The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 01, 1907, Image 1

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A Former Plattsmouth Lady on the
Unfortunate Steamer.
r.lrs. Louise G. lake and Daughter, Nellie, the
Former a Daughter of George Boeclc.
In the collision between the passenger
steamer Columbia, bound from San
Francisco to Portland, Oregon, with the
steam lumber schooner, San Pedro, in a
fog, ofT Sheltar Cove, one hundred and
fifty miles north of San Francisco, last
Saturday night, was lost the lives of
two former Plattsmouth ieople Mrs.
Louise G. Nake and her daughter. Miss
Nellie A. Nake, the former daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George Boeck, and a neice
of Uncle Henry Boeck of this city. The
ladies, who had been at Los Angeles at
the National Teachers' Convention, had
taken the Columbia to Portland. As it
was near midnight, they like most of
the passengers, were asleep when the
accident occurred. Although the sea
was still, there was a very heavy fog
hanging on the water, and when first
seen, the San Pedro, which rammed the
Columbia, was only a few boat lengths
away, and not withstanding every effort
was made to stop the lumber craft, and
also to get the Columbia out of the way,
neither could be done, and the San Pe
dro, which was going with tremendous
force, crushed into the Columbia, mak
ing a hole in its port lxw about ten feet
in extent and extending below the water
line. When the San Pedro backed away,
the water poured into the opening in a
volume that soon filled the lower parts
of the vessel and caught all who were
asleep in their cabins. In less than ten
minutes the Columbia gave a lurch to
one side and went under the waves, to
the bottom, carrying with her it is esti
mated something like one hundred lives.
Captatn Doran, of the Columbia, who
acted with all the coolness of an ex
perienced mariner, immediately set
about doing what could be done for the
saving of those on board. The time was
very short for" anything to be done, and
staying at his post until the waters
closed above his head, he succeeded in
launching four life-boats and two rafts
before the Columbia went down. Of
the four boats which were launched,
only two have been accounted for at the
coast, the other going down in the suc
tion caused by the sinking of the steamer.
There were on board something over ne
hundred women passengers in the wreck
and of these only a few were saved.
The Ball Game Saturday.
At the local park Saturday was what
the "fans" would call a good game.
When the Overland's and Red Sox
crossed bats, the undertone of feeling
was somewhat mixed as to which should
win, taking into consideration that
among the Sox were three new players
Oscar Larson was holding down short,
and he held it too, to the satis faction of
all concerned. Wm. Ramsey on third
proved the "right man in the right
place, "as was also Galligher as catcher.
Two features which were very promin
ent in helping win the game, were a
triple play from Wilkins to Heather
ington to Schneider, which retired three
of the "Overlanders. " The other was
the batting of Wilkins and Ramsey,
which was par excellence. It was a
beautiful game, and was won by our
boys, with a showing of 11 to 4 for us.
Came in His Auto.
W. B. Banning, wife and little daugh
ter, accompanied by Roy Upton and
wife, and Ray Frans, came up from
TTnJnn Monday in Mr. Banning's
automobile, and after attending to some
business matters and visiting for a
while, departed for home. The ride up
on the auto was a very pleasant trip
and was enjoyed by all the party.
raE com
One instance of the heroic work of a
young girl, a Miss Watson, of Berkerly,
California, in the saving of the life of
another woman, who had when putting
on her life perserver, gotten it on
wrong, and thereby unable to keep her
head above the water, and appealed to a
couple of men who were in the water,
having come up from the boat which
was drawn down by the suction of the
Columbia, they refused to render the
assistance. This young girl taking hold
of the drowning woman's head, held it
above the water for two hours and un
til help came, at which time she refused
to be'helped into the boat until her un
' conscious companion had been taken
; care of. It required two hour's work
; to restore the apparently drowned lady,
j The first intimation that any one who
i had ever lived here was in this disaster
I was when Uncle Henry Boeck received
' a letter last evening from Ed Boeck, of
I St. Louis, a brother of Mrs. Nake,
! stating that Mrs. Louise G. Nake, a
j daughter of George Boeck, and a sister
! of W. A. Boeck, of South Omaha, and
j her daughter, Miss Nellie A. Nake,
were among the passengers who sailed
; on the ill-fated Columbia, and that grave
: fears existed that they had been lost.
