The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 13, 1907, Image 7

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Spring Summer H O t 1
i 1 1 Icl ere
C 1 c : t Vi i ii
at the Reliable Purchasing House of
AN, a o nicte line of Cents' and Boy's Spring and Summer Furnishings in all the new styles and shades of cloth
Fine Shirts, &c.
fi We suL'get that vou call early and examine all departments. 1 rice and (juality will compare with any in Cass county
mm - -
Notice of Application to Probate Will
Kttof NVhraitka. I
Cm County. (" In County Court.
In ttifi miiur of the c-fcttteof I'tttr 1'eltrwMi.
To Hfl Pmlth. riirltnwn. I.Illian
llnin. Frank Moant IVUnon. KII7&-Ix-Ui
.1. Ilmww', .s-rir-i. HniwiM-, Matilda
A. Itrowiw. Warn-n V. Itmww, I'aul I'.
lirowne. aid all otln-r i'rsoim lute rented In
all titan-:
You lll take txiUrt- that on the M day of
Juim-.'lirlsi-iis-ii fl-i In iIiIh rourt
an Inst ruiix-nt niartliiir to lM-t.f last will and
IfHlanrM-nt tif I'fttr IVtTMin. irras-i. and a
Iittlln alliTlritf that said IVUr VMrvm. !-tart-l
this llff on the LTtli ly of May. r.T.
U-avlntr an -siat to almlntst-ri-l; tlmil.v
lh- U-rins tit Kalil Inst rum id liarli-s K. K.vil
iKTtr l noii'lnatMl cmniior and that h- !-rliiH-n
to a-t In surli r:iin.ty . and raviiik' I hat
aid Instrument may 1m- admitted to inli:tti- as
th- last will and t-st annul of said IVi-r IVtcr-
hoii. d -as d. and that I rank I-.. N-lilatt-r if
ai-IM diif -! admiiilsi i:iin of said itat- with
the will aiiiK'Xt d.
Vou an- f it t In i n-.i ilieil that a linilnir will
I- had on sa id -I II i m on I In- 21st day of .1 un
I'.nC. at ' oVI. k a. ii... of said day at tin- otll.-e
of t if iM'imi y Judiri- In I if i-oiirl In us- in tin-
Ity of I'iaitsnioiit Ii. in said i-ouiity. and that
If ymi fail to aiiM-ar and i-imlisi said M-tilioii.
th-rai-r tht-o-of mat I- trraiitl and said
Inst mini lit ailiiiillril ! imiliatr as the last w ill
and listium mi of said VM-r l'-t-rsou. ilis-i-as-!.
and adininlst ta ion tranl-d tln n un as
inavi l for in said ii l.m
IIim ss m hand this dny of .Fuiip. 1!C.
Ihkai.1 Haiokv l. Thavis.
County J udk'f.
Notice of Sale.
In t he dist rict com t of 4 'ass county. Nebraska.
I ii the matter of the est ate of liat bar a Jones,
Notice Is heieby (riven that In prrsuance of
an order of I'aul .lessen, judire of tlie district
court of ( ass county. Nebraska, made on the
STth day of Mav l!'7. for the sale of real estate
herx inU d. s4-iiU d. there will he sold at
the south door of the court house in the
city of I'lattsmonih. Cass county. Nebraska,
on I he li'ml day if I line I'jnT. at oneo'clo,-k .
in. of said day at public vendue to the hltrbest
bidder for cash, the following ilis.-rlUl real
estute t4.wlt: l.ols one (I) an I eik'bt (s) in
blo-k niin leen ( !i Voimtr A Hay's addition
and lot one (I ) In block twenly-one Zl ) Voiiuif
A llay'saddition. I'latlsmouth. Nebiaska. Said
sale to remain open for one hour. Iatcd the
'A tiay of May I T. rnn(i. Kocnhkhoek.
Administiatorof the est ate of Itarbara Jones.
Notice of Final Settlement
In the matter of the
estate of Count y court Cass Co.
John Ituskirk. deceas4-il
Alliwrsons inten-sied in the almve entitled
estate are hereby untitled that the administra
tor of the aliove estate has tiled bis final reiMitt
anil a pet it ion for final set i lenient of said es
tate and for his discharge. A hearintr w ill Is
bad on said pel h ion on t be -.'1st day of June. A.
