The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 11, 1907, Image 5

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J'roiniiu.'iit JYoplr LVnmi
iiumhI tint iN'incily
Dr. ll:irtiiiiiiis World LV
iiownoil Ciitiirrh 3IMlichi(.
A Remedy for the Crip,
tion. V. II. l'ariion-i, irS II St., N. W.,
Washington, I. C, wrlt-H as follows:
"Upon tho reoiiiiiitilation of jwrsoii-
al friend and many strong testimonials
t the elllca-y of 1'i-runa in the treat
ment f tho numerous y mptonn of tho
grip with wliii'h I have heeii a!TeM' for
four months past, I have Im-i-m induced
to underKo a treatment of this justly
I l. rated formula.
I feel adeeided change f-r thu better
ly its use for one week only, .-jwnally
in toning up the toina-h, ami aeonse-iu-nt
deeiiled eff'-et Uhii my appetite.
I tl-reforo fe-I much efieoiirn-red that
I am on the road to ronil-t-; restora
tion. "My iiutneroiis fri'-tid- in Texas, where
J have )iad the lioiior to eonmiafid a
brigade of her vet'-ran eavalry in a four
year war, may aee-jt tins voluntary
testimonial to the merit of lVri:na from
a sense of obligation for its wonderful
Pe ru na a Good Tonic.
; n. M. I'.utler, of South Carolina,
writes from ".Va-li i:i-:ton, I). '., as
follows :
14 1 ean reeommend I'erttna for dyspep
sia and r.toiiiaeh trouble.
I have been usin your medieine for
a short period and 1 feel very much re
lieved. "It is indeed a wonderful medicine,
and Ix-sides a "rood tonic."
Colds in the Mead and Throat.
Chas. W. liowman, 1st Lieut. and Adjt.
M. S. M. C'av. Vols., writes from
I.anhain, MJ., as follows:
"Though somewhat averse to patent
medicines, and still more averse to be
coming a professional affidavit man, it
seems only a plain duty in tho present
instance to add my experience to the
rojumns already written concerning the
curative powers of Peruna.
"I have lu'en particularly ben.-lited by
its use for colds in tha head ami throat.
"I have ln-en able to full' euro myself
of a most severe attack in forty-idght
iiours by its use according to directions.
"I use it as a preventive whenever
threatened with an attack.
"Memlers of my family al?o use it
for like ailments.
YV are reoomajcii-Jing it to our
:'& vi-ts cfiJi- kip by I lh irzkir jm&w , ejm i n ! Wl, J- 1
. ' ' v.yP . .. - -T msssr y3u? ii VsWfmmurix j v . i
'' sr Am SmSz "s,
- fi$"' V ', I II fe4Pfv .-7 rGEN'LYODER rs
. w; ! ' If? , II rA
I v
Recommends Pc-ru-na )jLw J?
' T "T ' , V I jr,Av - f 1 I n ' III J C 1 C A I
C, writes concerning 55. x
7 HiMir . 1 ss- y 1
1 1 votr Peruna catarrh cure with I y,'7i. V z rv v
Used Pe-ru-na Satisfied As to Its Merits
Recommends It to All Sufferers.
! T
Urig. (ien. I). T.
Kirby, Washington, D.
C, writes concerning
Peruna, as follows:
"Friends of mine having used 1
your Peruna catarrh cure with
good results, I am impressed with f
its curative qualities, and can rec- I
ommend it to those who are af- I
flic ted." I
An Invigorating Tonic.
Ilear-Admiral Ilichborn, U. S. Navy,
Washington, I). , writes:
"After the use of I'eruna for a short
period, I an now cheerfully recom
mend your valuable rwncily to any one
who is in need of an invigorating
For Catarrh of the Stomach.
(ien. W. W. DutlieUl, Washington.
P. C, writes:
"I have used Peruna in my family
and have found it a valuable medieino
and take pleasure in recommending it
to all who suffer from catarrh of ths
stomach or who require a tonic of
prompt eoicaey."
fJen. S. S. Yoder, 1SW Mil. Ave., X. Y.., Wash
ington, D. C, writes:
"I desire to say that I have found Peruna
to be a wonderful remedy. I only used it for
a short time and am thoroughly satisfied
as to its merits. I shall gladly recommend
it to all sufferers."
