I f 3 L omnu 1.1 VOLUME XXVII PliATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FEHRUAKY 11 1907. NU3IRER 7 i i aw if, )' JOTTIKGS FOB TliE JOLLY Sbort Paragraph Prepared aod Purlolnetf For tbi Readers of tbe Journal. SnW-'s luisl.arxls name was "Wl-N r: llfll wt-llf HWHV Usvll Iiit. Tlu-n. altliniik'li In- sail I v mi-sl In r, M r. Winter IiKm l lier mmt. The secrot of success furnishes much food for gossip. The Icemen alway.- have a snapeven if it is not a cold snap. What enjoyment, to have little to; eat and keep a servant. She who fishes for a husband seldom. catches one worth while. No more oems JMi an early sprint will be accepted until further notice. Love is blind, which is prhnps why I Ia r j n 'I c r li rim' ! r.r f hn nnu r.T ..i..j v.. ..... touch. IOn't Uamc others for taking you at your own face value if you give your self away. The difference belween bric-a-brac and junk depends entirely on w hat you pay for It. Speak well of yourself. Your ene mies w ill do all the hammer wielding: necessary. Children mane sweet music in a home until they get old enough to take mu sic lessons. Troubles are always magnified when a man has nothing else to do but think about them. A man who can take things easy shouldn't complain if he eventually iands in jail. Labels on canned goods should be put under oath before their statement are accepted. If a w oman sutlers in silence the fact that she has to be silent causes addi tional suffering. Troub'e began when Eve got the idea into her head that she wanted to be a dressmaker. Moses w as the meekest man, but the Bible is strangely reticent about the meekest woman. Men look upon a mule as the most ob- stinate creature on earth until after ' he gets married. TiiT- was nn.-v a liul.- -himlnii'im Who 1 1 ail t lii-. -uriw. vj i'f criU'mir in siiliraMiou n every vtoriu.v lay. "Ix-i'-i all ulMr;ut unpleasant tV;iiir. LiLf ltL'ful (Kimi. ami pain. Ami tlien." saiil !-.. you'll t'larily see Tiiat i!i-as.nit t hint's i-ein;iiii." The man who make a howling suc cess in life are the men who are will ing to face failure. The "sure cure for the grip'' is hav ing the right sort of "grip""" and mak ing the most f it. This may he the lincl of the free but anything worth having is seldom of fered to us that way. We can generally forgive an incen diary speech if the fellow who makes it har-money to burn. No man w ho never had a mother-in-law knows anything at out, a mcnarch al form of government. Don't tell a woman y u love ter un less you intend to keep on teliirg her for the rest of your life. Eery time a man fUes an appl C3 tlon for a patent he imagines he is LQ ire to revolutionize things. The number of telephones in this country is set down at 7.000,000. Jt is a hard knock at the marriage statistics You must not expect to pass the coin, of your own character for a greater value than you stamp upon it in your own mint. When a young man with a salary of t a week marries a girl who is unable to cook, he hands himself an extra large lemon. Many a man who preaches the gold en rule on Sunday would cheat bis neighbor in a horse trade on any of the other six days. The eternal fitness of things gets an awful jolt when one encounters a wo man clerk in a hardware store or a man clerk in a millinery shop. Man wants but little here below, but Its different with woman. The widow must have her weeds, while the wid- J ower is satisfied with his weed. j A young man going home the other night from a chat with his best girl and after he had gained the sidewalk and she was standing in the door, he began to hum: "I ran not slmr tlie old sons. I ran not play the new." He looked at lier In -Masy. "Oh. darliiiir. I love you." "Backward, roll backward, oh Time in your train," and let me see 'Alice, spelled rightly again. I am so tired of Alyco and 'Maye, 'tired of the way names are written today. Oh, for the old-facnioned Mary or Jule; cut out your Edyth' don't be such a fool, as to think that cognomens like 'Myrtah'or Pyrl will erer set well on a sensible girl. APPEAL TO DISTRICT COURT Action Entitled State is. Dennis Doud Filed With Clerk Robertson. TRIED BEFORE FOSTER OF GREENWOOD Defendant Fined $20 and Costs For Be-" ing Intoxicated and for Resist ing Marshal Haugh. A transcript flow. .iUUice court to district court v, the case of the 'the .State of Nebraska vs. Dennis Doud, was filed with District Clerk Robert son I;-rliay. The defendant Is charged I " Maisiial John 1! Ilaugh in the village of Greenwood on the 4th of December, The actlou w?.s formerly brought before Justice of the Peace J. S. Foster, who found the defendant guilty and fined him 20 and costs, amounting in all to about, .'iO, and in event of a failure to pay this sum, he was to stand committed to jail. An appeal from the decision of Justice Foster, Is taken to district cotrt by the defendant, Dennis