The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 14, 1907, Image 7

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; I
Notice Is n-rvly irlvi-n to Carl Illoedoi. I'aul
IUwl I. and all ..Hi r i ntoim lnt r-W-U In tlm
uliitlon of nalil I'uul I1Im1H. an Infant, that
r'r lrlrk Madd.lmiui has on this day fllrd his
in-tltloii In the County Court of Cat County,
NVI.rutka, for tli adoption of Maid l'aul lilot
i-l with filial rlirlitH. privlti-m-. immunities
of -hlllr-n liorn In lawful wt-dlot-k.
You art- also iMitlllt l that this Court liasrn-t-rrl
Its order draliriiatltur tin- date of li-artnir
of said iM-lltlon uihiii the lrd day of February.
I'.7. at ten o'clock. A. M. and order of iiilillca
t ion of hii.-Ii notU-n in Him Tlattsinoutli Weekly
Journal for four consecutive weeks.
Witness my hand and seal of said Court this
It'.tli day of January. Hn7.
!CAu1 County Judfc'-.
I. t. Attorney.
K. O. Chun'h will take iioti,-e. that on the
7th day of January. I'.7. M. An-hcr, a Justice
of the I'fUf of Cass Count y, Nehraska. issiifd
un onlcr of attachment for th sum of ?4i. in
.n action i-iidlnir lief, ire him. wherein I'cter
linos is Plaint lir. and K. . Iniii li Is i-ff nd
liiit. t hat proix-rty of t he defendant, fonslsi Intr
of money in the imssessinn of the said C. It. A:
(J. KailwayCo. has U-eu atlafhed under said
order. Said fause was font tuned to the -""1 h
c:ay of I chruary, l'H'7. at U o'clock A. M.
I'KTEK lions, I'iaint ill.
State of Ni iniASKA. ... ,. f.
Cass Cot nt v. '"' l '! Court.
In the matter of tin- estate of William We
lake, deceased.
Notice is hcrchy irlvcti that t he creditors of
said deceased w ill meet t he Adini nisi rator of
-aid estate. Iicfore me. I'ouuty .1 udire of Cass
County. Nebraska, at the County Court room
in riattsmouth. in said County, on the Mh day
of M ari h, l!7. and on the ;trd day of Septem
her. Iii7. at ID o'clock A. M.. each day. for t lie
puriiosf of present Injr I heir claims for eami
i. at ion. ad just ment, and allowance.
i montlis. from March ."ith. I;7. are al
lowed for the creditors of said deceased to
present, their claims, and one year and six
months for tin Administrator to settle said
estate, from thesis! day of .1 a nuary. l'.mT.
W itness my hand and seal of said County
Court, at I'laitsmoutli. Nebraska, this u".tli day
of January. HIT.
Il.tllVKT I. Thavis.
seal. Coppty J udt'c.
state r Nebkaska
CassCointy ""
I n t he mat ter of t he estate
t!et -eased.
In County Court,
of Frit. Itrundt.
Notice is hereby triven that tin creditors of
said deceased w ill meet the administrator of
said estate, ticforc inc. county judire of Cass
founty.NeJuaska. at the fount y court room in
riattsmouth, in said county, on the.'IMt h day of
Man-li. A.l., i'.m7.anl on the sail day of Amriist.
A. It. 1!7. at 10 o'clock a. nt.. each day. for the
PiirixiM'of present Imr t heir claims for exami
nation, adjust ment and allowance.
Six months are allowed for the creditors of
said deceased to present their claims, anil one
year for the ad minis rator to sett le said estate,
from the Kith day of February, 1!7.
Witness my hand and seal of said county
court, at riattsmouth. Nelu aska. t Ids IStli day
of February, 1!7. IIakvey I . TitAvis.
Iseai.) County . I ud'e.
ty. Nehraska. I n t he mat ter of the estate
of James J. McNurlin. deceased.
Notice of hi-arinir of Final Account and IV
t it ion for Final Settlement.
li. F. McNurlin. Olive Core. James H.M.
