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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1907)
'Iblattsmoiitb Sroutnal VOLUME XXVrII lLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, M A V 190" XUMI5ER L"J THE MYSTERY CLEARED UP Fate cf the Twc Young Men Who Left Heme on Christmas Day to 60 Skating. PLATTE RIVER GIVES UP THE DEAD. The Ecdy of Young Roscoe Wortman Found Floating in the Platte River Near South Bend. The Journal readers Lave heretofore perused several accounts of the disap pearance of young Wortman and his companion, young Dewey, who disap peared from the Wortman home last December. Reports have been pub lished to the effect that the boys had been seen in various sections of the country, but nothing positive as to their whereabouts could' be learned until the body of young "Wortman was found floating in the water last Sat urday. It seems from the following special from Ashland, under date of Sunday.May 2t', that the body of young Dewey has not yet been recovered from its watery grave: "The body of Koscoe Wortman, the 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Wortman, who with a companion dis appeared from his home last Christ mas, was found floating in Salt Creek near where it empties into the Platte river yesterday afternoon by section men working near that point. Strange to say, the body was not badly decom posed, although it had been in the water live months, and was easily identified. The boy's companion was not found. At the time of his disap pearance it was thought by many that the Wortman lad and a companion had run away from home, as the for mer boy had1 done so several times pre viously. "On the day they disappeared they had gone down to Pawnee creek.which empties into Salt creek, to skate. Several holes were found in the ice in the vicinity where they had skated. A few weeks ago their coats were found lodged in some bushes near the bank by C. B. Burt, a track walker. "The other boy, who was about the same age, lived at Schuyler, and his body has not yet been found. His name was Dewey. It is a very sad af fair and the bereaved parents have the sympaty of the entire commu nity." A Midnight Fire. At about 11:30 Saturday night, the alarm was turned in which told of a fire at the home of Wm. Weber, corner of Eighth and Vine streets, where the blaze was well under way when discovered. The fire department soon had the fire under control, and their quick work saved the house, which would tave soon been a total wreck. The origin of the tire was from a defective flue. The loss to the building was about $200, on which there was full insurance. Besides the loss on the building, Mr. Weber had some stock tobacco stored just outside the kitchen in which the tire originated, and which was satura ted with water, rendering it worthless, thus making his loss the greater. So eager were some of the crowd to assist in the extinguishing the fire that they got into a dispute, in order to get to hold the nozzle and let the water squirt, that almost resulting in blows, and it was necessary for the united efforts of two of the police to enforce the supremancy of the law. Better at Business than at Ball. The Peoples store ball team which was in the city last Saturday, were nice fellows and probably know just how to conduct a thriving business in the metropolitan city, but when it cDmes to plaving base ball, they are not in it with the world-famed Bed Sox. The game cn the iocal grounds was one in which the art of the ball player was not taxed to the utmost. A very enjoyable time was had, but the fans who desire to witness a finely contested game where skill and science are brought into the game as the only source of winning, they found nothing to attract them. The runs piled up by the local boys were nineteen while those from up the river bad to content themselves with only five for their share. Send us your picture and $1.00 and we will make you 25 genuine photo graph post cards. Olson Photo graph Co., 225 Coates Block, Platts mouth, Nebraska. Crops in Oklahoma. The Journal is in receipt of a pack age from its friend, Mike Swartz fischer, now of Oklahoma, but recently of Cass county. This package con tains samples of corn, potatoes, peaches and plums nearly grown. These specimens would indicate that these crops will be most excellent, and hows that Oklahoma will be right "in it," again this year, if no misfor tune overtakes the present prospects. In tbe letter to us, Mr. Swartzrischer says the green bugs have taken most of the oats and wheat crops, and many of the farmers have replanted such fields in corn and cotton. Our old friend says all the old Cass county people in his neighborhood are doing nicely in both health and prospects. ADVERSITY TO PROSPERITY Mr. and Mrs. Amos Rusterholtz Former Residents of Plattsmouth Now In Business in St. Louis Amos Rusterholtz, who it will be re