The County Exchanges ft - ft A I I. A. ...A P . I . .1 J f-aaa 44i fti lnlnMAft) f . Aim Art rl.. IUSS II blUtlil illlllll OIICHII II tUl WUIUWii VI lVUIlJUIIUt Union Elmwood Kroin tb Lcdiitr, Kll M. Smith departed Wednesday le Danygi" was uuru tu f i.,thi.p nui. . tn .nend nlmal from amonirsthls fatten herd M r. and M rs. Tom McCartney Friday ' !' '".Vl.: 17 " V; " V " " h..t. . or last week. From l.drr-Erlo. A handsome baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Bock spentTues- day with Mr. and Mrs. Gus. Hansen. Quite an excitement was occasioned on Thursday morning about 2 o'clock by the burning of Mr. Fleshman's house on Mr. Sheldon's farm, near Avoca. Nothing was saved only a few articles of bed clothing. Mr. Fleshman's people are overwhelmed with mortlUcatlon on account of the terrible disaster. They had three hundred dollars Insurance on house bold furniture. Fred Schomaker lost a fine beef an- Ir. Mungcr reports the birth of a ten pound girl yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Johnson, of Wabash. p. Smith left Wednesday evening ten days looking at some of that coun try and making a visit with Ills broth er, Ianlel Smith. Will II. Mark returned Tuesday from Mynard, where he had been to see his mother, who has been very Mlsa Stella Opp, our "good natured central," took a drive out In the coun try with Mr. Boedcker Tuesday. Miss Cora Bally, who has been stay ing at Mr. Todd's departed for her for Jersey City, N. J., upon receipt of sck for severa, weckfJi and reports that home In Grand Island, Saturday. Mrs. a wiegram announcing wie kiiw- 8he , giowly Improving. nesa of his sister. Mrs. Joy It. Applcgate, who has vis- The stork has orougni 10 " ted relatives here for several months, Mrs. Leslie Mar a wn-pouim parted for St. Louis on the 10:15 boy. The little fellow arrived Sunday k . tn u.ln her husband. and a good many 'Vratls" cigars have and lhcy wl make tl)e)r ,)0me , that since been In evidence Miss licsslo lKilesDcrnler, who is clerking In L. F. Langhorst's toy store, had her hair and eye brows badly singed Wednesday afternoon by an ex plosion of coal gas when she opened the stove door to tlx the tire. Fortu nately her eyes received no serious In juries. II. L. Clapp's tenm, hitched to a lumber wagon, become frightened at the train Wednesday afternoon and took a lively spin nbout town and Into the country. They were caught a mile south of town. No one was In the wagon. The horses were unin jured, but the wagon was damaged considerably, While shelling corn ion one of his father's farms Saturday Charlie Woods became entangled with a re volvlng shaft on the corn shelter and had most of his wearing apparel made ready for carpet rags. Tbo horses and sheller were stopped Instantly, thus known a8 wascneCKea wnai raigut nave tunm nated In a very serious accident. How's Thiar We offer One Hundred Itollars lie ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. city. Will IS'ldy Is not boasting about big corn, but thinks he can beat all com ers In tho line of freaks. He brought In three samples, and from one 'shoot' six ears had grown closely together, and the other two 'shoots' have three ears each. Some time ago Isaac Dye residing near here, lost a valuable mule on ac count of a defective bridge on tho pub lic highway, the animal breaking through and being so Injured that It had to be killed. The county commis sioners at their session Tuesday allow ed Mr. Kye the sura of 1 123 as damages for the loss of his mule. Henry Pell was summoned to go to Sidney, Iowa, last Saturday to see his cousin, E. 15. Spartlin, who was re ported dangerously 111, but Is now said to be Improving. A great many of the early settlers of this county will re member Mr. Spartlin, familiarly "Dock" Spartlin, who was engaged In business at Hock Bluffs In 1837-8, when that was quite a lively little city. A Miraculous Cur The following statement by II. M, Adams, and wife, Henrietta, l'a., will Interest Darents and" others. "A mirac- e, ine unaersignea, nave Known r . uloug curc ha8 uken place n our home John Ileebner accompanied ber. Jake Hild Is anxiously looking for ward for the return of his wife and baby who a re still at Mrs. Hunter's In I'lattsmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Klrkpatrlck are going to spend the holidays with their son at Dallas, Texas. Miss Laura Ingwerson starts today Los Angeles, Cal., where she Is to be married and will make California her home. John Lee started for his old home In Pennsylvania Tuesday on a combined business and pleasure trip. He ex pects to return soon. 11. G. Watklns realized over $200 from two acres of potatoes the past season. But then he tends them and tends them right. Charles Cunningham and bis mother left Tuesday night for a visit at their old home at Corydon, Ind. It Is his first visit there since he came here 17 years ago, and he will probably note many changes there. Some time ago one of our farmers, planning to shell corn, summoned