The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 24, 1907, Image 6

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any of the renders of the Journal know of a swial trent or on item of interest
We want all items of interest. Editor Journal.
Grow larger. Don't let your money
burn holes in your pockets. Intrust
jour money to the safe keeping of a
bank. This is the only safe way to
save it. The one sure way to have
money is to save it. A bank account
is not for the rich only it is suited to
every onei especially to the man "who
saves his money. Bank account grow
surprisingly fast. To make a start is
the important part; after that it is
easy. Do not live to save, but save to
live. If yon are not a depositor, we
want you to become one at the
The Murray
C. S. STONE, Cashier.
Hugh Root is visiting home folks
this week.
D. C Rhoder was in Plattsmouth,
Dr. Jake Brendel made a profes
sional trip to Lincoln Tuesday.
Thomas Nix and Henry Sans are new
applicants for the rural mail route out
of Murray.
Dr. Hayes Ganstner, the dentist, of
Omaha, made his regular trip to Mur
ray Wednesday.
John Churchill of Washington, has
been in Murray a few days visiting his
brother, M. G.
John Vallery, mayor of Eight Mile
Grove, was transacting legal business
In Murray Friday.
Mrs. W. C. Brown is enjoying a visit
from her mother, Mrs. Hopkins, of
Villisca, la., this week.
O A. Davis, of the firm of Pitman
& Davis, was transacting business at
the county seat Saturday.
Albert Churchill, of Unadilla, was
In Murray Tuesday visiting his broth
er, M. G. Churchill, and family.
"We noticed D. M. Llyod in Murray
Wednesday and he says be is feeling
better than he has for years.
Mrs. D. L. Amick has been quite
sick for tbe past few days, suffering
with tonsilitis and rheumatism.
Our excellent friend, D. A. Young,
orders a copy of the Journal sent to
his son, D. C. Young, in Bovine, S. D.
W. C Brown went to Lincoln Tues
day to attend the Lumbermen's con
vention, which is in sessiou there this
Henry C. Smith, of Falls City, was
in Murray Wednesday visiting his
friend, Cbas. S. Stone,and transacting
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes returned
Sunday from a week's visit with rela
tives and friends in Omaha. They re
port an enjoyable time. "
Mrs. James Allison, who has been
quite sick for the past few weeks, is
rapidly gainingstrength.and will soon
be restored to her former health.
Mrs. Marie Berger, who is visiting
relatives in Southern Callfornia.wri tes
tbe folks at home that she is having
a very pleasant time, and is well
pleased with that country.
Dr. B. F. Brendel took Mrs. Lute
Renard to Omaha Tuesday, where she
was placed in the hospital to undergo
an operation for a kidney complaint
that has been troubling her for some
John Cook, the Cass county inven
tor, has just completed a very neat
and handy device for oiling harness.
It is a dandy and will do the work; if
you do not think so, bring in your har
ness and give it a trial.
Mrs. W. C. Brown entertained a
number of lady friends of Murray and
vicinity Wednesday and Thursday of
this week in honor of her mother,
Mrs. Hopkins, of Villisca, Iowa, who
Is here visiting her daughter. It is
not necessary for us to report a good
time for that was an assured fact.
Did you know that John Durnan.
the boss horse shoer, was kicked a few
days ago while working in the black
smith shopof James Loughridge. Nev
ertheless, it is a fact, and for several
days he limped around with the in
inrv received. But a short time ago
when he experienced a slight runaway
he lost his lameness in the ho't chase
after the runaway animal. The next
day be returned to work and has not
Murrsiy Depsirismemiil.
State Bank
Col. Seybolt was in Plattsmouth,
Miles Standish was in Plattsmouth,
C. S. Stone was in Plattsmouth Sat
urday evening.
D. L. Amick still has a very sore
hand that be injured on tbe car door
a few days ago.
Mrs. Oliver, who was called to Peru
a few days ago owing to the illness of
her daughter, returned home Wednes
day evening, reporting tbe young lady
greatly improved.
Col. Bert Reed, who has been here
for the past few days visiting his
uncle, Deacon Walker, and family, re
turned with his family to their home
in Larnard, Kan., Siinday.
J. L. Young sold one of his fine teams
of horses this week to an Omaha firm
for the neat sum of $3S5. The team
were daisies', and the price certainly
demonstrates tbat horse flesh is still
climbing skyward.
