I Took Peruna, Hardly Daring to Believe Thought S.j W'nlr Mr AV ,.., vf Albany. 4!cccocosoOC5Cx:c Pelvic Diseases in Men Muiiy ImmiIIiI i -i ilr;i;-in out ft in i.-crat-le f i --!-n.-f with riit::rrli i I liic kilrn-ys catarrh .f the l lru' l' i , or Loth. T 1 1 i n 1 1 1 -l a-f jii;.l ( t :irr h of the hlaMer in r-li!-i ri jt m-li,i- wr-trli-ilne-s, absolute (Ii-mmii . haaril imi-tv atiil .! u !j!orn Wc:ik ni'S-. A n army f llu- m I of vf'tnns have one ly one ;Ii--ovt it thai IVrnr.a eoul.l lu r-Ii-cl ii2oii tore i i v i.' Hii'-h ? !as inaii ten - a:iolli-r man. anil in tli l.- way the r.'-w-t n-rcad-. until in all part-; of tho country are tj l-j foiinl ni'-n who have lfii riuanen tly lilx-r-Bt-'il trorn th- thraldom of catarrh of the Maihh-r by a course of 1'fruii'i. Many eas-s of catarrh of the stomach, kidney and other alxloniinal organs have reported themscl ves as en red. Wepive l low two prominent testimonial which illustrate the ln-ncli t f I'erunaln these cased. t j -V ! 1 mz&mt - h 'iffrfffiflfli' 'JP ' M jF Catarrh of the BlaiW. XwiiMMtlgMhi f 5 N Y., President Monu-fiore hi!, w rites: fiyiiiiiiliy svv II Since my advanced aire I find that I have been ( :&x$iiii$$f$jffo 11 !' frequently troubled with urinary ailments. The iiiiiilitiilih. i ' bladder seemed Irritated, and my physician said i, i$iii$i$$ lv ; J?r ,ul 11 was catarrh caused by a protracted cold ji "vf si$wfMir?$ ' &$m'''''':''l'L ' which would be dillicult to overcome on accountof i iii M, yr t my advanced ace. took Peruna. hardly daring Ji "fVjifv 4VW,,I 3 JT7c-Jl 'i to believe that I would be helped, but found to my ) jj'jQ'--- .i&Sit&ll& PsiSt (' rc'ie' t'jat soon began to mend. The irritation Hi r jl j r- pkx CNV .yy u(&j !' Kra(1ually suanidwl. the urinary difficulties I r iVl IT lry (t5iJ(C4! ' ' Pssedauay. I have enjoyed excellent health no.w i V-w. i for the past seven months. I enjoy my meals, Ji Z , -O v?X (( QsfJ ': sleepsoundly.and am as w ell as I was t wenty years ' c" vZ ao-o. I trlve all nralse to Peruna." (i IIiTi-"- f i. .mi I In rti tl.-il .. -1 1.1 i. ; I !! foe 1 1, .in 1 1 1 l.i ui 1 1 1 :i 1 . hi I I i il .-. I 'I i in 'n ii ., , , j- t, i 1 1,,. null, i i , ii.-ui I I'll ( li.-y '. In .rn tin- : : ;i' li v i - ; ! 1 1 ! ciii.-i . I ; i i . -1 1 1 1 1 t i i Iid it ever oi pretty faircorn cur to you that this is weather for an oil" ear'.' Omaha Concern Fails, Closing moulh Office. the Plalls- Already the political slate rti beinin to stir things a little. :ikel"S at e Harry Orchard has .lead guilty to every crime in the calender striking of Hilly Patterson. but the LOCAL LOSSES ARE VERY SMALL Catarrh of Stomach and Kidneys. Mr. If. I.. K ,mory, ice t nance: and Master of Arms, K. l'.'s, of Omaha, Net., writes from liO. North Sixteenth street, the following words of praise for I'eruna a. a tonic. He says : It is with pleasnn recommend Peruna as a tonic of unn-ual merit. A large duiiiUt of prominent niem Inra of the different order with which 1 have been connected have tHen cured by the use of Peruna in casea of catarrh of the stomach and head: also in kidney complaints and weaknesd of the pelvic organs. "I'eruna toned up the system, aids digestion, indueei sleep, and is well worthy he confidence of suffereri of the afior complaints." ?llc Mr. David L. Jaycox, Chaplain Clar- from 11 South Nicholas St., Chicago, inda I. O. (i. T. and Chaplain (. A. K.. .sfc Uroatlway, Oakland, Cal., writes : "I am an old war veteran. I contract ed severe bladder and kidney trouble. I spent hundreds of dollars and con sulted a host of doctors, but neither did me any good. i 'Finally some of my comrades who j ! . J . . . to try it. I at once bought a bottle, and i found it helped me ?o much that I kept using it for nearly four months. "Peruna has proven the best medi cine I ever used. My pains are gone and I believe myself to be cured. feel well, and would not be without a bottle in time of need for ten times ltd cost." Mr. Robert K. Ilanvey, Treasurer Knights of Industrial Freedom, also a 111., as follows "I was in good health until about four years ago, when my back became lame and sore. The pains kept increasing, with severe twitches and slow exhaus tive aches. Urine was highly colored and passed with great irregularity. I knew this must be inflammation of the bladder. 'Having read of Peruna I decided to try it. I found relief from the pain within ten days. The aches gradually diminished, and it was a blessed relief I can assure you. Within three months I was well once more. My appetite had returned, nervousness and irritability were things of the past, and for over two years now I have been a healthy man "I give all thanks to your Pernna, and believe that it is a blessing to man' well known writer and iecturer, write i kind. BURLINGTON RAISES RATES Practically Ignoring Maxi mum Rafe Law, to Go in Force July 4 Totally ignoring- the maximum rate law which takes effect in Nebraska af ter July 4, requiring a 15 per cent re duction on building material and other specified commodities, the Burlington railroad has prepared and filed with the state railway commission a rate sheet on lime and cement increasing the tar iff on these articles from 1-2 to 1 1-2 cents per 100 