HjMattemntoutb journal VOLUME XXVII LLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FKHRUARY 7 , 1907. NU3IHEH J0TT1H6S FDR THE JOLLY Bart Paragraph rrtiartl ail hfltlni Fir tii Readers if tit Josml. With rorrvoi tnrnl to aimhol And par x-r ml from wood, Wlr will the iwoplp nw and ill, Obtain their Im akfa-st oUV Fame usually costs more than It Is worth. A tight men and a loose dog are equally dangerous. Graft often goes about disguised as a business opportunity. Experience teaches us how to make other kinds of mistakes. Some men are born leaders and most women are born drivers. A pauper pets more real enjoyment out of life than a miser does. Nature never made a mistake not even when woman was created. While man wants but little here be low, he never gets quite enough. A wife at home may be worse than a breach ot promise suit in court. When the young man courts an heir ess he thinks his fortune is maid. Sometimes a woman's face overdoes it in the matter of telling her age. Our idea of a selfish person is one who is unable to remember a favor, Many a woman trusts her husband because she doesn't know as much as she might. A girl always tests her first engage ment ring by trying to write her name on a pane of glass. Some men are horn great, but the majority don't even have greatness thrust upon them. It sometimes happens that when an actor finds things coming his way he tries to dodge them. If you can't send your best girl one of those S2 valentines, don't be guilty of sending her any at all. Even the fool may always know what to say, but it takes a wise man to know when not to say it. Many a man would be unable to paddle bis own canoe if he couldn't borrow some other man's paddle. A man's idea of good luck is any old kind that leaves him a few dollars ahead of the other fellow's games. A man may as well acknowledge the corn if his wife has to take his shoes off when he comes home late at night There used to be a difference be tween the politician and the states man, but the muck raker has leveied it off. The cynical bachelor rises to re mark that a man doesn't necessarily have to marry in haste to repent at leisure. Of course, it is possible for a woman to run an automobile, but she really ought to have a man along to do the swearing. The man who can smile when he gets up in the morning and finds the tire extinct is a mighty hard man to keep down. No, Alphonso, you cann't always tell how much a girl wants you to kiss her by the strenuous objection she puts up. hen a woman is sick she takes a good deal of pride in thinking of the miserable life her husband would lead if she were dead. Every boy aspires to greatness, but the trouble is he spends too much time figuring out just what sort of greatness he wants. When a woman gets it into her head that she is mentally superior to her husband she thinks it's up to her to do a stunt on the lecture platform. That girl who wrote her name on an egg was taking a long shot at get ting a husband. In these days of cold storage she is likely to be a grand mother before the egg is sold. The coward's day will soon be here February 14. This is the date for your enemies to get even by sending you one of those horribly ugly valen tines, which gives vent to their feel ing. There is living in Texas a woman who can travel for fifty miles in one di rection without steeping from her own land. She ought to be able to get along without scolding her neigh bors very much. Health Oriicer Wright of New Haven, has ordered Connecticut peo ple to stop kissing until tbe grip epi demic is over. But there are those who believe it is better to have kissed and gripped than never to have kissed at all. The newspaper is a law book for the indolent, a sermon for the thoughtless, a library for the poor and an admon isher for the lawless. It may stimu late the most indifferent, but it can not be published without cost and sent free to subscribers. This is no joke. OFFICERS RAID "BUM" SHACK Round Up Trio of "Weary Willies," Who Receire Jail Sentences From Judge. HAYE ANNOYED CITIZENS SEYERAL DAYS Prisoners Are Suspected of Attempting to Rob H. M. Soennichsen's Grocery Store of Cash Last Night. As a result of the annoyance suf fered by our citizens and business men who have missed trivial articles dur ing the past few days, and who have complained of the tramps that have been hanging around the city for some time, Sheriff Quinton and Chief of Po lice Fitzgerald decided to visit the "bum" shanty and if possible rid the community of these unnecessary char acters. With that object in view theoflicers at an early hour this morning dropped over the bank and knocked at the domicile of the "Weary Willies," who were thus suddenly awakened from their morning nap. The entrance of otlicers revealed three "gentlemen of the road'' in various attitudes of ex pectancy or indifference, but this soon gave way to calm resignation (?) when they were ordered to arise and