Classified Fine Stock and Grain Farm l'tr sal1 tit" ;nTc"i. 5 mllci from htmii town. Ii:iir tiixHitti fririn linnl. line roll In:; uri- html. Im I i.f si. 1 1 f..r .-ill ;.-r:mi-. urnl :il filf... '.-rHtiit li !. n mI li.-irn. l .ul.i i-ril-. I)f..l..f i-.iiii.- -I,. tui g'N'il whs :uil wind inli !; lit v "f fruit. This farm Is r-;il- Iv wrlli ... l.i.- it.. ,r asl.t-fl I'rm 1r si. m l 1 1 im' t ii : v l i" r aT- r-as.iis f. r s ! 1 1 1 . V 1 1 f . .r i ! r 1 1 si .f Imr l'a ! n s. I'l l l l tllll I! I Mow. In. 1 .1 i f i 1 1 ii. .Si lir;iil, a. I:. --.. f IT In t I I" .1 I. ir.- ni s ii. i ' i .1 t il Ni l-rasUa. -J" .-r- i i-ur n- liili-irii-d IV HI" Mist as .i i.f Us In tin- r ii -v. m-ar I lit I . I'. ii.aiii llm-. a.T s i--: .il!t-V laljil. I a im I I. ill . A n-ri- li..'l f.-l.-, I Sis i ri an. . a r 1 1 i.f! I '! ;i.Ti sll!llal'i. rsl si Ii 'In .Is. . l.i. l,. ii ln.iisi-. i-..rrals. all s i oiii.i v m iiI. l.i li r 1 1 v ii r w.i ill s i .r us. V . 1 1 i: n , Ti r i l.rMlil'li.n. Ni draska. i ii. 'I 4 ii. i I -ill a. ri s :i n, tics f r. .in I . r i ii'l I d. nil arass. pari aif ilf.i. r ! I ! a ml. all f !!- si. II. i MT airi-. sji a.-ri- farm I i.f l.rui'l Island. Ihhisi-. li:ini trr:,f.-r ir :iif:i!f.i i tvT Ji"l a.-r- ran' li In M ill niiini ?ln.i"l. W ril I li 1 1 .V II ust' n. r and I -Inn I. .N'lir iska tvT 'Jinn i a.-r- ram li In I I all ii 1 WHS Choice liisi'l.- lis A nt-U-s resilience pn n-r ty for s:ili' r will lr:ole fr asti-ru Nt-draska l.tntl. l-.lht r'm linns-, nil iiiixiern conven iences. l' ii minute from down town. Im alnl on inn' of tin- linst resilience street. I .a rife lot -iiif alniii? palms ami tropli'al fruits. I'rlce l I. mm. This Is not a trading pniiert v. If Interest-! and iii-aii luistni-ss. write for (lliolo'rapli . l:. I tall. I'M C'A J wks lixliiKloO. Ncl.r.iska. FARM! FARM! I hin t miss t Ills. I hi you want a jrood stin k f irm.- I lian-aTfs only ti niili-s from if hm! twn In ii' I'oiintv. Nlir;isk:i. well Im proveil. :jo acres tllluhle land. iKilaiii't routfli pasture land, stream of water runs through I lie farm f iirnl-tilnit plenty of water for stock. I'rlcv of tin farm Is ft per arre. k-mhI terms. II vi-IX) arri s of liii land 10 mill's nort Ii of 1hapiel. county sea I of Ilucl roiiiity. sill fenc--l. mi l-tter land In the state. Is all level and liii Krass. price I3 per acre: have all kinds of Improved and unimproved lands Imtli In east ern ami western NelirasUa anil Kansas. Write for price list ami Information. M. II. IIaim-ox. Central City. Nel.raska. 400 ACRES ltes,t sI'M-k farm In Dawson i-ounty. Sixteen liuildinxs all painted. Klrst-i'lass I'ouditioii. Kemel and i-ross-fenred. l.K) ai'rs in wheat anil corn, it' km I alfalfa. 3 miles from ciMinty seat. All tine level land. Fine neli;Miorlio wl. ;iose to si-hool. telephone line. Well worth .ilan acre. I luprovenientsj cost over P'tUK I'rice 1ii per acre.. Reasonable terms. IJ. K I'llWKI.I. Lexington. Nebraska. liiO-a're farm 2 miles from lexlnston. no improvements. ft-S iutm of good alfalfa riieiwl-i ow. Halanceor land In cultivation and level as a tloor. in crop this year. Price per acre .1. Ii. .Miti'iiki.i, Kkai. Kstatk Co.. I.exliiKton. Nebraska. A SNAP! tl acres of uplands. 250 acres under culti vation. T-rooni house, new ham for twenty head, all fenced and crossed at only $15 per acre for short time. .More good bargains. Farmers are prospiTtnn here. Write or come til "11 lm. list. li KOKI3K SHP.M A. Iw Lexington. Nebraska. Legal Notice Notice is hereby iriven that at the hour of III o'clock. A. M..OH the sih day of .Inly. A. 1 1.. 1'.I7. in the office of the county juihre in the court house ill the city of I'lattsmouth. in Cass county. Nebraska, a hearimr will lie had on the aiiplication of Nancey K.WVlch u apixiint Wm. I. Ilavis as administrator of the estate of Harvey M. Kounsavell. dweased. That at said I ime evidence will Im heard on said application and if not contested said application will lie a How til and the said Wm. It. Ilavis apitointed as such administrator and letters of adminis tration issued to him on said estate. Hated .1 line sth. l'.l7. Iskai.I Hakvkv li. Tkavis. . I esse I.. Knot. Attorney. foil lit y .1 udire. Final Settlement STATK OF N FB1JASKA. I . Cass Count y. lnlbe matter of the estate of Mary Minnie Farmer, deceased. All iersoiis interested in said est ate are here by not itied that a hearing will Ik had in final settlement ill said estate on the ith day of July. A. IL. ism;, at II o'clock A. M.. at the county court roc-m at I'lattsmouth: that all ob jections to the allowance of the final report of the administrator and the iietitiou Hied by said administrator lie riled in county court, on or liefore