The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 27, 1906, Image 6

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( any of the readers of the Journal know of a social treat or an item of interest
tt't iriut items of interest. Editor Journal.
And sub-divided the people of the
world have been divided and sub-divided
the sub-divisions are endless.
Suppose we divided the people
into three classes. The very rich,,
who can afford to spend their in
come; the very poor, who have to
spend theirs. Then there is the
third class the saving class, who
start saving their money and keep
it up continually. They never
stoj). The habit is formed early
in life and they can't "swear off."
The saving habit is the means to
happiness and contentment.
This bank offers the opportunity for
every man to save his money. No one
can afford to let the chance escape.
The Murray State Bank
C. S. STONE, Cashier.
Ir. A. E. Walker spi'tit Xtnas with
his parents.
Geo. E. Heritor was a passenger for
Omaha Wednesday .
A. 1 Churchill, from Unadllla, Is
here visiting his brother, M. (i., this
Dr. Hayes, the dentist from Omaha,
made, his regular trip to Murray, Wed
nesday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Rawls and rod, Noel,
spent Xmas day with Mr. and Mrs.
W. S. Smith.
Mr. Thedo Amlck and family spent
Xmas day with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Amlck. '
Hugh Hob!) and Khun Carpenter, cf
Wyoming, Neb., spent Xmas day with
the former's parents.
Less Hall returned to his duties at
tho hank, after spending Xmas with
relatives and others at Petersburg,
Mrs. A. L. Hakcr and ' daughter,
Opha, left Saturday for Marahalltown.
Iowa, to spend the holidays with re I a
t Ives.
The revival meetings at the Chris
tian church begin Thursday night of
this week and will continue for sev
eral weeks.
The Christmas troe at the Chris'
I Ian church Xmns eve was well at
tended. The entertainment was short
and Interesting.
Glenn Hawls, the popular clerk at
Holmes & Smith's, attended the
dance at Coates' hall In riattstnouth
Tuesday evening.
Joe Kastol, who was injured In
Omaha last summer, is very low and
It Is thought that his strength will
hold but a little longer.
MisCarrlo Allison left for Lincoln
Wednesday evening, where she will he
appointed as a clerk In the legislature
which commences next week.
Arthur, Roy and Jsabelle Young
who arc attending school at llcthany,
Neb., are spending the holidays with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M.
Young, ar.
James Loughrldge has engaged the
service! of John Dcrmltt to do his
horse-shoeing. John knows how to
lit, shape and nail on, and can handle
anything that comes down the pike.
Miss Marie Bergcr leaves this week
Tor San Jose, Cat., where she will
spend the winter and possibly the
most of next summer. She wilt ac
company her uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Hrown Invited a
few young people to their home, south
of town, Tuesday evening, to enjoy
tho evening skating on the pond of
Mr. Brown's. Quite a few were pres
cnt and everyone seemed to have a
good time. After all were tired of
akatlng they were Invited to the house
and were treated to apples and elder.
Mr. and Mrs. George Klt.patrlck are
the proud parents of an eleven pound
boy, who arrived here on Christmas
daj Old Santa Is a good old fellow,
and both parents feci grateful and the
little one comes to wear socks Instead
of stockings.
News has reached us that Mr. and
Mrs. James II 111, living on Frank
Davis' place, four miles southwest
of town, had a new boy to come to
their house last Saturday. He tipped
the scales at eight pounds.and It beats
Sam mil what a husky little fellow
he Is.
Christmas morning the four year old
son of John Gregory, living on the
Murray Department
Jameson place, six miles west of town,
had the mlsrurtune to fall In such a
way as to fracture the right arm be
tween the wrist and the elbow. The
children had been playing and the
child was left alone. He was running
after them, and In crossing some corn
rows, he fell upon his arm, causing
the painful Injury. A physician was
called from Murray and the arm was
set and placed In splints, and the boy
left resting comfortably.
Mrs. Joe Tubbs and Tom Hutcher
were In Murray, Wednesday, visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Edmonds. Mr.
