The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 25, 1907, Image 7

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Electric Jhcatre - Pcnnv Arcade
-PROG R A M - --- -
Thursday - Friday - Saturday
The Fencing Master
liillie Cots to thtr I'artv
I'aljy's Outing
Tenderloin Tr.-.gcdv
Songs "I'right ICyes Clood
liyv," "Come Along Little Girl,
Coir.e Along. "'
Changes of Program Twice a Week
The purpose of the 1'eco Theatre Co. is to give the biggest
show ever seen in your city for Ke. We are here to stay and
would like to have you come and see what we have. To the
ladies and children we extend a cordial invitation. As an extra
inducement we are giving away valuable presents to the ladies
at each performance, as several ladies can tell you who have re
ceived them so far. Watch the local news columns of your
papers for the irames of the ladies who draw the prizes each
night. Nothingrthe least suggestive will he shown. Come and
stap as long as yflu like. The show starts at S o'clock. We
we would like to fPtve you all attend twice a week at change of
program. 1 ne Arcade in tne Joooy is iree. .vimission to me
Moving Picture Theatre is 10c
Our damages have all been
replaced and we are now ready
to meet all our friends and
customers with a Bright New
Clean Stock of Staple and
Fancy Groceries. Not a single
dollars worth of water soaked
goods "will he found in our
house. Everything New and
Fresh from the markets to re
place our line even in better
condition than before the flood.
Remember we have nothing
but genuine bargains to offer
in Drv Goods and Groceries.
From Factory to Farm no
14-n. MeelBeam now.uoubie ann t
best that money can Luild. only
S5j $8.65
u-in. rr.n
IS-In. !! .15
Oo Plow $ ! f
liwO oir mni- -"
-!. tig CstalOf
CUaW ol Bsc tS
12 Id.
Hard Stmt
to with Pkw
Bt Walktnc Cale7..r. 4 tbonl. $ il.OO. Bm wIkinf CnltiTiW. 4 flier! ml Ecl Clw. ins.TO.
See what it Means. Lever Hanoi v ST.95
$6-locth Lerer Barrow $11.90
14-m. Imp. Litter 917.22
lt-in. bulky
Liter f to
8-ft. R&ka tl.P0
t-ewinr MMfaine $9.00
Brt Sewioa Macblna GV
Minkl la An. 4 O
machine 1T.S0
Steel Banre'Wiih Re. 19.70
Fine Trrp Burc M.!X
12-14 Uic Hirow mil J S14.W
(T XT'
Inpmtd lUdinr CuHintor. 4 aho. $19. AO. linpfVTd Ridiar Disc Cultivator. 6 DiftC,
fOtirr pVw fx-WT th fniw1 t. TUrf awt tr farmer t wbolo) prlrea-l
Notice to Creditors
: ST VI t OK KISIM'-K A. '.
' A:K Cl r.T V
I ii 1 lini l-r of 1 l.e l .if r-( i
fli'ln L'H HI 'il'lt Mil' " ll'lill
X. .!
. hi.
siiltl ili-O'UNt'd will int't'i Hit- :.lminUt I :it : ir wl'h
tin' will aniii'M-'l nf -ai'l i!in-. (iffir- ni".
ill lit V JUHi-'l' if !l-s ci ll Ml V. X''lT::il ;i. :! '.In'
i .. i i . . 1 1 nt. ; .. -!.)
1 1 iniaii?s mm mwj
The Greatest Summer Drink is
Drawn from the Famous Root Beer Kegf
Just right it cools and refreshes
and makes you feel right.
Prescription Druggists
I.HItV fOlllt I'm til I ill I'hlHIII'tMl ll. Hi -Lllil
i-i I'll y. Hi 1 irf 2':t Ii ilny .I'll.',. !:'.'. :uul nil
i ii- "jr.1 1 1 1 1 i. if .1 :t 1 1 ti n i . . I :. til
M..i ii-li hiy. f ii' tl.t- iiirNif
I lit-l i !:. i:n for f am i ii:i ! "i.
it 11. iwa ni'f.
i niiini lis :n t- : 11. i,v (I 'lit- ! ! ii n- f
x;i'i tlfi-ciitil l iUf.-fi'i . Iit'.r I'liiiin.i. mil "ii'
. t-iir for I ir- iKiminiM i n-1 m-i I It- :i t -i
from 1 1 if vV'l 1 1 lu v of .1 uly. r.i'T.
