The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 31, 1907, Image 1

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    lltefctemmoutb Journal.
Skirt Piraguas Prtpinf PcrlofBei
Fir til Readers if the Joirnl.
Evrr)oly touch father,
H' a jrrrat blir. t.loornln' Jay:
II cruris up hi wallet
And crlvrft the hills twtr.
Mot her needs a tionnct,
Slsicr wants a dress.
Kveryody touches father
Kvery hlesseil day
Tin- easy mark !
A man naturally hates to te short
It's better to be a small success than
a big failure.
A man usually charges his poor judg
ment to bad luck.
Ignorance ceases to be bliss when you
begin to realize it.
Many a man has landed in jail by
taking things easy.
Money talks and it usually gets the
best of an argument.
I 'roof of the political pudding lies in
the size of the plums.
Running expenses go right on when
business is at a standstill.
If you are ashamed of your calling
hire a boy to call for you.
What's the matter with the steeple
climber as a high churchman?
Nothing seems to worry a burglar
more than a small dog with a big bark.
The man who is on pleasure bent is
apt to tind himself broke in due time.
The world may owe a man a living,
but the world doesn't always pay its
A great deal of sympathy is wasted
f n homely people, for they are really
the happiest.
There isn't much hope for those who
look upon a church collection as a
hold-up game.
"When a man joins the church either
he thinks he's going to die or he's go
ing into politics.
It takes a hair tonic manufacturer
to pull the wool over the eyes of a
baldheaded man.
During courtship a man acquires a
-Old Muddy" Raise a Foot.
loe ice harvest which wis being
carried on so merrily last week, came
Leading String . femur Sheldon Hire ZTTl
fcot Sunday. The water began over
flowing the ice Friday, but the depth
did not increase so rapidly Saturday
that thft wafpr Intorforort with tVio
i- i m ti i i t, - .v.wv. " it" nit
a special iiuiiJ uiuwiu uiaiuis umn haullntr of Ipp
1 l . l. 1 . . fV, 1 I --W-
j-h iuiiiut; laiyieiiieuis aim otner
apparatus, with the exception of the
Snapped md He Will Mike His
Own Appointments.
Locked Out of His Own Home
After spending the evening at a so
cial gathering Thursday, Deputy Clerk
and Mrs. D. C. Morgan hastened home
ward against the cold north wind, only
to discover that the door key had been
left on the inside of the house in their
hasty departure earlier in the even
ing. Somewhat chagrined, Clel set
to work to break into his own home
removing several screens and making among the politicians if he persists In
an unsuccessful attempt to pry open absolutely ignoring the desires of tbe Lh ' w V . 7 ,.Z
one of tbe windows. Failing in this. .ta,..,nmB1Lp.nri t.h Rmail"hfKPS" P,atform' which is weighed down with
tbedoorkeysof several neighbors were Gf the nartv as many believe he will "T" were tra.DSierre
I'aiterson's pona,
No Objections Filed, and Same Admitted
to Probate Saturday in County Court
of the party as many believe he will
borrowed, but still the locks refused to do. His appointment of Edward Maggi
yield to either patient or impatient
work on the part of Clel, who was get
ting somewhat warm after his ineffec
tual efforts, while Mrs. Morgan had
become thoroughly chilled. After this
vexation it was remembered thatClel's
mother had a key to their house, and
acting on the new inspiration, Clel
made a sprint during the wee small
hours of yesterday morning, aroused
the mother to obtain the key, and re
turned in record breaking time. Of
course Clel has been very reticent in
regard to the incident, but some of his
friends got next to the occurrence.and
now the joke js on Clel instead of
northwest of thiscity, where McMaken
& Son will continue the work. Some
fine twelve inch ice is being secured
from this pond, which is estimated to
contain some three hundred tons.
Let the Banks Give the Credit and Pur
chasers Pay Cash for Merchandise.
a rormer uass bounty boy bees mem on
St. Joseph & Grand Island Train.
The following is sent to the Journal
from a former Cass county boy, who,
aner reading me account ot the run
away boys in this paper, is very posi
tive that he saw the young fellows on
the train on which he is running.
