r THE CITY. PLATTSAOUTM VICIMTV t'roni Friday' liallv. John A. Doru-Ian of Weejiirctf Water, was a Hattsmouth visitor today. J. J. Lilly from near Union, was a business visitor in the county Feat this morning. Miss'IIelen Wautfh of Lincoln is visit ing in the city , the tfuest of Mrs. T. I. Livingston. Mrs. Wm. Iuhree, of Murray, was n the city last evening the uest of Mrs. J. W. Camhle. Miss Mattel Munlock came in this morning from Louisville and is in at tendance at the Sunday School conven tion. John H. Andress of Weeping Water, came in this morning and addressed the Sunday School convention on "The Fin ished Product of the Sunday School." He returned home on the afternoon train. John W. Spence of Louisville, who is certainly a whole-souled fellow, was in the city today looking after some business interests and made this office a pleasant call, which was like a ray of sunshine. Come again, Johnnie. J. W. Ruffner, a brother of P. E. Ruffner of this city, was in town yes terday transacting business for the firm which he is representing the Stone Hill Wine company. Mr. Ruffner lived in this city for a long time, but has made his home in Omaha for a number of years. Joe Seplock, about a year ago, had the misfortune to get a small particle of steel in his left eye which has troubled him more or less since. Yesterday he went to Omaha and had Dr. Bichall take the offending bit of steel out and his eye is on the way to recovery. A. Matous and daughter, Georgia, departed last night for Chicago, where Miss Georgia will visit relatives and friends for some two weeks, and her father will also visit in Chicago a part of the time, and from there make a trip to Milwaukee before returning. County Supt. Gamble has a very un ique collection of work done in the country schools, which he has arranged at his office at the court house, and which is a collection of work done by scholars, that should be an inspiration to anv teacher and all who are interest ed in the work and work done by pupils. In one or two instances the work was of such a character that one is suprised that it was done by a pupil and not an arti.-t. r'r.jrn Ssit anlay's J;t:'.y. He::ry and George Theirolf of Cedar Cree!:, are in the city today on business. Peter Campbell, from Keosha. is in the city today looking after some busi ness. County Commissioner Switzer de parted for his home last evening on the late train. County Assessor J. M. Teegarden took the train last evening for his home at Weeping Water. A. F. Seybert and family are in from Cedar Creek, looking after some busi ness matters and visiting friends. George Horn, the grain man from Cedar Creek, was in the city today look ing after some business matters. Geo. Sc-hrader, from Rock Bluffs, had business at the court house this morn ing and also with the merchants in the city today. Charles Chriswisser, one of our most prosperous farmer, from near Nehawka was a business visitor in the county seat this morning. Alex Graves, mine genial host of the popular holstery at Murray was in the city to day on business and renewing acquaintances, of which he hasalegon. Miss Elizabeth Day of Weeping Wa ter, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Schneider for the past few days, returned home last evening. W. H. Hessenflow and W. J. Schnei der of Cedar Creek were in the city this morning and went to Omaha this after noon to see the ball game between Omi ha and Sioux City. James Stander, one of thr active working delegates at the Sunday school convention, and everywhere else, as to that, when Sunday school interests are concerned, departed for his home at Louisville this morning. Morgan Waybright went to Omaha this morning on the Missouri Pacific train to meet his wife, who is coming from Los Angeles, California. A lady friend is also coming with Mrs. Way bright, whose name we did not learn. P. A. Horn, one of Cass county's en ergetic farmers, was in the citp today and was so well pleased with the Daily Jou-inal for the past year that he called and renewed for another year. Many other farmers in his vidinity are think ing of anr.ing their names to our daily list. F. M. Young, of near