VUiit-i in v ti:t till i.lnl -': -:ul county
rn',111. in I'lnH-moiii It. Ni'lii ;ili ,. i liK :.V'.t !i Hay
of .I'.lll.-. I 'AC. 11 UIVKV !. TllAVI
111 o'l-lm'U A.
f iitt'-fiit ini;
;nl in-' im n'. ami
Ska i.
' 'omit y .1 :ilj-'f.
Notice to Creditors
St it; or Nkiikaka. ' w.
CAS C'lll'NTV. I ' '
I II T tit' lll'il !' of I lit I'M Tiff t.'f ll".lll l"itlo..
Xot ! K ln'ii liy -'i vi-ii l lir.l tin- i-ii'ilitoi of
-iiiil ilt-.-fii-fil will rii.-i-t tin- :tliiiini-l i-iior witli
tin- will :ii:n-fil of --ail stiiif. Ik-iwit nn-.
foiii.ty j;iilir-of 'a foiiiiiy. Ni lna-ka. at iln
f.)i;iit y rimrt loom in 1 I :i iiinmii It. in -ai!
I'miiii y. on t lit- ..i Ii i!:iy of July. I'.mT. am!ui
!: Ii iliiy of .1 aiiiiury. :-. :il 1i o'.-loU A. lay. for tin- imriMi-f -f :t'"fin I sitr
I I vir .la in i fur - ami nut ion. a!jni iiit-in ami
Si IIHilll Iim aic allowed for tlie .'I edit ti s of
vnicl ili'i'i'iiM'il in iMi'M'iil t lieir claims, anil one
;. -ai- for t lie udminUt rat or to ei; le .aid e-t ale.
f Kim I lie :.Y.1 li lay of .1 uly. l'.C '
V.'itin- my liuinl and -.-al of --aiil mmty
ciiuM. ai I'laitsir.oinii. Xel'i a-.Ua. i Id- :J7 Ii day
of June. im;. I! iiivkv I. I'havis.
1 s i : a I . I County .Iniiire.
Legal Notice
To Oecitre X. McCall. 1 n feiidaTit :
Vuu will t ake not ice i iiai on the litli !ay ..if
June. I'.mT. Julia McC'ull. plaint ill", lieiein. tiled
lier i-t it ion in t he i":ist rict court i if Ca-s coun
ty. XehraUa. ntraliwt said ilefetidant. the oli
ject and iiray'i-of whicli isio-ecure a dectee
of livorce from said defendant uiiii tlie
t'iounl of extreme cruelty and iioii-supiiort.
and that she ! ii'stored to her maiden name.
You are lenuiied to answer said iietition on
or he fmi-t he -Jin h (iaynf July. 1SW7.
.Ipi.ia McCai.i.. l'laintifl.
Legal Notice.
"oumyfCasi:'"'- -
To all it'rsons inleiested in tlie eniaie of
Ilenjamin Kannaid. late of said co-.uit.y. de
ceased. You are heiehy notified that on the :.'lst day
of June A. .. I '.Hi". Louis Kantian! (i!-d his
!etiiiou in the county court the appoint
ment of 1 avid J. l'ilmaii. as administrator of
the estate of Hep.jamin Uaiinard. lale of -aid
county deceased, ami that the same will he
heard at t lie county court room in the city of
l'latlsmouth, in saiil county, on the i:t h day of
July A. I . l'.H'T. at tlteiiour or in o'clm-k A. M.