Cen. A.M. Legg, writes from the Savings Bank building, Washington,
I. ( '., as follows :
'I take pleasure in endorsing the many recommendations I have heard
and read of Peruna, because of having had knowledge of the truth of so
many of them.
"Wo always tell our sick and ailing friends of the remedies that we have
learned, from experience, wore good for us when ailing in the same way,
and we do it as a duty wo feel that we owe them.
"Why is it any tho less our duty to advise all the people we can when we
know of a good and comparatively inexpensive remedy tbat makes many
cures, and benefits i.a almost all cases?
"My own little personal experience of being rlioved f d
by a siege of catarrh, warrants me in ac!v:. !Rg nli the atl!i
afness, caused
:1 b i :, trv
For Kidney Trouble, Coughs, Colds
and Catarrh.
Gen. A. T. Ilawley, 13.; 25th St., X.
W., Washington, I). C, writes:
"I have used Peruna and find it very
beneficial for kidney trouble, and es
pecially good for coughs, eold.3 and ca
tarrhal trouble."
Convinced of Pe ru-na's Merit.
Brig. Gen. J. Floyd King, Washing
ton, D. C., writes:
"I unhesitatingly state that I am con
vinced I'eruna is a medicine which will
effect all that is claimed for its use."
Those desirous of obtaining Bpecial
directions with regard to the us) of
I'cniTi." .-.Iiom!:! writ'- t lr. S. B. Hart
in:!n, Z'v --r t r.V the llartman Sani-
, Ohio.
When Other Remedies I diit d Pc-ru nj
Proved I lllcacloiis.
lion. Geo. W. Honey, Xtttiotial t'hrip-
lain 1'. V. I'., I'x t'liaplain -Itli Wiscon
sin Cavalrv, Sx-'Preas. State, of Wiscon
sin and K-ij. Master General Statu of
Texas, G. A. It., writes from 17no First
street, X. K., Washington, I. ".,
follows :
'I cannot too highly recommend your
preparation for the relit-f of catarrhal
troubles in their various forms.
"Some mctiihcrs of my own family
haveus'-d it with most gratifying r
sults. "When other remedleij failed, Peruna
proved mo-t etlicaclous and I cheerfully
certify to its curative excellence."
Pe-ru-na. a Standard Treatment Tor
Catarrhal Diseases.
Mr. John ('. Xelson, Jayton, Tenn,
geologist and mining engineer, whllo a
Captain in t he Federal Army during th
Civil War, contracted acasoof rheuma
tism. l'iii.s malady was constant and
persistent, inducing tho development of
other ailments, which also became
chronic. After taking: a course of
I'eruna, ('apt. Xel.son writes:
"Having been painfully alllicted with
chronic rheumatism and tho adjunc
tive complications for many years, and
after having received many general
and special treat mcnis with only tem
porary relief, I read your neientlllo
treatise on catarrhal diseases.
"A t my reque.-t you prescribed a special
course of tho Peruna remedies, which I
closely followed, and am happy to re
port that my rheumatism and compli
cated ailments are subdued, anil I feel
young again at tho ago of 'J years.
"Iteason will accept your classification
of catarrhal diseases as scientific and
true, and tho Peruna remedies aa a
standard treatment for them. I thank
you heartily for your skilled and logi
cal advice."
Enjoys Renewed Health and Strength.
James J. Osbom, Wahsatch Ave.,
Colorado Springs, Colo., has filled all
the positions in Knight Templar
Masonic Order, was a Mafon 6incj
IHtXi, Judge of County Court, Clinton,
Mo., and also County Collector of
Clinton. He writes:
"A sluggish liver which I had been
troubled with for two years made lif
miserable and I was unable to attend to
my business half tho time. 1 lacked
energy, had headache most of the time,
and my faod distressed mo and did not
seem to do me a particle of good.
