The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 25, 1907, Image 6

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    i'iii:i'AKi:i in i hi: interests ov the people of muuray
f If ,,,, of the renders of the Journal
J mw ' - -- -- J
Wt want all item of interest. Editor Journal.
n Advantage
To Your Busineoo
jWe invite you to become
identified withis Bank.
Your financial matters re
quire the careful, consistent
attention which this Bank's
officers erive to its customers.
Your business
aged conservatively and in
strict confidence.
fVe invite your account.
Lee Allison was a county seat visitor
The Graves sisters were Plattsmouth
visitors Wednesday.
"Dave Amick was a business visitor in
South Omaha Tuesday.
Mrs. Stokes, of Mynard, was a Platts
mouth visitor Wednesday.
Fred Ash was a business visitor in
the county seat Wednesday.
Mrs. O. A. Davis was a Plattsmouth
visitor on Friday of last week.
W. J. Philpot shipped two cars of
cattle to South Omaha Monday even
ing. Mesdames A. L. Baker and Chas.
Carroll were Plattsmouth visitors Mon
day. R. R. Nickels was in Omaha Thurs
day looking after some machine re
pairs. Fate Davis and Wright Wallace is
here this week buying a load of butcher
Mrs. Mary Davis and son Searl, of
Lincoln, were here last Friday visiting
with friends and relatives.
Threshing is now in order. T. J.
Rhoden started his machine Wednesday
ion the first job of the season.
.Miss Florence Dovey, of Plattsmouth,
came down Tuesday for a short visit
with Miss Margery Walker.
Chas. Baldwin, of Weeping Water,
agent for the McCormick Harvester
Co., was here a few days this week.
C. S. Stone and Sam Pitman went to
Plattsmouth Monday evening where
they took the first degree in the Ma
sonic lodge.
A new baby boy arrived at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Philpot on last
Friday. Both mother and little one are
doing nicely.
Geo. Everett and wife, from near
Union, were visiting with Murray
friends Wednesday, the guests of Al.
Kennedy and wife.
James Holmes, accompanied his wife
and son, Ralph, as far as Omaha Tues
day, on their way to the Emerald Isle,
- they will spend several months.
- of Havelock, and the
"atrice Wilson of
with the
Murray Department.
know of a social event or an item of interest
will be man
John Cook was a business visitor in
Omaha Wednesday.
The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer
Shrader has been quite sick.
Henrietta Creamer has been on the
sick list for the past week.
Henry Sans, who has been quite sick,
is much better at this writing.
Postmaster A. L. Baker purchased
Earnest Carroll's fine driving horse this
Mrs. Will Joiner, of Nebraska City, is
here this week visitir.g her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jos. Burton.
Mrs. Queen who has been so danger
ously ill is slowly recovering, and hopes
are now certained for her complete re
covery. Will Smith has been treating his
house to a new coat of paint this week,
which adds greatly to the appearance of
J. A. Hamilton and family of South
Omaha, came in Wednesday for a few
days visit with friends and relatives.
Mr. Homilton formerly lived down near
Rock Bluffs.
Mrs. Bessie Root, who has been here
visiting for the past few days, return
ed to her home in Western Nebraska,
W. C. Brown and wife and Miss Car
rie Allison went to Plattsmouth Tues
day evening to attend the medal contest
at the Parmele.
Miss Pauline Oldham has organized a
class of reading at home for the summer
months. At the present time she has
seven or eight pupils enrolled and an ex
cellent chance for several more.
Ralph, the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs.
Theo. Amick, drank a quantity of tinc
ture of iodine Wednesday morning, and
the little fellow was quite sick for some
hours, but nothing serious will result.
Many Murray people are complaining
of the poor freight service of late. Up
to Wednesday noon only one load of
freight passed over the road. In many
lines of freight, especially binding twine,
our local dealers have almost been ex
periencing a panic. The twine being
the most needed, as the grain is all
ready to be harvested.
Carrol-Buck Wedding.
Earnest Carroll, son of Charles Car
roll, aged 22, and Miss Daisy Buck,
' -r of Theodore Buck, aged 25,
carried by Judge Archer,
""o. - L. Farley and
two young
y in-
for the
-h head
e city to-.-ith
and vicinity especially
in tfus vicinity and trill mail same to this
in favor of Fusion
The Supreme Court of Nebras
ka So Declares
Lincoln, Ne., July 24. The supreme
court today granted the writ of mand
amus asked for by T. S. Allen on behalf
of J. L. Sundean, fusion candidate for
state regent, to compel the secretary of
state to place Sundean 's name on the
primary ballot under the two seperate
party designations.
