The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 07, 1907, Image 8

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Now for Pure Food
Insist on
Cream Baking Powder
The County Exchanges
tens cf General Interest Selected froa the Columns ef Contemporaries
From the Courier.
iiss Ida Guthman, of Plainview, is
here visiting with her sister, Mrs. W.
F. Krecklow.
Andrew Stohlman and family left
Tuesday evening for a visit with rela
tives at Nevada, Missouri.
Mrs. E. Palmer has been quite sick
for the past week but we are pleased
to state that she is much improved to
day. An appendicitis club has been form
ed at Beaver City. The club has
ordered a barrel of olive oil and will
take a teaspoonful before each meal.
It is said a Plattsmouth bride re
ceived six alarm clocks among her
wedding presents, and her hubby was
late to work the next morninj after
the marriage.
Ex-Sheriff John McBride was in
Louisville Thursday representing the
Kal.ston & Fonda live stock commis
sion merchants of South Omaha. lie
reports business good.
Frank Fulton is here from Phillips,
Neb.. taK-iv.' care of his brother, lien,
who has bcn ti q iite sick for the past
ten days, hut he is reported somewhat
John and Sophie Yolk, who came
down from Randolph to attend the
Ileil-IIennings wedding returned home
Monday. They were accompanied
home by Geo. Horn, jr., and Jacob
Volk, the latter of Illinois, who will
visit with them for a short time.
From the Leader-Echo.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. El
mer Patton Saturday, January 26.
Grandma Greenslate is verylow,and
her recovery is very doubtful.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hall, Mr. and
Mrs. It. D. Bailey and Mrs. Minnie
Stark have all been undergoing a se
vere seige of the grippe.
The Stokes family were released
from quarantine Monday. There are
now no contagious diseases in Elm
wood or the immediate vicinity.
John Weber was operated upon yes
terday forenoon for rupture, by Drs.
Munger and Bohannan. Mr. Weber
withstood the effects of the operation
tine, and is doing as well as could be
Joe Mullin was taken down with
pneumonia last week, and was quite
sick for several davs, but is now get
ting along nicely. Miss Edith came
borne from the hospital at Lincoln
Friday to help care for her father.
Miss Lill;an Wheeler, of Platts
mouth, daughter of Treasurer W. D.
Wheeler, visited a few days the fore
part of the week at the home of her
cousin, Mrs. A. II. Weichel.
Hunting For Trouble.
'I've lived in Californiatwenty years
and am still hunting for trouble in the
way of burns, sores, wounds, boils, cuts,
sprains or a case of piles that Bucklen's
Arnica Salve wont quickly cure,"
writes Chas. Walters of Alleghany,
Sierra county. No use hunting, Mr.
Walters, it cures every case. Guaran
teed at F. G. Fricke& Co. 's drugstore.
o Opera
Mrs. Malinda Akers, of Basham, Va writes:
"I had what doctors call 'prolapse and couldn t
stand straight. I had pain in my back and
shoulders, and was very irregular and profuse.
Doctors said an operation was needed, but I
couldn't bear the thought of the knife. After tak
ing three bottles of Wine of Cardui, I could walk
around. Can now do my housework and am in
splendid health."
Cardui is a pure, vegetable, medicinal essence,
especially adapted to cure women's diseases. It
relieves excessive periodical pains, regulates
irregularities, and is a
safe, pleasant and re
liable remedy for all
sick women. In suc
cessful use for over 70
years. Try it.
Write us a letter describing aM
vour symptoms, anj we will send you
Free AJvice. in plain sealed envelope.
Address: Ladies' Advisory Department.
The Chattanooga Median Co.. Chatta
nooga, Tenn.
At Every Drug Store in $1.00 Bottles.
From the LedRer.
Uncle Nathan Foster is able to be
out again after a battle with bronchial
Grandpa Frans slipped and fell last
Saturday, bruising his hip very badly
but is able to be out again.
There is joy in the home of Thomas
McQuinn and wife on account of a 12
pound daughter, born Wednesday
morning, January 30.
A. J. McNatt has a very sore left
hand, the result of a little scratch,
which was followed' by blond poison,
and he will be on the bad order list for
Mrs. Nettie Turnercame down from
Elmwood yesterday to spend a few
days at home, taking a leave of absence
from her school work until she recov
ers from an attack of la grippe.
John Q. Churchill of Klickitat coun
ty, Washington, has been visiting his
relatives and friends in this county
the past two weeks, and passed
throughh here Wednesday, going to
Nehawka. lie intends to start for the
Pacific coast today.
