The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 09, 1907, Image 3

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Light Plant, Mill and Power Company En
tirely Destroyed by Fire.
A special from Ashland gives the
following particulars of the tire that
occurred in that city yesterday morn
ing: "The plant of the Ashland Light
Mill and Tower company, situated one
half mile from the town, on Wahoo
creek, was totally destroyed by lire at
o'clock this morning. The loss is
S10.0GO. Insurance, ?::, -"00: written by
the Thil.ii!plnliin. undei writers.
..t., irmt ..urnpri l,v a stock I
company with the following oP.icers:
President, Kandall K. Brown of Oma
ha: vice-president, -I. C. Bailsback of
Ashland, secretary, Fred K. White,
cashier of the Ashland National Bank.
"For several months repairs had
been in progress at the plant, the
plans providing for improvements to
cost about oo. The engineer, A.
W. Waybright, left the plant a half
hour after midnight when everything
was all right. There is no conjecture
as to how the tire started.
"The town is thus left entirely
without light."
Funeral of W. M. Thomas.
The funeral of the late W. M.
Thomas will occur at the home of the
deceased, five miles west of Platts
mouth, on Sunday afternoon, May 12,
at 2:30 o'clock. Kev. A. L. Zink, paster
of the Christian church of this city,
will conduct the services.
Free High School Law.
Section 3. "The parent or guardian
of any pupil desiring to take advant
age of the provisions of this act for
free high school education shall make
application, in writing, to the county
superintendent of the proper county
on or before the second Monday in
June of each year. Such application
must show the number of the public
school district in which parent or
guardian maintains his legal residence.
This means that any parent desiring
to secure free high school privileges
for next year must before June 10,
1907, make written application to the
county superintendent as above indi
cated or forfeit said privileges.
L 1
o A Fine Line of Heatherblooms with the Heatherbloom
on each skirt ranging in price from
Corner Sixth
and Main St.
Clothes Satisfaction
I s what you want its what wo have to oiler,
j ICvery man should try to get the best clothes
his money will buy. We don't expect our
customers to come hack season after season
because they are our friends, but we expect your
businefs and we get it because we always give
vou the latest stvles and the best in values.
he All
fine dress shoes for men is not excelled by any line
of high grade shoes for snappy styles and excel
lent service. We believe that vou will get more
shoe satisfaction here for less money than any
where else.
D oft Dunn
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
New Residence Nearing Completion.
One of the finest residence in the
city of Plattsmouth, or Cass county,
is the one now nearing completion of
T. E. Parmele. The finishing touches
are now being made. I). M. Jones and
assistants have been engaged in lay
ing the concrete walks, steps and cell
ars. This week they have, placed in
the three fire places with tine pressed
brick mantles, and is now turned over
to the carpenters for finishing work.
The rough work is of the popular
brown sand stone that comes from
Mr. Parmele's own ouarry up near
Louisville, and the exterior of the
structure is certainly
antique in its
appearance, out tne interior is strict
ly modern in every detail. Concrete
walls and lloors in the basement, and
the finest of lumber consumed in the
upper floors and casings in the various
apartments of the upper portion of
the building. The building will prob
ably be completed in about sixty days
at which time Mr. and Mrs. Parmele
can boast of the finest residence in
Cass county, and for ihe size of the
structure, but few in the state will
surpass it. At some later date the
Journal will publish a a photo of the
new home of Mr. Parmele that those
who are unable to visit the original
may see the exact likeness.
A Slight Accident.
. In delivering a pane of glass yester
day evening, Charles Kirschenblatt,
met with a little misfortune. While
carrying the same across the street,
delivering it to Bach's store it broke
in the center, and one-half fell to the
pavement, and the shattered pieces
flew in all directions, and a small piece
struck the limb of the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Cooper, but no serious injuries
resulted. The lad was more fright
ened than injured.
We will pay in trade lc more per
dozen for them than the regular mark
et price; lc more per pound for butter;
also same proportion for poultry.
Thk Variety Stokk.
3 doors east of Bank of Cass County.
Hurried meals, lack of exercise are
the main causes of dyspepsia. A Ring's
Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal aids
digestion, improves the appetite.
Here are a Few Numbers:
1735 fine mercerized satteen, four
teen in. bias flounce, two 3 in. bias
ruffles, sburred, centre four rows of
strapping above each ruffle. . .$1.00
1740 fine mercerized sateen, IB in.
bias flounce, 3i yard bottom, 4 in.
bias rufflla set up on flounce, four
stitched strapped bonds and four
air tucks above. The best skirt
possible for the money SI. 25
176:. fine mercerized sateen 14 in.
bias tlounces with three 3 in. bias
ruffles trimmed with embroidered
edze and one row of air tuckincr on
each. Ruffles strapped on.. ..$1.50
Us Show You
A. S. Will's New Residence.
A. W. White went to Omaha this
afternoon where lie will meet A. S.