pounds on shipments from Plattsmouth and Omaha to various points in Nebraska effective July 12. I he new rate sheet is printed on an interstate form, the excuse for this be ing that rates are quoted from Council Bluffs and Pacific Junction as well as from Omaha and Plattsmouth. This arrangement has the apperance of a technical one to get around the maxi mum rate law applying on shipments within Nebraska. the city, who now resides in South Da kota, and who had p!acsd a price of $2,0X) upon it two months ago, now re fuses to sell it for less than $2,500. And this is the way property is booming all over town. We say, on with the boom, and a more united community will help j make a greater boom. All stomach troubles are quickey relieved by taking a little Kodol after each meal. Kodol directly to the seat of the trouble, strengthens the digestive orpins, supplies the natural digestive juice ard digests what you eat. It is a simple, clean, pure, harm less remedv. Don't neglect your stomach. Kodol after each meal and see how good it makes jou feel. Money back if it fails. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. JUST COME TO LIGHT PLATTSnOUTirS PROSPERITY Improvements Going On in Every Direction "Never before in the past ten years has there been so much improving done in any one season as is being accom plished this season." said an old resi dent. It would really surprise those who have been kicking against the town for years to take a trip over the city and see for themselves. In every direc tion they will note new houses going up. others being overhauled, old board side walks beiug torn up and concrete or brick taking their place. It is impossible almost for mechanics to meet the demands, and our dealers in building material say that this has baen a great season for them. Prop erty is rapidly increasing in price, and there is not a piece of residence property fit to live in in town but what is occupied. Many newcomers are coming in daily and buying small parcels of land near the city to make their future home. And to show how property is advancing we will just cite one instance: A gentle man who owns a small tract of land and Laundry Changes Hands. Henry Kauble, who has been in Oma ha for some time, in charge of a laundry, assumes control of the laundry at this place. Robert Ballance, who is now visiting in Denver, having purchased the same. Mr. Kauble is a thoroughly experienced man in the laundry business and will make an excellent man for the place that he is to have charge of. Under the new management this shou'd be a paying business, and we predict they will meet with abundant success. Henry came down from Omaha Sun day, and assumed control Monday morn Look at Colorado Lands A crowd of our prosperous farmers and capitalists, departed on the after noon Missouri Pacific train for Omaha where they will take a later train for Holly, Colo., where they will inspect lands of the Amity Land Co. This land is all under irrigation, and it is claimed to be so located as to afford excellent opportunities for the shipping of its products to the markets of the mid west. Those going from here are: V. D. Wheeler, H. D. Travis, John M. Leyda. Jacob Treitch, John Fight, John H. Becker and Bennett Christweisser. They expect to be gor.e four or five davs. Has not Furnished Bond George Billings who was found guilty of pettit larceny, in the police court of Saturday, has, as we go to press, not furnished the bonds necessary to per fect the appeal. And in the premises remains but for a committment to be issued and the fine and costs to be satisfied by an imprisonment in the city Why the Judge Remitted the Fines There is a good story going the rounds, which is told to the Journal for the truth, of an obstreperous young lawyer, not a thousand miles from Plattsmouth, who made himslf obnox to Judge Jessen at the recent term of court here, and finally the judge order ed District Clerk Robertson to record a fine of ten dollars upon the young bar rister. This seemed to cool him for z time, out as a new phase oi the case presented itself , he again violated the court etiquette, and received another fine. This occurred the third time dur ing the course of the trial, and at the end the lawer was indebted to the state in the sum of thirty dollars. Arising and running his eyes over the court room, Mr. Blank said: "Judge, I have the misfortune to be a little short of the sum requisite to pay my fines, and I see no one in tne court room save your honor, of whom I could ask the loan of thirty dollars. You know me well, could you accommodate me with the sum?" The judge looked out of the window a moment and said: "Yes, Mr Blank, I know you, and I will remit all three of the fines, the state is better able to lose the money than I am." Died at Imogene, Iowa Mrs. Winnie Edgerton, mother of Frank Edgerton of this place, died last Saturday at Imogene, Iowa, of cancer at the age of 80. She was preceeded by her husband by about a year, who is buried at Adams, this state. Frank Edgerton, her son, was at her bedside when she breathed her last, at the home of another brother. The remains was taken to Adams, where the fnneral cured yesterday afternoon. oc- jail. The committment