The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 07, 1907, Image 6

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    Murray Department.
u umm it lib:
(iinj of the rentiers of the Jon nail know of o , .xoeial event or mi item of intercut in this vicinity and will mul sinc to this office it trill iijtenr und:f this hendimj.
Wc tcitnt all items of interest. Editor Journal.
Grow larger. Don "I let your money
burn holes in your pockets. Intrust
your money to the safe keeping of a
hank. This is the only safe way to
save it. The one sure way to have
money is to save it. A hank account
is not for the rich only it is suited to
every one, especially to the man who
saves his money. Dank account grow
surprisingly fast. To make a start is
the important part: after that it is
easv. Do not live to save, but save to
live. If yon are
a depositor, we
want von to become one at the
i The Murray State Bank
C. S. STONE. Cashier.
Dr. J. P. Rrer.clel was in Omaha Sat
urday. I). L. AmicU was in Plattsmouth
Saturday of last week.
Sim Pitman was transacting busi
ness in Omaha Wednesday.
irs. J. W. He rye r and Miss Ina Mil
ler were in Omaha Saturday.
U. C. Paileyand Ed Eiliott were
Plattsmouth visitors Wednesday.
William McLeod was transacting
business in Plattsmouth Tuesday.
John Ilobscheidt is preparing tor a
bi public sale in the near future.
O. A. Davis was Unking after some
business matters in Omaha Tuesday.
D. L. Amick shipped a car of hOkrsto
South Omaha Thursday of last week.
Leslie Hall and Glen Uawls were in
Plattsmouth Saturday evening to at
tend the ball.
Ernest Carroll and Miss Truda Long
attended the play in Plattsmouth Mon
day evening.
Grandma Mark, who has been quite
sick for the past few months, remains
about the same. j
II. C. Lon: still has a few cows and
good ones, too that he will sell reas
onable if taken soon.
Dr. T. 1. Livingston and Dr. Cook
of Plattsmouth were called to Murray
Wednesday in consultation with I)r
II. P. Urendel to see Matthew MidkifT
residue down ntar Union, who has
been suffering for the past few weeks
with hone erysipelas. At lirst it was
feared the old pentleman would be
compelled to have the limb removed,
but the three physicians decided to
await further developments before
such an operation was performed.
The ice harvest has been on in ful
blast in and around Murray for the
past week. The quality is exception
ally fine, about 12 to 11 inches thick,
and as clear as a crystal. Steve Copen-
haver will finish his work today, and
he has tilled houses for himself, O. A
Davis and D. J. Pitman. J. W. Ber
ber has filled his house, and "W. II. Mc
Daniel is into the work this week for
all there is in it. He will house the
largest quantity of any one in this lo
Buys a Big Farm.
While in Murray Wednesday we met
Gates Parker, one of the prosperous
nnx farmers of the section, and in a
ciivfrsation with him he informed us
ll.;it he had recently purchased a fine
4"2' a'r farm near Guide Rock, and
Joseph Klein, the rustling insurance j wj;i rUjl-,ve thereto in the very near
futurf Mr. Parker is an excellent
yountr niao.and the people of this com
munity iew r-t to see him leave, but
the best is!" "f all will follow him
to his new loc ti ion.
.isent, was looking alter iu
Murray last Saturday.
John Ilobscheidt returned home last
Saturday evening from a business trip
in the western part of the state.
There was a lare crowd in attend
ance at O. A. Davis sale, and the
property all brought Kood prices.
Miss Minnie Woods entertained the
missionary society of the Christian
church at her home Wednesday after
noon. Miss Frederick, teacher at the Ken
osha school, who has been on the sick
list, resumed her duties on Monday
Mrs. James Loughridfxe entertained
the missionary society of the Presby
terian church at her home Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brown and Er
nest Carroll and Miss Jessie Gilmour
attended the ball in Tlattsmouth last
Saturday evening.
Go to McDaniel's for special bar
pains in Duck Coats, Gloves and Mit
tens. Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing
Goods. Boots and shoes of all kind.
