Complies with ail the National Pure Food Lr, Ciuiw.c No. 204 I, filed V.' l.I:; n. iL.;drrr j ...... ,W gtU'P Ffz'COD) Itt JlTT fir ( r.v ;. a. i.t ) . ; i : i m. i:m:i - ! v.-;m !: ! v i.y M u i n. .V T '. i . ! . V ' ' ' ; !.'- t r r j e ! r I ( 1 ' I it. .. ' - i !; :U r f i r r. I ,A f" I " ' I"; ' :iM lj l (. , i:; m I. I. ?":.' ?:- I I. NI 'i'i 1 1 Ti:;.i: I i LEC.Aw MOTICn. r I . 'I . V. - . f (;. .... . ' . .' ..-' i .. I., ii - ' .,-- ' . i . .-!. ! ...:i- i i : .; . .1 - . Ml I. II 'I ( .1 M.. .1 I :,. . M . il , ; .i : ,r I III.' i-' :i . II I'-.'ll.' 1:1 " !' t '.:' I it 't I I ;, ri'H' m i f - ! I m 1 vi' I - ' -. i I .. i;il l. -mi- f nil v t v. i'd tin- l .i! I ii; Ii 1 1 I I'l ;i '. i I I'M II !i-'-'vc 'i ' i ' i-l i i i"ili'-il ! i ii i -f I i '1 : i-i :t . ii ii: - ! - ... I u h hi 1. 1 . n t l.w .il .'h:i I l i I :- -: I 'nil y-li -. .f il:ii r-it in I r HI. I - ' II y !; I I 1 1. Ti hI I. to (.i (. i i.-i- V. . ! I -f-.r IIh- rt':i.ori lii:ii llii- :i'ii' liai ' it i i I...- iH'fli-.'i ivamn' : 1 1 i I i .f ii-c i 'I ; ' .' I H :l yill fur I l.i- (Mil- I I i' ! .:l l.f a i I - in' i I . a-i. ii i'il mi llii' Si, 'I ml dv. i r'.-r i,l ,-i-iM i. hi I i.l 1 1 -t: . . i 1' i ! :n .1 mi - 1 ' ', I ". l--llllll l.. I .' V I I . Il Nl' I I I r ':i 1 1 it. fi il' I In- 1 1 a v in thai 1 1 - ;mn- li:nl ami li- n-' i-t uas m' i .! I i,f .1. :. ,1 li.'.-r." iii-ll,.' l:. II. .1.1.,. . ' . : -. ! v '. 1 1 1 it'' ,. ' i : ' ri i -1 I a n , f - . i". -I i .f ! .it t-;. :i n-' ,. ' I . I . '.' 1 1 1 1 i . :; .' . !-..'. I'l I'.rai nl . I . 1 1. .1 I hi I I ;i. Half l.f t Ii'- M . .i !, v -I i.iiai : i.l...' . -,!. in .1 ll,v a..l I '.ri'litl'l'-! I . , . ' ''. lT'Ili'!'! ''II. ' II1 .''.''' llii'. "i I I I . I ' I ! I' V I ' 'i I : '', ', : . i , . . ! . i i .i, i:ii ii. , : : 1 1 :;.: ...!..;-.::' i. ;: . ., . I . 1 1 1 . '! ,i 1.. 1! ,. a:- - ! i - I- I! -. ... ' . l:: : a: N ... a-. . . i l . . " : t.- . . - ,.. ., ... ; ..f I . i. - . A. I. ; :- I '! -. , i ;' : i. Vv. . V. . :,. i . i. I . :i.' I :. .lav : .1..! I" .. !i. v : v I Yi: ! - ..: .1 . i. . I ' i A i '!'.;. LEGAL NOTICE. i rli:i.l l.l : V..i; v.M !.:! .ri 1 hi- "a il .la v of .laniiaiv. i lliani I. au. W:iinl iir. Iil.-i lii- iiii.": in i In- I i,l n-t ( ..nil of a C.iml.v . .Ni l.i a,!.a. a-aiii-l .on. In- ol.ji-.-t ami irai-r nf u.-li !' i' ion is ' 'inn liivmvc fpmi jnui'ii il.i- t'ti.'.iiiiN il t ri ii hi. Vmi an- riiuiril l- :r.i-wr ai.l ii-l i' ' m r U-fore lln- Iillnla.v IVIn nary. I'n.. r iicl-iiii'iii i.f iijviM-i' uilll- i-iiu-iiiI -irin-i vi u. ami in favnr nf viiil l.laiiniiT. as lMayi! "i f in j.:nl l-i il i hi. lU'i-il tliis;inl ilaj- . .f .Ti.pia ry. In '7. Wil l i X l.r. I. . I r. Au.-.i-iji-y ria'.iit";:'. ATTACHMENT NOTICE. K. . ".ui-.-li will laU- in.ti.