The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 06, 1907, Image 1

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volume XXVII
Professor Bruner, of the Department of
Entomology, Writes the Journal in
Reference to Matter.
And Reaches Nebraska Only in Limited
Sumfcsrs and Do Very Little Harm.
Professor Lawrence Bruner, acting
state entomolgist, writes the Journal
in reference to an article which ap
peared in a former issue of this paper
regarding the "green bug." Of course
the editor of the Journal is not post
ed n sucli matters, and therefore
gladly give way to the professor to
explain the much discussed pest, which
he does as follows:
Tiik I'sivkimtv K Nki;i:aka
Linccln, June I'.iOT.
Editor of Plattsmouth Journal:
My Dear Sir: My attention lias just
heen cailed to a little .sjuib in your
paper concerning "green bugs" and
the red ladybird which I believe is
merely intended as a joke. Of course
everybody who has paid the least at
tention to insect habits knows that
the "green bug" is an aphid or plant
louse, and that the parents of aphids
or plant lice must be other insects of
the same kind. On the other hand
the ladybirds are parents to the same
kind of insects as themselves. The
true relationship that exists between
ladybirds and aphids is that the lady
birds devour the aphids. hence they
are beneficial.
"Green bug" is the popular name
given to the Spring Grain-aphis which
is a southern insect and reaches Ne
braska only in limited numbers. Our
grain plant-lice in Nebraska belong to
several other species and very seldom
do sufficient harm to warrant worry
ing on the part of the grain grower.
The various plant lice are usually held
in check by a number of predacious
and parasitic insects, among which
the ladybirds are quite conspicuous.
Yours very truly,
Election of Officers.
The Epworth League ot the Method
ist church met at the home of Miss
Ella Kennedy Monday evening to elect
officers for the ensuing year. After
the election of officers, light refresh
ments were served by the young men
in honor of the old officers. Every
body enjoyed the feast prepared by the
hosts. Also the solo by Don York.
The new officers are as follows:
President Miss Mable Freese.
First vice-president Nellie Whalen
Second vice-president Etna Crabill.
Third vice-president Mable Trus
sler. Fourth vice-president Margaret
Secretary Don York.
Treasurer Charles Carlson.
Organist Miss Alvina Hoffman.
Assistant organist Mrs. Charles L.
To Be Married June 19th.
Invitations have been received In
this city by the numerous friends of
Miss Ida Tearlmao, announcing ber
marriage to Mr. Julius Kendis, on
Wednesday, June 19, 11K)7, at the home
cf the Pearlmans in Omaha. Miss
Ida was born and reared to woman
hood In Plattsmouth, where she was a
great favorite among all who knew
her kindly disposition, charming ap
pearance, which together with her
many other excellent qualities make
her one of tha handsomest little ladies
in the state of Nebraska. The Jour
nal extends congratulations to the
lucky groom in advance upon his se
curing one of the finest young ladies
in Nebraska.
Will Be Operated on Today.
Miss Anna Johnson who has been in
Omaha at the Batavia hospital where
she has been for some three months,
receiving medical treatment for ap
pendicitis. Miss Anna has objected
heretofore to having an operation per
formed, thinking that she could re
ceive the wished for relief through
medical treatment. She has been
troubled with this affection since the
beginning of the year. The other day
she consented to take the operation
and her parents Gus. Johnson and
wife went up this morning to be with
their daughter during the time. We
hope the operation may be successful
and she. be restored to health.
Another Bargain Day.
Glenwood, Jowa, will have another
Bargain Day next Saturday. We
heard of this fact through a couple of
Cass county farmers who stated that
they were going over. Now, if our
farmers take such an interest in the
Glenwood Ilargain Days, would they
not take a great deal more interest in
Bargain Days at home? Here is a
pointer for Plattsmouth business men.
If farmers can do better away from
home than they can at home, its a
cinch they are going to avail them
selves of the opportunity.
A Large Audience Attend an Entertain
ment of Exceptional Merit.
The class in elocution which Miss
Lillian Fitch of Omaha lias been in
structing for some time p;tst, gave a
free entertainment Friday in the
Methodist church, to a large and ap
preciative audience.
In the entertainment the class was
assisted by a portion of Miss Allen's
class in music from Omaha. To those
who had no knowledge of the success
with which Miss Fitch had met in
her teaching in this city, were greatly
surprised at the talent that has been
developed among many of the class
here. Miss Bernice Newell, who had
only taken a half term with Miss
Fitch, surprised all who heard her, at
the proficiency she has attained in
elocutionary speaking. Miss Helen
Clark's speaking was of excptionally
good rendition, she assuming the role
of "a suburbanite," and kept the au
dience in an uproar all the time.
