The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 07, 1907, Image 8

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house to bis farm one-balf mile south
of town. Mr. Staton will still attend
his mercantile business in town.
Henry Frosser has rented the former
D. S. Loring property, now owned by
J. I. Rouse, and will move his family
therein as soon as the property is va
cated, jt is now occupied by E. Hen
dricks, who will move into the proper
ty he recently purchased just west of
Mrs. Kaczmarek's residence.
The County Exchanges
(tcBs if General Interest Selected froi the Columns if Contemporaries
From the Courier.
Korn to Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNealy
a 121 pound boy Saturday, February '2:2.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hill, of
South i:end, Saturday, February 24, a
Fred Ossenkop visited in Lincoln
Torepart of the week with Henry Lehn
hoff and family.
Miss Daisy Lanhorst or Elmwood,
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.
H. I'helps, Saturday.
Mrs. J.I . Ferguson and daughter,
Miss Alice, returned Saturday morn
ing from Lincoln where they have
been visiting Mrs. Frank Ivers.
Mrs. Ceo. Stander of Plattsmouth,
suffered an attack of accute appendi
citis, Tuesday evening, making an im
mediate operation necessary to save
her life. She is yet in a very precari
ous condition.
C. J. Gaebel purchased the Fred
I'anska eighty recently, paying the
magnificent sum of $110 per acre. It
is one of the best pieces of land in that
part of the county and makes Mr.
Gaebel an elegant farm of 480 acres.
Dr. L. F. Folk of Raymond, Nebras
ka, was in Louisville, Wednesday, and
tells the Courier that he will erect a
modern farm residence on his farm one
mile east of Louisville, this spring, at
a cost of between three and four
thousand dollars.
County Clerk Rosencrans was a
pleasant caller Tuesday. He was on
his way to Elmwood to assist the K.of
I', boys in initiating a bunch of candi
dates. Rosey has a stunt in the inia
tory degree which the Elmwood boys
think is almost indespensible and they
always prevail upon him to help them
A Favorite Remedy for Babies.
Its pleasant taste and prompt cures
have made Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy a favorite with the mothers
f small children. It quickly cures
their coughs and colds and preuents
any danger of pneumonia or other
serious consequences. It not only
cures croup, but when given as soon
the croupy cough appears will pre
vent the attack. For sale by F. F.
Fricke & Co, and A. T. Fried.
From the Ledger.
D. W. Foster arrived home last Fri
day from his trip inOklaboma.Kansas
and Texas.
Miss Julia Ryan of Omaha, the train
ed nurse who attended J. W. Pitman
during bis illness, returned home last
Chas. W. Garrison has purchased of
Harry G. Todd, the southeast quarter
of the southeast quarter of section 14,
consideration $3,200.
Claude Hostetter and wife arrived
Sunday from Denver, and made a visit
ft 4 &
The Gftiy excuse for buying anything but
a Pisre Grape Cream of Tartar Baking
Powder is to save a few cents in price;
TlDnv t r . i . i .V-.V
" cubis you
l phate of Lime powders, but it is worth far more - than
to keep your biscuits, cakes and from
eriects ot these cheapening substitutes.
jjoontinued use
with James Darrough and family.
They are also visiting at other places
in this county.
Leonard Austin, who has been mak
ing his home with his uncle, L. S. Aus
tin at Wymore, came in last Saturday
to visit his father, A. II. Austin, and
other relatives.
The household goods of Geo. W. Ed
minsten and James Moore, were load
ed here Tuesday for shipment to Ban
croft. Clarence Edminsten went with
the car, and the others will drive
through later. They are to locate on
farms in Thurston county, where their
many friends hope they may enjoy
contentment and unlimited prosperity.
Frank Larsh and family have com
pleted their preparations for moving
to Portland, Oregon, their household
goods being shipped a few days ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Larsh and daughter,
Ella, will spend some time visiting
relatives in Nebraska City before leav
ing for the coast. Their numerous
friends here regret losing such estim
able citizens, but hope they may be
prosperous and happy in their new
Always Keeps Chamberlain's Congh
Remedy in His House.
"We would not be without Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy. ' It is kept
on band continually in our home,"
says W. W. Kearney, editor of the In
dependent at Lowry City, Mo. That
is just what every family should do.
When kept at hand ready for instant
use, a cold may be checked at the out
set and cured in much less time than
after it has become settled in the sys
tem. This remedy is also without a
peer for croup in children, and will
prevent the attack when given as
soon as the child becomes hoars, or
even after the croupy couh appears,
which can only be done when the
remedy is kept at hand. For sale by
F. G. Fricke & Co. and A. T. Fried.
From the Leader-Echo.
II. E. Calkins has got tired of town
and will return with his family to his
farm near Manley. We will miss
Howard and his estimable lady.