Doud, and the case will likely be tried at the Febru ary term of district court, in case the appeal is sustained. The Best Advertising Advertising is being more thought fully considered by advertisers than it used to be, and this thoughtful con sideration has resulted in some con clusions that are profitable to adver tisers. For instance, when the Retail Merchants' association in session at Richmond, Virginia, adopted resolu tions advising the membership to ad TertiSff only in newspapers, a most ttficl Wholesome stand was taken, and for good reasons. The association declared that "people have formed the habit of regardingcirculars with scant notice, if any. and bill board advertis- j in? is identified in the public mind with the blare and extravagance of circus and vaudeville exploitation. j Of the newspapers the association said: In the first place, the news I paper affords a wider and prompter ! publicity and a more effective distri bution of advertising information than any other means that could pos j sibly be employed. The paper noes to many thousands of Ivomes and is read by many thousands of people. In the newspaper the advertiser can bring his name and his bargains to the attention of majy thousands having the time and disposition io give deliberate and undisturbed attention to what is pre sented to them in the columns of tiie Journal. Bad Blaze at Nebraska City. A special from Nebraska City gives the following account of a disastrous lire that occurred in that city this mornirg: "Fire which broke out here shortly before 1 3. m. now threatens to completely destroy the clothing stock of Jacob Sichl, which, with the building is valued at about $6O,K0. The Merchants' National bank and the millinery store of the Burford sisters are also endangered. Should they go the total loss will reach at least $100,000, even though the con tents of the bank vault should be saved. "The fireman have every bit of available fire apparatus in service and are making a desperate fight to pre vent the fire from spreading, but it is impossible at this hour to state with what success." To Hold Respect. When you think of the great mass of people, struggling for existence, one is forced to believe that there are comparatively few dishonest people. Let a man refuse to pay his honest debts and he is virtually dead in the community, and his dishonesty will follow him, it makes no difference j where he goes. A poor man who pays his debts is respected where a rich man who does not do so is looked up on as the worst kind of thief. It is a good investment to pay ones debts in this world, to say nothing of the open abyss that awaits the debt thief on the other side. Neigbors Got Fooled. "I was literally coughing myself to death, and had become too weak to leave my bed; and neighbors predicted that I would never leave it alive; but they got fooled, for thanks be to God, I was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery. It took just four one dollar bottles to completely cure the cough and restore me to good sound health," writes Mrs. Eva Uncapher of Grover town, Stark county, lnd. This king of cough and cold cures, and healer of throat and lungs, is puaranteed by F. G. Frlcke & Co. Sudden Death In Lincoln. The Lincoln Journal of this morn ing (February 9, 1!K)7) contains the fol lowing account of the sudden death of Mrs. Mary C. Tefft, a daughter of the late T. M. Marquette, formerly of this city: "Mrs. Mary Tefft, wife of Dr. C. R. Tefft, 172G I street, died suddenly yes terday morning about 7 o'clock of heart trouble. At the time of her death Dr. TelTt was in Kansas City, but her children were with her. She had been at work about her home dur ing the early morning, and after pre paring brcakfasthad gone Intoanother room and wa3 sitting in a reclining chair when she was attacked by the fatal malady. Her children found her suffering intense pain and a neighbor, Mrs. II. M. Scott, was called in. When Mrs. Scott arrived Mrs. Tefft told her that she was dying. She asked that her husband and sister be notified. She expired in about fifteen minutes. Mrs Tefft leaves a husband four sons, and a brother and sister of this city. She was forty-four years of age,and:adaugh ter of the late T. M. Marquette of Plattsmouth. Mrs. Gertrude Stoney of Eighteenth and C streets and John Marquette are sister and brother of the deceased. Funeral arrangements will be announced after the arrival of the husband this morning from Kan sas City, where he had gone to attend a meeting. When he left Mrs. Tefft was apparently in good health." MAIL ORDER HOUSE LOSES An Injunction Refused by Judge Carland of the Federal Court. THE MATTER IS TO COME UP AGAIN Will be Tried in April in the U. S. District Court at Sioux Falls. The decision rendered by Judge Car land of the United States court, deny ing the application of Montgomery, Ward & Co. of