-i'. t.Wut m -the 7llnla irf .lapu.iiy. r.7. M . A n-lii-r. a .1 uM iif i if llii' Tiri-of 'a,sir.Tit.v. Ni-lirtlca. is;irol iiiiunli riif ilUi-liiri-fit ft r tin- ,i-.m nf ?4i. in an arliiCT rwniliiisr Iwff.irv him. wtn-ii-in Ti-Iit (mis is iaiiiiff. uid K. . Imr h is ili-fi'inl-am. that t-M-nrwrty "f iWi'iiilfJit. ronMMinjr if iiiuni-v 1ji tin- rs-v.siiii nf tin- aiil C It. .V tj. Ka.lway Co. has --ii attai-hpcl nr.ih-r sai.l ..iili-r. Sai.1 rju' as foul itiwi'fl toliif Colli ilay of n-ni uary. Ii'T. at '.iiM-l. k A. M. I'etek lions, flaimitt. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. State or Nebraska. ' , ((ir.n, v Court. C ass l iirvn. ! n tl manor of tin i-Mni.' of William "WVst laW . ilfO-aM-il. Noti.-i- is hfi-v ?ivin lliut the rrortitors of saiil rti-i-ia-rf'il will imi-i i In-Ailniini-t mini-of said st aw. lM-f..n-mi-, f ount y .1 wliri' of t'ass Cotnty. Ni-Vn--.ka. uiiln- l ouiity I'oiirl room .n in said ('miiii v. on ln' .th day of Man-h. I".in7. ami on tin- :;rd day of Si-ili-m-NT. I'.1;, al li' oYlm-k A. M.. i-ai-h day. forllw IHI1-IHM' irf piii'iit in:.' t !ii-ir i-laims for t-xami-nai ion. ml iust mi'iit uiul allowanri'. Six iiiontk-.o. from Man-li .'itli. I!i7. an al-Iowi-d fur tin- .ii-dilois of ,aid di-.-i-asi'il l.i ln--nt tlii-ir i-laims. and oiw yi-ar and six iiionths for tin- Adir.iiii-t rator to si-nli- said -tati-. from tin- -I,' day if .1 a unary. I'.'7. Wilni-ss inv hand and si-al of -aid oiint y fo-.n-t. at I'lai tMiioii: h. N.ln a-Ua. t hi, tS'lli day i'i .l.inary. lii'7. 1 1 it i:v I . 1 i: vis. i-i 1 l y in!-'.'. i?j -w WHEN THE KETTE SINGS it's a sin cf coal satisfaction. Want to hear the music in your kitchen? Easy order coal from this ortice and yard. The output of the Trenton mine the fuel we handle has no su perior anywhere, its equal in few places J. V. EGENBERGER DUnilC VlaTtsmomh No. rnuni. j.jj No.a.i. FLASTTMOUTH, NEBRASKA. .c Ued Damask at Vm. ."".c Ke Damask at -c. 4 X; Red Damask at ?0c at Coates Dry Cuods Co 's I'pIoadSale. Huilds up waste tissue, promotes ap petite, Improves diiie.-tion, induces re freshi.'ik' sleep. nvc renewed strecth and health. That's what Hollister's Cocky Mountain Tea does. 3- cents, Tea or Tablets. Gerintf & Co. I'ioe Salve Carbolized, acts like a poultice; highly antiseptic.extensively used for eczema, for chapped hands and lips, cuts, burns. Sold by Gericg Sc Co's drup store. Your money refunded if after using three-fourths ( 5 ) of a tube of ManZan, you are dissatisfied. Return the bal ance of the tube to your drupgist, and your money will be cheerfully re turned. Tade advantage of this offer. Sold by Gering .S: Co's drug store. i i : ; i i ::.ut';.' v.. I:, :.!. i!i to WINTER TOURIST RATES 'i'.. L' :.:.-. : (.'-!:fi all So:::!:.rn .rls. I'ciYonr.lly !: - Clifr:-:.:". l Jtirsio::s. CHEAP EXGUnSIGK: TO SALT LAKE CiTY, : JAMAPY 15 TO D5::VER: Jt'UA'iY 20, 2;, 22. FilEE LANDS Wiile i.'r ;..l.ii-r cw--vi"i::i how to '.'. fr-j '.-' ncrc.s of ovcr:i-r.-.'-.'