The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 09, 1907, Image 7

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    Spring Summer
Gt-iilt-Eclge Va lxien ix-i Spri in Clothin
at the Reliable Purchasing House of
c y
Also, a complete line of Gents' and Boy's Spring and Summer Furnishings in all the new styles and shades of cloth.
We suggest that you call early and examine all departments. Price and quality will compare with any in Cass county.
-Fine Shirts, ike.
Further Iniestigation to te Made Before
Any Definine Arrmgemenfs.
Shewing the Standing of the Funds of the
County in His Hands.
About on schedule time the special
train of Burlington Bridge Superin
tendent Carteledge arrived in town
yesterday and in company with a num
ber of Plattsmouth people, Mr, Carte
ledge proceded to the newly proposed
stone quarry of Newell & Atwood, to
make an investigation of the surround
ings and as to the quality and quanti
ty of the stone to be found. Mr. Carte
ledge was not very enthusiastic over
the proposition after a slight exami
nation of the surface of the earth,
that is, there' ppearedto be too much
yellow or - it stone, but be agreed
with the other members of the party
that it might have been brought on
by the weather of many years, and de
cided to further investigate the mat
ter in the very near future, and that
they would send a high pressure
pumping apparatus here and thor
oughly wash the loose soil from the
surface, thus enabling them to deter
mine the value of the stone to be
found below.
This is not as encouraging as we had
hoped that the outcome of yesterday's
investigation would be. and later,
when a more thorough test is made,
the outlook may be changed consider
ably. County Treasurer's Statement.
Eelow the Journal takes pleasure in
presenting to its readers the statement
of the financial condition of Cass
county as taken from the records in
County Treasurer Wheeler's office:
Balance In General fund Sl!.54 a)
Balance In Itridjre fund. lJ.STO K)
Balance in School fund :h.:Tn 21
Italance In Koad fund., -1..H3 13
Interest fund 5.5;2 hs
Permanent Koad fund irWjTl
Total on band ?117.."j07 47
The outstanding indebtedness is
5,000, with no outstanding warrants
against the county. This is one of the
best showings that has eminated from
the county treasurer's office in many
years, and we veiy much doubt if the
county, financially speaking, was ever
in a better condition.
Sore Nipples.
Any mother who has bad experience
with this distressing ailment will be
pleased to know that a cure may be
effected by applying Chamberlain's
Salve as soon as the child is done nurs
ing. Wipe it oft with a soft cloth be
fore allowing the babe to nurse. Many
trained nurses use this salve with the
best results. For sale by F. G. Fricke
& Co. and A. T. Fried.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of CSuetfrffc J-C&CCUsiZ
When presented by the lady of the house
Good for )i Pint Sample of
1 ,73BP3tBilP'-
We have only a limited number of these sample
and they are subject to the following limitation:
1. Only one sample to a household.
2. Will not be delivered to children under any
You will have to
Weeping Water
From the Herald.
Many of the farmers, tired of wait
ing for spring, have started to plant
Messrs. J5. and F. Jensen visited
their brother, Dr. II. Jensen a few
days last week.
The young man who gets his living
by the sweat of his mother's brow
over the wash tub, will strike Hades
with a hard thud.
George Halmes has been having a
serious time the past two weeks with
rheumatism. He is able now to get
about the house, but he is a pretty pale
proposition, and feels the twings of
pain much of the time.
E. W. Marshall purchased a lot in
Lincoln and will erect a residence
thereon to reside. They will proba
bly move early this fall. Lincoln will
be his headquarters for business this
summer, and he will represent the
Marshall nursery at Arlington.
Two freight cars and a caboose left
the track just south of Manley Sun
day evening, from a soutbound train.
We are looking for a passenger wreck
on this miserable road, and advise
those who value their lives to walk.
Thelma Wallick was bitten on the
arm Sunday, by F. M. Smith's dog,
and the teeth penetrated deep. Dr.
Rickard cauterized the wound, and
Mr. Smith cauterized the dog, so there
will be no danger from that source.
Maple Grove
(SjH'cial Corresiiondence)
I'. A. Ilild shelled corn Thursday.
Quite a number from this locality
attended Campbell Bros.' show at
Plattsmouth Thursday.
There is considerable corn moving to
market in this section at the present
price of forty cents.
Miss Ada Turner, our school teacher,
left Sunday for a few weeks visit in
Missouri. She was accompanied by
her sister from Burwell, Meb.
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Puis and son,
narley, visited with Michael Ilild and
family at Plattsmouth Saturday and
Chas. Engelkemeier visited at the
home of William Puis Sunday.