All parties intere-ted in said matter will tile
; lieir iili.ject ion to saiil iietition on or l.efote
nine o'ciock A. M. of said i:Uh day of J uly P.fC.
or the court will irt ant the pr ayer of saiil peti
tion and srrant letter- of aiiministraiion to
liavid.l. I'itman. or -ome oilier suital'le ;er
son and proceed to a settlement of -aid estate
M. Archer. County J udire.
Attorney. l-F.Al-1
She Remembered It Was Full
There are more people who take no
tice of things pertaining to astronomy
than one would think. Last evening
most people preceived the ec-lipstof the
miKin, that is those who knew it was to
occur. A young couple not so awful
young either but classed as young
sat watching the stars and brushing oh"
a mosquito now and then with one hand
while the oilier hand of each had sought
the company of that of their companion.
All at once the young man said: "Why,
what's the matter with the moon?" "O
yes. I remember, the moon was full
when it came up, wasn't it?" said his
companion as she disengaged her little
hand from his strong warm clasp (real
ly warm) to replace a stray lock of hair
which persisted in hanging down in her
face and to smite a mosquito which was
nibbling at her ear. "Sure, I read it in
the Sunday paper, " said the gallant
swain, as they got up oil' the bench and
strolled out of the park, ostensibly on
their way home. While our informant
went on his way whistling a merry tune,
thinking the while "well, this is not such
a bad old world after all."
Fine Stock and Grain Farm
For sale mo acres, b miles from food town,
half smooth farm land, tutlance tine roiling
pasture land, hest of soil for all grains and al
falfa. !i-rooni house. L'ood Parn. dou tile crihs.
Km feet of cattle sheds, two srmtd webs and
wind mills, plenty of fruit. This farm i- real
ly worth dou hie the price asked. Price for
short time only 15 per acre. Special reasons
for seliimr Write for our Il-t of special bar
gains. I'l.ATTr: VAI.I.KV K. K. .V COM. Co .
lexinifton. Xel.r-iska.
Itest land harirains in central Nchrnska.
to "b per acre. Sell your one hth-priced
farm and buy two just as jikhI of us. in the
tireat l'latte Valley, near the I'. 1'. main line.
A sample: 320 acres level valley land. 150
acres alfalfa. IK) acres cultivated, rest pasture,
house, ham. sheds, chicken house, corrals, all
fenced. 4 miles from county seat. Will divide
this at 35. Write your wants or set; us.
VanHokx iS: Tii'Tux.
leximztoii. Nebraska.
la) acres 3 miles from (Vrand Inland, all fenc
ed, ull jrrass. part alfalfa, rich soii. tier
su acre farm west of Grand Island, house,
barn, cranery. a'.faifa. Sun per acre-
Oversow acre in Mail county s40.(KK).
Write Kill ; Huston. Grand Island. Nebraska
4 wks
Choice inside Kos A mreles residence proper
ty for sale or will trade for eastern Nebraska
land. Kiiiht room house, all modern conven
iences, ten minutes from down town, located
on one of the finest residence streets. Larire
lot containing palms and tropical fruits.
Price si l.ow. This is not a trading property.
If interested and mean business, write for
photograph. Cahtfk.
J wks Lexington. Nebraska.
Don't miss this. o you want a good stock
farm? I have 4fi acres only 6 miles from g jod
town in Nance county. Nebraska, well im
proved. 300 acres tillable land, oalance rough
pasture la nd. stream of water runs through
the farm furnishing plenty of water for stock.
Price of the farm is iM per acre, good terms.
Have lisO acres of tine land lo niiies north of
Chappel. county seat of Duel county, all fenc
ed, no better land In the state, is all level and
'tine grass, price f 13 per acre: have all kinds of
improved and unimproved lands both in east
ern and western Nebraska and Kansas. Write
for price list and information.
M. D. Hadcox.
Central City. Nebraska.
Best stock farm in Dawson county. Sixteen
buildings all painted. First-class condition.
Fenced and cross-fenced. I."i0 acres In wheat
and corn, pood alfalfa. 3 miles from county
seat. All tine level land. Fine neighborhood.
Close to school, telephone line. Well worth
0 an acre. Improvements cost over ftiOOO.