Chicago, for a tempo rary injunction restraining the officers and directors of the South Dakota Re tail Merchants and Hardware Dealers' Association and Editor E. J. Mannix of the Commercial Newsof Sioux Falls, South Dakota, from continuing their alleged boycott against the Chicago concern, is one of the most important ever rendered in the federal court for South Dakota. The importance of the decision is due to the fact that had the plaintiff company won out in this case there is little doubt it was the intention of the concern to institute similar actions in other states where merchants'associa tions are waging a relentless warfare against the encroachments of the mail order houses. The Chicago mail order concern in stituted the action as the outgrowth of a fight which has been made in South Dakota against the extension in that state of the business of the mail order houses. In denying the application for the temporary injunction, Judge Carland in substance, held that the defendant association had not used threats in the effort to induce jobbers and wholesalers not to sell their goods to mail order houses, bub had simply endeavored to persuade them to stand with the retail dealer, and that the course of the officers of the association had not been anything but lawful. Although the temporary injunction is denied, this does not end the case, which, unless It is in the meantime withdrawn by the plaintiff company, will come up for hearing on its merits at the regular April term of United States court in Sioux Falls, South Da kota. The plaintiff company simply sought to secure a temporary injunc tion to hold until the main case was disposed of. New Superintendent Hurt. In speaking of the Missouri Pacific's new superintendent, and what has delayed his coming, the Omaha World Herald says: "C. II .Beving ton, the newly appointed superinten dent of the Missouri Pacific for this division, is expected to arrive in Oma ha the latter part of this week. Mr. Bevington started for Omaha about ten days ago, but fell from an engine and received injuries which have kept him in the hospital at Little Rock ever since." ManZan Pile Remedy put up in con venient, collapsible tubes with nozzle attchment so that the remedy may be applied at the very seat of the trou ble, thus relieving almost instantly bleeding, itching, or protruding piles. Satisfaction guaranteed or money: re funded. Sold by Gerlng & Co. Druggist. FAILS TO OBTAIN LICENSE Young Fellow and Sixteen Year Old Girl Travel to this City from Erie, Kan. PARENTS WOULD NOT GIYE CONSENT Prospective Groom Some What Confused When County Judge Denied Him - the Much Desired Papers. A strange, rather green appearing young many entered the county judge's office Monday morning and asked for a marriage license. The clerk secured the book and began to make the pa pers when it developed that the bride-to-be was only sixteen years of age, and that she did not have the written consent of her parents, whom the young man said resided near Erie, in Neosho county, Kansas. The strang er, who gave his name as Audiss, aged 22, residence Erie, Kansas, was very much perturbed at the decision on the part of Judge Travis. Audiss stated that an attorney in Erie had informed him that he could secure the much desired papers in Nebraska and he bad therefore journeyed to this city, In spired with a new hope, after an un successful attempt to gain the con sent of the girl's parents. After hearing his tale of woe the jndge quietly informed Audiss that he could not do anything for him, and the disappointed young man departed with Glenwood in view as the next scene of his operations. Since morning it develops that the young couple came in from the south on the Missouri Pacific this morning and registered as John Bennett and Mrs. John Brown, but did not give any place of residence. It is now presumed that tbey eloped from home, and fear ing detection, registered under ficti tious names. A Surprise Party. The home of Manota Perry was the scene of much merriment Tuesday eveniog, February 5tb, when her many friends walked in and gave her a surprise, the occasion being her eighteenth birthday. Sociability held sway for the first part of the evening, and later various games were indulged in, which afford ed much amusement. All enjoyed the music furnished by Misses Manota Perry, Fanny Will and Mrs. Verner Perry. A dainty luncheon was provided to which all did ample justice. At a very late hour the guests dis persed wishing Menota many happy returns and leaving presents to show their esteem for her. Those to enjoy this event were Misses Harriet Adams, Margaret and Rachel Livingston, Marie Tschirren, Elsie Stokes, Dora and Fanny Will, Lou Vallery, Bernice Barker, Gertrude Ilartman, Nannie Speck. Messrs. Albert WTheeler, John Vallery, Max Adams, Elbert, Ralph and Glen Wiles, Carl, Roy and