The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 07, 1907, Image 4

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    The Plattsmouth Journal
K. A. HATES, I'imimkiikk.
r.terl :it tliu postulT-e at I'liittsniouth. Ne
hraslct. assi'ciuiilclass matter.
Ii we are to have six weeks more
winter, even then ' it would not be
so very bad. Just think of the peo
ple tip north.
Tin-: ground-hog: saw his shadow
Xow, look out for "squalls."
Hi-: is a wise groundhog who
knows his hole and stays by it.
It is probably safe to say that i Pi.ack not'your trust in supersti
Harry Thaw's line of defense has
been accurately prophesied. Some
one of the scores of forecasts must
hit the nail on the head.
Wiiex the Interstate Commerce
Commission denounces Standard
Oil methods as disreputable it is
only putting into official language
what thousands of smaller compet
itors have felt who have been driv-
Cass county physcians are not en to the wall too early for justice
feeling the best toward Represent- to save them
ative Davis because of his stand on
the Christian Science bill. Louis
ville Courier.
Under the provisions of a new
bill that has been favorably report
ed upon in the house of represent-
According to reports the woods atives, it will no longer be possible
'round about Washington must be to start a bank in the smaller towns
full of congressmen , elect who have 0f Nebraska on a capital of $5,000,
come up to get acquainted a year as the law now permits. The new
before there is any necessity of their bill, which is backed by the bank
presence. jnir interests of the state, reauires a
capital of $10,000 in all towns less
than 1,500 population.
Tin-: inevitable has happened.
Swettenham has apologized for his
lapse irom international courtesy. Marriage, that half-way prob-
JNeitherin public nor private affairs lem between birth and death, is be
is anything to be gained by egotis- coming a livelier topic every day
tie bombast. I Our rnmintTSintn nnrl rrnintrsnnt n
life are mysteries that have defied
The bill to divide Nebraska into reform movements. Marriage, be
two tederal districts is likely to ing more of a human property, has
f lil. The trouble seems to be that rewarded the craze for exneriment
the state is not large enough to be ation. Yet after thousands of years
so cut up as to provide for all the we are still looking for its idea
hungry republican lawyers of the secret. Even though affinity is be
state who are after jobs. y0nd our attainment, we shall go
on marrying because we want an
when the anchorage in this lonely existence
A in i.i. to increase the salary of
the examiner of county treasurers
is being considered by the solons at
Lincoln. It is a cold day when a
salarv crab or a new commission
jdoes not find favor in the siiiht of
Tin: tjconle are enc-H v w.itrlmip ! l,:e legislators
- i 0 j - -
tions, but remember that all things!
even up in Nebraska.
ever movement of the legislature.
Better attend to your knitting, boys,
and keep faith with them.
MAW measures have been intro
duced in the legislature by politi
cians that were never intended to
Kyery little two-by-four fellow 1 JU1 nierei 10 auracc auen'
that is elected to the legislature
tion, while measures that have merit
, f . .
thinks it is his duty to introduce a dIC !,raoiaereu- AO Irmer away
multiplicity of bills-and few of and draw $5.00 per day is the,
them are even worthv of he.W n- P""Cipal thing in the minds of the j
Aeelable Preparation Tor As
similating the Food and Hernia
ting the Stomachs andJ3owels of
2x4 members.
Tiik allies of the renubliean nartv
uba is sending tuu-tiedged con- in this state in the . t camriaicrn.
-..1 1 i 1 C it.. T T ' 3 I i o
su,s tu luc cmc: OI luc umieu the brewers and wholesale liquor
states, ine island government dealers-will iret little comfort from
. 1 1.1 1 M I
muse nave conciuaea to remain in f jje
business longer than intimated a
few days ago.
Mr. Hill, the railroad magnate,
has virtually admitted that the rail
roads are five years behind the ma
terial progress of this country. A
significant confession for a "cap
tain of industry."
During the season,
bottom has dropped out of the roads
anu me wnoie country is a veritaDie x'- w v, m t cT.
down, the machine republicans are
ine.NeDrasKa legislature ui u nas dependin zu von the democrats in
not adjourned before that time; to the legislature to pass their primary
sidetrack all legislation and give us bin for them There are a
a more practical road law. Those manv measuies that are popular
who want better roads should get before election, and that are used
in their work with their represent- for the purpose of building up plat
atives right now. forms, that are sidetracked after
the machine is inlrunning order.