John Ilabel Is on the sick list this
Mrs. Nellie Davis of Lincoln is visit
ing her daughter.who is staying at the
heme of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Davis this
Rev. Blink, pastor of the United
Brethern church, called at the home
of J. A. Davis Sunday.
Mrs. Minnie Puis made a trip to
Murray Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gansejier were
Maple Grove visitors Monday.
Less Hall passed through our little
burg Monday.
Gus Hanson and Ernest Young
shelled corn for Harmon Beck . Wed
nesday. In the last week's writeup of our
section we unintentionally omitted
that on Wednesday night, the 17th,
the Maple Grove broom factory burnt
up, owned by Chas. Tilson. The loss
is about $200. They were burning some
brush nearby and on short notice the
wind changed on them and soon spread
the flames.
(Special Correspondence.)
Is spring finally here?
A. S. Will shipped a carload of fat
stock today to the South Omaha mar
Will Richardson will pay 8ccasn for
hens delivered at his store any day
this week.
W. B. Porter has presented himself
and family with a new carriage.
A. L. Cox has sold his business pro
perty In Mynard to S. O. Cole.
The farmers have been busy the past
two weeks delivering corn, the market
being good 40c.
Mrs. Lou Henton and Mrs. R. L
Propst were shopping in Omaha
Mrs. W. E. Renner of Omaha was
visiting her sister, Mrs. Will Richard
son Monday.
II. L. Thomas, Boyd Porter and
Frank Marler took in the theatre at
the Parmele Tuesday evening.
Cupid has again been ''getting busy"
by uniting Mr. James Gruberand Miss
Feme Ruby, the attractive daughter
of M. L. Ruby.
When your food has not been prop
erly digested the entire system is im-
pared in the same proportion. Your
stomach needs help. Kodol for indi
gestion and Dyspepsia not only digests
what you eat, it tones the stomach
and adds strength to the whole body
Makes rich, pure blood. Kodol con
forms to the National Pure Food and
Drug Law. Sold by F. G. Fricke &Co
Special CorresjMindent.
Mrs Henry Knabe is reported be
ing quite sick.
Edward Wulf called at Mr. and Mrs.
Gus Hansen's Saturday on business.
George Hansen shelled corn Wed
nesday, and delivered it to A. F.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tucker, accom
panied by Abner Tucker,, drove to
Plattsmouth Thursday to attend the
big show.
Henry Schomaker was transacting
business in Weeping Water Wednes
day. Charles Hansen shelled and deliv
ered corn at Weeping Water on Thurs
day Mrs. Margaret Behrns was accom
panied by her son, Herman, and
her brother, Henry Knabe, to Omaha,
Sunday evening where Mrs. Behrns
boarded the train on Monday for
Stockton, California. We wish her a
safe and pleasant journey.
Lottie, Sadie and Walter Wunder
lich, accompanied by their mother,
were sight-seeing in Weeping Water
Ray and John Whiteman were
Plattsmouth visitors one day last
Wm. Davis and Albert Murdock
drove to the county seat Saturday on
Mrs. Davis and family were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. A. Murdock Sunday.
Dan Click and F. Lindsey of Avoca
visited with intimate friends in this
locality Sunday.
John Wunderlich and John Knabe
were in Plattsmouth on business one
day last week.
Mrs. Charles Heebner visited at
Henry Knabe s on Monday.
Misses Christena and Rosa Schafer
enjoyed Saturday, and Sunday visit
ing friends in Plattsmouth last week.
School Dismissed This Afternoon.
On account of Campbell Bros. - large
circus being in our city today, school
was dismissed for the afternoon, ' and
on account of the school pupils not
getting out of school until 11:30, the
parade was delayed until noon.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that
Contains Mercury
as murcury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely de
range the whole system when enter
ing it through the mucus surface.
Such articles should never be used
except on prescriptions from reputa
ble physicians, as the damage they
will do is ten fold to the good you can
possibly derive from them, nail's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no
mercury, and is taken internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and mu
cus serface of the system. Iu buying
Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get
the genuine. It is taken internally
and made in Toledo, Ohio, by.F. J.
Cheney & Co. Testimonials free.
Sold by druggists. Price 75c per bot
tle. Take Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. .. '
(Hy G. A. Lels.)
Corrected weekly by Martin & Tool,
who pay the highest prices for produce
and guarantee satisfaction:
Butter j.ic
Hens itc
Springs heavy .'ic
Spriinrs litrht 7c
Cream .' 2'c and lc
Cattle f4.;V) to!.(iti
Hoks $."-75 to O.'Jj
Corn 3 and 4V
Wheat f.i!j and tire
Oats 3T0
Rock Island Time Table.