Dr. J. F. Brendel went to Lincoln
with Mrs. J. T. Porter Monday, where
she was placed in the Shoemaker hos
pital for treatment. Mrs. Porter has
been quite sick for some time, and by
hospital treatment the relatives hope
to restore her to her former health.
Our jovial friend, II. L. Oldham, is
on the lookout for the man, or men,
wno entered his cave a few days ago
and carriei away abcut twenty cans
of fine peaches preserves and other
fruits. This is certainly a mighty
mean trick, and tbe guilty party
should be punched.
nenry Long has sold two more of
his cows this week, one to a man in
Plattsmouth and the other in Ne
hawka. Henry says the advertisement
in the Journal did tbe business, and
today he is a firm believer in liberal
use of the newspaper columns, if he
has anything for sale.
The wedding of Miss Mabel Dearing
and Mr. Thomas Green' occurred in
Omaha Tuesday of this week. Both
young people are residents of Grand
Island, and are quite well known in
Murray, as tbe bride is a sister of Mrs.
L. B. Underwood, and visited in our
little city upon several occasions dur
ing the past two years. Mr. Green
has visited in Murray and is quite
well and favorably known here. The
young folks will make their home in
Grand Island, where Mr. Green has a
cigar factory. Mrs. Underwood at
tended tbe ceremony. The Journal
extends congratulations.
Public Sale!
One mile west of
Thursday, Jan.
31, 1907.
in this vicinity and will mad same to this
Tom Snoth has a very sick boy at
bis home.
M. G.Cburchill has been quite sick
this week.
Jake Smith's little child has been
quite sick.
Lee Ferris, near Union, has been on
the sick list this week.
The little son of C. V. Virgin has
been quite sick for the past few days
Grandma Tucker, near Nehawka,
has been quite sick for the past few
Ottis McNurlin was visiting with
his brother, John, in Plattsmouth,
Tuesday. ' "
Clara, the little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. M. G. Churchill, has been sfck a
few days the past week.
Jobn McNurlin came down from
Plattsmouth, Wednesday, to make bis
mother, who resides at the home of
her dauerhter. Mrs. Miles Standish, a
short visit.
Wade Porter has sold his dray line
in Union and rented the Uncle Jimmie
Root farm and will move thereto in
the early spring.
A. C Little of Plattsmouth, was
visiting home folks a few days last
week, owing to an attack of the gri ppe.
He returned to his home Sunday, but
has not as yet resumed his duties in
the shops.
Successful Meetings Closed.
The revival meetings that have been
carried on at the Christian church for
the past few weeks, closed Wednesday
evening. These meetings were indeed
successful, as many new members were
added to tbe church, and quite a num
ber of eld members returned. Wed
nesday afternoon eighteen were bap
tised at the church, which was per
formed by the minister in charge of
the meeting in just thirteen minutes.
Following is the names of those who
were baptised: Mrs. Miles Standish,
Ivory. Myrtle and Nora; Mrs. Jeff
Brendel, Anna Belle Moore, Emmaand
Grace Graves, Miss Loretta Walker,
Miss Board man, A. Thomason, Miss
Clara Young, Glenn Vallery, Steve
Beckner, Alfred Dean and Charles
All parties knowing themselves in
debted to me will please call and set
tle same, at tbe earliest possible time,
as I wish to leave for other quarters
as soon as I can.
L. B. Uxdekwoop.
(Special Correspondent.)
J. S. Wunderlich, II. P. Strome, T.
C. Schomaker and others, the names
of whom we did not learn, went to
Lincoln to the agricultural state meet
ing. Grandma Mark came back to L C
Todd's. She is some better.
Mrs. John Knabe is very sick with
Charley and Gust Hansen shelled
corn for L. C. Todd and W. II. Scho
maker last week.
Mrs. J. S. Wunderlich and son, Wal
ter, are very sick. Dr. Pollard has
been their physician.
Miss Muriel Mack is on tbe sick
list this week.
Fred Schomaker, sr., did their sum
mering butchering this week. John
Opp did the work.
Dill Davis entertained Weeping Wa
ter visitors Sunday.
The ice harvest has begun in this vi
cinity, and we hope for mere cold
Mrs. Miller had quite an accident
C. Heebner's dog frightened her horse
and it threw her out about ten feet,
and she was seriously Injured. A phy
sician was summoned, and we hope she
will get along all right.