Murray, was a business visitor in the county seat today. Krri) M.ijlay liiy . Chris. Metzger, of Cedar Creek, was an over Sunday visitor in the city. James Hatchett of Murray was a business visitor in this city Unlay. Henry M. Long of .Murray was a business visitor in the county seat this morning. Phillip Meisinger of Benson, who has leen visiting at the home of his pa rents, returned home thfs afternoon. Norva Norval, who has been working in Omaha for some time past, came down Saturday night and will, if he can, find a house to live in and return to Plattsmouth. Mrs M. A. Gapen, mother of Oscar Gapen, accompanied by Miss Tillie Sny ner, left for Beaver City this morning, where they will visit at the home of Mrs. Clements, who is a sister-in-law of Mrs. Gapen. George Sayles jr. who was on the mail route, but now emplayed in the Burlington store house, with his wife and children were visitors at the home of Mr. Sayles' parents of Cedar Creek, over Sunday. Hans Tarns, who has charge of the station carpentering for the Burlington, was an over Sunday visitor at his home and departed for his work again this morning, going to Dorchester, where he has some work under way at present. - Henry Erwin, of Hays City, Kansas, accompanied by his two daughters, Miss Bertha and Miss Ethel, who have been visiting with Mr. Erwin's father, H. Erwin, departed for Ewing, Nebraska, where they will visit for some time be fore returning to their home in Kansas. Asa Snyder, who is traveling on the road selling meat for the firm of Morton, Greggson & Co., of Nebraska City, was an over Sunday visitor at the home of Mrs. Snyder's parents, Judge and Mrs. A. N. Sullivan. Mrs. Snyder and little son will remain for some time, as the family are contemplating removing to Omaha. William Murdock who had the mis fortune to break one of the bones in the lower portion of the right leg, while visiting at Plattsmouth and has since been confined to the house, could not stand the strain any longer and yester day came up town on a pair of crutches. It will be some time before he has full use of that limb. Nebraska City News. Gust Johnson and wife went to Omaha today and brought their daughter, Miss Nellie, home from the hospital, where she underwent an operation for appen dicitis a short time since. Miss John son's many friends will be pleased to know that she is now rapidly nearing complete recovery, with a good prospect of being entirely restored to health. George Tewes, accompanied by his sisters, Misses Marie and Johanna, and Miss Clara Ebel and Adolph Rike, went to Omaha this morning and will see the sights, and they think that the three young ladies who just arrived from Germany a few days since, will make their home in the metropolis. The boys will return this evening or tomorrow. From Tutsflay's Daily Henry Shoemaker and wife, of Ne hawka were visitors in the city today, Henry also having business at the court house. Henry Inhelder, of Cedar Creek, is in the city today looking after some busi ness matters, and visiting with his many friends. E. C. VanHorn came in from Cedar Creek this morning and is visiting with friends and looking after some business in the city today. D. J. Pitman, from the stirring little city of Murray, was in the city today, looking after some business at the court house, and renewing the acquaintence of his large circle of friends. Mrs. Balse Meisinger, is reported as quite poorly, and being well advanced in years keeps her from recovering as rapidly as otherwise. This morning she was resting a little easier with some show of improvement. Our friend, A. L. Farmer, of the vi cinity of Greenwood, was in the city today on business with the county court and of course called at the Journal headquarters, where he is always wel come. While here he renewed for the Old Reliable another year. Will Taylor, accompanied by his wife and little boy came in from Plainview, and are visiting at the home of "Mr. Tavlor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor, sr. At Omaha they were joined by Miss Nora Mix, who is a cousin, and who is also visiting at the Taylor home south of town, Wm. Kriskey, wife and children of Lincoln, who were in the city attending the wedding of Mrs. Kriskey 's brother, Joseph Woster, departed this afternoon for their home. Just six years ago yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Kriskey were marred and her brother married on the same day. e. Go povey m. son 1i Everv item in this Ad is worth of your consideration; Don't run through too hurridly. T.r,. ... , i. ...... ,.u . l... : ' t ill C IJCkCI LUU UUj LU MJIIM OUU, DHL C lilt .ClIIlv. 