The decision of the court is a victory
for the fusionists, and a rebuke to At
torney" General Tompson who decided
offhand against the contention of the
The decision means that fusion will be
permitted in the state-wide primary and
that fusion candidates' names may ap
pear on the ballot under both party des
The Bird Had Flown
The case of assault and battery at
Cedar Creek, which was complained of
before the county attorney a few days
ago, and on which complaint a warrant
for the arrest of Herman Vogt, was
issued, seems to have spread out in
thin air. The bird had flown when the
sheriff made his appearance at his for
mer abiding place. The neighbors des
cribe it as a friendly fight, but it seems
as though the one who gets the worst
of the matter has another recourse,
It is not fair to pull hair, not unless
you are doing the pulling; so while it is
all right to fight, it is not all right to
get licked. If you can lick the other
fellow all right, but it is different when
the shoe pinches your foot.
Yesterday afternoon D. K. Barr sold
at the south door of the court house the
eighty acre farm of the R. A. Chaplin
estate which is the north half of the
northeast quarter section 33, township
12, range 9. The same being $6,051.00,
and was bought by James M. Dyer.
This sale was made in the settlement
of debts and the settlement of the es
hysician and
Prompt Attention to All Calls
D. C. Rhoden
Good Turn-outs and Prompt
Attention is Our Hobby
Give Us a Call
John Cook
Doss Harness Man
Get My Prices
Before Buying
v : Physicians
Sur goons
All Calls Promptly Attondod to
( Tbm Big Cefrnmr Storm)
Always carry an
up-to-date line of.
General Merchandise
Get their prices on all
goods before buying-
" man 6c Davis
hardware and
.uggies and Wagons
Lightning Rods
c. s. STONE
Motar? public
Dr. Hayes Gsantner
At the office of
for the journal readers.
office it will upjonr under this, heading.
Hardships Endured by Those Who
Broke the Way for Others
None but those who went through the
many hardships of pioneer days in Cass
county, know what they had to undergo.
I speak only of those with whom I be
came acquainted in the spring of 1859.
Some of these men came to Nebraska
from Wisconsin on their way to Colora
do during Pike's Peak flury. Most of
them arrived here with ox teams and
brought their outfits in Plattsmouth and
going as far as Elm creek, about 150
miles west of the Missouri river, they
met there a stampede and returned with
them most of them stranded financial
ly, as they had spent almost all their
means in buying an outfit. But some of
them liking the country and the beauti
ful land, concluded to stay and take'
some of it for a home. They chose a
quarter section each and filed on same
at the land office of Nebraska City. The
land chosen was near Louisville. Those
who were fortunate enough to have a
team commenced forthwith to break
some of the land and plant the same in
sod corn. They next prepared to build
a house and came to Plattsmouth to buy
some cottonwood lumber which was very
plentiful here. They also gave a glow
ing account of the fine land to their
friends in Wisconsin, and advised them
to also come to Nebraska and get a
quarter section of this fine land from
the government. Their advice was
heeded and there was quite a large em
igration to Cass county. They also set
tled in the neigaborhood of their friends
near Louisville, and forthwith commenc
ed to break prairie for the next year's
After they had built theirhouses their
money was gone but determined to pre
pare a home for their wives and chil
dren, they gathered what soil corn they
had from their land and those who had
left their families in the east, left for
their homes and returned in the spring.
Others hired out to John Holshuh to
chop cord wood for him at the rate of
fifty cents per cord in order to have
some money to support thr families
and to buy seed wheat for the coming
spring. I mention some of the prom
inent men who came here in 1859: Fred
and Henry. Lehnhoff, Chas. . Gaebel,
Henry Beuma, Fred Bruncov Mr. Pan
ka, Andrew Shoeman. Fredrich Stohl
man, Louis Eikoff, Theodore Boedeker,
John Ferguson, John Erhaurd, (Patrick
Blessington, first settler near Louis
ville) William and Hugh Schliefert,
William and Fredrich Lao, Peter and
Fred Stander, Henry Oehlking, Chas.
and William Pankonin, Geo. Shoeman,
G. W. Berger, John Bauer and others I
do nememeber.
Most of these mentioned have left us
for the unknown world and the few of
us left will soon follow. All we ask of
the children of these names mentioned
who are in their graves, is to keep their
graves green, for they deserve it for
their hardships they bad to endure for
your sake. Conrad Schlater.
(Special Correspondence)
. T. H. Straub made a trip to Lincoln
H. G. Wellenseik visited at Lorton
Governor Sheldon will speak picnic
C. E. Teff t and family were down
from Weeping Water Sunday.
A number of our base ball sports at
tended the ball game at Omaha Sunday.