Mrs. Queen and O. A. Davis attend
ed the medal contest in Plattsmouth
last Saturday evening, both being
chosen as judges on the awardingcom
mittee. J. W. Edmunds went to Omaha
Tuesday evening to attend the play,
"The Millionaire Detective," in which
his niece, Mrs. Howard Hall and her
husband, take a leading role. Mr. Ed
munds pronounces it a good play. He
returned home Wednesday morning.
L. B. Underwood is still in Murray,
and very desirous of meeting all par
ties knowinc themselves indebted to
him for settlement. Mr. Underwood
wishes to close all such matters up as
soon as possible, that he may take ad
vantage of other opportunities offered.
Please call at once.
II. C. Long made a combined busi
ness and pleasure trip to the western
part of the state and to northern Kan
sas Tuesday. He will first go to Fur
nas county, where he will visit a few
days with his daughter, Mrs. Robert
Shrader, and from there to Trego coun
ty, Kansas, where, it is rumored, he
will buy another farm.
It Takes Two Keys
To open your Meel afe deposit box in
the Murray .stuJe Hank vaults: the
banks key and jours: neither will un
lock with out the other: no danger of
the wrong person yettini; into your
box by any means. Somewhat better
that the old tin box which could be
opened with a can-opener. Come in
and let us show you how they work,
and how much beetter the.y are for
you to keep your valuable papers in
than in a tin box where it can very
easily be destroyed by fire. Boxes for
rent at $1.00 and 81.50 a year.
Cii.vs. S. Stone, Cashier.
The undersigned will sell at public
auction at his late home J J miles east
of Murray and 8 miles south of
Plattsmouth, on
the following property towit: Team
of horses, weight L'800, one bay and one
roan, 7 and 11 years; one team, both
mares, one bay and one black, weight
2400, age 11 years: black mare, weight
1400, with foal: yearling colt: 2 good
milk cows. 2 good calves; 15 head of
eood shoats, pood carriage nearly new,
2 buggies, one nearly new, good farm
wagon, nearly new. disc, walking lister,
combined, 2 New Departure cultivat
ors, 1-row stalk cutter, 2-section har
row, hand corn sheller, 75 corn crib
poles, oak, 24 and 28 feet, 000 hedge
fence posts, 10 cords of stove wood, 3
good sets of harness, one new, 2 drills.
$0 tons good prairie hay,3 tons of good
clover hay, stack of oats straw, 200 tine
Plymouth Rock chickens. Sale to com
mence at 12 o'clock. Usual terms.
John Hobscheidt
C. S. STONE, Clerk
Joe Mauk of near Union was in Mur
ray Wednesday.
Mrs. II. C Long was visiting a few
days the past week with her sister,
down in Johnson county.
Miss Truda Long is suffering this
week with a frozen foot, received while
enjoying a sleigh ride the past week.
Considering the extreme cold weath
er, a good crowd attended the Colonel
Seybolt sale Wednesday of this week.
Mrs. I). L. Amick has been suffering
with an attack of rheumatism for the
past few weeks, and at this time is
not much better.
Some or the friends of Prank Moore
tell us that he has entered the whole
sale rabbit business. All orders en
trusted to his care will receive prompt
Some time ago L. P. Underwood sold
a number of feed grinders, and with
each he gave a number cn a shot gun
ratlle to be giver. ;to some lucky one.
Later he purchased some of the num
bers, among which was number 7,
Meisinger-Vallery Nuptials.
The nuptials of the third wedding
to be solemnized in this vicinity Wed
nesday, occurred last evening at the
hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. C.
II. Vallery, near Mynard, when their
daughter, Miss Blanche, was joined in
the holy bonds with Mr. Henry Mei-
singer by Rev. Brink, pastor of the
U. B. church, south of this city.
At the appointed hour (7 o'clock;
the bride and groom advanced to the
place designated to make the vows
that united them as one. Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Ilirtz stood up with the
contracting parties, and in the pres
ence of about twenty-five schoolmates
and relatives the two harpy young
people were pronounced husband and
wife. The congratulations were made
at t he conclusion of this impressive
ceremony, after which the newly mar
ried led the way to the dining room,
where a feast in keeping with the
happy event was partaken of by the
The young couple were the recipi-
On Henry DuBois' Farm one-half mile
south of Union on
commencing at 10:30 a. m.