In o'clock. A. M.. of said th day of July. I'.HT. or the prayer of the iietitiou will be irranted and said reiHirt passed and approved and the admin 1st rator discharged. Iskxi.I II nivir Ii. Travis. Wm. iv Icslvriiic r. Att'y. County .1 ul;re. THE BURLING TON OFFICIALS They Visit the City and Look Over the Shops The visit of Vice President Willard, C. E. Perkins, Manager Holdrejre and Superintendent Calvert to our city yes terday was very brief and to the point. They took in the shops and viewed the doings of the flood, and seemed well pleased that the flood was not worse. One of the party made the remark that from the accounts he had read of the flood he thought that one-half the shop buildings at least were inruins. After going over the entire ground they seem ed pretty well satisfied that the flood reports were somewhat imaginary, and . that' the cost of repairing them would at least be one-half less than the lowest estimate made the morning after the catastrophe. In accordance with the wishes of these officials, the work of repairing the shops goes on as rapidly as possible. They are all of the opinion that with the do nation of Lincoln avenue for sewerage purposes, they can soon be in shape to defend the shops against all the water that may descend in the future. They seemed to be well pleased with the offer ing of the city. Work goes traveling on at the shops and it will not be many days until you wont know that a flood ever visited them. Looses Young Chickens There is one loss that escaped our notice in figuring up the losses in the re cent flood, and we would never have known about it, had we not seen it in one of the Chicago papers. Here it is: Tlattsmouth Neb., July 8-Duringthe storm and flood Saturday night. July 6, Mrs. W. E. Rosencrans lost her entire flock of young chickens by drowning twenty-five in number." This is too bad, and we are sorry, because it wilI"Rosey" sout of many a good fry. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Final Notice In tin- d Isl i li I coin J if Cass coil nt .v . Nil 'I ask a. Tin1 - ,, Net, i asi, a. I'l a! nt i ti . V s Tlie scwi'ul parci Is of land ln i ei naf I r ile-scH'-'i ami all erso!s and i'hi m ii al Ions ha 1 i.t i ! ' la Im I ni.' I It ! t" or any imiiest. li-lii iti I:imii in or to such pai.'i ls of real estate or aiivpait lliei-.f. I ii-friiilniiis. Tract No. 302 To ii nl. now ii lni I s of I!. II. Falon. iIitium d. nil, ii'. ii hfiisof V. 1 1. Miriiaiii. ill -ceased. A. i.. lex aiiili-r and l ei n lln and wife, ii"". i -i I .dr. N.l ice is I ii-1 .y i-'i i-n 1 1 1 at ini'li.- a di-i-i of I he dist i i.-l coin I of said coiini.. r-iiil-ii-d in the slate lax suit f"t the year l'.'4. the f'.liow- inir d-s4'i iln-d it-al -si ai sii uali'd in tin un- I y of Cass and si al of N l.i asl, a. tow n : l.oi Inr l.'ii. l.liM'1. I -An liiiiiiln-il and Iwcnt.v foiir .-. i. I'latlsinoiiili. Tract No.2SO To Mr,. M. .-slant'lio r. Not ice is lii-reiiv trt v -u t hat under a decree of I he ilisi i let con i t of said count . rendered in t be si ale t ax suit for the year l'm4 t he follow -i nr desci ll4-d real i-st ale si I ua t i'l in t he ci ill n l y of I 'ass and si ale of Nchraska to-wit : ll ten I Im. bliNk one hundred and eleven till). I'latlsiiioiit li. Tract No. 252 To A M jab II arris. unU in w n hei is of . N . Mer rlain. deceased, and A. K. Alexander. Not Ice is hereby k'lven that uiiil;r a decree of t he dist rlcl court of said count y rendered in t he st ati-I ax suit for the year l't the follow ing described real est nt-sii uatiMl In the coun ty of Cass and stall' of Nebraska, to-wit : I one ( I ). block one hundred and twenty-Iw.iirj-J). I'lattsiiiout h. Tract No. 481 To Frank Toinas and wife. Mrs. Frank Tomas. Not ic Is herehy ifi vi-ii that under a dis-rec of the dist let court of said county rendered In the slate tax suit for the year I'.m4 t he fol low ing di-scrilied real estate situated in the coun ty of Cass and slate of Nebraska, to-wit : !ls tliree and four Cl-4. block twenty (3D. Iluke's addition to I'lattsmouth. Tract No. 458 To unknown heirs of V. II. Mertlatn. deceased. unknown heirs of K. II. F'aton. dii-cascd, A . F A lexander. Charley II. Coaaut. Not ice Is hereby irl ven that uiid-r a decree of the district court of said county rendered in the state tax suit for tlie year IwH the follow ing described real estate situated In the coun ty of Cass and state of Nebraska, to-wit : It two C.'). block eU'ht s). Iluke's addition to I'lattsmouth. Tract No. 449 To Brldiret McKvit.A. K. Alexander, unknown heirs of W. 1 1. Merrlam. dei'easi'd. Notice is hereby ici veil that under a decree of the dist rlct court of said county rendered in the stale lax suit for