Nurlin. Arvllla Standlsh. and Naiify Mc Nurlin
and all other prsons interested in said estate
will take noti.-e. that iumui the litli day of
Kehruary. A. I.. 1'.n7. Jolin McNurlin. admin
istrator of said estate, tiled his tinal reiort and
pet it ion for tinal sett lenient of said estate: that
a liearinj.' will In- had iiimui said report and pe
tition in the county court room, of Cass county
Nehraska. at I'lattsiiicuth. liu Cass county, on
the Slid day of March. A. I .. r.n7. at the hour
of ten o'clock a. m.. of said day.
Von are rciiuircd to show ause against said
rejiort and im-tition. if any you have, on or lie
fore the hour of ten o'ctofk a. tn.. of said day.
I n wit ness whereof. I have hereunto set my
hand and the seal of said county court of Cass
county. Nebraska, this l.1h day of February,
A. I .. 17. II ahvfy T. Travis.
Iseai.I County Judjre.
.i. hwTEK. Attorni'y forKstale.
I n the matter of t lie estate if Harriet Wiser.
Notii-e is lie-reby tfivcii tliat by virtue and in
pur-nance of an order of license made in said
matter by tin- county court of Cass county.
Nebraska, on the Sd day of February. A. I..
I!H7. t In- undersigned I . J. I "it man. executor of
of the last will and testament of Harriet Kiser
iefeascd. will on the
15th Day of March. A. D., I9D7
at oik- o'cloa'k p. III., at the south door of the
court house in I he city of I'lat t smoiit h. Cass
oiinty. Nebraska, offer for a!c at public
auction, the follow ins; describfd laud situated
in the county of Ca-s. to-wit : Tiiesouth one
half of the southeast quarter, section :C.'. toivn--liil
I'J. rariii- Ilk com :i in ins; e's;hty acres: also
t lie soul 1 1 one-half of t he nort h one-half of t he
southeast iiuarter. sei t'.on rat iff IS. town
ship 13.
Terms of Sale : Ca-ii. Said sale will lc held
o;eii for one hour. It. J. I'lT.MAN.
Kxei-utor of the la-t will and testa
ment of Harriet Wiser. ds-eased.
Iat4-l this lSth day of Feruary. 1!7.
Willie wailed and Winnie wheezed,
while wintry winds whined weirdly.
Willie wrik'led while Winnie wheezed
wretchedly. Wisdom whispers, win
ter winds work wheezes. Wherefore
we write, 'l'se Kennedy's Laxative
Cousrh .Svrup." Nothing else so pood.
Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Piles of people have Piles. Why suf
fer from piles when you can use De
Witt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve
and yet relief. Xotbinp else sc good.
Keware of imatations. See that the
name is stamped on each box. Sold by
F. G. Fricke & Co.
mmi Mi
it's a sicrn of coil satisfaction. Want
to hear the music in your kitchen?
Easy t
order erl from this orhce and
The output of the Trenton
the fuel we handle has no su
anywhere, its equal in few
'DUDUC PUttsmouth No. 22.
Wife of On of the Thaw Casn
Jurors Seriously III
May Incapacitate Him from Giving
Proper Attention.
That Would .Mean All the I'asl Ijili::r
Iost Ir. I-Ivaiis 'niicl tides
His Tent iinony IV. r the
Now York. IV1. M. Tlu- Tlinw trliil
;:s 1 : 1 1 i ; - 1 to :m afti'rnooii session o.
U ys titan two hours' duration, the
niornii! sitting of -ourt liavins iK-en
nl.aitdoncd hrt-auso of the illness of the
ifo of one of tlio jurors Jospjih It.
riolton. Holton -was allowpd to visit
his Jtonio in -onijany with two othr;
Jurors and two p iurt ofliccrs. Hp fouiul
his wife sunVriii fnnii louhli iiipu
inoiiia and two iihysk iaiis eertitied by
IMstrict Attoriify Jeronii' that her rmi
dit'on xa:is very striotis. Kolton ro
turtied to the jury panel in tinio for
tho afternoon session, which liean at
2:K p. in. ftnd adjourned at 4:Or p. in.
There was a stipulation of counsel liy
v.'hh h the juror niiht strain visit hi:?
! honio, aceompanied hv liailiffs.
May Cause a Mistrial.
