The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 31, 1907, Image 2

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i Cards are out announcing tbe ajr--s.
j jioachiiig marriage of Miss Iira ( pp
A;and Mr. Claude M. Ausmus, h icti
j take pbc; Wednesday evening,
ilo l DP I.CH::f i l LUC
Mr. a r: 1-1 Mr, N ieholas
i i i'i i.ary 'li.
( i !ri -ii: '-. p:it"!H,
i ; pp. N'-ba a 1:
i C. W. 1M:;.
i Water, :.
S32D 2232 EK
r .r.i I r:i! i v '
in t!- ity to-lay.
F. I.. l;!n.'.Vn. (f M::rray. v.--;
county sat visitor today.
Miss I i' Ti'iic' I ovey was viitd':'
IJnIlevu : tbis af i err.rr n .
L y. . I' n'or went to Auburn. Vet
on J-usi'K'-s mornhvu'.
Fred I :--r of Friend, Neb., wa i
Mm? cit y nr: business tic lay.
.1 . 1 1. i : I' . rt. v. :is transacting oi
ihvss in ' 1 i, aha this afternoon.
-a w , v
n oro in.
i'orlis v. as a jas-vi.m
; '.rnir.'.'.
V, JuncJ
H '11
t ,::.'".;'.: i ,iLor to
ot" II. a wood was
s :n the county :st at
T. If. Ma it in or
wai visit !;at t , i.o;:!h
Undo T'i :::ni" S:;;gle
Bluffs. 'VS a J'! '! !t-,v.
Harry Thomas
transaetlr:.' !;;':.
L. Hurst, of ( ; lenwood. la., was
transacting business in 1 lattsi outli
Miss l.arbara (tcring v;;is pas -en-1
ger to the metropolis on ,'o. is thisj
morning, j
N. S. Rethers, wife, and daughter
went to Omaha on the fast mail todav
to spend a week with friends.
N. M. 1'ylerlof Lyon county, Kan
sas, is in the city for a visit with the
family of his hrother, C. Tyler.
Miss Carrie Larson, who has been
enjoying a visit with her friend, Miss
Minna Brinkman, returned this after
noon to her home in Council Bluffs, la.
George R. .Sayles, carrier on rural
route No. '2 is taking his annual two
weeks vacation, and Cecil Thomas is
looking after the mail on that route
during his absence.
George I'eters, who was here last
evening transacting important busi
ness, returned to bis home in Avoca
today. He pave the Journal a pleasant
call while in town
George W. Vallery, general mana
ger of the Colorado Midland, accom
panied by his wife, departed thisafter
noon for their home in Denver, Colo.,
after a short visit with relatives in
this city.
District Clerk Ilobertson was noti
fied by Superintendent J. T. Hay of
the asylum for the insane, that the in
ebriate ward of the hospital js full and
omore patients of this class can be
admitted except as cas ?s are dismissed.
The dates set for taking out the final
naturalization pipers, are the lthof
February, 2ith of April and lfith of
September, at which times United
States District Attorney Chas. A.
Goss will appear and c-operate with
Juf,ge Jesscn.
The finance committee of the D. ui"
II. are holding a business session in
the oilice of Grand Recorder Miss
Teresa Hernpel. Among those in at
tendance are Giand Chief Mrs. Mary
A. Latky of Lexington: Mrs. Lorena
Callin and Mrs. Anahelle McDonald,
Omaha: Mrs. Frona VanAndnl and A.
G. Greenlee of Lincoln.
Emil and Ernest Wurl o'epait tuis
eveuing for Leavenworth, Kan .where
they will represent the local turnver
ein at a district exhibition tomorrow
and a meeting Sunday. Emil is a
delegate to the meeting, as was also
J. P. Sattler, who is unable to go, and
Ernest, as the teacher of the clas in
this city, will take part in the festivi
ties in Leavenworth.
.t'i'ii fi'e !
t :'' ooi t
jo n.etropolis tl
('. II. YiM'Tv was a r a wntrcr
Lincoln .n I in: las'. ;:i ul today.
.J;ri. s Ti-rry'n rry of Louisville wa.s
in t'jc city on Icial today.
(.'. I:. .Jordan of A!vo was in the
v 'j'it on icgai u.i.-incss today.
II. Si'-. 1 erL of ci lioi.i v,;i.s a J;:r,i-!
ii!or in trio county scat today.
.i . l i : ; 1 1 ( c 1 of M urray was in
o;i i'im :U '. o: 1 l i : i .-tolay.
win!.- I,.-,,' call..-:
.i(.):in.hl n :ir !)
T! :i ( r, Yoi I; n;,
purts i,i , I'.it'.i',-.