go along with the otlicers. In police court they were arraigned before Judge Archer on charges of vagrancy, which they plead guilty to, and were sentenced to ten days in jail. This trio of jolly American tramps have caused considerable trouble about town, and it was only last night that they gave the people at Soennichsen's store a slight scare The incident referred to occurred about the closing hour when the pro prietor of the store had the cash regis ter open in order to count the pro ceeds of tbe day's sales. Being called away a few moments, he returned to find two tramps walking away from the cash drawer. A halt was called and the door locked until the money could be counted again. Fortunately for the two tough looking visitors, everything was all right, and they were allowed to go from the store. In court they gave the names of Thos. McGlenn, Frank Smith and Wm. Moore. Sallic Bents Greenslate. The Journal g t ve a brief account of the death of G'.indma Greenslate in Monday's issue. The following special from Elm wood, under date of Febru ary 4, gives the following account of her funeral, and a brief biographical sketch of her past life: "Sallie Demis Greenslate, one of the pioneers of Nebraska, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. D. Clapp. in this city, late Saturday night at the age of ninety-two years. Funeral ser vices were held from the Christian church at 11 o'clock this morning, con ducted by the pastor, Elder J. B. White. Intermenc was in Elmwood cemetery. "Grandma" Greenslate. as she was familiarly called, was well known all over Cass county to the early settlers. She was born in Otsego, county, New York, January 12, 1S15, was married to Herman Greenslate June 1, 1833. To this union was born six children, three of whom are living. The family moved to Iowa in 1857, where her husband died ten years later. In 1873 she came to Nebraska, and has since made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Clapp." Some Meteorological Records. (Contributed.) A snow storm occurred in New Eng land during the winter of 1780. In many places snow was piled up to the second story windows of tall houses, while houses of one-story were com pletely snowed under. The winter of 1133 was intensely se vere in Italy. Casks of wine were frozen, and trees burst open, so intense was the cold. The Thames was frozen over for two months during the winter of 134. On November 4, 1797, Quito, in South America, was swallowed up by an earthquake, and 40,000 people per ished. Frepare for much bad weather this month. Fill your coal bins. Engines Sent North. Three engines were sent from the lo cal shops to the Great Northern road during the past week to help meet its neavy demand ror motive power. A rush order came from Chicago last week, and many of our men worked four hours extra each dar until the engines were ready. Havelock Mes senger. An Ingenious Method. The Ashland Telephone company has hit upon an ingenious method of adding to the value of their service as well as the popularity of their lines. Each morning the weather forecast is sent out over each party line through out the surrounding country and at the same time information of evening entertainments and sales is given. A signal of a certain number of rings is known as the information ring and when this is heard upon the party line all subscribers rush to the telephone. The information is a great benefit to the farmers in caring for their stock and in informing them regarding sales and public meetings. A BIG BLAZE AT ASHLAND The Ashland Journal a Total Loss to the Proprietor No Insurance. A special from Ashland gives the following account of quite a destruc tive tire which occurred in that place Sunday afternoon, February 3: "This citv was visited by a fire at 3:30 this afternoon, which caused a damage amounting to about $10,000. Two buildings were totally destroyed and only the heroic work of the volunteer fire department in the zero weather prevented the complete destruction of the Commercial hotel at Fourth and Silver streets. "When the fire was first discoverer both the Ashland Journal building and the structure adjoining on the west, were in flames, so it is difficult to determine where the fire started. "The first building to go, however, was the Ashland Journal and its well equipped Job printing office. The building was a two-story frame, owned by Mrs. A. A. Patten of Crete, who had furniture stored on the second floor, the first floor being occupied by the Ashland Journal. The building was valued at $3,003 and the printing plant at 82,500. No insurance was car ried on either. "The second building to feed the flames was a one-story frame owned by R. D. Pine of Lincoln and occupied by Wm.Butt as a butcher shop. Thebuild ing was valued at $2,000 and its con tents $1,000. No insurance was carried on building or stock. "The next building in the path of the fiames was the Commercial hotel, a