Price S4o per acre. Reasonable terms.
It. E. Poweli.
Lexington. Nebraska.
ItiO-acre farm 2 miles from Lexington, no
improvements. 65 acres of good alfalfa mead
ow. Balance of land in cultivation and level
as a floor, in crop this year. Price 42 per acre
.1. L. Mitchell. Keal Estate Co
Lexington. Nebraska.
B4't acres of uplands. 250 acres under culti
vation. 7-room house, new barn for twenty
head, all fenced and crossed at only $15 per
acre for short time. More good bargains
Farmers are prospering here. Write or come
to see me. list. (;eoi;e htma.
lw Lexington. Nebraska.
In the taking of the three children by
Mrs. Quivey, a partial execution of the
judgment has been enforced. Mrs. Qui
vey will return for the other child, the
eldest child, Ira Stull, who could not be
found today. That the conditions under
which these children have lived goes
without a dispute. All children have by
a right inherent which should not be de
nied them, the opportunity of being sur
rounded during that time, when inno
cency and purity . are a child's unques
tioned heritage, with decent influences.
George E. Sayles came in this morn
ing from Cedar Creek and is looking
after some business pertaining to the
Duff Grain company, whose manager he
is at this place.
Superintendent City Schools.
At high noon today John W. Gamble
succeeded to the office of superintend
ent of the city schools, succeeding E. L.
House who has accepted the chair of
elementary school at Peru. The vacancy
in the office of county suprintendent, to
which Geo. L. Farley was appointed
some time since by the board of county
commissioners passed into his hands also
as the clock in the court house struck
the hour of twelve. It's now J. W. Gam
ble Superintendent of the city schools
and Geo. L. Farley, county superintendent.
Will Meet His Brother
Ward Clark was a passenger to
Omaha this afternoon, where he goes
to meet his brother, C. W. Clark, of
Ogden, Utah; who will pass through
Omaha today. Mr. C. W. Clark is in
the employ of the Union Pacific at
Ogden, and is on a trip to Chicago.
Ward had not seen his brother for a
number of years, and as he will have
a few hours in Omaha, he went up to
visit with him during his stay there.
Two Kinds of People
Henry Ward Beecher said that there
are just two kinds of people, the "I
Wills" and the "I Can'ts." The "I
Wills" go ahead and do things and the
"I Can'ts" sit around and critisize them
This is true as far as it goes, but there
are some who are willing to join the
"I Wills" but sickness puts them in the
class of "I Can'ts." Many of them can
easily help themselves by using Triner's
American Elixir of Bitter Wine. This
rerrijfifry wfU -almost instantly put their
dige'stive organs in perfect shape, will
give them new blood and with it new
energy. It should be used by those who
feel tired without apparent cause, who
are despondent, morose, without energy,
whose apsetite is weak, whose com
plexion is muddy, who have somh eructa
tions and other digestive troubles.
GivJ it to all who need health, strength
ank energy. At .drugstores. Jos.
Triner, 'J(J So. Ashland aAenue, Chicago,
Bound Over to District Court
The arrests made under the juvenile
act, for the illegal sending of minor
children to saloons, there appeared on
the summons issued, Vincent Petacek,
George Grebe. Louis Kissling and Frank
Johnson who in their appearance admitted-
the facts but claimed they had a
right to do so. They pleaded not guilty
waving preliminary examination, gave
bond to appear at the district court in
the sum of $500 each.
any one of l!ic three years, 3fA!, lr02or V)3 at or follow
ing tlie Iulcnialioiial Live, Sbck Kxjklijn at Chicago.
Is it remarl.ablc? li yoil Fnw the s-hows you know tlio
countless thousand? la value assembled. There was
anxiety amon breeders. They had to be assured against
the Epreau of contagious dir.eascs. The management met
tlio demand each year by dislnfectin-j with lainoua
?en-'leum tclu'!vtly. That's Lith. rclinl.ln tcr.iimony. Pj yon ne
Zeuoleum? It destroys disenso (rrran, Bvoidi contagion, curra rut,
choleiu an.l kia di-.caset. Mils lico, removes ctomm Ii arid intrnlmal
wor is, establishes mid muliituuis fr live) tlix Widea) buhiUi y condition.