A merciful man is merciful to
his beasts. We like to see our far- So terrible have been the
mers when thev come to town on a wrecks in the past few months that
cold, stormy day, put their no man gets on a train without the
teams in a barn or cover them with knowledge that he is taking his life
blankets. There are many, how- m his hands. Yet we must travel.
ever, who on cold days will rush So what are we going to do about
for a stove themselves and leave it? Isn't it about time that the
their horses in a storm, while in the railroad magnates shonld cease try
heat of summer they seek the shade to gobble up more mileage and
and leave their horses in the sun. properly conduct what they have?
There is something wrong about lne out of ten of the accidents on
the man who thus abuses his team, the roads are due to either over
lie may be a nice man, may belong worked employes, whose brains and
to the church, may not swear,
faculties have become numbed
smoke, nor have nnv bad habits, from going long hours without
but we would not want to be his rest, or else the failure to safeguard
horse. We have noticed several properly the lives intrusted to their
- . - I AtA 1 i- 1 .1!. J 1. ..
instances m the past tew days care, i ne nrst can De remedied Dy
-where horses have been allowed to making it illegal to work an em-
remain at the rack the whole live- ploye an unlimited time, but the
long day, with the wind blowing second can be cured only by a law
from the northwest bringing with requiring the maintenance of mod
it snow, with their heads down and ern satety appliances and impera
uncovered. There should be a hu- tive rules that these appliances be
mane society in every town to look obeyed.
after the fellows who will permit
such crueltv. speaker cannon may go on
with his warnings about a day's
President RooSEVELT'sapprov- journey toward free trade," but if
al of subsidies for American ships the republican party does not fol
in South American trade would low Senator Cullom's advice and
carry more weight if it had been ac- begin the work of revising the tariff
companied by plans for extending in a special session in March it will
our commerce in that quarter. The take a long day's journey toward
ships will come fast enough, with- the banks of Salt River in the No
out subsidy, whenever there is vember elections of 1908. Though
freight to be carried, and no reas- it is not made absolutely clear that
able subsidies will keep them going the president and secretary of state
where there is little freight. For- meant to speak for the Dingley rates
eigners own the ships plying in as the maximum, the fact that they
South American countries becanse indorse a differential rate is suffi-
they monopolize the trade. We cient proof that they feel, however
drive it away by protective tariff reluctantly, the pressure of the
and by the neglect of our manu- rising tariff revision tidal wave
facturers to provide the goods They cannot sweep it back with
which the South Americans want, any other broom than a revision
The countries of South America that will jrive farmers and ware
and of the rest of the world are, earners substantial relief from the
for our protected manufacturers, heaviest burdens and the most out
only dumping grounds for the sur- rageous robberies of the monopoly
plus of goods manufactured for the tariff as it stands. That they can
home market, but not readily sala- do this is not to be expected. The
blehere. Reciprocitj- arrangements tariff revision which Senator Cul
should come before ship subsidy, lorn savs the people want is just the
Lower the tariff wall which separ- revision which will be opposed with
ates the northern half of this hem- all their might by Senator Aldrich
isphere from the southern and there and the powerful faction of the re-
will be freight as well as mail for publican party which he leads. The
the subsidized ships to carry, democracy is the only party of gen-
There will never be much of either uine tariff reform. It will pass the
until exchange of products is en- issue up to the monopoly party next
couraged by fair trade arrange- year in the shape to put monopoly
ments. robbery out of business
present legislature. Having
spent their money to defeat the
democrats, they -must now take
their own medicine which they
make out of barley, hops, etc.
Railway managers should recog
nize that the time has come when
the railroad companies of this state
can accomplish a great deal more
by making earnest and candid
Rugged honesty in the legisla- presentation of reasons that will
tive, executive and judicial branch- influence the minds of intelligent
es of government is what is needed, and honest men than they can by
There are good enough laws in ex- empkn-ing the services and eajoler
istence now to punish grafters if ies of lobbyists whose ways are
the- are vigorously enforced. dark and whose purposes are essent
lallyand always sinister. Even the
If thj.; tnterurban railway bill, legislator ot accommodating morai-
now before the legislature, becomes xt-v has come to be to afraid of a
a law Plattsmouth and Omaha will Provoked public sentiment to yield
be connected by one ere the snow reapily to the wiles of the profes-
of another winter flies. The Tour- sional lobbyist.