I).. I!'T. at II o'clock a. m.. at t be county court
-oom at I'lal Isiiioui Ii. ( ass county. Nebraska:
ll i-rsns iniert sit il in sali I est ate are rs- Hir
ed to lile their oh feci ions tosaiil reisirt anil ls--t
It ion. if any tl.e.t hate, on or U-fme the -.'1st
day of . I line. A. I.. I'.'T. at lno'clm-k a. ni.
t-i.l IUhvit Ii. Thavis.
Win. I '-Ies eriiler. County Judire.
Legul Notice.
Notice is hereby that by virtue of two
Chattel niorttrak'es. dated on the L'nd day of
Novemlier l'.ii. ami duly filed in the office of
Ue counts-cler k of Cass count y. Nebraska, on
the 3rd day of Ni eml-cr. l;l. anil executed by
all I ton ( latetM-e. and CI". Mettlen t U.K.
Hankonin to secutc the pn.vmeut of the sum of
tl'j:. and ui'ii which tlieie is now flue the sum
f$l.'IU.K. I st- fan 1 1 bavinir l-en made in the
payment of the sum of i''. ." of said amount,
and no suit or other proceeding's at law havinif
btn-n instituted to muror id dett. ir any
part thereof. 1 will sell tlie property therein
dcscril-cd x i: One No. )emister well ma
Chine complete with dt ills, drill jar. I oster die.
I 4-foot I ri mo wrench. ' chain tonmies 1 sand
bucket. 2 jack screws. -J-Inch tais-r top. 1 1'
liwh slilinr tontrue at public auction at James
Sare livery hath, in the city of l'lattsmouth.
In said Cass count v on theJ.nh day of June.
IHiT. at one o'cloa-k p in of said day.
I). O. I'wji r. 11. E. 1'axkoxin.
Attorney. Mortirairee.
Dated June tS. l7.
Notice of Administration
of Cass. Nebraska. Notice of iielition for
the appointment of administrator.
In the matter of the estate of Joseph Muck.
To All rrnsoN-s I-teweted:
Vou are hereby notified that on June 3d. A.
I.. 1HC7, there was tiled the iK'tition forthe ai
IHiintment of Karle Clark as administrator of
the estate of Joseph Muck, as an unencumfer
ed estate, alleirlntr that there is no widow and
that C'olitus M. Muck. Josephine Hill. I'earl
Story. I- N. Muck and Kennie llinrichsen and
Jom-iiIi K. Muck are the Mile and only heirs and
that the estate consists solely of a rltrht to an
additional homestead of ninety-one (S1 ) acres,
and a hearitur will Ik? had thereon June i'lth.A.
I .. l'.t'T. at 1" o'clock a. m.. by w hich hour all
object ions t hereto must l filed.
lione the day and year above written.
E.t.l Ity tbeCourt.
Byrxm Clark. IIakvev 1. Thajd.
Attorccj. County J l:e.
First House West L5. M. Depot
Wc Solicit the Fanners rade
and Guarantee Satisfaction.
When in the City Give Us n Call
15he Perkins Hotel
Do Not Neglect the Children.
At this season of the year the tirt
unnatural Ioosnes of a child's bowels
should have Immediateattention. The
best thintf that can be piven is Cham
berlin's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe
Remedy followed by castor oil as di
rected with each bottle of the remedy.
Eor sale by Y. G. Fricke Jv: Co. and A.
T. Fried.
Colic anc Diarrhoea.
Pains in the stomach, colic and di
arrhoea are quickly relieved by the
use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by
F. G. Fricke & Co. and A. T. Fried.
Final Notice.
Tract No. 573.
I n th dlHtrld court of Cam count y. .-1. 4.
J he t-tale of Nebraska, l'Ulutlff
Th aevral iarl!i of land hereinafter 6n
arrUipd. and all pemorm- and corimrat lona
havlnir or claiming title to. or any Interrat.
rltrht or claim in or to u-h ian--ls of real
estate, or any part thereof. iHftiidanla.
To W. L. La t now. Owner:
Notice U hereby riven that under a decree of
the district court of aald county rendered In
the ntat tax nuit for the year l'.4. the follow
ing dencrilied real est an situate In the county
of Cass and utate of Nebraska, to-wit:
Ixits one (I ) to ten (I"). Inclusive. Mock thir
teen (13). 1'almer'H addlt Ion to city of 1'lattN
tiiouth. was on the 1 h day of November. li4.