membered worked in the Burlington shops at this place some years ago, and leaving here went to Erie, Pa. There he thought to engage in the oil busi ness, and one morning just before day he went to investigate the contents of his oil tank, thoughtlessly struck a match to see how full it was, when the gas arising from it exploded with ter rific force, maiming and burning him very badly. From this accident he was kept from work so long that all his meagre savings were spent. One day when they were about gone, his wife who had baked some cookies, by some mis take got more dough mixed than they could use, so sold tbe surplus which went so well that they tried It again, and as they were just baked and not yet cooled, they went like hot cakes. This was tbe starting of a good busi ness, which they did for a number of years and which made them a fortune. Recently they disposed of their hold ings in Erie and have moved to St. Louis where they are now in the wholesale bakery business. Mr. Rusterholtz is a nephew of Levi Rusterholtz, a prosperous farmer liv ing west of Murray. Tbe many friends will be pleased tc learn that he has wrested the laurels of success from tbe path of adversity. Mormons Active Procelyting. .The Mormons who have been here for some time past are very active in their endeavors to secure converts to their faith. Elder Fullmer, who has charge of the speakers in the various parts of the country, and whose head quarters are in Omaha, was an over Sunday visitor in the city in consulta tion with Elders Redd and Fewkes, who have been conducting a street campaign here for some time past. Elders Redd and Fewkes will depart for Palmyra where they will work for about thirty days, when they will re turn and continue their work at this place. The Green Bug. George E. Sayles has found out about the green bug which is destroy ing the crops. At Cedar Creek his home, he tells us he made special ob servations relative to the propogation of the bugs. He says the red Lady bug. the one with the black spots on, lays eggs which hatch cut the green bugs in four hours and are ready for service in the destruction of every liv ing thing. He also has a way of des troying the eggs or preventing them from hatching. He puts them on a stone and hits them with a hammer, and the chances of them hatching are very remote. Forty Years Ago. A very pleasant and enjoyable fam ily reunion occurred Tuesday, the oc casion being the fortieth anniversary of the wedding of Bernard Wurl to Miss Bertha Ebener, which event oc curred at a suburb of Berlin, Ger many, called Noi al Vene, on the 2Gth day of May, 1S07. After forty years, they have, in a distant land from that in which they plighted their vows, as. sembled with ther children (except Otta Wurl, who is in Indianapolis, where he is teaching and could not get home) and recounted old days, and talked of the new times as well. An elegant dinner was served, and the day was spent in converation, games and music. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Bernerd Wurl, sr., Paul Wurl, wife and little son of Byron, Neb., Bernard Wurl, jr., and.wife, and Ernest Wurl all of this place. An ele gant center table was presented tbe happy old couple, all wished their aged parents a continued pleasat jour ney through life. FOLLOWS HIS COMPANION. Peter P. Peterson Passed Away this A. M. at the Age of 73 Years. Monday at 10:30 the death mes senger came to the home of Peter Petersen where he had been on two similar errands only a short while since. Mrs. Petersen had responded to the call only 25 days since, now the husband and father is summoned. It was only a short time ago Mrs. Browne a daughter, then residing in . incoln, who had come here to nurse her moth er and was stricken with pneumonia. At the time relatives were called from Oregon and South Dakota. Peter Petersen, the father, who fol lows, was born in Gothenburg.Sweden, seventy-three years ago and was mar ried to his wife Miss Pearson, Novem ber 24, 18;0. Coming to this country and to Plattsmouth about nine years later, they have made this their home since. The relatives of Mr. Petersen with the evception of Mrs. Christen sen, after the death of his wife, de parted to their several homes. The youngest Miss Lillian, the last to de part, left for Portland, Oregon, the latter part of last week and has scarce ly gotten to her home when the mes sage follows, bearing the sad tidings of the death of her father. No ar rangements have been made for the funeral as yet. The absent relatives have been telegraphed for and their arrival is awaited. Wedding in Weeping Water. At high noon today, (Wednesday, May 22, 1907) at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clizbe, in this city in the presence of about a hundred in vited guests, occurred the marriage of Mr. Lester Iloback and Miss Lena Williams, Rev. J. II. Andress officiat ing. Promptly