Edmonds and Mr. Butcher are old
time friends, and this Is the tlrst time
they have seen each other for nine
years. They acted like a couple of
little kids with their Brst pair of red
top boots. Mr. Hutcher Is ssventy
years old and In the best of health.
They enjoyed tt.elr visit togetoer very
Our Rotten Chancellor.
Unaucellor Andrews of the state
university, the great founder of know
ledge, the searchlight of wisdom In
hi own egotism, who when It comes
doAti to tho man himself you have a
lightning bug out In tlie foggy swamps
where tlie frogs croak. Think of
"scientific charity" Instituted bv this
bigot. It takes a man with a heart to
do charity work, not a soul tainted
with coal oil. On Christmas day a
practical man of charity belonging to
the Salvation Army knocked the"can"
olT of one of the emlsarlts of this
soul-stlllllng Andrews because atone
place charity was bestowed upon a
family where tne of tlie sons was ad
dicted to drink and the Andrcwslacky
Is laid up .in bed for interfering. If
tills man Andrews ( not this little irod
Audrews, as he wishes himself styled)
will only search his great Institution
he will find some thliws very rotten
In Its management. lWore he runs
any of his clhiuo up the Salva
tion Army fellows he bad better get
right with their (Jod.
Maple Grove
Sivll Cnrnsiniliiiee.
Quite a number of farmers are sell
Ing theli corn now because the roads
are In floe shape to haul.
J. R. Cathey and son, Cameron, are
spending the holidays on their farm In
Alfred Gansemer and Annie Puis are
spending the holidays with relatives In
llallem, Neb.
August F.ngelkemeler and wife are
spending the holidays In Stanton
Chas. F.ngeikemeler, of Oklahoma.
spending the holidays In this neigh
borhood. He Is a former Cass countv
Quite a number spent Christmas at
tlie home of Fred hngelkemeler
Quite a number from this vicinity
spent Monday In l'lattsmouth buying
Christmas presents.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F.ngelkemeler
and family spent Christmas In Platts-
Adam Schaf.;r left Monday for the
western part of the state.
Louie Puis and wife spent Christmas
at the home of Adam II lid.
W. It. Puis and wife spent Christ
mas at the home of William Puis.
Florence and Maude Rustcrholtz are
spending the holidays In Cedar county.
Henry and Mary Kraeger spent
Christmas lu Otoe county.
in this vicinity anil trill mail $mn4 to this
Robert Ilagel, of Madison county, Is
spending the holidays In this com
munity. Martha Sprlegel Is spending the
holidays with home folki
Mlss'AdaTurner, our school teacher,
left Friday for the western part of the
state to spend the holidays with her
' i -Clearing
Out Sale
to prepare for spring stock commenc
ing October 12. Trices reduced on all
buggies and' surreys I have on hand
until sold. J. II. Cook.
No Opium In Chamberlain's Cough
, , Remedy
There Is not the least danger In giv
ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to
small children as It contains no opium
or other harmful drug. It has an es
tablished reputation of more than thir
ty years as the most successful medi
cine in use for colps, croup and whoop
Ingcough. It always cures and Is pleas
ant to take. Children like It. Sold by
F. (.Frlcke& Co. and George D'Ment.
Drs. Newell & Tracy will he In
Murray on Tuesday of each week.
Onice with Dr. Gilmore.
The relief of Coughs and Colds
through laxative Influence, originated
with Hce's Laxative Cough Syrup con
taining Honey and Tar, a cough syrup
containing noopiates or polsons,whIch
Is extensively sold. Secure a bottle at
once, obtain a guarantee coupon, and
if not fully satlslied with results, your
money will be refunded. Sold by Ger
Ing & Co's drug store.
Writ ex Them That Ha MiMt Give I'p
Ilii I'oMl us Their Kept-cm-nlil.
live iii I'm lliinit' ill.
