The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 07, 1907, Image 2

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from Friday I)ally.
D.J Pittman of Murray was look
ing after business in Plattsmouth to
B. F. Moore of Nehawka was a bus!
cess visitor In tlie county seat this
Mrs. L. P. Greenslate returned home
this morning from a visit with rela
tives in Kim wood.
Bert Buster of Elmwood was in town
today for a visit with friends, the
guest of Clayton Rosencrans.
Miss I'earl Woodard came in from
Elmwood this morning for a visit with
friends, the guest of Mrs. W. E. Kosen
John II. O'Neil, who has been in the
city during the last illness of his moth
er, departed this afternoon for his
home near Rapid City, South Dakota.
John r. Pope, who has been in the
county seat attending the damagesuit
which he brought against Oberle, re
turning this morning to his home in
The mother of Thos. C Andrews, of
this city, died yesterday at her home
in Avoca. Mr. Andrews went up last
evening to attend the funeral. Ne
braska City News.
Mrs. George Koehnke, who has been
visiting several months with relatives
here, will depart tomorrow for their
new home near Creighton, Neb. When
Mr. and Mrs. Koehnke removed from
here they went to a farm near Plain
view, but sold out there and moved
to near Creighton.
From Saturday's Daily.
James House of Alvo was in the
city today on business, and for a visit
with his brother Anderson.
Glenn and Jesse Vallery were among
the passengers from this station to the
metropolis on the afternoon train to
day. Mrs. Bertha. Curisman came down
from Lincoln last evening for a visit
with her mother and other home
II. B. Kepuer of Lincoln, piece work
inspector for the Burlington, was a
business visitor at the local shops
Chas. Kerr departed this afternoon
for Los Angeles, California, where he
will spend several months in hope of
benefiting his health.
Mrs. Frank Jensen, who has been
visiting in this city with her parents,
returned this afternoon to her home
in Newman's Grove, Neb.
Congressman Pollard has accepted
an invitation to deliver the memorial
address for the G. A R. post at Ne
braska City, on Decoration day.
Ernest Carroll, C. S. Stone, Walter
Vallery and Wm. McLoud of Murray
were in town last evening to see "The
Clansman" at the Parmele.
Mrs. Geo. Koehnke, who has been
enjoying a visit with reiatives in this
vicinity, departed this afternoon for
her home near Creighton, Nebraska.
Gus Holmes came up from Union to
attend "The Clansman" at the Par
mele last evening, and remained for a
short visit with relatives in this city.
Frank Curtis. W. C. Carraher, Blair
Porter and Frank Finkle were among
those from Union to attend "The
Clansman" at the Parmele last even
ing. Herman Thomas, agent for the Mis
souri Pacific in Mynard, and Boyd
Porter, were in the city last evening
to attend the "Clausman" at the
LeeTbracker, Wm. Carroll, A. J.
Hansell, Thos. Crozier, Bert Hansell,
A. II. Austin and Wm. Chalfant of
Union, were among those to visit
Plattsmouth today.
G. N. LaRue and W. L. Taylor of
ITuion were in the county seat today
to attend the sale of the Henry Wolfe
property, which was held at 1 o'clock
on the south steps of the court house.
M. Spangler, who has been visiting
with relatives and friends in this city,
departed this morning for Burlington,
Iowa, from which place be will return
to his home near Creighton, Nebraska.
Miss Julia Svoboda, who has been
enjoying a two months visit with her
parents in this city, departed that
evening for Racine, Wis., where for
the past rive years she has had charge
of a large ilorist establishment.
A marriace license was issued today
toArtherS. Westover, aged 2. and
Miss Edith C. Gray, aged lb, both of
South Omaha. The ceremony was
preformed by the County Judge, II. D.
Travis, and the couple departed on the
afternoon train to the metropolis.
L. R. Upton and Miss Nina Lynde,
were up from Union last night to take
in the "Clansman" at the Parmele.