a I neighbor to his help by hurriedly writ ing him a postal card. The fountain pen got balky on one letter and the recipient was shocked to read: "I am going to hell. Send man and team." Whether be complied with this pathet- lo request deponent sayeth not. I G a "J Attribute my; Extreme Old Age to the Use: A Woatorn Wonder There's a Hill at Bowie, Tex., that's twice as big as last year. This wonder J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- 0l.r cnll(1 nad ec.ema 5 years and was Is W. L. Hill, who from a weight of 00 neve mm perrecuy nonorao.e n an pronounced incurable, when we read U,1US business transactions and financially about Eiectri0 Bitters, and concluded 1 uCfered with a terrible cough, and able to carry out any obligations made totryit. Before the second bottle was doctors gave me up to die of Consump- oy ins nrm. Waldlng, Klnnan & Marvin, THE OLDEST MAN IN AMERICA Escaped the Terrors of Many Winters By Using Pe-ru-na. IN "peaking of hit good health and extreme old age, Mr. Brock iayt : "After a man hat lived in the world aa lung as I have, he ought to have found ont a great many thing by ex pcrience. I think I have done so. "One of the things I hate found out to my entire satisfaction Is the proper thing for ailments that are due directly to the effects of the climate. For 117 years I have withstood the changeable climate of the United States. "I have always beon a very healthy man, but, of course, subject to the af fections which are due to sudden changes in the climate and tempera ture. During my long life I have known a great many remodies for coughs, 'olds and diarrhoea. 1 "As for Dr. Hart man's remedy, Peruna, I have found It to be the best, if nut the only, reliable rem edy for these affections. It has been my standby for many years, and I attribute my good health and extreme old age to this remedy. "ft exactly meets all my require ments. It protects me from the evil ef fects of sudden changes ; it keeps mo in good appetite; it gives me strength', it keeps my blood in good circulation. I have come to rely upon it almost en tirely for the many little things for which I need medicine. "When epidemics of la grippe first began to make their appearance in this country I was a sufferer from 'tfcls disease. , . "I had several long sieges with the grip. At first I did not know that Peruna was a remedy for this disease. When I heard that la grippe was epidemic catarrh, I tried Peruna for la grippe and found It to be Just the thing. " In a later letter, Mr. Brock writes I "I am well and feeling as well as I have for years. The only thing .that bothers me is my sight. If I could tee better I could walk all over the farm, and it would do me good. I would not be without Peruna." Yours truly, ; 1 I of Pe-ru-na," j . f-i i if V J 1 u iniV-gltniltisffiaWt Ml iiimJ Mr, Isaac Brock, 117 Years Old Last Birthday, ISAAC BROCK, a citizen of McLen-l nan county, Texas, has lived for 117 i Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and xnncous surfaces of tho system. Testi monials Rent free. Price 73c per bot tle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. 1 1 t ,H r 1. hottPr. an aftr taking 7 hnttlM h 1 oeKan l"-ttlnB A'r- ,D s was completely cured- It's the up- forConsumptlon.Coughsand I Colds. to-date blood medicine and body build ing tonic. Guaranteed. atF. G. Frlcke&Co.'s 50c and tl.00 1 rug store. Louisville Kruro the Courier. Work was commenced on the grade for the new Rlchey-Fulton sand pit west of town this week. Frank Helm, wife and babe left Tuesday morning for their home In South Dakota, after an extended visit with relatives here. County Superintendent Gamble has written a school song which will be sung for the first time at the teacher's meeting In this city next month. Fred II. Osscnkop was In Lincoln last Saturday visiting with Henry LennotI and family. He found them very comfortably located In their new home. John Rohrdanz went to Omaha Mon day to visit bis wife who underwent a serious surgical operation at the St Joseph hospital two weeks ago. He states that she will will be able to re turn home about Christmas. The Murphy quarries across the Platte ceased operation Tuesday, their lease having expired on that date. It Is understood that Mr. Murphy will open up the old Stout quarry on this side of the river. This will Indeed be good news to workmen as the old Stout quarry Is located so close to town that those who desire can come home to dinner. The remains of August Bomhak who died at Mountain Grove, Mo., Decern ber 14, were brought here for burial in the Walradt cemetery. The de ceased was born In Breeman, Ger many, June 3, 1S44. He left Germany when but fourteen years of age and became a sailor, which he followed for twelve years. He came lo Cass coun ty In 1S70. In lf74 he was married to Miss Mary Jardiue. To them seven children were born. A wife and six children survive him. Tho funeral was held at the Glendale church Tues day afternoon, conducted by Klder O. W. May Held. Long Fight Fur twenty years W. L. Kawles, of Bells, Tenn., fought nasal catarrh. He writes: "The swelling and soreness In side my noso was fearful, till I began applying Bucslcn's Arnica Salve to the sore surface: this caused the soreness and swelling to disappear, never to re turn.' Best salve In existence. 