "He is just the man for the
It looks like we will have to forego
the pleasure of cherry pie and peach
cobler, but it is a satisfaction to know
that the pumpkin crop never fails in
Nebraska, and especially in Cass county.
All. Republicans are not grafters,
but about all the grafters are Republi
cans, who have doubtless been induced
to become such by the corrupting sys
tems of protective tariffs and subsidies.
No railroad legislation has been as
popular as the two-cent fare rate.
Some eighteen legislative bodies have
passed bills to this end and against
strong opposition. The corn belt states
stand in a body for the reduction.
An exchange says that a confirmed
shopper relates that "You can't go into
a store in this town that you don't see
piles of rusty, shop-worn teddy bears
mountain high that nobody will buy."
And she asks, "What are they going
to do with them?" They might keep
them until the next campaign and label
them willytafts.
The Springfield Republican thinks
the Rev. Sam Small is in danger and
he may be. Here is its note of trepida
tion: "Rev. Sam Small avers that
President Roosevelt told him out of his
own mouth he was 'at heart a Thomas
Benton Democrat, ' and that his ambi
tion was to be elected United States
Senator from New York. We await
with a good deal of impatience the pro
posal of Rev. Sam Small to member
ship in the Ananias association."
It signifies nothing to say that the
United States lead in the number of
railroad fatalities. We are in the rail
road business in this country, whereas
the single-track, narrow-gauge, dinkey
operations that pass for railroading in
some of the old countries couldn't run
down a cow; and, all told, there are not
enough of them to make up one good
sized American system. Before the
old countries can hope to complete with
us and organize the killing business on
anything like a scale they will have to
borrow a magnate or two.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox has the
right notion of woman's proper sphere
in reform. Ella is devoting her .. atten
tion to the question of pure food, there
by setting her sisters a first rate ex
ample. If a lot of suffragettes and
anticigarettists and law-enf orcementers
and short-hairs would get out into the
kitchen and endeavor to give us a rea
sonably pure cup of coffee and an im
proved brand of baked biscuits we our
selves could attend to morals and gov
ernment with much better grace.
Speaking of freak legislation, Texas
has outdone Nebraska upon some occa
sions, and by this we do not wish to de
tract from the glory of Nebraska along
freak lines. The latest law in Texas
for the regulation of business makes it
an offense for any merchant to sell
trust-made goods. As most staples are
supplied by the trusts, it leaves the
Texas merchant in the air. The law
imposes a heavy penalty for its viola
tion, and ignorance is no excuse for
having trust-made goods in one's posses
sion. Why should it be the boast of an evan
gelist that he has been a horse thief, a
robber, a professional gambler, a drunk
ard and an all-round scoundrel? Surely
these things might be referred to in
modesty and humility. As a secondary
proposition, why shouldn't an expert in
good conduct and righteous living be
better qualified to teach that life than
one whose chief boast is that he was an
habitual criminal? They carry away
from the community hundreds of dol
lars for telling their experience in the
carousal days, while the home preacher,
in numerous instances, are doing with
out their salaries. Out upon such hy
pocrisy !
Saving the Constitution.
It would be better to have no consti
tution at all if its carefully chosen
terms are to be ignored or twisted and
stretched out of shape by those who
are sworn to uphold it, whenever it
stands in the way.
The foregoing sentiment was expi-ess-ed
in a recent address by Judson Har
mon, formerly attorney general in the
cabinet of President Cleveland. The
same declaration, in substance, was
made recently by Philander C. Knox,
Repnblican Senator from Pennsylvania
and a candidate for the presidency to
succeed Mr. Roosevelt.
One of these men is a Democrat, the
other is a Republican. Both are con
stitutional lawyers of the highest type
of ability and learning. Both have
been promineatly mentioned for the
presidency by" political parties that are
antagonistic to each other, yet they
agree absolutely on the cardinal point
that will be one of the greatest, if
not the foremost, issues in the next
This issue means the overthrow of
Roosevelt and Rooseveltian policies, no
matter who may be the standard-bearer
of the Republican party. Far more
than any President since the days of
construction, Mr. Roosevelt has been
the enemy of the constitution for which
our fathers died and which is the guar
anty of the liberities we enjoy today.
