The Plattsmouth Journal rt'ltMHIIKD WKKKLY AT HLATrSMOUTil, NEBRASKA. K. A. I'.ATKS, l'riu.isllKi:. K ilr-il ;it I w l. rtn-- ;it l"i:tl tsfnoutli. N- ; lir.i-.R i. :i-- lli.itlt r. I Wll.VI' is tin li.-ti'i ti;i; I v 4 i. t-rs or 1 in ts it - - i i-rs f .-t!!i i . t ! 'I 'in-; I leinoi rat i- i.artv is content to j i .-land on the Constitution, hut the Rep ublican party n-s further and wipes j its feet on it. j Ik ilarriman has any remaining illus ions, they are douhtless shattered by the explosive reMrt of the Interstate ( 'ommerce 'ommission. Fka.ntk ohjects to our tarilL So do the United States, as a majority of the voters will demonstrate if the politicians ever give them a chance. Thk sex of the American Eagle is the subject of a spirited and interesting dis pute, hut we think it is easy of deter mination. She is a female, undouhedly. Otherwise she wouldn't "scream," "Thk Constitution contains certain mandatory provisions," says Governor Hughes in an address, thereby disquali fying himself for the support of his par ty. Manifestly no man in thatframeof mind can be relied on to carry out the Roosevelt policies. There are numerous lady county su perintendents in Nebraska, and they are conducting the duties of their offices in a most efficient manner. Cass county should have a lady in this position be cause the rural schools are taught by ladies. . There are a number well fitted for the M)sition. While the Japanese statesmen are asseverating that there is no cause for a war scare, they might go a step further and explain that the send ing of the Atlantic squadron to the Pacific coast is only meant for political purposes to bolster up the waning pop ularity of Mr. Roosevelt. The assessed valuation of the property of the state has been increased by nearly $13,000,000 this year. Of this the railroads will have to stand for $5, ouO.OOO and the people for the remain der. With increased valuations there should be a reduction in the levy or a lessening of the public debt, or both. The war scare over the possibility of hostilities with Japan has been peaches and cream to Richard Pearson Hodson. It will result in a bigger navy and make Hobson's talk less visionary and war seem less improbable than when he began the agitation for increased naval strength for Uncle Sam. It's an ill rumor that blows nobody a reputation as a prophet. If John Temple Graves makes a few more breaks he will be eligible to James Hazen Hyde's class. It will be remem bered that it was said of that expatriat ed individual, when he was upon the witness stand and had admitted being vice-president of the Equitable Life In surance company but that he did not know a thing about its affairs, that the renowned Mr. Dooley exclaimed, "if Jimmy Hyde had just a little more sense he would be pretty near half-witted." "What is a progressive democrat?" queries an esteemed contemporary. A progressive democrat is one who has so advanced that he can and does vote the republican ticket.- Lincoln Star. Right there is where the Star's off. A pro gressive democrat is one who stands by the constitution written by our fore fathers after they were delivered from the tyranny rule of Great Britain. A progressive democrat is one that regrets that the president and his office-seeking clan are endeavoring to over-ride that sacred document, showing by their every act how little they respect the same, on ly when it suits their purpose. A pro gressive democrat is one who is disgust ed at the manner in which Roosevelt at tempts to make himself a dictator, in stead of an executive elected by the voice of the people in this free America. The Sheldon Clipper is very timely in the following : As the time for the hold ing of the primaries for the nomination of candidates draws on apace, people are wondering more and more what effect the new law is going to have on the nominations, and especially are the aspirants themselves in considerable of a quandry. There is one thing certain, and that is that like all new laws it will probably take several years for the peo ple to become thoroughly familiar with all its workings, and until they do be come familiar with it, it is bound to prove more or less unsatisfactory. The Australian ballot law in its infancy was anything but satisfactory and there was much complaint about it. but now the people would not go back to the old method for anything. The old method of holding elections is now a back num ber, and so it will be with the late way of making nominations after we have given the primary system a fair trial. The new method is an innovation that is bound to prove popular with all ex cept professional politicians, and the dear people don't need to worry much about them: they are capable of tak care of themselves. The Journal always leads never fol lows. T:ik democratic county central com mittee meets Saturday, July 2. Re member the date. Thk Lincoln republican ring is going t nominate Judge Sedgwick whether I lie people want him or not. Lut