The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 20, 1907, Image 6

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    Murray Department
Yoosr ESaonk
prepared in Tin: interests or the people ok Murray
On' of t.'ti. ii.ikI'.i S of Hit, Journal kiiuir o f ii sorinl t'
H't tciiit nil Utms of interest. K-litor Journal.
We submit for your consideration
the following statistical facets:
Box Butte County
Land at SIO to $15 per Acre
An-riii' Imshels it Acre fir
Corn 27.5
Wheat IS. 7
Oats 35.6
Barley 32.7
Rye 27.0
Alfalfa 2.7t
Potatoes 93. 0
Speltz 35.0
Wild hay 1.0
In addition to the foregoing comparison of the
producing qualities of the respective counties of Box
Butte and Cass, all garden truck is grown very sue
cessfull many new crops unknown to Eastern Ne
braska are grown in Box Butte county.
Are you fair minded? If you are, you cannot but
be convinced that we are offering you the one great
opportunity to buy this land at the present cheap
prices. If you return dissatisfied, you will be the first
of a very large number who have recently been on the
ground and bought. Our customers are the best ad
vertisements we satisfy them all each gets a "square
deal" and are pleased with what they buy they
wouldn't buy unless they were.
Mr. Anybody; here's your chance! Buy a quarter
section of this land NOW and make more money dur
ing the summer on the increase in value than you'll
make at home working hard every day. Do it now!
Four inches of rain has fallen in Box Butte coun
ty in the past ten days that means big crops of small
grain. This land is going fast don't wait go now!
Murray State Bank, Murray, Nebraska U. S. Land Co.,
203 Neville Blk, Omaha, Nebraska
Earl Jenkins was a county seat visi
tor Wednesday.
Bert Philpot and wife were visiting
with Miss Etta Nickels Sunday.
Dr. Brendel is treating his residence
property to a new coat of paint.
Dr. G. H. Gilmore made a profession
al visit to Union last Saturday.
Wm. Sporer and wife took Sunday
dinner with Val Gobbleman and wife.
Col. Seybolt and Dr. Brendel were the Omaha visitors Wednesday.
Mrs. Nick Klaurens and children
spent Sunday with friends in Wyoming.
Murray Business Directory
The following business men of Murray take this method of soliciting your pat
ronage in their various lines. You will find th-m ever ready to give you fair treat
menTand 100 cents for every dollar spent witn them.
HOLMES & SMITH t a i Do You Know
WBlg Corner Stort) JLJ. 3Lt m AlTllCK LCSS F- H 1 1
AIii-tiv -n rn- in The Live Stock Man
, ? P " Writes Insurance in the best
up-to-date line of Who pays the Top Price at a , Companles and at the best
General Merchandise Times Use Your Phore Rates H
A . . . ,. and get the best
Get their prices on all PPTPPS i
goods before buying
PhndIanS BOSS Harness Man hysiciai and
Surgeons Get My Prices Surgeon.
All Calls Promptly Attended to Before Buying Prompt Attention to All Calls
Pitman & Davis n. C. Rhoden
IHOtar? PllWiC Implements Good Turn-outs and Prompt
Attention is Our Hobbv
Buggies and Wagons
. . . Give us a Call
Lightning Rods
Dr. Hayes Gsantner wm. Mcleod
IN MURRAY 1st AND 3d This Space for Sale! THE B0SS
Wednesday op each month Painter I Paper Hanger
At the office of r
DRS. BRENDEL & BRENDEL Orders Left at Eimunds& Brown's
of infertft
Cass County
Land at $5 to $150 per Acre
S vcia'i' Ir.islifls ht Acre fur rNi
Corn 37.0
Wheat 16.4
Oats 2S.2
Barley 25.0
Rye 20.0
Alfalfa 3.8t
Potatoes 80.0
Speltz 23.9
Wild hay 1.5
Col. Suybolt and wife were Omaha
visitors Tuesday.
G. W. Rhoden and wife were Omaha
visitors Wednesday.
Mrs. Harmon Beck was a Platts
mouth visitor Wednesday.
Mrs. Will Stokes, of Mynard, was a
Murray visitor Wednesday.
P. B. Smith and wife returned home
Wednesday from Havelock.
Mr. and JTrs. Chas. Creamer were
Omaha visitors Wednesday.
Chas. Boedeker marketed his fat cat
tle in South O.Tiaha Tuesday.
' or an lU in
and vicinity especially
iii t!iis cirinit'j (iri'l ri!l mud fniit to t'ii.
