The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 28, 1907, Image 8

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The County Exchanges J
(tens of General Merest Selected froa the Columns if Contemporaries f
From the Ledger.
Leslie F. Hall of Murray, passed
through here Tuesday, starting on a
several days' business trip down to
Coweta, Indian Territory.
Thede Frans has moved his family
and household goods to Louisville,
where he is in the employ of the Mis
souri 1'acitic.
lilair Porter sold his tine horse
"Johnny" to John I'orter of near Mur
ray, delivering the animal at that
place Wednesday.
Thomas Baker, who has been seri
ously ill with stomach trouble, Is re
ported to be slowly improving, and it
is now thought that he Is out of dan
ger. Mrs. Max Scbafer departed on the
Tuesday morning train to join her
husband in their new home at Wor
land, Wyo., where Mr. Schafer went a
Tew weeks ago.
R. Dill of Tekamah, stopped here
last Saturday for a few days' visit,
with his brother-in-law. Creed F. Har
ris. Mr. Dill was starting on an ex
tended trip through some of the west
ern country.
Samuel Luce has been fortunate
enough to secure a permanent position
as night foreman in the Missouri Pa
cific round house at Lincoln, and left
for there yesterday to take charge of
the work. His friends are pleased to
see him rewarded for his many years
faithful service here.
A deal was made Wednesday by
which Wes Clark became owner of the
Townsley restaurant, and Mr. Clark
will move his barber shop to the
Thomas building, his family to occupy
the upper rooms. We are informed
that Mr. Townsley and family will
move to Weeping Water the first of
next week.
T. D. Buck and sons, Taylor and
Foster, departed Wednesday morning
with the household goods for River-
ton, Wyo., and Mrs. Buck and Miss
Daisy will join them at a later date
when they get settled down for house
keeping. The removal of this family
is regretted by numerous friends who
have known them for many years, and
all will wish them abundant happiness
and prosperity in their new home.
The winds of March have no terror
to the user of DeWitt's Carbolized
Witch Hazel Salve. It quickly heals
chapped and cracked skin. Good too,
for boils and burns, and undoubtedly
the best relief for Piles. Sold here by
F. G. Fricke & Co.
From the Leader-Echo.
Miss Mabel Horton was quite sick
last week with another attack of ap
pendicitis. She is much better again.
W. II. Ottis, we are glad to learn,
is rapidly recovering. He sits up oc
casionally and no doubt will soon be
around again.
Dr. Munger, assisted by Dr. Muir of
Alvo, performed a delicate surgical
operation upon Mrs. Keefer of near
Alvo, Wednesday -morning. The pa
tient is reported to be doing nicely.
Ralph Dorr is the proudest young
man that comes to our town. He can
step higher, run faster and jump
farther, and bis countenance lights up
the whole community like the electric
headligh on an M. P. locomotive.
Mrs. Phil Henderson was operated
upon Sunday morning at the home of
James Durbin, by Dr. Munger, assist
ed by Dr. Jones or Murdock. She
A wholesome cream of tartar
baking powder,, Makes the finest,
lightest, best flavored biscuit, hot
breads, cake and pastry.
Royal Baking Powder is free
from alur and phosphatic acids
withstood the ordeal nicely and is get
ting along fine.
G. W. Iteece, who finished unloading
his car Saturday nighc, preparatory to
becoming a citizen of this place, was
surprised by a telegram that told him
his brother had been killed by a
freight train. He left on the midnight
train of Craig, Mo.
Miss Nona Neihart, who is studying
music at Topeka, Kansas, was taken
very ill with appendicits at : o'clock
Friday morning and was operated
upon the same morning at 10 o'clock.
She passed through the ordeal nicely
and at last report was doing well. Mrs.
A. W. Neihart left for Topeka Friday
morning and Is at her daughter's bed
side. You should be very careful of your
bowels when you have a cold. Nearly
all other cough syrups are constipat
ing, especially those containing opiate.
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup
moves the bowels contains no opiate.
Conforms to National Pure Food and
Drugs Law. Bears the endorsement
of mothers everywhere. Children like
its pleasant taste. Sold by F. G. Fricke
(From the Ketrlsti-r.)
