dreii, is follows: Henry, John, Sm-1 gtK5yC5CC3g5CCr53ff 0F uel, Hannah, George and Fred, all of jT f ii'(BiG.A;UIi) . "uv-iu uiu.. .... -. v -.iv mm iouritatvrooDilia axu. ... . Murdock ACCUSED PEONAGE J Fireman's Brotherhood Makes Charges Against the South ern Pacific Railway Co. JIIGROIS ABE FORCED TO WOBX 60 It Will Be Alleged to Labor Com missioner KeiL Company . Officials Say the Strike k Barely Felt Engineers Confine , loyal Fireman Abduct- VA'Jn Ioulnlana. It Houston. Tex., Doc. 27. Vice Grand Master Shea, of the brotherhood of Lo comotlve riremen, .announces Jhn4.be will lay before Commissioner of JBu bor Xeill. who Is due to arrive here from Washington today, chnrcPH of peonnse apalnst the Southern Purine rnilronil, that company having com piled negroes to serve as lirenien apalnRt their will. Southern racltic oBlelals declare that trains are beins operated on schedule time. All Trains llepoi-tetl Movinjr. Reports to the headquarters of the Atlantic system of the Southern Pa cific lines covering twenty-four liow-t show that the lines are experlenclnu little di!llculty in oiieratlng trains on account of the strike of the lix-nnio-tive fm-nu-n. Fourteen freight train out of sixteen scheduled were handled, nil of the yard engines with the exieii t!on of two nt San Antonio were work ing also. All scheduled freight and jinssenger trains and two extra freight trains were operated on the Victoria division, and on the Texas nnd New Orleans east of this city all scheduled trains were started. The same Is true on the El Taso division west of San Antonio. Locomotive Brotherhood Satisfied. At Lotto, near Fl Faso, Engineer Kntr Is reported to have been assault ee. by Brnkemnn Blnger nnd so severe ly Injured that he could not eontmiie. to run. II. E. Willis, assistant grand ctief of the Brotherhood of Locomo tive Engineers, says that his orsMiiln Hon is thoroughly satisfied with the sit nation, and nil Its members nre going to Co all In their power to maintain their contract with the railroad company arid keep the trains moving.- ATTACHMENT NOTICE. Swnn IW-nson will take nntlretliat on the I1M1 tin' iwm'p In mill fur Cuss con in v. Ni'liriisua. Ih- Jil.T.'i. In an net Inn m-iid nir liefore lilin.wlii'ivin Mrs. Illlina N.vdi-n Im ilalnt ItT anil Hwini llen- Ison Istlefentliint. Unit imnirrt v of drfi'iidiiiit. 1 consisting of money In die liiinclsof the V. H. fi Q. railway Co., tiuinlsliee. lias lieen ttaeneii inn er nhIi onler. Mini cause was coiuiniicn to the Mil ltiv of January. Iim7.nl Ho clock. 11. in. .Mas. Mil. ma .yikn, nullum. fly, I II I fX"!tMMPsVCB- 1 AbwaS aJF BUY it MOW THIS is the season when everybody ct look around for their fall and wint commence to inter clothing. The early buyer "usually nets the choice of the new styles, and the best goods. We would there fore suggest that you ruilDUCE MARKETS I . . . . . . . .1 Dun a n f latirlfl I V Corrected weekly by Martin & Tool. v T.,'1 7 '" U who pay n,e. highest prices for produce wno 90 "aaiJ raB u aur,D" uw and guarantee satisfaction: Illness and death of our beloved father . . I ma wlcrt tn avtanri nnr hnarlffl t. ml nUttCr 1C WW" w wwiw iivwimviv fc::::::.::::::::::::::::;:;:::-:::::::::. anks. O Sprinu. 7c MU8.IlASNAllHKEHNr.lt, If Cream No.l.itic: No. 8. ... . . .. Hopt S.Wto.V7S IlESKY WKSTLAhK, fft Caitle l.M)t,ndJ.S0 Jmtv Wkstlakk. II - " Ill Aia llttnin, aAMl'EL WEHTLAKE, I fc:::::::::::;:::::::.:;:::::::::::":Sd2ic gkoko wkwlaw, JJ Oku anUMcl FltKD WKSTLAKK, f.1 AND FAM1L1KS. I ft I liOCK ISLAND TIME TABLE. I A Murdock Station. . . 