The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 18, 1907, Image 3

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from Krl'liiy'n l;illv.
Carl Neuman, father of little Frank
Neurnan. who died Wednesday came in
last evening from Denver.
Senators. L. Thomas came last even
ir.g from Akron, Colorado, where h
has been living for some time past.
Michael Meisinger from near l.eua
Creek, is in the city looking after some
business matters and seeing the sight
wrought by the flood.
T. J. Rhoden, from near Murray, wa
a Plattsmouth visitor this morning,
viewinir the effects of the floods an
looking after some business matters
Mrs. J. L. Mayfield of Pleasantville,
came in last evening and will visit ii
the city, for about a week,' the-guest o
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Peter
David Wallengren was a passenger to
Omaha this morninir. where he goes to
help celebrate the wedding of his niece,
Miss Olira Walleneren. which occurre
yesterday at the metropolis.
Mr. Henrv Soanirler. who lives
south of the city, is a very sick man.
suffering from some bladder trouble,
which has been a source of annoyance
to him for a number of years and as age
increases, the difficulties arising from
the complaint have been augmented
During the past week his sufferings have
been very severe and at times it has
been necessary to hold him during
paroxisms of the intense pain, which
recur with frequent intervals.
From Saturday's Dally.
A. A. Holmes, from Union, is in the
citv.' visitinir at the - home of Iuis
George K. Sayles of Cedar Creek was
a business visitor in the city today, re
turning home on the afternoon train.
W. F. Gillespie, the genial, good
natured grain dealer, of Mynard, was a
pleasant caller at our sanctum today.
during his stay in the city.
Henrv Meisinirer and wite came in
this morning on the Burlington from
Springfield, ami are visiting with friends
in the city and country west of town
George Wallinger and niece, Miss Ida
Meisinirer. went to Omaha, today to
visit J. H. Wallinger who is in a hospital
there, having undergone an operation for
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Smith, from
near Nehawka, came in this morning
and are visitine friends in the city, the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hall,
the parents of Mrs. Smith.
Joseph Wheeler," son of Treasurer W.
D. Wheeler, who is employed in the
coach shops, sustained a very severely
mashed finger as a result of a timber
falling on it yesterday. Though very
painful, the finger now seems getting
along as well as could be expected. Joe
will take a rest for some time, though
not in accordance with his wishes.
From Monday'sDaily .
John Hennings of near Cedar Creek,
was a Plattsmouth business visitor this
James Terry berry was in the city to
day in attendance at the meeting of the
Cedar Creek Elevator company.
S. L. Furlong and wife are in from
Rock Bluffs, transacting business with
our merchants today.
Ixmis Puis from Murray, was in the
city today looking after some business
and renewing acquaintances.
A. C. Carey and wife from near Un
ion, are in the city today looking after
some business matters and visiting with
Frank Albin and wife of Union, are
in the city today looking after some
business matters and visiting with
D. J. Pitman, the good-natured grain
dealer of Murray, was in the city this
morning looking after some business
Fred Ebinger, of Plainview, came in
Saturday evening and spent Sunday
with his Plattsmouth friends, of which
he has a host. He returned home this
Andrew Stohlman and wife and Aug
ust Stohlman and wife of Louisville are
in the city looking after some business,
ane visiting friends.
George W. Rhoden of near Murray
was in the city today and made this of
fice a pleasant call. Mr. Rhoden says
they had a hard rain in his neighborhood
last evening.
Adolph Rhode, who is now running a
machine on the State J ournal at Lincoln,
came in Saturday evening and visited
with friends over Sunday, returning to
work yesterday.
J. E. Worley of Lincoln, come in Sat
urday, and visited with his family, who
have beer, visiting here for the past
week, over Sunday, returning to his
work this morning.
Albert Dutton, wife and little son,
who have been visiting with the parents
of Mrs. Dutton, George W. Osborne and
wife for the past few days, returned
jjome this morning.
J. H. Wallinger who had an opera
tion performed atniut a week ago for
appendicitis, is reported as doing nicely,
and with hopes of getting out of the
hospital in a short time.