how do they propose to elect him'.' I. claiming that the scientists of the agricultural department have, during the past year, saved untold millions to the people of the United States, Secre tary Wilson proceeds on the politicians' theory of "claim everything." A LADY teacher will soon announce for county superitender.t. She is said to be abundantly well qualified, and has had ten straight years of experience in the school room. She is right up to date on all matters partaining to school. Mr. secretary Takt, President Roosevelt's weighty single-footer in the presidential "free-for-all," has stopped for a little breathing spell at the quar ter jxxst. A vacation of 30 days is an nounced for the ponderous race-horse. Forty years after a baptism of blood, the Ripublican party bids fair to force the old issue of state's rights again. This time the battle will be by ballots and there will be no suggestions of sec tional lines. Neither will there be any doubt of the result. Ik Taft had jumped into any lake to save a drowning woman, or even to have given himself a plunge bath, the waves caused by the displacement would have inundated the lowlands up on the coast. Fairbanks has him beat en in water heroics. Females are not looked upon with favor as federal officials by the Mexi can Herald and it gives its readers this characteristic advice provoked by the proverbial curiosity of the sex: "Uncle Sam has 7,000 postmistresses. If you have any confidential messages to send worth, don't use post cards." If the opinion of the attorney general holds good there will be no fusion at the state primary to be held in September. Mr. Thompson, in answer to an inquiry from the county attorney in Merrick county, hold that no person can affiliate with more than one party at the prima ry and that he must state with what party he ffiliates. The folding bed is in evidence again in various sections of the country. Ten years ago a Missouri country editor said that the unloaded gun, the gasoline stove and the folding bed were all do ing business at the same old stand, and that the undertaker just smiles and smiles and smiles every time he thought of either one of the deadly contrivances. An exchange in discussing the chang ed and rapidly changing conditions, says that in times past when a man got a pain in his stomach his wife laid a red hot stove lid on him and next morning he was ready to slop the hogs, feed the calw and kick the cat. Now if he gets an uncomfortable feeling back of his waistband the doctor calls it appendici tis. The man who has held office for ten or twelve years begins to feel that the people owe him a living and that he must either have a place at the public crib or go to the poor house. The same amount of effort made in any other dir ection will yield a greater return than in pursuit of office, and will at the same time build up a man's character if there is anything to build upon. Give others a chance at the public crib. Mark Twain in endeavoring to be po lite to the English seems to be falling into both palaver and error. He de clared the other day, by way of prais ing the strawberries he was eating, that they were better than the berries we raise in this country. If Mark only knew it, the only first-class strawber ries to be found on the tables of Brit ish royalty come from his old home, Missouri. Forty neckwear cutters inja New York factory, who prided Jthemselves on being neat, are on a strike because "the foreladies got fresh andj called them slobs." Resolutions have been passed to remain out until the term "slobs" shall be withdrawn. We have diligently searched Mr. Webster's well known book of wordsin vain for this peculiar and awkward-looking thing. The language seems to be getting more rubbery and resilient every day, thanks to the colloquial and to presieential cor respondence. It begins to look as if the country publisher is up against a proposition that will be hard to overcome. The cause for his laying awake nights is brought on by the gigantic paper trust allowed full sway in this country. The price of all kinds of printing and writing papers continue to advance and it is only a question of but a short time until all papers will have to advance their sub scription prices, especially the weekly papers which have been selling for $1 and $1.50 per annum. The price of news print has advanced something like $1 per hundred pounds and is still moun ting. The price promises to double within the next six months, On Tuesday Fairbanks took water to save a drowning woman and on Thurs day took lemonade to save himself from the prohibitionists. He has Taft back ed clean off the bridge. THE Jap who was arrested for sketch ing the forts at San Diego, Cal., has a double defence. In the first place, he didn't do it, and secondly, the fortifica tions at San Iicgare not worth sketching. "Al.L this talk of trouble between the United States and Japan is simply bob tail rubbish," says Senator lien Tillman. When the arch fomenter