0. u IK Air. ana .irs. k. ciiieeuau, wiiuibm WEST HOUND. U fr, vlsltlnif with the latter'i I ?4 SS fi-fiSS:::::::::::::::: IIS t S 'a; ? " ,Smlfth f"d, whlfe' dr o r 11 I nortoH last tvpnlnL' for their home In I lsu. o. UJilll o.n.i V. lu. 1 f- d I tf No. 37, mall 5:53 p. m. Galesburgr, 111. V EAST BOUND. f NO.W), freight 12:30 a.m. ATTACHMENT NOTICE. U NO. 38, malL.s... ,10:55a.m. Krank Krecek will take notice that on the f NO. 76, LOCal 1:14 p. ITfl, I Jit li (lay-ill viovi'liilHtr.. jiws n. An ner, jus- w W A mail ) rn It lee of th lieaifi In anil for Cass county, Ne- f XNO. 0. mail p. m. i.rL.. .n,i,l,T of attachment for the V PaulSchewe shipped a car load or cattle to South Omaha Wednesday. Frank Ki-ecek. is iefeniiant, O Mrs. O. II. EpgleStOn Was a Capital U' . UarnWIiw. hasls-en atla. heil iinclet Milil ri ro w I j'vixl.if hit. lit ntni wan i'ttlll llini'll t).lllllllllt-V I V city visitor Wednesday. hni, 11m:, utttovim k.a. m. Il ,,,. , . . . HHAKTl I.IITIIINUI 11., rilllllllll. w W. C. Monroe and John McCarty r went down to Syracuse Wednesdays TT,PUMrUT UnT,r ft search of work. .. ? ' "w, "7 . . . X I r WUIl IKMlSOIl Will 1 RM IHH M r Ullll (III Uir mi 11 I K E ilay of Noyemlicr. IKKl. M. Aivher a Jnsilce of V he IS Working at the Carpenter trade Uneil anortler of altachmsnt for the sum of IV n. . rtt. s, I 7 111 Oil (llM Mill lU'llflllllf iH'Il 111' 1 1 1 111 . W I II II 1 1 1 I . in j;apia uty, &. u. Henry Westlake received the sad news of his father's death last Wed nesday, Dec. 19, and left for Avoca Thursday morning. Mrs. II. J. MacArthur and daughter are visiting relatives In Omaha this week. II. P. Long and wife made a busi ness trip to Lincoln last week. tht'Mtrt Call at our Store Early in the Season and let us show you the many new things we have in Men's and Boys' Clothing, and everything in their wearing apparel from shoes to the hat. Our line this season in every department is much larger than ever before, and we earnestly request you to call and "look us over." Wm. ICHlolIy I 1 LEGAL NOTICE. All iM'isons Interested are hcrchy untitled that on the tit li day of Deccnilier, A. II.. MM. losephlno West, asthn executrix of the last will and testament of and widow of John West, lute of Cass count v. deceased, tiled hcriietltlon with the county court of Cass county, iiraylnir f... . Jlnnl u..lllnnn.lil . llli BI.UIII III . UUUII.lll Stephen LeiS, Ralph LeiS and-Geo. exeeutrlx and the assignment hy I Ills court of I T,.i,gnn VTay. ... iBiin tlie i-esl(tiie oi said esiaie uisucii ihtsoi s wimv 01 JaCK80n, JNeo., are VISlling ,,,,,,,, . , w ,l(,.,. That a hearlwr will UJOT i ME YsTflR FIUE5IAN IS KIDN ATKI) Taken OA His Knicine Hurried and to an Unknown Fate. leans, Pec. 27. A Southern emmi Trnn taken, from his eu n body of masked men at otisas, I.n., nccorumg to a repon elved here hy E. R. CuHhlng, gener- superintendent of the Southern Pa cific, dishing hnd no lnformtttion ns 1o whnt trentment the cttpttired fire mnn rceclved. Kxeept for this lnei dent Cindilng said that the firetnen'i Ftrlke has caused no Herlous trouble on this end of the Southern Pacific's Atlantic division. Two guards nre carried on every engine, and nil pas fiercer nnd local freights have been moved about on time. dishing announced that the South crn Pacific expects to remove the em bargo on throuch freight which has been maintained since the strike be gnn. He said that through freight for Louisiana and Texas points will again lie accepted and that the through freight trains will begin runnlnn Teorin. 