It is hi?."ed Hint the trial will jro- on.
rtlthouh JurtT?' Uolton apieare(l dis
trait, apparently tak!.f Jittle interest
In the proceedings. If Mr. I'-Itn'tt
condition should continue so eritieal
that her hushand cannot he expected
to irive proper consideration to his du
ties as a juror there may he an indef
inite postponement all the other jur
ors meanwhile remaining locked up
c. possibly a mistrial. Every one con
rertcd with tho case expressed tho
hope that events will permit of the
trial beintr carried forward to a ranid
i conclusion.
F!ans Concludes His Testimony.
Dr. I'.ritton 1 . Kvniis. superintend
ent of the state hospital for the insane
at Morris Plains, X. J., was the only
witness of the afternoon. lie conclud
ed his direct examination, and Dis
trict Attorney Jerome reserved the
riht to cross-examine th" expert at a
later si. tire of the trial. 1 r. John T.
Doemar. of rittannin. I'a.. was re
called to the stand just before ad
journment and asked to state what
he knew of the mental condition ov
John i:os. a fust cousin of Harry
Thaw. Jerome objected to the ques
tion on the ground that the relation
ship was too remote to permit the
drawing of deductions as to hereditary
Insanity. Iloth question and witness?
were withdrawn temporarily.
thaav's rri,si: avas pkci i.iai:
Grrnt Variation of Heats in th- Space
ofa Minute.
Ir. Evans detailed the results of hi:;
various examinations and physical
tests in his visits to the defendant fol
lcwinsr the Irap ly. He declared that
there was a depression in the back of
Thaw's head of a most unusual char
acter. "I am unable to state its siirniii
cance." declared the witness, "for the
reason that I never saw like
it before." Dr. Kvans also stated thai
Thaw's pulse action was the most ex
traordinary he had ever encountered.
The pulse would chanjre beats four
tii!i s within one minute, the variam-e
boinir from twelve to twenty-four
Veals. Tho pulse indicated, he said,
that the sympathetic nervous system
was seriously at fault. Dr. Kvans de
clared finally that he found no traoey
of dmsr habits nor any of the tremorrs
characteristic of excessive indulgence
in intoxicants.
Dr. Kvans took o-casion to say that
he felt it was extremely unfair to him
as a physician to require him to sepa
rate his physical examinations of the
defendant from tho questions and an
swers as to his mental processes, lie
was interrupted bv both Jerome and
Dolmas. and Justice Fitzperald said:
"Will you kindly confine yourself t
answerincr questions and not jrivii;r ex
pressions of -opinion. There is some
limitation even to the province1 of au
As the result of a conference between
counsel just before the early adjourn
ment was ordered Jerome announced
that Thaw's attorneys had turned the
will of the defendant over to him for
examination before it should a train be
formally offered in evidence. Jerome
said ho mirrht. or miirht not. offer fur
thfr fJij.-etion to thC'voluiuinous docu
ment." lie did not wish to take up
the time by roadinjr it over in court, so
counsel had ajrreod Hint it mitrht be
examined at the district attorney's of
t:o. Counsel aNi agreed that .Teroim;
should have tho privilege cf talklu;;
freely with Dr. Dremar. and with Dr.
I'.intranian. the Thaw family physr-ian.
about certain te.-tintony thty have to
ofTer. Jerome said that if he knew the
nature of this testimony he misht not
have to occupy so much of the court's
time and crowd the record with techni
cal objections. In order to pive him
the opportunity to learn the nature o"
their testimony and to expedite the
trial the early adjournment was or
dered. Pelmas will offer the will In evidence
today. If it is accepted it will be read
to the Jury. If it is not accepted by
consent of the district. attorney there
is likely to be an extended argument.
Frllowlng the disposition of the will
Mrs. Evelyn Nesbit Thaw will resume
the stand.