Here is further evidence that the run
aways are alive:
as chief clerk last week was the nrst
intimation which he gave of making
his own appointments regardless of
pressure which is brought to bear
upon him.
Whatever Maggi's backing was it
was not known and the first intima
tion that he was even a candidate was
given the morning that the governor
made the announcement of his ap
pointment. Maggi declares that he
himself didn't even have an idea of
serving as the governor s chief clerk
until less than twelve hours before the
appointment was made.
It is also true that the state com
mittee was sorely disappointed at the
appointment. Several uncompliment
telephone monopoly lobby have ema- certain extent this is the case now.but
nated from that source and no attempt every year the number who pay when
Bulk of Estate Variously Estimated
$125,000 to $150,000 Goes to
the Three Daughters.
I he last will and testament of the
late Mrs. Emma F. "Walker, was ad
mitted to probate Saturday in county
court no objections being tiled and
the letters testamentary, confirming
the appointment of Cora M. Walker
one Or rhP trninvKt riniiirhtorc rr rVio
In years past the business of the west deceased nioneer-. Piprntrir a.,m
may ue saia 10 nave oeen clone on the iccllPri hv .inri it n t,i.
!. 1 !- . .... I J
creuit oasis. .oi oniy me iarm, out The bulk of the estate, which isesti
about everything on it was, at differ- mated to be worth from 1125,000 to, uuuKuianu pam ior some $150,000, is left to the three daughters,
months, and even some years, after- Grace Walker Johnson, Clara Walker
wards. Even groceries at the stores tksh! t r.... . .
- i j. iiiiu u. ah 11 Vviii i iv . i i u i r i rui
comments regarding the young were bought in the spring and paid for great part of this wealth was amasst
n's former connection with the the next fall, at threshing time. Toa by Mr. and Mrs. Walker, during tl
has been made to cover the chagrin
the committee has felt at not being
able to use the governor to pay off
some or the morris lirown political
The very deliberation of the gover
nor In naming his appointees in the
being added to, while
who ask credit is being
tney ouy is
the number
tracted from
The time is now at hand when every
merchant, every dealer and every man
should do business strictly on a cash
basis. There is a way to do this. and.
having ran away from their home
near South Bend. I am a passenger
brakeman on the St. Joe &, Grand
Island railway. hef ween Nr.. .Tnspnh nnH
lot of good habits that he has no use Grand Island. About a month ago I
Our idea of a financial genius is a water tank at Seneca, Kansas.and dis
iran who can spend his money faster covered two boys that had been riding
man ne acquires it. on the blind baggage. I asked them
face of the pressure which has been
brought to bear upon him in the favor money and annoyance toall. If the plan
The Journal. Plattsmouth xPv, pi certain canaiaaiesienassirengm to was universally adopted every mer
Dear Sir: As I was reading the pa
per mis morning l saw an account
giving the description of two boys
many years ot hard labor, in Cass
county, and was added to by Mrs.
Walker after her husband's death
several years ago, by careful invest
ments. The exact location of the real
estate and value of the personal pro
perty can not be secured at this date,
as the inventory has not been tiled ,
but this will be done within ninety
in the would be a savinc nf Lioe -D,..-..,i v,.. i
Aiie ionowing disposition or pro
nertv is marie hv thp termc ,,f tv.n
llic ucnei luai ne wm ue guiueu uuiyiuuanb couin sen ins cooas cneaper, will
m on t in nn roolinff niif. f ho frnhornatAr. I a Kocio -nrmvA ri;4 ... I '
: , , '"r,, " - ounu, auu ocrjr idriuer 0r the city of riattsmouth, in Cass
ii piumsai nisjit,pusai. now ooing ousiness as an honest man nminti -vhracb, oii,!...
wuum ue oeipea oy it. taintv of life, and belnvnt mrrl minri
The plan is for the banks to do the memory and understanding,, do make
Will Hunt Wolves.