If you want to be with the crowd
come to Avoca on August 6th.
A young daughter of W. I. Smoots
was seriously ill the first of the week.
The Bennet merry-go-round has been
secured for picnic day.
C. H. Taylor was over from Union
Schmidt & Nutzman had a carload of
cattle on the Omaha market Wednesday.
E. G. Spencer and wife were north
bound passengers Tuesday.
John H. Schmidt was a Berlin visiter
Making Good Progress.
The workmen on the Boeck building
are making fine progress in the rebuild
ing of the walls which were torn down
at the fire, and from the way the
things are' being pushed, it will be
only a short time when the building will
be as good as ever. It is not expected
that they can have it ready for occu
pancy before the middle of September
or the first of October. Even at that
they will have done rapid work!.
The flames Thai Are Fre
quently Mentioned.
While the republicans are pushing to
the front the names of many candidates
for the various jxsitioiis to be filled in
Cass county to be voted upon at the
general primary on the 3d of September,
the Journal does not think it out of
place to mention the names of a few
democrats that have been favorably
mentioned for the several positions to
be filled this fall.
Of course there will be no opposition
to the nomination of W. E. Rosencrans
tor he has made such an excellent rec
ord as county clerk that you can't in
suit his friends more than even mention
opposition to him for the re-nomination.
His friends in Cass county are simply
Frank E. Schlater, than whom no
better man exists, will undoubtedly be
the democratic nominee - for treasurer.
He has served in the capacity of depu
ty in the office of Treasurer Wheeler
during his term and it is well known to
all who have had business with that of
fice, that he is one of the most efficient
men for the position in Cass county.
For county commissioner in the Third
district, the name of Walter E. Failing
of Greenwood, has been frequenty men
tioned. He is a man that is eminently
well fitted for the position and if he will
consent to make the effort for the office
the Journal believes he can be elected.
The name of Jacob Trietsch of this
city, has been mentioned time and time
again for assessor. Those who know
Mr. Trietsch (and nearly every one in
Cass county does know him) are satisfi
ed that he is one of the most competent
men in the county for the place. His
past experience qualifies him abundant-
For sheriff the name of W. C. Tippens,
the present efficient councilman from
the Second ward of Plattsmouth, is
mentioned very often among his friends.
He is a good man for the place, and his
friends wherever known are more than
There have beea several lad- school
teachers mentioned for the office of
county superintendent, but we have
been requested not to mention their
names just yet. In a county that can
boast of nearlv one hundred school
ma'ams at of a small margins over a
hundred, it seems that it would be no
more than proper to install one of the
best qualified in the office. We have a
few of them whom no doubt there is
one among them who will consent to
make the race.
It may be possible that Judge Travis
can be prevailed upon to run again al
though his friends in both Otoe and Cass
counties, are eager for him to make the
race for district judge. ' The Journal is
for JudgeTravis for anything but he has
made such an excellent record as coun
ty judge that the people are loath to
part with him. There is a bright young
lawyer over at Avoca who is also men
tioned throughout the county for county
judge. His name is H. G. Wellensieck.
He is a graduate from one of the lead
ing law schools of the country.
There are several names mentioned
for clerk of the district court, among
whom are J. I. Corley of Weeping Wat
er, and Christie Metzger of Cedar Creek,
either of whom could fill the bill to the
letter. Joe Corley is well known on the
west side of the county as a most ex
cellent man, while Christie is one of the
finest young men in the country.
These so far, are all the names sug
gested but there are others who might
like to run. If there are, we would like
to hear from them.
Final Notice.
Tract No. !$.
In tlie district court of Cass county, Nebraska,
The State of Nebraska. 1'lalntiff
The several parcelsof land hereinafter describ
ed and all persons and corporations having or
claiming title to. or any Interest right or
claim in or to such parcels of real estate, or
any part thereof . Defendants.
To unknown owners, claimants and leln-hold-ers
of lot 2. block H. in the village of Green
wood. County of Cass county. Nebraska;
Notice Is hereby given that under a decree of
the district court of said county rendered In
the state tax suit for the year 1904. the follow
ing described real estate situate in the county
of Cass and state of Nebraska, to-wit:
Lot 2. Block K. in the village of Greenwood,
Cass county. Nebr., was on the 9th day of No
vember. 11V4. duly sold at public vendue by the
the county treasurerof said county In the man
ner provided by law and the period of redemp
tion from such sale will expire on the nh day
of November. 1907.