the year I MM the follow ing described real estate situated in the coun ty of Cass and slate of Nebraska, to-wit: l.ot five (a), block three :i). Iluke's addition to Piatt sinout h. Tract No. 354 To Frank Calley and wife. Mrs. Frank Calley. . Notice is hereby jfiven that under a decree of'the dfsttiit 'oUrt of said county rendered in the state tax suit for the year I M4 the fol low -inir described real estate situated in the coun ty of Cass and state of Nebraska, to-wit: Itsone and two (I -'J), block four (4). Yountr & Hays' addition to I'lattsmouth. Tract No. 335 To unknown heirs of Thos. (iordon. deceased. Not ice is hereby tiven that under a decree of the district court of said county rendered in the state tax suit for the year 1MM the follow ing ilescrllied real est ate situated in the coun ty of Cass and state of Nebraska, to-wit : IaA eijrht (). block thirteen (i:. Townseiid's addiiiou to I'lattsmouth. Tract No. 254 To A. K. Alexander, .lames A. Honelati. M. V. (ireeii. unknown heirs of M. N . Meri iam. de ceased. ami K. II. Katon and his unknown heirs. Notice is hereby iri veil that under a decree of the district court of said county rendered in the state tax suit for the year lMM the follow ing descrilied real estate situated in the coun ty of Cass anil state of Nebraska, to-wit : !t ten (Hi), block one hundred and twenty two (li:). I'lattsmouth. Tract No. 253 To IJeorce F. Schryder and wife. Mrs. Georsre F. Schryder. Notice is hereby iriven that under a decree of the district court of said county rendered in the state tax suit for the year IMM the follow ing descrilied real estate situated in the coun ty of Cass and state of Nebraska, to-wit: Lt two (). block one hundred and twenty t wo I i-' I'lattsmouth. Nebraska, were on theTt h day of Novemlier. IMM. duly sold at public ven due by the county treasurer of satd-county in the manner provided by law and the period of redempt ton from such sale will expire on the Ttli day of Novemlier. lite Vou are further notified that the owner of the certificate of tax sale issued by the treas urer will make application to the court in the aliove ent it led causes for confirmation of such sale as soon as practicable after the iieriod of redemption has expired and you are notified that the time anil place of the hearing uion such conrirmat ion will lie euteied in the con ti i mat ion record kept by the clerk of said court on or liefore the 7th day of November. IM'T. You will examine said confirmation rec ord to ascertain t he time of such hearinif and may lie present, if you desire, to make any ob jections or show cause why the sale should not lie confirmed. V. V. Coates A . .1. Heeson. Atty. t )wner of Certificates. Final Notice. I n the dit rid court of Cass county. Nebraska. The State of Nebraska. Plaintiff vs. The several parcels of land hereinaf ter de-scrilM-d. ami all persons and coriiorations having or claiming title to. or any interest, riirht or claim in or to such parcels of real estate, or any part thereof. 1 efendaiits. Tract No. 280 To Aiisrliim H. Smith and Sylvira K. Smith, his wife. Not ice Is hereby iriven that under a decree of the district court of said county rendered in the state lax suit for the year I'AM the follow ing descrilied real estate situated in tin coun ty of Cass and state of Nebraska, to-wit: IaH one i I ). block one hundred and sixty-six (I'i). I'lattsmouth. Tract No. 283 To John Frederick, unknown heirs of S. N. Merriam. deceased, and A. K. Alexander. Notice is hereby riven that under a decree of the district court of said county rendered in the state tax suit for the year IMM the follow ing descrilied leal estate situated in the coun ty of Cass and state of Nebraska, to-wit: Lot eirht (). block one hundred and sixty six(lrai). I'lattsmouth. were on the 7th day of No vemlier. IMM. duly sold at public vendue by the county treasurer of said county in the manner provided by law and the iieriod of redemption from such sale will expire on the 7th day of Novemlier. 1MI7. You are further notified that the ownerof the certificate of tax sale issued by the treasurer will make application to the court in the aliove entitled causes for confirmation of such sale as soon as practicable afterthe period of redemp tion has expired, and you are hereby notified that the time and place of the hearing upon such confirmation will lie entered in the confirmation record kept by the clerk of said court, on or liefore the 7th day of Novem ber A. 1). 1M)7. You will examine said confir mation record to ascertain the time of such hearing and may be present, if you desire, to make any objections or show cause why the sale should not lie confirmed. Allen. I. Beeson. .1. 