When Johnnie Falter recited "Knee
Deep in June" one almost wanted to
go out and roam the orchard through,
and wallow in the grass and the ap
ple blussoms.
Miss Yasta Douglas and Anna Sny
der were, in their rendition of the
parts they represented, excellent, and
merited and received much applause.
Misses Marie Douglas, Mildred Cum
mins and Ellen Windham had parts
distinctly dillerent from all the rest,
and were very, difficult of rendition,
but the way in wnicn1 they handled
their subjects demonstrated beyond a
shadow of a doubt their ability. Ben
nie Windham, in ''That Little Dog"
brought down the house and he was
called back four times, and from the
way the audience greeted his work,
nothing more need be said of it.
Miss Josephine Hall, was the last
number on the program, and proved
by handling of her part "At Yale",
there was merit to the very last, and
when she had finished the audience
were loth to go. Taking it all in all,
it was an entertainment "that was
well worth a dollar ot any one's
money", says J. P. Falter. It was a
demonstration ot the peculiar worth
of instruction, by the absence, of any
affection, and the entirely natural way
In which all the parts were given, is
the verdict of Supt. E. L. House, who
well knows the value of good instruct
ion. Will Make Improvements.
John Bauer's hardware company are
making some extensive improvements
in their store and sbelvings. The
shelvings on the west side of the room
are what was installed in the starting
of the drug store what was in the
the building some time since, and are
not such as to make the display good
for hardware or convenient for the
caring of the business. The old shelv
ing will be replaced by new, and a
traveling ladder running the whole
length of the room installed. These
improvements together with other
alterations will make their room more
modern and convenient.
Mercy Meeting!
The mercy meeting held at the
Masonic Home Monday afternoon,
under the auspices of the W. C. T. U.,
was well attended. A very interest
ing and instructive program was given
of music, speeches, recitations and
readings. Miss Yernon Madeline
Story, of Red Cloud, a guest at the
Wescott home, played a very sweet
piano solo. After the program there
was a short business session.
The intention of such meetings is to
educate against cruelty to animals
and inculcate that noble virtue of
universal love and realize that "a
touch of nature makes us all akin."
Has Painful Accident.
Mrs George W. Thomas, while sew
ing Monday, had the misfortune to
in some way, run a needle entirely,
through her thumb. It required a
very hard pull in order to extricate
the needle, and has left a very sore
finger. Mrs. Thomas will be kept from
I sewing by this accident for some time.
The Engine Turned Over, and the Engin
eer Severely Scalded from Escaping
A special from Alvo, under date of
Sunday, June 2, gives the following
particulars of a serious wreck that
occurred near that place early Sunday
morning: Rock Island passenger
train No. was wrecked between
Prarie Home and Alvo about ! o'clock
this morning while running at a high
rate of speed. Engineer Gus
was badly scalded and was hurt about
the back. His legs were cooked by
escaping steam. While his condition
is said not to be serious his injuries
are severe and very painful. Fireman
B. F. Clark was bruised about the
limbs, and A. M. Warinur, a passenger
on the way to Omaha, was cut about
the head with broken glass.
The train was running at a high rate
of speed through a cut when the
trucks of the tender behind
the engine jumped the rails. This
doralled the engine ahead and the
cars behind. The train bumped along
over the ties for about two hundred
feet or more, and then the engine
left the grade and rolled over in the
ditch. The enginemen hac no oppor
tunity to get out until it had stopped
rolling. The engine cleared the cut
by the time it left the grade, but the
two passenger coaches attached feli
over against the bank. Trainmen
said the cab of the engine was crushed
and how the enginemen got out alive
was a mystery to them.
A number of passengers received
slight bruises and were thrown about
the cars when they left the rails.
This is one of the fastest trains on the
road, but it carries two cars only,
a combination baggage and smoker
and a coach.
Much Water in River.
The June i!ood in the Missouri river
is begininng to make quite a show.
The land on the bottoms just in front
of the Burlington depot, where Denson
&Renner were pasturing their cattle,
is mostly under water, and the little
that remains is slowly vanishing
from view.
The lands of Ed. Fitzgerald, above
the pumping station of the water
company, is also nearly submerged,
and they had to remove their cattle to
higher ground.
Wreck Near Eagle.
