The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 20, 1907, Image 8

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    The County
(tecs if Seurji interest Selected
Krorn tin- I.t-dct-r. Josie Pittman left Tuesday for
St. Joseph, Mo., to l.e present at the
wedding of her cousin.
Mrs. Lessel, mother of II. K. Lessel,
departed Tuesday after several days'
visi here, to spend a few days in Kansas
L. It. Upton and wife, V. B. Ban
ning and wife and Miss Carrie Banning
went to Lincoln Wednesday evening to
attend the Shriner's banquet.
Mrs. Herman Lessel and children,
who have I een visiting here for some
time with Harry Frans and family, de
parted Tuesday for their home at Mor
rison, Mo.
P. C. Engell, Reuben Foster and Joe
Banning were in Omaha last Frdiay to
purchase machinery for Mr. Engell s
feed and prist mill, which will soon be
in pood running order.
George Griswold, the jopular con
ductor on the local freight running be
tween this point and Lincoln, moved his
family and household goods here last
week and they are now "at home" in
the Gruber residence just west of town.
The Ledger as well as the citizens ex
tend a cordial welcome to such additions
to our community, and hope they will
find this a pleasant home.
ThcMafiic No. 3.
Number three is a wonderful mas
cot for Geo. P. Parrls, of Cedar Grove,
Me. . according to a letter which rtads:
"After suffering much with liver and
kidney trouble, and becoming ereatly
discouraged by the fallvre to find re
lief, I tiitd E ectric Hitters, and as a
result I am a well man. to day. The
first b' ttle rtlievtd and three bottles
compltttd tre cure." Guaranteed
best on earl!) for stomach, liver and
kidney troutVes, y F. G Fricke drug
gist r.oj.
Krufb tlif Courier.
Rev. Jung and family left for their
future home in Texas this week.
Chas. Spence was down from Have
lock over Sunday visiting with his fam
ily. Miss Ida Youngblaid returned Mon
day to Atlantic, Iowa, where she is a
nurse in a hospital.
Mrs. Gust. Salsburg, who was so severe
ly injured in a runaway a couple of
weeks ago, was able to be removed to
her home Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Tritsch were up
from Plattsmouth Tuesday visiting with
their son, M. Tritsch and family and to
see their new grand-daughter.
Andrew Stohlman who in company
with his family is spending a few weeks
nt Hot Springs, S. D., writes the Cour
ier that he is much improved in health
and will perhaps conclude to remain
until after the hot weather is over.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Betts, of Gaith
Horn, Mich., are visiting with their
uncles and aunts, Mr. and Mrs Henry
Ahl, and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Duff. Mrs.
Betts was formerly Miss Elsie Walrod,
who at one time was a resident of this
You ctn t ten a woman's age after
she takes II.-lliMerV Rbcky Mountain
Tea. Ht-r complexion is fine. She is
round, plump, and handsome; in fact
she is young again. 3o cents. Tea or
Tablets Gering&Co.
tors and medicines without obtaining relief. I at last
found, in Wine of Cardui, a golden medicine for all my
iiis, and can recommend it above all others for female
Cardui furnishes safe relief for backache, headache,
periodical pains, irregular, painful or unhealthy cata
menial flow, and all ailments from which sick women
suffer. A perfect tonic for delicate women. A pure
vegetable medicine for girls and women who are subject
to the complaints peculiar to their sex. Has benefited
over a million who used to suffer as you do.
At every drug store, in $1.00 bottles.
ifvr(Mi fully alt your symptoms
mn4 mil ni yom Trrm Alvtca
tm pUta 14 er L4'
avtsory Dept.. Th Otunaora
AUdtcin Go ChatUMXwa. Taaa.
Iron the Columns if Contemporaries J
( Tncn 1 1 I :.'!: -r.)
Mrs. Herman Lessel, who has been
visiting relatives and friends near
Union, came up and spent a few days
with Sam Humphry. Mr. Lessel is in
the employ of the M. I. at Herman,
Henry Katzenstein of Nebraska City
was in Nehawka the first of the week
and purchased the fixtures and good
will of the barber shop of Mr. Hatha
way, who recently purchased it of H.
E. Littrel.
Peter Jensen, a brother-in-law of Pe
ter Petersen, arrived here from Den
mark the first of the month. He had
quite an experience coming west, being
robbed of his money and the keys to
his sea chest. He brought a number
of presents to their children from their
J. M. Stone went to Kansas City
Tuesday morning where he will join
others, and will go from there to Colo
rado to inspect a ranch property he is
interested in. He is going to stay un
til he can get a daylight train in com
ing home. He wants to investigate
the wheat crop in Kansas and this
Chas. S. Stone, the reform mayor of
Murray and cashier af one of the best
little banks in the corn belt, was in
town over Sunday. He reports that
there is under consi deration a lighting
plant, waterworks, a zoological park
and several miles of paving in that
thriving little city in the future.