111.. Dec. 27. At the office of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire men It Is stilted that there Is nothing to be given out relative to the strike on. the Southern Pacific, other than that Orand Master John J. ltannahan will probably leave before the latter part of next week to take personal charge of the strike for a time nt least. Ilmnahnn has left for Galesbtirg to be pone a few days, nnd It Is stnted thnt lie left directions to say that he did not think the situation nt this time called for nuy public statements from LIni. ' Boon Tired of Ills Enterprise, Ni.w Ynrk Dec. 27. A Vienna dls- patch published hero says that Arch duke Iopold Salvntor.who renounced his family rights four years ago nnd married Wilhelmlna Adnmovlc, dnugn T Jill. relatives here during the holidays. M. W. Moore was in Omaha last week. II. Strickland and family are visit ing at George Colbert's during the holidays. Wm. Nellson is spending a few days in Council Bluffs, visiting friends. Sam Panska and Emll Miller came down from school Friday, and will spend their vacation at home. Mrs. Conrad Wlrth is entertaining a couple ef her neices, Mrs. and Miss Amgwert, of Missouri. Lee Walt and wife spent Xmas at 0. II. Eggleston's. If we should happen to miss some of you 'folks' this week please don't be offended for we have had some work to do of late. Mrs. S. W. nam left for Murray Wednesday morning. Orla P. Jones, with his best friend, spent Christmas with relatives here, returning to Grand Island Wednesday. Mrs. II. V. McDonald and Mrs. II. A. Tool are entertaining their mother, Mrs. Jones, and their sister, Mrs. Be- sack, of Stratton, at present. Word was received here Saturday evening of the arrival of a baby boy at the home of O. T. Stewart last week. Mrs. Burkbolder and a lady friend from Woodrlver are spending the holt days here. Paul and Ernest Bornemeler left for Des Moines Wednesday, where they will attend school this winter. Another little fistic encounter Satur. day evening was put on the records here. It's the same old story, one of the participants is in bed paralyzed. Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Keitzel are visit ing at the home of F. Guthman this week. Erhart Goebryc ame down Saturday evening and stayed until Wednesday, when he returned to his work at South Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Gillespie are entertaining their daughter, Mrs. Maud Frizzell, this week. E. T. Tool made his annual visit to Acklcy Saturday, where be will visit bis mother. Mrs. August Kuehn and Mrs. Ed. The OriRinal Lxative CourIj Syrup containing Honey and Tar. An Improvement over til CouRh, Lung and Bronchial Remedies. Pleasant to the taste and Rood alike for young and old. All cough svrura containing opiates constipate the bowels. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar moves the bowela and contains no opiates. Prepared by PINL-ULE MEDICINE COMPANY, CHICAGO. U. S. A. Sold at GERIN1 i ' Drug Store lie had on said iietitloii In the county court al riatlsinouth at 10 o'clock a. m.. on the 13 Inlay of January, Wo", and Judgment rendered thereon. Hy the Court, UAHVET II. TRAVIS. seal. CountyJudire. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 1 j- In County Court. Cass County, Neokaska, In the matter of the estate of John II, Sum ner, deceased. Notice Is heii hy irlven that the creditors of sa Id deceased will meet the r.xe- cutor of said estate, before me. County Jmlire of Cass County, eliraska, at the comity t onrt room In I'lattsmoutli. In said comity, on i ne 5th day of January, A. I).. Ii7. and on theTiih dav of July. A. I..li7. at III o'clock a.m., each day. for the purpose of present lni( their claims for piamlnalinn. ui liistment and a owam'e. Six months, from July &, lim". are allowed for the creditor of said deceased to present their claims, and one year Tor the Mcoutor U sett le said estate, from the 2ilth day of Oclocer, A, l. num. witness my hand and seal of said onnty Court, at I'lattsmoutli, Nebraska, tlilsl:.'ih day of I lecemticr, 1WH.. IIaiiviv It. TBAVis. heal. I county J mute, LEGAL NOTICE. In County Court of Cass County, Nebraska. In re estateof James I .,.. ........iifnrH. All son. deceased. Notice Is hereby irlven that there will lie heariiiK on claims airtilnsl the estateof James Allison, deceased, at my ottlce intiieiny or I'lattsmoutli, County if Cass. Nebraska, on January ath. WOo at It o clock, a. in., and on June jut It, lim". at tln'clock a. m and that all Inlmsnot tiled liefore .1 u lie ait h. ml. will lie barred from imrtlcliiat Imr in said estate. Hated this i:nh day or jitvcmlicr, A. It., n. Hy t lie Court, llAUVET H. THAVIS. Iheal.1 County .ludire. LEGAL NOTICE. To Sallle A. Younir: You will take notice, that on the Jilt b day of November. IWKl, Wash A. Vou nir. ii a nt hT. tiled Ills petition In the dlst rict court of Cass con nty, Nebraska.airalnst you, the object and prayer Of such is'tll Ion Is to obtain a (I I voire from you on the icrouudsof extreme cruel! v and desert nil. You are rei in I red to answer Main petition on or Is'fore the Mlh day of Juuuary. limi.or Judg ment of divorce will lie entered In favor of said plaintiff, as prayed for In this iiel It ion. Hated th sLVithdayor NovemlHT, llMi. Wash A. YofNit, Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE. In County Court. Cass County. Nebraska, In I he mutter of the estate of Andre W i lier. deceased. All persons Interested In said estate are hereby untitled that a lietltlon lias iM-en tiled In said court alleirlnir that said deceased died leavlnir no last w II and pray nir for ad ministration uiKin his estate, and that a hear ing will tie had upon said lietltlon liefore said court on the 7th day of January. IIH7, and that If they fall to appear at said court on the. said Fill day of January, A. it., mo., at no clock a. ni to contest said itctiiion, ine conn may iftunl the same and trrant admires! ration to Mary Welter or some other suit ame person and proceed to a settlement niereor. liy hum onri . Haiivit I). Thavih. (heal County J udtre. ! lusl Close Out Immediaf elv I Having made all arrangements for removing to Omaha, I must dispose of all my House. Furnishings, Furniture and Big Stock of Stoves Regardless of Cost, before leaving Plattsmouth. For the next two week, or as long as the goods are here, we will be able to fit you-Cheaper than you ever before purchased such in Platts mouth. Make no delay, but come now. I am going to leave and must sell goods before going. Will Dispose off my Team, Carriage, Wagon, Delivery