"Ilattsmnioutb Journal volume XXVII PLATTS3IOUTII, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 1907. NUMBER -1 JOTTINGS FOR THE JOLLY Stiort Paragraphs Prepared and Purloined For the Readers of the Journal. !f you think Ui r- Is lif-n on Kwp a-imlllntr, 1 f you fliKl It I a h-mon. K-fi a-smiltiur. Hutch another srhriw; ami lKiMt r, hr ramf .V, KA 11 roosti-r, -t mint her t-m: ainl try U- lio It now. The Rower beds all put on their win- j ler underwear again last night. Talk Is cheap except when a man's j wile begins to explain why she needs the money. j It takes a strung minded man to re-! fer to a young widow as a "peach" in the presence of his wife. When a woman pays a man &com- pliment she expects it to be returned! with compound interest. One of the most remarkable quali ties ct man is his docility In being led astray or driven to drmk. Politics consists largely in "knowing what the other Iellow is poIttj: to do before he knows it hiosselT. The "sweet girl graduate" is going to have the visual hard living up to her glowing advance notices. A man doesn't mind getting the; worst of it as much as he dislikes see iDg the otherfellow get the best of it, j 5r.-nw rrnmK'.P was (niirt. to lrv-loi TlM'ir nian'rat.'" was hvrl m in town. Awl turn In a milU Ha-ss suhurli -Shfts-sKiiity tonhit;.im down. It sometimes happens that other people have as good an opinion oT a man as he has of himself after he is dead. It is -simply impossible for a man to fully realize the joys of single bless edness until after he takes unts him--jerf a wffe. Just when one gets into the notion of tickling Mother Earth with a hoe a wintry blast comes along Trod the notion vanishet. A "Wyoming man asserts 'that "a man who whistles never swcaTs' But what of tbe man who listens to the man who whistles. The village wag asks "fTriy is the Tear 1907 like a lumber wagon?" and then smiles a fiendish snriie as he gives the acswer. "When we read of the hostess-serving a "two-course luncheon,"" we some times wonder if a "too ccar9e;' lunch eon would not be as appropriate. The St. Louis negro who bet that he could take 19 drinks of whisky, "hand going," won the bet, but his widow bad immediate use for the money seven hours later. The old fashioned kiss :Uke the old fashioned rose is still the best, No improvement has been made since Adam stole one from the lips of Eve in tbe garden of Eden'. A prospective bridegroom in this city wanted to get married the other day, and all that prevented the act was the price of a marriage license. Xove is blind and sometimes broke. There are rumors that another one of Plattsmouth's charming daughters will be -captured in Cupids net before long and carried away to another city to make her future home with her choice for a husband. It is tinted that the trouble at the M. P. 6epot a week ago last Saturday night is not done with yet, until the railroad authorities have tfceir inning. And when that time arrives-somebody wants to "look a little out."' It is reported that a coterie of girls in this town have adopted tbe follow ing mottcc "Who smokes r drinks, or cuts a -deck can never bite us on the neck." We'll have to await further developments ere making furvher com ments. A Plattsmouth lady, who is -quite a fancier, declared to a friend the other day that the rising of chickens is her hobby. She said: "1 believe 1 am the best chickenarian in tbe town." That will hold the other chicken raisers for a week at least. It's high time to stop the seed swin dle perpetrated by our department of agriculture. A man in Kansas says that be wrote to tbe secretary for some tobacco seed carefully specifying that he wantediBattle Ax or Star plug, but was put off with the excuse that they were giving nothing but fine cut this year. Advice to married men: Tbe gar den fever is not dangerous. While it always seems severe in its first attack, it gradually wears away and in a few days disappears entirely. It seldom keeps a man away from his business for any great length of time, but, Bhould it seem very hard to break up get a good hoe and place it in the hands of your wife. When you see how beautifully she turns the trick, then the fever will leave you at