.N f.-haw r: :' w .v i ' ;: s i : .nv i.
scin:'! til;;", as
.J. II. Van.,
a;:.;iit f-r tlui Great Hasten: CotlVe
Tea com j. any, o:' St. Louis, otie ol
most rept.ta'Je conjpani
ol I:'-::'-
.c city i !.
and ordi:
s (::
ty. Mr. Tit
i ndre w I 'it ;
s i '..."! v
s b
This Store !
' r i
i. ii
CO ;r
I less
V. - i
F.ichorn rt( i t '.
ns morn
c! Kivcr.
iri'T on a I ,:. : l'i P ' o . (
Ciias. Kichart. of Lt;uisvil;e was IcoU
irig after :.i;s:i c-s in 1 l :t t:i . t:t !i to
day .
ii. !;. Neity.el of Murdi.c'c was Jrok
ing aft "r t:ir:Css in l'lattsiiK;i:t!i to-
was iooKing
co:;rt v seat to-
Isaac T"!;;:irl of A
after hu ,iins in t!
Henry Schieiter sr., and son Henry
jr.. of Wabash were in the county seat
tod iv on business.
Geo. Nickel and Jo?.n WykofT of
Elmwood were looking after business
in the cmnty seat today.
The Journal's excellent friend, W
F. Gillespie, the Mynard grain man,
was here on business today.
F. Albin, living four miles north
east of Union, was here today and en
rolled his name for the Journal.
Dick Ostorn and G. M. Forter were
among the passengers to the metropo
lis on the afternoon train today.
C. G. Bailey and wife of Elmwood
are in the city to spend Sunday at the
home of County Clerk Rosencrans
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Rummertield
are the proud parents of a new baby
girl, which arrived yesterday morning
S. E. Boyles, the Alvo banker, was
here todav to attend the referee's sale
of the Hite homestead' near that
The will of the late Emma 1 Walk
er was probated in county court today.
Miss Cora M. Walker was appointed
A marriagre license was issued today
to Wm. Hutcheson, age 24, and Miss
Daisy Campbell, age 18, both residents
of this city.
A. A. Schoeman, of Louisville, was
in the city today, and called at these
headquarters to renew for the Old
Reliable for another year.
Our friend, George Horn, the Ceiar
Creek grain dealer, was in the city to
day, and of course called at the Jour
nal, and while here renewed for the
I daily.
Jacob Meisinger, one of Cass county's
best citizens and staunch farmers, call
ed at Journal headquarters today, and
renewe i his allegiance to the Old
Reliable for another year.
David Hite, and son C. F. Hite, of
Alvo, were here today to attend the
referee's sale, in which the old home
stead of the Hike's was sold to satisfy
only one of the heirs, a son of David
Feter Carlson went to Omaha this
afternoon to consult a specialist in re
gard to an eye which has been giving
him considerable trouble for some
time, but which is improving with
in the u
Mr. Tarns is one of our hs.l cit; -ns
and those who purchase coli'ee and tea
of him can '. i end i:p.n '.ret ting goods
just as he represents then) to be.
The remain-; -if .John Miller, accom
panied, by the bereavtd wife, formerly
M iss .Jessie Lane, of this city, arrived
in I'latt.smoiit h ibis locrning, and
were convejed from the train to the
.i!v ict :et ei v. v, !: re short ser-
vices (r:' c;.i. Ji.cle l by Ih v. J. L.
i before interment was made.
;li-. an;i Mis. Aioerr i . r-ci.aier anu.
Mr. and Mrs. K lv.arrl Heil, the lartor
brine and groin of a few d;;;, s v. ore
in 'lie city ye.sterc'ay. :nd v.eie pleas
ant call cis at Jourr.a! lie;.."';-;arters.
Mr. a;: l Mi s. Ileil v. il! a few
weeks wiili relatives in Oklahoma,
alter winch they will lovtate :i a farm
near Manley.
A. i$i'C. K H
V. f.
? n
4 ' ; . .1
UnloLidinj Sale is pulled out onto the riiuir. tracV.a
s now under full headway and is moving vitlt I re
in e n clou n e n e ny .
in.o ; to Pkitisniouth people and isnj
pealing to them irresistibly
For Plattsmouth People Those Yellow
Tickets Uuloadin Sale Prices are Freight
ed vith Opportunities for Hconomy.
you have not received one or
bijr bill;: listing bargains offeree!,
send for one. Every bargain advertiset!
c have in stock
3 y--. .'f-5fti
f.i f-r
-A l
r f.'f
Q i
An Iron for Every Purpose)
For general and heavy ironing-. They make a
bio- "difference" in the work of ironing day.
JOHN BAUER n Sharp was a business visitor in
Omaha this morning.
J. D. Pitman of Murray was a conn
ty seat business visitor today.
