0 QQC OC TSOC 300 J Sr- I HLMOST ! ' lwL PRlCE t THE NEW no. a r folding Brownie Camera More of a Camera than has ever been offered for the money. Good enough to satisfy grown people, simple enough for the children. A very delightful Christmas present for either. CALL AND SEE OUR DISPLAY IN WINDOW AND ASK ABOUT THEM GERIN6 & Go, S CUTTLE MEN ARE GUILTY Richards, Corastack, Jameson and Trlplett Guilty In Almost Every Count. CONSPIRED TO DEFRAUD GOVERNMENT Subornation of Perjury Another In the Indictment. Charge 0 DOC 3QC According to the Omaha Bee, Bart tett Richards, Will 0. Comstock, Charles C. Jameson and Aqullla Trlp lett were found guilty on thirty six of the thirty-elgbt counts In the indict ment made by the government against them. They were charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States out of title, use and possession of vast tracts of public land, and with subornation of perjury In procuring entrymen to tile on these lands in Sheridan and Cherry counties, Nebraska, in the years 11)04 and l!)J.". Richards, Comstock and Jameson are president,vlce president and secretary treasurer,respectlvely,of the Nebraska Land and Feeding company. Aqullla Trlplett, who lives at Alliance, Neb., acted as representative of these men. The jury left the court room at 12:0.') Woman's Club Meet The l'laltsiuouth YYumau's club met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. II. J. Strelght. The club having de voted their attention to the study of "Ancient Greece." closed that theme by a review of Charles Klngsley's "Hypatla." Mis. Wise gave the re view in a manner to Interest everyone, and gave a clear Insight Into the tlftli century conflict between the early Christians and paganism. After dis cussion of the book, an luformal con versation In regard to Judgo Lindsay's Juvenile court work followed busy fingers in the meanwhile plying the needle on holiday gifts. Light refresh ment preceeded adjournment. Tbe next topic for study will be" England." Mrs. Cole, leader. THE MATTER OF R. R. PASESS Issue PERKINS HOTEL PLATTSMOUTh, NEBRASKA RATES $1.00 PER DAY First House West B. 6c M. Depot We Solicit the Farmers Trade and Guarantee Satisfaction. When in the City Give Us a Call T5he Perkins Hotel r S 10 irts Made Measure Send for Style.. Book and Samples ill J5he Reliable Store ac . Very Best Values in Ready to Wear Cloth ing. Send for Catalogues PIANOS AND ORGANS Sold on EasiPapents It Desired 16th and Dodge. OMAHA NEB. Havden Bros., Piano Department. Douglas St.. Entrance. The "Kitf People Sii Thei Will Then is of Yore, A special from St. Louis under date of December 10, says: The announce ment here today by the officials of the M. K. Si T. railroad that they wilt Is sue passes without stint to the news paper people during the coming year, has caused much Interest In railroad circles. The announcement is Important from tho fact that the M. K. & T. Is one of the most important southern systems, and Its business ranks among that of the lirst. The ollicials do not Intimate that they will defy or Ig nore the law, but that their Interpre The People Have Ideas I'resldent Roosevelt's triumph In printing his message In si in nil tied spelling was brilliant but meteoric. When he saw tho message In the news papers, spelled In the old familiar sly le, lie must have felt as docs one who wakes from a sweet dream of glory to the reary dullness of commonplace. Theie re somo things the "big stick" can accomplish, and some It can't. It can't force families Into having more children than they want, nor can It compel pcoplo to spell well when they don't know how, or to spell badly when they do. With the sovereign people, who are superior to constitu tions, the right to spell as well as they now how, or as badly as they must, Is one of those Inalienable ones Indicated by Inference In tho Declaration of In dependence. Despite the "big stick," the old spelling book that was the de light and despair of our childhood re mains sacred in the memory and su preme in authority. tatlon Is such as to convince them Thursday noon and reached the verdict that they are not compelled under at 'r0 p m., after a deliberation of but t,e ew iaw t0 CXAC, casi, f0r their two hours, about an hour being for rauroad transportation from news dinner. paper men who pay In advertising. The penalty prescribed in cases of a prominent olllclal here says: this character is not more than two .ve propose to Issue passes and years Imprisonment and a line not to mileage right along as usual, and at exceed $10,000 on each count. the end of the year check up with the The trial of