Roy Upton's trouble seems to come
In a bunch, jor while he was trying to
cure a lame eye he wes stricken by his
old enemy rheumatism which con
fined him to the house and bed several
J. W. Pittman's condition shows no
material improvement, 'and although
there are hopes for a change for the
better, his recovery remains a matter
of grave doubt. In addition to other
ailments, lung trouble developed on
Tuesday, and rendsrs it a very compli
cated case.
Weeping Water
From the Herald.
Mrs. Dick Metcalf fell last Friday,
breaking one of her arms between the
wrist and elbow.
Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Mason left for
their new home at Claremore, I.T.,
Tuesday evening. These people have
been very good citizens, and we are
sorry to lose them from among us.
M. S. Petersen and wife expect to
leave in a couple of weeks for a visit
to their old home in Denmark. They
expect to be gone about three months
and will also visit in Wisconsin before
their return.
At the quarry Saturday evening.
Amos Cappin shot oil a blast of dyna
mite, but it is said, failed to give
warning, and in consequence one horse
was killed. The horse was a big,
strong fellow, and the best one they
had. Two rocks struck him on the
back when they descended.
R. D. Wollen met with a little acci
dent last week while running a buzz
saw. 'ihe speed was a little too high j
and in trying to slack up the lly wheel
went to pieces. The piece that glanced j
alone thft strip, nf Mr. Wnllpn'-i head '
o - - - " - - - - -
and clipped oil a small section of ear
would have killed him if it had been a
Mile closer.
There is one pailtif in Plattsmouth
that advertises in the newspapers,
and his oflice is over the Cass county
bank. To our young people who go to
Plattsmouth to be married and want
a minister of the gospel instead of the
county Judge to perform the marriage
ceremony, we will recommend that
they call for the man that advertises.
Hon. Wm. G. Hunter Uses
Peruna As a Family
A Reliable Remedy
For Colds.
(From the Beacon.)
James Latrom is unable to attend to
his duties at the store this week, on
account of an attack of the grippe.
The five-year-old son of Joe Allen,
who has been suffering from pneumo
nia, is considerably improved at the
present writing.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. L,
G. Sack last Sunday. The child lived
but a few hours. The many friends
will be glad to know Mrs. Sack is do
ing nicely.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hudson,
last Saturday, a daughter. Bert says
the infant weighs eight pounds, sev
enteen ounces to the pound. Mother
and child are doing well.
Arthur C. Dodrill and Miss Louise
Schroeder were married Wednesday at
the home of the bride's father, Fritz
Schroeder, living near Bethany. A
more detailed account of this occasion
will be given next week.
J. C. Brown seriously burned one of
his hands at his home Monday morn
ing while carrying a gasoline lamp.
The oil had caught fire and threatened
to explode. Mr. Brown carried it out
side, and in doing so sustained several
burns upon his left hand.
Mrs. Grant Standley died at 9 o'clock
Wednesday morning at her home, of
peritonitis. Deceased leaves a hus
band and three children. Funeral ser
vices were held at the Methodist
church, conducted by Rev. Townsend.
Interment was had at the Eagle cem
WHEN a man of undoubted reputa
tion coined out aquarely in public
print, giving unqualified endorsement to
a household remedy there must he some
thing genuine to account for it.
Hon. W. G. Hunter, of North Caro
lina, well-known in Washington and
throughout the Southern States, says of
Peruna that he regards it a the greatetU
family medicine ever discovered.
He doea nut hesitate to say that
Peruna inrigorates and gives fresh
strength to mind and Ixxly.
Such testimonials as this ou::!it to
make Peruna popular.
No advertising known to the arts of
man, bo commercial management could
ever raise Peruna to such a high stand
ard of appreciation as the frank and un
qualified statements of such men.
i eruna is an
ideal household
remedy. 1 1 wards
off colds and re
lieves catarrh in
all it form? and phases. .
I5y ridding the system of catarrh, it
cleanses the body of those conditions
which invite chronic diseases.
Cold Affected Head, Throat and Lungs.
Mr. Matthew O'Hare, 115 William St.,
Fall Hirer, Ma.s., writes:
"About four yeara ago I consulted a
physician to got relief from a cold
Which had stopped up my head and also
bp It led on my lungs, resulting in ca
tarrh and also throat difficulties.
"He gave me some medicine, hut four
months faithful use of the Fame did me
no good. I then tried other doctors, but
it was just the same.
"So I decided to try Pernna and after
using two bottles my luntis liegan to
heal, I did not cough nearly so much
and slept better.
"In six months the eouh, catarrh
and throat difficulties were all cured.
"I was pleased with the result and
wish to write you of it. Seven bottles
of Peruna cured me. "
A. L,. Hewitt, J. P., West Berlin, Vt.,
writes: "I am happy to be able to write
you this letter in relation to what your
Peruna has done for my family.
"When I brought the first bottle home,
I found my wife and daughter both
ick my wife with indigestion and my
daughter with a severe cold. They
were both cured.