Wolves have never since Cass county entire credit business now done by the this, my last will and testament in
uecame micKiy seiiiea, oeen more nu- "aieia auu ujKfcuiiuis. suppose, ior manner and form following
ixieruus auu more uesiruciive to cuick- "jw"v, uic muci ui una wisucu lu h irst. J nirprt that all fnnpml
ens, pigs and young calves than they buy some new tools or a bill of goods at penses and other just debts be Daid
nave Deen tnis winter, ana in oraer 10 luwu, l me Second. I gi ve and bequeath to my
i uiu oui. tneir raUKs, anu au tne same l """"f IJC citsu. u lu me
beloved sistpr. "rr PhfiM rh
Feminine faith-cure advocates squan where they were going and they said time to have some sport, the farmers bank and borrow the money, then go sum of $500.
der a lot of money on so-called com
plexion beautiriers.
Wonder if the great men ever have
the nerve to smoke the fivecent cigars
named after them?
The woman who can use her eyes
with effect is more dangerous than
n?r garrulous sister.
It takes a clever man to pick up an
it as
:mbrel!a and walk off with it
if it belonged to him
? cai..
ii is tv
e mm noesn r
uvoii to worry over the Ki.vs
Ivor's nioriev.
larr tht ai.owance
heneca. ihey got on the train and
rode on up to the depot.
ine next trip l saw them at Sever
ance, Kan., about twenty-five miles
from St. Joe, coming toward St. Joe.
rri i ..
xuey answeren me aescnption in
every particular, only I thought they
were about fifteen years old.
Yours Trul, E. E. IIknton,
St. Joseph, Mo.
living soutn ana west or town have or- uur wuere trie casn wouia ouy me Third. I give and bequeath to my
iranized hunting parties and surround cheapest. By selling for cash no dealer beloved sister. Mrs. Altie Cannon, the
as raucn territory as possiDie ana noia nuuiu uavu lug hsks ue uow uas to run, sum of SjOO
i . i - - i m I ct Vi. : I- : - . I
wnat tne term a won rouna up. two " ,1C "'u ugure uis price aown to an Fourth. I give and beoueath tn Mv.
. I- J I 1 .11 A. - lavOrtfr A W Al nt- ft,J2. I ..
hucu rouuuups uave oeen neia out in aujuuub. jiuu. it wuum ue ron C. Walker mv stprmr.n thp cum
of S2.3.00
Sentence Sermons.
The strength of will la the test of a
young man's possibilities.
It is a grander thing to he nobly re
membered than to bo nobly horn.
Thedoor between usand heaven can
not be open while that between usand
our fellowmen is shut.
There isa divinity in the meatiest
man, a philanthropist in the stingiest
miser, a hero in the biggest coward,
which an emergency great enough will
call out.
The chances are that what you call
"hard luck," or "fate" that Is against
you, is some weakness, some visions
habit, which Is counteracting all your
efforts and keeping you down.
Every man stamps his own value
upon the coin of his character in his
own mind and he cannot expect to pass
for more, and should not be disapoint-
ed if people do not take it for more
than its face value.
State Journal Admits Guilt.
Thespecial correspondent of the Om
aha Ilee says: "Considerable time has
been taken up during the past week
In a discussion in the house and senate
regarding the State Journal and other
members of the printing trust, which
is charged with having bilked the state
out of several thousand dollars annu
ally for years. The fact that the Slate
Journal admitted it had not kept its
contracts with the state during the
last thirty years it has been printing
bills, has stirred up many of the mem
bers, and this loud shouting fake re
form organ maybe compelled to toe
the mark in the future, while the le
gal department has been ordered logo
after it to compel it to disgorge the
great amounts due the state under t he
penalty clause of its past contracts."
:r.nkes !
s ..- silo:
fe the
! p.'.ake frr hi ir..
rr.on wo;:l 1 h
i; i even mak 'i:e
i ao otl.r rs trev,
i f a cral':loi:s m
i t 1 ! e v e
r i w a ! :
t ) : : r M
.! believe that. ri;e woman c
trat another with silent contempt
Sec md thoughts are said to be the I
r.est. vpt the longer a man aims the
n:ore likely he is to miss the target.