Sherman Cole, Grover Will, WTill Propst and Messrs and Mesdames Earl Cole and Verner Perry. Wedding at Nehawka. At the home of the bride's parents, on Wednesday evening, February G, Mr. and Mrs. N. Opp, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Dora Kathryn, to Mr. Claude Ausmus. At prompt 7 o'clock Lydia Nutzman sang "O Promise Me," after which the bridal party consisting of Mr. Frank Boedeker as groomsman and Miss Stella sister of the bride as brides maid, and the bride and groom march ed to the strains of Lohengrin, into one of the parlors and were solemnly, yet quickly made man and wife by Rev. II. B. Seymour, the Methodist pastor of Nehawka. Only the immediate friends and relatives of the family were present. Tbe house was tastefully decorated in pink and white. The bride's dress was of white silk and the groom wore the usual black. The wedding supper, which followed the ceremony was not a minor part of the evening's enjoy ment. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Ausmus all the joy possible in their new life. Tbey will leave at once for the north where they will make their future home. The relief of Coughs and Colds through laxative influence, originated with Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup con taining Honey and Tar, a cough syrup containing no opiates or poisons, which is extensively sold. Secure a bottle at once, obtain a guarantee coupon t and if not fully satisfied with results, your money will be refunded. Sold by Ger- ing & Co's drug store. Rapidly Recovering. The Omaha World-Herald says that John Rasgorshek, the victim of three short men's brutal assault, is rapidly recovering from the effects of the beat ing sustained more than a week ago, but isn't yet allowed to talk to detec tives. From his wife, however, to whom he talks briefly of the assault, detectives have learned that Rasgor shek has no idea of any one of the trio, lie says the weapon used was a sort of a hook, and also that one of the fel lows was a boy about 18 years old. Ileit- feld and Donahue have made a thor ough search of the neighborhood for a radius of six blocks in the hope of dis covering some clew that would lead them to the guilty parties, but are as much in the dark as ever. DEATH OF "JUDGE" SHORT Passes Away at the Home of a Relative in Omaha Saturday Evening. The sad intelligence of the death of "Judge" William B. Short at the home of his son Tom in Omaha, was received by relatives in thiscity Satur day evening. Although the deceased had reached quite an advanced age, the news, nevertheless, came as a great shock to his many friends in this city, where he has resided for about thirty years, and where he was fami liarly know to almost every citizen as Judge Short. lie was about ninety years of age at the time of his demise. and until about two years ago made his home in this city, where he was employed for man years in the Burlington shops, which he assisted in building. Mr. Short was a native of New York, and removed from Burlington, la., to this city in about the year 1S73. The last services were observed in Omaha Monday night, after which the remains will be brought here on the Burlington train No. 2 for burial this afternoon. NO INTEREST IN CHECKERS? Members of the Association Say There Will Be No More Tournaments. The Lincoln Star has the following in reference to the meeting of the State Checker association, which held its annual tournament in that city last week: "Has the Nebraska State Checker association played its last tourney? Several members of the organization who witnessed the contest which closed last Friday and noted the marked loss of interest both in attend ance and in the enthusiasm of those who did attend are inclined to beli?ve the association will not meet again next year. the gold chair of "Charles Lee. who won medal and the presidential the society last year, attended a part of the meetings last week. lie was unable to participate in the playing by the nature of his duties as a mem ber of the Lincoln fire department and at the close of the tournament turned the medal over to the recent winner. C. W. Chambers, of Table Rock, Neb. "Checker playing seems to be losing its attractions to the old members," said Mr. Lee yesterday, "and I doubt if another meeting will be held next year. The attendance fell off nearly half this year and it seemed to me the playing was listless. Even in the finals between I. O. Whitesides and Chambers the contest seemed to lack in excitment and the playing was not as shrewd and clever as it should have been at that critical period.' "Just what disposition would be made of the gold medal in case the association should diseand is a matter of conjecture. At any rate Mr. Chambers, the present champion is j entitled to hold it for another year." I Remains Laid to Rest. The remains of the late William B. bhort, who