A special from eagle, under date of
Sunday, gives the following particulars
of a wreck near that place last Satur
day "The Missouri Pacaffc local freight
from Weeping Water went through a
bridge four miles east of this place
yesterday morning, and thirteen
loaded freight cars dropped into the
creek. Trains were tied up on this
branch all day. Passengers from the
afternoon train from Lincoln were
transferred to another train from the
east by means of a temporary foot
bridge thrown across the creek. No
injuries to passengers or train crew
resulted from this accident. The
bridge was said to be too weak to carry
the heavy loaded cars. The engine
passed over before the bridge collasp
ed. The wreckage has not at all
been removed.
Give a Farewell Reception.
A number of friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Sanders, who live on Wlnter
steen Hill, met at his house Sunday
night and agreeably surprised
being just prior to the departure of
Mr. Sanders and wife for Silvana,
Washington, where they expect to
make their future home. Social con
versation and a general good time was
had, and at the departure of the guests
all wished Mr. Sanders and wife a
pleasant journey and prosperity when
they should arrive at their destination.
Among those that were present were:
II. M. Soennichsen, Peter Goos, Wm.
Otterstein and wife, Peter Madsen,
George Tamms and wife, Fred Sans,
Albert Rochley, Wm. Wahlforth and
wife, John Wichman, Gus Batmeister
and wife, Adolf Wesch, Chas. Ho
packer, Herman Wise, Fred Ott and
Louis Dose and wife.
Board of Education Meets.
At the meeting of the ooard of edu
cation last night, the resignation of
Misses Towle, Graves and Kennedy
were presented and accepted.
Misses Towle and Graves both have
positions pay iDg them better salaries
offered them, and upon the accept
ance of their resignations by the board
will accept the advanced positions.
The board has elected to take the
positions made vacant by such resig
nations, Misses Josephine Yellenek,
Gertrude Stenner and Margaret
Commencement Sermon at the Methodist
Church, Sunday Evening, June
2nd, A. D. 1907.
The Sermon cf Rev. J. H. Salisbury One
cf the Finest and Most interesting
Ever Delivered in Plattsmouth.
To a house full of good natured peo
! pie crowded into the Methodist church
in .such a way that it looked like there
was no room to spare, the class of 1!07
i and the large audience, listened to the
program for U12 evening, upon which
every number was good.
The opening number, a chorus,
"Call to Worship," as sung by the
choir was inspiring indeed, as not only
its melodious strains tilled the whole
church, but could be heard for blocks
away as the evening was calm. Then
all listened to a prayer by Rev. Houl
gate, in which he invoked the blessing
and guidance of the Father of All on
the class and all present, followed by
a chant of the Lord's prayer by the
choir, then a solo, "Teach us Thy
Way, O Lord," b5 Mrs. E. II. Wescott.
After which Rev. A. L. Zink, pastor
of the Christian church, read for the
evening lesson the First chapter of
James, followed by hymn No. 14
sang by the entire congregation led by
the choir. This was followed by a solo,
"Rest in the Lord," by Miss Lucile
Bates, which, while not so loud, was
so distinct that all could hear every
word uttered.
Rev. Salsbury's Address.
Then came the address by Rev. Sals
bury, his subject being "Life's Call to
Service,' taking his thought from the
22nd verse of the lesson read, the
Frst chapter of James: "Be Ye Do
ers of the Word and Not Hearers
Only.'' In part, Rev. Salsbury said:
"I consider it a great honor to be
sbed to deliver this address.because I
w.'vm this a more important occasion
than where we listen to some imported
speaker, the chancellor of the univer
sity, or some one else who has not had
the close personal intimacy with you
which it has been my pleasure to have.
I have met some of you on the base
ball grounds; some of you on the
streets, and many of you in your
homes, and also in my home. I am
therefore much interested in your fu
ture welfare, and if I can say anything
that may be the cause of any one of
you, or any of the audience, making
that success in life that you yourself
would desire to make, I shall not
thus labor in vain. Man is obstinate
and lazy. Man is the only creature
who will fly in the face cf his natural
Brutes find out where their talents lie:
A lear will not attempt to fly;
A foundered horse will oft debate
Before he tries a five-barred gate.
A doK by instinct turns aside.
Who sees the ditch too deep and wide.
But man we find the only creature.
Who led by folly combats nature.
Who when she cries forbear!
With obstinacy fixes there:
And where his srenius least inclines
Absurdly bends his whole desitrn. Swift.
I want to say to you all, right now,
that when anyone wishes for someone
to accomplish a special task, the selec
tion is always made from the busy
workers, for you know the devil loves
a lazy man. 'Life's Call to Service.'
I shall divide for discussion into four
parts, first, something to know, second
something to do, third, something to
be, and fourth, something to bequeath.