Rev. Father Feeney of Auburn, wh
was in the city over Sunday, assisting
Rev. Father Bradley, departed for home
this morning, going via Omaha. Rev
Bradley accompanied him as tar as
George Horn of Cedar Creek, the rep
resentative and manaurer for the Duff
Grain Company's elevator at that point,
was in the city today on business per
tammir to the elevator 01 which he is
W. J. Stadlemann. who came in from
Norfork last Saturday morning, return
ed this morning. Will has just obtained
a franchise for a telephone plant at Nor
fork and will begin immediately on the
installation of it.
James Bennett, a brother-in-law o
Oliver Dovey, living in Cass county,
Missouri, is visiting with Mr. Dovey's
family and other friends in the city. He
lived west of town for a number o
years some time ago, and was a neigh
bor to Herman Bestor, going to Missou
ri some twenty-four years ago.
Peter Keil. C. F. Rheihart and A. B
Fornoff was in the city today at the
meetinir of the Cedar Creek Elevator
Company. There was a deal under con
sideration for the purchase of the Duff
Elevator at Cedar Creek, but owing to
the washouts of the roads the represen
tative of the Duff Company were un
able to get here.
Chas. Grassman departed for his home
in Alliance this afternoon on the fast
mail after being in attendance at the
funeral of his brother, Ed, who lost his
life in the Boeck building fire. Mrs
Grassman and the children will remain
and visit for some time ere returning.
John Beeson accompanied him on his re
turn and will visit his brother, Frank
Beeson, and look for some land to invest
in while there.
From Tuesday's Dally
Wm DellesDernier of Elmwood, was
a visitor in the county seat today.
Miles Standish. of Murray, was in
the city today, having some business at
the court house.
No goods will be sold from the dry
goods department of E. G. Dovey & Son
next Friday, July 19.
E. A. Wurl is reported as improving
nicely,' and it is hoped he will soon be
so he can be down town.
Jacob Parr, who lives south of the
city, was a passenger to South Omaha
this afternoon where he goes to buy a
Henry Herold came m this morning
from Wyoming. 111., and is visiting
with his family and other friends, and
ooking after some business matters as
D. W. Foster was an over night visi
tor in the city, coming up from Union
ast evening and stopping over night
here, taking the early Burlington train
for Omaha where he has some business
James L. Nowacek and wife depart
ed today for Denver and other Colo
rado points, where they will spend
their honeymoon. They expect to be
gone about two weeks.
H." H. Tyler and wife, accompanied
by their little daughters, tsessie ana
Christiana, departed this afternooon on
the fast mail for Endicott, where they
will visit with the family of Mr. Tyler's
sister, Mrs. C. W. Slaughter, for the
remainder of the week.
Glen Phebus came in last evening from
LosAngeles, where he has been work
ing for some time. He says all of the
Plattsmouth people are getting along
finely out there. He will visit here a few
days and then go to Burwell, where he
has some land interests.
James Sage, Herman Holhchuh, Mrs.
Geo. Hild and son, William, departed
this morning for Minco, Oklahoma,
where they will look at land with the
intention of purchasing, should any
thing offer that suits, and visiting with
those of Cass county's former citizens
who have moved to that part of the
Fearing the Missouri Pacific railway
would not be in working order, W. F.
Gillespie, accompanied by Henry Born,
August Steppet and Fred Kehne, came
in this morning and took the early train
for South Omaha where they have hogs
and cattle on the market. Mr. Gillespie
has the car of hogs and the other three
the cattle.
Sherman Knee,managerofthe Nebras
ka Telephone company at Hasting, with
his little son, was a visitor in the city
over night, a guest of his brother.
Sherman was a citizen of this place
some twenty-four years ago and has not
been here but a few times since and
then only for a day. Our people will
remember him as being called by the
name of Murphy, as he made his home
with J. A. Murphy. He departed for
his home this afternoon.
From W ulnttn1y' d.illy
Dquglass Smith and family, of Have
lock, came in this morning to visit with
friends a few days.
Wilbur Cole of near Mynard. was a
Plattsmouth visitor today where he hat
!Vrne business to look after.
John Bashman from west of Mynard,
was an Omaha passenger this morning
where he goes on business.
A. '. ( linord, a Louisville ParPer,
came in this morning, anil is visiting
with his friend
Clayton Rosencrans.