23c at F. G. Frlcke & Co., druggists. NehaovkaL Kmvlal CorrvsiKimU-nt. Mrs. Wm. Davis, accompanied by her daughter, Lulu, visited In Ne braska City, Wednesday. Mrs. Wunderlluh and Miss Sadie called on sick folks Wednesday. Simon Hansen was taken to Omaha Thursday for treatment. At last re ports Mr. Hansen was getting along nicely. Miss Stella Opp made a (lying trip to Nebraska City and back Tuesday. Now, after taking 12 bottles, ' I have more than doubled In weight and am completely cured." Only sure Cough and Cold cure. Guaranteed by F. G. Frlcke & Co., druggists. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. ears. J-or many years no rcsiaoa at Bosque Falls, eighteen miles west of Waco, but now lives with his son-in-law at Valley Mills, Texas. Some time apo, by roquest, Uncle Isaac came to Waco ami sat for his picture, holding in his hand a stick cat from the grave of General Andrew Jackoon. Mr. Brock is a dignified old gentleman, showing few signs o' de crepitude His family Bible is still preserved, and It shows that the date of kit ' trtli was wrktcn 117 years ago. Born before the United States were formed. Saw 22 PretldentM elected. Pe-ru-na hat protected him from all tudden changes. Veteran of four wart. Shod a bone when 99 yean old. Always conquered the grip with Pe-ru-na. Wltneta In a land tult at the age of 110 years. Believes Pe-ru-na the greatest remedy of the age for catarrhal troubles. " .J KEEP THE KIDNEYS WELL Health Is Worth Saving, and Some Plaits- mouth People Know How to Save It, Many I'lattsmouth people take their Ruffncr, and family. Mr. Black was lives in their hand by neglecting the J. N. Black came in from Broken Bow, Neb., a few days ago to spend Christmas with his sister, Mrs. E. P. reared In I'lattsmouth, and this has been his first visit in many years. He is running a hotel In Broken Bow. Cur for Sore Nipples. As soon as the child is done nursing, apply Chamberlain's Salve. Wipe It off with a soft cloth before allowing the Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Todd were up to chlld to nurse. Many trained nurses Omaha ednesday to consult a spe- clllst for Mrs.' Todd. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schomaker, sr., made a business trip to Nebraska City Thursday. Mr. Gus Hansen Is quite sick with la grippe. A social hop was given by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stoll at the home of the use this with the best results. Price 25 cents per box. For sale F. G. Frlcke Co. and George D'Mcnt. blllous- Don't allow money to lie around. is easier to spend It and easier to lose It It Dealers say that those whohave used Chamberlaln'sStomach and Li verTab ets are quite loyal to tbem and cannot be persuaded to take any substitute. Get a free sample at F. G. Frlcke & former's parents, Thursday evening. Co. 'sand George D'Ment's drug store, A good time was had by those present. Bo them a trial and you, too, will II. P. Sturm and famllv. and T.. n. wan' them in preference to any other. Todd and family were Invited guests Thc' c"re 8tomacl troubles, for a Christmas dinner at the home of ulM "u wwiw F. T. Sheldon, Tuesday. liertna ana haitn schomaker en joyed a ride to the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Carsten, Sunday. J. G. Wunderllch and family took dinner with II. Behms, sr., Tuesday. Fred Schomaker Is a sufferer with a severe cold. John Knabe and family visited friends In I'lattsmouth a few days last week, returning Sunday. Mrs. Corbett drove to Weeping Wa ter Monday to do some shopping. The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Karn Young Is Improving rapidly. Bert Tucker has Improved consider aoiy in neaiin, ana is amc to ue up and around. A family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tucker Christmas day. Geo. Ingwerson and wife were buying Christmas goods In Net.awka, Mon day. J. W. Stoll shelled corn Monday, de livering It to Andrew Sturm. John Bchrns shelled corn one day last week at Matt Bro s. Wm. Betts and family enjoyed Christmas day visiting relatives and friends In Avoca, kidneys when they know these organs need help. Sick kidneys are respon sible for a vast amount of suffering and 111 health, but there Is no need to suffer nor to remain In danger when all diseases and aches and pains due to weak kidneys can ba quickly and per manently cured by the use of Doan's Kidney Pills. Mrs. M. E. Hartman, living at 708 Rock street, I'lattsmouth, says: "My father was greatly benefited by the uue of Doan's Kidney Pills. For years be did not have good health. Pain In the back owing to kidney complaint eaused him considerable suffering and particularly so