About all the consulation some men
get out of losing their money is the
relief that they are dead game sports
A young man who makes "mashing"
a profession, is not wanted in any com
munity, and is detested by all sensible
The greatest blessing that ever comes
to a human being is the determina
tion to realize that for which the heart
With her first proposal a girl Is con
vinced that she will need a large blank
book in which to keep the record of
her offers.
"When a young man with a salary of
$9 a week marries a girl who is unable
to cook he hands himself an extra
large lemon.
Some men seem to think they are
doing a great deal toward righting the
world's wrongs by fu sing with their
At the marriage altar he agrees to
endow her with all her worldly goods
and she promises to love, honor and
cbpy but do they make good?
The eternal fitness of things gets an
awful jolt when one encounters a wo
man clerk in a hardware store or a
man clerk in a millinery shop.
The young man who makes a prac
tice of posing on the Riley hotel cor
ner every evening that the weather
will permit, and boldly peering into
every lady's face that passes, is spotted
by every parent in town, some of
whom will bring him up standing
sometime when he is in the least look
ing, for it. Such fellows are not want
ed in any community. I
In Honor of Mrs. Marsland.
The Sunday Lincoln Star contains
the following: "Among the week's
pleasures none have been more de
lightful than the afternoon party
a !!:Hn I ,r-nr rrttflcl'it? K. " T - . t . ,
M ii.inuii3n.iuaj uy .lia.v.dllt'U J.IiUIup-
l""u:inces!son and Mrs. S. II. Atwoud in honor
jof Mrs. Marsland. Everything was
? satisfied , delL-htluliy inform,-.; and aboutseven-t;ra-
hair i ty-iive guests wore entertained. Mrs.
before, j L.. J . ller.og and Miss Marie Seiiloss
mi is one ! added to the pleasure cf the guests
held out in
the German settlement and a number
of wolves killed. It is proposed to hold
another roundup on Friday, February
1. The party will meet at John Sher
man's farm at i o clock a. m. Every
man should bring a lunch. Itishoped
that at least one hundred men and
boys will join in the hunt. One of the
wolves, a specie of the gray or timber
wolf, killed during a recent hunt,
weighed close to 100 pounds. (let a
gun and join in the fun. Louisville
Cou; ier.
'with some beautisui piano numbers
I Mrs. Herbert Marsland gave several
readings which were thoroughly en
1 A
joyeu. i two-course luncheon was
served in the dining room which was
appointed in lavender and white
Twenty-fi-e were served at onetime
.Mrs. 1). M. Butler and Mrs. Milton
Scott alternated in presiding at the
coffee urn. Miss Margaret Byers, Miss
Juliet Atwood, Miss Pauline Thomp
son and Miss Lucile Long assisted in
serving. Mrs. J. Byers, Mrs. J. F
Stevens, Miss Pershing, Mrs. Eli
Plummer and Mrs. C. W. Branch as
sisted in the parlors. Catherine At
wood and Lillian Chapin directed the
guests on the second floor. Mrs. Mars
land will remain in tbe city until Feb
ruary S, when she and Miss Gertrude
will go east for a six weeks' visit."
In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Sivey.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Sivey a very pleasant social gathering
occurred Saturday evening, when they
entrtiMi'd a number of friends
at a dinner in honor of his brother.
Waller Sivey a;d wife of Nebraska
City who were in this city to spend
After partaking of a bounteous re
past. were played and plenty of
music. a-Uted in qu'tkly p issing away
the evening. Those present were
Messers and Mesdames Pete Lindsay,
John Kopp, Joe McCarty, George Mc
Daniel, Ed. Kruger, Harry Kruger,
and Mrs. Hospenthal and John Mc
Daniel, Gus Kopp, Jas. Lindsay and
Allen Lindsay.
Pine Salve Carbolized, acts like a
poultice; highly antlseptic.extensively
used for eczema, tfor chapped hands
and lips, cuts, burns. Sold by GeriDg
& Co's drug store. I
Read With ringers Crossed.