takes the sit uation so calmly, assuredly the dogs of war are in no danger of rabies. Uncle Sam snokes 22,oW),ooo cigars, 10,000,000 cigarettes, and chews half a ton of plug and fine-cut a day. And when you consider the amount of whisky and beer he consumes, the wonder is that hm keeps so hale and hearty. A brand new and highly terrifying conspiracy has just been discovered with a purpose to dethrone the Czar of Russia and set up a democratic govern ment. Will Oyster Bay cable sympa thies to St. Petersburg? Officials of the United States and Canada are now going over the bound ary line between the two countries and replacing the old monuments with a series of new ones. Too bad they can't pull down the old Dingley tariff wall as they go along. Little Rock claims the meanest man in the 1907 contest. He is an under taker named Bud Jackson and the city's poor from the county hospital. He was fined and jailed for six months for stealing shrouds from the bodies of the dead pe p'e. His title as "mean est man" of the year will not be ques tioned. Shakespeare would have made a good anti-monopolistic modern editor, as wit nessed by the lines: "I can compare our rich misers to nothing so fitly as to the whale, that plays and tumbles, driv ing the poor fry before him, and at last devours them all atone mouthful." He who threw the harpoon so well, how he would flay the octopus! Secretary Cortelyou is the man for the Republicans to run for Presi dent, if they want a typical Roosevelt man. He bought the President's elec tion with the money of widows and or phans and is a pastmaster in all the election corruption practiced by the Re publican party. "Wave the big club and holler like a Comanche, but don't hit the octopus. He's our pal. Don't hurt him. This is a play, not a duel." So says Root to Teddy. And Teddy plays and hollers, while John Temple Graves and the other political urchins wildly applaud. -Is it a comedy or a tragedy? The way to make the old town hum now after flood is to stand up for every enterprise in it. There is nothing here but what there is room for, and there is ample room for much more. We must invite new enterprises, but first of all we must maintain and build up those that we have. Stand up for the town and everything good that there is in it. It was a "hello" girl in a town in Kansas, who, when a terrible torna do was bearing upon the little burg, stood by her post and in the very jaws of death sounded a warning that saved scores of women and children all along the line over which her voice traveled. Think of that the next time you go to scold the girls at the central office. For over a year the price of wheat has been below the cost of production, although it was protected by a tariff tax of 25 centa a bushel. Now the price has advanced 30 per cent in con sequence of the fear of a short crop. Do the Republicans claim the advance is due to an all pervading Repudlican prosperity produced by tariff protection? If so, how do they explain the low price of wheat that has prevailed before the fear of unkindly nature caused the spectators to boost the price? Roosevelt deformed spelling receiv ed its death-blow Thursday out at Los Angeles when the National Educational Association resolved to resume the old time spelling of the words "though," "through" and "thorough." This is the last straw to break the broncho's back as those three words were the only ones which seemed to need any sort of simplification. And now even they are restored to safety and sanity and Oyster Bay is being churned into frenz ied fury by an irate and baffled Bom bastes Furioso. The Republican conspiracy to pre vent the people of Oklahoma from se curing statehood because the Democrats will carry the state, now includes all the leaders, and President Roosevelt is being urged to pull the political chest nut out of the fire by declaring the con stitution, the people are to vote on, does not provide for a Republican form of government. Democrats and honest Republicans will watch this conspiracy with solicitude for the result of it will be more far-reaching than the loss of Oklahoma's seven electoral votes. If the Republicans prevent admission, the unfairness and partisanship will help the Democrats in every doubtful state. Indiana has a pair of noble fishermen. Fairbanks pulled a servant girl out of the water and Beveridge has just caught a great American heiress. TllK. original Star-Spangled Manner has been put under a glass case in the National Museum. And the constitu tion bids fair to follow the tlag as a curio of antiquity. As a rule the man who writes the charmirg essays on "how to get rich" ploughs furrows into his face thinking how he will manage to meet his bills on the first of each month. There is no room for laggards in Plattsmouth now. Plenty of work for all. He who prefers to loaf rather than work, should be made to hit the road. Loafers are a pest in any town. Now it is Harry Orchard's dead grandfather who is on trial at Bise. I