LEGAL NOTICE. T tlf tTukown Iwirn and lel-w--i of itorir W. Irwin, ilii'-ml, tlx- I'iikiKwii lirlre aiut .- ! of oilvt-r 'n-r, iln'OM'il, M ml ii- i rtilk-c r. HoM kiKl William I.. You aiul K'li of you arc lu-ii liy imi lti ii that niton ht- J jtli iay of .laiiuary. I'.7. Harry.. TimIiI, iilalntllT. filial lilt I II Ion In tin- lUtrl.-t t'oiirt of 'a"s 'oiity. Mat of .Ncl.ruska. to iil-t tiWtitl- In aiHl to the following ! ril-J i al -MaU-, to-wlt; Tin- Quarter of Hftlini Tlilrty fi vr. anl the Noit liwttt Quarter of all M-ilon Thlrt y-Tr. ainl th- North Half of South went Quarter of Je-tloii Twfrity-l. all In Townshlti Klevrti, North of Katur ThlrW-n, t.t of thr T. M. in tats County. St ale of N hraska; allridiur thattxt and hi irrantors hat tiH-nlnoiirn, alTrrs-. rurltmlTr and continu ous iHiMwIiin of all of Maid land for mom than U-n year prior to tlx) commencement of aald ult, and that by rraion of aald advene punsen alon he had hecom fully vented with the feral title thereto: and prayltur that a decree may Iw entered cancelllnr of record a certain mort raxe deed upon said Northwest Quarter of Sec tion Thlrty-tl ve.of date Septemlier 24. ltW, ex ecuted by chi Ijp .. Todtl. to Ueorre W. Ir win, for the reason that the name lias been paid. and by nerlect was notnatltfled Of record; f urther praylnir for the cancellation of a cer tain niortrajre deel on the aald South went Quarter of Section Thirty-fiTe, of date Janu ary 1. 1x70. executed by one Levi O. Todd to Oliver Carter, for tlie reason that the same had lieen paid, and by nerlect wait not released of record aiMl al decreeing" that'Noah Itlloblm," and wife. A .- C lioblm, traitsferred by a tiuf-n-nt deed of conveyance prior tothe J4th day of May. I7. to Kratnbrldre K. IIoIiIm on the aald North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty-!, and thatKald MralnhrUltre K. Ilohlis Is the same itrrson whub.V the Initials, H. K. Ilohlri, together with bis wife, conveyed sahl land to oiw John II. Allison, on the 4th day of May, that iiralnhrtiire K. Holilis. and William I.. Ilolilrs. are the sole heirs of Noah IC. 1 1 ohi is. dncasid. and that said heirs art- fully barred of any claims In and to sahl land: that plaintiff lie decreed euultablc relief, and that his title lie Mulcted us against each and all of these defendants. You art' rstiire to answer said 't ii Ion on or iK-fiire I t hriiary :.'.. A. I. l!a7. or sail l-tl-tion will Iw taken as true. II Aititr i. Toiii. rialni iff. !.. I'wTtii. Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. Notice is hereby irlvcn toOarl Itloedel. l'aul h kiedel. and all other ihtsoiih Interested ill the s.loiitlon of said I'aul Kloedel. an Infant, that Kredrick Staldeiinaii has on this day tiled his petition In the County Court of Cass County, Nebraska, for the adoption of said I'aul Hloe iel with omal ritrhts. privlletres. immunities of children Ixirn in lawful wedlock. You are also notified that this Court has en tered iu order leiiriiatimr the date of hearing of said iietitlon uixin the irdday of February, m7. at ten o'clock A. M. and order of publica tion of such notfc-e1nhesFrattsiiM)uth Weekly Journal for four consecutive weeks. Witness my hand and seal of said Court this U'th day of January, r.'7. II arvkt I. Travis. I-cai-I County Judge. I. u. Iiwtek, Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. To EM ELI A LAV: You will take notice that on the 3rd day of January. 1W7. William Lau. plaintiff, filed his petition In the District Court of Cas County. Nebraska, against you. the object and prayer of such petition Is to ob tain a divorce from you on the grounds of de sert ion. You are reiiulred to answer said petition on or lie fore the llthday of February. 1W7. or judgment f divorce w ill Ik- entered against you. and In favor of said plaint iff. as prayed for in sai.' iietitlon. Pated this 3rd day of January. 1!7. William Lav. I. (I. Iwyer. Attorney for Plaintiff. Possesses wonderful medicinal power over the human body, removing all disorders from your system, is what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Makes you well, keeps you well. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Gerlnff & Co. For a mild, easy action of the bow els, a single dose of Doan's Kepulets is enough. Treatment cures habitual constipation. 25 cents a box. Ask your druggist for them. NOTICE! 10 per cent discount on all Wool Blankets at Dovey's this week. Heavy, impure blood makts a muddy pimply complexion, headaches, nausea, indigestion. Thin blood makes you weak, pale, sickly. Burdock Blood Bitters makes the blood rich, red, pure restores perfect health. Hay and Horses for Sale. Twenty-five or thirty tons of good bay, all in barn, and three bead of rood young farm horses for sale. For particulars, see Mik3 Swartsfisher, on the John McNurlin farm, .thirteen miles west of Plattsmouth. 