Frank Sheldon
one oi l. ass county
big merchants
was here from Nehawka
yesterday looking after some matters
at the court house
Otis McNurlin of Murray, was in the
oity this morning and in conversation
with the scribe of this paper, said that
the little city on our south was going
head and was making a rattling good
Henry Kurtz and wife, of Lincoln,
and Mrs. Adam Kurtz, jr., and Chas
Kurtz, of Omaha, came in this morning
and are visiting with the family of
Adam Kurtz of this place,, the.father of
the boys. They visited during the day,
returning to their work on the evening
Henry Heebner passed through Platts
mouth yesterday enroute for his home
at Nehawka. He has been engaged in
operating an elevator at Walton and
this is his first visit here in two years,
While in the city he called and renewed
for the Journal.
William Marshall Reeves, a teacher
of mathematics and astronomy in Cot
ner University of Bethany, Nebraska,
has been in the city for a few days past
in the interest of the school in which he
is a tutor. He speaks many glowing
words for the school and claims all the
good points for it that are possessed in
the large universities are to be enjoyed
for a less cost. He departed for home
on the fast mail this afternoon.
John M. Kiser, who has been visiting
here for some time past, from Success,
Mo., departed for Omaha this morning,
where he has some business. From
there he will go to Greenwood, where
he will visit for a short time before
leaving for his home. John was in very
poor health when he came here early in
the spring, and since then he has im
proved until, as he leaves, he looks the
picture of robust manhood. Verily,
there is no other place like old Cass
county, Nebraska.
John Marsh of Rock Bluffs was a
Plattsmouth visitor today, also having
me business matters to look after.
Henry Likewise, of Cedar Creek,
came in this morning ana is looKing
after some business in the county today.
Julius Pitz, who has been visiting
with relatives and friends at Rock
Island. Illinois, returned home this
F. M.' Tyler of Thurman, Iowa, who
has been visiting with his brother. Clay
Tyler, for the past week, departed for
his home this morning.
H. A. Schneider, Geo. Wallinger and
Chas. Peacock were passengers to Oma
ha this afternoon where they have some
business matters to arrange.
Bennett Chrisweisser, who returned
from the western part of the state this
morning, says that at Broken Bow they
are needing rain. We could spare them
some of ours if they would come after it
Frank Swoboda, who has been on the
sick list for the past month with
pneumonia, is so far recovered as to
be able to be up again but not so he
can be down town vet. We hope to
see him on the street again soon.
W. P. Cook and Joseph Stendykewere
passengers to Omaha this morning where
they go to consult Dr. Gifford, the eye
specialist, as to their eyes. Uncle Jos
eph is having his eyes treated while Mr.
Cook goes to have his eyes examined.
Medal Contest
Gold Medal contest, Thursday, July
23, at Parmele theatre, 8:lo p. m. Ad
mission 25c. Contestants: Maude Kuh-
ney, Mildred cummins. Marguerite
Thomas, Marie Robertson, Bennie Wind
ham and Phillip Rouse. Referees: J.
M. Leyda, Kelly Fox and Thomas Wal
Sick for Four Years-Girl Cured
Mr. Jacob Pianino, P. 0. Box 163,
Cumberland, Wyo., wrote us the follow
ing letter: "I wish you to publish this
etter of mine. My daughter who still
ives in the old country was suffering
from a stomach disease for four years
and no medicines helped her. I sent
her Triner's American Elixir of Bitter
Wine, which perfectly cured her. As a
grateful father I wish to recommend
this remedy to everybody. " We often
had occasion to publish similiar testi
monials about Triner's American Elixir
of Bitter Wine in our paper. Its cura
tive power was demonstrated in so
many cases that everybody having a
tomach complaint now selects this
remedy only. Even in old diseases of
the digestive organs where other
remedies failed to cure Triner's Ameri
can Elixir of Bitter Wine usually has
the desired effect. Write to us for
medical advice, but, if the difficulty lies
in the stomach or bowels, you need no
other advice, than to use Triner's
American Elixir of Bitter Wine. At
drugstores. Jos. Triner, 799 South
Ashland ave., Chicago, 111.
