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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1907)
DC JUDGE EWING'S LECTURE o) Yrio ) )OCN u mX'r SI y have larger than any ness th' hist six m :Uhs cause we rive you better it? 15ecause of our enormous buying ability for a dozen bought of vss, do so now. We Will Yours DC BEFORE GOING TO TEXAS A Large Number of Neighbors and Frienis Asss.Trtie as a Farewell Party. Ke. J uiil'. for 1J years pastor or the church three and one half miles south of Louisville, through the help of his congregation has erected one of the finest brick church edifices in Cass county, and also improved the parson age from a desert to a beautiful living place. Mr. Junr expects to make his future home in Taylor, Texas, where he has accepted a position. In recognition of his past services to the church, and as a demonstration of the high esteem in which he is held by his congregation, neighbors and friends, a crowd, estimated at 300 peo ple congregated at his home a few days ago to show their regret at his departure. A regular program had previously been prepared for the event, which consisted of music, both vocal and instrumental, after which Rev. Baum garrtner delivered in a most feeling manner a farewell address, in which he wished Mr. Jung good luck in his new home and extended God's bless ing and help on the long journey for the family and in their new home. The flowing tears were evidence of how dearly beloved their pastor was and is yet to them. A collection was taken up and $t presented to Mr. and Mrs. Jung. Refreshments were greatly in evi dence, also. Two tables were spread, seating fifty persons at a time, and one who was present, says the tables fair!y groaned their weight of good things, such as only the good old Ger man housewives can prepare. Such an abundance is hard to describe, as after all had partaken to their heart's con tent, there seemed to be enough left for another 300. The day was enjoyed in various pleasantries as suited the older ones present, while the children were made happy in their own way of enjoyment. Everybody had a kind word for Rev. Jung and his family, and when the parting hour arrived it was an other scene of tears when they were taking an affectionate farewell Among the guests present not be longing to the congregation, but who regard Rev. Jung in the highest es teem, were the Diers family, Tange mann and wife. Miss Kentner, Geo. Wood and wife.Tom Kecklerand wife, Sally Keckler and wife. Conrad Baum gaertnerand family and; Walter Tange man and sister. Direet From Fatherland. The fast mail brought to Flatts mouth today Misses Mary Tews, Jo hana Tews and Clara Ebl of Cammin, Germany, with the intention of mak ing this their home. They are young ladies of about twenty summers and as many hard winters. The two Misses Tews are siiters of George Tews, who works in the Burlington shops. George was expecting his sisters to come in September, but in a spirit of fun kept him in the dark, and came alone and completely surprised their brother. Stops earache in two minutes, tooth ache or pain of burn or scald in five minutes; hoarseness one hour: muscle ache, two hours: sore throat, twelve bours Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, monarch over pain. That this Store s25 and the past 3 years under KRAFT KLOTHING KOMPANY previous, and on top of that than anv Clothing House in values ior your mon; th an anyone else and Do Save You Money for Korrect Klothing for KBBPAIiW DC 3 CUPID AGAIN IN EVIDENCE Raiph K. Towle of South. Omaha and Miss Alice Sullivan cf Piattsmouth United in Marriage. AT THE HOME OF THE BRIDE'S PARENTS The Bride a Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Sullivan, Pioneer Citizens cf City of Piattsmouth As the clock was chiming the hour of einht last evening, in the presence of a happy throng of friends and rela tives, and listening to the beautiful strains of Mendelsohn's wedding march rendered by Miss Verna Cole who pre sided at the piano, in the brilliantly lighted and supurbly decorated par lors of the home of Judge and Mrs. A. N. Sullivan, their daughter, Alice Lu cile and Ralph Karl Towle, as the con tracting parties, followed by Robert Creassey as best man and Miss Gladys Sullivan as bridesmaid, marched in and taking their position under a beautiful wedding bell made of jassa mine, were married, using the ring service and the beautiful and im pressive ceremony by Rev. Salsbury. Many were the hearty congratulations and well wishes of the friends and rel atives congregated to witness this auspicious event. A large number of beautiful presents were in evidence as tokens of the love and friendship, for the bride and groom which the donors wished to keep alive. The beautiful bell was sent from Galveston, Texas, as a gift from a brother of the groom. The bridal party departed for their home in South Omaha on the last Burlington train last night, where Mr. Towle has an elegant home al ready fitted up for housekeeping. At the station many of their friends bid them bon voyage on the the sea of life and also on their journey to their home, showering them with rice and good wishes as the train pulled out. Those to accompany the newly mar ried pair were Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Towle, parents of the groom, Fred