12 28 4t "Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is the best remedy for that often fatal dis ease croup. Has been used with suc cess in our family for eight years." Mrs. L. Wblteacre, Buffalo, N. Y. S2 tSU. Teeth S5 Cold Crowns and Bridge Teeth $3.50 VP. Pore liin Crowns 3.$o op. Fillings joc up. Tectb .iuacted Painless. New set same day. BAILEY,The Dentist Established 1&S8. Paxtoa Bllu OflAHA WHEN THE KETTLE SIHGS it's a sign of coal satisfaction. Want to hear the music In your kitchen? Easy order coal from this oflice and yard. The output of the Trenton mine .the fuel we handle has no su perior anywhere, its equal in few places J. V. EGENBERGER, 'DUAIIC Platbsmouth No. 22. rnUHC Bell No. 351. PUSTTUOUTH, - - - NEBRASKA. Mkirdock (Hy (i. A. I-ls.) riUlDLTK MAKKKTS Corrected weekly by Martin Sc T.ol, who pay tl.ft highest prices for pnduce and guarantee satisfaction: lhC JOC ..7c flutter.. Kkki.... liens.... 8prlnrs Cream.. Hoits Cattle.. ..No. I il'rf-r No. 2. .....00 tofrt.10 . . tiOO and i.M UKAIN MARKETS. Corn... Wheat Oats.... K'A and 334c 50 and 6ic 2fC and SVc No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Hock Island Time Table. Murdock SUtion. WEST HOUND. 41, rcall 15, local 5. mall 37, mall 8:15 a. m. 8:55 a. m. 3:00 p. m. 5:53 p. m. EAST BOUND. JK), freight 12:30 a. m. 38, mail 10:55 a. m. 76, Local 1:14 p. m. 6, mall 2:35 p. m. Mrs. Wm. Cockburn is on the sick list, and Dr. II. J. MacArthur is in at tendance. It seems that some of the young fellows that went out to the Pickwell Dave chivari acted very Indecent, breaking windows, scratching weather boarding and doing other things not very nice. This means you, young fellow, and we hope you won't do it again. Another wolf hunt will be held In this vicinity the latter part of the week. In the four hunts held near here this winter six coyotes have been encircled and all were killed, which is a fair record.. . . 1 . . . , , Henry Schaefer, of Germantown.was in town Sunday, shaking hands with old friends. W. T. Weddell was down from Lin coln last week to attend the Pickwell Davis wedding. The Murdock whist club was enter tained at the home of C.J. Leis last Thursday evening. A three course luncheon was served. G. L. Colbert and Mrs. II. A. Tool winning the prizes. The first theft from a R. F. D. mail box on route 15, since the rural free delivery was installed here, happened one day last week. Mr. Earl had left $1.75 in money in his box for a money order and failed to lock his box. When the carrier arrived only 17 cents re mained. No clue can be found. Mrs. M. Frizzell and children, who have been visiting with her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. n. A. Gillespie, left for her future home at Wray, Colorado, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie ac companied them as far as Lincoln. E. C. Kuehn was down from Lincoln Sunday on his general routine of busi ness. Chas.Melvin is helping Cbas. West in the local tonsorial parlors. A. E. Lake made a business trip to Omaha Monday Mrs. Decins i somewhat improving from her recent illness. On Tuesday, January 2fth, there will be an expert optician at Dr. II. J. MacArthur's ottice on Main street. It will be a member of the Huteson Optical Co., of Omaha. Don't forget the date January 2ftth. Eyes tested free. Geo. Gramlich and Henry Backe- meier attended the agricultural show at Lincoln last week. Mr. Gramlich purchased some second prize seed corn and will show you some nice corn next fall. We have been informed from a very reliable source that Mr. II. A. Wiggen horn of the Union State Bank, is not a member of this institution any more having withdrawn a short time ago. This Is bad news as Mr. Wiggenhom was the backbone of the institution since its birth. G. A. Leis made a business trip to Elmwood Tuesday. Dr. A. E. Merkel has sent for a transfer card from M. W. A. camp 1849 to camp 7328 of Berwick, Iowa. nenry F. Leis writes us that they are now in San Juan, Porto Rico, and while crusing around there, the Con necticut (which battleship he is now on) run onto a rock, which frightened the whole crew terribly. A good many started to run, and a hatch fell on a boy killing him instantly; otherwise, no damage was done as the big ship slipped off the rock almost as soon as they struck it. From Torto Rico they will go to Cuba for three or four months target practice. He says it is very warm down there now. WILL WAGE FIERCE FIGHT NOTICE! 