duly sold at piitilii' vendue by the county treas
urer of said counts In the manner provided by
law and the ihtIimI of redefinition fnan kucIi
sale will exiiire on the HI b day of Novemlier,
Vou are furt her not i (led that t he owner of the
i-ert iticaie of t an sale Issued by t lie treasurer
will make aidii-ai ion tot he court In t he alKive
entlt l-d cause for mti rinat ion of such sale as
soon as prai-t 'i-alile after! he feiiixl of ledemii
t ion has expired, and you arc hereby notified
that t lie lime and la-e of the bearing iiimiii
miii-Ii conti rinal ion w ill Im- entered in lliii
coiifiniiat ion record keit by the -erk of
said court, on or In-fore Hie. iith day of Novem-In-r
A. I r.in7. Vou w ill examine said confir
mation record to asi-ertaln the time of such
hi-arintr ami may le present. If j-oii desire, to
make any object ions or show cause w hy tit.
Hale hlxmld not lie continued.
A lien .1. itoesou. HiMtr K. (ciiimi.
Attorney. Owner
Final Notice.
Tract No. M7.
In the." i ict court of Cass county, Nebraska
The Mate of Nebraska. I'laiutiff
The several pan-elsof lanil hereinafter descrll
ed and all persons and coi imii at ions havimr
clainifuir title to. or any Interest ritrht rr
claim In or to such parcels of real estate, i
any part theretif. I K-fendants.
To the u ii know u heirs of J. Finisher, dei-eased :
Notice is hereby iri veil thai under a decn-eof
the district court of said county rendered I.
the slate tax suit for the year iyn4. the follow
intf des-rib-d real est ate sit uate in t he county
of Cass and st ate of Nebraska, to-wit :
Lot ten. eleven, t welve and thirteen (10-11-l--13.
block ten ( In), TIioiiiiisoii's addition to
city of l'lattsmouth. was on theUth tiayof No
remlier. 14. duly sold at public vendue by tins
count y t reasurx-r of said count y In t he in a tine"
provided by law and the in-riod of rcdcmiit in i
from such sale will expire on the i'lli day o
NovemlHT. II i7.
Vou are further riot I fled that the owner of tha
certificate of tart sale issued by the tieasui-ct.
will make application lolbe court in t he aliove
ent it led cause for conrirmat ion of such sale as
soon as practicable after the period of redetnp
I hat has exiured. and you are hereby not itied
that the time anil place of the heariiu.' uimiii
sin-li confirmation will le entered in tlie
coiitirmatloii record kept by the clerk of said
court, on or lie fore t helM h day of Novetnlier. A.
H. I".. 7. Vou will examine sail! continuation
record to asi-ert ain t lie t line of said hearinif
anil may le present, if you desire, to make any
object ions or show cans" w by the sale should
not lie continued.
Allen J. Heeson. llESKY It. (iEKIMl.
Attorney. Owner.
Final Notice
Tract No. .7.
In the district court :f Cass county, Nebrask:.
The ."-tate of N attask a. 1'iaiiitifT,
The several parcels of land hereinafter de-si-ribed
and all persons and corporation
havlnir or clalmtiu: title to or any interest,
rik'lit or claim In or to such parcels of real
estate or any part tlereof. ivfendants.
To A. E. Alexander and unknown heirs at law
of said A. K. Alexander:
Notiisp Is herx-by (riven that under a decree of
the district court of said county rendered it:
the state tax suit for tlie year 1W4. the follow
lmr descrilied real'estate situate in the county
of Cass and state of Neliraska. to-wit :
Lot nine (). block eiiflity-eirlit (H. In city
of 1'lattsmou-h. was on the 7th day of Novem
lier. m4. duly wild at public vendue by the
county treasurer of said county In the manner
provided by law anil the period of redemption
from such sale will expire on the 7th day of
Novemlier. 1VHC
Vou are further not tried that the ownerof the
certificate of tax sale issued by the treasurer
wili make application tothe court in the aliove
entitled cause for confirmation of said sale as
soon as practicable after the periixl of redemp
tion has expired, and you are hereby notified
that the time and place of the hearintr upon
such confirmation w ill lie entered in the con
firmation reccrd kept by the clerk of said court
on or liefore the 7th day of Novemlier. 1W7.
Vou will examine said confirmation record to
vscertain the time of said hearing and may le
present, if you desire, to make any object ions
or show cause why the sale should not lie con
firmed. llENKT H. (ilCKINO.
Allen J. Beeson. Attorney. Owner.
Beautiful, lone-haired, pure white, hand
somely marked and colored, thorouirhbred
Antrora kittens $6 to 925. They are Ideal
Its. and remarkably handsome. Also have
for sale "Ivinkr." a handsome male one year
old. Write today to
222 N. 26tr St. - Omarxa. Nebraska
More New Engines.