A. S. v ill returned this morning
from a business trip to Akron, Colo.
Harry Todd of Murray was looking
after husiness in the county seat today
County Attorney C. A. Rawls was in
Murray Sunday to visit with relatives
Norman Slocumb, from the vicinity
of Murray, was a visitor in the city to
G. F. S. Burton went to Omaha this
morning to look after some business
Frank II. Smith of the Journal force
spent Sunday with his mother and
friends at Union.
"Wm. Delles Dernier, of Elmwood,
was lookiug after legal business in the
county seat today.
Senator J. L. Koot returned to Lin
coin this morning after spending Sun
day with bis family.
Tom Egan and family were down
from navelock to spend Sunday with
Plattsmouth friends.
A. B. Smith, of Denver, who has
beeu visiting with friends here, took
the morning train to Omaha today.
John Fowler of "Weeping Water
was looking after business in the coun
ty seat today, and while here called on
the Journal.
Nick Ilalmes of Weeping Water was
in the city today taking orders for
flour from our merchants, for the firm
of Kleitsch & Ilalmes.
F. D. Caldwell and wife of Glen wood
were in the city Sunday, visiting at
the home of the latter's parents Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Kauble.
Joe Lloyd, who was injured by a
threshing machine several months
ago, is getting around nicely, although
he still has a slight limp.
W. A. Stevens, baggageman between
Hastings and Omaha, was in the city
Sunday to visit with his w ife who has
been here for some time, assisting in
careing for her father, J. B.Thomp
son. Harry L. Tostevin, representing the
Great Western Type Foundry of Oma
ha, was a pleasant business caller on
the Journal today. Harry is a clever
gentleman, and we are always pleased
to see him.
frotn Tuesday's Dally
T. E. Parmele was a business visitor
in Omaha this afternoon.
Charles Miller went to Percival, la.,
on business this morning.
Mrs. Ptoy Dodge of Omaha is visiting
with relatives in this city.
T. W. Swan of Union was registered
at the Perkins house today.
A. Clarence from near Union was
a visitor at the court house today.
II. II. Tiist took Burlington train
No. G to Glenwood, la., this morning.
Thomas Murtry, the Weeping Wa
ter banker, was here on business today.
Wm. nolly made a business trip to
the metropolis on the fast mail today.
C. E. TefTt was in the city from
Weeping Water on legal business to
day. Earle Clarke returned this morning
from a trip to Cheyenne county, Ne
braska. II. G. Wellenscek of Avoca was look
ing after legal business in the county
seat today.
Allen Walker of Weeping Water
was lookinir after business in Platts
mouth today.
John Albert from the vicinity of Ce
dar Creek was in the county seat oa
business today.
A. L. Cox of Mynard was in the
county seat to take the train for Chi
cago last evening.
John Mockenhaupt departed this
afternoon for Lincoln, where he is
thinking some of locating.
Henry and John Westlake, from the
vicinity of Murdock, were in the
county seat on business today.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Smith returned
to their home in Murray this morning
after a short visit with the family of
C. A. Rawls.
Misses Emma Kaufman and Sadie
Rouse, two of Cass county's most
charming young ladies, were Platts
mouth visitors yesterday afternoon.
A marriage license was issued yes
terdav in Council Bluffs, Iowa, to
Skyle Miller, aged 23, and Bessie
Sheve, aged 18, both of Elmwood, Cass
Geo. P. Ileil, of Eight Mile Grove,
was in the city today, and was a caller
at Journal headquarters long enough
to renew for the Old Reliable for an
other year.
David Foltz, one of Cass county's
enterprising young farmers, of near
Weeping Water, was in the city today
on business ana rouna Lime iu
the Journal for a short time. While
heie he renewed for the Old Reliable
for another year.
E. G. Laughlin, one of the Journal's
staunch friends of near Greenwood,
was in the city ou business today, and
while here called and renewed for the
greatest local paper in Cass county.
Mr. Laughlin reports his father in
very fair health considering his age.
From Wednesday's d:ti!y.
Miles Standish, of near Murray, was
a county seat visitor today.
B. F. Moore of Nehawka was in the
county seat on business last evening.
Miss Emma Ilild of Eight Mile
Grove was a Plattsmouth visitor today.
D. A. Young, from the vicinity of
Murray, was in Plattsmouth today on
W. W. Falconer of Burwell was in
Plattsmouth today looking after some
business matters.
J. A. Bauer of Wabash was a caller
at the county clerk's office today to se
cure a hunting license.
C. Bailey and wife, who have been 0.1..J.1;. Seyholt was bore today
visiting with friends in this city, the i posting bills for his big sale on Wed
guest of County Clerk and Mrs. W. E. j nesday, February o.
Rosencrans, returned this afternoon
to their home in Elmwood.