12 Head of Horses:
which proved to he the lucky one and ents cf many useful and valuable gifts,
drew the gun. Mr. Underwood had which will be pleasant reminders of
nothing to do with the drawing. It the occasion
was placed in the hands of disinterest- The bride was beautifully gowned
ed parties. He simply held the lucky in white silk and carried a bouquet of
One span of Geldings, weight 3100; one W
span gray mares, weight 2000; one span 5
driving mares, weight 2000: one black
mare, weight 1400; one black mare, weight v
1000, in foal to jack; one brown mare, weight O
llOO, in foal to horse; one bay driving mare; V
one brown driving mare, drives single or
double, perfectly safe for lady, not afraid
of automobiles; one extra fine pony, safe
for lady. 10 head of milch cows, 3 heifers.
One thoroughbred Galloway bull, 2 years
old, a fine animal and the top of L. C. Pol
lard herd. 10 head full blood Duroc Jersey Q
bred gilts, one of the best herds in Cass Co.
sweet peas and roses. She is an ac
complished daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
C. II. Vallery and has many friends in
this vicinity, where she has grown to
The groom was attired in the preva
lent black, and bore himself with
dignity equal to the occasion. He isa
son of Mr. and Mrs. George Meisinger
and is a capable and industrious young
man who has a host of friends.
The Journal joins in wishing Mr.
and Mrs. Meisinger, much happiness
and prosperity, in the years to come.
Mr. and Mrs. Meisinger will make
their home about nine miles west of
this city near Cedar Creek, where the
groom has leased a farm.
Those present were Messrs. and
Mesdames Brink, Geo. Meisinger,
Henry Ilirz, Geo. Meisinger, jr., W
K. Shepardson and Misses Anna Berg-
mann, Lizzie Bergmann, Teresa Mar
ler, Feme Ruby, Mary, Tillie, Flora
and Maggie Meisinger, Mrs. Myrtle
Mark, and Messrs. John Bergmann,
John, Jesse.Albert and Eddie Vallery,
Hamilton Mark and Don Shepardson.
Never can tell when you'll mash a
finger or suffer a cut, bruise, burn or
scald. Be prepared Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil instantly relieves the
pain quickly cures tue wouna.
A liquid cold relief with a laxative
principle which drives out the cold
through a copious action of the bowels
and a healing principle which lingers
in the throat and stops the cough
. . . . -- -l T" a. : l C"
Bee's LaxativeCough Syrup contain tnat is jvenneay s L,axaueoougu oyr-
ing Honey and Tar is especially appro- "P- Safe ana sure is its action; pieas
priate for children, no opiates or ant to take: and conforms to National
poisons of any character, conforms to Pure Food and Drug Law. Contains
Keep Your Money at Home.
Have you seen the recent advertis
ing victims of the mail order house?
They do not reside many miles from
Murray, and the swindle has worked
so smoothly that the victims have ex
erted every effort to keep the matter
a secret, but it came to light this
week and is about as follows: One of
the victims found an advertisement
in which the ''Get Rich Quick" ar
tists announced that they would send
to each and every person sending the
l.s." in money twelve bottles of
their guaranteed twenty year
old Briarcliffe Whiskey. The boys
thought this a genuine snap, and has
tened to send the required $1.85, and
waited for their returns, which ina
few days arrived, and lo and behold
they found the package contained
twelve large one ounce bottles, the to
tal of which could be purchased at
most any retail establishment in the
state for $1. The boys have kept the
joke pretty well, but you can bet they
will in the future purchase only what
they can see, and make sure they pay
only as their vision directs.
K S1300 Worth of Implements K
New and Best Makes &
j One 0-ft Deering Ideal binder, tongue
truck, new, 5-ft Champion mower, 10-ft hay v
Q rake, 10 disc Budlong harrow, 2 row Sterl- V
ing staiK cutter, new uonn ueere cage orop v
planter, 10O rods wire, John Deere edge
drop lister, 14-inch, John Deere Stag riding v
plow 10-inch, John Deere Rob Roy riding v
w a t - y-v r . r
plow 10-incn, o-section narrow iu-Tt Janes
J ville seeder, new, Fast Mail riding comb-
cultivator, new, 2 Avery cultivators, new
P shovels, and many others not listed here.