1'. Falter. Attorney. Ownerof Certificates. Notice of Final Hearing IN TIIK COI NTV COI'KT Hi- THF.ftU N- ty of Cass. Nebraska. I ii t he matter of the estate of Nicholas and Kl len Trook. deceased. Not ice is hereby jriven that on t he i-t it ion of the administrator for final settlement and dis tribution, a hearing will lie had at mvorhceat i o'clock A. M.. July 6. IMC A. by which hour all objections thereto must lie filed and at said time a decree of distribution will lie entered. I ated t his SMh day of June. IMC A. 1. Iskai.I By the Court. II akx-ey D. Travis. Hyron Clark. Attorney. County Judye. NOTICE! Notice is hereby sriven that John H. Schmidt of the villaire of Avoca. Cass county. Nebraska, has filed a petition on the 1st day of July. IMC as required by the statutes of the state of Ne braska and the ordinances of the said village of Avoca. to sell malt, splritous and vinous liduors for the municipal year ending April 30. 1M.M. In a huildin situated on lot five (5). block thirteen (HI), fronting on House street in said village. L. .1. M arwuardt. Village Clerk. Final Notice I n t he d ist rlct con 1 of Cass con nt y, Neln ask a. The ."date of Nebraska. Plaint l!T. Vs Tin- several parcels of land heieluafter dc s'i Hed and all persons and coi im i al ions liav im; or lalmln' t it e to or any Interest, i i'lii oi claim In or to such iaices of real est ale oi u n.v pail lln-i'-of. I lefei.dants. Tract No. 523 'li. W ill!. mi s. j,e and wife. Mis Williams. W Is.-. ol ice Is hel I iy t'i ell I 1 1 al II III le- u liei--i-- of I Ii" il Isl i l.-l ci ni ft of vinl county nml'ii'i in I lie si ale t a suit f'.l I lie eal rd. Iln follow - I uir described real est ate sit u al in 1 he con nt . of ass and stale of Nel.iaska. lo-wit: l.ot foil I II I II ( I 1 I. -k cle ell I I I I. I In .111 1 1 sol is ad III I mi I o I 'I:: I I sill. Ill ii. Tract No. 524 To Inn lie I :. W al d an. I .Ml.'. M I s. Chaii;.- '.. U ai d. Not i -e is lie ret .v irl eii that iiii'ier a deer-- of t lie .list ri'-l coin l of saiil county i.-ml. n-il in I be si at- tax suit for I he year IM'4. tin- follow llli.' llesi'l-iiM-d real -st ate sit null' ill t he county of ass and si ate of Nebraska, low it : Ijits fifteen, sixteen, seventeen and clirhtccll ( l."-l;-l7-s. block eleven I 1 1 ). T In ill 1 1 is. m's ad -(lit ion lo Plat tsinoiit Ii. were on the in Ii day of November. IM4. duly sold at public vendue by t he county t ri-asiirei of said count y in I be man lier provided by law and tin iieriod of redemp tion from such sale will expire on t In- !H h day of Novemlier. IMC You are f u rt her not I tied t hat t heow ner of t he cert itii-ate of I ax sail' Issued by the treasurer, will make application to the court In tin-alnive en! It led cause for coiitirmat ion of said sale as soon as pra. t Icable after the iei lol of redi'inp tbalbas expireil. and you an- hereby not Hied that the time and place of the hearing' uixin siii li coiitirmat ion will Im- entered in tin' coiitirmat ion record kept by the clerk of . said court, on or liefore t he tit Ii day of No vein I mt. A. I. IMi. You will examine said coiitirmat ion record to ascert aln I be I line of said hearing and may In present, if you desire, to make any object ions or show cause why the sale should not lie confirmed. Allen J. Iteeson. .1. P. I-'AI.TKK. Attorney. I iwner of Cert iticates. Final Notice. Trad No. -JTt. I n t he disl rid court of Cass county. Nebraska. Tlie State of Nebraska. Plaintiff vs. The several pa reels of land hereinafter describ ed and all iiersoiisand coriiorat ions havinif or claluiimr title to. or any interest ritfht, or claim in or to such parcels of real estate, or any part thereof. I lefendants. To Henry H. Nelson. Mrs. Henry II. Nelson, unknown heirs.devlsees and successors in in terest of said Nelsons. A. K. Alexander. Mrs. J.W: Shlrkey. J. V. Shirkey.and Chas.Morris. executors of the will and testament of But It C. Merriam. deceased, and to all iiersons un known who have or claim an Interest in the real estate described lie low: Notice is hereby iriven that under a decree of the district court of said county rendered In tlie state tax suit for tlie year IMM. the follow ing descrilied real est ate situate in the county of Cass and state of Nebraska, to-wit : It eleven (11). block eirhty-four(4). in the city of I'lattsmouth. was on tlie 7th day of No vemlier. sold at public vendue by. the the county treasurwrofViaid county In the man ner provided by law and the period of redemp tion from such sale will expire on the 7th day of Novemlier. IMC You are further notified that the ownerof the certificate of tax sale issued by the treas urer will make application to the court in tlie aliove entitled