J. A. Bauer of Wabash was a county
seat visitor today, and while here
found time to drop in and renew his
allegiance to the Journal. John isone
of the best fellows in the world, and
we are always glad to meet him.
T. E. Fulton, the village blacksmith
at Nehawka, was a Plattsmouth vis
itor today, and thinking that he could
not keep peace in the family any long
er without the greatest local paper in
Cass county, called and ordered the Old
The Journal regrets to learn that its
old friend, J. B. Meisinger, is not in
the best of health, and is compelled to
stay indoors most of the time. We
hope, however, with the dawn of
spring, his smiling countenance will
again be seen upon the streets of
Mrs. Twiss, mother of Miss Daisy
Twiss, the accomplished young lady
who has charge of the central oflice of
the Plattsmouth telephone, at Louis
ville, was in the city today accompan
ied by her son, Walter. The latter
coming down from Louisville to con
sult a physician.
It is rumored in Plattsmouth that
John Bauer, jr., will lead to the hy
menial altar one week from tonight
one of Cass county's most handsome
and accomplished young ladies. John
nie has tried awful hard to make a
"sneak" on his friends, but the Jour
nal "caught on" to the approaching
event today.
Senator Root has introduced a bill
requiring transportation companies to
file a list of names of persons receiving
intoxicating liquors. Such a measure
is preposterous, but in the event of its
becoming a law, it would only prove
an embarrassment to the hypocrite
who takes his 'medicine" homeland
drinks it on the sly. It may be that
Mr. Root is after such fellows, but
many of them being his closest friends,
we hardly think so.
Grace Vallery, who lias been visit
ing friends at Lincoln, returned home
Tuesday on account oi t he illness of
her fal her.
Richard H. Chriswiser, who has
been enjoying several days visiting
with his parents, departed this morn
ing for his home in Furnas county.
A marriage license was issued today
to Paul F. Hastings, aged L'!i, of Sedg
wick county, Colorado, and Clara
Neitel, aged 22, of Murdock, Neb.
Julius Pit, went to the metropolis
this morning to meet his sister, Miss
Edib, who is returning home from a
visit of several months in Manitowoc,
Wis., wheje she has relatives.
F. Ostertag, of Milford, Neb., was
in the city today looking after his
business property, recently vacated by
Mr. Pearlman. Mr. Ostertag's wife
accompanied him to this city.
Frank Rummertield, of Rock-port,
Mo , is here visiting the Peoples and
Rummertield families. The young
man is an employe of the Rockport
Mail, and was a caller at this oilice.
Mrs. Sarah Brittand daughter, Mrs.
L. L. Atwood, who have been enjoying
a short visit witli relatives in this city,
departed last evening for their new
home in Milwaukee, where Mr. At
wood recently accepted a good position.
Hay and Horses for Sale.
Twenty-live or thirty tons of good
hay, all in ham, and three head of
good young farm horses for sale. I-'or
particulars see Mik3 Swartsfisher, on
the John McNurlin farm, thirteen
miles west of Plattsmouth. 12 2 4t
Possesses wonderful medicinal power
over the human body, removing all
disorders from your system, is what
Holiister's Rocky Mountain Tea will
do. Makes you well, keeps you well.
35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Gering & Co.
Finest candies ever seen in Platts
mouth. Lowney's or Proctor Sc
White's at Gering & Co.'s
Every Seventh.
Taking in consideration the fact
that on every seventh death certifi
cate consumption is given as tne
cause of death, we certainly wonder
why so little attention is being paid
by the general public to this horrible
disease. The physicians stated posi
tively that consumption can be cured
if attended to in time. What are the
early symptoms then? An invariable
warning is a sense of tiredness with
out any visible cause, depression,
weakness and often loss of appetite. A
good tonic and restorative, like Iri-t
ner's American Elixir of Bitter Wire
will quickly check the progress of the
disease. This Elixir will give new
strength to the digestive organs and
regulate their working power. It will
not allow the body to weaken, which
s the cardinal point of the cure. A
strong body will easily get rid of all
germs of the disease. We advise even
healthy people to take an occasional
dose of Triner's American Elixir of
Bitter Wine to uphold their health
and strength. Those suffering from
any malady of the digestive system
should use it without delay. At drug
. s s 1 1 1
stores. Jos. 'inner, ,w .o. -Miianu
Ave., Chicago, 111.
Nothing- in the world brightens a home
as much for so little money as does
And Oh! how cheap and beautiful are
the designs of wall paper carried in stock
by Gering & Co. Cost why bless your
soul, it cost so little that every one can
afford to paper this spring.
Come in and examine for yourself; we
want you to come even if you don't buy,
but our low pricss from 4c to 54.00 per
roll will simply make you buy.
Gering & Co