We were pleased to see Ed Dorr in
town Tuesday. He has been laid up
with rheumatism for several weeks,
but is gradually gaining we are glad
to note.
Mr. W. n. Otte is very sick, and
fears are entertained that he cannot
recover. We hope that fears are
groundless and that "dad" will come
out all O. K.
At a recent meeting of the board of
the Elmwood Park Association, it was
decided to hold the Eastern District
G. A. R. Reunion commencing June
29tb, and including July 4th, 1907.
M. V. Ward is moving to town and
will settle in the home nest, while
Mr. Staton will move from Mr. Ward's
" '
a. iew cents more per. can tnan
ot Alum means permanent injury.
Avoid Alum Ailments Say; plainly
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deaf
ness, and that is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness is caused by an
inflamed condition of the mucous lin
ing of the Eustachian Tube. When
this tube is inflamed you have a rum
bling sound or imperfect hearing, and
when it is entirely closed, Deafness is
the result, and unless the inflamma
tion can be taken out and this tube re
stored to its normal condition, hear
ing will be destroyed forever; nine
cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,
which Is nothing but an inilamed con
dition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of Deafness (caused by
eatarrh) that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for ciru
lars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
pation. Eixgle
(From the Beacon.)
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Karl Die
trich, on Thursday, Feb. 28, a son.
Pauline Liston fell from the walk
while returning from school dislocat
ing one bone in her wrist and slightly
fracturing another in her arm.
W. T. Knapton and family will leave
today for Marshton, Wisconsin, where
they will reside. We wish them much
happiness in their new home.
Charlie Price was on the street this
week and Wednesday he suffered
another attack of rheumatism. We
trust that with warm weather, be and
the gout will part company.
A cow belonging to Theodore Wach
ter gave birth last week to a ll(J-lb.
calf. This calf is two pounds heavier
than the last holder of the belt which
was a 117 pounder belonging to James
Arthur Hibbs was united in mar
riage to Miss Bella McKay at the Mc
Kay home last Wednesday evening.
No further particulars of this event
have reached us. The groom is an in
dustrious hard working young farmer
and is well deserving of the wife he
has won. The bride is a very popular
young lady and is highly esteemed by
all her acquaintances. We wish them
unlimited joy and success.
Afflicted With Rheumatism.
"I was and am yet afflicted with
rheumatism," says Mr. J. C. Bayne,
editor of the Herald, Addington, In
dian Territory, '.but many thanks to
Chamberlain's Pain Balm am able
once more to attend to business. It is
the best of linsments." If troubled
with rheumatism give Paid Balm a
triaj and you are cetrain to he more
than pleased with the prompt reilef
which its afiords. One application re
lieves the pain. For sale by F. G.
Fricke & Co. and A. T. Fried.
- the;difFerence
Examine th& 'abcL Tftz nciv fcorf Saw rcrjufras thai,
statements as to tfoo contents ci the package must M
bo true Knowing the contents you can be sure to 1L
purchase onty purer cream of tartar baking powdor '
f Gream Bahing Povider f
Estate of Late Henry Wolfe of Union Sold
at Public Sale
Real Estate Readily Purchased in Sale
Which was Conducted by Ad
ministrator, R. K. Frans
On the south stepsof the court house
DeFord were married at Lincoln Mon
day by Justice of the Peace W. T,
sale of the property of late Henry
Wolfe of Union, was held by the ad
ministrator of the estate, II. II. Frans.
The first tract offered to the large
gathering of Union people, who were
in the city today, in hope of securing
a portion of tbe valuable property,
was Lots 5, 6 and 7 of block 2, of the
village of Union. The bid on this was
opened at $1000 by W. B. Eanning,
and many other bids rapidly followed,
the highest bid, $1090, being made by
A. II. Austin, who secured the land.
The next Union property was Lot 2,
block 2, which was purchased by Wm.
F. McCarrol for the sum of $2!il, the
opening bid of $200 being made by W.
W. Wolfe.
The third tract, Lot 6 of block 1 of
the village of South Union started
with $200, bid by W. B. Banning, and
was sold to W. W. Wolfe for tbe sum
Of $275.
All the property sold well, the b.ds
starting at a good figure, and the three
tracts being sold only after the bids
had been raised about $100 in each
Files Motion for New Trial.
Through his attorney A. X. Sulli
van, C. Lawrence Stull, the defendant
in the criminal case of State vs Stull,
who was found guilty by a jury after
being out a short time of assault to
commit great bodily harm upon Jesse
Green, filed a motion with district
clerk today asking for a new trial.