cause for confirmation of said sale as soon as practicable after tlie iieriod of redemption has expired, ami you are hereby notified that the time anil place of the hearintr uihiii such confirmation will lie entered in the confirmation record kept, by tlie clerk of said court on or liefore the 7th day of November. IMC You will examine said confirmation rec ord to ascertain the time of said hearinir and may lie present, if .vou so desire, to make any object ions or show cause why the sale should not be confirmed, li emit M. Soennh'HSKN'. Ownerof Certificate. Final Notice In the dist rlct court of Cass county. Nebraska. Tlie State of Nebraska. Plaintiff, vs. The several parcels of land hereinafter de scrilied and all persons and coriiorations haviuif or claiming title to or any interest, riirht or claim in or to such parcels of real estate or anv part thereof. Hefendants. Tracts No. 881 and 883 To F.phriam B. Hiddell. Notice is hereby iriven that under a decree of tlie district court of said county rendered in the state tax suit for the year IMM. the follow intr described real estate situated in the coun ty of Cass and slateof Nebraska, to-wit: Ixts (:t,'4-:ii!-:M0-:M1 in the villajre of Ixiuis- vllle. Tract No. 907 To N. C. Cunninirham (first name unknown). Notice is hereby iriven that under a decree of the district court of said county rendered in the state tax suit for the year IMM. the follow ing descrilied real est ate situated in the coun ty of Cass ami st ate of Nebraska, to-wit : Ixt (il!) in the villaire of Louisville. Tract No. 90S To I.. J. Pexton (first name unknown.) Notice is hereby -riven that under a decree of the district court of said county rendered in the state tax suit for the year IMM. the follow ing descrilied real estate situated in tlie coun ty of Cass and state of Nebraska, to-wit : Lot (t17) in the villaire of Louisville. Tract No. 863 To Whitman Brothers. Notice is hereby iriven that under a decree of the district court of said county rendered in tlie state tax suit for tlie year IMM. tlie follow ing descrilied real estate situated in the coun ty of Cass and state of Nebraska, to-vvit : fxit tl.Vs) in the villasreof Louisville. Tract No. 911. 913 and 916 To Tina Hulier. Notice Is hereby iriven that under a decree of tlie district court of said'eounty rendered in. the state tax suit for tlie year l'.HM. the follow tnjr descrilied real estate situated in the coun ty of Cass and state of Nebraska, to-wit : Iots i."2-il.);'-i.t-ti7i-ii71-rtss) in the villaire of Iouisville. were on the nh day of Novemlier. IMM. duly sold at public vendue by the county t reasurej-of said county in tlie manner provid ed by law and the period of redemption from such sale will expire on tlie !th day of No vemlier. IMC You are further notified that the ownerof the certificate of tax sale issued by the treasurer will make application to the court in the aliove entitled causes for confirmation of said sale as soon as practicable after tlie iieriod of redemp tion has expired, and you are hereby notified that the time and place of the hearinir upon such confirmation will be entered in tlie con firmation record kept by theclerk of said court on or liefore tlie nth day of Novemlier, IMC You will examine said confirmation record to ascertain the time of said hearintr and may tie present, if you desire, to make any objections or show cause why the sale should not lie con firmed. James Standi r. 1. (). Dwyer, Atty. Ownerof Certificates. Notice to Creditors State or Nebraska. I . . Cass Cou.vtt f In the matter of the estate of Peter Peterson, deceased. Notice Is hereby iriven that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator with the will annexed of said estate, before me. county judire of Cass county. Nebraska, at the county court room in I'lattsmouth. In said county, on the 2ith day of July. IMC and on the 'Mth day of January. IMis. at 10 o'clock A. M.. each day. for the purpose of presenting t heir claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditorsof said deceased to present their claims, and one year for tlie administrator to settle said estate, from the 2i"th day of July. IMC Witness my hand and seal of said county court, at I'lattsmouth. Nebraska, this riith day of June. IMC Hakvet D. Traxms. Iskai.I County Judire. Notice to Creditors State of Nebraska, i . Cass Cocnty. " ' I n the matter of the estate of Sarah Peterson, deceased. Notice is hereby jriven that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator with tlie will annexed of said estate. liefre me. county judire of Cass county. Nebraska, at tlie county court room in I'lattsmouth. in said county, on the "AH h day of July. IMC and on tlie itith day