10 per ceni discount on an wool Blankets at Dovey's this week. on the Plattsmouth telephone calls the upholstering rooms. Place your order today for anv work you have In this line. All work will be called for. Mattress renovatlrg a specialty. The Independent Telephone Companies Hue 1 Red Hot Session ia Lincoln. The feature of Wednesday's session of the Independent telephone men in Lincoln was a red hot discussion of the bills now before the legislature providing for uniform telephone ser vice from all com Dan I es. The mem bers of the association were much op posed to the measures.and a committee appointed to confer with Senator Ep person, author of the bill most dis cussed, reported back to the conven tion that the conference was a most unsatisfactory affair, so far as they were concerned. . The Independents assert that the Epperson bill was framed lor.the. sole purpose, of assist ing the Bell company. The morning session of the associa tion was opened with a roll call, the representatives of the independent concerns responding with a report of their work during the past year. Some declared that the fight for business with the Bell company has been a walk-away. It was said that one of the methods the Bell used to compete with the independent service was to install free 'phones. This had been tried in a number of districts, but it was asserted it had not won out. It was also asserted the farmers want telephone service, and in many locali ties an unprecedented demand for in struments had been made from the country districts. Several representa tives stated that in their districts double and even treble the number of 'phones had been installed during 1906 than ever Defore." At the beginning of the afternoon session, the committee on resolutions, composed of Warren Pratt, Kearney; Dr. Lyman, Hastings; R. V. Montegue, Beatrice; F. n. Woods, Lincoln; T. H. Pollock, Platts mouth, submitted the following reso lutions that were adopted by the association: Resolutions Adopted. "Whereas, several bills have been introduced into the legislature the ef fect of which will tend to restrict and restrain the development of the inde pendent telephone movement through out the state, and "Whereas, all of said bills will affect the development of all the indepen dent telephone companies now exist ing and prevent other telephone com panies from being organized, and in dependent plants being constructed, and "Whereas, investors will hesitate to invest in telephone securities of inde pendent companies and unsettle the values of such securities, if any ad verse legislation is enacted at this ses sion of the legislature, and "Whereas, any legislation at this session tending to force the independ ent companies throughout the state to connect with the Nebraska Bell com pany will stifle the growth of all inde pendent companies throughout the state, and "Whereas, any legislation forcing the independent companies to operate or connect with the lines of the Ne braska Telephone company will pre vent the construction of independent telephone lines throughout the state, and will restore to the Nebraska Bell company its former monopoly, and "Whereas, it is unfair, unjust and unreasonable to the independent com panies now doing business in this state to force them to connect their respective lines with those of the Ne braska Bell Telephone company, and "Whereas, legislation of this char acter will depreciate the value of the property of the independent companies throughout the state, and will render their present telephone service inef ficient and ineffective, and "Whereas, an independent company has just begun the construction of an independent telephone plant in the city of Omaha, and any legislation of this kind forcing companies of the state to connect with the lines of the Nebraska Bell Telephone company would not only destroy and confiscate the property of the weaker telephone companies of the state, but would pre vent the construction of the indepen dent telephone plant at Omaha, and "Whereas, any such legislation at this session will be very detrimental to the interests of the people of the state of Nebraska, in that it will de stroy all competition. Now, therefor "Be it resolved, that we oppose all bills now introduced in the legis:ature, and that we earnestly request all citi zens of the state of Nebraska using in dependent request their respective senators and representa tives to vote against any and all said bills as they now stand, and that "We favor the introduction of a bill preventing unjust discrimination on the part of all telephone companies throughout the state, and we further favor the enactment of such law as will prevent the giving or accepting of any free coupons, passes or telephone service of any character whatsoever." tlgue, J. M. Bell, M. W. Dimery, Mr. Clark, T. H. Pollock. After