Another threatening storm visitei
rlattsrnouth last evening. Dark clouds
began so show signs of the coming rail
in the northwest, but few thought the
would bring forth a deluge as they did.
The water fell in torrents for nearly ai
hour, anil the gravest apprehension.-.
were felt by those who had went through
the flood siege of a week ago. After a
downpour, and a glimmer of light afi
. J ii .1 . . i .i
lit-nit-n in me direction oi wnuner me
rain was coming, people began to crowd
on Main street as rapidly as possible,
however, there had been no alarm
ine water aid not, however, run over
the sidewalks to any great extent, and
but little damages were done with the
exception of some water running into
cellars. The water from Chicago
avenue and Vine street, seemed to be
having a race to see which could
reach Maiu street first, but Vine
had the avenue greatly bested this
time. In one hour after the rain one
could not perceive that Main street had
been again threatened,
At Other Points.
Y ....
ii appears irom reports that many
other points were hit somewhat harder
this time than Plattsmouth. Lincoln
had to put up with her share of the
rain this time. The Burlington came in
for its portion of the damages at various
points on their lines, and several wash
outs are reported. The Rock Island
tracks are said to be under water at
Alvo'and South Bend. There are several
tad washouts south on the M. P. and
trains so far in order to reach Omaha,
have to go from Nebraska City around
by the K. C. and cross here. The wires
are all down and no report from trains
could be obtained up to noon.
A washout near Cedar Creek on the
short line of the Burlington, and trains
were delayed 'several ..." hours. Two
bridges were reported out' near Chaloc
on the Omaha-Lincoln line, and the
"Pappio" line near South Omaha is
said to have been blocked hy trees and
drift deposited on the track. The train
due here last night from Omaha did not
reach here until near 7 o'clock this
morning. Trains, however, seem to be
running regular at present.
Farmers from near town report that
the rain was general, and in some
localities it did considerable damage to
the growing crops. They seem to be
fearful of the outcome of the corn crop
as in many fields the weeds have al
ready got the best of the corn.
During the night, when the winds
were so fierce here, they were having
more than they were wanting at the
tower at Oreapolis, where a train was
standing at the time and had just taken
water, when the most violent wind
.came, which took down . the wind mill
and top off the water tank, and broke
out the windows of the signal tower.
In the most extreme moment of the
twister, the wires of the Western Un
ion were dislodged and rendered useless
to that extent that it was not possible
to get any communication over the
wires for several hours. Before the
wires went down section foreman, Con
Gillispie, was notified and went out and
rendered " what assistance he could.
The Plattsmouth Telephone Company
had their poles blown down at the
crossing, just east of the tower, and
tney were renaerea useless, with no
service. The operator says when the
gales were the fiercest that the tower
swayed as much as two feet, and that
it was almost impossible to stay in the
tower. The tower was left out of
plumb and the floors bulged in the mid
dle. For the work that the storm did.
it is without a doubt that there was a
great force exerted.
About four o'clock this morning the
storm, which continued at intervals
through the entire night, looked more
threatening than it did Sunday evening,
but luckily it passed over as a soft
zephyr, compared with some we have
experienced this season.
The wind northwest of the city had
the appearance of a hurricane, but the
only damage we have learned so far,
was the blowing down of George J.
Holmes corn.
A large cottonwood tree blew down
across the M. P. track last night near
Oreapolis, and the train going north
this morning had to lay the.e until the
monster tree could be cut up and re
moved from the track.
The greatest damage reported on the
Burlington was between Ashland and
Oreapolis, several serious breaks having
been found in the old main line along
the Platte valley. At 5 p. m. yesterday
the company reported every line in use,
after a strenuous day of flood fighting
and line repairing.
The Missouri Pacific
The Missouri Pacific line between
Omaha and Hiawatha, Kas., was
completely out of business by Sunday's
storm, and all trains were tied up on
that line as a result. All wires are down
between Omaha and Falls City. There
is one wire between Omaha and Verdon,
and a message from the Missouri Pac
ific section foreman Sunday night to
District Superintendent Bevington of the
Missouri Pacific road, said there had
been a cloudburst of great proportions
between Auburn and Fall3 City, and that
much of the track between these places
was either washed out or was under
water. The rejort said that the Burl
ington tracks were under eight feet of
water from Verdon east. From the best
information obtainable by the Missouri
Pacific officials the cloudburst covered a
broad area and was of great volume,
and it is believed great damage was
done to crops and property.