Grandpa McBride was reported as
very poorly today. Tuesday night he
had a very bad spell and it was
thought he could hardly live till
Will Schlichtemeier was in town
last Friday for the first time since he
collided with a large stick of wood
that was being thrown from a buzz
saw. A broken rib and one fractured
was the way Dr. Wilcox checked
him up.
Mr and Mrs. Nicholas Denson of
Plattsmouth came in Tuesday even
ing, being called here by the serious
illnes of Simon Hansen, who is in a
very critical condition. At this writ
ing (Thursday morning) he was not
expected to recover.
Abe Rupely of Union, this state,
one of the best tinners that ever run
solder, came in by freight Tuesday
morning to figure on some spouting
and guttering for his employer, L. R.
Upton. He captured three jobs, and
then made us a friendly call, report
ing everyone O. K. including "Dun
can," his cat.
Mrs. J. E. Banning is reported as
being dangerously ill with rheumatism
cf the heart, and for a time her recov
ery was considered doubtful. Yester
day morning she was reported as being
a little better, but her age makes
gain a very slow process. A trained
nurse is with her and she is receiving
the best of care.
Mrs. Zach. Shrader was in town
Wednesday and while here she sent a
contribution to the China Famine
Relief Fund which she had raised.
She has been quite poorly but said
she walked quite a distance in gather
ing it, and she firmly believes that it
made her feel better and happier now
that It is done and we believe her.
A little charity put to a good purpose
makes the days brighter and happier.
Found at Last.
J. A. Harmon, of Lizemore, West
Va., says: "At last I have found the
perfect pill that never disappoints me;
and for the benefit of others afflicted
with torpid liver and chronic constipa
tion, will say: take Dr. King's New
Life Pills." Guaranteed satisfactory.
25c at F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists.
From the Courier.
Miss Fan Richey of Plattsmouth vis
ited over Sunday with Chas. Richey
and family.
August Stohlman and family, and
Miss Amelia Stohlman spent Sunday
at Gretna with relatives.
Quite a number of the farmers have
commenced to cut stalks. Another
indication that spring Is here.
Mr. and Mrs. Cerbling of Wabash,
and Miss Bertha Berger of Elmwood
visited the Furgesons the past week.
Mr. Joseph Dreucker superintend
ent of the National Stone quarries,
left Saturday morning for a visit with
relatives at Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Jim Terryberry and Will Ossenkop
returned Thursday morning from De
uel county where they went last week
on their annual duck hunt. The boys
say they had plenty of sport and they
brought home ducks enough to prove
The protracted meetings at the M.
E. church closed Wednesday night,
and while there were but few if any
conversions the meetings were pro
ductive of much good in the way of
strengthening the membership and
leading them to a better understand
ing of their individual dutiee. Rev.
Gideon returned home Thursday morn
ing. Little globules of sunshine that
drive the clouds away. DeWitt's Lit
tle Early Risers will scatter the gloom
of sick headaches and billiousness.
They do not gripe or sicken. Recom
mended and sold here by F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deaf
ness, and that is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness is caused by an
inflamed condition of the mucous lin
ing of the Eustachian Tube. When
this tube is inflamed you have a rum
bling sound or imperfect hearing, and
when it is entirely closed, Deafness is
the result, and unless the inflamma
tion can be taken out and this tube re
stored to its normal condition, hear
ing will be destroyed forever; nine
cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,
which is nothing but an inflamed con
dition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of Deafness (caused by
eatarrh) that cunnot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for ciru-
lars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O
Sold by Druggists, 75.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
Goes Back to the Farm.
It will be remembered that not
many weeks since, our old friend,
John Hobscheidt, sold his farm near
Murray, and concluding to remove to
Plattsmouth, sold all his live stock,
farm implements, etc., and came with
his family to this city with the calcu
lation of making this his future home.