A carrier from Port Byron. N. Y
has had a set of rules published for his
patrons which are evidently meant to
I be read "over the left." Here are some
of them:
"1. Do not stamp letters, especial
ly in winter, as the carrier has taken
off his mittens and will spend some
time anyway in looking for pennies
"2. Avoid placing the right change
in the box, as the carrier always car
ries a national bank in his vest pocket
"3. If you desire a 2-cent stamp, a
postal card, or three stamped envel
opes, do not write your needs on a slip
of paper and thus annoy the carrier,
Just drop a half dollar in the box; the
carrier is a mind reader and will know
what you want.
"4. We most earnestly advise buy
ing postals one at a time, requesting
the carrier to wait while you write
it Is so pleasant when the thermome
ter is about zero. It is also restful to
the horse.
5. Please attach your mail box to
a tree or the fence, as these serve to
guide the carrier in storms and deep
"6. Report the carrier every
you are not otherwise occupied
will make him alert and happy.
7. In telephoning to a carrier to
bring out a couple of plow points and
a twenty-rive pound sack of flour, Just
drop a couple of apples in the box not
a dime, mind as apples help to make
a horse's hair look slick and shiny.
Never under any circumstances place
a spare rib in the box. as the only re
cord of a rural carrier eating meat was
made five years ago, when a farmer
who had slaughtered twenty fine pigs
gave a carrier a liver for his Thanks
giving dinner." Carrier's Journal.
exact amount. And it would be
cheaper than it is now is, too. One of
the great secrets of the low price that
mail-order houses are able to make is
the selling for cash plan.
Any farmer who is honest can bor
row money at the bank. He could
take that money and do better with it
than he could with his credit at the
store where he buys what he needs.
Dealers now have what they call their
low est cash price, but it could be much
lower if all the goods they sell could be
turned into cash the day the sale is
made. What the cash buyer has to
tut iij Liu, een wnen ne nuys a tne
. It
Finest candies ever seen in Platts
mouth. Lowney's or Proctor &
White's at Gerirjg & Co.'s
iUt-.M, u.ian price." is a certain pe
cent that goes to cover what hass been
lost in bad accounts or notes long over
due, that, perhaps, has required a law
suit to collect. All these are now fixed
charges, made by the credit system of
carrying on business, and every cus
tomer of the store has to payhisshare
tecause the expense is tacked onto the
goods sold.
Perhaps some may say that putting
the credit giving privilege up to tbe
banks would give them too much of a
hold on the people; that they would
soon be charging a too high rate of in
terest. The usual rate charged on all
notes taken by machinery dealers and
other merchants bears 8 per cent inter
est. This is no higher than the banks
now charge on good notes, and if a man
cannot furnish an 8 per cent risk, the
chances are he will furnish no greater
profit to the man or institution from
which he gets money than would be
the good borrower who pays the lower
rate. We believe this system of doing
away with credit along all lines of
trade, making everything cash, would
greatly cheapen the price of the goods
we buy, and would, in a trreat meas
ure, compela part of the scalawags to
be honest. "
A Painful Accident.
A very painful accident happened
to Mr. Claude Everett, Jiving four
miles southeast of Union, last Satur
day. He was leaving tbe wood yard
with an arm load of fuel for tbe house,
when in some manner he stepped on a
round piece of wood, which threw the
ax that was lying on the ground sharp
edge upward and it struck his left
arm near the elbow, cutting a gash
which took several stitches to close.
The Journal regrets to learn of this
accident to one of its old friends, and
uupes uy careiui treatment he can
soon make use of that member.
Firth. I give and bequeath to Hat-
tie A. Walker, my stepdaughter, the
sum of $100.
Sixth. I give and bequeath to my
beloved son, Kheese A. Walker, the
sum of $l'3.00.
Seventh. 1 give, devise and bequeath
to my beloved four children. Herbert
J. Walker, Grace V. Walker, Clara M.
Walker, and Cora M. Walker, all the
residue of my estate, real and personal
and mixed property of all kinds and j
description, and wherever situated or
located at the time of mv deurh. :
in case they all survive me, they ahail ''
receive share alike. Should anv or I
either of my said lour children happen
todie.then I give, devise and bequeath
the shares or share of him, her or them
dying, unto the survivor or survivors
of them. Provided, that if any so dip
leaving issue, then in that event the
share or shares of him, her or them so
dying shall be equally divided btween
their surviving children.