For mercy's sake don't carry the inves- i tigation back many more generations and discover the common ancestor i through whom we are all related to : Harry! The property holders on Main and Sixth streets cannot get a hustle on themselves any too soon in arranging to lower Main and Sixth streets. When the council meets be right there to have your say. Fairbanks having heroically saved a drowning woman at a lakeside resort in the Yellowstone park, the Indianapo lis Sun is hard pushed to keep up its daily jibes at the lengthy Vice-President because he dares oppose Roosevelt's choice for the Republican nomination. The publisher of the Sun surely must be postmaster at Indianapolis. Woman brings us into the world, wo man is our first teacher, woman makes the world what it is, from century to century. Out of all the teachers in Cass county, there are not to exceed a dozen rural male teachers. Then why not have a lady county superintendent to supervise the schools in a county where there is such a preponderance of female teachers? j A Missouri exchange threatened one : day last week to publish the name of the young man who was seen with his ; sweetheart's head on his shoulder if he J didn't come across with a dollar on sub j scription. Twenty-seven young fellows I slipped in and subscribed and paid the j dollar. The editor has letters from two 1 or three others saying they will hand him a dollar the first time they are in i town. The Columbus, Ohio, Press-Post con tinues to be unafraid of the Big Stick and prods the touted trust-buster in this exasperating manner: "Of course, one must take into consideration that it is midsummer weather, when he looks in vain to see the fragments of some busted trust gyrating above the line of the horizon. The President, moreover, is at Oyster Bay, and there are no trusts there which have been listed for bust ing." The Burt County Herald, a republi can newspaper, arising to remark, de poses and says: The action of H. C. Lindsay and Victor Seymour in flooding the state with petitions to keep Judge Sedgwick on the supreme bench is not meeting with much favor in this part of the state. Their presumptuous con duct merits a severe rebuke. Both of these gentlemen are holding positions appointive by that court, but that is no reason why they should play the roll of dictators or political boss for the old machine. We believe that the people of Nebraska know how to vote to pro tect their own interests; that was demonstrated at the last election, and they want more legislatures like the last one- therefore they want a supreme court that is absolutely fair; one that will administer justice with a steady hand; one that will not permit the state to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars by opinions that appear to us to be based on trivial technicalities. The president's announcement that the thoroughly good understanding with Japan has been confirmed by a long and satisfactory interview with Admiral Baron Yamamoto will be gladly receiv ed by the country as another assurance that the so-called "Japanese-American -situation" has all along been only a tempest in a teapot. The futility of war with Japan makes it exceedingly unpleasant for the great bulk of the American people to- think of the possi bility of a rupture of the friendly rela tions between the two countries. Ready as are the Americans to resent a real insult or to punish a wrong, they much prefer to be at peace. It seems that in his conversation with the president Admiral Yamamoto has only confirmed what Ambassador Aoki has all along been telling the president. We may readily accept his assurance that the government of Japan is friendly toward the United States. As a man of influ ence in his own country we may take it for granted that he is better inform ed about the real temper of its people than are the noisy agitators of the Progressivist press in Tokio. It is pleasing to believe that the rumpus has had no deeper significance than that these reformers in their new activities have been altogether "too fresh." i BASIBBIQ AYcgc table Preparation Tor As -siinilating the Food anil Hcula tir.g tlic Stomachs and Dowels of Promotes THgestion.Cheerful ness and Rest.Contains neither Opmm;Morpbine nor Mineral. Not Nahcotic. Alx.Sm Anut Set ADcrfecf Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea. Worms .Convulsions ,r evensn ness and Loss OF Sleep. Tac Simile Signature of NEW "YORK. vjip -.miu n- ; Let us be up and doing if we would prevent any more floods. Main and Sixth streets should be lowered, and the work should be done as early as possible. Of late a great deal too much space has been wasted on the liar. The liar's case is simple. The greatest philosoph er since Shakespeare (Frederick Upham Adams) has lately disposed of him as neatly as pinning a butterfly on a card. A liar, says he, is one who by direction or indirection seeks to deceive. The man who lies to an enemy is a diplomat; the man who lies to give harmless