at twelve, to the strains of Lohengren's wedding march, played by Miss Daisy Buck of Murray the procession came down the stairs and entered the parlor. First came the maids of honor, Miss Hazel Williams Miss Alice Hoback. Then followed the groom and best man, Mr. Oscar Iloback, and fehese were in turn fol lowed by the bridesmaid, Miss Bessie Williams, and the ring bearer, Master Blyss Williams. The bride, leaning on the arm of her father, was followed by Rev. J. II. Andress. The ring cer emony in all beauty and simplicity was tbe form used to bind together the two loving hearts. At the conclusion of the ceremony the happy couple received the con gratulations of the assembled guests, after which the party was seated at an elegant three-course dinner prepared by Mrs. Clizbe. The bride is tbe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and is a talented and accomplished young lady. The groom is one of the respected and capable young farmers of this com munity. They have a host of friends who join in wishing them a happy and prosperous journey through life. They will, in a short time, be at home to their friends on the Hoback homestead south of town. Weeping Water Republican. Much Interested. John Snead was in the city over Sun day visiting a very dear friend. John says when he lived here none of the girls got married but since he has left he hears of a wedding every day, and has to make frequent visits to keep in line as he fears otherwise all of the many pretty and amiable Platts mouth girls will have married and gone. As he is especially interested in one particular one, he is anxious to know just the trend of the matrimon ial market. "Here's to your health and happi ness" De Wit's Little Early Risers famous little pills. Nasty, sick head ache or billiousness may come on any time: the cure is an Early Risr, sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. Seal Estate Transfers. Dora Albin to A. L. Becker, part ne 1-4 of nw 1-4, IS, 10, 14. Consideration ST50. Geo. J. Stohlman to Mary E. Keedy, part of sw 1-4 of ne 1-4, 15, 11, 11. Con sideration S200. C. C. Sherfey to Margaret Frahern, part of se 1-4, 25, 10, 11. Considera tion $13,939. A little Kodol taken occasionally, especially after eating, will relieve your stomach, belching heartburn. J. B. Jones, Newport, Tenn., writes: "I an sure three one dollar bottles of your Kodol positively cured me of dyspep sia, and I can recommend it as that was three years ago and I haven't been bothered since with It." Kodol is guaranteed to give relief. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. - Return from Visit. Engineer E. B. Thrall and wife re turned Saturday from an extended visit in Chicago and other points in Illinois and stopping at Sabula, Iowa. They were away about two weeks and while in Chicago, were guests at the wedding of Miss Margaret Simon, a neice of Mrs. Thrall, who was married to Richard Geske, who is an engineer on the Chicago & Northwestern rail road, running out of Chicago. Mr. Thrall says that all the time he was In the windy city that everybody wore overcoats and were huddled up to keep warm, but notwithstanding this they h.d a a good time. While there Mr. Thrall met a sister that he had not seen nor beea able to hear from for about twenty years. ALBERT LIKEWISE AT REST Frneral Services Conducted by Rev. J. H. Salsbury of the Presbyterian Church Albert Likewise was laid to rest in Oak nill cemetery Sunday afternoon by loving hands. The funeral was preached by J. II. Salsbury of the Presbyterian church, who seelcted as his text Isaiah 63-9, "In All Their Af fliction he was Afflicted, and the Angel of his Presence Saved Them." The quarttt from the Presbyterian church choir rendered the music, the quartet consisting of George L. Farley, Miss Estelfe Baird, Mrs. Gamble and B. A McElwain, who sang very prettily, "Come Ye Disconsolate," after which Rev. Salsbury delivered his address in which he said that Albert Likewise was born July 2, 1871, making him 35 years, 10 months and 22 days old, and as an illustration of the strength de rived from a mother's love and a mother's prayers, he told the follow ing story: "A boy went to sea and his mother told him when going, as she placed a bible in his bands, thatshe would pray for him at noon every day and that she wanted him to read his bible and pray at the same time. Years afterward, when he had became a fine sailor, there was a storm and the mast of the ship was broken which threatened its sink ing, r-nd had o be cut down. The captain called all the sailors on d&ik and asked some one to volunteer to go u p and cut the rope else the shi p would sink. As no one volunteered, this young man said that it was then 11:55 a. m. and that he would go in five min utes, and at the time the clock struck 12:00, he started hand over hand, slow ly ascending on his perilous trip, and when he had gotten to