.t !a:i '. i:i Xcbravka for r.ii::c-d f . '. r : : 1 i ! : : . n 1 1 a i r : : ; .u: . SEND FORfFREE FOLDERS "A Good Dairy District," "The Iiis Horn Uasin." "irrigatcil Lands in the Billings District," 2-"astcrn Colorado," "I'ersonally Conducted California Kxcur sion," and "To the Great Xorthwest." INQUIRE FOR DETAILS W. t. PIC1ETT, TICKET AGENT, PlATTSKWTIt. "KEB U W. WAKELET, S. P. ft . Cir.tii. Kea. Sons of Hernvarwu Ttie Plattsmouth Lodge, KSons ol Hermann," have decided, in order to increase their membershi-p, to lower their initiation fee from to S3 for the next thirty days. This is done to give every German in this com munity an opportunity to join the 3'Sons of Hermann." A few days ago the grand depvrty., Paul Ham pel, of Talmage, Xeb., was present at the regular meeting to install the new officers for the comirm term, as follows: Emil Walters, president; L. Leiner, vice president: F. G. Egenberger, treasurer; II. '. Soennichsen, secre tary; Wm. Stark john, trustee. An invitation is exteuded to all Germans to join the "Sons of Hermann." to-morrow morning The ntlre stock of the defunct toeb Clothing Co.. llalstcd St, Chicago, Ravine fceen stld to the Guaranty ClaiJifn? Qcb at 45 cebta ft (l &tSKZ9 Shipped to ca fS at teix rt?mlses, X5l9"iS2C VSVl& SC- ete are a few earaple'l et 1tht yoa can lave Men's Fut Coats, some as low as $5.00. better prades $7.90. Men' Suits or Overcoats worth up to $12.50. your choice $4.83. Men s Pants worth $2.25. for SS cts. Genuine Cravvnette Coats $4 6. lien's Suits and Overcoats, actually worth $0.00. sale price $3.90. Pants worth up to $4.00. your choice $1.90. Sheep lined Duck Coats $1.93. ITeavy Overalls 39 eis. Silk Mufflers worth up to $1.50. your pick 25 cts. All kinds of Men's Shirts, your choice 25 ct. Heavy Jer sey Shirts 4S cts. Boys fancy rv.ade up Sweaters 23 cts. Boys Suits 93 cts. All kinds of Gloves 15 ct3. Fierce Undershirts 25 cts. Men's Heavy Sweaters 25 cts. Men's Wool Socks 9 cts. Good .Shoes a dollar a pair Heavy Winter Caps 25 cts., and hundreds of similar articles for Men or Boys' wear at same ridiculously low prices. Take ad vantage of the Liow R. TL. Fare, come to Omaha and look for the Guarantee Glothina GO., 1519-1521 Douglas St. OMAHA. Sale starts . :r;ii i. . i r. : i i I . . , n.;iii . . l:!. in. : " p i: -t r.' , tj-:;i n. in. , io;.Vi ;i. in . .1:11 p. in. , 2 :.") p. in. . iu;iil . . , L'icai. :i::iii. . . ; Mr. an 1 Mrs. if. II. left for 1 South JXeii'I. 1 ric.. Wee! :ie -day after I !K)';:i. Freu West'.ake. visit od relatives in tliis b;:r.,' last e'!:. i The M. V. A. of .Murdoek are au'ita- ting the erection of a tine large hall t" ' bo L'l:: , '. and e::pcct to start w.-rk Mrs. I;. i;. Cnx is entertaining her ;cMisin, Mr. Lee Miller, .f Campljei;, : Nebraska, this week. . Miss IMit!: Moon visited in ourbur;r this week. 'Juite a rimnher Kr young pe.'