George nansen butchered several
hogs for their summer use. He be
lieves in watching out in time.
Spend an Enjoyable Afternoon.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Chris
tian church held a very pleasant meet
ing yesterday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. J. II. Becker. The afternoon
was very much enjoyed sewing and at
social conversation. At a welcome
hour delicious refreshments were
served, which added to the sociatility
of the meeting. About twenty-five
ladies were in attendance.
It is noticeable a cold seldom comes
on when the bowels are freely open.
Neither can it stay if they aje open.
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup
tastes as pleasant as maple sugar. Free
from all opiates. Contains Honey and
Tar. Conforms to the National Pure
Food and Drug Law. Sold by F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Twenty per cent off on all Furs
office it v iU upbear under this htndina.
Social Event in Furnas County.
On Friday evening, January IS, a
social was gi ven by Walter Mays at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Bridge
water. The evening was spent in var
ious games and at a late hour oysters
were served. Those present were: Mi.
and Mrs. Z. W. Shrader of Nehawka,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cleveland, Mr.
and Mrs. R. II. Chriswisser, Mr. and
Mrs. Will Bridgewater, Marie Cook,
Bertha Carr, Elsie Winslow, Edith
Winslow, Nellie Winslow, Nellie Mays,
Goldie Brown, Miss Clason, Agnes
Quillen, Blanche Quillen, Bettle
Straub,., Anna Straub, .Miss, Quillen,
Gertie 'Anderson, Ola Davidson, Bessie
Fleming, Buelah Bridgewator Wanda
Brlduewater, Chris Clason, Ray Mays,
Roy Reed, Walter Mays, Jessie Mays,
Harry Beechler, Bob Carr, Willom
SUaub, Dan Holland, John Bridge-
water, Ross Holland, Bill Holland,
John Chriswisser, Guy Young, Fritz
Straub, Lee Gains, Frank Malone,
Willie Winslow, Ward Young, Omen
Winslow, Rob Volgomore, OIlie nurt,
Delia Brown, Charley Quillen. Harve
A good time was enjoyed by all and
when the time came for departure, all
wished that they might enjoy many
more such happy events.
Happy Birthday Surprise.
At the palatial home of Mr. and
Mrs. S. O. Cole, near Mynard, Monday
evening was tbe scene of a happy
gathering, tbe occasion being in honor
of their son Carl's twenty-first birth
day. The event was a complete sur
prise. Carl had secured some new
records for their graphaphone and he
was very busy listening to them when
about thirty of his friends came in up
on him, and informed Carl that they
had come to help him celebrate his
birthday. He received many useful
presents. The evening was spent in
playing various games and having a
general good time. Some excellent
good music was furnished by the
graphaphone which was very much
appreciated by all. At about 10:30
o'clock a delicious lap supper, which
had been prepared by Mrs. Cole, was
served by Mr. and Mrs. Cash Wiles
and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cole to which
all did ample justice. At a late hour
all departed for their home, wishing
Carl many more such happy events.
Among those to enjoy this happy
occasion were the following: Misses
Nellie and Edith Jean, Margaret and
Rachel Livingston, Marie Tscherren,
Leola Vallery, Pearl Lewis, Harriet
Adams, Lizzie Spangler, Gertie and
Opal Cole. Messers. Albert Wheeler,
Ed. Spangler, Nelson Jean, Max
Adams, Ralph "Wiles, Roy Cole, Boyd
orter, Carl and Sherman Cole, Willie
Propst, Mr. and Mrs. Cash Wiles, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Cole, Mr. and Mrs. S. O.
The following business
ronage in their various lines. You will find them ever ready to give you fair treat
ment and 100 cents for every dollar spent with them.
HOLMES & SMITH ' A . , Do You Know
(7-A Big Corn.r Storm) JLl. L. AlTllCk LOSS F HII
Always carry an tk Live stock Man
nrk-to rlatp linp nf Tm, m t . h rites Insurance in the best
up-io-uaie line or Who pays the Top Price at AH . , . ,
. , TT ; Companies and at the best
General Merchandise Times. Lseour Phone Rates O
. -i n and get the best J
Get their prices on all prices i
goods before buying 1
PhIndlan BOSS Harness Man Physician and
Surgeons Get My Prices Svirgeon
All Calls Promptly Attended to Before Buying Prompt Attention to All Calls
D. C. Rhoden
IHOtarV) pUbltC Good Turn-outs and Prompt
Attention is Our I lobby
Give Us a Call
(Vacant Places are for Sale)
Maple Grove
Si mm -hi I ( 'on "! ixl-hi .