Among the divers reasons upon which
a new trial is sought are the follow
ing: "the verdict given appears to be
given under the influence of passion
or prejudice; verdict is not sustained
by sufficient evidence: and for miscon
duct of county attorney for not call
ing Yircil Delezene, duly subpoenaed
as a witness for the state, after the
said Delezene had made a statement
of what he knew about the affray,
which is the basis of the charge in the
information, and directed the said
Delezene to go home and defendant
nor his attorney did not know that he
had been so directed by the county at
torney as shown by bis affidavit."
The penalty for the crime of which
Stull was found guilty by jury is from
one to five years in the penitentiary,
but sentence has not yet been passed
by the district court.
You should be very careful of your
bowels when you have a cold. Nearly
all other cough syrups are constipat
ing, especially those containing opiate.
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup
moves the bowels contains no opiate.
Conforms to National Pure Food and
Drugs Law. Bears the endorsement
of mothers everywhere. Children like
its pleasant taste. Sold by F. G. Frich e
& Co.
Accident Across the River.
Chas. Grant, foreman of the riprap
ping crew now at work at Ilenton Sta
tion, met with an accident that very
nearly cost him his life last Tuesday.
The crew had been dynamiting the
river bank to prepare for the riprap
work, and Grant had placed a charge
of dynamite and the explosion did not
follow as promptly as expected. Think
ing the tire on fuse had died out Grant
went up to examine it and the explo
sion came just as he reached the spot
and he was hurled about ten feet
bruising him about the face and til 1
inir his eyes with sand and dirt.
Dr. Bacon was taken to the scene
of the accident on a hand car and
looked after the injuries of Mr. Grant.
It was feared at first that he would
have to be taken to a hospital, but the
doctor now thinks he can be properly
cared for where he is. His eyes were
in such a bad shape that it looked as
though he would lose them both, Dr.
Bacon at last report says be can save
one of them and that there is a possi
ble show for tbe other one. There
were about thirty men in the crew
but none of the others were injured.
Mills County Republican.
The Silver Trowel.
The celebrated silver trowel, of
which so much has been said in Ma
sonic circles, will be on exhibition in
Omaha next Thursday, March 7. This
trowel is on its journey around the
world and is only permitted to remain
so long in any one place. In Omaha it
is in charge of Capitol lodge No. 3, and
they have issued invitations to Platts
mouth Masons to meet with them on
the 7th, when there will be appropri
ate ceremonies. The grand lodge of
ficers will be on had, and a supper will
be served early in the evening. We
understand quite a number from this
city aud vicinity will attend.
Our watches are good and our prices
reasonable. Crabill.
is one of woman's worst afflictions. It always leaves
you weaker, and is sure to shorten your life and make
your beauty fade. To stop pain take Wine of Cardui and
it will help to relieve your misery, regulate your func
tions, make you well, beautiful and strong. It is are
liable remedy for dragging down pains, backache, head
ache, nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness, dizziness,
fainting spells, and similar troubles. A safe and efficient
medicine for all women's pains and sickness.
Airs. J. L. Broadhead of Clanton, Ala. writes; I have
used Cardui for my disease, which was one peculiar to
women, and it has completely cured me."
describing fully mil your symptoms
and we will send you Fre Advic
In plain sealed envelope. - Ladies
Advisory Dept.. The Chattanooga
Medicine Co.. Chattanooga. Tena.
The State Senate Officially Recognizes
Fortieth Birthday of the State.
A special from Lincoln says: "The
Nebraska senate today officially recog
nized the fortieth anniversary of the
admission of Nebraska to the union
by the appointment of a committee to
draft suitable resolutions bearing up
on the subject. Heading the com
mittee is Senator Charles Saunders of
Douglas county, son of Governor Saun
ders, who called the constitutional
"Tbe motion appointing the com
mittee was made by Senator King of
Polk county, who in his preliminary
remarks briefly summarized the events
leading up to the admission of the
state, calling attention to the fact that
on February 8, forty years airo, Presi
dent Johnson vetoed the bill admit
ting Nebraska, that the congress pas
sed it over his veto on February 14, at
which time Governor Saunders issued
the call for the convention. Senators
Root of Cass, Patrick of Sarpy, Mc
Kesson of Lancaster, and Wiltse of
I Cedar were appointed as the other
members of the committee.
A New Liquor Bill.
House roll No. 181, an act by Baker
of York to prohibit the selling or giv
ing away, of liquor to minors under
twenty-one years of age, was recom
mended by the house committee of the
whole yesterday morning for passage.
Some opposition was manifested, but
the vote was 43 to 22 in favor of pas
sage. Lahners of Thayer, asserted that
the bill would prevent him from giv
ing liquor to his own boy or his hired
man, which he thought would be a re
striction of personal liberty. An
amendment was adopted to qualify the
meaning of the act so that nobody will
be amendable to its provisions unless
the forbidden act is performed know
ingly. Lincoln News.