Sums under 10 cash. v r $ 10 a credit of lo months
at per cent with bankable note. A 1 1 -inurements for
credit can be made in advance if desiied. No nroyfrtv
removed till settled for.
To Give Box Supper.
A box supper will be given Thurs
day, February 14, at the Eight Mile
Grove school house, under the direc
tion of the teacher, Miss Gertrude
Hartman. Everybody is cordially invited.
the conditions of the National Pure
Food and Drug Law, June 30, 1900.
For Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. It
expels Coughs and Colds by gently
moving the bowels. Guaranteed. Sold
by Gering & Co's drug store.
Maple Grove
Special Correspondent.
Louie Puis made a trip to Nehawka
Jake Smith lost one of his fine horses
ast week.
Levi Rusterboltz is on the sick list
this week.
Louie Todd made a business trip to
Omaha Saturday.
Otto Puis made a business trip to
Murray Saturday.
Mrs. r. A. Hild, who has been on the
sick list, is improving.
Quite a number attended the public
sale at Ora Davis' last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Kraeger left Tues
day for a few weeks' visit in Oklaho
J. R. Cathey and son, Cameron, of
Weeping Water, stayed here over Sun
day. W. II. Puis shelled corn last Wed
nesday and delivered it to Charles Boe
deker. Herman Teakotter and son, Louie,
visited with friends in Maple Grove
A number of friends gathered at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. S wartzfisher last
Thursday night to bid farewell to
them. Mr. and Mrs. Schwartzfisher
leave this week for Oklahoma to make
their future home, and we wish them
much success in their new home.
Annual Dance at Sayles' Hall.
The arrangements have been com
pleted by "W. M. Barclay for holding
the annual dance and oyster supper,
which is free to everyone, at Sayles'
hall in Cedar Creek, on Friday, Febru
ary 8, 1907. All are cordially Invited
to attend. (
no opiates. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Parties from Murray, Plattsmouth and Mynard can take Missouri
'aciliic at Union 10:12 returning 4:0., giving plenty of time for sale.
X WM. DUNN, Auct.
k D. G. WEST, Clerk
T. t. . 0 DAY
The relief of Coughs and Colds
through laxative influence, originated
with Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup con
taining Honey and Tar, a cough syrup
containing no opiates or poisons, which
is extensi vely sold. Secure a bottle at
once, obtain a guarantee coupon, and
if not fully satisfied with results, your
monev will be refunded. Sold by Ger
ing & Co's drug store.
costaimn-q HONEY AND TAR
ManZan Pile Remedy put up in con
venient, collapsible tubes with nozzle
attchment so that the remedy may
be applied at the very seat of the trou
ble, thus relieving almost instantly
bleeding, itching or protruding piles.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money re
funded. Sold by Gering & Co. Druggist.
Ring's Little Liver Pills thoroughly
clean the system, irood for lazy livers,
makes clear complexions, bright eyes
and happy thoughts. Sold by Gering
Co's& store.
Murray Business Directory
The following business men of Murray take this method of soliciting your pat
ronage in their various lines. You will find them ever ready to give you fair treat
ment and 100 cents for everv dollar spent with them.
( The Big Corner Store)
Always carry an
up-to-date line of
General Merchandise
Get their prices on all
goods before buying
D. Lf. Armck
The Live Stock Man
Who pays the Top Price at All
Times. Use Your Phone
and get the best
All Calls Promptly Attended to
IKlotaip public
Dr, Hayes Gsantner
At the office of
John Cook
Boss Harness Man
Do You Know
Less F. Hall
Writes Insurance in the best
Companies and at the best
Get My Prices
Before Buying
Drs. Newell
and Tracy
Murray Every Tuesday
Cass and Oxygen for
Painless Extraction
All Work Guaranteed)
Office with Dr. Cllmore
Every Txiesda-y
Physician, and
Prompt Attention to All Calls
D. C. Rhoden
Good Turn-outs and Prompt
Attention is Our Hobby
Give Us a Call
( Vacant Place are for Sale)