F. P. Sheldon left on Monday morn
ing for Kansas City where he will at
tend a meeting of the elevator compa
ny that he is interested in, and after
that ha will go to Colorado to inspect
the ranch property that is owned by
Cass county business men. They are
makin exteusive improvements, build
ing irrigating ditches and breaking new
ground and seeding it to alfalfa, he and
Mr. Jtone are inspecting the work.
Remarkable Rescue.
That truth isstranger than fiction,
has once more been demonstrated in
the little town of Fedora, Tenn.,tbe
residence of C V. Pepper. He writes:
"I was in bed, entirely disabled with
hemorhhages of the lunts and throat.
Doctors fatltd to help me, and all
hope had fled when I began taking
Dr. King's New Discovery. Then in
stant relief came. The coughing soon
ceased; the bleeding diminished rapid
ly, and in three weeks I was able to go
to work." Guaranteed cure for
couuhs and colds. 50c. and $1 00, at
F. C. Fricke & Co 's drug store, Trial
b -tt'e free.
Flu id the Lader-KcliO.
A good many of our people drova over
to Palmyra yesterday to attend the old
settlers' picnic.
Rev. A. Wichmann and wife returned
from California, Friday, where they
delightfully spent six weeks.
A splendid eight-foot cement sidewalk
has been built in front of Mueller Bros,
implement store and blacksmith shop.
County Superintendent J. W. Gamble
and County Clerk W. E. Rosencrans
came out from Plattsmouth to partici
pate in the K. P. memorial exercises
We hear that John Gerry Stark learn
ed a few new things about kneeling
while at Omaha Monday night, but he
do I take Cardui"? writes Mrs.
Jelemma Mullins of Odessa, W.
Va. "Because, after suffering
for several years with female
trouble, and trying different doc
wasn't sprinkled in the "good old Meth
odist way."
Chancellor Hur.tir.gton of the Wes'.ey-
j an university, on Wednesday conferred
I the degree of doctor of divinity upon
Rev. I). B. Lake, pastor of the Metho
dist church at this place.
Misses Martha and Mary Oehlerking
left yesterday for Napervi'le, Illinois,
'to visit their brother, John, and attend
j the commencement exercises at the col
lege which their Lrother has been at
tending for the past three or four years
and from which l.e will graduate next
The Odd Fellows conferred the initia
tory degree upon George Leis and I. G.
Hombeck of M unlock, last Friday even
ing, in the presence of about sixty of
the brothers, including several visiting
brothers from Murdock. A fine lunch
was enjoyed at the close of the lodga
This evening Palmyra lodge is expected
when the first degree will be conferred.
Every Man His Own Doctor.
The average man cannot afford to
employ a physician for every slight
ailment or injury that may occur iu
bis famil , ii-.r can r,e afford to neg
lect them, as su slight an injury as the
scratch of a pin has been kloal to
cause trie loss of a limb. Hence every
man must from necessity be his on
doctor for this ciass of ailments. Suo
ceMS often depends upon prompt treat
ment, which can only be had when
suitable medicines are kept at hand.
Chamberlain's) remedies have been in
the market for many yta'S and enjoy
a good reputation.
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoea R meriy for bowtl com
plaints. Chamberlain's Coi gh Remedy for
coughs, colds, croup and whoopiDg
Chamberlain's Pain Balm (an anti
septic liniment) for cuts, bruises,
burns, sprains, swellings, lame back
and rheumatic pains.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets for constipation, biliousness
and stomach troubles.
Chamberlain's Salve for diseases of
the skin.
One bottle of each of these rive prep-
erations costs but $1.25. For sale by
F G. Fricke & Co. and A. T. Fried.
Fine Strawberries
Mrs J. C. Peterson presented to this
office last evening a box of the finest
strawberries we have seen this season.
They are very large and lucious, and
make the average man's mouth water
to even look at them. Those who de
sire to invest in a few boxes of delicious
fruit can call up Nebraska 'phone .135,
or Martin Johnson's meat market.
Lisened to Marry
Permit to wed has been granted to
Robert Thayer Probpst aged 24 of
Mynard and Miss Isabella Taylor aged
21 of Plattsmouth. The wedding is to
occur at six o'clock this evening at the
home of the parents of the bride to be,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor.