-ple were entertained at the home of Krai! ; F. Lau Friday night. A very good i time was had and we'll all go hack i some of these times for more treat ; ment of this kind. i Uev. J. E. IJaun-gaertner ison the ! sick list but is improving. ! The Misses Xeitzel entertained 'about twenty young lady friends at their home Saturday evening. A. M. Cole and Floyd Cole visited here Monday and Tuesday. Clark Xewlon and Mrs. Katie Xew lon visited at the home of the Mills' last Wednesday. Miss Xutzman, of Avoca, visited the Langhorst's and Kuge's several days of last week. Miss Selma Thicngan ison the relief list, at present, Dr. II. J. MacArthur has the patient oq the mend and she ; will soon be able to be back to wort. Miss Maude Gorsage s taking Irtx place at central for the present. A very good crowd ticmed out to the wolf hunt Friciay, but they failed to corner any of the wilycreatures. Mrs. L. X-e4tzel returned from Chicago Sundty. Our local ice meca are very busy putting up their suramer's supply of ice this week. Mrs. C. J. SLeis entertained the Kensington Wednesday afternoon. Skyle Miller and Bessie Schreve, both of Elinwood, were married at Council BluCs Monday, January 28th. A box social will be given at the j Rose Valley school house on Friday, February sth. Dr. and Mrs. 51. J. MacArthur enter tained a number of friends at their home Monday evening. Henry and John Westlake trans acted business at (Plattsmouth Mon day. Miss Anna -Goehry is home again from her recent visit in Iowa. Our local veterinary made a profes sional call to Phillips, Neb., Monday. Chas. Melvin was in Omaha Tues day. When the cold winds dry and crack the skin a box of salve can save much discomfort. In buying salve look for the name on the box to avoid any imi tations, and be sure you get the origi nal DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by F. G. Fricke.& Co. Mothers who give their children Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup in variably indorse it. Children like it because the taste is so pleasant. Con tains Honey and Tar. It is the Origi nal Laxative Cough Syrup and is un rivaled for the relief of croup. Drives the cold out through the bowels. Con forms to the Xational Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup contain !ng noney and Tar is especially appro priate for children, no opiates or poisons of any character, conforms to the conditions of the Xational Pure Food and Drug Law, Juoe 30, 1900. For Croup, V hooping Cough, etc. It expels Coughs and Colds by gently moving the bowels. Guaranteed. Sold by Gering & Co's drug store. ManZan Pile Ilemedy put up in con venient, collapsible tubes with nozzle attchment so that the remedy may be applied at the very seat of the trou ble, thus relieving almost instantly bleeding, itching or protruding piles. Satisfaction guaranteed or money re funded. Sold by Gering & Co. Drug gist. HZ TeethJJS Cold Crowns and Brldee Teeth $3.50 op. ' Porce lain crowns 93.50 cp. i-ulings 50c up. I TeeUl Extracted Painless. New set same day. BAILEY.Th Dentlati Established 1888. Paxtoa BUc OriAHAj S',. No. N. -N ( .. N'r-. No. Ni. -No. " rv.-rV. r?s-,tiri rv-r?t Motr.rr riicln't n;r: (rc-h rr -',-! she hid Arbucklcc vihe vay to get a rood cup c f cr.f."ec i'.'.at C'Xn. S; ltes li!;o CcfTec with all dc" fever iLy ar.d crcrna intact, h to buy n package c lTic Cy.'' ii i a i ii n lv a - i did criminal A:ouck:cj iv! Jj.', z:l , gri'i'J it as you wjr.t to u. c :'., f;r.i; .