Alcnlccn, Scotland, Dee. 2". James
Bryce, win) Is ti succeed Sir Mortimer
Durum! as Ilrilisli aiuhnssuilo - ut
Wushlnjjtou.hns given his constituents
here the tlrst definite Informal u of
Ills detection for the Washington post
In n letter which they have Just re
ceived. In this communication l'.ryeo
nld that the appointment will com
pel him to give up his sent fur Smith
The retirrinent of Hryce causes pen.
ulne regret, n Ills scholarly qua'ltUs
made lilm peculiarly qualified to repre
sent this const It ieney. which has the
reputation of belnir the most Intellect
ual In the United Kingdom.
ujoyg the unusual distinction of not
having one Illiterate voter. No plan
have been mnde for the choice of a
tutvssor to P.ryce In parliament, but
it probably will be made from the liter
ary clas.
Express Company OfllrUI Pula a Hal
let Through lit Lung While
Seated at a Window.
New York. Dec. 27. Benjamin
Brown, financial manager of the Amer
ican and United stated Kxpress com
panics, shot and probably fatally wound
ed himself while In an ottlee of the two
companies In the Williamsburg section
of Brooklyn. Hrown. whose duty Is
t lnsMvt the Hrooktyn olllees, sent tlie
manager of the Wllllnnisbnrg ntllce
nway on nn errand, seated himself In
the window nnd fired a shot through
his lung.
A second Khot which lie fired went
wild. The shooting was witnessed ly
a number of pedestrians. Hrown was
retnowd to n hospital, where It was
Mid there was no chance of recovery.
No reason for his aetion Is known.
IlllnoU People Injurrd.
Saersmento, CM., I 25. Twenty.
fiur persons were Injured In a head
on collision on the Southern Pseinc at
Harney, Ner. Among tho Injured were
tho following: Mr. James E..Kay,
Cencstet, III., abrasion of shin; Mrs. a!
V. Cook, Kankakee, I1L, ley teultod'
W. II. Hutchinson, Uork Islsnd. lit J
and Bert Higglns, Lltr., M.
Af,'. '?. i&x
r b
office it mil appear uivkr this heading,
Minnesota Inaitttlon Regulating
the Company's New Issue
of Capital Stock.
Declare It U Pronrrdlnjr in Violation
end Deflance of t he I w of
the State.
St. Paul, Doe. 27. Attorney General
Young nnd ft. A. Stone, assistant attor
ney general. havebegnnnn action In the
Itanisey eouty district court on behalf
of the state of Minnesota against the
Great Northern Hallway company, ask
ing for a permanent Injunction against
the company, its olllcers, agents and
servants to prevent their proceeding in
any manner with the proposed I. who
of $iifM"XMcapltaI stock recently au
thorized liy the board of directors In
New Yolk.
Injunction Is AsUcd I 'or.
They also ask that the order rcstrali
the defendants from receiving or cot
letting the amounts due on any sttl
script io;s which may have been, or
which will hereafter be made, or frotc
Jinking any action to entry out these
plans until the Great Northern Hall
road company shall have made appli
cation In writing to the railroad and
warehouse commission of the state of
Minnesota and procured Its consent to
tlie Issue of stock. It Is also naked that
a temporary Injunction be Issued pend
ing litigation.
ldine in Violation of tlie Law.
Tlie attorney general In his bill of
eoinplalnt, nfter reciting the fact that
the Groat. Northern is n corporation of
the state of Minnesota and that Its'
original authorized capital stock was
KIO.OOO.OOO. that being the limit fixetl
by Its charter, says: "That ln-twecn
1'eh. 1, ISftO, and March 1. INfW, tho
defendant tnndesevernl large Increases
of its capital stock, until March 1,
HiOtl, Its capital Rtoek aggregated sub
stantially $ir.O,0OO,0OO. That all of
these Increases were made without ap
plication for the consent of tlie rnll
rrtad 'nnd warehouse, coui.niisslon,. ns ri
qulretl by statute."
Will Come Out of the People.