He has evaded it when he could and
thrust it behind him when evasion was
impossible. "I am the state," has
been the mottto of his administration,
and he has brooked no interference
with his own selfish policies. This head
quarters-in-the-saddle attitude has alarm
ed Republicans as well as Democrats.
The conservative and intelligent men
of Mr. Roosevelt's own party have
been edging away from him for many
months, and the open breach is near
at hand. If they succeed in their ef
forts, there will be at least one unity
of purpose on the part of both Demo
crats and Republicans in the coming
campaign, to get rid of Rooseveltism
and regain in its place the discarded
constitution of the United States.
there is nobody at the seat of govern
ment. The clerks are running the ad
ministration. Neither is there anybody
in New York; everybody is fishing in
the East. Even Wall street is enjoying
a holiday. The only place where any
thing is doing is where the country
real wealth is made, and where the. in
dustrious farmer is engaged in saving
the 'ruined' crop.
President Roosevelt prejudged
and convicted Haywood long before
this solemn task was turned over to an
Idaho court. The twelve good men
and true who constituted the jury and
returned a verdict of acquittal have
qualified for full membership in the
Ananias club.
With the bringing in a verdict of
acquittal at Boise, there ended the
greatest murder trial this country has
seen for many years. The Thaw case
was more sensational and contained far
more of what is termed "human inter
est," but little depended on it as com
pared with the trial ended Sunday.
The Governor of Idaho has announc
ed that the other trials will go ahead
regardless of his verdict. If this is
done, the outcome can be told now just
as surely as if the verdicts had been re
turned. The state has a weaker case
against Pettibone than against Haywood
and a still weaker one against Mover.
But if Idaho ever gets aronnd to it.
there is one man whose conviction for
murder in the first degree will not be
difficult to secure. His name is Albert
Horsley, alias Harry Orchard.
Governor Glenn has won his fight
with the railroads of North Carolina,
and the new State law fixing the max
imum passenger rate at 2J cents a mile
will be observed, at least until the mat
ter is decided by the State courts and
eventually by the Supreme Court of
the United States. In these judicial
procedures the railroads will have an
opportunity to properly rest the rate
legislation and show whether or not it
is unjust or confiscatory. The railway
officials have done the wise thing " in
agreeing to this method of settling the
State Treasurer Brian asks that
the levy for state purposes be raised
one-half mill in order that we may wipe
out the state debt while we are able to
stand the tax. From one point of view
we believe that the state treasurer is
right. However, if we were out of
debt, how long would it take us to get
in again? We contracted the present
debt in violation of the constitution,
and what assurance have we that his
tory would not repeat itself? On gen
eral principles we are in favor of pay
ing off debts when we have the money,
yet without some assurance that the
fellows who are running things will not
plunge us into debt again, there may
be some hesitancy about increasing the
Impeachment of Judges.
If the State officers of North Caroli
na should make good their intimated
intention and file charges against Judge
Pritchard with the House of Represen
tatives next winter, the Republican
majority in that body would be pushed
against an uncomfortable dilemma.
They would be exceedingly reluctant
to vote the impeachment, but Judge
Pritchard's course in nullifying a state
law upon a mere ex-parte statement
has been so subversive of the American
system of Government that it would
not be safe for them to dismiss the
charges before giving them serious at
tention. Democrats and Republicans have dif
fered in the past with respect to the rela
tive extent of State and Federal powers;
but the Republican manhood of this
country is at one with its Demacratic
manhood in insisting that the known
right of the States shall not be ruthless
ly invaded by the Federal power.