Under the first of these, something
to know, you must know when an op
portunity comes that you may take
advantage of it, else it is gone and no
one can overtake an opportunity that
is gone by. Columbus thought, and
from his continual study, and things
that he observed knew that there was
anothor continent, from the bits of
foreign wood that floated to the shores
of Spain, and following up the know
ledge, he afforded us an opportunity
to have the land in which we dwell to
day. With many other illustrations
be showed how important it was to
know, and also bow to know- that we
might take advantage of that know
ledge. "Under the second, something to do,
is even of more importance than the
first for what ever the knowledge may
be, if we do not use It we have accom
plished nothing. We must do what
we are expected to do and do it well,
do it the best it can be done. Your
doings must be of such a character
that those who know you will place
implicit trust in you, knowing what
you do will be done well. Not like the
soldier which 1 was reading of, who,
when his general had delivered into
his keeping a very noted prisoner, say
ing that in the possession of this man
is the whole field of battle and all of
itsstragic points, and if he should
escape the battle will go against us.
Now upon the safe keeping of this
man depends your life. The general
departed, and tne man in charge of
the prisoner, secured his feet and
hand culled him, and sat down to
watch him, but growing weary of that
stepped to the door of the tent, and
thinking that the prisoner was safe,
went outside, strolled up and down in
front of the tent for a while ami iinally
leaning his arms against the tent, sat
down in the sun and in a few moments
was asleep. A wakening ho found the
prisoner escaping.
"It was then too late: he tried to
over take him but could not. 11 is
general returning just then, he had
to acknowledge that he had not done
done his duty. The consequences
were the day was lost and this man's
life, who neglected his duty, also.
"Life may represent many things,
and it does, but you must make it
represent conquest: you must make it
for ourselves one of victory. There
will come in the life which is before
you, scorned, hated, unkind words, but
you will know when they do come,
that you are stirring the enemy to the
principles that you espouse, but do
not let this discourage you; know you
are right and then stick to it.
"In all your doing let it be with
inteligence, and with a purpose, and
that purpose the betterment of the
world in which you live, for yourself
and all with whom you mingle. Like
the wachmaker, who sold a watch to a
sailor always make good. A sail
or wanted a watch that he could
depend on. The live minutes in seven
years that he would return his money,
well knowing what work he had put
on it and what it was worth. The
saiior took the watch and went to sea,
and at the end of seven years returned
the watch which had changed just live
minutes and the watchmaker took it
back, as he had promised. But the
amount was so small that lie kept it
and used it as a regulator. This was
work well done. As another illustrat
ion, Andrew Johnson, when president,
was making a speech, when some one
called out from the audience, ask
ing "was not you a tailor:" Mr. John
son stepped to the edge of the plat
form and said," Yes,sir,I made clothes
that fit."
"You must be something, as well as
do someting, what is in you and w hat
you bring out through the trials, the
privations, the efforts, the adversity
and the prosperity is what you are.
It is what you are, not what position
that you occupy that counts. Be cheer
ful, do not get discouraged, under all
circumstances see and make the best
of the things that surround you. And,"
lastly, let your life be that, when it is
past, you will have bequeathed to the
age to come, a good name, and the
good that must follow efforts well
directed. Let those who live after
you bless the mother who bore you and
reared you for the good you have done
for the race. This will be a sufficient
reward for a well spent life."
After the sermon, singing by the
chorus and congregation and benedic
tion by Rev. Zink, the audience wend
ed their way homeward, fee'ing no
doubt that they had been well paid for
their attendance.
Bury the Father.
Sunday witnessed the burial of
the fourth of the family of Peter
Petersen, he being the last. A large
crowd, of the friends and relatives
gathered to pay their last respect, to
the life of their friend, Peter Peter
sen. Rev. J. C. Swanson, of Wahoo,
delivered the address, and told of how
long he had lived in this city, and of
what be had done to help make
Plattsmouth the city it is.
Mr. Petersen came to Platti mouth
about thirty nine years ago, and here
he reared a large family. Mrs. W. L.
Browne, who preceeded her father to
the other world by about two months,
and Mrs. Christensen, Mrs. Frank
Smith of Portland, Oregon, Edwin
Petersen, and Lillian Petersen, also
of Portland. There were many and
beautiful lloral offerings, flowers of
all kinds in profusion, tokens of the
love and esteem in which Mr. Peter
sen was held.
Those from out of town who attend
ed the funeral were Nels Hawkinson,
and daughter Anna of Havelock, Mrs.