The bill further says: "If the de
fendant Increases Its stock as now pro
posed the aggregate thereof will be
210,000,00n. The defendant has been
and If now paying annual dividends at
the rate of 7 per cent on nil of It
capita! stock, nnd proposes to pay divi
dends at the same rate on nil of It
proposed Increase, If this Increase Is
consummated ns now Intended. This
Increase of $t 10.000,01 !0, If effected,
therefore will Increase the fixed nnnual
charges of the defendant by the sum
r.f $.2 K.oiio n great portion of which
will have to be paid by the de
fendant's Minnesota patrons ns charges
on freight and passenger tratllc In Min
nesota." Willful and Wrongful XeRlert."
The petition alleges that by Its "will
ful nnd wrongful neglect nnd refusal"
to mnke an application to the state
commission before proceeding with
preparations for tlie proposed increase
of capital slock, tlie defendant Is try
ing to prevent giving tlie transaction
tlie scrutlnynnd publicity contemplated
by the law.
French Court Holds Mine. Gould
Jointly Liable for Something
Like $HO,oOO.
Paris, Dpc. 27. The three remaining
stilts brought by creditors with the ob
joct of muklng Mme. Gould, formerly
Countess Honl de Cnstellane, Jointly re
sponsible with the count for certain
claims have been decided. The court
found that she was in no way responsi
ble for the claims of M. Zelgter, one of
the largest creditors, who alleged that
It had been the practice of the Castel
ktWM ever since their marriage to ap
peal to him to extricate them from
financial dlftlctiltie. but It held her
Jointly liable for Jewels, valued at J'.M,
000, purchased from Mile. Vera Nlml
doff, of Odessa, who soM the Jewels to
Count Honl throiighthclntermedk-iry of
a Jew eler,
The court nlso found tlint Mme.
Gould was Jointly Ilnble for about $."7,
000, the balance due the ll.irtogs for
a Jewelry lilll amounting to nlxmt $U7.
CM), provided the -bill was not paid.
Three experts were Appointed to ap
praise the value of the Jewelry.
lors Ills Knemy a Favor.
Tarls, loo. 2.V Among the Christ
mns nrtny promotions Is that of Col
on.M Andre, who was a member of tlie
court martial which retired Colonel
(now General) Plcqunrt, the wnr min
ister. Andre Is promoted from general
of brlgnde to general of division.
F.urope Is I'nloadlng Humanity.
New York, Dee. 2.". Figures Just
compiled at Kills Island Indicate that
at the present rate of Increase 1.2H.V
413 more aliens may bo expected to
enter tills country through the Immi
gration station on Kills Island next
Miraculous Kai-ap from a Horror.
lwtlutii-e, O., lee. U7. A H.iltlmore
and Ohio passenger train while gilng
at a speed of seventy tulles on hour,
was wrecked by spreading rails ttirei
miles east of here. One conch and two
(deeper Jumped the track, running .t
feet on tlie ties. The combination
roach turned over Into a ditch. Miracu
lously only three passengers were hurt,
and they not seriously.
Trouble at Wahalak, Mitt., Not a
Race Riot, Just a Christ
mat Festival.
Five of the Quarry Killed and Two
Houses Burned.
Another Hunt Now Going on at Crw
lord. Miss. Characteristic Feud
h, l ight-Two Men FatuU
JV. ly Shot.
Memphis, Dee. 27. A speclnl to The
Xews-Nelinltiir from Jackson, Miss.,
says: A telegram bus been received
by (iovernor Vurdutnan from Colonel
Met'nnts, comtnnndlnsr the militia nt
Sconba, saying tlint there is much ex
citement immng the negroes In the vi
cinity of that town. The ollicer says
he will march on tiny negroes who
threaten a demonstration. News from
Crawford, Miss., where Conductor Har
rison was killed by n negro Tuesday,
states that a mob is chasing blacks
believed to have been connected with
the killing.
Nut a Haee 11 lot : Only Mob Imw.