the case began Monday, newspaper people. We must have November 10, when the attorneys for their advertising and they must have the defendants argued a motion to our transportation. It Is all nonsense abate the Indictment because or the to suppose that they will have to dig alleged ineligibility of Dr. George Ud every time they get mlleago or Tllden, jury commissioner, who was passes one of the men to draw the grand Jury other big railroad companies are do that brought the Indictment. This ng some hard thinking as the result motion was overruled and on the 0f this announcement, and It may cut following day the attorneys for the a g figure. Many believe It will re defense argued a motion to quash the suit n securing like concessions from indictment, which was also overruled. an tne railroads. The Jury was empaneled and sworn on Wednesday, November 21, and the trial has continued since with but four days' Interruption, including Sundays, thus making twenty-four days of actual trial and taking of evidence. In that time 132 witnesses have been examined of the 105 summoned. The Indictment was the largest ever returned In the United States courts for this district, and was found June 14, 1900. Jt comprised over 500 type written pages, was of forty counts, and included in its findings informa tion against Bartlett Richards, Will G. Comstock, Charles C. Jameson, F. M. Walcott, Thomas M. Huntington, Fred Iloyt, James Baird, Acijulila Man'.an Pile Remedy put up in con venlent, collapsible tubes with nozzle attachment so that the remedy may be applied at the very scat of the trouble, thus relieving almost In stantly bleedlng.ltclilng or protruding piles. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Sold by Gerlng & Co's drug store. A Good Riddance. The Retailers Journal announces that the grocery department of the big mall order house of Sears, Roebuck & Co.. at Chicago, will probably be discontinued on January 1st, UK)' owing to a falling off In business and the stringency of the pure food law Trlplett and Ami B. Todd, all charged which prohibits the sale of the cheap with the same conspiracy and subor- adulterated edibles usually handled by nation of perjury. these big houses. Here Is a lesson for When tho trial of the cases bciran mall order house patrons. It shows the several attorneys for the defense, clearly that these houses have been representing diilcrent clients, insisted selling their country patrons cheap, on a separate trial for each defend- adulterated foods. But thanks to the ant. It was linally decided that the pure food law, they can no longer defendants should be divided Into two swindle the people with their cheap arnnns. Tn the first ctoud were Bart- nastlncss. The home dealer would lett Richards, Will G. Comstock, Charles C. Jameson, G. M. Wolcott and Aqullla Trlplett. In the second i groupe were Thomas M. Hunting, Fred Hoyt, James Baird and Ami B. Todd. The attorneys for the first group were: R. S. Hall and II. C. Brome of Cmaha, and Judge A. W. Crites of Chadron. The attorneys for the second group were Gurley& Wood rough of Omaha. It Is understood that the attorneys for defendants will file a motion for a new trial. not dare sell the cheap stuff to his patrons that the mall order houses put off on their customers. If he did he'd soon be out of business. IMUratlGES CREAM IMlng powder Has a dietetic value great ly beyond the conception of any one who has not used it. It will make your food of a delicious taste, a moist and keeping qual ity and a digestibility not to be obtained from any other baking powder or leavening agent. Hut more Important than all else, Dr. Price's taking Powder carries only health ful qualities to the food. Avoid the alum powders Study the label Cierolses Wall Attended Exercises at the high school Friday afternoon were attended by a goodly number of the parents and friends, who felt well repaid by the Interest ing program, which Included good musical numbers, recital Ions, readings, and an interesting debate on the sub ject, "Resolved that the City Should wn and Opreatc the Lighting lant." In this the alllrmatlve, rep resented by Messrs. Kirk Bates and 'hart. Mapes, won from tho negative, represented by Kmest Horn, The score being Il'.i to '.W points. Will Spend Vacation Out of Town, With tho Christmas exercises of the city schools this afternoon, the teach ers arc preparing to spend their two weeks' vacation at home visiting with friends. Principal D. L. Strickland will go to his homo In Geneva, Satur day; Miss Matthews will go to Auburn Miss Mae Darling to South Omaha, Miss Pearl Nlckols to