Murdock Station.
No. 41, mail 8:15 a. m.
No. 75, local 8:55 a. m.
No. 5. mail .'5:00 p. nr
No. 37, mail 5:53 p. m.
east bound.
No. 90, freight 12:30 a. m.
No. 38, mail 10:55 a. m.
No. 76, Local 1:14 p. m.
No. 6, mail 2:35 p. m.
Lee Wait of Courtland, visited at
the O. II. Eggleston home last Wed
nesday. Clarence Pool had a horse severely
cut with a disc during a runaway
J. H. Smith and wife left Thursday
for a visit with relatives in Iowa, after
which be expects to locate in Madison,
Mrs. L. E. Thimgan.of Lincoln, and
Miss Lena Smith, of Havelock. are
visiting relatives here this week.
Mrs. L. Wait left for Courtland Fri
day evening, accompanied by George
Mrs. C. Wirth transacted business
in Omaha Saturday.
Mrs. O. II. Eggleston left for Prairie
Home Sunday evening, and after visit
ing at that place and Waverly for a
faw days she expects to start for her
new home at Elk City, Oklahoma.
Mr. Leet visited in Lincoln Sunday.
On account of a shortage of cars the
local grain men were compelled to load
cars of corn Saturday night and Sun
The local base ball team will go to
Weeping Water for a game Saturday.
The extra gang that is running the
steam shovel are waiting for repairs,
having broke down Monday.
J. W. Shank and E. C. Kuehn made
their annual visit to Murdock Sunday.
F. Westlake, of Avoca, was visiting
here Sunday.
Mrs. O. II. Eggleston hands us the
price for a year's subscription to the
Journal, this week, to be sent to Elk
City, Oklahoma.
Henry Bornemeier and wife depart
ed for South Dakota Monday with a
view to looking for a new location.
Henry has just recently refused $150
per acre for his farm adjoining Mur
dock. What's the matter with Cass
county land, anyway? . '
Miss Esther Wilken left for South
Dakota Tuesday, where she expects
to make her home with her sister for
an indefinate period.
Jim and Julian Pollard and Miss
Edith Moon and Miss Murdock, of Ne-
hawka, visited friends in our burg
We lost one of our best citizens last
Saturday evening, when O. H. Eggles
ton departed with his car cf furnitrre
and stock for Oklahoma. We wish
these folks prosperity in their new
Mrs. J. C. Crawford, of Lincoln,
visited relatives here Sunday.
Mrs. Wm. Gehrts is entertaining her
father from Strawberry Point, Iowa,
this week. . ;
The show at Wabash Saturday even
ing was a decided success in every way,
netting the promoters something over
Bert Hunt entertained his mother
and sister, of Omaha, the latter part
of last week. They returned to Omaha
Monday evening.
A. Rikli reports the loss of a horse
this week. This makes his loss about
$400 in the last ten days.
No more cases of smallpox are re
ported and the case now under quaran
tine will soon be turned loose.
R. L. Stack is on the sick list this
week; cause, vaccination.
Mrs. Wm. Gehrts visited in South
Bend Wednesday.
At the regular meeting of the city
dads Tuesday evening A. E. Fraschar
was graated a saloon license for an
other year.
Hurried meals, lack of exercise are
the main causes of dyspepsia. A Rings
Dyspepsia. Tablets after each meal di
gestion, improve the appetite. ,
Gering & Co.
First House West B. 6c M. Depot
We Solicit the Farmers Trade
and Guarantee Satisfaction.
When in the City Give Us a Call
J5he Perkins Hotel
own land; and npnt Close in to lour rmmiuiu liui-h; laimuus,
schools, churches, fine soil, pood water; land never on the market be
fore; the chance of your life to own your own farm and Bto
I'll I Hill
I payinjr rent, we are waiting to ten you ait wiui u. c in iuim .
rb bonne: for you if you ask us. Land I5.00 to (15.00 jer acre. Write
today, tomorrow may
Chippewa Bldg.. Chippewa rails.
Euy Railroad Ticket toUayward, Wis. Wisconsin
Legal Notice.
for Cass County, Nebraska.
I n 1 1 it- matter of tin' estate I
Barbara .lows, deceased.