once. Let tbe women do tbe work. DEATH OF ORRIN C. SMITH. A Former Citizen of Plattsmouth and a Brother cf Postmaster C. H. Smith. FDNERAL TOMORROW AT 4:30 P. M. The Remains Arrived on No. 2, Tuesdaj and Will he Under the Charge of the Odd Fellows From the Depot to Oak Hill Cemetery. Orria C. Smith was born in Ablng- ton, Illinois, in 1850, and came to Plattsmouth a number of years ago, living here until about twelve years ago. Mr. Smith is a brother of Post master C. II. Smith, and has lived at Havelock for about twelve years. Tbe immediate cause of his death was a very severe case of pleurisy. Mr. Smith leaves a wife and eight chil dren to mourn his death. Mrs. Smith and five children live in Ilavelock, three of whom are married and two single at home. One married daughter living at Friend, Nebr., end two mar ried daughters living in Oklahoma. The funeral will be from Bnrltngton train Xa "2, under the ritual of the Odd Fellows, Mr. Smith being a mem ber of that order in Havelock, but the lodge here will have charge of the funeral. Thrttsmoiclh Good Cnough. X. M. Beal, who recently sold fcis residence with the intention of maktng his home somewhere else, after wards awoke to the fact that this was a very good place to live in has pur chased another place, and will cocftlnue to be a citizen for a while longer. Mr. Beal purchased tbe property where Hugo Assmlssen rived. Assttissen is moved. Tuesday. T7hen the hocse is va cated, Mr. Beal will repaint ann re paper it and fix it up in gooil shape, and will have a cozy home when com pleted. 3Ir. Assmissen will occupy Mr.-Sharpe's house on Granite street. H-Rter Froen aPlattsmcmth Boy. B. A. McElwain had a letter front his brother, 'R. L. McEXwain, Mon-. day, who is now located in Los Ange les, California, and is working for the American TTobacco company. Roy writes that he has a ?cod position and is well pleased with 'it. He als3 -saysthat there is a good deal of trou ble in getting around ca account cf the street car strike, lie and iris 'friend who went with him, board eboct tkree miles fron where they work, an-tl when they get home they remain in doors, as there is a gcod deal of rioting, incident to the strike, one man being killed cf their immedi ate acquaintance, just the other ccy. Omaha TurnerWisitors. On the departure of the representa tive of tbe Bohemian Turners, Mr. Rihater Prague, from Omaha, Sun day afternoon, an immense crowd of his friends were at the Union station to see him off and bid him bon voyage. Just ac the train was fulling out some of the crowd said: "Let us go as far as Plattsmouth with him," and abcut sixty of his friends bearded the train and came this far. They made the welkin ring without a doubt. On the departure of the train Irom here, they repaired to the Sokol hall in the west part of totvn and had a series of athletic perform ances, 'foot races and c general gocd time until dark, returning on the late train to Omaha. Given a Surprise. Saturday being the 32d anniversary of the.irth of J. R. Eummerfield a large party of his friends and neigh bors gathered at his home, without his knowledge and and proceeded to have a goed time, in tbe tarnishing of amusements for him. Games, social conversation and a general good time was had until about 11:30 o'clock they had a three course luncheon furnished by the guests who had made ample provision for the occasion. After wish ing the host and hostess long life and prosperity, and an opportunity to en joy such occasions fcr many years to come, tbe guests departed well pleased with the evening's entertainment. Among those present were: J. C. York and family, Mrs. Brady and fam ily, Uncle Peter Gass, A. B. Taylor and wife, Mr. Wentzel and wife, Rob ert Brissey and wife, Mr. Peoples and wife and Mrs. Welch and daughter. Spring wind chap, tan and cause freckles to appear. Pine salve Carbo lized applied at night will relieve that burning sensation. Nature's own rem edy. Acts like a poultice and draws out inflamation. Gering & Co. Returns From Encampment. The people who were In attendance at tbe Grand Army encampment re port an excellent time while at Fre mont, saying that that city treated them like princes. The entertaining