It is understotd that fifty freight
engines of 4-R. " class are now beinp
delivered to the Burlington, to be ditr
tributed over the lines east and west
of the Missouri river, and that fifteen
new passenger engines of the "S l'
class, the heaviest in use on any road
west of the Missouri river, are also be
in? received and assigned to service.
The Lincoln Journal says: "Xo. 1,
the Burlington limited, has not
arrived at Lincoln on time, 1:35 a. m.
since the change in the time card
last Sunday. It is said heavy business
on the Iowa division has prevented
getting the train through on time.''
I.isii.h A Itnitiiiluiii-i'I'of tilenwood. Iowa
hereby applies for the trrant of a frati-liise to
install and ! rate anele-t ric system loiiiriiisti
liirht anil heat and iiower In the city of l'latts
mouth. also to oiieiate a central heatlntr plant.
A n.viine ha vim.' object Ions to the trrant intr of
such franchise may tile same with the city
lei k on or efiie the Mb day of .1 uly. l'.t'T. on
which day the franchise shall lie trranted at
the retrulur council meetliiir.
lle.NHY K. tiritiNt;. Mayor.
V. It. Kt.sTKit. t Ity t lei k.
Not ice of upplii'Ut ion for license to sell malt,
spii itiius and vinous Ihiuois.
In tin-niatt-rif the application of Willis C
Itatt letl for liiuor license in tlie villutre of
him wood. Nebraska.
Not ice is hereby tri veil t hat on t he 1 It h day of
June. A. 1 1.. l!'T. Willis C Itartlett liletl his lie
tit ion and atildicat ion with the Hoard of Trus
tees of the villatre of Kim wood, ("ass county,
Nebraska, pra.vintr for license to sell malt,
spii itiius and vinous liiiuors at his place of
business situated on the !? or lot one tit in
Mock t went. v -tine CJ1 ) facinjr on I st reel. in t lie
villatre of KIiiiwimmI. Cass county, 'Nebraska,
for t he municipal year endintr .May. l'.i"s.
All objections to the t'rant int' of t his license
should la- in w rit inir and tiled w ith the Hoard
of Trustees as provided by law.
Iated tli is Uth day of June. A . I . 1!U7.
Wilms t". It a hti.ktt.
I'et il ioiier.
Notice to Creditors
St ate of Nebraska I n County Court
on nt. v of t ass l
In the matter of the estate of Henry Watson,
Not ice Is hereby tri ven t hat the creditors of
said deceased will meet the adtninist rator of
said estate. Iiefoie me. county jutltre or i ass
county. Nebraska, at the county court, room in
l'lattsmouth. in said county, on the !th of July
I wit. and on the lot Ii day of January. IWis. at 10
o'clock a. m., each day. for the punnise of pre-
s-iitinir their claims for examinallon, adjust
ment and allowance.
Six months from July ". 1WC are allowed for
the creditors of said deceased to present their
claims, and one year for the administrator to
settle said estate. from the Mb day of J une.lWi".
Witness niv hand and seal of said county
court. at l'lattsmouth, Nebraska thisstli day of
lune.lwiT. HAItVKY I. 1 KAVIS.
IskalI County J udre.
C. K. 'I'etTt. Attorney.
Final Notice
Tract No. 4'4.
In the district court of Cass county. Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska. I'laiutiff,
The several parcels of land hereinafter le
scrilied and all ik-i-soiis and coriMirat ions
liavimr or claimintr t it le to or any interest,
rit'ht or claim in and to such parcels of real
estate or any part t hereof. I lefendant s.
To J. W". Jenkins. A. K. Alexander. I rank I!e
ina. II. I. Kol wits and the unknown heirs
of A. E. Alexander, deceased, tlie owners of
the real estate descrilied below:
Notice is hereby tri ven that under a decree of
the district court of said county, rendered in
the state tax suit for the year IW't. the follow
iiur drescrilied real est ate sit uated in the coun
ty of Cass and state of Nebraska, towit :
' lit six ("). in block ten I0). ill Duke's addi
tion to l'lattsmouth. Nebraska, was on the Tth
day of Novemlier. 1W4. duly sold at public ven
due by the county t reasurer of said county in
tlie manner provided ny taw and me iierioooi
redemption from such sale will expire on tlie
Tth day of Novemlier.