"'leading of tho many cures per
formed by Perun.-i, I decided to try a
bottle. P.efore I had taken many bses
I felt better.
"I took it a.s directed for two inonthj
when I was a well man."
Horses Driven by T. C. Yroman Frighten
ed by a Passing Rig
0.13 Animal Seriously Injured and Vehicle
of Parxele's Livery Barn is
Badly Damaged
An exciting runaway, that resulted
in ue horse being- seriously injured
and a hack bad!y damaged, occurredat
noon Fritlay, when a team belonging to
T. C. Yroman became frightened and
dashed down Cnicag-o avenue, colliding
with the hack near I'armele's livery
While Mr. Vroman was preparing
to return home from the vicinity of
South Tenth street and Chicago ave
nue, where he was plowing a garden,
the team was frightened by another
being driven by rapidly. As Mr. Vro
man was climbing in the back of the
wagon, they started to run, but before
he could obtain the lines, they had
struck an exceedingly lively gait.
At the bridge which leads to Tenth
street from the avenue, the team be
ing out of the road, caused the wagon
to be hurled into the ditch, when they
swerved to cross the structure. The
wagon-box was tossed over the railing
at the edge cf the bridge, while the
driver was thrown to one side, thus
escaping injury with the exception of
a number of bruises and scratches.
After freeing themselves from the
running gears, the terrified animals
continued their mad flight down Lin
coln avenue.occasioning the occupants
of other rigs a bad scare, until arriv
ing opposite I'armele's barn, they
crashed into the rear of a hack which
wa standing in the road. One
of the horses barely missed the vehicle
which was turned completely over
the shock. The steel spring at the
of the hack was plunged in the
breast of one horse several inches.
With one animal underneath the con
veyance and the other unable to es
scape from the spring, it required sev
eral moments for men to separate
Dr. A. P. Barnes was hastily sum
moned to dress the injured animal,
which he thinks will recover with
careful treatment.
This is the same team that caused
some excitement on Main street about
a week ago, when they got away from
the driver acd ran down street until
stopped at the dapot.
Next Year Is Leap Year.
The fact that next year is leap jear
is giving rise to all manner of specula
tion as to the best means of getting
the bachelors of this place to enter
the realm of benedicts. Some have
proposed one plan and some another.
But the city council will be asked, we
understand, to consider the matter of
passing the following: "It shall be
the lawful right, proper and fitting,
and the unalienable privilege of any
single woman in this city, be she
maid or widow, to ask or solicit the
hand in wedlock of any single man,
young or old. whom she may choose
And any man so asked shall be in
duty bound to accept such proposal
unless he can give good and sullicient
reasons for refusing. Such reasons
being based upon the fact cf his be
ing already eugaged.'
When Weil-Known Plattsmouth People Tell
It So Plainly.
When public endorsement is made
by a representative citizen of Platts
mouth the proof is positive. You
must believe it. Read this testimony.
Every backache sufferer, every man,
woman or child with any kidney trou
ble will find profit in the reading.
John Janda, street commissioner,
living on the Corner of Seventeenth
and Pearl Streets, Plattsmouth, Neb.,
says: "I cannot say too much in favor
of Doan's Kidney Pills. My wife used
them for pain in her back and was
soon absolutely freed from the annoy
ance. I also used them with the same
satisfactory results. All those who
suffer from backache or symptoms due
to irregularity of the kidneys will con
sult their own interest by procuring
Doan's Kidney Tills at Gering & Co.'s
drug store and give them a trial
Every opportunity I get, I will speak
a good work for Doan's Kidney Pills,
and I have already done so on many
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
States. Eemember the name, Doane's
and take no other.
KODOL for dyspepsia clears the
stomach and makes the breath as
sweet as a rose. KODOL is sold by
druggists on a guarantee relief plan.
It conforms strictly to the National
Pure Food and Drugs Law. Sold by
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Another Lucky Cass Countyian.