He had evidently farmed too long,
and farm life had become more
enticing than that of the city. A
good bargain was offered him in the
purchase of a farm near the one he dis
posed of recently, and John didd't do
a thing but buy it, and he is now re
moving to his new home today. The
Journal hopes its old friend and the,
family will be as prosperous on the
new farm as they were on the old one,
and that they will be happy and con
tented the balance of their days
Saved Her Son's Life.
The happiest mother in the little
town of Ava, Mo., is Mrs. S. Ruppee.
She writes: "One year ago my sou was
down with such serious lung trouble
that our physician was unable to help
him; when, by our druggist's advice I
began giving him Dr. King's New Dis
covery, and I soon noticed improve
ment. I kept this treatment up for a
few.weeks when he was perfectly well.
He has worked steadily since at car
penter work. Dr. King's New Dis
covery saved his life." Guaranteed
best cough and cold cure by F. G.
Fricke & Co., druggist. 50c and $1.00.
Trial bottle free.
Fifty-fourth Anniversary.
Mrs. D. R. Corley and three child
ren came down from Omaha this
morning to apprise her mother, Mrs.
M. Archer, that she was 54 years of
age and that they were here to assist
in celebrating the event. Mrs. Archer
was highly delighted in their coming,
and the day was most enjoyably spent
by the mother, daughter and grand
children. The Journal trusts that
Mrs. Archer may live to celebrate
many more birthdays.
Mary Dark circles under the eyes
indicates a sluggishcirculation, torpid
liver and kidneys. Exercise and Hol
lister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make
you well and beautiful. 35c, Tea or
Tablets. Gering & Co.
Send us your picture and $1.00 and
we will make you 25 genuine photo
graph post cards. Olson Photo
graph Co., 225 Coates Block, Platts
mouth, Neb.
' 5.V 1
la 4 U
Co. vb ,- .
Now for Pure Food
Cream Baking Powder
Rate Clerks Consider Short Line Mileage
Rates of Nebraska Roads.
Competitive railroad fares is a sub
ject under discusssion at a meeting of
rate clerks in Chicago, representing
Nebraska roads. Whether the long
lines shall make the short line mileage
where two roads are In direct compe
tition for the same business, is to be
decided upon, and whether fares shall
be cut in such cases to get business,
says the Lincoln Journal.
Since the two-cent railroad rate law
went into effect the companies have
been charging fuil mileage for all local
tickets. This has cut down the Bur
lington's Beatrice business to almost
nothing, and has materially reduced
the Rock Island's Lincoln-Omaha
business. The Union Pacific has suf
fered from the change in a number of
places, where its lines are longer
than the lines of the Burlington or the
Northwestern. If the roads conclude
to equalize fares on the basis of short
line mileage the old conditions will be
restored. If they dont it is said the
Burlington and the Rock Island may
make a material change in their time
cards. As the business goes now the
Burlington gets almost all of the Oma
ha business and the Union Pacific gets
almost all of the Beatrice business. It
is said the Burlington has more train
service than is needed to handle the
business between Lincoln and Beatrice
at this time, and that the Rock Is
land's local trains between Omaha and
Lincoln are not getting the business
they once did.
A ticket agent says that more Oma
ha tickets are sold now than ever be
fore, but that fewer Iowa tickets are
sold. Passengers pay the local fare to
Omaha and purchase their Iowa tick
ets from that place. This, they say,
will increase the showing for Nebras
ka business at the expense of the total
receipts at such offices as Lincoln.
Whether the Nebraska rate basis
shall be allowed to figure in interstate
rates is another question to be taken
up by the rate makers, and it iste
lieved that this will prove the hardest
task of all, because it will involve
rates from all of the Missouri river
To remove a cough you must get a
the cold which causes the cough. There
is nothing so good for this as Kenne
dy's Laxative Cough Syrup. Trie liq
uid cold relief that is most quickly ef
fective, that stills and quiets the
cough and drives out the cold. Sold by
F. G. Fricke & Co.
A Farewell Party.
As Mrs. O. Guthman is soon to leave
for the west, a number of her friends
called on her to spend yesterday after
noon, and wish her a safe journey. The
time was pleasantly spent in social
chat, at high-five and music, after
which a line lunch was served.