and Roy Towle, his brothers, Mrs. Weeble, Mrs. Roberts and Robert Creassey. The Newly Wedded Return. Jay Mattson and bride returned, home last evening, and are tempor arly stopping at the Perkins House, until ready to go housekeeping. While away they were the guests of Jay's father, who lives in Missouri Valley. Mr. Mattson is at his accustomed duty this morning, and wearing a smile that won't rub off. Here's to you, Jay and your winsome bride; we hope that your journey through life, which is surely real, may be one of earnest end eavor and absolute pleasure. Will Spend Summer on Coast. Major Hall, who recently sold his place adjacent to T. E. Farmele on the Louisville road, will depart to morrow for Washinston, where he will probably remain during the summer. The Halls will first go to Salem, Ore gon, where they have relatives and visit for a time, and see the country. Should they find the country and bus iness propositions to their liking they miy conclude to remain has been Established Yearse we have done more busi Cass county. Why? Be I low can we do If you have never stores, Men Mrs. Wilhelmina Nolting. Mrs. Wilhelmina Noiting, nee Goed eke, who departed this life on Mon day evening, J une 10, I'.iOT.was the w ife of the hue William Nolting. She was born in Wuelfentrug, Lippe Iet molrl, Germany, September 14, 12". At the age ol 2!) the deceased immi grated to Watertown. Wis , where she lived eleven years. In li." she was united in marriage with William Noltiri, a widower with two children. In lsiio they came to Nebraska and settled west of Piattsmouth. Wm. Nolting died on the 15th day of April, 1SS2. They had also three children who died early. Mrs. Noltinir died at the age of 81 years, s months and 28 days, survived by two sons, three daughters, two step-children, 46 grandchildren and 24 great grandchildren. Will Build a Nice Home. D. W. Foster, of Union, was in the city today making arrangements with Contractor L. G. Larson, for the erec tion of a new seven room house, which will be modern and up-to-date in every respect. The new structure is to be erected upon the sight which the old house occupied, and where Mr. Foster has lived for a long time. While Mr. Foster is, and continues to be a resi dent of this county, most of his prop erty interest are held in shape of the farm on which he lives, in Otoe coun ty. The portion of the land on which the residence is maintained, twenty acres, is in Cass county, while the bal ance of the farm, something near four hundred acres, is in Otoe county. Uncle Daniel is an old resident of this county, and has been a hard worker, an enterprising citizen, and well de serves the prosperity that has come his way. Mrs. O'Donahue Dies. Mrs. O'Donahue, widow of Judge M. O'Donahue, who has been in the St. Bernard at Council Bluffs, Iowa, for about four years, died last even ing. She came here with her husband about 1370. They built a home at the corner of Ninth and Granit streets where they lived during the greater part of their stay in Piattsmouth. The old home has just recently been torn down to make way for a new dwelling that Joseph Peters intends building soon. The late Judge Donahue, husband of the deceased, practiced law here for a number of years, and was elected to the office of police judge and justice of the peace. The two old people were very quiet and sociable, and earned and retained the respect of all who knew them. Since the death of her husband Mrs. O'Donahue was a part of the time living in this city, making her home with Joe McCarty. When it was not convenient for her to stay with the people here on ac count of her advanced age and feeble condition, she was taken to the St. Barnard's, a borne maintained by some Catholic society at Council Bluffs, where she has remained until her death last evening. The remains will either be brought down here this evening or tomorow, and the funeral will be held Saturday. Further notice of which will be given in these columns later. If you haven't the time to exercise regularly, Doan's Regulets will pre vent constipation. They induce a mild, easy, healthful action of the bowels without griping. Ask your druggist for them. 25c. The Speaker Was Greeted by a Yery Large Audience Monday Evening at the Parmele Theatre. Jude William J. K lng, of Chicago addressed a larte audience at the l'ar mele theatre Monday evening from ti e standpoint of Christian S:ientist. The speaker is a member of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Boston. Mass., and is a very able and pleasing ta'.ker, and his audience was consider ably impressed with the rranner in which he presented his subject. At torney Byron Clark introduced Judge Ewing as follows: Lamks ami Gknti i:mkn. 1 assume your presence demon strates that, like myseif, you are here to investigate, ever ready with atten tive ear and balanced mind to hear and analyze the offered demonstration of all theories and creeds w hich tend to uplift our cause. Tonight our lecture will be on Christian Science, whose ad vacates claim that it hears the pan acea of the human ills: that this pan acea is only the demonstration in a concrete form of power of God over the present generation. We do know j that in our vicinity it has marshaled in its ranks some of our best minds and best citizenship. We know that in our