Bad Situation at Auburn
Auburn, Neb., July 15. -Over live
inches of rain has fallen since Saturday
night. Missouri Pacific tracks are innn
dated in many places. Over :,.'oo feet
of track is washed out between Verdon
and Falls City, besides many minor
washouts. No trains from the south
have been run since yesterday and only
one northern mail has passed in thirty-
six hours. Telegram wires are in bad
condition. All available men are work
ing at repairing the tracks. Indications
are good for a hard rain tonight.
Do Your Trading Home.
One of the things difficult to under
stand is why some people will pay
higher price to agents for goods than
they can buy the same article for of the
local dealer. Right here in Iiouisville,
says the Courier, we venture to say
that there are no less than twenty-five
families who buy groceries of agents
who call monthly to deliver and take
orders for the next month's delivery
In making his deliveries he takes along
a lot of percelain junk, etc., as pre
miums, but he never neglects to get the
cash or you don't get the goods. We
have made it a point to inquire jnto the
prices paid for staple articles and in
every instance we have found them to
be fully as high as asked by the local
dealer and in most cases much higher.
As an illustration and one which is no
guess work or hot air, the writer hap
pened to be at the Missouri Pacific
freight depot a few days ago when a
farmer called for a bill of goods sold
to him by one R. L. Harris. Invoice
called for 60 pounds of W. B. A. blend
coffee and one-fourth barrel of salmon.
The salmon was missing but perhaps
arrived later. But as to the price of
the coffee. The bill for the coffee was
$17.40 or 29 cents per pound. The
writer suggested to the farmer that we
call and see what the local merchant
would ask for the same kind of coffee.
We went together to the store of Diers
Bros. & Co., found the same identical
coffee and found that they were selling
it in one and two pound lots at 25 cents
per pound lots at 25 cents per pound
and in 50 or 60 pounds lots at 22J cents,
or bj cent3 per pound less than tne
traveling grocer. If there is anyone
who disbelieves this statement, or that
there is a difference in the coffee the
Courier has the proof to back up its
claim and would be pleased to submit
the evidence.
Farmers do not ordinarily buy coffee
in 60-lb lots, and if he does we see no
reason he should pay a strnnger 6$ cents
a pound more for it and pay it in cash
than the home merchant who accepts
his poor butter in exchange for goods.
This farmer was surprised when shown
the difference between the two. He
had allowed the traveling grocer to
make him believe that he was under
selling the home merchant. It is the
privilege of everyone to buy as cheap
as they can, but it is like wiseh is duty to
give the home man your patronage, es
pecially when you can save money
doing so. It pays to investigate.
Lodged on the bank of the Missouri
river about a mile below Rock Bluffs,
yesterday afternoon, a corpse of a man
apparently about fifty years old, was
found by John E. Smith and Charles L.
Byers. They immediately went to Bart-
lett, Iowa, and notified the coroner of
Fremont county, Iowa, who came and
took charge of the body, taking it to
Sidney. The man was dressed in a blue
suit of clothes, having the appearance
of a uniform usually worn by members
of the Grand Army. Over the blue suit
was a pair of overalls; he had on laced
shoes. The deceased wore a common
working man's checked shirt. He had
in his possession $21.85, which consisted
of a twenty dollar bill, a one dollar bill
and eighty-five cents in silver. He car
ried a pair of gold spectacles, a cob pipe
and a silver-cased watch of American
It is supposed that the deceased is W.
T. Hurst who was drowned about two
and one-half miles north of Omaha on
July 4th, and of whom his son was here
a few days later in search. On the vest
of the suit were brass buttons like those
worn by members of the G. A. R. but
were colored by the mud and water so
they could not be easily distinguished,
and required a close inspection to deter
mine their composition. The body was
badly swolen and discolored, being al
most black in appearance.
T. E. Parmele was a passenger to
Omaha this morning where he is look
ing alter business connected witn me
placing of a toll line for the Plattsmouth
Telephone company into Council Bluffs.