Vou are further iiotiti d that the owner of
the' certificate of tax sale issued by the treas
urer will make application to the court in the
aliove entlt letl cause for con firm at ion of such
sale as soon as practicable after the iieriod of
redemption has expired and you are notified
that the lime and place of the hearintr uihmi
such confirmation will lie enteied In the con
firmation record kept bv the clerk of said
court on or Ik-fore the Tth day of Novemlier,
IW'T. on will examine said confirmation rec
ord to ascertain t he time of such hearint; and
may lie present, if you desire, to make any ob
jections or show cause why the sale should not
lie confirmed. Frank Slatixsky.
.1. M. Leyda. Attorney. owner.
Final Notice
Tract No. M.
1 n the district court of Cass county, Nebraska.
Tlie State of Nebraska, I'laiutiff,
The several parcels of land hereinafter de
scrilied and all iiersons and coniorations
bavintr or claimintr title to or any interest,
ritrlit or claim in or to such parcelsof real
estate or any part thereof. Defendants.
Tothe heirs and devisees and letral representa
tives of S. It. Clark whose first and real name
Is to Henry M. Soennichsen. unknown, and
to all persons unknown to said Soennichsen
who claim any title, ritrlit or interest in the
east thirty-three CU) feet off of lot eit-'ht (s)
and all of lot nineHO in block eitrlity-seven
isT) in the city of l'lattsmouth, Cass county.
Notice is hereby tri ven that under a decree of
the district court of said county rendered in
tlie state tax suit for the year 1W4. the real
estate aliove descrilied was on the Tth day of
November. 1W4. duly sold at public vendue by
the county treasurer of said county in tlie
maniier provided by law and the i-riod of re
dempt ion from such sale will expire on t he Ttli
lay of November. 1WT.
S'ou ate further notified that the ownerof
said cert iticaie of t a sale isssued by the t reas
urer will make application to the court in the
aliove ent it led cause for confirmation of such
sale as shii as practicable after the ierfod of
redempt ion has expiied. and you are hereby
not itied t hat t lie t itne and place of the hearintr
upon such continual ion w ill lie entered in the
confirmation record kept by the clerk of said
court, on or liefore the Tth day of Novemlier.
IW'T. S ou will examine said record to ascertain
t he t inn- and place of such bearintr and may Ih'
present, if you desire, to make any objections
or slniw cause why the sale should not he con
firmed. llKMtY .M.SoEXNICIISKN.
Jesse L. KooT. Attorney. iwner.
it's a sign of coal satisfaction. Want
to hear the music in your kitchen?
Easy order coal from this office and
yard. The output of the Trenton
mine the fuel we handle has no su
perior anywhere, its equal in few
'PHflNF riattstnouth No..
rnUKL Bell No. 351.
(Hy O. A. Lels.)
Corrected weekly by Martin & Tuol,
who pay the hiphest prices for produce
and guarantee satisfaction:
liens .
f.'.co to;.co
Cattle ..
.37 1-
Rock Island Time Table.
Murdock Station.
No. 15, local !:52 a. m.
No. f-5, local freight a. m.
No fi. mail 2:.'50 p. nv
No. 37. mail 5:53 p. m.
No fi does not stop for passejrers east
of Denver.
No. 94. freight 12:30 a. m.
No. 304, local passenger 9:11 a. m.
No. 18, Local 1:27 p. m.
No. 6, mail 3:00 p. m.
No. 86, local freight 1:14 p, m.
No. fi does not stop for passengers
west of DesMoines.
Our up-to-date butcher, Henry West-
lake, has installed a gasoline engine
in the rear rooms of his meat market
and now does the washing and grinds
sausage in a way that would surprise
Mrs. Geo. Mil's and neice, Ilattie
Olmstead, visited in Waterloo last
Lightning struck Carl Rissmann's
barn last Friday morning, doing con
siderable damage, but luckily no
horses were killed.
C. Besack and daughter left for
their home at Stratton, last Friday.
Miss Lola Brownell, of Ashland, is
visiting relatives in our burg this
Geo. Towle transacted business in
Omaha Saturday.
Mrs. O. P. Stewart and children of
Farragut, Iowa, are visiting relatives
here at present.
Miss Mina Goehry returned from
Farragut, la,, Sunday.
The M. W. A. box social Saturday
was a decided success.
Frank Ilunt and family, of Weeping
Water, expects to move to Murdock in
the near future.
Quite a number of Odd Fellows
from this burg took a couple of candi
dates over to Elmwood last Friday
night for their preliminary initiation
into that order.