of January. lM's. at 10 o'clock A. L. each day." for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditorsof said deceased to present their claims, and one year for the administrator to settle said estate, from the Aith day of July. IMC Witness my iiand and seal of said county court, at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this 27th day of June.l'Jor. Harvet D. Travis. sbali County Judire. Legal Notice To is ii ire N. Mc 'all. I lefendaut : You will take notice thai on the 14lh tlav of ! June. MC Julia .! all. plaintiff, herein, til. d her pel il Ion In t lie 1 1 ist i Id coin t of Cass con il ly. Nel.iaska. atraliisi said defendant . the ob ject and .iaerof which Is to secure a decree of divorce said defendant uiion the ifMiiiinl ni i-Mii-iiii. ciu.-lt.v and ihiii-siipim n I . ami that sin- I,.- rest .red to her maiden name. nu re 1 : 1 1 1 1 nil to answ er said i i' ..n on or befole I I..- '.M b day of .1 nly . IM'T. .ll'I.H Mi I'll I.. I'l.i i nl i M . Legal Notice. stale of Nebiask hi nt y of ( ass I u con nt y .-. hi rt 'l'i i all liersolis i nt ei sl . I in il estate of -oimly. !- Hen iaiulii ICainiard. late of said ceased. on an- hereby notified that on the Jlsi da-, of.luiic cm;. Ixmis llaiiuai.l tiled his lctitiou In III county court for I be aioiul ment of I ia Id .1. Pitman, as administrator of the estate of Benjamin I'annard. late of said county deceased, and that the same will be heard at the county court room In ihecityof Plat tsinout 1 1. in said county, on t he bit li day of July A. 1 1. IMC at the hour of In o'clock A. M. All parlies interested ill said matter will tile their object ion to said elilon on or before nine o'clock A. M. of said I. 'II li day of J uly ImC or the court wi 11 riant I he prayer of said h-I-tioii and irraut letters of administration to liavid.l. Pit man. or some ot her suitable ier son ami proceed to a settlement of said estate Hakvkv l. Travis. M. Archer. Count y Judire. Attorney. sr.AI. Legal Notice. The Nebraska Commission company, will take notice, that on the I'M Ii day of June IMC M . A rcher. a just Ice of t he neace in and for I he coiinty of Cass and state of a. issued an onier or attachment for tlie sum of l!.tH. in an action i-endiinr liefore him where! n Oscar Wilson and Richard Hale are plaintiffs and the Nebraska Commission company are defend ants. That proiierty of the defendantsconsist I Mir of money on detiosit has lieen attached under said order. Said cans' was cont inue-d to the ,"ith day of Auirust IMC at ! a. m. Wilson & Hai.k. plaintiffs. By Allen J. Iteeson. their attorney. The Charming Woman i not necessarily one of perfect form and features. Many a plain woman could never serve as an artists model, possesses those rare qualities that all the world admirss; neatness, clear eyes, clean smooth skin, and that sprightli ness of step and action that accompany good health. A physically weak woman s never attractive, not even to herself. Electric Bitters restore weak women, give stroug nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, beautiful complexion. Guaranteed by F. G. Fricke & Co druggists 50c. AN EXCITING RUNAWAY Drave and Heroic Act of a Driver of a Fire Wagon The Lincoln Journal contains the fol lowing account of a very heroic act which occured in that city Saturday evening. The hero is well known in Plattsmouth, and has relatives living near this city: "By climbing out on the tongue of the big truck of the Q street station of the fire department while the big team was running like mad, and re covering the end of a broken line, Tom Draper,-jr., the driversaved the depart ment a serious runaway, and perhaps the lives of some of his fellow firemen while going to a fire at Twelfth and R streets shortly after 6 o'clock Saturday evening. And what he did was a great risk of his own life. Draper was driving the truck. At Eleventh and R steets one. line broke just below the hand hold, and the team was allowed to take its course. Bob Stearns, who was steering the rear wheels of the big wagon, stuck to his post, as did the rest of the crew. Draper was speachless when the line parted, but it was only an instant until his presence of mind asserted itself, and he began to climb out on the tongue. The team dashed past the place where the fire was supposed to be, and the other teams had already stopped, but the plucky driver gradually made his way along the sides of the horses to a point where he could reach the end of the broken line. Finally he reached it and turned with it, climbed back to the foot board and onto the seat. Then the team was slowed down, stopped about Fif teenth street, having run almost three blocks past the place. Tom Draper is now