P. A. Barrett, of
a business visiter in
Mot ice the Murray
;i:th Omaha, was
Murray Wednes-
State Hunk ad on
this page.
Postmaster A. E. Baker was looking
after some business matters in Union
Mrs. James Allison and daughter Miss
Carrie were visiting with friends in
Nebraska City Tuesday.
Miss Bessie Brendel went down to
to Avoca Tuesday for a days visit with
her brother. Dr. Brendel.
Miss Carrie Allison attended to busi
ness at the bank Saturday morning dur
ing the absence of Cashier Stone.
There will be an ice cream social giv
en an the M. r. A. hall, Saturday
evening, June 22. Everybody invited.
T. J. Rhoden departed Tuesday night,
for Wakenna, Kas., to look after his
land there which he recently purchased.
Pitman & Davis received a car load
of harvesting machinery Tuesday, that
will be retailed from their store in this
Chas. Hall, the boss land man from
Omaha, was looking after some busi
ness matters in Murray a few days this
Chris Ross, of near Nehawka, and
Tom Cromwell, of near Weeping Water,
were marketing stock in South Omaha
Rex Young, Glen Boedeker and Will
Carraher, in company with Misses Le
ona Sans, Ora and Winnie Hutcheson,
were in Union Sunday.
R. A. Young marketed four car load
of fine cattle in South Omaha Wednes
day. He met with a good market, re
ceiving $6.50 per hundred.
Phillip Keil reports having killed five
coons on his place a few days ago, four
small ones and one large one, and it was
not a very good day for coons either.
B. A. Root, our genial druggist, and
John Cook, the rustling harness and
buggy dealer, were looking after some
business matters in Omaha Wednesday.
Klaurens & Minford had a load of
hogs on the South Omaha market Wed
nesday. Nick went to the city with the
stock and reports meeting with a good
Mrs. J. D. Wordeman, of Leigh, Ne
braska, is here visiting her father, and
brothers and sister, Wm. Nickels and
family, also the many friends at the
old home.
The Royal Neighbors of Murray, will
give an ice cream social Saturday eve
ning, June 22, at the M. W. A. hall. A
short program will also be given. You
are cordially invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Klaurens are re
joicing this week over the arrival of a
bright eyed baby girl at their home
last Monday. Both mother and little
one are doing nicely.
ion the journal readers
ojti:c it trill ;"; v.uhr this hL"'Unj.
Mrs. Saunders, of Ashland, was vis
iting a few days the past week with
Mis Etta Nickels.
The entertainment given at the IT.
P. church last Friday evening was
quite well attended.
Mrs. J. A. Walker and Mrs. 1). J.
Pitman returned home from Burlington
Junction, Mo., where they went a few
days ago for the benefit of their health.
Both ladies return greatly improved.
J. W. Pitman, who has been confined
to his home most of the past winter
with a serious sick spell, was shaking-
hands with his friends in this place
Friday. He is slowly gaining in strength.
Misses Margie Walker and Hazel Do
vey journeyed to Plattsmouth Monday
evening on horseback to attend the
play at the Parme'.e, and owing to the
heavy rain storm were compelled to
remain in Plattsmouth until Wednesday
Miss Vera Moore, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Moore, fell from a lad
der a few days ago, and broke, or rather
cut one of the large toes from her foot.
The accident was a very painful one,
and fortunately the little lady received
no other injuries.
Miss Marie Berger returned home
Sunday from her extended visit with
friends and relatives in various points
in California. She has been in the
coast state for the past few months, re
ports a very enjoyable time, says Cali
fornia is a fine country, but Nebraska
is good enough for her.
Mrs. Albert Queen, who is still in the
hospital at Omaha, is improving rapid
ly at this time, and the chances are in
her favor for speedy recovery. Mr.
Queen visited with his wife at the hos
pital Wednesday and reports her con
ditions very favorable.
John Cook, the boss buggy dealer, has
been doing a land office business for the
past few months. Last Saturday he sold
a new buggy to Taylor Buck and a
spring wagon to Ed Wurl, which two
sales make eighteen light road vehi
cles that he has sold since the first of
last March. John says that good goods
and the right prices is the only secret.
Miss Grace Vallery, who has been
sick for the past few days, was taken to
Omaha, where the doctors pronounced
her ailment appendicitis and she under
went an operation yesterday morning.
Her sister, Miss May was present at
the time, who returned home in the
afternoon, and reported the patient as
resting comfortably, and every indica
tion in her favor for a speedy recovery.