died in Omaha Saturday, arrived in this city last evening at 4 o'clock. From tbe Burlington depot they were conveyed to the Oak Hill cemetery, followed by a large funeral cortege of friends. The pall bearers were Messrs. Bennett.Chriswiser, John Fight, Jacob Tritsch, John Cory, John Sharp and Dr. A. P. Barnes. Those of the relatives to accompany the corpse to this city were the widow, Mrs. W. B. Short; the four sons, J. H., W. M. A., and Frank of Omaha, and Tom of Chicago; the daughter, Mrs. Will Waybright and husband, and W. T. S. Weaver of Omaha. For Rent Two office rooms in the upper part of the JohnGund building. Enquire of Ed. Donat. PRETTY WEDDING IN DENVER Considered One of the Most Brilliant Af fairs Ever Witnessed in the Denver Capitol. Our friend Ami B. Todd sends us the following clipping, taken from a Denver paper, giving an account of the marriage of Mr. Edward Week bach, formerly of Plattsmouth, and Miss Gertrude Hamford of Denver. The happy event occurred Thursday evening, February 7, and was witness ed by a large number of friends of the contracting parties, including M r. and Mrs. Todd, former residents of Platts mouth, but now making their home in Denver. The groorn was born in this city and has many friends here who will read trie following account of the. brilliant affair with much interest: "No prettier or more interesting wedding has ever been witnessed in Denver than that which last night united the lives of MIssGertrude Ilan- ford and. and Edward Week bach "The marriageceremony was solemn ized at s o'clock in St. Elizabeth's church in the presence of a large num ber of guests, and with the environ ment of tropical plants, lights and music that was most attractive. The marriage service was celebrated by the Rev. Father Pius, assisted by Father Benedictine and Father Aloysius. The bridal procession, which approached the altar through an aisle of palms, was led by the ushers, C. E. Tenny, Frank Tetmer, Edward Butler of Lin coln, Neb ; Alfred Borresen of Colora do Springs; Tom Finnery and fJeorgi: Ilanford. Four tiny llower girls, car rying baskets of spring Mowers, came next and took their places at the altar steps. The bridesmaids, Miss Cora McCabe, Miss Maude Ryan, Miss Mae Mullen and Miss Matilda Weckbach followed. "The bride's .sister, Mrs. W. R. Mc Farland, officiated as her matron of honor. Not the least interesting lig ure of the bridal party was Elma Jane Leddy, tbe ring bearer, who, for her three short years, covered herself with glory in her responsible position. The bride, upon the arm of her brother-in-law, W. R. McFarland, was met at the chancel by Mr. Weckbach and his best man. "A choir of fifty voicescont.ributcd a fine musical program, under the direc tion of Miss Josephine Woebber. The bridesmaid and llower girls, who car ried out in their dainty white gowns, the color scheme of yellow and white in their hair ornaments, and the bas" kets of jonquils, made a very pretty picture as they encircled the altar, where the boys of the vested choir knelt. "Tne bridal gown oflilmy whichem broidered chiffon over taffeta wa.iiicij- j ly trimmed with panels of point lace. j With it a long veil of lu!!e ;:- woro j and a shower bouquet .t Mbes ;' the i valley and bride's rosis tell u'lii.t to j the hein of the n.mds roe robe, j the cuurch ceremony a recptin: j t'lveri at the home of Mr. nud y. i vftev wu s W. R. McFarland. Later thooucg joi. p!e left on their wedding j-jun.ey ;ind on its conclusion will live in Denver." Some Meteorological Records. (( cm i iliuo ii. In tbe year 450 a severe hail storm occurred in England. Many persons and animals were killed by the hail stones, many of which measured three inches in diamter. At Cherrapungi, Assam, India, dur ing August, 1841,240 inches of rain fell in five successive days. This is the re gion of greatest rainfall in the world. The region of least rainfall in the world is the Mojave Desert, in the southwestern part of theUnited States. A severe drouth was experienced in the eastern part of the United States in lt2. Scarcely a sprinkle of rain fell from May until September. The equinox of Venus is supposed to cause the present warm weather. Murderess Gets Indefinite Respite. Word has reached this city that the execution of Mrs. Emma LeDeux, who was convicted at Stockton, California, last fall of the murder of Albert N. McVicar, a nephew of A. N. Sullivan of this city, and who was to have hung the 19th of last January: was postponed and the woman granted an indefinite respite. A short time be fore the day of execution, it was dis covered that she was in a pregnant condition, and the presiding judge, therefore issued an Indefinite respite, in order tat another crime might not be con mitted, in dealing out justice. Big bargain in a second hand square piano. Price, t75, 110 cash and 5 per month. Henry R. Gerinjr.