the hero of the department, and re ceiving the glad hand from all the boys and especially those who were riding on the truck when the line broke." Doan's Regulets cure constipation without griping, nausea nor any weaken ning effect. Ask your druggist for them, 25c per box. My Hair is Extra Long Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only genuine hair-food you can buy. It gives new life to the hair-bulbs. You save what hair you have, and get more, too. And it keeps the scalp clean and healthy. The best kind of a testimonial "Sold lor -over sixty years." Xada by J. C. Ayer Co.. Lowell, mmi. Also msnoxsoturera oi f SAKSAPARILLA. ijers PILLS. Ciitaav pectobal. A PRETTY MILKMAID TkinJts Pf-ru titi Is a U'oniLrful Mtdictne. iff iiflli if i MISS ANNIE HE N D R E MISS ANNIK IIENDUKN, Rooklyn, Wad h.t writes: "I feel better than 1 aire for over four years. I haye taken several liottles of Peruna and one bottle of Manalin. "I can now do all my work in the house, milk the cow, take care of the milk, and so forth. think Perunm is m most wonderful medicine. "I believe I would beia li'l to-day if I had not written to you for aivi-. I had taken all kinds of medicine, but none did me any good. "Peruna has made me m well and bPfy girl. I can never say too much for Peruna." Not only women of rank and leisure praise Peruna, but the Industrious, use ful women engaged in honest toil would not be without Dr. Hartman's world renowned remedy. The Doctor has prescribed it for many thousand women every year and he never fails to receive a multitude of let ters like the above, thanking him for his ad vice, and especially for the won derful beneSts received from Pernna. DEMOCRATS IN CONSULTATION The special correspondent of the Oma ha World-Herald from Lincoln has the following to say in reference to the meeting of the democratic state com mittee in the capital city last night: "The meeting of the democratic state central committee tonight, to consider ways and means for best carrying the primary law into effect in the selection of candidates, was attended by twenty nine of the thirty-three committeemen, either in person or by proxy. In addi tion there were present in the neighbor hood of 100 well known democratic lead ers, come to confer with the committee and give it the benefit of their advice. The large number in attendance was a surprise to Chairman Allen, who had secured a meeting place for a much smaller crowd and had to adjourn the meeting to a large dining room of the Lincoln hotel that all might be accom modated. "A scattering sentiment showed it self in favor of taking some definite action in recommending candidates to the primaries. This, however, was strongly opposed by W. H. Tompson, P. E. Mc Killip, A. C. Shallenberger and other leaders who urged that the new law be followed faithfully, both in spirit and letter. Their counsel prevailed by a large majority when the question was later considered in a closed meeting of the state committee, in the course of the evening, though a number of names were suggested. "It is apparent that the party will not lack for candidates for the offices to be filled this fall. Among those spoken of for supreme judge who, it is believed, would accept a nomination, were Judges Broady and Tibbetts of Lancaster, Judge Alberts of Platte and Judge Adams of Kearney county. It is proba ble that something during the campaign a state democratic banquet and rally will be held at Lincoln in the big audi torium. The preliminary steps to ar range for such a gathering were taken tonight, it is believed that as speakers can be secured, in addition to Mr. Bryon, Governor Hoke Smith of Georgia and Governor Campbell of Texas. "A general spirit of hope fulness char acterized the meeting. "It is felt that public sentiment favors minority representation on the supreme bench, and that the fast growing fac tionalism in the republican ranks will help bring this about. Reports from all portions of the state indicated, moreover, that complete failure of the national administration to cope with the trust problem, and the weakness shown by the present state administra tion in enforcing the railway laws, are making for democratic success." Returns to Plainview Fred Ebinger, wife and little daughter "Toots," who have been visiting in the city since last Saturday, the guests of Mrs. George Weidman. departed for their home at Plainview last evening. They were accompanied by Mrs. Ebin ger's sister, Miss Frances Weidman and Miss Ruth Johnson, who will visit at Plainview for some two weeks or more. On their return Carl Ebinger will return with them and will visit with friends here sometime. NORMAL TRAINING in high schools New Departure in the Schools of Nebraska W'liili' it is :i rii!tii;ii;itivi-lv m-w de parture in Nebraska. Normal training was i:i iiii"i ati il into tin- x linols of sunn- of the eastern state many yearn ( ago. iNew link slate lias aiproinateu annually for t he pat t wenty years $1'HI, -(MHI for Normal training in om hundred of her host High schools although there are in tlie state. :!'mi colleges and uni versities, in addition to sixteen full Hedged Normal schools. Hrietly stated the law passed by ur last legislature, establishing Normal training in our High school is as follows: There was a sum of .