Christ Christensen of Deadwood South
Dakota,George P. Browne and Misses
Matilda and Elizabeth Browne of Lin
coln, Chas. Bong and wife of navelock
Miss Eva and Albert Johnson of Oma
ha, and Rev. J. C. Swanson, of Wahoo.
Real Estate Transfers.
Thos. G. Sander to Dora Hesse, west
i lot 8 and 9, block 72, city. Consider
ation, 1650. J. K. Wilson to W. R.
Wain, south I lots 1 and 2, block 56.
Consideration fSOO. J. H. Stohlman
to H. S. Cugh, lot 8, block 2, Alvo.
Consideration t3.
Wocdmen of the World
Evergreen Camp No. To, Woodmen
of the World, met at their hall Sun
day at. 1 o'clock, and with the visiting
members from Pacific Junction, and
South Omaha, marched to the ceme
tery, preceded by the City Band, to
unveil the monuments of Brothers
Antone Bookmeyer and Lyman Kil
dow, which have recently bet n erected.
There were atout two hundred in
the procession, with a large number
ot carriages following, which made a
very imposing array. At. lb:- ceme
tery the unveiling ceremonies were
conducted by the camp llk-crs. and
the master of ceremonies, I Ion. B. B.
Windham, and were conducted as per
their ritual, and was ery beaiitllul,
the sentiment being noble and inspir
ing. The ceremonies were used at
the grave of the late Brother Antone
Bookmyer and at the grave of the late.
Brother Lyman Klldow an address
was given by Hon. Jesse, I.'oot, who in
a very eloquent speech told of the
life of the two brothers in whose hon
or the monuments were erected, and
the intent and purposes of the order,
and the enduring way the order had
of keeping alive the memory of a de
parted brother.
The mixed (Quartette furnished
music, rendering two numbers at the
grave of each Antone Bookmeyer and
Lyman Kildow, which were very
appropriate and beautiful. Mrs
Gamble, taking the soprano, Miss
Estelle Baird the contralto It. W.
White the tenor and B. A. McElwain
E. K. Parmele at Rest.
Last Saturday at 2 o'clock in the
afternoon, a large number of the rela
tives and friends of E. K. I'armele,
assembled at his late residence toshow
honor to the life which they are glad
to remember. The house and lawn
was tilled with those who were glad to
be counted among his friends.
Kev. J. T. Baird, assisted by other
ministers, conducted the luneral, re
counting the many excellent qualities
of character of the deceased, also con
soling the friends with the assurance
of a meeting in that other world,
i where sickness, sorrow, pain and death
j never come.
I At the cemetery, Rev. Baird read
' the beautiful burial ceremony of the
Presbyterian church, also offering
prayer for all the sorrowing friends.
Card of Thanks.
To our many friends who so kindly
expressed their friendship arid sym
pathy during the illness and death of
our husband, father and grandfather,
and the many beautiful lloral offerings
received, we extend to you all our
warmest remembrance and most
sincere thanks.
Mks. E. K. Paismki.k,
Mu. and Mits. Q. K. Pakmki.k,
Injured at the Shops.
M. L. Bogel who boards at the Per
kins House, and is employed in the
freight repairing department of the
Burlington shops, was the victim of a
very severe accident last evening.
While at work last evening. A fellow
workman threw a plank from the top
of a box car striking Mr. Bogel on the
forehead inflicting a very severe scalp
wound, extending nearly across his
head and rendering him unconcious
for quite a length of time. Dr.
Livingston, the company surgeon,
dressed the wound and he was resting
nicely this morning, but it will be
some time before be can make box
cars again.
Heap Much Pow-Wow.
The redskins eat much venison in
Omaha last night. An even half doz
en of the Missouri Tribe of Red Men,
struck! the trail for the place where
the O-ma-ha's were wont to congre
gate, and there feasted to their tiil on
the dainties furnished by the tribe
Was-ha-kie who camp on the banks
of the turbulent Big Muddy some
twenty odd miles above this point.
The dusky sons of the forest, still
talked much and eat more bear meat,
long after the big star went down be
hind the trees and the moon came up.
Each Indian had to let go wampum to
the amount of two bits for what he
could eat. Those who were present
from this camping place were J. C.
York, John Nemetz, Tim Kahodacek,
Ben Ralney, John McNurlin, and
Harry Krager.
More Improvements.
Wm. Schmidtmann, the popular
harness maker, is goiDg to have his
business place improved, The front of
the store is to be repainted and other
wise improved. "Billy" has a very
fine place of business and knows that
it pays to keep things looking the
best. O. G. Hale and bis brother will
do the work.