when on his feet Learn ing about Doan's Kidney Pills. I pro cured a box for him at Gerlng & Co. '8 drug store. He used them as directed and the paid was relieved, bis back and kidneys strengthened and there was noticeable Improvement In his general health. It Is needless to say that the results which he obtained gave him cause to value Doan's Kid ney Tills very highly." For sale by all dealers. Price 50o. Fostcr-Mhburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y sole agents for the United States. Kemember the name Doan's and take no other. A man with a sprained ankle will use a crutch, rest the ankle and let It get well. A man or woman with an overworked stomach can't use a crutch but the stomach must have rest just the same. It can be rested too with out starvation. Kodol will do it. Ko dol performs the divestlve work of the tired stomach and corrects the diges tive apparatus. Kodol fully conforms to the provisions of the National Pure Food and Drug Laws. Recommended and sold by F. G. Frlcke & Co. Fell From Load of Hay. A neighboring farmer was in town today, who reports that a few days ago our old friend, John Ilabscbeldt.wblle engaged In hauling hay, accidentally fell from the load to the hard frozen ground. While Mr. Habscheldt was pretty badly shaken up, the Journal is pleased to learn that nothing of a seri ous nature resulted therefrom. SAUE MONEY by keeping It In a safe place such The BanH of Cass County Capital Stock i:0,000, Surplus 115,000 orrn-KHc: Chun. C. rarmelp. I'M-., JitroltTrlliirh, V-P. T. M. Patterson. CmIi. You can give a check for any part of It at any time and so have a receipt for payment without asking for ono. Whan vntl tiflVA ft liftnlr lnnnt vml James Dysart departed for Kansas will be anxious to add to It rather than Wednesday. He was called there by '-pend from It. Ion't you want to the serious slcknpas of his ulster. know more about it In Praise of Chamberlain's Couch Remedy There Is no other medicine manufac turcd that has received so much praise and so many expressions of gratitude as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It Is effective, and prompt relief follow;- its use. Grateful parents everywhere do not hesitate to testify to Its merits for the lienellt of others. It Is a cer tain cure ror croup and will prevent the attack If given at the lirst appear anceof the disease. It is especially adapted to children us It Is pleasant to take and contains nothing Injurious Mr. E. A. Humphreys, a well known resident and clerk In the store of Mr, E. Lock, Alice, Cape Colony, South Africa, says: "I have used Chamber lain's Cough Ilemtdy to wardolTcroup and colds In my family. I found It to be very satisfactory and It gives me pleasure to recommend It." For sale by F. G. Frlcke & Co. and Geo. D'Mcnt K r For Indigestion Relieves sour stomach, paipiUUon of the heart Digests what you eat When old age comes, it brings wit it catarrhal diseases. Systemic cataift is almost universal in old ptititc-of,. explains why Peruna hasWniMJf. indisnensablo to manv old Deot? N?i In Police Court. V' As the result of a Saturday nlglix m. disturbance, Lawrence Stull and Mrs. f Green were arraigned in police court this morning on a charge of disturbing me peace, l ne nrsi naraea was grant ed a continuance, while the woman was taxed $10 and costs, which she paid to the court. E.C. DeWit& Co. of Chicago, at whose labratory Kodol Is prepared, as sure us that this remarkable dlgestant and corrective for the stomach con forms fully to all provisions of the Na tional Pure Food and Drug Law. The Kodol labratory is a very large one, but if all the sufferers from indigestion and stomach troubles could know the virtues of Kodol it would be Impossible for the manufacturers to keep up with the demand. Kodol Is sold here by F. G. Frlcke & Co. 4 Of course you pay your money, But you get your money's worth, For what does money mean to you When Tiocky Mountain Tea's on earth? Gering & Co. $5 Jcld Crowni had ErMr Tteth t.50Up, Porce '.urn Crowi i i.?o up. l-'il!;nr 500 up. TteUs Attracted I'aiulesa. Nrr it 1010 day. DAI LEY, Tho Dentists ELbllhe4 1888. Paxtoa Blk. OflAHA pwomens "I was a total wreck," writes Mrs. Beulah Rowley, of Champoeg, Oregon, "from pains I had suffered, for 4 years, every month. Sometimes I would be unconscious for 12 hours at a stretch. I did not know that anything could stop the pain entirely, but Wine of Cardui did. 1 advise all women suffering with painful periods to use Car dui and be relieved." It does this by regulating the functions and toning up all the Internal female organs to health. It is a pure, specific, reliable, female remedy, with a record of 70 years of success. It has bene fited a million others. Why not you? Try it. Sold by Every Druggist in $1.00 Bottles. FREE ADVICE Writ u Irttrf drvrlblng all your vmptorn, rJ till trni ynti I rr AJvuf . In plain f.ilr4 tnvrlor. A,!JrM: LaJim AJvUory lrpatlmrnl, 1 h.t.Mtianoui. AWOiunt Co.,(liu nooga. Irnn. OF CAR "i