capacity of the city was taxed to its full extent, the headquarters were at the Eno hotel, the genial host of which is II. K. Dunbar formerly of this place. The encampment while in session gave a vote of thanks to Mr. Dunbar ror the pleasant way in which he entertained his guests and ministered to their comfort. Hastings secures tbe next encamp ment, there was not a very great con test for it, though the west end of the state stood together in selecting the location. A report given out during the session showing that in 1895 there were 10,8lt; members of tbe Grand Army in this state, and a poll of the membership from records and other sourses showed, on May 1 of this year, only 4,338 a loss of per cent in twelve years, showing how rapidly the members are joining the Grand Army above. The election of officers shows the following chosen to look after the bus ness of the Department of Nebraska for the coming year: Department Commander Thomas A. Creigb, Omaha. Senior Vice Commander Eli A. Barnes, Grand Island. Vice Co mciander E. G. Lyle, Wa hoo. Medical Director S. B. Lutgen, Brock. Chaplai-n Rev. John P. Smith, Ne braska City. Council of Administration: Mart Howe, Lincoln. F. A. Truell, Lincoln. Thomas Hull, Omaha. L. A. Payne, Hastings. II. W. Davis, Lincoln. Delegate at large to natisa.t.1 en cacjpment, J. S. Kopland, North Pfette. 'Congressman Pollard says'Lhere Ve'lots of apples anfl -spraying will coc-' tinue right along as the -surmmer pro gresses. "Trae there willroe no earty summer apples Tor they are killed, fercrt the late fallxtrfl winter apples will he : r ? -i a wn i r , -i iair tivp, Tie-said, jlivs eariy isios-i j-soms are all t5ead,xind -seme of those that had jisst partially opened, "but the late blossoms were arl right Tues day when I Baade'tbe ecaminatwn. J. W. Kagney "takes a very opti mistic view of he'peach crop aod-saTs there will be some peaches too. The budded fruit isone, but the seedlings are setting Truix, and unless fcilled from now on will make a short crop. He said that Kenry-Bturm claims 'Chat the little peaches1 just setting on 'his trees were acDnally-Towing. Now it is u-p-to you. We hope 'Shey are right, btrtwhlie'we are not pessi mistic, we beg leaveto be allowed to set on the fence -awhile yet. Ne"haw ka Register. Wi(C Reertfre r. Hebraska Cit. The Nebraska City Tribune, in speaking of the Biokert-Stander wed ding at Macley last week, announce ment of which appeared in the Jour nal on the eve ef fthe wedding -day, says: Mr. Julian L. Bickert, pro prietortof the -Grand hotel barbershop of this city, and SSlss Susana Sta-nder, daughter of Frank-Stander, a promi nent farmer of near Manley, were united in marriage in St. Patrick Catholic church in Manley last Wed-' nesday morniog, OFlev. Father IL. L. Bickert, brother of the groom, SEciJ ating. Folic wing -toe ceremony the bride and groom were given a recep tion at the hwce ofthe bride's parents, after which they -cacae to this -otty.; Mr. and Mrs. Bickert will reside on! Second corso near Eighth street. ITfae groom has liveri here since Marcfc 1, when he purchased 'trie business tie now conducts, and -even though Is residence has been brief in this ollif he has a number of frtends who tend congratulations. &cware of Ointrertstor Catarrh tksi. Contains lWeritiry aE murcury will surely destroy tbe seose of smell and completely de range the whole system 7ben enter ing it through tbe mucus surface.1 Such articles should never be used except, on prescriptions froaa reputa ble physicians, as tbe daizage they will do ten fold to the gooi you can possibly derive from tbecc. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mu cus serf ace of tbe system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists. Price 75c per bot tle. Take Hall's Fazsilj Pills for constipation. A MOST SHAMEFUL AFFAIR One of the Participants a Daughter of a Pioneer Methodist Preacher in This Section. Alice Cooper, the Chicago sculptress, is figuring In the daily papers as one of the principals in an affair by which Nat. Hubbard of Cedar Rapids, leaves his wife and old dying mother. He is a son of Judge Hubbard, for so many years the leading Iowa attorney for the Northwestern railroad, says the Glenwood Opinion. In conversation with one of the early pioneers of Plattsmouth, he informed the Journal that he had heard Mr. Cooper preach discourses in an old log house in the south part of Platts mouth in the early days, when the country was very sparsely settled and but about a half dozen houses where the city now stands. Alice Cooper was born in Mills coun ty, near Glenwood. Her father was the son of Peter Cooper, the pioneer Methodis minister who preached the first sermon on the site of the city of Omaha. Her father managed the mill at Glenwood, and later moved to Colo rado where he made several fortunes in speculation, and -himself founded the Colorado town of Glenwood Springs named after hfs old Iowa home town. AKce Cooper became famous as the sculptrtss who designed and executed the statue of Sacajawea, the "bird woman," who guided Lewis and Clark across Ihe mountains to the Pacific Ocean, and it was her statue that stood at the gates of the Tecent expo sition at Portland. The Call of Alice "Cooper and Nat. Hubbtrd shows to wbat dangers tbe countTry is drifting 1a its social life. So Ecaoy scandals c? this are kind taS Cngplacein what Is wrongly termed ,b'ig&" life that t will be well tor parents to take -more care as to the socSe.1 developrrrfnt of their sons and 'tiar-ghters. Givarty to Seniors. j The class reception and party igiven ta tbe graduating class last eventing by Kisset.-Boelah Miner, Gladys Sullivoa, Ulizabeth Falter and Kathrya "Wind ham, atttoe residettceof-TudgeSullbvan 5 was a very enjoyable affair. -Social (convecsetion, games ard guessing con gests were the crater the evening, and notwithstaQiing J3he rain Ciich came down in terretfi-s, "aril wect as merry -as a marriage 'b)ll,r' -and at a late haur aU iepacsed 7ell pleased witti tite evening's -entertainment, all decUariog the Toot Misses -adepts in tlie ct of ectsreairing. The rain pwverracd.c Tew Tram at ttcaSiag. TtevSaetpsTticip-atlas: were all the ifligh scixsol 'teachers with tbe ex ception of 5?Kfesor Orioklacd, who was out of the -city. "Prof. Rouse, 3ioes Gase, 37r3hcls, DarlCng and Matthews. Meenbeje of 'Oiae class, Bts'ltti Ulrjsner, Slathryn Wind hara. Elfeefreth Falser, 'Glatys Sulli veL; Emctnt EceT, 'Florence White, Flerence JCcElray.'KeienSSpies, Chris tina Soeocriofcsen, Alice atd Nellie riakmao, Ola:. Meofrenhaupt, Mable H-eesley, FtfctyTGatthews, Crete Briggs, I ami Blao3 lofeertso?2. Messrs. Kirk: Bates, Ef. Frfoke.EimeriRoot, Chas. Mopes, Oitcenoe iEroetes,Faui Morgan, E-paest Keen, red Cess an Charles. Hirscheckiatt. "Tragic Deaf vfvCeno. W.NSrVilson. Ca spetWngicf the tragic death of G-Mrge W W'ilaw. afloentiox. of which was made in the Journal of Thursday, ttes Union. ELeOper scss: "Irie tragic dscth of George W. Wilson occurred last; Saturiay rmrninf: atr 'clock at bK home fcs Thzcston county, the re suK of befa kioted rb? a hosre. The aooident oocvtrtei last Friday evening when Mr. Wilsox wae throroi from his horse aod thoo. kiohed onbIs headL He walked some distance a&er be ictn juried, but became unoooscious and ank rapidly 'ixitil diath ome to his relief Saturday morrjiog. The fu neral services were held ,t 2 c'clock Sunday aftercoon-at his cesideiKe, at tended by a large camber of fciends and relatives. Deceased was born Sept. 7, 1S51, ia Warren coznty, Jwa, and fsr a number of years resided in thic vicinity, moving to Thurston eountya.bout four years ago. His '.rel atives residing near here are Mrs. W. EL Eanuing and Mrs. D. P. Slaan, -sic-ters, ani Thomas Wilson, Robert Wil son and James Wilson, brothers, all of whom went to attend the funeral. The deceased had many friends here who held him in high esteem, and all regret to learn of his tragic death and extend sincere sympathy to the sor rowing relatives." Send us your picture and 11.00 and we will make you 25 genuine photo graph post card. Olson Photo oaipn Co., 225 Coates Block, Platts moutb, Nebraska, A Lively Runaway. Jesse Godwin while driving a car riage from tbe Parmele barn Mon day afternoon, near the Masonic Home, had a runaway. It seems as though one of the tugs became unhitched in some way and the tongue coming down ran into the ground and break