two-story frame structure owned by S. Beckelhymer. Damage to the build ing amounted to about $500 and to its contents of half that sum. No insur ance was carried. J. B. Brownell was lessee of the hotel. "The weather which the fire-fight ers were obliged to face was bitter and water congealed as soon as it covered their clothing, renderingtbem exceed ingly handicapped in their efforts, but they won the fight. "Editor LaChappell of the Journal, nothing daunted, says his paper will issue as usual this week." January Mortgage Record. The records of County Register, n A. Schneider, show that sixteen mort gages were tiled and twenty-one re leased on farm property, while eight were filed and eleven released on city property.during the month of January. The amounts involved areas follows: KAKM rilOPEKTY. Filed Keleast'd. TOWN l'HOPKRTV. Filed S4.78S Keleasod 4.7t-o New Management. R. W. King, formerly connected with the King Dry Goods company of Wyo ming, 111., which was bought out by the Coates Dry Goods, company, came in Sunday. Mr. King is here for the purpose of taking full management of Mr. Coates' store. He is a most accom plished gentleman, and fully under stands every branch of the business, and Mr. Coates is very fortunate in se curing such a valuable assistant. A Sorry Job. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, then the editor, then the liberal advertiser which were all good. The next day it snowed and he created the man who does not believe in advertising: another who does not take the paper then be rested. Then tbe devil got into the moulding room and he turned out the man that takes the paper for several years and refuses to pay for it. After completing that sorry job, and having few lumps left that had soured he made the excuse of a man who settled his subscription by telling the post master to mark his paper "refused." Itching,piles provoke profanity, but profanity won't cure them. Doan's Ointment cures itching, bleeding or protruding piles after years of suffer ing. At any drugstore. BUYS STOUT STONE QUARRY Murphj.the Paving Contractor, Gets Source for Material, and Large Building. A special from Louisville, under date of February 2, says: "Hugh Mur phy yesterday closed a deal with C. C. and T. E. Parmele for the old W.n.B. Stout stone quarry at the east edge of town. Murphy will open up the quarry at once and will employ one hundred men. The deal includes 100 acres of ground and the large stone boarding bouse which was erected by W. II. B. Stout at a cost of $40,000. The build ing however, will necessarily have to be torn down as it would be unsafe with heavy blasting so close to its base. Stripping to cost $55,000 will begin with the early spring." In addition to the foregoing the Lincoln Journal adds: "In Cass county, near the little town of Louisville, a large stone struc ture stands on a high bluff overlook ing the Platte valley, as a memento of the days when the stone quarries at the base of the bluff were being oper ated by W. II. B. Stout. This quarry furnished the stone for the old post office, the capital, the penitentiary and several other of the more promi nent buildings about the city. "In hope of securing convict labor in the quarry Stout erected the large stone house on the bluff above the quarries. He had planned to secure the labor of the prisoners of the Doug las county jail, but the bill introduced into the legislature was defeated by one vote. The house was afterwards turned into a boarding house for the men that worked in the quarries. "In 1893, Stout moved to Washing ton, D. C., where he had taken a con tract to furnish the granite for the li brary. After filling half the contract the agreement was cancelled, leaving Stout claiming $00,000 due, which was never paid." A Fine Showing. Frank Schlater, deputy treasurer of Cass county, was up from Plattsmouth Monday, on business matters. In con vensation with the Herald man re garding the condition of affairs in his county he said they were very pros perous. On tbe next day, Tuesday, Mr. Schlater said the county treasury was going to take up $10,000 of court house bonds, leaving but $5,000 out standing, which was the total of the county's indebtedness, as there is not a dollar of outstanding warrants, or floating debt and they have $10,000 cash in the sinking fund. This is certainly an excellent showing," prob ably one than no other county in the state can equal, and speaks well for the officers who have had the county's affairs in charge for the past few years. When questioned as to whether he would be a candidate for county treas urer this year Mr. Schlater said he didn't know, but the fact that he has been such a good and competent deputy for the past four years, so thoroughly understands the office and is such an all round good fellow, it is very reason able to presume that his party wiil nominate him and it is altogether likely that he will win out if he makes the