Judge Pritchard's contempt for the
rights of North Carolina was, and is.
so flagrant that his setting aside of
North Carolina law for no ascertained
cause will be condemned as strongly
among the masses of Republicans as
among Democrats.
Gradually is Roosevelt and his gang
getting in their work, and a few more
years of such administration, and it will
be farewell to the rights of the people in
the states. Centralization is their idea,
and the people must arise in their might
and hurl them from power if they would
retain the rights guaranteed them un
der the constitution.
If some termination to the services of
the Chief Magistrate be not fixed by the
constitution or supplied by practice,
his offiice normally four years, will, in
fact become for life, and history shows
how easily that degenerations into an
inheritance. I feel it a duty to do no
act which will essentially impair that
principle, and I should unwillingly be
the person, who, disregarding the sound
precedent set by an illustrious prede
cessor, should furnish the first attempt
of prolongation beyond the second
term of office. Thomas Jefferson.
Announcements for County Offices.
Three Dollars Invariably in Advance.
For County Uudge.
I hereby announce that I am a candi
date for the office of County Judge, sub
ject to the will of the republican voters
of Cass county expressed at the primary
to be held under the new law, Septem
ber 3d, next. J. E. Douglas.
I hereby announce that I am a candi
date for County Judge, subject to the
will of the republican electors at the
primary to be held September 3, 1907.
A. L. Tidd.
I hereby announce that I am a candi
date for the office of County Judge,' sub
ject to the will of the republican elec
tors of Cass county at the primary tol
held September 3, 1907.
William Delles Dernier.
For County Clerk.
I hereby announce that I am a candi
date for the office of County Clerk, sub
jeer to the will of the democratic elec
tors as expressed at the primary election
to be held September 3, 1907.
For Treasurer.
I hereby announce that I am a candi
date for the office of Treasurer of Cass
county, subject to the will of the demo
cratic voters of the county as expressed
at the primary to be held on September
3, 1907. Frank E: Schlater.
For County Superintendent.
I hereby announce that I am a candi
date for the office of County Superin
tendent of Schools, subject to the will
of the republican voters of Cass county
as expressed at the primary election to
be held September 3, 1907.
John E. Opp, Avoca, Neb.
Lincoln Stirred Up
Lincoln is considerably stirred up
over the saloon question. The excise
board of that city refused to grant a
license in a certain case on the grounds
that the city had enough saloons, and
Judge Holmes granted a mandamus,
compelling the board to issue license on
the ground that it could not arbitrarily
grant license to one man and refuse to
Moved to Iowa
The families of James McKinney and
Tom McKinney departed for Woodburn,
Iowa, this morning where they will make
their future home. James and Tom
went with a car last evening containing
their household goods and stock. They
were accompanied by Nelson Jones who
lives in that neighborhood. The Mc
Kinney Bros, have rented a farm and
will farm the coming year.
The prices for the moving picture
show by Robertson will be 50c, 35c and
25c, while children will be charged 15c
only for gallery.
Statement of the Condition
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on the 30th
day of June, 1907. "
First mort sra;re loans
Stock loans
Keal estate
Ieliiiciunt interest, premiums, fines
Other assets
..S 47.21 55
1.(-J3 .
370 IH)
4.:?7S T.
" 7!
40 tki
Total ...MS 54.251 17
Capital Stock paid up S 52.741 00
Keserve fund 40 til
Undivided profits 1.02S it
.251 i;
Receipts and Expenditures foie the Year
Ending June a. 1!7.
Ralanre on hand July 1. 19ii0 5 2.2H7 53
Hues lo.;;.) on
I merest, premiums and tines 3.VH1 Wt'.
Loans repaid K3-.N cj
Taxes repaid 2ti2 11
Total ? 25.135 4!
Loans 3 14.1-1 00
ExiH'nses 543 50
Stock redeemed 6.02 iHt
Cash on hand 4.37 27
Other advances 30 63
5 25.135 49
Cass County f"
I. T. M. Patterson, secretary of the above
named association, do solemnly swear that the
foregoing siatement of the condition of said as
sociation, is true and correct to the liest of my
knowledge and lelief. T. M. l'ATTERSOM.