Will and the architect who who will !
plan the new residence of Mr. Will,
and make a selection of the material
to be used in its construction. Mr.
Will has decided to use the new brick
veneering for the greater portion of
the material, and this will be shipped
from Omaha. The old house on the
lots bought by Mr. Will has been
moved to the rear and everything is in
readiness for the new structure as
soon as the plans are completed which
will be finished this afternoon.
Hard Times Social.
The IT.ird Times social given by the
Endeavor society of the Christian
church at the home of John Mauer
i last night was a grand success for
spice-lov.'ng young people. About
forty-jolly young people bent on hav
ing a delightful time assembled at an
early hour, and stayed full time and
enjoyed themselves to the limit.
Calico dresses, sun bonnets trimmed
in huge, brilliant, artificial tlowers
made up the ever varying costumes of
the ladies. The gentry collarless, tie-
less in suits of denim were good part
ners for the ladies and made fun ga
lore for all.
An interesting program was ren
deredsome of those taking part be
ing Minnie Fry, Pearl O'Neil and
Ethel Saffers each did herself proud,
aiso mere was a conundrum guessing
contest just to limber up their think
ing machines.
Dainty refreshments were served,
consisting of delicious ice cream and
cake, not such as "mother used
bake," but such as the girls can bake
Such refreshing times make life worth
living, and takes out the grime of the
daily plod and struggle for bread alone
Realty Transfers.
John C. Schwab to W. D. Bish, lot
! and 10, block G, Manley. Consider
ation $120.
Chas. Brandt to Alfred Brandt, S.
E. quarter, section 4, township 10,
range 12. Consideration $11,000.
W. D. Bish to D. D. Brann, et al.,
lots 9 and 10, block 6, Manley. Con
sideration $120.
S2.50 1o $3,00 n
Grand Reunion of
Been Here that
Soliciting All Who Have
Years to Join In Celebrating the Event
Col. H. (J. McMaken has issued invi
tations to all the pioneers of Cass
county to meet with him at his home
in Plattsmouth on the 22nd day of
May to assist him in celebrating his
fiftieth anniversary as a Cass county
resident. The invitation is not only
extended to all his personal pioneer
friends, but lie wants all who have
been in Cass county fifty years and
over to join him in a genuine old
fashioned pioneer time. Following is
the invitation as is being sent to all
parties whose names he can secure
that he knows has been in Cass county
the required length of time:
Dkai: Old Pionkeks:
To you who went through the perils
and hardships and trials of the first
settlement of Cass count j: to who put
up UOv-first log cabins: to you who
broke the prairies and tilled the crops
and showed the world that Nebraska
was not a desert: I will be pleased to
have you meet at my home in Platts-
mouth on May 22nd, being the fiftieth
anniversary of my residence in Cass
county. I will be pleased to have
everyone of you come, and also request
everyone that you know came to Cass
countv in 1357. or before. Come
everyone of you are cordially welcome
You will find the "latch string" hang
ing outside to each and every one of
you. H. C. McMakkk.
Permit the Journal to predict that
the day will be a pleasant one to all
who wish to attend, as Col. McMaken
is not much of a man to do things by
halves. His whole soul is wrapped up
in making the 22d day of May, 1907,
one that will always be remembered
by the old Cass county settlers as long
as they live. As he says the "latch
string" will be found dangling on the
outside, and the slightest touch from
any fifty-year-old residenter of Cass
county will open the McMaken home
to them for the day.
The colonel is making preparations
right now for the event, and while he
does not really expect a great many to
be in attendance, as he is unable to lo
cate them, those that do come he in
tends to show a royal time. No mat
ter whether you have ever seen Col.
McMaken or not, if you have been a
resident of Cass county for fifty years
you are as welcome as a. bright day
would be on the 22d of May. Come!
The colonel says come: and what he
says he means.
Spring wind chap, tan and cause
freckles to appear. Pine salve Carbo
llzed applied at night will relieve that
burning sensation. Nature's own rem
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Those- Who Have
Length of Time
Nebraska for Fifty
Been In
Dies After a Very Few Days Illness With
Spinal Miningitis.
The many friends of Wm. M. Thomas
were greatly shocked Wednesday
when the news reached our city that
he had passed away at his home about
five miles west of Plattsmouth. It
was known that Mr. Thomas had been
sick since last Friday, but were not
aware that his condition was serious.