physical ills are the result of some violation of God's physical laws. We know that in this practical age it is the visible fact which convinces. All of our present utilities are demon strated theories, by the proper appli cation of existing principles. "So our Christian Science friends claim, not something new, but the rehibilation and application of the first of the Disciples. To he in such actual contact with him now that his inilu ence becomes visible. Like the exca vators in the ruins of the buried cities present to this generation priceless relic sof the centuries gone, the Christ ian Scientisis have excavated from the bible forgotten treasures of thetaith of our fathers I bespeak for the lecturer an audience in whose mind the seeds of truth will germinate, and to the audience, I bespeak a finished exposition of the faith by an exponent who has been an eminent educator, an ellieient prosecutor of the state and nation and an honorable member of judiciary of Illinois, who has few, if any peers, on the platform, before the bar, or on the bench. 'I ask your fair, honest considera tion of the issue which is the storm center of our world thought, by one whom I am honored to introduce to you, Judge Wm. G. Ewing of Chicago, who will now address you." : Judge Ewing said in substance: "It is no part of my purpose to take any thing from you, but to add to the good you have; I have no quarrel with your church; I only commend the sweet ness and love and song of my own, and thank God for the sweetness and love and song of yours. I believe there never has been an association of con scientious men and women for the pur pose of building up God's kingdom that does not today rest as a benedictioa on the world. I believe that all religions are worth nothing unless they are lived. The religion of Christ, is not a religion of ceremony, of word, platitudes, professions, con fessions, or creeds, but of works, of fruits and true Christian living. What we do, not what we say, deter mine our relations to God, and a declaration of our belief in the infinite is best expressed in the attitude in which we retain to our creator, and our relationship to our fellow man. We believe that God is good, is the Great Physician, who heals all manner of diseased; who gives sure ase to sor row, wipes away all tears; and is the source of all life, strength, and joy, and is the redemption for every ill. Our contention is, that God is good yea, infinitely good, now and forever, for he is without shadow of turning. One can count on the fingers of one hand all the great religious reformers, of which the greatest wa3 Martin Luther, but he, great as he was, could not prevent an organization from be ing named after him; so, also, was John Calvin, and he could not prevett a large following from calling them selves Calvinists and the two Wesleys, have a large following of Wesleyn Methodists. But the founder of this great church, great as it is, has so far kept the organization entirely free from any name, such as Eddyism." Arranging for Product Display. D. Clem Deaver, claim agent for the Burlington was in the city today, where he was completing arrange ments for the arranging of a car to be used for an exhibit car. A passenger coach is to have the seats all removed and to be used for the arrangement of the products of the harvest fields of the western part of the state, and other northwest points reached by the Burlington. The products will be so arranged as to show what the country is capable of producing. This car will with others make up a train which will be exhibited on lines of the Burlington in Iowa and Illinois, and probably over lines of other roads in the east. Our Boys is mailt' I'm- htv ire- tin l,':xi1 ! i -a 1 1 li v ljov can ltic l i. i " s -t ' 1 ;i . i i T ! 1 1 . 1 - EEr)!! in WAiSIS, CAPS. C. E. WESCQTT'S SONS WILLIAM CRITES RAMSEY Graduates from the Nebraska State Uni versity with Two Degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Laws and Captain's Commission ADMITTED TO PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS First Native-born Piattsmouth Boy Graduate from the College of Laws cf Nebraska University to William Crites Ramsey, born at Piattsmouth, Nebraska, June .'JO, 14, entered Piattsmouth city schools September, is;, graduated from Piattsmouth High school June , I'.mi, at head of class of 30 graduates and capturing two prizes offered by Bellevue college at Belle vue, Nebraska, and Wesleyian I'ni versity at Lincoln, Nebrasna. that of a free four-year scholarship in eacli of these colleges. Entered university at Lincoln, Nebraska, September, l'.iol, entered college of law of university, Sep tember, 1 !