Mr. and Mrs. (leore Schafer fiorn
the western part of the state, arc
visiting relatives lure this week.
William Puis mark' a business trip
to Plattsmouth Saturday.
Alfred (iansemer visited at the home
cf Mrs. Schafer Sunday.
W. II. Puis and family and Miss
Mata Puis visited with friends in
Plattsmouth Sunday.
Chas. Herren shelled corn Monday.
Louie Puis sawed wood Monday.
Herman Gansemer made a trip to J.
H. Norrls' Monday.
Quite a number from this locality
attended tbe Heil-Heunlngs wedding
Wednesday near Cedar Creek.
R. P. Davis of Lincoln visited at
the home of J. A. Davis last week.
J. B. Seybolt's
at his farm one and
three-quarter miles
northwest of
February 6th
Watch these columns
far a complete list of the
property next week
It Takes Two Keys
To open your steel safe deposit box in
tbe Murray State Bank vaults: the
banks key and yours; neither will un
lock with out the other: no danger of
the wrong person getting into your
box by any means. Somewhat better
that the old tin box which could be
opened with a can-opener. Come in
and let us show you how they work,
and how much beetter they are for
you to keep your valuable papers in
than in a tin box where it can very
easily be destroyed by tire. Boxes for
rent at $1.00 and $1.50 a year.
Chas. S. Stonk, Cashier.
Drs. Newell & Tracy will
Murray on Tuesday of each
Office with Dr. Gilmore.
be in
Business Directory
men of Murray take this method of
Impressive Ceremony Performed by Rev.
Jung Near Louisville, Attended .by
Large Number of Relatives.
At lh honw tlu- bride's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. C. ('. Ilenuiiik'H, three
and one half miles rat of Louisville,
Wednesday afternoon, Jan'uary 2.',r07f
occurred one of the prettiest wedding
of the season, when their youngest
daughter, Miss Maggie, was united in
marriage to Mr. Edward Hell of Cedar
Promptly at 1 o clock, to the strains
of Mendelssohn's wedding march,
played by Philip Hennlngs, a brother
of the bride, the bridal party entered
the handsomely decorated parlor and
took their places under a beautiful
arch of mistletoe, brought from Okla
homa by N. F. Hennlngs, and the Im
pressive words were spoken by Rev.
Jung, of Louisville, In the presence of
a large number of friends and relatives.
- The bride was gowned in light bluj
silk, trimmed in Oriental lace, while
the groom appeared In the conven
tional black.
The bridesmaid, Miss Sophia Volk.
of Pierce county, Nebraska, wasgowned
in cream serge, trimmed in lace.
Henry Hell, jr., a cousin to thi
groom, acted as best man.
Immediately after the congratula
tions, the guests adjourned to the
dining room, where tables fairly
groaned under the weight of one of
the most delicious dinners that has
ever been partaken of in this part of
the country.
The bride is one of the most beauti
ful and accomplished young ladies in
this part, of the county, where she was
reared to womanhood, and has a large
circle of friends who will regret to lose
her from their mid.-t, but in so doing
wish her much joy and happiness in
ber wedded life.
The groom, a capable and industri
ous young man and is one of our most
prosperous young farmers, who has
grown to manhood in this vicinity, and
has a host of friends who wish him
A large number of useful arid valu
able presents were received, also about
$50 in cash.
The guests from a distance were Mr.
and Mrs. N. F. Hennlngs and son, El
mer, of Caddo county, Oklahoma; Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Shafer and family, of
Loup county, Nebraska; Louie Brau,
Caddo county, Oklahoma; Misses Mag
gie and Mary Volk, Renfrow, Okla.;
Jacob Volk, Pekin, III.; John and Miss
Sopha Volk, Pierce county, Nebraska.
The Journal tenders Mr. and Mrs.
Heil best wishes for a happy and pros
perous wedded life.
and CURE the LUNGS
r. King's
Nov Discovery
50c & $1.00
Free Trial.
Surest and Quickest Cure for all
soliciting your pat-
lost a day since.