Last Friday he was taken suddenly ill
aDd hisailment developed into a severe
attack of spinal meningitis, which re
sulted in his death at :i o'clock this
morning. JUany years ago lr. Thomas
suffered a severe attack of scarlet i
fever, and recovering from which he !
was left with disease of the ear, to j
which is attributed the case of brain j
fever that resulted fatally. j
Mr. Thomas is thirty-seven years of j
age, and the son of Senator S. L.
Thomas, and has for some time resided ,
on the old home place five miles west
of town. He is also a brother of j
Walter Thomas, now employed in the
B. & M. shops.
At this early hour no arrangements
have been made for the funeral, as the (
father is in Akron, Colo., and expect-!
ed here today, while one brother re-
sides in California, andshould be de-'
cide to attend the funeral will not
held for several days.
Condition Remains the Same.
The latest report from the bedside
of Miss Bessie Ballance is that her
condition remains about the same as
yesterday, and the attending physi
cians are of the opinion that a change
for the better or worse will come with
in the next twenty-four hours. Some
indications are in her favor, while
others are against her, and the latter
a little stronger than the forrrer and
it is feared that the change may be for
the worse.
Cash or trade paid for butter, eggs
and chickens. J. Hatt & Sox.
l w r r a -
If You're on the Fence
regarding1 your boy's spring suit, now is a good time
to get off and come to our store "where quality
counts." You'll find here the assortment and the
quality you are looking for.
C. E.
I From Noel B. Rawls Former Local Re
! porter for the Evening Journal.
j !;!k, Iiaii, Sunday, May .1, l'.n)7.
i Dkai: Fi:ii:m ok tiik Joikn al
j Foi: k: Some time has elapsed since
I left Plattsmouth, and a 1 am com
; fortably established in Boise thought
it about time I was dropping you a
line or two.
There are a large number of Nebras
ka and Iowa people located in Boise
j and scarcely a day has gone by without
j meeting some one from either of these;
! states or Kansas, but Missouri people
i do not seem to be so numerous here or
j else I do not happen to run across any
; of them.
)tw wurhiiin me sired iasi r ri(jay
j when some one hailed me and looking
around, I saw F. L. Wrenn. lie has
been here about three days longer
! than I have, and Is foreman for the
i;;10""'; m m
: Omaha man is going to purchase the
! Plattsmouth laundry, and that Mrs.
Wrenn is then coming here. Also saw
George Anderson last week, and hU
wifa came from Plattsmouth last
Wednesday. He worked for Pepper
burg quite a while, and is with a cigar
factory here in Boise. C. S. Polk will
be here the middle of May. He has
a $;ooo residence here and a good law
! practice.
1 Last Sunday the first Sunday I was
! here Mr. Polk showed me around the
! city, and of all the varieties of (lowers
; and shrubbery, I have never seen any
1 place that would compare with that
! of Boise this time of the year. The
J fruit trees, of which there are acres
I and acres of prunes, cherry, apple, etc.,
have lost their blossoms, and the
prunes are as large as hazel nuts. Ir
rigation is the secret of the wonderful
growth of vegetation and orchards.
The water is secured from the Boisa
river which fiows through the city.
The city is well supplied with two
electric light plants, three street car
lines, two water works sytems one
being a hot water system from the
natural hot springs in the eastern por
tion (if the city. The water has a
tcmpature of 132 degrees as it pours
from the rocks in a stream as large as
a man's body. This water is also cm,
ployed to heat a large number of the
residences of the city (luring th? cold
months of the year.
From the city one can see the snow
topped mountains at the north while
all around can be peen mountains, the
foothills of which lie at the outskirts
or me city, wnicn is comparatively
level, so much so that a large majority
of the people ride bicycles,
In regard to my work must say that
it is very pleasant, but not any more
so than that with the Journal, since I
have thought it over. The territory
I cover includes the court and state
house, the city hall, and divers other
offices, of which a great many are real
estate. Also take In the commercial
club rooms which occupy the fourth
of a tine business block covering an
eighth of a block,
In order that I may keep in touch
with the home town, would like to
have the Journal (the daily) sent to
H24 Bannock street, Boise City, Idaho.
. M i t - A. 1 ft f .
Will see that you get the Capitol
News whenever there is anything of
interest to Plattsmouth.
The Mover-Hay wood-Pettibone mur
der trial begins the 8th of May, and it
has brought a large number of news
paper men from New York, Chicago,
Portland, Seattle, San Francisco and
other places, to look after the "dope"
for their papers. This trial of the of
ficers of the Western Federation of
Miners for the murder of Governor
Steuenenberg promises to be very in
teresting, and preparations are made
for handling large crowds and for ex
tra editions of the paper. Must close
for this spell, hoping to hear from all
of you in the near future, I remain
Yours Sincerely,
Noel B. Bawls.
j-. i 1
edy. Acts like a poultice and draws
out infiamation. Gering & Co.