Dr. E. S. Dungan of this village goes
to Grand Island as superintendent c f
the Soldier's and Sailor's Hospital, a
position for which he is in every way
well qualified by reason of his medical
training and experience and careful
attention to business. Dr. Dungan
and wife completed arrangements
Wednesday for removing to Grand Is
land, but Mrs. Dungan stops in Oma
ha for a few days' visit before going to
their new home. Their many friends
here regret losing them from this vil
lage, but are pleased that they are to
locate within the state and hold a
good position under a governor who re
cognizes true merit Union Ledger.
Wins Out in Supreme Court.
The Journal desires to congratulate
Canon Burgess upon his victory in the
supreme court. It was a matter that
was brought by the county to collect
taxes on town lots. The case has been
in the courts for four years, and after
the decision of the district court
against him, through his attorney, A.
L. Tidd, it was taken to the higher
court, where our old friend came out
Grain Dealers Organize.
Thirty grain men, doing business
along the Missoui Pacific railroad, met
in Nebraska City Saturday afternoon
for the purpose of perfecting an or
ganization. Joseph Tighe of Manley, was elected
chairman and J. M. Elwell of Spring
field secretary. A committee consist
ing of W. B. Banning, E. A. Duff and
I. J. Denton was appointed to look up
the law to ascertain how an associa
tion could be perfected and not violate
the law. It is the intention to look
after the matter of rates, procuring
cars when needed and to retain legal
talent to bring actions against roads
when by reason of of failure to get
cars grain cannot be delivered when
contracted for: to protect interests of
members of the association and to se
cure more recognition from the rail
roads than in the past. Such a move
ment is all right. Last winter cars
could not be had at any price along
the Missouri Pacific, and when a com
plaint was made by the proper author
ities, such was apparently treated
with silent contempt.
In using a cough syrup, why not get
the best? One that comes highly rec
ommended is Bees Laxative Cough
Syrup, contains Iloney and Tar and is
superior to other cough syrups in
many ways. Children always like it
because it contains no opiates; is a lax
ative and is guaranteed to give satis
faction or your money refunded. Try
it. Gering & Co.
Here's freedom to him that would read.
Here's fieedom to him that would write.
There's none ever feared the truth should
Hut they whom the truth would infliVf.
Koliert Hums
Somehow there is never any over
crowding to get the vice-presidectial
nominal ion.
Corporation contributions to the
repub'ican campaign fund are some
thing like Banquo's ghost.
The glorious climate of California
also produces a large and resourceful
article of municipal boodler.
r -
At one fell swoop Canada buys one
half of all the bison remaining in the
United States. Looks as if Uncle Sam
were "buffaloed."
Our statesmen may believe in letting
the presidency seek the man, but few
of them make any effort to hide when
it comes around.
The New Yorker who is going to
spend his honeymoon in a balloon is
evidently doing his best to make the
days a period of heavenly bliss.
It is said that the new portrait of
the president is not like him. Noth
ing but a moving picture of the presi
dent will look natural to most people.
The Bible trust, it is said, gives its
product to those who are too poor to
buy. Did you ever hear of the oil
trust, or the meat trust, or the sugar
trust, having a blessed thought of do
ing something of that kind.
Senator B.oot made a good record as
to the number of bills introduced, but
not so good when it came to getting
his work through. lie introduced 43,
but was only successful in getting S of
them passed. All of which denotes
that too much time was wasted in the
legislature at the start, in a race to
see who could introduce the most
bills. Root made a good race.
When you need a pill, take a pill,
and be sure its an Early EJser. De
Witt's Little Risers are safe, sure, sat
isfactory pills. The pills with a repu
tation. They do not gripe or sicken.
They are sold here by F. G. Fncke &
Many Present at Funeral.
At the funeral of Mrs. Thos. Wiles,
which occurred Friday a large
number of friends and relatives were
present. Among those in attendance
from out of town were Dr. Lorin M.
Wiles of Burlington. Kan., Rev. C. A.
Finch and wife of Topeka Kan., Mrs.