play to his imagination is an artist; the man who lies to his friends for the purpose of taking advantage of them is a scoun drel, and the man who lies to himself is a fool. Governor Hughes of New York has thrown the glove squarely into the faces of Root,, Taft,, Roosevelt, Knox, and, in fact, all the "leaders" of his party, by this bold defiance and indirect denuncia tion in his Jamestown speech: "Politi cal leaders who have preformed the function-of clearing houses for legislation, and who, while posing as party workers, have served under a retainer of special interests, careless alike of party princi ples or puhlic justice, are passing from the stage." It would be real rich to know just what the saintly Cortelyou thought of such tale-telling out of school. Long Live the King. Is the popular cry thrrughout Euro pean countries; while in America the cry of the qresent day is "Long Live Dr. King's New Discovery, King of Throat and Lung remedies!" of which Mrs. Julia Ryder, Paine, Truro, Mass., says- "It never fails to give immediate relief and to quickly cure a cough or cold." Mrs. Paine's opinion is shared by a majority of the inhabitants of this country. New Discovery cures weak lungs and sore throats after all ether remedies have failed; and for coughs and colds it's the only sure cure. Guaranteed by F. G. Fricke &Co. drug gist. 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. Not a Bit Discouraged W. A. Young, who had a severe loss last spring, in the shape of hogs with cholera, amounting to about $1,500, during the storm of a week ago sus tained a second loss, though not so severe as the one of the hogs, yet coming as it does just in the wake of the other one, is of a nature so serious as to make one scratch his head and think how long will this be kept up. The hail beat his crops into the ground, but like the boy on the Fourth of July, is up and at it again. Wash says that no such things as these can discourage him for he is not built that way. He has his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and is after success, which he expects to make his own. Rickets. Simply the visible sign lir i j i r I EXACT COPT OP WKAJ9CB. I ' r-V q are not forming rapidly enough. Q Lack of nourishment is the cause. Q O Scott r Em zz fa ion nourishes baby's fr j entire system. Stimulates and makes bone. Fvartlv urliat 1-jVv nAArlt o Q A IX DRUGGISTS: 50c A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years mm tb m In the Wheat Harvest" H. D. Travis, who some time since since purchased a farm in Trego county, Kansas, is going down to inspect the harvest of some two hundred acres of wheat which is now in operation and of which he is much interested. A. C. Carey was passing through that county not long since and while the train was stopped at some point, farmers who were in need of help came in the train and offered five dollars per day for some one to work. Mr. Carey stopped and worked for a while. The Judge says that in case they will pay high enough wages he will work for there is not enough doing here in his office to make it interesting. At least he will see to the harvesting of his own crop. Settle With Wurl The various insurance companies have settled with E. A. Wurl, and paid him the amount of his insurance on the stock which the fire damaged and des troyed. The invoice taken showed the amount of $8,222.38, on this the amount of insurance was $7,500 and was paid by the various companies carrying the risks, they taking the goods. These goods were advertised and a number of bids were received on them the highest being made by M. Fanger of this place, which wrs for $2,505 and was accepted. This was on what goods were in the store room proper, and consisted of the stock of general merchandise, mostly dry goods, but of which there were quite an amount of groceries. Besides this there were in the cellar some six to eight hundred dollars worth of groceries which were injured by the flood which were not considered in the fire settlement. These Mr. Wurl has for disposition and which will probably make his return fyr stock near $3,000, upon the fixtures he carried $500 insur ance, and upon same was allowed by the insurance companies $275, they con sidering them worth something. Cauarrh Cannot Be Cured with local applications, a3 they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitunal disease, anc in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure 13 taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucus surface, Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It wa3 prescribed by one of the best phy sicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acts di rectly on the mucus surfaces- The per fect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful re sults in curing catarrh. Send for tes monials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo.O. Sold by druggists, price 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. that baby's tiny bones a AND $1.00 a l'V