--rr.-.!: i ' !- I j j ' ; ' dz:cr the flavor end rr.zV.-i l::-j f::r;d." ca:". C.;:'ec I ' z::. il: iJ:r:lliy z Coffer; zSlz: !!.: -. ., ! c l::;:o-. J .:; i ' ; " the clr and u easily ci:.tar:;!:.;-.:jd by r..;:ra!'.vw-. I -i c -. t 3-;r Cliarles Hai. ;!. pnt u; i.v: " 'i. " liay. Mr. and Mr. '!! ('..wrr. visit.- d .'.t the letter's i, r Siiniiay. j Mr. and Mrs. Looker visited fri-nds ! in tiiis locality Snnday. j Mrs. Chuhner Switzer visited -.vith ! lier sister, Eva Tucker, Monday. The Kehekah lodge will have instal lation of oilicers Thursday evening. John Knabe, Henry Sturm and a number of others put up ice this week. Miss Xora Unrigley, of Weeping Water, is stajiug at L. S. Todd s at present. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wunderlich were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keptling of Eagle Tuesday. Mrs. Bert Tucker has been quite sick the past week, but at, last reports is improving slowly. Mr. Thiele and sisteT departed for their home, near Syracuse, Tuesday, after a few week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Schomaker. That's the house the Doctor built, The biggest hcuse you see; Thank goodness he don't get our money. For we take Hoi lister's Rocky Moun tain Tea. Gering & Co. Jacks and Llules K&ie motet and evt neb 9DC Flo lrte Jacks, Jenny -and Mute. M to 1? bar.df hlKli. we!b from 700 to 1600 t?ooJ one, cbeap now. Will pay a part of buyer rallroac fareandhtppini took (ru raoleea. Write tor prlestoaaj kr ckler'i Jack Farm, Wert Hlktoo. Oteio. The YoHmer Clothing CcjTipany's lease ExDires Our stock of Men's and Gov's Clothing:, Fur nishing Goods, Hats and Caps must be sold. C20.0C Overcoats, ffQ no Ulsters and Suits. . W7.70 $10.00 Overcoats, &a 50 Ulster and Suits. .O4-.70 I S9.50 Overcoats, ff o no - Reefers and Suits. Oe)70 $4.95 Overcoats, ff nr Reefers and Suits. .BlsD $3.00 Reefers and Suits. .98c Many of onr farmer friends have already taken advant age why not you? Buy your self a Fur Coat, Buffalo, Coon. Gallaways, Dog-, Salt Seal Flushed Lined, Otter and Cloth Coats, etc. Now is the time to come to the city to make your purchases. It pays. THE Bennett Company's DEPARTMENT STORE Omaha, Neb. El am li mm irTT-rr in-ga "Pineules" (non-alcoholic) made from resin from our Pine Forests, used for hundreds of years for Bladder and Kidney diseases. Medicine for thirty days, SI. Guaranteed to give satisfac tion or money refunded. Get our guarantee coupon from Gering & Co. We just received word from Mr. Ilerold that he had made another large shipment from our store at Wy oming, 111., which will arrive in a few days. Coates Dry Goods Co. i.l I 1 I i 4 i il fi iu ' r.-.T-r. '3 M L - N I s ' ii IM:. i '. LCHriZ or.O:.. Groceries, Provisions and Cecals 1st Prize I-DISOX l'honograph and 12 Records SoO vn 2nd l'rize Century Camera and Out fit 15 'Hi 3rd Prize Imported Japanese fcYase ... 