.The action of the heart de
pends upon the heart nerves
and muscles. When from any
cause they become weak or ex
hausted, and fail to furnish
sufficient power, the heart flut
ters, palpitates, skips beats;
and in its effort to keep up its
work, causes pain and distress,
such as smothering spells,
short breath, fainting, pain
around heart, arm and shoul
ders. The circulation is im
peded, and the entire system
suffers from lack of nourish
ment. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure makes
a heart strong and vigorous by
strengthening these nerves and
"I had palpitation and pain around
mv lic-iit, and tlie doc-tors said it was
ln'euralle. I don't believe it now. for
uftor takinp fix bottles of Dr. Miles
lleai t Cure, three bottles of theNervina
jind threo boxes of the Nerve and
Liver Tills 1 am entirely cured, and
f.-el bf-tter tlinn I have for five years,
and it is r.H due to these remedies. I
want voi to know that your medicines
cured "me. It relieved me from th
first dn.w. and I kept rifcht on till the
paii in my chest was pone, and I kept
on feelirur better even aft tr I oait
taking it." JOHN H. SMKRMAN
Belding. Mich.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Is sold by
your druggist, who will guarantee that
the first bottle wil! benefit. If It fails
he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
sum in qaici
The undersigned will sell at public
auction at his farm, known as the
old Gault farm, 4 miles south
of PJattsmcuth, 4 J north
east of Murray on
commencing at 11:00 o'clock a. m., the
following property: Nine milch cows,
two yearling heifers, four heifer calves,
one yearling steer, one bull calf, one
Tolled Durham bull coming two years
old; one black mare, 4 years, weight
weight 1150; one sorrel horse, 3 years
old, weight 10o0: one black mare, nine
years old, weight 1100; new Deere
sulky plow, Deere 2-row stalk cutter,
Deere 12 foot sulky rake, Bradley com
bined lister, check row corn planter
with 120 rods of wire, Deere 4-horse
disc, Piano mower, lumber wagon,
hand corn sheller, grindstone, 2 New
Departure cultivators, hay rack, set
farm harness, l-row stal k cutter, house
hold goods and numerous other arti
cles. Usual terms: also 2 per cent off
for cash.
W. D. JONES, Auct. U U piQT
R. F. PATTERSON, Cl'k "i fli MOl
All headaches go
When you grow wiser
And learn to use
An "Early Riser,"
De Witt's Little Early Ttisers, safe,
sure pills.
on the Plattsmouth telephone calls the
upholsteriDg rooms. Place your order
today for anv work you have in this
line. All work will be called for.
Mattress renovating a specialty.
A Valuable Lesson.
'Six years ago I learned a valuable
lesson," writes John Pleasant of Mag
nolia, Ind. 4iI then began taking Dr.
King's New Life Pills, and the longer
I take them the better I find them."
They please everybody. Guaranteed
at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s. druggists. 25c
Farm For Rent.
Fifty acre farm seven miles south of
Plattsmoutb: good improvements. For
sale Three good work horses. Apply
to Sam G. Smith, Plattsmouth. Neb
Two days' treatment free. Ring's
Dyspepsia Tablets for impaired diges
tion, impure breath, perfect assimila
tion of food, increased appetite. Do
not fail to avail yourself of the above
offer. Sold by Gering & Co's drug
I Headache
Can he cured only by
a remedy that will
remove the cause.
The ofrener you
stop it with headueho
powders or pills tho
quicker will it return. J
Generally, lieadac-he J
comes from a dis-
turbed stomach or J
irregular bowels, and
almost invariably T
I Lane's Family :
(a tonic laxative) will cure bead- $
J ache in short order by regulating
the bowels and reinvigorating the
It is a great blood medicine
and the favorite laxative of old
and young.
At druggist', 25c and 50c
(Hy O. A. LHs.)
Corrected weekly by Martin t Tool,
who pay the highest prices for prtxluce
and guarantee satisfaction:
. . T;
...No. 1. 't.c: No. . .'4'
f..50 to 7 (H
iU'.OOand i.M
'rn . . .
and 3i','
Rock Island Time Taiile.
Murdock Station.
41, mail
75, local ,
5. mail
37, mail
8:15 a. m.
8:55 a. m.
.'.(K) p. m.
5:53 p
EAST liOl'N'D.
M, freight
38, mail
76, Local
C, mail
.12:30 a.
.10:55 a.
,. l:14p.
. 2:35 p.
II. A Tool returned from Chicago
Tuesday evening.