ing the double trees and breaking loose from the carriage, also pulling over the dashboard or rather pulling the dashboard and Mr. Godwin out of the buggy, and getting away. The horses ran down the avenue, and when they tried to turn the corner at Sixth and Vine they were unable to do so at the speed they were going and one of the horses fell when they were caught. No one was hurt though there was an other young man and a woman and a child in the rig at tbe time they started. Happy Hollow Very Unhappy. The residents of Happy Hollow were trying to be happy Sunday evening and got very unhappy before they got through with tbe matter. Itappears that at the home of Louis Abl, a keg of beer was on tap, and w hen It ran out they got some wine, and the two did not mix well, and caused those that took it to disagree as well, and finally resulted in a free for all fight, in which Mike Prels got one of his fingers somewhat lacerated, Chas. Sitzman seemed a little the worse for the wear also. While Fred Voght man and Louis Abl were not dis figured to speak of. Warrants were sworn out for the four Mike Preis, Louis Abl, Fred Voghtman and Charles Sitzman. Three of whom pleaded guilty to the charge of being drunk, and got the penalty, provided by the statute, ($10 and costs) making in round numbers aboct $15 each. Fred Voghtman pleaded not guilty, and his case was set for tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. H ftel Fairy From, the looks of the old White El ephant, it would seem as though Aug Bach was a. Teal fairy. From an old ramshackle,' which has been eye-sore to every MLSsertsir, with -a few dollars judiciously expended, lie has trans formed iti inte an up-to-date store nxra irarl'tbe toper part into very de sirable 'fi-welrrac apartments. This Is the fciiiyS'df -enterprise that we need, and the khrt that has built cities, mtdexad'koft uptbe pece of progress cf our time. T'iLttsmBi'Jth Girts. ir. Demand. WiKiam Mordock wts at Platts- i anoirSi yesterday pleadtt; with one of heippuiaT young laOies of that city to'fi$iowrttfeKampie'Sf another young 5ad7, vhos.T50wuaakrs this city her tiome and fcok7ng af ter the well be 1ngsf one-sf the youn men of this cH7 as Iris -wffe. What success he hafi he ret'Ofled to state, but says 'tsisaewill tell.'" "Nebraska City News- A 1Sit TJ'clac. 'Wedding. rit nine o?clock as the gong was. -scrading, there occurred at tbe Bo- heoian'Ga'JioHc ciiurcfe, a very nice weding, ts which a. few friends of the irooediate contracting parties were Bitpacpc l3T,ranIrati-TK:'.rv. thp crrnr.m rrt Miss rannieKeriiooefc, the bride, because it contains no opiates: is a lax being Use contracting parties, the jabiwe and is guaranteed to give satls ee75.monr teeins DerforiESd by Father Kaotzon or your money refunded. Try IJcncik. vlfter the ceremony, the briial party repaired to the studio of Vi. S. -So per, where they had their cotures 'taicen in their habiliments, tntl presented a very pretty sight. rr. Elild is fiirnishiog then with the necessary furnishings to go to house-k-eaping with. The Jourcel with its many friends wish them a ipleasant jouraey down fchepathway of life, finding therein alltbe joys thut come to mortals, and tfiat-tjaey may escape as mueh tf those tihiiigs that are not agreeable as is possible. Here's & You. Billy! The giad tidinge reached the Journ aiwnceetny xuey moru.irom ard that twin baby boys arrived at the home -of Mr. arxil Mrs. W. S. Jean . -.t. t tast night. At last account the moth er and ba'oi2S were doing nicely and it is said that Silly's joy, when the news reached his ears, knew co bounds, and his elation iad failed co cease this morning. Tho Journal extends con gratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jean, and may the little fellows live long and prosper. MMens Ciect Officers. The Masonic lodge at their meeting Monday eve., elected the following of ficers for the coming term: W. L. Pickett, W. M.; Oliver C. Dovey, S. W.; Frank L. Cummins, J. W.; A. W. White, Treasurer; M. Archer, Secre tary. The appointive officers are: G. W.Thomas, S. D.; J. W. Crabill, J. D.; Robert Hayes, S. S.; Fred Ramge, J. S. and Fred Stadlemann, Tyler. They Fooled Them All. That there