5 v-1 Total amount. .550 0 ' Contest will ojen November 1st, 1906, and close May 1st, 1907. Coupons will be given with cash pur chases only. Every S2.50 worth of coupons gets one draw number. Begin when the contest begins, per haps you will be the lucky one. Cost you nothing to try. WW orenz Placttsmoxith, mwaj m awa-i j. . mii iv v - n PERKINS HOTEL j PLATTSMOUTH, RATES $1.00 PER DAY First House West B. 5c M. Depot We Solicit the Farmers Trade and Guarantee Satisfaction. When in the City Give Us a Call !5he Perkins Hotel OESAFFOiHT OUR 2 . -.V l VT Weak. Nervous ana miaaie-aeed; lack i.vJ weak. Oar treatment liealthT. hiinr man. -4Driln ninnqiisfi .1IIHUI3 UIOCQ060 Hydrocela, Phimosis. Stricture w a i - - for II f by one treat- No cutting, no pain. no detention from work. P'lfin ured quicker than at Hot tuLiil Snr:n?s. At once PTery hi OR. SSARLES & SEARLE5, Specialists. "n-rwEAST Cosner I4th and Douglas St.. ... OMAHA, NEB Constipation causes headache, nausea, dizziness, languor, heart palpi tation. Drastic physics gripe, sicken, weaken the bowels and don't cure. Doan's Eegulets act gently and cure constipation. 2oc. Ask your druggist. Stops itching instantly. Cures piles, eczema, salt rheum, tetter, itch, hives, herpes, scabies Doan's Ointment. At any drug store. 8c Outings at 5c, 10c Satine at 5c, 15c Black India Linen at 5c Mill Ends at Coates Dry Goods Co.'s Un loading Sale. Aihv;Vcz l!,; r. . r .a h f , !, i I i ! '.I t!:. o , ,!.;,-, ;:l : ..' : :.d . . i.:. . .... . I :,.a:,!.!v ' j ! : : I f I ,- ' -. r i r . u.1 it . ' ri ?. ... frenrhi-rs. .... IBros Nebraska. t .u' n 1 1 J auiii-gaj gi NEBRASKA mm ESTABLISHED IN OMAHA 25 YEARS Authorized to treat Chronic, Nerroaa ami S'prclal IHnfnrn. All nodlclne furoUbcd ready for niie. J.o moruury or Inl a rloas drugs used. o detentloo from business. Patients at a distance treated by mail and express. M'dlrlne sent free from gaze or breakage. Charges low. Our record tliou sands of cured cases. State your cae fully and send for terms Consultation free and coclideotial. Men from exc'tses. Nerroni Debility erexbaattloa. WssiiDf Weaknrsi with early decline In young or t1 will m. T:or ana strenttB. who onravt liopairca and i restore you to wkal cature lDtended, a caie. with all powers vigorous and perfect. Cared with nw anl poi'.tire treatm-nt. No In- struments. eo pa struments, eo pain, no aeteDtion rroin Dus!ai-f. permanently uurea w.ihout pain or dancer. trace of the olease disappears, (sorts in mou'.n. throat, tongue, hair isIIIdk out stopped at ones ) BOOK Contalnlcfr fall description of oot n diseases the effects and causes' c free, in plain envelope upon application. f. Death Near Eagle. The Lincoln Journal of this morning contains the following: "Mrs. V. G. Standley, at:ed twenty-one years, died yesterday morning at her home, three miles southwest of Eagle. She leaves a husband and three sons. The funeral services will be held from the home Friday at 2 o'clock. "Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is the best remedy for that often fatal disease croup. Has been used uith success in our family for eight yra's." Mrs. L. Whiteacre, Buffalo, X. V.