Miss Lynde went from here to Omaha
this morning for a short visit, while
Roy remained in Plattsmouth today
to look after some business matters.
Leslie Hall, assistant cashier of the
Murray State Bank was in the city
last evening to attend "The Clans
man" at the Parmele.
In county court today final settle
ment was made in the estates of
James J. McNurlin, deceased, and
Wm. Darrough, deceased.
Miss Etta DuBois and I'earl Bramb
lett of Union were in the city last
evening to take in "The Clansman"
at the Parmele.
W. B. Banning and J. P. Thacker
were in town today from Union on
business connected with county court.
Miss Fannie Austin and Ogaretta
McNamee of Union were at "The
Clansman" at the Parmele last even
ing. Ray Frans and Earl Upton of Union
were among the out of town people in
attendance at "The Clansman" last
Theo. Amick and Arnold Holmes of
Murray, were in town last evening to
attend the "Clansman" at the Parm
ele theatre.
From Monday'sDally.
Wade Porter of Murray was in town
today on business.
C. II. Miller of Murray was a busi
ness visitor in the county seat today.
MissOna Young, of near Murray,
was visiting friends in Plattsmouth
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Everett were
here from near Union to spend Sun
day with relatives.
Uhlik lnhelder of Cedar Creek, was
in the city today to make application
for an increase of pension.
A marriage license was issued today
to Floyd M.Cole, aged 22, of Weeping
Water, and Alice Sherman, aged 22,
of Avoca.
Dr. T. J. Todd and wife, of Wahoo,
were in the city to spend Sunday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Heury
Miss Elsie lnhelder returned this
afternoon to her home near Cedar
Creek after a short visit at the home
of II. A. Schneider.
James Manners, formerly of Murray,
but now of Havelock, was in in the
city Sunday. Jim is now an employe
of the Burlington shops at the latter
James Stones, a young farmer of
near Murray was in the city today, and
called and renewed for the only paper
entitled to the appellation ofthe "Old
Reliable," in Cass county.
Bert Buster and Miss Pearl Wood
ard, who have been visiting in ihe
county seat, the guests of the Rosen
crans family, returned Sunday after
noon to their homes in Elmwood.
Workmen are engaged in renovating
the old Dr. Black property in the
north part of the city. ' It is rumored
that it will be arranged into a hospi
tal. From the number of patients
taken from this section to Omaha
nearly every day, we would think the
investment a good one.
Will Foral and wife left this after
noon for their future home in Omaha.
They have resided in this city for sev
eral years, he being engaged in busi
ness with Mr. Nemetz, and the many
friends they have made here, regret to
lose them from the community.
A handsome finished picture, "The
Oldest Inhabitant of the Union Paci
fic," was received from that railroad
company by the county clerk today,
and now adorns the east wall of that
office. The picture is of the noble
beast of the prairie, the buffalo, and
is of beautiful workmanship.
Our old friend, John Kelley of
Cedar Creek, was in the city Satur
day to spend the day with his friend,
Hon. William Neville, previous to the
departure of the latter to his new
home in Washington. Messrs Kelley
and Neville have been close friends
for many years; and the former re
grets very much to part with one whom
he has been upon terms of the closest
From Tuesday's Daily
A. J. Hoover of Louisville was a
business visitor in the county seat yes
Dennis Doud of Greenwood was a
business visitor in the county seat
C. E. Tefft came in from Weeping
Water last evening to look after some
legal business.
Henry and John Westlakefrom near
Murdock were business visitors in
Plattsmouth today.
A marriage license was issued today
to Henry A. Bluma, aged 32, and Miss
Frederica Bruhn, aged 25, both of
Philip Lambert of near Murray, was
in the city today and called and re
newed bis allegiance to the Old Reli
able for another year.
John Hobscheidt, a prosperous farm,
er near Murry, is moving to this city
today and will occupy the Churchill
property in South Park.