the top, cut the ropes that held the broken mast, and the wreckage dropped into the sea and the ship was saved, and he had de scended in safety, tbe captain asked why he naa waited till noon, our young hero said that when bis mother was praying for him at noon, he was stronger and would be helped by her prayers and her love." Of Mr. Likewise's immediate family there were present his mother, Mrs. Geo. Shoeman, five brothers and two sisters; one sister, Mrs. John Mrmm being at Ft. Steele, Wyoming. The pall bearers serving were Henry Stendyke, Louis Rheinacle, Gideon Archer, Antone Nitka, Frank Benfer and Will Holchuh. As the friends were taking the last view of the remains the choir sang with much feeling, "Rock of Ages Cleft for Me." Relief From Rheumatic Pain. "I suffered with rheumatism for over two years," says Mr. Rolland Curry4 a patrolman, of Key West, Fla. "Sometimes it settled in my knees and lamed me so that I could hardly walk, at other times it would be in my feet and hands so I was incapacitated for duty. One night when I was in severe pain and lame from it my wife went to the drug store here and came back with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I was rubbed with it and found the pain had nearly gone during the nUht. I kept on using it for a little more than two weeks and foud that it drove the rheumatism away. I have not had any trctble from that disease for over three months." For sale by F. G. Fricke & A. T. Fried. Excellent Business Management. At a meeting of the Plattsmouth city council a few evenings ago the re port of Treasurer Clements showed $23,101.32 on hand no outstanding warrants against the city, which has not occurred before in forty years, ac cording to the Journal. This shows that Platts has bad a most excellent business administration of late, with its democratic mayor; Lincoln Her ald. Spring wind chap, tan and cause freckles to appear. Pine salve Carbo 11 zed applied at night will relieve that burning sensation. Nature's own rem edy. Acts like a poultice and draws out infiamation. ' Gering&Co. KILLED BY SWITCH ENGINE Frank Lahoda Meets Death While Setting On Burlington Track UNCONSCIOUS TO APPROACHING EN6INE The Body Cut in Two and Fearfully Man gled No One Blamed tor Accident The Angel of Death took toll Monday night on the Burlington tracks south of tbe city at a point where Happy Hollow passes under the line leading to the Missouri river bridge. Freight train No. 81 had to have help over the river from the east side and switch engine 5!H) with Engineer Julius Neil son, had been ordered to go and push her over. Tbe water glass on the switch engine had been broken and there was much of an escape of steam and water which made the engineer keep his head out of the cab window. Just at the point of the curve as the track turns into the hills Mr. Neilson looked out of the cab and saw a man sitting on the track just ahead of the engine, which was going at a rapid rate. The air was applied, and while every wheel of the engine slid on the track, it was impossible to stop it, as there was no load on, which made it more difficult to stop instantly. The engine hit the man and rolled him over," dragging him for a distance of about two car lengths and running over and cutting him entirely in two across the abdomen. Tbe engine was stopped as soon as possible and upon investigation it was found that the man run over was Frank Lahoda, who lived with his mother just above the tracks on Wintersteen hill. The time the accident happened was about eleven at night, and why anyone should be sitting on the railroad track in such an out of the way place, is hard to determine. The remains were taken tc the un dertaking rooms of M. Hild and the coroner notified. Coroner B. 1. Clements of Elmwood, arrived this forenoon and Sheriff Quin ton secured the following jury: E. A. Wurl, J. II. Thrasher, J. P. Falter, Philip Sauter and John Bauer, jr. The coroner's jury brought in a ver dict that Frank Lahoda came to his death by being run over by a switch engine on the Burlington track while in a condition unknown to the jury. The funeral of the unfortunate young man was held this afternoon from the home of his mother, at which the workmen in the shops where he work ed turned out enmasse. We will give more regarding it tomorrow. Serious Accident. A Greek laborer in the shops was the victim of a very peculiar accident this morning. He, with a number of Others of his countrymen, were en gaged in shoving a bubble car loaded with scrap iron. It appears that tbe man who received the injury, was watching the switch engine working, and allowed the rubble car to run against his leg which was caught be tween the moving car and one stand ing still, with the result that his left leg was broken near the knee. Tbe foremap telephoned for a conveyance and the man was taken to the office of Dr. Livingston, and the