Harness, Etc. I.PE AlcSLRfilM The Reliable g Furniture Man li I'lliM 'Hum Time Table Plattamoutk, Nek. ter of a rostofllee employe, with whom lie bm lived nenr Genevn, Is eeekiiiK a Thlmgan are vl8ltln? relatives at La divorce. He hn aummonnl n lennn lavfyer to ftrrnnue tertna with hm wife, who hnn fiRrwd to the nepnratlon. IUlltor of Iiiielfer" Iteleanod. Invenworth, Knn., Pec. 27. Mow H.trmnn. editor of I.uelfTer, n ChlefiRO nnlillentlon, htm been relensed from tne federul nrlHon here nfter mining a fen- tenee for Bendlnir objeetltmiitdo mntter throtmh the mulls. Hiirmnn wild thnt Httrr vtaitinir rehiMvett In Knnsns ho would rettn-n t riilertRo nnd resume the publication of hi lmper. TVote on the C htiteh IMI1. l.ifU. Itec. 27. Attillnst the Rtilld oniiosllloii of thf.Klcht the Koniite, by 1S.1 to N votes, referred the mipiile nirtitnry eluiivh nnd Mate unmnttlon bill to the committee on the neptinitln of ehtireh nnd utate. The vote Is con sidered to have been n test nnd as In- p'urlnir the piissaRO of the menHtire hy a Wg majority. Kit lire Hulelde or Murder. Jnrksonvllle. 1'Ia.. Iec. 27. The .lend bodle of (ieorge ratterson, a eah driver, and AJleo Clork, bordlna Iiouae keeper, were found In different roonn of the boordlnff. hmt. The in- flleatlona are of either ulclde or mar ker. No cauae ran be ateertalned. The police are InventlgnUnff. Mars, Iowa, at present. Miss Maud Gorsage went down to Auburn Tuesday to spend Christmas under the parental roof, Otis Jones, of Waverly, visited at 0. II. Ewleston's Christmas. Miss Edna Sharp, of Elmwood, visit ed with Miss Maud Walt Tuesday. Hoy C Moore's baby Is on the sick list. Flovd Cole and a lady friend, of Weepinff Water, visited In our burg Tuesday and Wednesday. Another Pioneer Paatea Away. Mr. Wm. Westlake died at his home two miles north of Avoca, December in, l'.iOfl, aged seventy years, two months and liftecn days. Mr. West- lake was born October 4, 18.1(1, In Devonshire, England, lie came with his parents to America, when ten years of age. They settled In Canada, where he was reared to man's estate. He was married November 11, 183S, to Miss Anna Graham; moved to Ne braska In 18C7 and settled in Avoca precinct, where ho had since lived, and was beloved by all who knew him. This union was blessed with six chll- UniWvlllo nml Nmtli He lid. dully eitct'iit Hiindiiv No. IK -I'lii-ltic Junction No. 4 Um-iiI until nd rxprcnit nisi... Dully except Sunduy DAILY LOCAL EVENTS. John Harvey and wife who were here to spend Xmas with his parents, de parted this afternoon for their home In Ocoma, S. I). Misses Iiella Tartsch and Ameh Martens went to Lincoln this jnofh- Ing to attend the Teachers' .ssocia tlon meeting. There's nothing so good for a sore throat as Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil. Cures It In a few hours. Relieves any pain In any part. Mrs. Louise Klein of Omaha is In town for a week's visit with hw mother and sister, Mrs. Ilempcf and daughter, Miss Teresa. Mrs. 0. W.Goodman who has been enjoying a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Harvey, returned this afternoon to her home In Have-lock. Harney Miller departed yesterday to spend a few days on his farm near Jamesport, Davlcs county, Mo. Mr. Miller expects to occupy the same In a few weeks. Ray Waterman who formerly resided In this city, but is now In the manu facturing business In Minneapolis, Minn.. Is In