Miss Leal Miller, who has been vis
iting in the city the guest of the
Brinkmanand Beckerfamilies, return
ed to her home in Avoca this after
Fred Kear and wife, who have been
the guests of the families of Frank
Brinkman and J. H. Becker, returned
this afternoon to their home in Weep
ing Water.
Misses Mary and Maggie Volk, who
have been enjoying a month's visit
with relatives in this vicinity, depart
ed this evening for their home in
Caldwell, Kansas.
Late reports from Lee Sharp, who
went to Germany several weeks ago,
in the interest of his patent, is to the
effect that he is well and will probably
do some business with German people
ere he returns.
Henry (Barney) Miller completed
loading his household goods today,
and he together with his wife and son
will depart for their future home in
Davies county, Missouri, on the mid
night train tonight.
James Fogerty and wife, who were
in the city to be with the latter's
father during his last illness, have de
parted for their home in Roanoke, Va
From Wednesday's daily.
Miss Gladys Nelson is visiting this
week with relatives in Weeping Wa
ter. Harry Reed, the real estate man of
Weeping Water, was in the county
seat today.
W. J. Behrns of Weeping Water,
was looking after business in the coun
ty seat today.
Mrs. Henry Miller and son departed
this morning for their future home in
Davies county, Missouri.
The Journal is pleased to report
that Mrs. P. E. Ruflner, who has been
seriously ill for the past three months,
is improving a little. "
W. N. Fredrich who has been visting
with relatives in this county the guest
of his cousin, Commissioner M. L.
Fredrich, departed this morning for
his home in Pekin, Illinois.
Send us your picture and $1.00
and we will make you 25 genuine
photograph post cards. OLSON
PHOTOGRAPH CO., 225 Coates Bl'k.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
F. W. Young, of near Union, was up
today on business, and while here gave
the Journal a pleasant call. Fred is
one of the Journal's best patrons, and
of course renewed for the Old Reliable
another year. .
The proper papers were made out
today to Henry J. Behrns, aged thirty-ty-six,
and Miss Amelia Neumeister,
aged twenty-six, both of Weepipg
Water. The ceremony was performed
by Judge Archer, who almost missed
his dinner in order to oblige the young
Reports are to the effect that not
only are the farmers bothered with
petty corn theives but evidences of
their appearance in Plattsmouth have
been discovered, and some of our citi
zens have been missing small quanti
ties of grain every once in a while.
Some kind friend sends the Journal
a copy of a Japanese or Chinese paper,
we are unble to distinguish which,
with the request that we peruse the
same very carefnlly, which we would
like to do if we could. The sender
signs his name "Togo nirchebeiro."
The hand-writing is very familiar and
we will file the paper away in memory
of the sender.
How to Remain Young.
To continue young in health and
strength, do as Mrs. N. F. Rowan, Mc
Donough, Ga. did. She says: "Three
bottles of Electric Bitters cuaed me of
chrcnicliver and stomach trouple, com
plicated with such an unhealthy con
dition of the blood that my skin turn
ed red as flannel. I am now practical
ly 20 years younger than before I took
Electric Bitters. I can now do all my
work with ease and assist in my hus
band's store." Guaranteed at F. G,
Fricke & Co.'s Drug Store. Price 50c.
Pale, Thin,
Nervous c
Then your blood must be in
a very bad condition. You
certainly know what to take,
then take it Ayer's Sarsa
parilla. If you doubt, then
consult your doctor. We know
what he will say about this
grand old family medicine.
This U the first question yonr doctor would
ask: "Are your bowels regular? He knows
tlutt daily uction of the Itowels is absolutely
essential to recovers. Keep jrimr liver active
and ywtir bowels regular by taking laxative
doses of Ayer's fills.
Vad by J. C. Ayer Co.. Lowell. Xui
Alao suaaaeturers of
Wo have bo secrets ! We publish
the formula cf all our medicines.
The unprccedent demand for Embroideries of the better jrade would
have (juickly exhausted our supply, brinin serious disappoint to many
of our customers, if we had not been fortunate in securing an unusually
lare consignment through one of the largest New York importers.