You are further notified that Sie owner of
the certificate of tax sale issued by the treas
urer will make application to the court in the
aboveentitledcause for confirmation of said
sale as soon as practicable after the iieriod of
redemption has expired, and you are hereby
notified that the time and place of the hearing
upon such confirmation will lie entered in the
confirmation record kept by the clerk of said
court on or liefore the "th day of November.
1907. You will examine said contfcmation rec
ord to ascertain the time of said hearinir and
ia r.riit- tf von so desire, to make any
objections or show cause why the sale should
not be confirmed. CHAS. C. FAK.M ELE.
Byron Clark. Atty. Owner of Certificate.
To all persons iwterested In the eate of Eme
line Trapp. deceased:
On the ittli day of .1 uly. r.f7. George W . Jus
tlce filed a petition in the county court of Cass
county. Nebraska, prayingthat the inswument
filed on the 2Uu day of July. 19U7, purporting
to be the last will and testament of Emeline
Trapp. deceased, be proved, approved, allow
ed, probated and recorded as such last will and
testament, and for granting letters testamen
tary to George W. Justice as executor.
A hearing on said petition will be had in said
court on the 14th day of August. 19U7. at 9:oo
o'clock a. m.. at which time cause may e
shown. If any. why the prayer of said petition
er should not be granted.
Dated at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this 24th
day of July. 1907. HAICVEY D. TKAVIS.
ISEAL) County Judge.
NnMro nf DrnUnln, n( Ml 1 1
1 N Til K (' t'NT V Col'tIT OF CAS CHIN
A ly. Nebraska.
I II re-estate of Wlli lint nl Null Inif deceased.
To all Persons Interested:
Yon arc heicby not lllcd that on the W li iluy
of July. A. D. I.7. thcie was tiled a petition no
probate n irniH-r piiritort Ing to U- t ) htt wilt
of Ilhmtnl Noltlng. There will U u Immii Ing
iimii Ntittl i"t It Ion ui my office in tin- cltv of
Plattsmouth. county of t'a-,. Nebraska, at tl
o'clock a. in. on tin- .id il:y of August. A. I.
r.7. ami all object Ion t hcicto mutt I- ..i by
said hour. t said tliiic such orders will l en
tered us will lie ii-ot under t In- laud and ev
idence. y the court
Hynu Clark. Ally. Count y .1 tidge.
tn tiikcoi xtv coi;i:t or casscoi n-
ly. Nebraska.
In the matter or the estate of Henry Hoff
lllelster. deceased.
All iH-rsiins Interested In the alve estate
are hereby notified I hut the administratrix has
tiled her rejH.rl and tietltlon praying for the
tlnul settlement of said estate and for her dis
charge. That a hearing will tie had upon said
report and ix-tltlon on the day of July. A.
D. 1!7. at 10 o'clock a. in., at the county court
room In Plattsmouth. Nebraska. All persons
interested will file their objection to said re
lort and etltloii. if any Ihey have, on or lie
fore 9 o'clock a. in. of said U"lh day of July. A.
D. l!H7. or the court will grant the prayer of
said petition anil settle said estate and the ad
ministratrix will lie discharged.
McKenzleA Howell. Ally County Judge.
Final' Notice
In the dist rii-t court of Cass county. Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska. Plaint iff.
Tin' several parcels of land hereinafter de
scrllwd and all iiersons and coriMiratlons
having or claiming title to or any Interest.,
right or claim In or to such parrels of real
est ate or any part I hereof. I lefendants.
Tract No.
To Nellie M. Patmele. John G. O lJourke. Jos
cih T. o'Kourke, Anna I.. o'ICoiii ke. heirs of
Anna M. o'Kourke. d ased:
T? Not Ice Is hereby given that under it decree
of the district court of said county rendered In
the state tax suit for the year l'.4 t he follow
ing descrilied real estate sltuuted in the coun
ty of Cass and st ate of N'ehrnska. to-w It :
Iits fifteen to twenty -t wo l.' tor...') Inclusive
In block twenty (:Ji), Duke's addition to the,
city of Plattsiuout li In the said county of J
Cass, were on Hie 71 li day of November.!
r.H)4, duly sold at public vendue by the count
t reasuier of saiii county In I he manner provid
ed ly la w ami t lie s-iUm1 of redemption from
such sale will expire on the Tlhday of A ug
ust. I SUIT.
1 on are fun her not I tied t hat I he ownerof t lie
certificate of I ax sale issued by the treasurer
will make application lot lie court in the aliov
entitled causes for confirmation of said sale as
soon as pract Icable after the iieriod of redemp
tion has expired, and you are hereby not Hied
that the time anil place of the hearing upon
Such confirmation will lie entered In the con
firmation record keirt hy t lie clerk of said court
on or before the 7th day of November. r.)7.