Pro motes DigeslionJChe rFuI-
neas and HesLLon tains neither
OpiunvMorphirie nor Mineral.
flrrtitd .Hip
Aperfect ltemedy forConstipn
Tion, Sour Stotnach. Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Kcveri sh
ncss and Loss of Sleep.
FucSunite Signature of
exact conr of wrapper.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
ii mi n ii ii
For Over
Thirty Years
nal believes such
thing for our city.
a line a good
The count- option bill is one of
the disturbing elements in the leg
islature this winter as was predict-
ed last fall. But like all other
The importation of one thousand
Spaniards to the Hawaiian group
will equalize the Japanese complex
ion it has lately taken on.
Another swipe was taken at the
The Scientific American, speak
1 n o r.f T r TTJII'c octimnto rf I . 1 - ... . ..
i fciiv. imngs, in wnicii cranks take a
prominent part, it looks to a man lawyers in the legislature by turn-
imay tuuuu, up iu oLuer up a trce that it has been over- ing down the bill providing that in
nrati(lipc rr mdncfrv cure fhic rod ... . .1
j,, worked, ana tne really good people counties of 15,000 or more county
capital will not be available until who thought to regulate the cities judges must hm been admiUed tQ
tne rauroaas cease to De threatened by the help of the countv vote now practice at the bar
witn connscauon ana irasier to me find that if the county should go
state. The article admits that the wet jt wju iay down the bars at all Judging from present indications
railroads in many instances have piaces and practicallv kill local oo- lt is not unsafe for you to guess
abused tneir powers, but claims tjon It is a hard matter to make that the present legislature will not
that the people in their agitations a square plug fit into a round hole, fulfill many of the campaign pledges
have made many grievious errors. Ve are deeidedlv onnnsed to roinfr made and a large portion of the
pledges made in the republican state
The land of the Rosebud Sioux " ; " platform. Keep tab and see if we
i i Bdciiers a i iniiivi ie. i
Indians, which comprises about
The primary election proposition
seems to attract considerable atten
tion at present in the legislature.
The measure is one calculated to
embarass the minority party, especi
ally when that party is very weak.
But both parties in the campaign
last fall favored such a damphool
measure, and we suppose it will on
this account, become a law.
comprises about Below is given the program for the are noc rignc in our Preaiction
1,000,000 acres of some of the most Cass County Teachers' -association Republican pledges are a hard con
fertile land of South Dakota, will meeting, which is to be held at Louis- concoction to compound and fill
I tl -B-l rfc I
likelv be thrown onen for settle- vlue on eDruary correctly
ment by the federal government
within the near future. Under a
-" a.a.m&a .MISS I'lUWrrt linns. I .1 . r ... . .
isr ,inn tneir piatiorm did not provide tor a
Miss Leda itoss. 2-cent passenjier rate. That is true.
Miss I'lioelK? Davis
week the latter are to receivej$6 per nis
r i . i i t ..1 j I
acre lor lanu WKen ay seiuers QUr- "llow the Suwrlntemlent Can Most Ai.l Me'
Music V.V.V.."V."'-:TVi,Vnitownn'cw- TlIE republicans in the legislature
New Devices for ri imary children" are now claimincr as a defense that
ing the first three months, $4,50
during the next four months, and
$2,50 after that, including all school Musi'"
Miss Gertrude llartman.
But it is also true that the republi-
Discussion can candidates for the legislature in
Miss Koxcena II at: an
It is reported from Lincoln that
while the joint committee of the
egislature has framed and report a
2-cent passenger rate bill, a good
share of that committee will not be Discussion
over enthusiastically in favor of it.
The general sentiment of the com
mittee is that the commission should
have the control of passenger as
well as freight rates, and in this
connection there has been incorpor
ated in the commission bill a pro
vision that that body may raise or
lower passenger rates as it sees fit.
Double Quartette.
Effects of tlie New Certification Law"
Will T. Adams.
Miss Blanche Bell.
Double Quartette.
'"The Mission of the Hijrh 'School"
Suierintendent I. N. Clark.