These embroideries are of the choicest product of the leading St. Gall,
Switzerland, makers skilled artists and artisans, whose designs and deft
handiwork have made them famous. The designs for this sexison are
even more exclusive and beautiful than ever before, and in accordance with
their custom, they have given us the exclusive sale of them in this city.
that you should know
about those Embroider
ed Corset Covers made
in all sizes and of the
daintiest patterns.
They realy are some
thing that every woman
should see.
Thev retail at $1.00,
1.15, $1.25, $1.3TCI cn
and.. . . Oli JU
Earle Clark went South Bend this
Baled alfalfa hay for sale by II. M.
Will Streight was in Louisville to
day on business.
A fine line of solid silver and plated
ware at Crabill's.
C. E. Smith was a passenger to Oma
ha this afternoon.
Mrs. C. G. Fricke was visiting in
Omaha this morning.
Mrs. F. J. Morgan was visiting in
Omaha this afternoon.
Mrs. Antone Trilety was visiting
in Omaha this afternoon.
Wm. Holly was a business visitor in
the metropolisthis morning.
W. R. Sperry of Weeping Water, was
in the city on business today.
Signet rings, signet hat and stick
pins at Crabill's jewelry store.
C. G. Fricke was a passenger to the
metropolis on the fast mail today.
M. Fanger made a business trip to
the metropolis on 2s o. 1! this morning.
August Bach was transacting busi
ness in the metropolis this afternoon.
When you wisn a cigar that is worth
the money, call for the "Acorn." All
Dr. E. D. Cummins made a profes
sional trip to Omaha on the morning
train today.
C. L. Herger and wife were among
the Omaha passengers on the after
noon train today.
Reserve Friday evening, March 15,
for the Boys' Medal Contest at the
Methodist church.
M. M. Beal went to Omaha on the
morning train today to look after
some business matters.
John Albert, a prosperous farmer
near Cedar Creek, was in the county
seat on business today.
County Attorney C. A. Rawls re
turned last evening from Lincoln
where he has been attending supreme
Miss Vivian Barton came in last
evening from Lincoln for a visit with
friends in this city, the guest of Miss
Carrie Becker.
Much precaution is taken about pure
and healthy food. Protect yourself by
buying government inspected meat.
Sold by Lorenz Bros.
Found at Last.
J. A. Harmon, of Lizemore, West
Ya., says: "At last I have found the
perfect pill that never disappoints me;
and for the benefit of others afflicted
with torpid liver and chronic constipa
tion, wiil say: take Dr. King's New
Life Pills." Guaranteed satisfactory.
253 at F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists.
We are therefore able to offer our customers their choice from
the most attractive designs that will appear this season.
Of course those who select early will have the best oppor
tunity to indulge personal taste and fancy for although our
line is large and representative, we are sure that the demand
will soon greatly reduce the variety.
Shadow and Elegant Embroideries
just arrived in many different styles and patterns. the latest
craze We have them in a lot of patterns.
Corset Cover Patterns,
Dressing Sacques Patterns,
Shirtwaists Patterns,
Collar Patterns.
Patterns are Stamped on a Sheer Cotton Material.
D. M Jones made a business trip to
the metropolis on the fast mail today.
Mrs. W. F. Tracy came in from Un
ion today for a visit with friends in
j this city, the guest of the family of
W. A. Swearingen.
Farmers, mechanics, railroaders, la
berers, reiy on Dr. Thomas' Electric
Oil. Takes the stingoutof cuts, burns
or bruises at once. Pain cannot stay
where it is used.
J. M. Robertson and O. C. Dovey
were passengers to Omaha on the Mis
souri Pacific this morning to attend
j the reception of the Silver Trowel by
Capitol lodge, No. A. F. and A. M.
Word received from Lincoln by J.
W. Johnson this morning, conveys the
welcome news that Miss Josephine,
daughter of the former's son, Ed, is
getting along nicely since the opera
tion for appendicitis.