Barbara Harmon and daughters. Jes
sie, Myrtle, Mable and Ursula of
Weeping Water, John Adams of
Omaha, Mr. Tmd Mrs. C. L. Wiles, Mr.
and Mrs. C. L. Wiles, Mr. and Mrs. B
B. Dean, and Miss Alta Berger of
Glenwood, la: Frank Wiles of Omaha,
I. R. L. Wiles cf St. Louis, Mo., Mrs.
E. A. Maxwell of Fremont, Isaac and
Geo. Wiles and their families and Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Spanyler of Weeping
Water, and Andersen Davis and son
O. A., of Murray. Most of the above
people returned to their homes either
yesterday evening or today.
A Fine Restaurant.
Perry Utterback has been doing a
great deal of renovating in the past
two weeks, and his place of feeding
the hungry presents a most inviting
appearance. The floor has been recov
ered with linoleum, the inside and out
side front repainted with many other
improvements. Mr. Utterback has
been a caterer to the hungry for sever
al years, and these improvements dem
onstrate that he appreciates the pa
tronage he has received in the past,
with the hope that it will increase in
the future. lie can now justly boast of
possessing one of the finest restaurants
in Southeastern Nebraska, and will
continue to give his patrons value re
ceived. Pleasant Surprise Party.
Thursday evening the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ilild was the scene of a delight
ful surprise party, when a number of
young people assembled to assist their
son Emil in celebrating bis eleventh
birthday. Games of various kinds
were found to be entertaining for the
little folks, and after partaking of a
fine supper the participants departed
wishing their little friend many more
such happy returns.
Those present were Misses Lena
Lindsay, Kate and Amanda Sattler,
Ellen Lindsay. Amelia Fredrich, Nora
Rosencrans, Gladys Stenhaur, Sophie
Ilild, Vera and Mable Brown, Gracie
Hospenthal; Ernest Brown, James
Lindsay, Willie Fredrich, Otto and
Henry Lutz, Blyth Rosencrans, Henry
and Lue Tiekottler, Edgar Steinhaur
and Emil Ilild.
A specific for pain Dr. Thomas'
Electric Oil, strongest, cheapest lini
ment ever devised. A household rem
edy in America for 25 years.
For all CoucM ar.d a'.shts in
expeKinz Colds from the Eyv
lem by gently moving th
cowe:s. A certain
relief (or croup and
Heariy all other
cough cures are
esoecia'.iv those?
containir.e Opiates:
Kennedy's Laxativo
Honey ii Tar moves
the bowels, contains
Co Opiates.
Tbe Ret
Clover Elo
eom and tha
Hooey e
is on every
KENNEDY'S laxative
FKEPaRID at the laboratory op
F. O. Fricke Co., Druggist.
AO of H. B 31 S33ia:.
The Cedar Creek lodge, Xo. 113, the
D. of II., will give a box social and en
tertainment, Saturday evening, April
13th, at Sayle's Hall. Everybody
invited to attend.
Free! Free!! Free!!!
The Variety Store will be open
for business Thurssday, April 11th.
This is our free oilei: Beginning
opening day and continuing for the
balance or the week only, with
every purchase of ZOz worth, your
choice of any 5c article in the house
free; with every $1.00 purchase any
10c article absolutely free. Remem
ber each and every article is marked
in plain figures and at prices that
challenge all competition. Follow
ing are a few of the many bargains
offered: Clothes pins, lc per do..;
good thread, i2oo yds on each spool,
2 spools rc; a regular 15c value in
lodies hose 10c the pair some as
low as tie a pair: i do. an beautiful
white waists that must bo seen to
be appreciated. Men's sox L'-'c. I.jC,
10c, and ,"c per pair: men's work
shirts 50c, '.','.)z and 25c: men's sus
penders 50c, 25c, 15s and 10c: glass
ware, china, granite and tinware
for less than you have ever purchas
ed them. An extra bargain in a 12
tooth, malable iron, well braced,
long hickory handle garden rakes,
25c; 10c buys 50 envelopes and writ
ing paper enough to make a homeo
pathic dose look sick. Come and
see and take advantage of our free
offer. Highest market prices paid
in cash or trade for butter and eggs
3 doors east of the Bank of Cass Co.