will be issued residence within the corporate limits of this afternoon. Bert Eaiber, of Eltcn, Wis., say "I have only tsken four doses of your Kidney and bladder Pills and they have done for me more than any other medicine has done I am still takiDg the pills as I wa.nt a perfect cure." Mr. Barber refers to De Witt's kidney and bladder pills, which are unequal ed for backache, weak kidneys, in flammation of the bladder and all urin ary troubles. A weeks treatment for for 25c. Sold by. F. G Fricke & Co. That work glove at the Kraft Clo thing Co. is the best for wear we ever saw. If Ananias was on earth now, uouMen't he feel cheap to see his record placed beside that of Harry Orchard'.' The Kaiser boxed the ears of his cousin. Prince Fredrick Henry of Russia, and then ordered him to leave Germany. The Kaiser evidently believes in the effective, old-fashioned sort of chastise ment Under the new primary law, candi dates will have to file their applications to be placed upon the primary ticket August n. There will be enough patriots to fill the places, no doubt. Country life has its drawbacks, but it has its great advantages, which over come them. True, those who live in the country are "Reubs" and "farmers" and "hayseeds" to the cigarette loafer of the towrn, but the boast of the busi ness men in the world to-day is that they were born on a farm. Hollins Randolph, who has been chosen to read the Declaration of Independence at Jamestown Exposition on July 4, is an Atlantia attorney, and the great great grandson of Thomas Jefferson. Mr. Randolph is a native of Virginia and a gradute of the University of Virginia, of the class of 1S:)5. A story of real human interest comes from Geneva, Nebraska. A woman residing there lost her husband in an accident, being left with several child ren and absolutely no means of support. Friends at once raised $500 for her by popular subscription. It is said that not one of those asked for contribution refused to give. Mr. Orchard continues to be a well trained actor. His testimony is given with the air of one who has been assured of immunity from punishment, and who will swear away the lives of others as cheerfully as he testifies to having murdered twenty people for a small money consideration. The man who gets the estimate of his abilities from the enemies, and not from his friends, has a far better oppor tunity to show what kind of pluck is in I . him. Dollar wheat in May is not the market that the average farmer is looking for. Dollar wheat is September will give our farmers a better opportunity to realize something on the price. The Managers of the Office Here Suffer the Greatest Loss. The Nebraska Commission Company, an institution with headquarters at Omaha doing a business in futures of grain and stocks, with branch offices, located at various points over the country, and one at this place, were compelled to close its business, tempo rally at least and perhaps permanently. Their Sioux City branch had failed to make its remittances, and was in ar rears to the amount of about $!,.' W). I Ml, and on account thereof, they were not able to make the remittances which they were called upon to do by their patrons at other points. It has been the custom of the company to carry a bank account in each town to the amount of the business done there, and the man in charge at Hamburg, Iowa, not getting remittances asked for, im mediately attached the bank account at that place, and also the books at Omaha, which necessarily closed the business, on last Saturday. At the close of the market today all the com panies' business will be closed on tin; boards and exchanges where they are placed. The Plattsmouth Commission Company, comprised of T. (). Wilson and Richard Hale, of this place were their correspondents here. They tell us that there was very little business on their hooks, and that there is a small dejMsit in the local bank here bnt not suffi cient to cover the amount which is due to their customers here. As to whether they get going again or not we do not care to venture an opionon, but this we do know, that should they be able to open their doors for business tomorrow, the temrorary closing would cause a doubt in the minds of the traders to that extent that business woujd be very difficult to obtain in the near future. Wilson and Hale suffer by this closing, though in no way re sponsible for it, and while they have endeavored to care for the interests of the patrons of the office here, in this case it was not possible to do so. NEW DEPARTURE IN MILLINEY One thing about the water wagon is that while it is over-worked, the work ing periods are brief and the wagon stands it better than the fellow who keeps climbing on and falling off. The Beatrice Sun says Harry Orchard should have hung out a sign: "people murdered while you wait, terms reason able." If, as reported, Secretary Taft con templates going on the stump in Ohio, care should be taken to see not old, water-loggap and crumbling. The phrase "silent a3 an oyster" has no reference to Oyster Bay. Kansas City ha3 set a pace for the balance of the civilized world. She has ljust held a man for first degree murder for killing his mother-in-law. Probably inspired by recent