You will examine said continuation record to
ascertain the time of said hearing and may lie
present. If you desire, to make any objections
or show cause why t lie sale should not, he con
ttrmed. Anton .Iamia.
A. N. Sullivan. At ty. iwner of Cert I Ileal e
Final Notice.
I n the dist rict court of Com county. Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska. Plaintiff
The several parcels of land hereinafter de
scribed, and all ix-rsous and coriorat ions
havingor claiming t it le to. or any Interest,
right, or claim in or to such parcels of real
estate, or any part thereof. 1 i feudal. 1 s.
Tract No. 354
To Frank Calley axid Mrs. Frank ('alley. Ids
wife, and unknown owners ami claimants
I hereof:
Nol ice is hcrch.v gl ven that under a decree
of the disl rid court of said county rendered in
II' state tax suit for the year r.4 the follow
ing descrilied real est ate situated in the coun
ty of Cass and state of Nelnaska. to-wll :
Lots -one ami two !-"). block four (4). In
Young & Hays' addition to 1'lal I sinout b. Ne
braska. In said county. waou theTlh day of No
vemlier. I'.u4. duly sold at public vendue by the
county treasurer of said county in the manner
provided by law and the period of redemption
from such sale will expire on the "til day of
Nrvem!er. limT.
You are further notified that the ownerof the
certificate of tax sale issued by the treasurer
will make application to tlie court in the above
entitled causes for continuation of such sale as
soon-as prac.t 'cable after tin- period of redemp
tion has expired, and you are hereby notified
that the time and place of the hearing upon
such confirmation will be entered In tli
confirmation record kept by the clerk of
said court, on or before tlie 7th day of Novem
lier A. D. 1907. You will examine said confir
mation record to ascertain the time of such
hearing and may lie present. If you desire, to
make any objections or show cause why the
sale should not lie confirmed.
Allen J. Beeson. W. W. Coate.
Attorney. Owner of Certificate.
Final Notice
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska. Plaintiff,
The several paraels of land hereinafter de
scrilied and, all persons and coriioratloriH
having or claiming tit le to or any interest,
right or claim in or to such parcels of real
estate or any part thereof. Defendants.
Tract No. 214
To Henry H. Nelson:
Notice is hereby given that under a decree
of the district court of said county rendered in
the state tax suit for the year 1904 the follow
ing described real estate situated in tlie coun
ty of Cass and state of Nebraska, to-wit:
Lot nine (it), block eighty-four (4). In the
city of Plattsmouth In said county of Cass.
Tract No. 212
To Achilles Rogers:
Not Ice Is hereby given that under a decren
of the district court of said county tendered In
the state tax suit for the year 1904 the follow
ing descrilied real eat ate situated In the coun
ty of Casn and state of Nebraska, to-wit:
Lot four (4), block eighty-four (4). in the
city of Plattsmouth In said county of Cass.
Tract No. 545
To Elmer E. Monroe:
Notice Is hereby given that under a decree
of the district court of said county rendered in
the state tax suit for the year 1904 the follow
ing descrilied real estate situated In the coun
ty of Cass and state of Nebraska, to-wit:
. Lot eight (s), block one (I) In Donelan addi
tion to city of Plattsmouth, were on the 7th
day of November. 1904. duly sold at public ven
due by the county treasurer of said county in
the manner provided by U" "d the period of
redemption from such sato will expire ou the
"Ui day of August. 1907.
You are further notified that the owner of
the certificate of tax sale issued by the treas
urer will make application to the court In the
aliove entitled causes for confirmation of such
sale as soon as practicable after the period of
redemption has expired and you are notified
that the time and place of the hearing upon
such confirmation will lie entered in the con
firmation record kept by the clerk of said
court on or before the 7th day of November.
I!r7. You will examine said confirmation rec
ord to ascertain the time of such hearing and
may lie present. If you desire, to make any ob
jections or show cause why the sale should not
lie confirmed. C. Lawhem STrt.f.
A. N. Sullivan. Atty. Owner of Certificates.
Big Woodmen Meeting
Coates' hall was the scene of much
merriment last night at which time the
M. VV. A. of Cass camp No. 332, with
their jolly foresters put a few candi
dates through the beautiful and myster
ious scenes of woodcraft. Ice cold lem
onade, fruit and cigars were served. A
very exciting and interesting trip
through the forest between Neighbors
Burrows and Bilstein and Carmack and
Wilcox, much to the amusement and
entertainment of the big number of
Woodmen present. This camp has a
membership of nearly 400, and initiat
ing new members each meeting, a fea
ture of which is the enthusiasm and
splendid work of the team and their
Chief Forester and Captain.