Principal W. 1'. Barrett.
'"What the Patrons Can Iieasonably Expect
From the School"
B. Wulph.
Music Piano Duet
"What the School May Reasonably Expect
1-'rom the Patrons"
Superintendent E. L. Kouse.
Business Session and Announcements
Hard on Lincoln Hotels.
During the month just closed the
neonle of Nebraska, who had nrraslnn
Should a 2-cent rate, then, be put to visit Lincoln were compelled to en-
in effect the commission might the gage sleeping room in advance of their
next day rule it out of order and arrival, sit up all night or impose
restore the old rate upon some good friend who had a
spare bed in tne nouse. Lincoln is
Missouri only a countrv vll,a?e in the way of
TTTlII H O TJk 11tAn ife cftflfA Vkj-vl- r I
Within thirty days
law fixing the passenger rates in steeping facilities are provided are
that state at two cents a mile, outrageous. While the railroads gave
un,f : a reduction In fare for those wishing iu Uu tQ yisit. tne city, the hotel men and
about a two-cent rate? Is the re- short order houses raised prices on the
fnrm lPak1,t,,rp ," t boys from the country but then it is
.. v. 6U6 winter and we Dresume those Lincoln
awaj' its time without givinjr the chaps don't uet to bump so larere a
npnr1P n scrl,, inn- w u o num oer oi visitors miriner coin wea tner
" very often. Tecumseh Tribunal.
reai oenenir iiundreds ot bills
have already been introduced in
both branches of the legislature
and not one out of a hundred of
them amount to the value of the
paper upon which they are written,
yet the legislature fights and quar
rels over them with a zeal that
would make an innocent spectator
believe the taxpayers were clamor
ing for all of them. A two-cent
passenger rate in Nebraska would
be a real benefit, but for that rea
son it looks hopeless.
A Habit to Be Encouraged
The mother who has acquired the
habit of keeping on hand a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy saves
herself a great amount of uneasiness
and anxiety. Coughs, colds and croup,
to which children are susceptible, are
quickly cured by its use. It counter
acts any tendency of a cold to result in
pneumonia, and if given as soon as the
first symptoms of croup appear, it will
prevent the attack. This remedy con
tains nothiDg injurious and mothers
give it to little oDes with a feeling of
perfect security. Sold by F. G. Fricke
& Co. and A. T. Fried.
order to save their hides made such
a promise in order to secure suffici
ent votes for their election. Such
was the case in Cass count jr with
both our representatives and state
If a bill introduced by Represen
tative Burch becomes a law, the su
preme court will be afforded an op
portunity of catching up with its
docket. The bill provides for a
commission of three, to be chosen
by the court, to be assigned to
either of its divisions and to be
elected for three years or a shorter
term, to aid in disposing of cases
on the docket. The commissioners
are to receive the same salary as is
paid to the supreme judges.
Thkrk is no apology due or re
quired from any democrat, be he
free silver or gold standard, who
voted for W. J. "Bryan in 1896, in
view of the fact that the amount of
money in gold, silver, bank notes,
greenbacks, coin certificates and
fractional currency of the baser
metals now in circulation amounts
to nearly $34 for every man, woman
and child in the country. On the
first day of the present year the
volume of American money in cir
culation was $212,000,000 greater
than a year ago, and over $600.-
000,000 more than it was ten years
ago. Had Mr. Bryan and a con
gress in sympathy with him been
elected in 1896 and the free and un
limited coinage of silver pressed
with the utmost vigor, the circula
ting medium could not have been
increased at a more rapid rate than
the republican party has increased
it since 1 897. The immense amount
of gold from Alaska has, of course,
had considerable to do in adding to
the world's supply, thus aiding in
the great increase of money in the
hands of the people of the United
States, but the striking fact must
not be overlooked that the paper
increase has kept pace with the flow
of gold, and for almost every dol
lar's worth of gold brought in, a
paper dollar was printed on the gov
ernment presses.
Don't neglect your cough
Statistics show that in New York City
alone over 200 people die every week from
And most of these consumptives might
be living now if they had not neglected the
warning cougn.
Ycu know how q
E,mzztj;trL enable;
cough cr ecld.
i::ckly S&oft'j'
ycu to throw oh a
ALL D.UCCISTS; 30c. AND $1.00. r,