race. Lincoln Ilerald. He Got His Eyes Opened. One of our near-town patrons says he recently had his "eyes opened." He was elbowed into the store of a local merchant and pursuaded to purchase a certain little article which the non advertiser avowed was close to actual cost because the cost of advertising was not added on. The customers paid $3.50 for the article, andjsupposed from the great talk put up by the non-advertiser that he was getting a real bar gain. A lew days later the purchaser accidently got hold of a wholesale cat alogue and learned that the wholesale price of the article was $9 per dozen, or ioc each. .Not counting freight, tne merchat who claimed to save the cost of advertising made a profit of $2.75 on the sale. The way the purchaser had bis eyes opened is that the non-advertiser did not sell him a bargain but gouged him, besides trying to make him believe the advertising merchant made him pay for supporting his town papers, in which he is interested and wants to see prosper. Hog Thief Caught at Ashland. A phone message to the county at torney this attorney this afternoon in formed him that the officers at Ash- and were holding a man at that place who had stolen a hog, and butchered the same, a few days ago. The porker belonged to I. Hattfield, who resides in Cass county, near Ash land. Sheriff Quinton went to Ash land this afternoon and will return with the prisoner this evening. What Were the Egg Worth? .ew puzzie going around: Just as Jones was leaving his house yesterday morning, his wife called after him "Don't forget to drop in at the corner and order some eggs sent up to the house right away. You know the Smiths are coming over to dinner this evening and I've really got to bake a cake." "All right," answered Jones and mindful of his promise he stepped into the grecery. "Hello," said Jenks the grocer. "Don't see you often What can I do for you this morning?' "How much are your best eggs?" said Jones. "Well," said Jenks, "two more than I am now selling for twenty-four cents would make two cent per dozen less than thev now are." "All right.' said Jones, "send twenty-four cents worth over right away. My wife is waiting for them." How many eggs did he buy? After he reached the of fice he started to figure it out. Eaten by Wolves. The following is clipped from Dows, Iowa, paper: "A special to the Marshalltown Times Republican of Sunday from Spirit Lake that word has been received there that Will Crabtree and another man by the name of Patrick Woods had been at tacked by and eaten by the wolves while looking at land in Canada. The news was sent out by a third party who was with them, but escaped slightly wounded. Mr. Crabtee, who is a brother of II. A. and C. H. Crab tree has been residing on a farm near Montgomery the past few years and left there over a month ago with i car of personal effects for Canada Relatives here have been unable to get particulars concerning the terrible event." Mr. E. A. Louck.of this city, was personally acquainted with the unfortunate Crabtree, and regretted very much to hear of his untimely death and in such a manner. Chuautaqua For Elmwood. That Elmwood will have a full- fledged Chautauqua the coming season is a settled fact. At a meeting of the Elmwood Park association Monday evening, acontract was signed for a Chautauqua, to be held at the park, August 10 to 18, in clusive. An exceptionally strong program has been secured. Senator J. P. Dolliver, of Iowa, Congressman J. Adam Bede of Minnesota, and Author Read are among the speakers, supported by strong concert companies. Noted di vines are ajso on the list who will be present at Sunday services. The Chautauqua is an assured thing Climb into the band wagon and help toot. Leader Echo. Married in Minneapolis. A special from Nebraska City under date of Sunday has the following to say in regard to the marriage of John Ewing who was formerly connected with the Independent telephone com pany of this city: "Word was received in this city of the marriage of John Ewing and Miss Florence Thompson at the home of the bride's sister, at Minneapolis. yesterday. The happy couple were former residents of this city, the groom being tbe manager of the Nebraska City Telephone companyand the bride head operator in the same exchange. They left here about a year ago and both secured positions with the tele phone company in Minneapolis. The bride was born and reared in this city and the groom was a resident for many years " Death of Infant Daughter. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Art Sullivan died Sunday after noon at 3:30 o'clock from congestion of the brain. The funeral will be held from the family residence at 1 o'clock tomorrow, interment being made in the Horning cemetery. Board Passes on Bids. In regard to the several bids, for various matters, the board of county commissioners Tuesday passed on the following and awarded the contractr: The county physicians for the year 1907. 