Approved: Secretary.
R. B. WINDHAM -Directors
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th
day of July, 1907. K. Hasse.
Notary Iublic.
My commission explres-October , 1912.
AVegc lable Preparation for As -stmilating
the Food and Regula
ting the Stomachs and Dowels of
Promotes THgcsUon.ChcerfuI
ncss and Pest.Contalns neither
Opnirn;Muii hine nor Mineral.
Not Naucotic.
TWyUiii SmJ
Mx.Jwm HmJklU SJtM-
Amt Sd
)mryr tlarw.
A perfect Remedy for Constipa
tion. Sour Stoniach. Diarrhoea.
roess and LOSS OF SLEEP.
TccCiirile Signature of
exact copr or wbappeb.
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
o Trace of Disease
any one of the three years, 1901, 1902 or 1903 at or follow
ing the International Live Stock Exposition at Chicago.
Is it remarkable? If yon saw the shows you know the
countless thousands la value assembled. There was
anxiety among breeders. They had to be assured against
the spread of contagious diseases. The management met
tho demand each year by disinfecting with famous
Zenolanm exclusively. That's high, reliable testimony. Do yon nsa
Zenoleum? It destroys diseasa terms, avoids contagion, cures scab,
cholera and skin diseases kills lice, removes stomach and intestinal
"or is. establishes and maintains (or livos stock ideal sanitary conditions.
"The 6reat Coal Tar Carbolic Disinfectant Dip." (
Sample eallon of Zenoleum $1.50. express prepaid. 5 gallons $6.25.
freight prepaid. It you breed livestock yon should learn what Zenoleum
will do tor you. Ask for free Zenoleum handbooks. "Veterinary Ad-
iser- sua riggics xrouoies." a postal win bring taew.
F. Q. FRICKE & CO., Plaattsmoutfi
it's a sign of coal satisfaction. WaDt
to hear the music in your kitchen?
Easv order coal from this office and
yard. The output of the Trenton
mine the fuel we handle has no su
perior anywhere, its equal in few
Plattsmouth No. 22.
Bell o. 351.
Oxfords Men's
Have style and grace a
plenty and at no ex
pense to service. Take
our.-o0 and $4 (don't
pay 5, its wrong) Ox
fords Tor instance. Tuey cling to
your ankle as though vour foot was
moulded in them. We have them
in Patent. Gun and Mohawk Calf,
on Conservative and Swing' Lasts.
Smart Dressers frhuold
ee our BOSTON and
We're "IT" on
Old Timer Here
C. E. Rickley of Columbus, Neb.,
representing Weisert Bros., tobacco
dealers, of St. Louis, is in the city to
day and met a frier.d whom he had not
seen for some thirty years, and
surprised them, they not knowing
him. Mr. Rickley says he has lived in
the state of Nebraska for over fifty-one
years, and that this is the first time he
has ever been in Plattsmouth, and also
he says that such is the case of Ne
braska City, still we and the people of
Nebraska City can hardly see how a
person could live long in the state with
out coming this way.
CKildren's Slippers
Summer coughs and colds yield at once
to Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup. Con
tains honey and tar but no opiates.
Children like it. Pleasant to take. Its
laxative qualities recommend it to
mothers. Hoarseness, coughs, croup,
yield quickly. Sold by Gering & Co.
New Road Law
We are a progressive people, so we
are told, but whether the new road law
is a progressive measure remains to be
discovered. By this law, each precinct
is made a road district, and the dickens
only knows when the road boss will get
around to work the road.
That hacking cough continues
Because your system is exhausted and
your powers of resistance weakened.
Tc.kc Scott x Eitrixxljiton.
It builds up and strengthens your entire system.
It contains Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites so
prepared that it is easy to take and easy to digest.