Orchard made a mistake in not keep
ing on good terms with the large collec
tions of wives.
Almost every girl in the Vassar class
of 1907 was engaged before graduation ;
that is to say, engaged to be married.
After all, the real apple of wisdom
hangs on the matrimonial tree.
Ex-Secretary Shaw says: 'I'll be
satisfied if Fairbanks is nominated for
president and he'll be satisfied if I am
nominated for preoident." And the
democratic party will be perfectly sat
isfied in either event.
An Illinois legislator suggests that no
more laws be enacted for ten years and
that the people be taught to obey those
already in existence. But what in the
meantime would become of the law-makers
who never learned any other trade?
Schmitz, the convicted boodling may
or of San Franeisco, is in jail, Depew
and Platte are in the senate and Cortel
you is in the cabinet. Against whom
of the quartette has the recording an
gel the number of black marks? Think
a moment before answering.
The step of the old soldier is gradually
growing weaker, his voice is becoming
more tremulous and the hand more un
steady. The muster out roll is being
made up rapidly and final discharge
papers are being made out yearly by the
thousands. Soon the veterans of the
sixties will stand lonely as the mile posts
along the highway.
Strayed or Stolen
One yearling mulley heifer, red and
white marked on right flank. Any
information concerning whereabouts of
same will be thankfully received and
rewarded at the Journal office.
Scientific men are urging a crusade
against the indiscriminate kissing of
babies and children. As children are
children until they are about sixteen
years old this crusade is a direct blow
at the sweetest diversion that can fall
to the lot of man. Germ or no germ,
kissing will go on just the same.
For Sale.
A few good milk cows, by John Berg
man, four miles west of Mynard.
Hundreds of PlalTsmcu'h RfzrJers Find
Daily Toil a E'jider.
The hust'.e and worry of business
men, the hard work and stooping of
workmen, the woman's household c arts,
are too great a strain on the kidneys.
Backache, headache, sideache, kidney
troubles, urinary trouble follow. A
Plattsmouth citizen te!!s you how to
cure them all.
P. M. Lindsay, livingon Marble street,
between th and 7th streets, Platts
mouth, says: Off and on for about two
years I have had pain in ray back and at
times was much annoyed on account of
it. While at work being on my feet
most of the time, it was then that the
dull persistent aching distressed me. I
had reason to believe that the trouble
was owing to a disturbed condition of
the kidneys and though I tried several
kidney remedies, I derived no benefit
until I was told of Doan's Kidney Pills
and got a box at Gering & C.o. 's drug
store. The results obtained from its
use proved to me that it was just the
remedy and I got a second box. Im
provement followed its use and to that
extent that I can unhesitatingly and
with pleasure endorse tqe the claims
made for Doan's Kidney Pills."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50c.
Fostea-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Will Attend the Wedding
Seth E. Clintberg, who has been vis
iting in the city for some weeks, depart
ed this afternoon for Omaha where he
will join his sister, Bertha, and they
will go to Saronville, where they will at
tend the wedding of a cousin, Miss Julia
Jacobson, on the nineteenth to Adolph
Johnson. After the wedding Miss
Bertha will return to Omaha, where she
is now making her home and Seth will
go to Platte Center, where he will join
his partner, Mr. Brockman, where they
are taking views.
Improper action of the kidneys
causes backache, lumbago, rheuma
tism. ' Pineules ' is a kidr ey remedy
that will relieve these diseases Pleas
ant to take and guaranteed to give
satisfaction or money refunded. '"Re
lief in every dose." Gering & Co.
Real Estate Transfers
Virgel Mullis to F. J. Konfert, quit
claim deed, . lots 12 to 15, blk 12,
Dukes add to city - - - - $10.00
Kansas Town and Land Co. to C. G.
Bookmeyer; lot 148, blk 22, 1st add
to Murdock $625.00
Bathas Jetter to Magic City Realty Co.
part of lot 261, Louisville, part 7, blk
1, Union $2,500.00
No greater mistake can be made than
to consider lightly the evidence of
disease in your system Don't take
desperate chances on ordinary medi
cines. Use nollister's Rocky Moun
tain Tea. 35 cents, tea or tablets.
Gem g & Co.
Will Look Denver Over
August Doering departed for Lincoln
this morning where he will visit for a
few days and then go to Denver, where
he has some friends which he wishes to
see, and some business matters to look
after, and' he-will while4 there, - look
around and if there should be anything
that presents itself which is particular
ly attractive in the way of business, he
will probably take the matter up and
make that place his home.