town for a visit with his Uncle John Waterman. Wm. Jackson, of Des Moines, Iowa, and Miss Estelle Doak, of Glcnwood, Iowa, arc here visiting Mrs. K. K. Barker. Mr. Jackson Is a brother and Miss Doak Is a niece of Mrs. Ilarkcr. Mrs. O. Piestrupand son and daugh ter of Mlnden. Neb , who have been visiting with the family of her broth S. W. Thomas, traveling salesman for the wholesale grocery house of H. P. Law of Lincoln, with headquarters at Alliance, Neb., came in last night and surprised his parents with a brief vis. Your money refunded If after usln three-fourths (!) of a tube of Man.an, you are dissatlstled. Return the bal ance of the tube to your druggist, and your money will be cheerfully re turned. Tade advantage of this offer. Sold by Gerlng & Go's firug store. To feci strong, have goal appitlte and digestion, sleep soundly and enjoy lire, use Hurdock Blood Hitters, the great system tonic and builder. Itch! Itch! Itchl-Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! The more you scratch the worse the Itch. Try Doan's Ointment. It cures pllcs.ec.cma.any skin Itching.. All druggists sell it. John Habschcldtand wife and l eter Spader and wife, from the vicinity of Murray, were visiting at the home of Mrs. Matt Spader on Xmas day. Trains Leave as Follows: No. I tiora.1 exurraa. to Iowa Dolnla. cuic&ko anu me etna :ki pat No. 14 Fast expreM, dully, froml.ln- coin torn. Jimcpii. KaiiHHHUiy.M. ixtuia. uniciuro. una an ixmiu earn and anulh 8:30 nm No. H From Onmlia 4 M urn No. 3D Freight, dal y except Nundity, 4:U0 pm no. o inrmiKHveauuuiwi exprckt rur ail poinuenKt, 7:57 am No. 20 From liniulia. 4:40am No. 11 ioeal express, dully, Onutlin, Lincoln, Deliver and Intermediate mutton. 7:57 am No. 71- list mull, dully, to Utnulia and Lincoln lilopm NO. M" Ijociu expri'SH.iiiiisviiii.Asli- mni. uhihki, hotiuyier, uiuiy ex cept Sunduy 3:30 urn NO. IJ-Llncolii. (initio Isiiuiii. iiiu.-k Illlls, Alontittiii and I'lii lllc norili- est 10:18 Dm NO. sn-liiM'iii rrciirnt. to crnur vtn K i pouiii iteiiu, cntiiy . . ... . ,.. j ...,t.i,i 7:nnm cr in-iaw, a. i icsirup, uei'atnu im niniL,i,nilnii fnp Pi i-unti In. wherftttiev will visit with rciames oeiorc rci THE PALACE MARKET I'lattsmoutli 'I'hone No. Hi LORENZ BROS.. Proprietors. Groceries, Provisions and Meeats Innska Tlioue No. II. Missouri Pacific Time Tairi TUAINS OOINO NOHTH. No. 105 No. 103 No. 1(3 Omaha F press 6:34 am Neliraska Mall 4:4! pm Local FrvlKlii 147 pm TUAINS OOINO SOUTH. No. 103 :io No.lM 11:69 pm urn- g homo. 1 Ileo's Laxative Cough Syrupcoutaln- Ing Honey and Tar Is especially appro priate for children, no opiates or poisons of any character, conforms to the conditions of the National Pure Food and Drug Law, June 30, HKW. For Croup, hooping Cough, etc. It expels Coughs and Colds by gently moving the bowels. Guaranteed. Sold by Gerlng & Co's drug store. 1st Prize KDISON Phonograph and 12 Records WO 00 2nd Prize Century Camera and Out fit 15 00 3rd Prize Imported Japanese Vasc ... 5 00 Phil. Sauter, dlotrllnilor of tlie Kdlson I'Iioiki irrniilt and lii-i-oriN.I'Inti-niHuitli. Neliraika. Total amount.. 550 on I .- I' rrr if Contest will open Xovcmbcr 1st, 1906, and close May lst.17. Coupons will be given with cash pur chases only. Every $2.50 worth of coupons pets one draw number. Begin when the contest begins, per haps you will be the lucky one. Cost you nothing to try. Lorenz lacttsmouth. Nebraska.