an hour's absence the committee returned and reported that they met with a com plete rebuff, but resolved to carry on the war to the bitter end if necessary. That's the house the Doctor built, The biggest house you see; Thank goodness he don't get our money, For we take Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea. Gering & Co. Bight Mile. John Kraeger, sr., was a county seat visitor Friday. Adam Scbafer was seen heading for Plattsmouth Saturday. Mike Swartzfisher wasseen"pacing" on the Plattsmouth streets Saturday. Ourxslod-crusherhas been absent for a few days. Must have broken a wheel. Jake Kraeger shelled and delivered his corn last Tuesday, l'ankonin Bros. done the shelling. Gus Burmeister delivered some of his corn crop the past few days. Wm. Kaufman done the shelling. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schafer, of Bur well, Neb., are visiting with relatives in this section at this writing. Quite a crowd from this section at tended the "Literary" at Mynard last Friday night. All report a fine pro gram. Otto Puis is "spooning" in this sec tion again. Otto says he is going to have a big spoon .made can't catch much with a small one. Say, boys, notice the "Old Reliable" this time so MaDle Grove won't have . , ... .- . - . - . to go to so much trouble telling you folks in his next writing. We understand Alfred Gansemer says we made a mistake in our last writing, that it wasn't Mr. and Mrs. Gansemer, but he wished it was that way. Fred Kroke was called to Platts mouth last Thursday night on account of his father's illness. But at this writing we are glad to say that Mr. Kroke is recovering. We mentioned in our last writing the drying up of Fred Lutz's smile. Fred now says hard luck for the first time. But, as the old savincr iroe ! if at first you don't succeed, try, try again." ( Corpmittee Meets Rebuff. A committee was appointed by the president to prepare proper legislation and confer with the committee of leg islators having the qills in charge. The committee consisted R. N. Mon- Wben the cold winds dry and crack the skin a box of salve can save much discomfort. In buying salve look for the name on the box to avoid any imi tations, and be sure you get the origi nal JJe Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE containing HONEY AND TAR BES HOMESEEKER'S EXCURSION . . RATES Frequently each month to home" seeker's territory. WINTER TOURIST RATES iQ To Colorado, California and all Southern resorts. Personally conducted California Excursions? CHEAP EXCURSIONS TO SALT LAKE CITY, : JANUARYJ5 16, 17. TO DENVER: JANUARY 20, 21, 22. FREE LANDS Write for folder describing how to obtain free 640acres of govern ment land in Nebraska for mixed farming and'dairying. SEND FORIFREE FOLDERS "A Good Dairy District," "The Big Horn Basin." "Irrigated Lands in the Eillings District," Eastern Colorado," "Personally Conducted California Excur sion," and "To tfthe Great Northwest." INQUIRE FOR DETAILS W. L. PICKETT. TICKET AGEIT, PLATTSMOUTH, KEB L. . VmiET, S. P. .. Omaka. Rtk. if THE PALACE MARKET Plattsmouth 'I'lione .No. HZ LORENZ BROS., Proprietors. Ni-Ii usUu 'l'li No. II. Groceries, Provisions and Meeals 1st Prize EDISON Phonograph and 12 Records $30 00 2nd Prize Century Camera and Out fit 15 00 3rd Prize Imported Japanese Vase. . . 5 00 Total amount '. $50 00 r.l Contest will open November 1st, 1906, and close May 1st. 1907. Coupons will be given with cash pur chases only. Every $2.50 worth of coupons gets one draw number. Begin when the contest begins, per haps you will be the lucky one. Cost you nothing to try. lLoremz PlLttsmojth 3B)roso? Nebraska. PERKINS HOTEL PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA RATES $1.00 PER DAY First House West B. 6c M. Depot We Solicit the Farmers Trade and Guarantee Satisfaction. When in the City Give Us a Call H6e? Perkins Hotel CCEN KUTTER j-ocket Knives have been the standard of all .American Cutlery for 35 years. You remember that only t he highest quality is made under the brand Ktttl KU11$R. If there is one thing that you do want to be good it is a Pocket Knife, one that will be sharp when you buy it, and what is more, will stay sharp. We have them in a variety of patterns and sizes. May we have the pleasure? JOHN BAUER,, Hardware Nothing in the world brightens a home as much for so little money as does WMLL PMPER And Oh! how cheap and beautiful are the designs of wall paper carried in stock by Gering & Co. Cost why bless your soul, it cost so little that every one can afford to paper this spring. Come in and examine for yourself; we want you to come even if you don't buy, but our low pricss from 4c to $4.00 per roll will simply make you buy. (Soring & (Sa