Meridian, Miss., Dee. 27. A special
to Tho Evening Stur from Scooba,
Miss., brings the tlrst authentic, news
from that place in regard to an al
leged race riot in that section. The
telegram denies that there has been
n race riot. The dispatch follows:
"There lias been no race riot in the
country surrounding Scooba or Waha
lak. The trouble reported grew out of
an Irresponsible Christmas mob search
ing for a negro who killed John
O'lirlon hi trouble at Wahalak sev
eral days ago. Tills mob became reck
less and killed three negroes Calvin
Nicholson, islunnn Minnie nnd l!ob
ert Simpson nnd possibly two others
In n remote district.
Moh Is Also Incendiary.
"Two negro houses were burned by
the marauders. The, mob also shot a
mule from under Heputy Sheriff Stew
nrt. Deputy Sheriff Alexander, heller,
ing be was tinnble to control the molt
nnd protect innocent . negroes, wired
Governor Ynrdamnn for troops, who
are now In Scooba with nothing to do
Everything is nTiteT." '
IVud HatUe of Whites.
Lexington. Ky.. Deo. 27. Hiram
Mulling and his son William were shot
nnd fatally wounded in n fend battle
nt their home with n gang of desern
does headed by Chnrles and Bud Lit
tle nnd John ISrewer. There bad been
a feud of lon: standing between the
Little nnd Mulling families. The men
met. nnd the Littles fired on the Mul
lln. The latter made a running tight
to their home, where they barricaded
themselves. The Littles followed,
shooting ns they ran. They surround
ed Mullitis' home, firing Winchester
rlhVs anil revolvers. The house was
riddled with bullets, nnd every win
dow was broken. The battle censed
only when both the Mullins were shot
down. Over 2i0 shots were fired. Hi
ram Mullins was shot through the ab
domen, and was brought to the hos.
filial bore for treatment.
Kl-Mriiiher of the British Parliament
Insist on the Country's Might
to Kelf-Govrrnment.
Calcutta. Dee. 27. At the opening
of the Indian national congress Dn
dabhl NaoroJI, formerly a member of
the British parliament, delivered an
address Insisting upon the right of
the Indians, as British subjects, to
govern themselves.
The speaker pointed out that the
Boers, wbo the Indians helped to sub
jugate, had been given self-government,
while India -was still without it,
and urgod th raising of a large pa
trlotlc fund to educate the Indians us
to their righto and for tbe carrying
on of the campaign In England. There
were upwards of 10,000 delegates pres
ent, and the speech of Dadnbhl NaoroJI
was received with a tumult of ap
plause. -
lUther IV- In Jail Than Hunted.
Cincinnati. O.. Dec. 27. Edward
Ness who, with eight other prisoners,
escaped from the Hamilton county Jail
Sunday last hits surrendered himself.
He said he was tired of being hunted
like n wild animal and preferred to
serre hi sentence of thirteen mouths
In the penitentiary. Only four of the
nl'ie men who escaped ar now at lib
erty. John null Having Rome Snow.
London. Dee. 27. The British me
tropolis Is coverol with two Incite of
now, and advices from the country
districts announce that deep drifts are
Interfering with the distribution of the
malls and railway traffic. Several
schooners have bovi wrecked on the
const during blinding snow storms.
The atenmer Haieldene struck a rock
and sank. Lifeboat men succeeded In
rescuing tbe crew after nn exciting
Oil Trust Has One of Its Cases
Thrown Out of an Ohio
Doe Not Help the Trust Much, far
the Indictments Still Hang
Ovrr lu Head.
Findlay, 0., Dec. 25. The Standard
Oil company won a victory In common
pleas court here when Judge W. 8.
Duncan decided that the probate court
had no Jurisdiction in the suit brought
against it in the probate court, and
threw out the recent verdict of guilty
against the company. Prosecutor Da
vid some time ago tiled an lnforma
tion In the probate court against the
Standard, charging It with violating
the anti-trust laws of the state. He
maintained that he could get action
quicker against the company by this
proceeding than through indictments
in tho common pleas court.