"The Great Coal Tar Carbolic Disinfectant Dip." .
Samplo rallo.i of Zen. ileum Jl.50, iires3 jrepiJ. S eallns .25.
freight preraij. If you breed livestock you should learn what Zenoicum
Till do t or v"u. Ask for freo Zonoleuin handliookn, "Wteiiumj"' Ad-i
Viitl Rua iVtJO 3 iroublu-i." A iot,Ul will UUIU lUUfb
V. l. I WICKK & CO.. IMauttm.)utrt
A. H. Haffke was a passenger to Gib
son this morning, where he . is engaged
with the Burlington.
Statement of the Condition
of Plattsmoutb, Nebraska, on the 30th
day of June, 1907.
Kirst moitrutre loans :
Stock loans 'JO
Keal estate HT0 CO
Cash 4s 27
rielijhiueut interest, premiums, lines ixi TO
Other assets....'.: 40 06
Total S 54.C51 17
Capital Stock paid up $ fi7il w
Ueserve fund 4-4) 01
Undivided profits l.t'-S 00
.251 17
Kmuxb .Icse :, I'.mT.
Balance on hand July 1. 1'J6 ? -.237 53
I lues 10.305 00
I ntei-est. premiums and fines 3.'.m Mi
Ixians repaid -. i".3- .iy
Taxes reiiail 202 11
Total -'.135 4!i
Ians 00
ExiH-nses ;43 :0
Stoek redeemed 6.m2 l
Caslion hand 4.37s 27
Other advances 30 ti3
.135 4
Cass County f
I. T. M. Patterson, secretary of the alnive
-named association, do solemnly swear that the
foretroini? siatement of tlie condition of said as
sociation. Is true and correct to tlie hest of my
knowledge and belief. T. M. KATTEKSOM.
Approved: Secretary.
R. B. WINDHAM VIHrectors
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th
day of July, 1907. L. K. Haspe.
Notary I'ublic.
. My commission expires October , 1912.
(iiy ti. A. Lels.)
Weeping Watei
Corrected weekly by Martin He To!,
who pay tl.e higliest prices fi.r produce
and guarantee satisfaction:
Springs 1 -2-
I loirs
. I.",,"
' tof'i.l'O
.'."i 111 T.'i.T.'i
Corn .
Hock Island Time Tami.k
Murdock Station.
No. 15, local !t:52 a. in.
No. 5, local freight 8:.;o a. m.
No 6. mail 2:.') p. rn
No. 37, mail 5:53 p. m.
No fi does not stop for passegers east
of Denver.
No. 94. freight 12:.'50 a. n.
.'.i:ll a. m.
1 :27 p. m.
3:0 p. m.
1:14 p. m
No. 304, local passenger
No. I1, Local
No. 6, mail
No. sfj, local freight....
No. does not stop fur passengers
west of DesMoines.
Mrs. Frank Martin of Omaha, visited
at the home of II. A. Tool hist woek.
J. K. Funk returned Friday from his
tour of the west.
Mrs. Chas. Kager is visiting relatives
in the western part of the stnte at
Mrs. J. M. Leis entertatair.ed the
Kensington Wednesday. Light lunch
eon was served.
Threshing has commenced in this
neighborhood and small grain is yield
ing well.
Vm. Waack, of Lincoln, age '-'A, and
Pauline Schavy, of Murdock, age :?o.
were united in marriage by Justice
Greene. Council KlutTs items in World
Herald issue of July 24th.
(). P. Stewart and family departed
for their home at Farragut, Iowa, Wed
nesday, after a month's visit with rela
tives at this place.
Carrol Colbert joined the Nebraska
state guards of Weeping Water Friday
Ferdinand Koseho lost a valuable
horse Friday which was overcome by
the heat.
George L. Colbert and J. Westlake
returned from South Dakota Saturday.