' A few moments later he received a copy
, of the St. Louis Times, containing a
picture of his niece and her daughter,
j and stating that they were among those
j who were not saved.
i These two ladies have lived in St.
Louis for years, and the daughter. Miss
: Nellie Nake, was a teacher in the pub
i lie schools there. She was about twenty
; years of of age and a very accomplish
j ed young woman Mrs. Nake will be
remembered by many of the people re
; siding in this city as Miss Louise Boeck,
i as she lived here and in the country,
j west of town, when she was a girl. In
f structions have been given that should
j the bodies be recovered they will be
' shipped to Plattsmouth for interment,
j Upon the receipt of this sad intelligence
i Uncle Henry was greatly effected, and
j it was a sad blow to him, as he was
deeply attached to his niece and her
daughter. The troubles seem to come
thick and fast to our noble citizen, who
has the sympathy of his hosts of friends
in this community.
After a Cotfon-Tail
One of our prominent citizens, accom
panied by his family, went to the coun
try Sunday to spend the day. As they
were leisurely jogging along the road,
getting all the benefits possible from
the cool morning air, all at once a young
rabbit came dashing out of the brush
and up the road it went. This was follow
ed by a big noise, something similar to
that of stampeded cattle, and out of the
brush came five of Plattsmouth's brave
and stalwart men, armed with clubs,
making chase for this one poor little,
inoffensive rabbit, that was barely old
enough to leave its mother's side. Up the
road they went with murder intent, but
had not proceeded very far when they
spied our friend and his family approach
ing them in a carriage. They imme
diately abandoned pursuit, but this poor
little cotton-tail will never realize to
whom it is indebted for its freedom in
the woods today. Maybe the boys were
"out of meat." If so, they are pardon
able for the great exertion made.
! For constipation there is nothing quite
so nice as Chamberlain's Stomach and
' Liver Tablets. They always produce a
pleasant movement on the bowels with
out any disagreeable effect. Price, 25
cents. Samples free. F. G. Frickie and
A. T. Fried.
Forty Years Ago.
Henry Miller, of Elmwood, came in
Monday morning and visited with his old
friend, County Clerk Rosencrans, for a
few hours and went on to Omaha on the
fast mail, where he has some business
to look after. Mr. Miller says, that
while he lives in Elmwood he has not
been in the city for about nine years.
He was in Plattsmouth over forty years
ago. In 18C6 and '67 he was a pilot on
the Missouri river, between St. Joseph
aud Sioux City, and he tells us he help
ed to unload the first boat load of rails
which were used in the construction of
the Union Pacific out of Omaha. He
notes a vast difference in tbe times
when he was on the river and the pre
sent, when he can go from here to
Omaha in thirty minutes while then it
took most of a day.
Such An Organization Perfect
ed Among Retail
The Chicago Tribune is authority for
the statement that a half-million retail
merchants of the middle west have per
fected an organization to fight the cata
logue houses. An idea of the nature of
the enormous business done by these
concerns may be gained from the asser
tion that the Chicago houses alone sell
goods to the valuation of hundreds of
millions of dollars annually, there out
put equaling the entire output of the
Chicago jobbers.
The catalogue house is distinctly a
menace not alone to the merchants of
the smaller towns, but to other towns as
well. In the thousands of communities
they reach they pay no taxes, con
tribute nothing to the public welfare,
spend no money, support no enterprise,
pay no wages. By reason of being able
to sell a little cheaper because of buy
ing in immense quantities and having
small expenses, they are enable to drain,
constantly, great sums of money from
the rural communities which are ex
pended and invested elsewhere. They
work great injury too, to the jobbers,
except those few with whom they deal,
and even these they injure by compel
ling them to sell at lower prices than
are charged the retail dealers,
Various means are to be invoked in
the campaign against these big mail or
der concerns. One is a boycott of man
ufacturers and jobbers that sell to them.