1st district, Dr. J. B. Martin; 2nd 'district, Dr. A. E. Walker; 3rd district, Dr. J. W. Brendel: 4th dis trict, Dr. J. M. Greene: 5th district, Dr. N. D. Talcott, 6th district, Dr. J. C. Munger. Tbe burial of pauper dead was let to L. R. Upcon of Union. The county printing was secured by F. E. Bricka of the Weeping Water Republican. Forced to Give Up Her School. A special from Elmwood says: "Mrs. Nettie Turner, instructor in the grammar department of the Elmwood schools, has been forced to discontinue her work for the present, on account of illness, and has returned to her home at Union. Students of the high school are taking turns at filling the position temporarily." DANIEL A. FARRELL IS DEAD Polk Wells' Captor Dies In Texas of Ca tarrh of the Stomach. A special from Council Bluffs, Iowa, under date of February 4, says: "Dan iel A. Farrell, editor of the Council Bluffs Daily Globe from the first of 1888 until some time in the year 1ki, and who, while sheriff of Mills county in the early 80s, captured alone and singlehanded the notorious Polk Wells, the Iowa desperado now ser ving life sentence at Fort Madison, died Sunday morning at San Antonio, Tex., where lie had gone about thre; months ago in tbe hope of warding off the further encroachments of diseases. His death was due to catarrth of the stomach. A telegram to Thomas Bow man of tills city told of the end of an active life. "Following his resignation from the Globe in 1889, Farrell was appointed City clerk by Mayor M. F. Rohrer. "Later he removed to Sterling. Colo , to engage in silver mining and in tbe publication of a democratic weekly. "About three years ago Mr. Farrell removed to Kingdon Springs, Ark., and engaged in promoting zinc mining propositions, under the linn name of Farrell, Williams & Co., with an office at Boston. "Mr. Farrell had been ill the past year. lie was aged about sixty and is survived by his wife, two sons and one daughter." The capture of the well-known des perado and the manner in which this daring officer accomplished It gained for Sheriff Farrell a world-wide repu tation. Perhaps many readers of the Journal remember the incident while the deceased was on the hot trail of the desperado, coming face to face with him in a Wisconsin town, and was shot down by Wells. Sheriff Far rell lay as though dead. The desper ado, thinking that be had killed him, got somewhat careless about his move ments, until finally Farrell got the drop on Wells by rising to 1 1 is feet and compelling Wells to throw up his hands and was thus captured. After being hand-cuffed Wells, who knew the sheriff's courage, remarked, "Dan Farrell, I have always said that if I was ever captured alive it would bo by you." .barren's wound was not seri ous, and he had the satisfaction of capturing one of the most daring des perados in the west, and placing him behind the walls of the Iowa peniten tiary at Fort Madison, where Le is servingaliiesentct.ee. While sheriff of our neighboring- county on the east, he was a frequent visitor to Plattsmouth and made many friends by his social qualities, al ! whom will no doubt regret his demise. Marriage Licenses in Demand. In thecountycourt Monday insistent. demands for marriage licenses on the part of those desiring to embark upon the matrimonial sea. kept t!;e nice force busy several hours. Tbe proper papers were made out to the following couples: Claude Ausmus, ak'ed 127, Bruning, Neb, and Miss Dora Opp, aged 23, of Nehawka; Bert L. Phi! pot, aged 24, of Nehawka and Bessie II. Denes, aged 19, of Weeping Water; John Bauer, aged 29,and Emma Wehr- bein, aged 29, both of Plattsmouth; Alvin L. Jones, aged 22. and Sadie V. louse, aged 19, both of Plattsmouth. On Time Off Time. Burlington train No. 19, due here at 7:35 a. m., departed on time this morn- ng for the first time since it has been running on the schedule, which took effect January 6, 1907. The troupe. which played Peck's Bad Boy at tbe Parmele last evening, made a brave attempt to catch the train, and one or two of them succeeded in reaching the depot in time to see the last coach go by, while others of the company, were scattered all the way from the Riley to the Perkins house. The company took the noon train on tbe Missouri Pacific to Oraaba, from which place they went to Blair, where the appear tonight. Hand Seriously Injured. While at work in the planing mill of the Burlington shops II. Z. Clark trot bis left hand caught in an augur drill, and before that member could be ex tracted serious injuries were sustained. The man was taken to the company physician, who dressed the injuries. The tendons were severed and tbe flesh badly mangled, but fortunately no bones were broken. The accident will necessitate several days off on the relief. Pine Salve Carbolized, acts like a poultice; highly antiseptlc.extensivr lv used for eczema, for chapped fiends and lips, cuts, burns. Sold by Gerhg & Co's drug store.