Wren you fell the need of a pill
take a DeWitt's Little Early Riser.
Small pill, safe pill, sure pill. Easy
to take; pleasant and effective. Drives
away headaches. Sold by F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Solid Brass 11x12 inch
washing surface, full
size 13x25 inches. The
The Monarch Wash
Board regular 45 cent
value, Saturday's price
Doors East of Cass Co Bank.
Mc.-rs. T. K. !,rm. le and T. II. Pollock
have for sale a limited amount of the hondsand
stock' of the new Independent Telephone Co.
of Omaha and for a rhort time can furnish
FREE with each $1000 5 percent loml pur
chased, or in the same ratio for larger or small
er amounts.
This is a most excellent opportunity for a
safe 5 percent investment and remember with
each bond sold, we furnish FREE 50 percent
of the amount of bonds in 4 percent preferred
The Independent Telephone Co. of Omaha
will install the automatic equipment", the out
side construction will be all underground and
the company will start with brighter prospects
than any telephone system ever built.
The company is fully financed and it is with
the idea of interesting local investors that this
offer is being made
Prospective investors are respectfully refer
red to the First National Bank of Omaha, as
to the stability of the investment
For further information and particulars,
call or address
T. E. Parmele
Kew Primary Law
Under the new primary election law
passed by the late legislature no county
convention for nomination of candidates
for country, state or district officers
will be held as has been the custom in
years past. In place of these county
conventions a primary election will be
held the first Tuesday in September.
This primary election will be simular to
a general county election, the same
kind of ballots being used. The polls
will be open from noon until 9. p. m.
Up to the present time but few can
didates have come from under cover.
The democrats will have no trouble in
selecting candidates. It is only a ques
tion as to who will consent to run. The
republicans are just the opposite.
The fight for nominations is being quite
interesting with them on some of the
offices. Evidently some of the candi
dates believe in the "early bird and
worm story.
All candidates must announce them
selves through a newspapaper and dig
up a five dollar bill to the county clerk
so his name can appear upon the bal
lot. If you are seeking a nomination you
had better get your name before the
The meniciiie that sets the while
, . I hi
The remedy on wnich all doctor, agree
The prescription all jour friends are
taking is
FloUisterV Rocky Mountain Tea.
Geting & C.
Real Estate Transfers.
Wm E. Norris" to Thos. Watcher,
lot 10, blk 23, Eagle. Consideration
W. E. Rosencrans et al, to Jacob
Calder lot 7, 19, blk Elmwood. Consdera
tion $200.00.
ittwi J
is known.
Description and Pedigree: ZSZX?tf?S5g'sz:
in face and weighs seventeen hundred pounds.
Wildrield stamp (4101) itoriiugribred Clydesdale, and foaled
May 0, 1903, and is reiseieri m tr.e Clydesdale Stud Book of Cana
da. Sired by West field Stamp ( 181) (9467); dam, flora of Rlnjr
w(K)d (3(522) (12oOH): the sir-rt by The Itoyal Standard (2220); second
dam, Majrtfte of Rinuwoori (716): hte bv Lord Salisbury (246) third
dam. Belief BinKood (670): sired by Victor 2d (15S); fourth dam
Fan; sired by Bobble Burns (164); fiftr' dam by Loudoun Tam (127)!
All parties interested in the breeding of fine horses are request
ed to call at my farm and see this celebrated animal. -
A. S. WILL, Proprietor
- T. H. Pollock
Card of Thanks.
The undersigned wish to extend to
those who so kindly assisted during the
last sickness and at the death and fun
eral of our beloved mother, Mrs. Wil
hemenia Nolting.
August Nolting
Fred Nolting
Mrs. Peter Volk
Mrs. Leonard Born
Mrs. Adam Kaffenberger
Mrs. Henry J aster
Mrs. Peter Halmes
A good twenty-two ribbed mando
lin cheap, also a good brass cornet at
a sacrifice. Inquire at Journal ofllce.
An Acurale
Private liisiory
The checks you issue during
the year make up a history of
your business transactions.
Each check is a page in your
business history that describes
an event in detail.
File your checks when the
bauk returns them, then you
can turn back to any check;
for evidence that you cancel
ed an obligation.
We invite you to open a check
ing account with us, pay by
check and record a reliable
private history of your busi
ness. The Bank of Cass County
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
STAMP 4107
This celebrated stallion
will make the season of
1907 at my farm 6 miles
southwest of Mynard,
and serve a limited num
ber of mares at $10 to in
sure a mare with foal,
money due when the fact