This is of doubtful value. Far more ef
fective will be continued appeals to local
pride and local interests, the organizing
of excursions, judicious and incessant
advertising in the local papers, and per
sonal work among the consumers. It is
proposed, too, to enable the local mer
chant to meet the catalogue house price
by putting them in touch with jobbers
who will sell as cheaply to them a3
other jobbers sell to their big foreign
Should mail order houses continue to
grow as they have in the past ten years
it will be to the serious and lasting de
triment of thousands of towns and tens
of thousands merchants. And this would
work great detriment to the farmers in
destroying or curtailing their local mar
kets. Customers in such concerns should
bear in mind the old adage about being
penny wise and pound foolish. And the
merchant whose business is threatened
should remember that the very best
way to meet the publicity afforded by
the advertising columns in the local pa
pers. More Grays Than One
We have the report Monday of
the stork at the residence of one Wm.
Gray, who with that becoming modesty
of a bird so delicate, presented the hap
py people with a fine young daughter,
a very beautiful little girl bidding them
look after her welfare aud telling that
in the years to come she would prove a
blessing to them.
They are in that happy mood which
one is want to be in the recieving of
such a pracious present expressed them
selves as being well pleased, and are
endeavoring to fulfill the charge to the
very letter. Now you will observe that
in another column we have reported that
Wm. Grey and wife were passengers to
Omaha this morning. Now do not get
these gra(e)ys mixed! they are not the
Dies at Age of Nh'nety
A special from Weeping Water under
date of June.28, says: "John Lorber
died yesterday morning at the residence
of his son in this city, aged ninety years
and two months. He was born in
Luzerne county, Pennsylvania, and
came to Nebraska thirty-one years ago,
and to this county eleven years ago.
The funeral will be at 11 o'clock to
morrow at SDrinefield. and he will be
buried there."
And the Other in is Yet In a
Serious Condition
A special from Omaha under date of
Monday, says: "Detective Geo. Wilson
of the Council Bluffs police force, who
was shot by an unidentified man Sunday
night, died at the Edmundson Memorial
hospital in Council Bluffs at 3:30 Monday
morning, just after being removed from
the operating table. His fellow officer,
W. II. Richardson, who met the same
man later Sunday night and was also
shot, was resting comfortably Monday
noon and had a slight fighting chance
for recovery. Dr. McCrae, jr., is at
tending to Officer Richardson and has
some hope that he may save him. No
complications have set in as yet.
"Four posses in automobiles are scour
ing the country for the assassin. One
party is headed by Sheriff Canning. A
report came to Council Bluffs early in
the morning that a man had been seen
in a cornfield near Crescent City and
that he was limping. Wilson was able
to say just before dying that he was
satisfied he had crippled his murderer,
so it is believed this is the man. The
posse surrounded the field, but the man
got away. Another report came of a
limping man being seen half way be
tween Crescent City and Honey Creek
and the posse headed in that direction.
The entire country is aroused; blood
hounds were immediately sent for at
Beatrice, and it is thought the capture
of the criminal is a matter of a very
short time."
A Good Showing
The county commissioners in session
last week, voted to transfer from the
general fund $5,000 for the purpose of
paying off the last of the Cass county
court house bonds. This winds up a
little business transaction in which the
citizens of Weeping Water and vicinity
took an active interest along about the
year 1888. The names inscribed on the
brick edifice that stands as a monument
to the $80,000 invested, are Jacob Tritsch,
A. B. Todd and A. C. Loder, and Bird
Critchfleld county clei'k. The building
was erected and is worth the price.
It k)ks good. This winding up of the
indebtedness clears the county of every
thing. There are no B. & M. bonds, no
outstanding warrants, no court house
bond. A few years ago the county had
outstanding bridge warrants for about
$39,000. It is our good luck at the polls
more than anything else that finds con
ditions so much different. Weeping
Water Herald.
Still at the Hospital.
Mrs. Salsbury, the mother of Rev.
Salsbury, who was taken to the St.
Luke's Hospital, Kansas City, some
time since for an operation for gall
stones, is still confined there with little
change in her condition. When the
operation was made it was found that
the gall cyst was ruptured and two ab
scesses on the liver. The disturbing
causes have been removed and the
patient made as easy as possible. She
had suffered a great deal prior to the
operation, but since her suffering has
been much less. Her demeanor is cheer
ful and hopeful, which is taken as a
good indication by those of her watch
ers at her bedside, and they trust she
will recover, though no preceptible
change for the better is yet noted.