Wm. G. Gentry and wife came
down from Omaha Saturday evening
and visited relatives in this burg over
Fred M. Cox of Omaha, visited rela
tives here over Sunday.
Mrs. Myria McDonald of Murray,
visited here over Sunday.
Mrs. Joe Elwell of Springfield, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. A. E. Lake of
this place at present.
Arthur Rager of Greenwood, visited
relatives here Sunday.
H. A. Tool transacted business in
Omaha Tuesday.
Mrs. A. Zabel of Lincoln, is visiting
relatives here this week.
Mike Dietz is visiting friends here
this week.
Mrs. Sam Gramlich of Richfield, is
visiting at the home of Geo. Gramlich
this week.
Elmer, the eight-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. S. L. Loberg, broke his right
leg above the knee Friday.
l'r mi Tl.e I It i :ilil
( has I'hilpnt h'St week shipped 1'rom
his Cass county f.'.i'in, nine car loads of
fat cattle to mrtikel.
Clifton Hay fell about eighteen feet
from a tree, Sunday, ami fractured
both bones of h!s right forearm near
the wrist.
Word has been received here to the
eifect that a son was born to Mr. ami
Mrs. Clyde McClaiu of Twin Falls, Ida
ho, on July 1:5th.
Harvey Sargent was laid up last week
from the elfects of too ( lose proximity
with poison ivy. Harvey says that ty
phoid fever isn't in it with tlie tort ores
he endured.
J. J. Meier and wife and Miss Alice
Flarnme departed Thursday for I'adus,
Wisconsin, where they will spend
about six weeks visiting relatives and
W. C. Wollc. says that he thought
the hail storm damaged his crop pretty
bad, but after driving over other por
tions of the storm's path and seeing
many fields of on i: stripped and oat.-'
and vegatatioii j-i . i:!ed int o t be groum 1,
concluded he wa.-' rathe)- lu ky. For
those tenters paying cash rent and af
ter putting in llu-ir Mimmei's voii., :i
is h tough jiropo-ilioii.
Miss Sophia V.'o'f rt eivod a pv.-tty
colonial sugar a:'d creamer at the I '''(.
theatre at the List hour ai.d Gco'r
Kudig the beer stein whie'n wj.s rafile.l
off to the gentlemen. At the sorond
show Miss Nelli'.- I!o4eI lei-eivd ."i
beautiful plate and Gus Swans"-: a
pretty shaving mu'j-
Accider! si the Shops.
While at wm k in th. brass j e l i :
department ol th- Hurlington Hep'
yesterday, Join Clans, the foreman, had
a very severe accident whicli c.-ni.-e;
him to tke a h-y-oif from active vork
in his department b- the bur.-ting "f a
rapidly revolving emery wheel. While
he was working and had just tane-d
around to go te.vay from the wheel (:
some article thnt he was needing, ih
wheel bursted while running at a high
rate of speed, and the pieces struck
Mr. Claus in the side1 bruising his side
very badly. Fortunate it was that, no
bones were broken. Had he bee-i. as
he was before, standing directly in front
of the wheel, the injury would have
been much more serious than it was,
for the blow must necessarily have
been a glancing stroke.
In the District Court
There was filed in the district court
last evening, a case wherein Edwin Jeary
appears as the plaintiff, and Sam Raker,
Lizzy E. Raker, the American Handsew
ed Shoe Company, and the Peoples I'uild
ing, Loan and Saving Association, ap
pear as the defendents, in which it i.s
sought to recover on a promisary note
of $700.00 and a morgage for the amount
of $1161.40.
Broke His Collar Bone.
Sunday while at play, Willie Bell, suf
fered a fracture of his collar bone,
which is keeping him from his play
since. He was running and attempt
ing to throw at the same time, when he
fell with the above result. The doctor
reduced the fracture, and while it is
somewhat sore and painful, he is get
ting along as well as could be expected.
First House West B. S M. Depot
We Solicit the Farmers Trade
and Guarantee' Satisfaction:- : -
When in the City Give Us a Call
15he Perkins Motel