Eighth. I hereby nominate, consti
tute and appoint Herbert J. Walker,
my son, executor of this, my last will
and testament, and I authorize the
probate court to allow him the sum of
$500 fcr his services. Should he be un
able to act as such executor, then I
constitute and appoint my daughter,
Cora M. "Walker, executrix, with same
Ninth. I hereby revoke any and all
gifts and wills and testaments made
by me. j
In testimony whereof, in the pres
ence of witnesses, I have hereunto set
my hand this 23d day of March, 1903.
Signed, sealed, published, and ac
knowledged by said Emma F. Walker,
as her last will and testament, con
taining t ao sheets, in the presence of
us, who in her presence and in the
presence of each other have subscribed
our names hereto as witnesses thereof.
Amelia A. Haldeman,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Mks. Lelia L. Dw yek,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
J. n. Haldemax,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Russel Goes to Burlington.
Omaha Bee: James Kussel, superin
tendent of the Omaha division of the
Missouri Pacilic, has resigned his po
sition with that road, effective Febru
ary 1, to take the superintendence of
one of the most important divisions of
the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
railroad. Mr. Russel has been with
the Missouri Pacilic for three and one-
half years and has had his headquar
ters in Omaha for over one year. His
experience in the operating and traf
fic departments has made him a most
valuable man and his loss will be re
gretted by his old associates.
Entertain Plattsmouth Glils.
The following is taken from the
Sunday Lincoln Journal: "Ten Platts
mouth young ladies, who are attend
ing the university, were entertained
at a ; o'clock dinner hy Mr. F. T.
Darrow at her new home, i'ol'i; A
street, on Wednesday. Schooiday remi
niscences were the order of the even
ing. Those present were: Mi-ses Claire
Dovey, Lihian Col'. Amelia Mr
Helen Travis and Alice Da vK
'07. and Misses Pauline D.ivjs.l,
Darrow, Viv:i ihr!'.!:, Jes.-.n- !l
ar.d Ruth .1. I u is."
Some reteor!o.i! al Rccc:clf
all o:
r;a R.
May 1
i ' a.s Known
' in New England. At undd;
so dark that persons row Id
iy if
Your money refunded if after using
three-fourths () of a tube of ManZan,
you are dissatisfied. Return the bal
ance of the tube to your druggist, and
your money will be cheerfully re
turned. T9H0 aHrnnt'iirA nf thlc
Sold by Gering & Co's drug store. j
distinguish each other a few feet, dis
tant. Fowls went to roost, work in
the fields was suspended and indoor
work was done by candlelight. The
cause of the darkness was a combina
tion of smoke from forest iires. fog and
The greatest ocean depth (.:.1,
fathoms, or nearly six miles) hai. been
found in the Pacific, in the vicinity of
the Kermedic Islands. On June V,,
16&6, a tidal wave, caused by a volcanic
eruption or earthquake in the adja
cent sea, caused the death of 27.000
people in Japan.
The Veterinary Bill.
In Saturday's issue of the Journal
appeared an article stating that the
Teterinary bill, as originally prepared.
had been killed in the house of repre
sentatives. Such is not the case, and
the report was erroneous. The fact is
the. original bill, making any veter
inarian who had practiced the profes
sion for ten years, eligible toall the
rights and title granted to veterinary
surgeons, has not been acted uoon hv
either branch of the legislature.
There was an amendment to the orig
inal bill, substituting five instead or
ten years, which was acted upon, and
this was killed in the house. The
amendment was ostensibly gotten up
for the purpose of defeating the orig
inal measure.
"They like the taste as well as maple
sugar" is what one mother wrote of
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup.
This modern cough syrup is absolutely
free from any opiate or narcotic. Con
tains Iloney Tar. Conforms to n.e
National Pure Food and Druy Law
Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.