Less F. Hall, who for the past two
years has been assistant cashier of the
Murray Bank, and resigned said position
some time ago, departed last Saturday
for Lambert, Okla., where he accepts a
similar position in a banking house.
Lesslie is certainly a very capable
young man, and the Lambert banking
house will find him a valuable addition
to their staff. Lesslie was one of the
finest young men that ever "lit" in
Murray, where he will be greatly miss
ed among the many friends he has
made during the past two years, all of
who join with Journal in wishing him a
world of success in the new democratic
state of the South.
Born October 3, 1886, and
Died June 3, 1907
Bessie Clara Clevenger was born
October 3, 1886 at Brighton, Col. Her
mother died at the time of her birth.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kirkpatrick took
the child and cared for her from that
time. She was married June 29, 1906,
to Wm. H. Rhoden, then of Elmwood,
but since their marriage they have
lived with Mr. Kirkpatrick. She died
within two weeks of tlje anniversary of
her marriage at 3:45 last Monday after
noon, June 3, after four weeks illness
and suffering. She leaves her husband
and a little baby boy, Charles William,
now four weeks old.
She was converted and united with
the M. E. church at Alvo in 1896, dur
ing the pastorate of Rev. J. W. Em
bree. She was always a good and obe
dient child and grew to be a woman of
most excellent character. Her home
and the world is the poorer for her de
parture; the richer for her life and mem
ory. For although she has gone from
us her influence will continue to bless
the community. We can ill afford to
spare such noble characters, and yet
we must submit to the will and wisdom
of a kind heavenly Father.
Of Course
The report has spread that Attorney
Wm. Dellesdernier is a candidate for
county judge. That Attorney Beeson
would not shrink from any support of
fered, and that Attorney Tidd would be
dee-lighted to use the official seal.
Weeping Water Herald. How about
Attorney C. E. Tefft, as you go along?
;' '
k-rtanl t!i:i' !..m!-: .va --t a V i - i . 1 !"t" t
vi-i;;.-;:r.- ;t:ul ' vm- ivih-r rv.-r -rvi.-i-. O'MH-D-nt
u:!i -i ! :i ; i n . t. t b. - v ; : l ; r. u : ; i i :.v,d e-'LiV!;i!!v
t our j .t i n -.
We haw fire and if jr.f vault-, in al(liti n
t uhich we carry ample iu-urance. The responsibil
ity ami individual wealth of our stock' holders are far
in exces of our deposits and every means is taken t
safeguard the money and interest of our depositors.
Don't think you are too poor to have a hank ac
count the man on daily wajjfes or small salary can
derive proportionately more benefit from a banking
connection than a wealthy man can.
Remember that we are here to accommodate you
so don't feel anv hesitancv about calling on us.
The Beautiful Services at Her
Funeral June 13, 1907
Mrs. Jennie E., wife of L. C. Todd,
who died June 11, was buried from the
home about fifteen miles southeast of
this city on last Thursday afternoon.
Dr. Wm, E. Schell, president of York
College, conducting the services, being
assisted by R. F. W. Brink, pastor, of
the home church. W. S. Magney had
charge of the music. A great throng
of people were im attendance, the fu
neral procession being over a mile in
length. The husband of the deceased
is a brother-in-law of Gov. Gco:ge L.
Sheldon, and i3 widely known in this
section of the state.
Mrs. Todd opened her eyes upon the
busy scenes of life in Meggs county,
Ohio, and grew to womanhood in the
community where she was born. She
was educated in the public schools and
became a beautiful, refined and intelli
gent woman.
She became a Christian in early life
and was faithful in her profession even
to the end, her membership being held in
the Otterbein United Brethren church
many years.
She was married to Mr. L. C. Todd
on February 19, 1890, and their home
has been maintained in this region ever
since. A happy home it was, and to it
she gave the devotion of her life and
the sunshine of her bright, happy dis
position. For its advancement she
counted no labor lost no sacrifice too
great, and over it she presided with
charming grace and queenly dignity.
She was the mother of eight chidren,
one dying in infancy, and the remain
ing seven three boys and four girls
now ranging in age from the early teens
down to the tender years of childhood.
She was the second mother of Miss
Florence Todd who is about to gradu
ate from the Academy at Weeping
Water. Four brothers, two sisters and
an aged mother still survive. She
leaves an unusually large circle of
friends, for she was highly esteemed
a'nd loved by all who knew her, the
same being evidenced by the large con
course of people who followed her re
mains to the cemetery and assisted in
laying them so tenderly away for the
last long slumber.