Now on this titli day of April. I'.m7. lids cause
came on for hearinir at Chandlers. iiikd the
jietitionof Fred Kirenlierjrer. administrator of
the estate of Barbara .(ones, deceased, pi ayint'
for a license to sell the following deivribed
real estate situated in l'lattsmouth. Cass Coun
ty. Nebraska, to-wit:
Lotsone 1) and eisrht () in Muck nnieteen
(19) Yountr & Hay's Addition, and lot one (Din
block twenty-one (-.'l ) Younir ,t May's Addi
tion, l'lattsmouth, Nebraska, or a sutli-ient
amount of the same to briny the sum of twenty-five
hundred (Si'iOO) dollars, for the pay
ment of debts allowed at'aiiist said estate and
the cost of administration, there not lieinir any
personal proierty to pay the said debts and
It is therefore ordered that all iiersons in
terested in said estate appear lefore me at the
office of the Clerk of the District Court of Cass
County. Nebraska, on the i'rth day of M ay, l'.K7.
at one o'clock p. m., to show cause, if any. why
a license should not be irranted to said admin
istrator, to sell the alove described real estate
or so much thereof lielont-'intf to the deceased
as shall be necessary to pay said debts and ex
penses. Service of this order shall le made personal
ly upon all persons interested, or shall le made
by publication in the l'lattsmouth Journal for
four successive weeks prior to the irth day of
May. m7. I'ai-i.Jessen.
Judtreof the District Court.
Notice of (fearing.
t.v. Nebraska. In reestate of l'eter Oiuljer,
To all iersons interested: You are hereby
notified that a iietition has leen filed for the
appointment of an administrator of the estate
of l'eter tirulier. deceased, and that a hearintr
will le had thereon at my office in the city of
l'lattsmouth. county of Cass. Nebraska, on the
1Mb day of May A. I. ion", at 10 o'clock a. m..
and that William IelesDernier has lieen suc
pested as such administrator, and all objections
thereto must le tiled by said hour of hearinir.
By the Court,
seai.1 Harvey D. Travis.
Bykon Clakk, Attorney. County .ludtre.
STACaSTSyKA H In County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Matthew Mid
kiff, deceased.
Notice is hereby (riven that the creditors of
said deceased will meet W. K. Tracy, the ad
ministrator, of said estate. Iiefore me, county
judge of Cass county, Nebraska, at the county
court room in l'lattsmouth. in said county, on
the 10th day of June A. D. IIKJT. and on the 4th
day of Novemler A. D. 1!07. at o'clock a. m.,
each day, for the purpose of presenting their
claims for examination, adjustment and allow
ance. Six months are allowed for the creditors of
said deceased to present their claims, and one
vear for the administrator to settle said estate
from the 14th day of May, li07.
Witness my hand and seal of said county
court, at l'lattsmouth. Nebraska, this 4th day
of Maylii'T. Hakvev D. Travis.
Iseam County .mnye.
Byron Clark, attorney.
- . V-'
Description and Pedigree:
in race and weighs seventeen hundred pounds.
Wildfield stamp (4107) is a thoroughbred Clydesdale, and foaled
May o, lDO.-, and is registered in the Clydesdale Stud Book (it Cana
da. Sired by Westtield Stamp (1S19) (WT, dam, J-lora of King
wood (3C22) (12-10G); she sired by The Iloval Standard (2220); second
dam, Maggie of Kingwood (TIG): she bv Lord Salisbury (24;j: third
dam, Bell of liingwood (iT0): sired by Victor 2d (1-V): fourth dam.
Fan: sired by Robbie Burns (1:4); fifth dam by Loudoun Tam (127).
All parties interested in the breeding cf line horses are request
ed to call at my farm and see this celebrated animal.
A. S. WILL, Proprietor
No Fuel Famine in Northern Wisconsin
waiting for the railroad to haul more coal ! Acres of luel on your
lie vooiaie. Aourtsu;
The best is none too noud
for your house.
Its quality anrl not the
quantity you want for
your money.
This applies to the Sherwin-Williams
and Heath
& Milligan, IJest l'repar
ed Paints.
Spring winds chap, tan and cause
freckles to appear Pinesalve Carhollzed
applied at night will relieve that burn
ing sensation. Nature's own remedy
acts like a poultice and draws out in
flammation. $14.20
with 12
We carry a large stock of Vic
tor and Kdison gold-moulded
Records. Hear them free.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
STAMP 4107
This celebrated stallion
will make the season of
1907 at my farm 6 miles
southwest of Mynard,
and serve a limited num
ber of mares at $10 to in
sure a mare with foal,
money due when the fact
is known.
Wildlield Stamp is a large honey
horse, bay in color, with stripe