Those present were Mrs. A. Rhode,
Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. A. II. Weckbach
Mrs. J.V. Egenberger, Mrs. Joseph
Hadraba, Mrs. J. R. Kelly. Mrs. O. E.
McDonald, Mrs. F. G. Egenberger,
Mrs. Ralph Godwin, Myrtle Isner, El
la Anderson, Blanche Hadraba, The
resa Kelly, Helen Hadraba, Charles
and John Egenberger.
For Indigestion.
AJLVlUVa Relieves sour stomach.
palpitation of the heart. D igests what you ea
Insist on
Congressman Pollard Has Secured Per
mit From Department.
Congressman Pollard has made ar
rangements with the agricultural de
partment to continue the demonstra
tion work in spraying fruit trees in
this district that was begun last year.
Samples of sprayed and unsprayed
fruit were shown at the Mate l air
last fall which clearly proved the value
of this work. The following orchard
lsts will co-operate with the depart
ment in the several counties:
Michael Meliza, Verdon:.
Albert Steak, Burchard.
Horace Shafer, South Auburn.
Ira E. Atkinson, Havelock.
Nelson Overton, Nebraska City.
Experiments will also be carried on
in the development of an improved
variety of corn, and also in develop
ing a variety of both wheat and oats
that will give a better yield and will
be rust resistant. Still other experi
ments will be made with forage crops
emmer and winter barley. The
former is said to be si-milar to alfalfa.
The following parties will co-operate
with the department in these cereal
Oats Frederick Scboll, Falls City;
E. E. Wilis, Waverly, and E. G. Jury,
Emer spring and winter; John Gon
zales, Elmwood, and J. M.Armstrong,
Drum wheat and winter wheat
Clarence .Walse, ..Falls City; H. K.
Frantz, Prairie Home, and J. C.
Walker, Dunbar.
Winter barley F. W. Chase, Paw
nee City.
Corn Charles Myer, Pawnee City,
and Charles Brush. Auburn.
Faster and faster the pace is set,
By peop of action, vim and get,
So if at the finish you would be,
Take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea.
Gering & Co.
1 liCr 3
r rw i w. w
0P fggp
"I wrote you for advice," writes Lelia Hagood,
of Sylvia, Tenn., "about my terrible backache and
monthly pains in my abdomen and shoulders. I
had suffered this way nine years and five doctors
had failed to relieve me. On your advice I aook
Wine cf Cardui, which at once relieved my pains
and now I am entirely cured. I am sure that
Cardui saved my life."
It is a safe and reliable remedy for all female
diseases, such as peri
odical pains, irregulari
ty, dragging down sen
sations, headache, diz
ziness, backache, etc.
At Every Drug Store in
or oval
Write for mir trco r:itn
lofucnf lit-c hivt-N liiuiey
lcx's, ! smokers. ;niij
nil ItiiMlsof III'!' hU Jlll-s
at lowest jrlci-H.
!?.'.( Ho. :iiti Ht. oiiaiia. fvf.ti.
Don't allow money to lie arouno. It
is easier to spend it and euaU-T
to lose it.
by keeping it in a safe place such as
The Bank; of Cass County
Capital Stock $50,000, Surplus 815,000
Chan. C. I'armele, Pre., Jacob Trltscli. V-p.
T. M. Patterson. Cash.
You can give a check for any part of
it at any time and so have a receipt
forpayment without asking for one.
, When you have a bank account you
will be Anxious to add to It rather than
spend from it. Don't you want to
know more about it.
Cold Crowns and Bridge Teeth tl-W no. Poree-
un v-rowns 93.50 BP. rilling! SOC Bp. ACCIO
Extracted Painless. New act same day.
BAIllBY.The Dentist i
EataMIahed iMS. PaxtM Blk. OrtAHA
Write u a lefer decrib'rj :i
your symptoms, and e will senj you
f ree AJvice. in plain sealel envelope.
Address: Ladies' Advisory liepartrr.ent.
The Chattanooga Med ine Co., Ch.itia
nooga. Tenn. J 13
$1.00 bottles. Try it.
I G25f
f 1 :m.