Mrs. Todd had been in poor health for
about a year. Everything was done
that medical skill could suggest, but all
was unavailing. She bore her suffering
patiently and bravely met and conque
ed the last enemy. Her latest anxiety
was for her children and husband who
are now left without her care and cou
sel. Dr. Schnell spoke words of tender
est sympathy to the sorrowing friends,
and uttered helpful truths to all. His
tribute to the noble life of the deceased
wasbeautiful and quite extended, closing
with the following:
"There is a realm where the rainbow
never fades, where the flowers never
wither, and where the beautiful beings,
which here pass before us like shad
ows, will stay in our presence forever.
God has given immortality to man. He
gathers to Himself the noble spirits of
our friends. And to this saintly mat
ron, so recently gone before us, we can
truly say:
Thy day lias co;n-. not jrone:
Thy sun lias ri'ii. not sft:
Tliy life is nowln-yoii"! tlie rfa-'li of tl-at!i or
Not endeiK luit Ix-irun.
O. noMe soul! O. trentle hp a I.'uil aivl
farewell! farewell.'
Card of Thanks
We take this method of returning
our heartfelt thanks to those kinds
neighbors and friends who rendered
such valuable aid during the illness and
death of our wife and mother, and also
to our distant friends who attended the
funeral and attested their esteem for
our dear, departed wife and mother,
with such a profusion of floral tributes.
L. C. Todd and
Mm rra
i .- - i i '.in i - i -1 i i ; i ' iii ii':.
Will Be United in Wedlock at
Havelock Tonight
This evening at eight o'clock at the
home of the bride's parents, will occur
the marriage of Miss Alta Smith,
daughter of S. D. Smith and wife, and
Fredrick Candy. Miss Alta lived in this
city for a number of years, her father
having been employed in the Burlington
shops ; here and going from here to
Havelock, where he has a similar posi
tion. Those of her friends to attend
from here are her uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. P. B. Smith from near Mur
ray, and also another uncle, Chas. W.
Nix, whose home is now at Dunning,
but who has been visiting at and near
Murray for some two weeks. After the
wedding Mr. Nix will proceed to hi'n
home in the western part of the state.
Resulting in a Free-for-AU
Fight at Weeping Water
Albert Glasgo of Nehawka went to
Nebraska City some time ago and got
too much bad whiskey, and going home
met Robert McClary of Weeping Wa
ter, and as Glasgo had s me beer he
insisted that Mac be social ami take
some of it with him. McClary said 'no;
but if you have some whiskey I will
try that," Glasgo searched himself
and found a bottle which they both
went after, and had almost put it out
of the way of tempting anybody else,
when Glasgo bethought himself it was
for some one else, and thereupon ac
cused McClary of stealing it. This re
sulted in a fight, and in the end Glasgo
looked like well, pretty bad anyway.
For an evening up of affairs, he made
complaint and had McClary arrested.
This morning a compromise was affect
ed, and while the charge was for as
sault with intent to do great bodily in
jury, it was agreed to accept a charge
of assault and battery, and a fine of $.r
and cost were entered, which made $17
in all. McClary telephoned to Weeping
Water to ascertain whether his check
would be good for the amount, and his
will send the money tomorrow.
Maple Grove
(Social CorresiKdi'lencf")
Alfred Gansemer shelled corn Thurs
day and delivered it at the Murray
Mrs. Minnie Puis made a trip to Weep
ing Water Thursday.
Mrs. Lulu Engelkemeier and Miss
Mary Kraeger spent the last part of
the week visiting friends near Syracuse,
Quite a number from this section at
tended the funeral services of the late
Mrs. Louis Todd at Otterbein Thursday.
A number of friends gathered at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ganse
mer Sunday night.
Chas. Boedeker shipped fat cattle to
South Omaha Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Puis gave a small
dance and ice cream supper last Wed
nesday night in honor of Miss Mary
Krstens of Avoca, who has been visit
ing in this community.
Otto Puis and wife visited at the home
or William Philpot Sunday evening.
John Habel made a trip to Murray
P. A. Hild made a business trip to
Weeping Water Monday.
R. A. Young shipped cattle to South
Omaha markets Tuesday. This nearly
winds up the cattle shipping in this sec
tion for this season.
Feel languid, weak, run-down? Head
ache? Stomach "off" Just a plain
case of lazy liver. Burdock Elood Bit
ters tone3 liver and stomach, promotes
digestion, purifies the blood.