Itoi-kelVUer Indictments Stand.
The Standard attorneys contended
that the probtite court had no Jurisdic
tion In tlie matter; that If there had
I'een a violation of the law the prose
cutor should have proceeded against
the company through indictments. This
po'tit was upheld by Judge Duncan,
lunj the case Is thus thrown out of the
probate court. Tills decision in no way
nitccts the Indictments recently re
turned in common pleas court by the
grand Jury against John D. Itocke
feller nnd the other otlicials of the
Standard Oil company, charging them
with violating tlie anti-trust laws.
None of the Standard otlicials was In
court when tho decision was rendered,
hut tlie company was represented by
its attorneys. It is understood that
the prosecution will appeal the case
to n higher court.
Provision Not In the Statute.
Judge Duncan, In rendering his de
elclon. said In part: "The court of
common pleas has power to review pro
ceedings and Judgments of the probate
court in misdemeanor cases, under sec
tion 7r.."rt revised statutes, although the
two courts may have concurrent orig
inal Jurisdiction therein. The probate
criminal coile containing no provision
whereby service may bo hnd upon a
corporation the probtite court has no
Jurisdiction to try either an Individual
or a corporation under the Valentine
anti-trust law.
Must (o to the Common I'lcas.
"Section 0472 revised statutes pro
viding that 'the provisions governing
criminal proceedings In the court of
common pleas shall so for as nppii" .
Ili F-.ivprn llkft nrneeedlnirs in
bate court:' was not intended as
to Jurisdiction, and therefore does V t'
fim.nfA M. 1. ....... 1
from the common pleas criminal codA
toe provisions therein contained pro
viding a way to get a corporation Into
that court charged with a criminal of
fense. The court of common pleas has
(xcluslve original Jurisdiction In all
criminal prosecutions under the Valen
tine nntl-trtist laws."
So Turns Her Hanks Are Concerned,
nt Icnt in the Matter of
Topekn, Kan., Dec. 25. If the stata
banks of Kansas wanted to cut a nice
Christmas "melon" for the stockhold
ers, they have an opportunity to it
now according to the report of the
banks on Nov. 12 given out hy John Q.
Royce, state bank commissioner. Un
der the law, state banks are required
to put 10 per cent, of the uudlvldcii
profits Into a surplus fund, and after
this has been done the banks of the
state may declare a dividend of more
than 10 per cent, on the enpltal stock.
This Is tbe average dividend which
could l declared by the 082 banks.
These banks have a capital stock of
$11,072,100. The undivided profits ore
$2,500,348. Tho total deposits in the
state and national banks of the state
are $136,723,030. This la a decrease In
deposits from the September statement
of $3,470,202. Tbe Individual deposits
In the state banks are $80,107,702 and
In the 102 national banks the deposits
are $07,778,743.
Anti-Bucket Shop Law Valid.
Washington. Dee. 25. In deciding
fne case of Gate wood against the stata
of North Carolina, In which Gntewood
was prosecuted for keeping a bucket
shop In Durham, the supreme court of
the United States In effect held tbe
state lew prohtbltlngtho dealing in fut
ures to be not repugnant to the federal
constitution. Justice White delivered
the opinion of the court affirming the
decision of the supreme court of N(rth
Dutch Are Still at War.
The Hague, Dec. 23. Dutch troops
nre still meeting with opiosltlon from
the rebellious chiefs in the recesses of
tho Dutch Kastlndics. The Dutch have
Just captured the stronghold of the
rajah of Goo, at Sldenrong. The rajah's
son and eighteen of his followers were
killed, many were wounded and tbe
rajah's brother was made prison.
The official telegram announcing tbe
ngajremenfc does not mention tbe
losses of the Dutch troop.
Dally Woman-Killing Dastard.
Atlanta, Go Dec. 23. Walter lll
tower, t painter, shot end killed Bsio
3 one, fed 22, here. He then turned
the weapon on himself, Infltctlna? a
probably fatal wound.