A healthy man is a king in his own
right; an unhealthy man is an unhappy
slave. Burdock Blood Bitters build3 up
sound health keeps you well.
Wedding Bells.
Merrily rang the wedding hell loday
for James .1. Nowacek and Mis Mary
Elizabeth Warga. At eleven o'clock
this morning at the llnhcmiun Catholic
church in the presence of a large crowd
of friends and relatives, was performed
the ceiinony which united the lives of
two young people of our city, .lust af
ter the clock had struck eleven.
Rev. HiiiHik pronounced tin- word
which made .lames .1. Nowacek and
Miss Mary I '.. Warga husband and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Nowacek have grown to
manhood and womanhood's estate in our
midst, and are a young couple whom we
all love and honor. The groom is an
industrious and energetic young man of
good habits, and is employed in the Bur
lington shops in this place and is highly
respected by all. While the bridw is
the accomplished daughter of Mr. John
Warga, who has made her home with
her parents. After the ceremony
which made them one, they, with their
friends, departed for the home of the
bride's parents, where a sumptous din
ner was served, and in accordance with
the custom of the people of whom them
young people are members, the wed
ding is counted a very imortant affair,
the festivities at the home of the bride
will continue far into the evening.
The Journal joins with the many
friends of loth bride and groom in
wishing them a happy and prosperous
journey down the stream of Time ami
hopes that the ort at which they land
at the end may be one where all their
desires shall be realized, and all the
hopes that they have entertained in
their youth and middle life be fulfilled.
Robbed While He Slept.
Eric Edberg, a son from Sweden, who
has been employed on the farm of
Henry Heil for the past year, came to
the city yesterday on No. i of the Bur
lington, which being late arrived about
noon. Eric fell in with another farm
hand from near Cedar Creek, and as
time wore on they got a drink or two
too many and neglected to do some trad
ing which had brought him to town.
By some means the other man gotaway
and went home, and some of the float-
ng talent in the city drifted in the same
current with Eric, and he missed his
train, and still did not get -the records
for his talking machine, which hail
brought him to town. But in the after
noon, when he had found that he had
missed the train, he went to Manspeak-
er's barn and engaged a team to take
him home at eight o'clock, and says he
paid for it. Then he went back down
town and dropped into a saloon and took
another drink or two, and was met by a
couple of rounders, one of whom was a
tall man, rather dark and the other
more stoutly built and a blond. They
took another round at the flowing bowl.
and Eric became sleepy and suggested
that he thought it best to go to bed as
he wanted to sleep. At the suggestion
of his companions, who said, "what's
the use of paying for a bed when you
can get to sleep for nothing," and on
their invitation went and sought a con
venient but secluded box car in the Bur-
ington yards, where he went to sleep.
At four o'clock this morning he woke
up to find that he had his clothes on
and thought it very queer that he would
go to bed with them on.
After a moment's thinking, the mist
of the morning's awakening cleared and
he remembered that he had not gone to
bed at all, and recognized the box car
in which he was then reclining as the
place which he had been taken last
evening. When he looked a little farther
he found that he was minus a hat and
money which he carried, with the ex
ception of fifteen cents, which had been
missed. They had also taken his shoes
prabably to make tracks in the sands of
time, that the next "fella" seeing
which might take heart again. He got
up, rubbed his eyes, and finally got
This morning he went to Kraft's and
purchased a pair of shoes and a hat and
made preparations for his departure for
home. He got a "record," but it will
not work in the talking machine, for
which he came to get supplies, but doea
finely in one that speaks in broken
Swede. He said in the presence of our
reporter this morning that, "Ven me
get to see that fella, there ben von
dead man, or thi3 Swede done no noth
ing. I don't ben fraid any one." That's
the kind of cattle that are pasturing
around here to fatten off such as thia
innocent man and the means taken of
doing it last evening, 13 indeed a bad
situation. On the other hand when a
man comes to the city and proceeds to
get his hide full of bad boose and goes
off to sleep in a box car he should not
expect much else than that he would be
short the next morning. He had twen
ty dollars when he came to town and at
the time he took lodging in the freight
car nearly half had been spent, so but
little more than ten dollars was lost in
the car.
$ For Infants and Children.
Hit' Kind You Hare Alva;: BougM
Bears the
Signature of