Geo. L. Colbert and wife attended
the commencement exercises at the
the Wesleyan university, Tuesday
evening, June 11th.
Mrs. Lehman departed for Long
Beach, California, this week and ex
pects to visit there about three
The local M. W. A. camp, No. 1849,
will give an ice cream social at the
hall Saturday evening, June 15th.
1'atrons, please notice change in the
timetable. Two hours more time and
return in one day for Omaba passen
Herman Kupke is atrain wearing the
srnwe inai wou l cume vn. nc a
its a boy, born Friday June Tth.
Nogreater mistake can be made than
to consider lightly the evidence of
disease in your system. Don't take
desperate chances on ordinary medi
cines. Use Hollisters Rocky Moun
tain Tea. 35 cents, tea or tablets.
Gerirg & Co.
From the Ledcer.
Miss Birdie Pittman departed
Wednesday morning for St. Joseph,
Mo. to make a visit with relatives and
to attend the wedding of her cousin
which takes place next week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hodges ' took
their little son Herbert to Nehawka
last Sunday, where Dr. Wilcox of that
place performed an operation upon
the little boy.
Will A. Frans took sick quite sud
denly Sunday evening, having a
severe attack of cramps that render
ed his condition rather serious for
awhile, but Dr. Walker's services
brought the patient out in a short
Conductor H. A. Dugay, who has
had charge of the "turn around"
passenser train, has taken 30 days lay
off to visit his relatives in Illinois.
Lew Patterson, one of the old-time
conductors, relieved Dugay on Tues
bay. Creed Harris informed us that on
last Sunday a young lad made his(
appeaiance at the Harris home and
was assigned a pJace in the circle and
guaranteed proper care until he be
comes old enough to vote the repub
lican ticket.
Charles N. McQuln, more commonly
called "Newt," a brother of Matt
McQuin or this vicinity, died May 25
at his home near Shaw, Kansas. The
deceased was quite well known here in
early days, as the family lived south
easter here for a number of years,
and it was while they lived on tlie
Everett place that he returned from
the army.
John Mower, who lives in South
park, and lias been employed in the
Burlington shops, is confined to his
home with a very severe case of gravel
His case is of so serious a nature that
it is thought that an operation will
have to be had for the relief that is
Weeping Water
From the Herald.
born to Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cappen,
on Friday, June 7, 1!K)7, a girl.
George Gilmoae has been notified of
an increase In his pension to $12,
under the new pension act.
Congressman E. M. Pollard will de
liver the commencement address of
the Academy the night of June If.
Bert Jameson has purchased a
grocery store in Denver, and is now
selling goods behind his own counters.
Miss Clara Fate went to Peru last
week, to attend summer normal.
Misees Eva and Ruba Canady will
leave this week.
Four more freight cars were wrecked
on the Mo. Pac. Monday evening. It
happened near the Y just west. of
town. An open switch is said to be
the cause.
Mrs. L. C Todd, who has been in
poor health for some time, died at her
home near Nehawka. Tuesday at
about noon. She leaves a, husband
and several children to mourn her
The marriage of Rose Marie NuU
man to John C. Ehlers. both of near
Avoca was solemnized Wednesday,
June 5, at 5:30 p. m. at the home of the
bride's mother, Mrs. Phillipine Nutz
man. Few prettier weddings have
been witnessed in this community.
We carry a lare stcck of Vic
tor and Kdison oM- n c i:Yt c
Records. Hear them free.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
is undoubtedly the healthiest of all Cold
Water Drinks, and none compare with
Hires' R.oot Beer
drawn from their famous Root Beer Kejs
at Gering- & Co.
Any and all persons holding 'I
bills, notes or other evidence of debt,
against R. D. Appleman, late of Casss
county, Neb , deceased, will present
the same to Harry Appleman of Alvo,
Neb., and all legal debts will be paid.
Haicky Arri.KMAS.
The Kraft Clothing Co. easily wnns
to be the place to buy clothing.
3.45 P. M.
This will
be a Red
hot game
00f KIND
is overflowing in all the la
test novelties in black, tan,
patent leather, with one and
two eye Gibson ties and an
kle straps.
Child's kid slippers 55c
Child's patent 1, bow 60c
Child's white poplin blnclier.70c
Child's gray " " 51.10
1'iu-f r.r Tr-rxTwri 1rtt - 1 1 c fr.f
iJUOlV-l AlJii 1V .lL.7 JV1 r
Girls and Iioys 51 .65 so ?2.10
Sheiwoood & Son
-:oda fountain
- M