11 Illlr Hill l)Uv to write adds. Such has been the case the last week. We could simply not get to it, and now we are going to make up for lost time. We are constant' getting in new goods and they are here for your in spection and and you may rest assured that there is always something new in our store. Below we give you some idea of this week's offering: Not what you pay but what you get is the best of value WHITE GOODS Persian Lawns from per yard - 15c to 50c French Lawn 48 inches wide from per yard .... 25c to 60c Dimity per yard - - - 10c to 30c Dotted Swiss and Kmb. Swiss - 15c to 75c LAWNS AND WASH GOODS 30 inchs wide several patterns for a nice cool wrapper or Kimona, this sale per yard - - . - - 7c Wash Goods in numerous designs in dots, checks and plaids at popular prices. PARASOLS HOSE Large assortment of ladies' parasols, finest qualities, lowest prices. White plain and embroidery 85c-$3.50 One case Ladies' Kmbroidercd Hose at 15c per pair as long as they last. You May Search the Market as Close as You Wish You Will not Find Bargains to Equal These Umbrellas Parasols Good Silk Umbrellas this week for - - $1.00 Children's plain and fancy from - - 25c to $1.00 . . . , . Shoes Shoes Ladies' Underwear White Canvass Oxfords ... $1.35 and $1.50 Union Suits from ----- 38c to $1.00 Children's and Misses' - - - 90c, $1.00 and $1.10 Gauze Vests, good tape vest, fine value - XlAc Friday Bed Spreads is Remnant Day. Come and see if there is something you can Full size, beautiful designs in Crochet and Marcailles use among them. They are certainly cheap. from ----- $1 .00 to $5.00 :::: We Pledge Full Value For EVERY CENT That You Invest With Us :::: Soaps 7 bars Lenox .... 25c 5 bars Xaptha . . 25c 7barsW.R 25c 6 bars Fairy. - ..25c 7 bars Diamond C-25c 3 bars Grandpa -,25c 7 bars S. P 25c Breakfast Food 3 boxes Vigor . . . 28c 3 boxes Excell. . . 28c 3 boxes Eggosee.28c 2 boxes C Wheat 28c 3 boxes Toasted Corn Flake 2Sc Can Goods 2 cans Tomatoes. . .25c 4 cans Corn 2"c 2 cans Peas . 25c 2 cans W Beans . .2c 4 cans Salmon 40c I lb cart H Beans ..10c (j cans Sardines 25c 2 cans Pumpkin . . AUc 2 cans Kraut lfKs 2 cans Iluminy 1!C 1 can of Peaches. . .1!) j 1 can Apricots. .!c 1 can W Grapes lJij 1 can Plums 10c 20 LBS. GRANULATED SUGAR SI. 00 Coffee 1 lb M. & J 35c 1 lb Our Wend --30c 1 lb H. Blend. .25c 1 lb Lava B 20c 1 lb Hot vShot ... 15c 2 lbs C. & S 75c 2 lb can Advona 50c Tea 1 lb Gun Powder 70c 1 lb S D Jap (,0c 1 lb K Breakfast 70c 1 lb Japtca 75c 1 lb tea dust 20c QOur Groceries Are Fresh And Comply With The Pure Food Law 3) DC DC DC o U yT , : fl TTI . re Tl o u At The Department Store of M. Farvger o 0 0 XJ 0 0 0 0 v. 0 0 Thi at a Entire Line of Spring Millinery Will be Closed Out Great Sacrifice, in Fact Regardless of the Cost Price SHIRT WAISTS One of the greatest bargains in our store is 100 Silk Pongee Shirt Waist Patterns (not made up) in separate cases, with hand embroideried front with two rows of fine insertion. These patterns were im ported and manufactured to sell at $4.00 each and during this sale will go one pattern to each customer at per $1.75 We are overtaxed with embroidery laces and will close this line out at equally low prices. It will pay everybody to see this line before purchasing. . Ik 7 i ' W f I Millinery Department If you have not as yet pur chased your Fouth of July hat, don't miss this opportunity. You can't afford to wear your old hat in celebrating the 4th where such extremely low prices prevail in our millinery depart ment. Wooltex Spring Coates and Skirts at greatly reduced prices. 0 o n o 0 Ui TxTT TSTv rvr mfonf r TFhCfcTrr3 ir-tTTV QHTftil" 5rtvTh lrG U rt n u w r- i nt )QC3C: )CD1 3 n