"I am willing to state that Peruna,
taken in the beinnin, will cure the
Worst cold in 21 to U6 hours."
y j
-A i . ..,' -.
1 i i. xm
. .1
Cough, Colds, Catarrh
Relieved 'tty Pe-ru-na.
Hon. Wm. O. Hunter, ex-member
North Carolina legislature, writes
from the Census Office lluildinz, Wash
ington, I). C, concerning Peruna :
"The greatest family medicine
ever discovered, In my opinion,
which comes from experience as
well as observation, is Peruna. The
most common affliction to human'
kind is a bad cold. Peruna drives
It out of doors, wards off catarrh,
invigorates and gives fresh strength
to mind and body. I give Peruna
my unqualified endorsement. "
Mr. !. W. Taylor, Clcndenin, W. Va.,
writes :
"I think that Peruna Is the neatest
tonic that was ever put on the market.
For several years my eyes bothered irj
so much. The pain was so severe som
times J would tiiink they would surely
burst out of my head.
' tried Peruna and Manalln and am
to-day a well man. am nire I should
have died had it not been for Ir. Jf art
man's wonderful medicine, Peruna."
Such testimony as the aUjvo haa
given l'cruna a hih standard in the es
timation of the public.
Bring Suit for Damages.
In Justice Archer's court a suit en
titled McMaken & Son vs. John Schiap
pacasse and A. L. Tidd was filed to
day. The action is brought to re
cover $100 f jr damages sustained as a
result of the injunction suit filed a
few ago, but recently dismissed by tha
defendants in the present case. The
case is set for trial on February 12.
Rising From The Crave.
A prominent manufacturer, Wm. A.
Fertwell of Lucama, X. C, relates a
most remarkable experience. He says:
"After taking less than three bottles
of Electric Bitters, I feel like one ris
ing from the grave. My trouble is
Bright's disease in the Diabetes stage.
fully believe Electric Bitters will
cure me permanently for it has already
stopped the liver and bladder compli
cations which have troubled me for
years." Guaranteed at F. G. Fricke &
Co., druggists. Price only 50c.
The Squirrel Question.
The Lincoln Journal discussing the
squirrel question says: "First we pro
tect it from the hunter because of a
grace and beauty that appeal strongly
to Nebraska legislators. When finally
it has killed most of the birds and be
gins to lay waste the neighboring corn
fields we can remove this protection
and offer a bounty for squirrel scalps
as we do now for wolf scalps. By the
first part of the policy we help out the
game wardens, by the second open the
way to making a political ten strike
with the squirrel pestered farmers, at Two jobs have been
made to grow where none grew before,
the very fibre of political benefaction."
Most disfiguring skin eruptions,
scrofula, pimples, rashes, etc., are due
to impure blood. Burdock Blood
Bitters is a cleansing blood tonic.
Makes you clear-eyed, clear-brained,
Common Colds are the Cause of Many
Serious Diseases.
Physicians who have gained a nation
al reputation as analysts of the cause
of various diseases, claim that if catch
ing cold could be avoided a long list of
dangerous ailments would never be
beard of. Everyone knows that pneu
monia and consumption originate from
a cold, and chronic catarrh, bronchitis,
and all throat and luDg trouble are ag
gravated and rendered more serious by
each fresh attack. Do not risk your
life or take chances when you have a
cold. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
will cure it before these diseases de
velop. This remedy contains no opi
um, morphine or other harmful drug
and has thirty years of reputation back
of it, gained by its cures under every
condition. For sale by F. G. Fricke &
Co. and A. T. Fried.
In the Proper Light.
There are but few editors in our
state who have not made a vigorous
fightasiainst the city mail order house.
This has been done in the interest of
the home merchant, and without
money and without price. If the edi
tors of the land had received regular
advertising rates for all they have said
against these enemies of the country
merchant they could be wearing dia
monds. Lame Back.
This ailment is usually caused by
rheumatism of the muscles and may be
cured by applying Chamberlain Pain
Balm two or three timesaday and rub
bing the paats vigorously at each ap
plication. If this does not afford re
lief, bind on a piece of flannel slightly
dampened with Fain Balm, and quick
relief is almost sure to follow. For
by F. G. Fricke & Co. and A.T. Fried.
cd cyi frii
your tongue to
anrJ look in the glass you will see the effect
You can't help puckering it makes you pucker
to think of tasting it.
By the use of so called cheap Bak
Powders you take this puckering, injurious Al
right into your system you injure digestion
& and ruin your stomach.
!? c.1 O
Ul td
Mfafl BAK08
Royal is made from pure, refined e Cream of Tartar Costs more
V V .than Alum but you .-.aveihe profit of quality, the profit of good health. J )