Rev. J. II. Salsbury, J. C. Petersen
and J. N. Wie were among the pass
engers to the metropolis this morning,
where they will attend the reception
of the celebrated Silver Trowel by Cap
itol lodge, No. :i of Omaha.
The Burlington railroad again ten
dered the draft for back taxes for the
past three years, with the explanation
that the difference of some $77 would
be made good by them. This squares
the Burlington, the first time in four
W. M. Wehrbein and wife of near
Murray, were Plattsmouth visitors to
day. These excellent young people are
among the most popular in their sec
tion of Cass county. While here Mr.
Wehrbein called and renewed for the
Old Reliable for another year. He
says he can't keep house without it.
Among the number of local Masons
to take the fast mail to Omaha to at
tend the reception of the celebrated
Silver Trowel by the capitol lodge No.
3 A. F. and A. M., were Messrs. L. B.
Egenberger, Fred Ramge, Geo. W.
Thomas, A. W. White, Dr. F. L.
Cummins, Julius Pitz and Judge M
Two days' treatment free. Ring's
Dyspepsia Tablets for impa'red diges
tion, impure breath, perfect assimila
tion of food, increased appetite. Do
not fail to avail yourself of the above
offer. Sold by GeriDg & Co's drug
About Right.
The Nebraska City News says:
"Congressman Pollard is mailing to
the papers of this district a supposed
explanation of his "putting back that
unearned salary." This incident is a
closed one and Congressman Pollard
should get busy and pay more atten
tion to the wants of his constituents the maintaining of his advertis
ing bureau. He and Senator Burkett
have put in more time advertising
themselves than anything else."
Guaranteed alarm clocksat Crabill's.
Solid gold and filled watches at Cra
bill's jewelry store.
A new line of ladies' back combs
just received at Crabill's.
Regulates the bowels, promotes easy
natural movements, cures constipa
tion Doan't Regulets. Ask your
druggist for them. '2?c a box.
"Doan's Ointmentcured me of ecze
ma that had annoyed me a long time.
The cure was permanent.'' Hon. S.
W. Mathews,Commissicner Labor Sta
tistics, Augusta, Me.
Pine Salve Carbolizeu, acts like a
poultice; highly antiseptic, extensively
used for eczema, for chapped hands
and lips, cuts, burns. Sold by Gerlog
& Co's drug store.
Harry I'ein, who has been an assist
ant at the Burlington depot for some
time, has resigned the same to accept
a similar position at the M. P. depot.
Harry is a remarkably bright boy and
the Journal is glad to see him getting
along so nicely.
If all the bills introduced at each
session of the legislature were to pass
the average citizen would be anxious
to make connections with his prom
ised wings and sail away to a more
congenial clime.
Anton Nitka has been confined to
his room for several day with a severe
case of erysipelas, the attending physi
cian was compelled to shave his head
in order to apply remedy. We hope
he will recover rapidly as he is thought
to be much better today.
Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Coates and fam
ily departed this morning on a trip to
Redbluff, California, where they will
spend several months in hope of bene
fiting the Baby Coates' health and for
a general good time, recreating in the
balmy climatie of Sacramento Valley.
Wm. Henton, residing just across
the river, is very low today, suffering
with a cancer The unfortunate man
is a brother of Mrs. J. W. Johnson of
this city, and has been sick for several
weeks. The attending physician, Dr.
T. P. Livingston, had thought that an
operation could be performed to re
move the trouble, but that was im
possible Saturday on account of the
condition of the patient. The sick
man is about forty years of age and
has a large family.
Impure blood runs you down makes
you an easy victim for organic diseases.
Burdock Blood Bitters purifies the
bloon cures the cause builds you up.
g3 iE Teeth S5j
Geld Crown and Bridge Teeth up. (Pore
lain Crowns bp. Fillings 50c up. Teeth
Extracted Painless. New set same day.
BAILEY.Tho Dentl.t,
EfUMIshed IMS. Pastes Blk. Oil AHA