W. C. Monroe was an Omaha passen
ger Wednesday.
Chas. Melvin and Chas. "West have
purchased a barber trade in Elmwood
and will take possession at once, while
Mr. Jack Funk will take charge of the
locil shop for a short time, but Is not
positive how long he will stay.
Mrs A. E. Frascher visited in Oma
ha Friday.
Earl Cole was in town Saturday and
Mr. and Mrs. II. R. Neitzel returned
Sunday from their recent visit to
South Bend, Indiana.
D". n. J. MacArthur reports the i
birth ofa bright eyed baby girl at the
home of John Scheel Sunday night.
J. P. Mockenhaupt was in town
August Wendt has purchased the E.
IJammel farm "f 240 acres, located
six miles northwest of town. Tl"e
purchase price being O.OOO.
Miss Selma Thimgan has added her
name to the list of J ournal subscribers.
A. Hunt visited relatives in Omaha
over Sunday.
Mrs. II. J. MacArthur entertained
the kensington Wednesday afternoon.
While playing around town Satur
day afternoon, Jimmie Mills lost bis
watch. It was a Hampden movement
and in an open face silverine case with
chain attached. The finder will please
notify Jimmie and receive reward.
W. O. Schewe, Herman Gakemeier 1
and Miss Carrie Gakemeier were in
Omaha Thursday.
A. J. Tool transacted business in,
Omaha last week.
Leonard Leming is visiting in Gage
county this week.
Quite a number of our young people
attended the masquerade dance at
Alvolast Thursday. It seems that
they started out in a bob sled, but how
they got back, is more than we dare
to tell.
II. V. McDonald transacted busi
ness abroad Wednesday.
Maud Gorsage was an eastbound
passenger Wednesday via the M. P.
Weeping Water
From the Herald.
To Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Shannon cn
Friday, February 8, 1907, a girl. The
doctor had a full set of teeth prepared
and the little Miss will hardly experi
ence the trouble of less fortunate ones.
The special meetings at the M. E.
church are continuing with renewed
interest. Rev. Iloulgate of Platts
moutb, brings the gospel story in a
very convincing manner, and a num
ber of conversions have resulted.
The Gibbon House has changed
hands again. It is now owned by Carl
Frank of Springfield, who traded some
land for it. The new proprietor will
not take charge himself but says he
will rent to some one.
Miss Maud Wilson went to Lincoln
Saturday to visit her sister, Mrs. Burt
Canfield, and assist In caring for the
baby girl which recently made its ap
pearance at the Canfield home.
X. E. Calkiniast week sold his 320
acres of land, two miles west of Man
ley, to F. H. Stander, for -S100 per acre.
The sum of $32,000 is quite a lot of
money, yet that 320 acres of land is
worth that much to Mr. Stander, else
he wouldn't have purchased it.
M. L. Peterson and family departed
for Denmark, Tuesday, where they
will visit for the next three months.
Mr. Peterson has a father, brotheracd
sisters living there. It has been nine
teen years since he left the old home
and it is with pleasure be looks for
ward to this visit. America has prov
ed to be the country of prosperity to
Mr. Teterson.
The Original Laxative Cough Syrup containing Honey and Tar. An Improvement over all Coueb
Lung and- Bronchial Remedies. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for young and old. All cough
syrups containing opiates constipate the bowels. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar moves the bowels
ard contains no opiates. Prepared by PINE-ULE MEDICINE COMPANY, CHICAGO. U. S. A.
Sold at GERINTS Drug Store
Bread Loose From The
Creamery Trust
Farmers Organize to Manufacture and Market
Their Own Product
If you ate tired of milking cows and getting small return,.; If tow
want more money fur ytur butter sat; IT you want to htifrercl from
the danger of combinations to keep down the price paid m; If ou
want to K-et the most for )Our cream, and to have a voice in n
manutacture and sale, o;i will join trie great movement lor
that is sweeping over the state like wildfire and become a member
of the
Farmers' Co-operative Creamery and Supply Company
It is your only hope. of rftllnir your
fair sharp of profits f rom your rows.