injured mem ber set, and he was made as comfort able as possible. The Burlington took the man to Omaha to a hospital. Without any means of communica tion with these men it is a difficult proposition to do work with them in safety. The Lawyers Eat. At the bar banquet last night given by the Cass County Bar association at the departure from our city of Attor ney C. S. Polk, there was about fifty people present and a very enjoyable time was had. R. B. Windham was toastmaster and in all there were about twelve toasts responded to and one read from County Attorney ('. A. Rawls, who was out of the city on business. Those out of town to attend were Judge Jessen of Nebraska City, William S. Haller, reporter of Judge Day's court of Omaha. The Ladles' Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church furnished the supper and they proved that they were eminently competent in this line, for indeed it was a sumpt uous repast a feast for tbe epicure. The banqueters continued at the fes tive board and in their geniak conver sation until long after tbe crowing of cock announced the ushering of an other day. Inspect the Road. There was a train of private cars through here Monday consisting of the following: J. II. Hill, chairman board of directors of the Great North ern in private car Yokoma; Daniel Willard, 1st vice president of the Burl ington, car No. 95; G. W. Iloldrege, general manager, car No. 1; S. G. Byran, general superintendent, car No. 19. Mr. Byran started from Linc oln where his private car ran as second 92 to Omaha, where Mr. Iloldrege's car was picked up. They ran to Pa cific Junction where the other two cars were picked up. They go now over the lines west of the river on a tour of inspection. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES Of the Plattsmouth High School at Parm ele Theatre, Monday Evening, June 6, 1907 The commencement day exercises which will occur on Monday, June are of exceptional interest inasmuch as the class will be a large one and of the character of the exercises. Be sides the strong numbers on the pro gram of the two graduates who are to deliver salutatory, Miss Crete Briggs, and the valedictory, Miss Alice Bilnk man, there will be three musical num bers by E. II. Wescott, Mrs. Mae. S. Morgan and Mrs. J. W. Gamble which are of exceptional value. The class address which Will be de livered by L. B. Wickersham and will surely repay anyone for the hearing. He is a lecturer of national reputation and the lecture which he will give has been delivered in Iowa alone sixteen hundred times. Program Invocation Rev. A. L. .ink Piano Solo Selected E. II . Wescott Salutatory "A Real Question" Crete Briggs Valedictory. "A Constitutional Study" Alice Brinkman Vocal Solo Selected Mrs. Mae S. Morgan Address L. B. Wickersham Vocal Solo Selected Mrs. J. W. Gamble Presentation of Diplomas Class sermon by Rev. J. H. Salsbury at the Methodist church, Sunday even ing June 2, 1907. Names of Graduates Paul C. Morgan Alice Brinkmarr Nellie Brinkman Crete Briggs El'hMockenhaupt Kathryn Windham Helen Spies Emma Bauer Florence White Blanche Robertson Clara Teipel Elmer Root Clyde Brooks C'tine Soennichsen Mabel Leesley Fred Jess Kirk Bates Florence McElroy Gladys Sullivan Agatha Jones Emma Jones Elizabeth Falter Edwin Fricke Beula Miner M. Pattie Metzger Eernice Baker Charles Mapes Daisy Thomas C. Kirscbenblatt Sophia Sattler Ernst Horn M. Pearl Barker Had a Runaway. Jesse Brady went down to Watson, Missouri, the other day and as there was a ball game to be played at Rock port, he thought to take his best girl along and see it. The game was be tween the Blloomer Girls and the local team and was enjoyed very much by Jesse and his lady friend, who is a school teacher at Watson. After the game, as they were making prepara tions for their departure home, the young lady got into the buggy and Jesse was just in tbe act of getting in when an automobile came "honking" along, the horse concluded they would go home. Jesse jumped for the buggy and lines, getting in and a hold of one of tbe lines with which he turned the horses squarely around, overturning the vehicle and throwing the occu pants to the ground. The young iady received a long scratch across her forehead and was badly bruised otherwise, so that she was only able to take up her duty as teacher this morning. As for Jesse he was bruised up quite as badly be sides losing portions of his cuticle and in some places where it was gone keeps him from sitting down as comfortably as before the accident. Real Estate Transfers. Rose Ilennings to A. A. McCul lough, et al, part sw 1-4, .'52,11, 13. Consideration $ 1. A. A. McCulIough to Rose Ilen nings, part sw 1-4, 32, 11, 13. Consider ation, $1. A. II. Spear to A. W. Bennett, lots 3 to 9 and 14 to 20, block 8, Wabash. Consideration, 1 1,500. W. R. Walen to J. K. Wilson, lot I, block 19, Eagle. Consideration, on.