Depart For England
Miss Alice Dovey accompanied by her
sister, Miss Ella Margaret, left Mon
day for the east where they will
sail from. New York, on Augnst 3rd
for London.
They take passage on the Minneapolis
which is one of the best ships travers
ing the Atlantic. They will remain
away about six months, and their stay
in England will be for the purpose of
Miss Alice taking additional instructions
in voice culture under her old tutor
Madame Collini. Miss Ella Margaret
will accompany her sister as a compan
ion, and will sojourn in the old country
during Miss Alice's stay.
Suffers a Broken Rib
C. A. Harvey while driving in from
the field with a mower at the farm
where he lives south of town, one day
last week, had the misfortune to have
the team he was driving take fright and
run away. In trying to pass through a
gateway, the end of the sickle bar
struck against tbe gate post and throw
ing him off the mower. One wheel
passing over him, breaking one rib.
The accident while very painful, was
also very fortunate for Mr. Harvey in-as-much
that he was not more seriously
injured than he was. Mr. Harvey was
able to be in the city yesterday, though
experiencing considerable pain..
Two Cent Rate on Entire System
The general passenger agent of the
Burlington railroad has announced that
within ten days the Burlington would
put in operation a two-cent fare schedule
between all points on the road regard
less of whether or not the different
states have passed a two-cent fare bill.
The Burlington traverses Montana,
Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas,
Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin,
Minnesota and South Dakota. Clerks
are now workiug on the new schedule
and the rate will be placed in operation
just as quick as the tariff is completed.
The action of the Burlington will un
doubtedly cause other roads in the same
territory to follow suit.
What is Required to Make a
Model llusbsnd
A citizen of Sunflower, Neb., bethink
ing him to marry, carelessly offered
himself to any one of a club of twelve
Suuflower maidens who might look upon
him with favor. His offer has brought
forth a considered response from one
of the girls, who states her willingness
to marry him provided he conld fulfill all
the following conditions:
"That he prove his sincerity, that he
demonstrate that he is qualified in every
way to contract marriage, that he is
amply able to provide a comfortable
home for his bride and is willing to
make provision for her every need and
comfort, that he abstain from tobacco
in every form, that he will not use in
toxicating liquors to any extent what
ever, that he shall be chaste and pleas
ant in conversation, use no profane or
improper language, spend his evenings
at home, not frequent clubs or poolrooms
not flirt with any woman, and attend
church every Sunday."
We grieve to relate that the gentle
man in question has been obliged to stop
and examine into himself in order to
ascertain wheather he possesses the
qualifications and whether, after all, he
really wants to marry.
We commend the snowflower maid,
nevertheless, on her insistence upon
rigid and proper standards. There is
the very best of common sense behind
them. By demanding the best and tak
ing no other she is certain at least
avoid an unhappy marriage. Some male
readers, after scanning her conditions,
may be led to believe that she will avoid
any kind of a marriage at all.
Perfect men, especially perfect hus
bands, are not exactly a drug on the
market these days. The average, the
deadly average, is prone to smoke and
even use mild cuss words in moments
of anger, to remain at home Sunday
mornings and otherwise fall below
realization of his higher privileges. And,
sad to say, he is sometimes embarrassed
when it comes to supplying "her every
need and comfort."
The Sunflower.Miss will have none of
him, and though he is perhaps alto
gether good enough for the human na
ture's daily food of her less exacting
sisters, no one will dispute her right to
be as fastidious as she chooses in this
matter of first, and lasting, importance.
The best or none at all is a better rule
than the laxer one which so frequently
admits of the worst.
W. E. Rosencrans.
It will be seen that the present county
clerk has announced in this paper for a
renomination. This will be no surprise
to his friends either democrats or re
publicans of Cass county, as he has
made such an acceptable official that he
has greatly increased his friends in every
nook and corner of the county. In fact
his name has become a household word
with the farmers, so accomodating has
he been to all who have transacted busi
ness in his office. Republicans have bej
come his friends because they like his
genial, affable manners in conducting
the business of the office. The demo
crats are allhis friends because they
knew his worth before he ever entered
the county clerk's office. Ever pleas
ant, well qualified, friendly alike to all,
we cannot see wherein the people would
choose to make a change.