You do the work you out-'ht to reap
t he profits.
t W-tfiinize! Co-operate' ('mil i t. I 1 lie
inanuf aet me and .-ale. That's the only
This movement will unite ."kh cream
producers in ;i purely ro-oixrat ive
The society incoriNirated under the
laws of Nehraska, has already inir.-i;t-ed
the immedse plant, equipment and
husiness of t lie 1 1 hi dint' Cream Co. of
Omaha, with more than .'Ihki p;itn.n
ami a well-estaldished trade.
So we start with a t-'fowlntr, paylntr
husiness. No money need lie spent in
experiment inr or in pioneer work. Mir
Write today for prosjiecis of tl ompany and full purl leu la is of on r pi a n foi n . u t n -
al help.
Find out why t he comliinat ion paid on an avcraire ." and li cents more for hut ter fat
in Cent ral low a than u as paid in Nehraska and ot her st ales.
I'ind out how to keep your profits in your own iKx-kets.
Farmers' Co-operalite Creamery and Supply Company, "ISi'H';''-
Hirst House West B. 5c M. Depot
We Solicit the Farmers Trade
and Guarantee Satisfaction.
When in the City Give Us a Call
75he Perkins Hotel
V Hvrirnnp.lfl. Pliimnsis. Str ctura ZrSZ. '
ptirfd for lif t)T one treat
" . .
ment. No cutting, no pain
no d-ir
r nn rietentinn from wnrlr.
R'f!fH P"!erin cured quickpr than at Hot
-"wuu v.-IC)UI
Sorinys. At once verv
OR. SEARLES & SEARLES, Specialists,
htucjct ri-,owro Uth inn Dqiislab St.. - OMAHA. NB
TTftenatured Alcohol
This product consists of a ood quality of r;in
alcohol to which is added, under government super
vision, enough wood alcohol and benzene to render it
unfit for internal use. It,
all art and mechanical purposes just the same wa as
grain alcohol and is far superior, besides being cheap
er. We can juote the following prices:
1 pint, container included
1 quart,
jz gallon, container extra
1 gallon,
r5u ranTco given in every case taken under treatment by DRj W c mwci i
524 Bee Building, Omaha, Nebraska. Dr. Maxwell has h.5 a9 Veari xoilnh
treating disease of the rectum. Xar exBenence
uong u, tance Phone Douglas 1424.
E Ml
Plant has a capacity of -lo. (mi pounds of
I nit ter. .'rfKKi trillions of Ice cream. :.'.' tons
of ice M-r day, and a trool market toi
eery imiuikI we produce.
Memliers of t he association not onl
share in the profits of this entire husi
ness, hut also have their hutter fat
manufact iired and mat keled at actual
ci st .
Will you. us a cream producer and a
clea r-heitleii husiness mail, join with
us in tin- movement for co-otei at ion
and com ml of our products.
Why not reap our legitimate profits
f r mi on r creamV
hy let, them t'o to enrich a eorpo: a
t i .11 of coiuhiuat ion:'
W hy not he our own masters?
Authorized to treat Chronic, Ntrfom tnl Special I)lnittrn.
All medicines furnished ready for ace. No mercury or lu J u
rlout drugs used. Ho detention from business.
Patients at a distance treated by mail and express. MediciDF
sent free from gaze or breakage. Charges low. Our record thou
sands ot cured State your case fully and eend for terms.
Consultation free and confidential. - -
Waalr Uaruntir- lion from "cpiim, NerTons Debllityorexbsastlon.
llOallf nCllUUd WCll Wasting Weakix-sn with early dorlluo In ymitu
and mlddle-acefi- lack of vim, Tinorandstreucth. with ordain Impaired and
weak. Our treatment will restore you to what nature Intended, a half,
healthy, nanny bud, with all powers vigorous and perfect.
n,!.j. n!nii Cured with new and positive treatment. No in
FNVrllP M SfiaSflS ,, detention from husHi. ....
.. i nmrnr rinrti In mouth.
trace oi lue u:scr um..-.-. . . .
throat, toncue. hair falling out stopped at on e
DnnV Containing a full description of al.nre
DUUN diseases the effects and causes-.-rr
free, in plain envelope upon appm-auou
however, can be used f
IS c
- 27c
- D5c
Cut this out for reference