$."iH,immi appropri ated for the bienniary for the establish ment of this work. The schools to .share in this were to be designated by the state superintendent and were tobedis tributed among the sixty-seven repre sentative districts of the state. A High school in order to be approved for Nor mal training must be a school accredited to the University of Nebraska. Two teachers exclusive of the city superintendent must be employed in the High school. The Normal training shall be given in the Eleventh and Twelfth grades and credited, for the work shall be given on the completion of the course. The course in Normal training shall be elective and shall consist of the three following lines of study: (a.) A review for at least nine weeks in each of the following subjects: Read ing, grammar, arithmetic and geogra phy; to be given not earlier than the Tenth grade by well trained, experienc ed teachers. (b. ) A study of American history for at least one semester in the Eleventh or Twelfth grade. (c.) At least seventy-two perixJM of professional training, to include a study of school management, observation work, etc., to be given in the senior year by the city superintendent or by a member of the High school faculty, recommend ed by him. Schools offering this course must have a reference library of at least three vol umes on each of the following fields of professional study: History of educa tion; principals of education; methods and special training in industrial educa tion, including agriculture. In case elementary agriculture is not in the regular course of study, it shall be required in the course in Normal training. Every approved school shall instruct a class of not less than ten and every scholar admitted to such class shall con tinue under instruction not less than eighteen weeks. Plattsmonth has been designated an one of the schools and by doing thia work, will receive from the state for the biennum $700, as seventy schools have been selected in all. Now a word as to the object of the work and the benefits to be derived from it. A law was passed by the legislature last winter, requiring at least eight weeks of professional or normal train ing before a person may be granted a certificate to teach. After September 1, 1907, therefore, no person shall be granted a certificate who has not had this training. This means that a student cannot, as heretofore, teach upon gradu ation from a High school, but must do this additional work. This shuts High school graduates out of practically the only profession fur which they are qualified, and tends to discourage stu dents who must make a livlihood upon graduation, from entering and complet ing the High school course. The nor mal training course, as it will be given in the High schools, will be accepted as the required professional training and students completing it may at once take up teaching, being on the same footing as those who have received this training at a college or normal school. It fits the student for the work much better than the ordinary High school work, and as the number of schools offering this course i3 naturally limited, it gives those which do offer it a chance to draw students from a large area and adds much to the standing of the school. The citizens of Plattsmouth are to be congratulated upon the manner in which the board of education is taking hold of this work. Fanger Bought Stock M. Fanger is a rustler, when it comes to doing business in the turning over of stocks of goods. Last evening he bought the fire-damaged stock of goods from the insurance companies, and this morning he sold the badly damaged goods to a party in South Omaha, by name M. Klein, and they will be shipped immediately to that place. The other goods which have been but slightly damaged will be placed in another store room as soon as they are in shape, and disposed of at prices which will move them in a hurry. Mr. Fanger will not take any of these goods into his Department store, but will handle them elsewhere, as he does not care to mix the damaged with the new goods. Wanted A good girl for general ousework at Wm. Barclay's.