Nicholas Todd Brought Home.
Nicholas Todd, who has been in Oma
ha for treatment for an affection of the
plura, the covering of the lungs, and for
which he was operated upon a few days
ago, has so far recovered that he was
removed to his home in this city. His
friends are feeling somewhat encouraged
over his improvements, and hopes he
may recover. His brother, Dr. J. T.
Todd, of Wahoo, came down to Omaha
and came on down with brother when
he was. brought home. We are very
glad to know of the improvement in Mr.
Todd's condition, and hope he may
eventually entirely recover.
Joseph Webb is Six Feet and
Nine Inches in Height
7hipped Five Men who Attack
ed Him the Other Night
at South Omaha
The Omaha World-Herald is responsi
ble for the following description of Jos
eph Webb, who, it claims, is the tallest
man in Nebraska. "Jod" as he is com
monly called at Memphis, Missouri,
where he was reared, is well known by
the Journal people as very tall, and may
be the tallest man in Nebraska, but
when we last saw him standing beside
Ella Ewing at the Scotland county fair
at Memphis, "Jod" appeared as a ban
turn, Miss Ewing being 8 feet 4 inches
in height. He has visited Plattsmouth
frequently and is a brother of William
Webb who lost his life by falling from
the Burlington bridge three or four
years ago, while it was being construct
ed. He is an inoffensive fellow, and
his imagination sometimes leads him to
say things which he does not expect hit?
hearers to believe. The Journal people
know the Webb family well, and they
are all honest, industrious people. No
better man lives than Uncle Joseph
Webb, "Jod's" father, but the latter is
of a restless nature and loves to gad
about. The World-Herald's story is
thusly told:
Joseph Webb, who lives at the Elk-
horn hotel on Twenty-sixth street, South
Omaha, without a doubt has the dis
tinction of being the tallest man in Ne-
brakas. He is b' feet ! inches tall and
weighs 130 pounds.
Mr. Webb is 82 years old and v.-as born
in Missouri, the state which has produc
ed so many giants. Although very tall
and with a waist as slender as any young
lady might envy, the young man is also
a muscular wonder.
He works everyday at the Swift plant
and is considered by the foreman to be
an excellent workman.
When asked the other day why he did
not prefer the footlights to doing man
ual labor he said :
"A few years ago I was urged by my
friends to travel with a circus as a side
show attraction. I tried it and made
good. After a few months, however, I
grew weary of the ever staring crowds
and inactive life. I made up my mind
to quit the road and did at the expira
tion of my contract. Nothing could in
duce me to resume the life of the circus
A few nights ago Webb had rather an
exciting experience. He was returning
home rather late when he was accosted
by five or six men who, under the pre
tense of guying him about his height,
are said to have attempted to hold him
up. At least he thought this to he their
It was then that his long and power
ful arms came into play with a veng
ance. In a very short space of time he
put the entire bunch to flight. So rough
ly did he use one or two of them that
they had him arrested for assault and
battery. Nothing, however, came of
the charge.
A Grandma's Greeting
Paul Kirkpatrick accompanied by Mrs.
Kirkpatrick and little daughter, arrived
from Denison, Tex.,Thusday evening on
a visit to his parents. It would be in
teresting if there were some way of reg
istering joy -we have an idea that the
indicator would have broken when
"Grandma" Kirk, caught Little Ermine
in her arms. We once heard a very
eminent physician say "that if you ever
expect to make anything of a child the
first thing you wanted to do was to kill
the grandmother," bntthis is one case
that we believe would call for an execu
tive clemency if sentence were pronounc
ed. Nehawka Register.
Was a Lively Runaway
A team attached to a buggy ow ned
by W. H. Lair, became frightened on
upper Main street this morning, and
took a spin down the pavement at a
lively rate, that called out all the busi
ness men on the street. After making
the trip to the depot they were willing
to be caught and led to the railing
around the Burlington park, where they
stood until called for. The horse was
left standing in the street unhitched.
A first-class well improved 160 acre
Cass County farm for sale. Inquire of
J. M. Leyda,
Plattsmeatk, Neb.
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