has been something out of the ordinary in the actions of L. K. Upton of Union in the way he had been making preparations for house keeping, and still persisting that he bad no intention of getting married, that was not in keeping with the way others do, is a sure thing. Much has been the joshlngs that he has received as to whether he was going to get married and as to whether be was al ready married, but to no effect-ho would neither deny nor affirm the fact, until the present, when he admit ted that he was the happy husband of the former Miss Nina Lynde, a fasci nating young lady of Union. They were married at Council Bluffs, Iowa, on the 17th of March last. The Journal with its many friends from all parts of the county, wish them all the joy of the promise, and that their pathway may be strewn with roses, and that in the picking of them, our friends may not have the misfortune of coming into the rough contact with the thorns. B&se Ball and More Base Bald. The game on the local grounds lasU Saturday between the Red So a anf the Townsend Gun Club resulted in a victory for the Red Sox by a score of to 4, the Red Sox not playing the last part of the ninth inning. The game played at Glenwood e- tween tbe High school team and the White Sox of that place, was a great game, t rom tne nrsi it was bmuchi that the boys across tbe river knew how to play ball and were not in the least backward in doing so. While the team from here were putting up as good a game as they had with them, the White Sox were beating them to it. The result of the game was Glen wood 18 to Plattsmouth's 1, that Is more than was expected even under Free Silver. The Red Sox crossed bats with the Storr. team, at Omaha yesterday, a couple of tlmes.the first resulting in a victory for our boys at the tune of 30 to 3, while in thelatter game Omaha's team got there with the goods ncorlntf six runs and only allowing oui boys three. A large crowd from here were In Omaha to witness the game, in round numbers it is estimated that there were some two hundred, as It was said that in looking over the grand stand every other person was from Plattsmouth. The Judge's Pass Still Discussed. Judge Sullivan, of Plattsmouth, was in the city yesterday on a visit with his daughter, Mrs. Asa Snyder. lie sa.js he still retains his pass and ln story that it had been taken away from him was "false, libelous, malicious. TaiskAding, contrary to better juclg meEtand calculated to do him great bacn" In the matter of takinir out lKe insurance and securing favors. t frcm other corporations, who arc. 'issuing passes or franks Nebraska 'Citr News. la using a cough syrup, why not get the best? One that comes highly rec--omiaended is Bees Laxative Cough Syrup, contains Honey and Tar and is -siipjrior to other cough byrups In it 5 macv wavs. Children always Use II. lit. Gering & Co. Work Completed. Thie Burlington has just crjnpfeterj an extensive job of rip-rapping near lleaton station on the Jowa side of the river, which work has been in pro gress for over three raonths. For a distance of a mile the river bank has been strengthened by amawsive willow mat, and the improvement work wil not oeiy protect the railroad's rght-of -way, oat will also save manj acres of valuable farm land for tbe farmers in that Ticicity. II. M. .Soeonichsen, the pro re.'sive merchant has just ini tailed a new Mc- awjuiib register which is of iDcenuity and convenience Tf i5 cn . rhof i, a ..r 11, uteus 1 r e ac counts of all those whom he may have accounts witn, so they can be turned to in an instant of time, even flicker than on a day book. By a device the accounts can be removed and placed in the safe in less than a minute wnen necessary. This makes the matter of keepiDg accounts much more simple and saves a great deal of the work that was required before For stomach troubles, billiousness and constipation try Chamberlanin's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Many remarkable cures have been effected by them. Price 2.3c. Samples free. For sale byF. Q. Fricke & Co. and A. Fou Sale: An upright Kimball piano; splendid condition. Must be seen to be appreciated. Will sell at a sacrifice. Inquire at the Journal office.