American example, the Czar is using a big stick on the Duma, which he is holding in extra cession against its will. Thus is the great Russian bear become a Teddy- bear like the rest. Another "peace confence" is about to convene at The Aague. As it is over the pomers will proceed to let a few more coutracts for battleships. The president of the society for the prevention of the cruelty to animals gives it out that President Roosevelt is not a true sport. This is equivalent to filling out a blank application for ad mission to the Ananias club. The number of people who are plead ing guilty to the indictment of un desirable citizens" enlarges appallingly, from the standpoint of Mr. Roosevelt; but on the theory that misery Iove3 company Mr. Harriman should be fairly comfortable. Will Continue Trimmer Entire Summer Season. The results of the millinery trade at the Department Store having proved so satisfactory to Mr. Fanger, and the patronage having greatly increased over that of last season, he has conclu ded to keep his trimmer during the sea son. Consequently, Miss Mabel Burch, who has been in charge of the millinery department for the past wo seasons has contracted to remain with Mr. Fanger the year round. The Journal believes this is a wise move on the part of Mr Fanger, from the simple fact that there is more or less hats and bonnets sold the year throuerh. and when the ladies find out his intention to keep an experienced trim mer at the head of the millinery de partment the entire year in season and out they will be well pleased. Miss Burch has given general satisfac tion in her work, and this has been to a great extent the cause of the increase in trade the past season. She will al ways be found in this department. Later in the season, ane immediately before the fall opening, Mr. Fanger ex pects to go to New York City. He will he aceomDanied bv Mrs. Fanger and Miss Burch. This trip is taken for the sole purpose of securing the latest cre ation in millinery for fall and winter. Never before has Plattsmouth boasted of a merchant who has tried so hard to please his patrons as Mr. Fanger, and ois increase in trade fully denotes this fact. In the person of Miss Burch he has found a lady who is a first-clas3 trim mer, but she i3 incessant in her endeav ors to treat everyone alike, and to please every patron of the millinery de partment. The peek-a-boo, like Roosvelt's hunt ing trips, should leave something to the imagination. We are willing to bet any amount un der 45 cents that trouble doesn't come singly to the Kansas man who has eloped with two girls. A loafer is not so bad; the loafer who not only shirks work, but sit saround and finds fault with the work of every- J body else is the one that ought to be an- ; -l-i . I ninnaieu. MOSQUITOES TILL YOU CAN'T REST The Stories Told Eclipse All the Fish Stories The warm weather for the past few days ha3 been the means of resurrect ing millions upon millions of these pests from their silent slumbers. Thinking, no doubt, that they have been beat out of two months "good biting," they are making up for lost time. Some of our citizens say they never before saw the time when mosquitoes were so numer ous, and the stories told by some simply illustrate how vicious they are. Charley Reynolds, Burlington night yard master, states that one of Alf White's horses out in the pasture would be thick with them on his back and the only way he could get relief was to lay down and roll. He would no more than cret on his feet when his back would again be cov ered. Charley said you could actually gather up the dead by the bushel. W. D. Jones, standing by while Charley waa telling this story, as he turned to walk away said, "Well I could tell a pretty good mosquito story, but now there is no use for me to try. " There is no doubt of the immensity of the jests. People could not sit outside on their porches last night in an comfort at all, and they must be very severe on horse3 and other animals in pastures. A Prompt, plesant, krood remedy for coughs and colds, is Kennedy's Laxa tive Couh Syrup. It is especially recommended for babies and children, but good for every member of the family. It contains no opiates and does not constipate. Contains honey and tar and tastes nearly as good a maple syrup. Children like it. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. There is nothing in the world makes i a man feel so kindly to a girl who has ; turned him down to marry the other ! fellow as the announcement that she ! has just had twins. Orchard confesses to having been an assassin, a dynamiter, a sheep tniei, a wife deserter, in short weight cheese, but at least he did not belong to the Standard Oil trust. An Iowa man who had been married four times, committed suicide rather than marry the fifth time. He must have been under the impression that it i3 against the law to remain a widower. NEBRARKA BUSINESS UNIVERSITY POSITIONS FOH ALL WHO EXCEL Indorsed by everv bnk and ousiuess man in Ne braska City. The T land Schools are noted for the success of their graduates in securing high grade positions. Send for Prospectus DO IT NOW! Address NEBRASKA BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Nebraska City. Nebraska