( 1 , uniting woik of last academic year with that of first law year. Graduated in acidenicand law courses of university June 13. l!i()7, with hit-'h credir in classes and with decrees of Bachelor of Arts. Bache lor of Lawsarid in addition receives a Captain's (Join mission from state autnority. Toe Journal has known Will Ramsey ever since its present owners located in Piattsmouth and we have always admired the sterling qualities of the yr.ij ng" man. (lifted s he is with StJong mental qtialit ies and with in domitable energy, industry and ambl tior, he is justly entitled to the suc cess he has won. Commencing "ik in the school room when a little past five years old, he has, by appMcafu n. -nerkry, hard work and persevrar erf, forced ahead and captured a m -r valuable prize which few attain at the early age of twenty-thre His industrious habits and the energy and fidelity with which WILLIAM C. RAMSEY At Graduation. he always d es his work, hive been noted and the ur.j--r. f comment by people in irpnera since ins early boy hood. That he stood at the bead of a class of thirty-six t he largest and one of the strongest classes ever graduated from the Piattsmouth Huh school be fore he was seventeen, mesi forcibly demonstrates what a boy can accomp lish by hard study, correct habits and with high, worthy ambition. And that he has made so successful, and even enviable record in university work during the six rears he has been a student in that institution, adds new, well-earned laurels. And to be the first native-born Piattsmouth boy to graduate from the college of law of the Nebraska university, is not only a personal distinction, but confers a kind of prestige in association of city of birth with bis Alma Mater. Under a rule of the university the young men stadents are required to organize and practice for the perform- r i Clothing .-tretiumis kind u ln.-li ;i 4 to - 2 to $5 UNDERWEAR AND "FIXINS" far B:y: ance of military duty. (Vmi:u;y "C" of the cadets was organized and Will was elected captain. Under hhu this company soon had the reputation of being the best drilled company among the cadets, a fact or which he Is justly proud. A captain's commission issued by state authority was Will's reward and it is doubtful if he is prouder of any diploma or scholarship he has ever received than he Is of this commission. The Journal is proud of its young friend: proud of hi strong, sterling qualities of heart and mind and proud of his successful achievements In school and university work as well as of his success as captain of company "C." And we predict that the bar of Nebraska in general and of Cass coun ty in particular, have now received into their ranks a young Piattsmouth member who will rise and prove hi strength as a successful lawyer as he has demonstrated his ability as a stud ent in school and university work. The Journal takes especial pleasure in joining Will C. Ramsey's great number of friends in extending most hearty congratulations to one of Plattsmouth's strongest, most popular and worthy young men: and to him we extend best wishes; for his success In life and especially in the practice of that profession be has chosen fur his life work. We learn with pleasure that Will intends to open a law oilice in the city of his birth and thus, in his child hood's home and in the city where he lirst attracted attention and row merited commendation for his many sterling qualities, commence the prac tice of a profession which we confi dently believe will bring to our young friend, not only emolument but honor able fame and distinction. Had a Narrow Escape. While returning home from the children's entertainment at Liberty, C. II. Warner and family had a very narrow escare from serious injury. There is a very deep ditch washed out at the side of the road. The night was very dark, and one could not see the way, and fearing that they were too near the washout, Mr. Warner stopped his team and got out of the carriage to ascertain where he wan, and finding he was on the verge of the ditch got Into the carriage and turned the horses to get away from it, and the horses backed into it throwing all the family ont excep the baby which was asleep in the bottom of the car riage. None of them were hurt but Mrs.' Warner, who in alighting got her dress caught on the carriage tearing it badly. The carriage was broken the reach and tongue being badly dam aged. It was fortunate that none of them were hurt. Letter From Max Ploehn. The Journal received this morning a letter from Max Ploehn, now in the penitentiary, serving a life sentence, in which he says: "You will find en closed money order for $2 00, for the past and coming year for the Journal, as I like to read the paper very much. I thank you very much for sending ifc regular without receiving pay for it, but I will try to pay more regular." He seems to be in the enjoyment of good health, and as well contented aa possible under the circumstances. Almost a Murder. Last Friday evening about 7:30, Abraham Glasgo snd R. S. McCIeery became involved into an altercation, and the the bone of contention, or the disputed article, was a bottle of whiskey. It was down near the foot bridge where they were imbibing and after the rough and tumble was over Mr. Glasgo's face and neck showed long deep cuts from a knife. One leg was also cut near the knee and the hand with which betried to gua:d himself was slashed twice. Doctor Rickard dressed the wounds, and took more than twenty stitches in closing them. He said it was a hair's breadth from the juglar vein which if severed he could not have been saved. Weep ing Water Herald. Mrs. D. E. Rice was a passenger to Omaha this morning, where she goes to visit with Mr. Rice, who is in the hospital. She says that Mr. Rice is not making much improvement in his eyes, having had to submit to two operations on them and will have to have another before be can be promis ed any permanent relief by the doctors in charge.