Kearney, Miss Josephine Graves to Falls City, Miss EunaTowleto Wabash, Miss Nellie Wilson to Hepburn, Miss Ycrna Wills- lerto Lincoln, Miss Maude Mason to South Omaha and Miss Nettle Hawks worth will spend the holidays at home in Burlington, Iowa. MOTIVE POWER SHORTAGE Will Attend TeacherV Association. The following teachers will attend the State Teachers' association at Lincoln next week: Mr. Rouse, M Strickland, Misses Matthews, Mar tens, Fight, Tartsch, Towle, Hansen and Graves. Miss Matthews reads a paper before the German section on Wednesday af ternoon upon "Tbe Difficulties That the Teacher of German Must Meet and Overcome." Superintendent Rouse reads a paper the same after noon before tbe Mathematics section upon "Arithmetic in High Schools." Age Limit for Railroad Men. Some railroads outOslerl.cd Osier not long ago by adopting a rule for bidding the employment of new men past tnlrty-llve years of age. It Is gratifying, says the Railway Carmen's Journal, to learn that the absurdity of limiting the age at which a railway man Is eligible for employment is passing away more rapidly than the promoters of such a measure expected. Already the principal roads In America where the experiment has been tried have abandoned the rcgu latlon. The Boston & Maine, the Al ton, the St. Paul and the Burlington are virtually Ignoring the age limit regulation, and, guided by common sense, are hiring men more with a view to their qualifications than to the exact number of years which they may have lived. Experience and capability arc the real tests of a man's tltncss for any position, and if a railway olllclal makes the mistake of hiring an Incompetent man there Is no law compelling the company to continue to employ him Years in themselves are no criterion Some men are old at forty. Others are young at sixty. In any event it Is safe to assume that a lack of the sup plcnessof youth Is often more than made up for by the wider experience of added years. Burlington Has Bought New Engines But Is Still Short. Notwithstanding the fact that the Burlington Is short of motive power and that business would be moved on that road, as well as on all other roads In Nebraska with less delay If more power were available, the statement made to the Interstate commerce coin mission by Second Vice President Dan iel Wlllard shows that an elTort has been made to Increase the power of the road. Mr. Wlllard said: "For tills year," said Mr. Wlllard, we have ordered jno lilgli-power lo comotives and have received 110 of these up to date. This has Increased our power 20 per cent. We ordered .r,000 new freight cars. Of the 2.0(H) already have been put on the tracks. We have 2,ooo box cars coming.'' Somo railroad men aver that the car shortage question at I his time would not bo nearly so Irritating If trains could bo moved quickly with lighter tonnage, and If more engines were available for moving them. At this time the eliort Is to move as many cars as possible In each train that the great est result possible may be secured from the motive power. In Justice Court. In Justice Archer's court tho case of Amelia Ileldman vs. Wm. Noxon, jr., was called for trial this morning. The plaintiff, upon oath, stated that Wm. Noxon, jr., was the father of a bastard child delivered by her on the 20th of November. On account of the failure of the defendant to appear in court, nothing further was done. The defendant, with the permission of his father, offered to marry the plaintiff, but thin she refused to do, and now it seems that tne young man lias left the state. WE ARE THE LEADERS IN LOW PRICES , i.H.r. in Stvla. Workmanship. Durability, Design . ........... f Tens Qualities. - We are the originators of h. Cut Price 8vstem of PIno selling, and are offering Ant New Upright 1 . . : u L,. f s. S133. $147 and uo-the fuallty that you will And In these Planoa will prove a very pleasant surprise. No other wm .,.- HnllftM sun nrlre. anil adhere1 house west or tnieago --r---- -- r tn nuaiitv as we do. Our regular line of celebrated Pianos re,from such to Su"'"7 . . . ou. m. r rhi.Lpin dm r.te, I well known eastern lactones , "'' - - , Flecher. Wegman, Schaeffer, Price & Teeple, Carleton. Wlllard e Co., Rembrandt and many others. Our easy payment plan It our own-most liberal of any house today. You are welcome at our store at any time and you will appreciate the beautiful ahowlng of up-to-dateness found WePshlo,plnos anywhere within a radius of 600 miles of Omaha en ten days' Free trial, same can ee reiumea i our fin. h n sat isfactory or as representee. It Is Ever Thus. Saturday evening we Raw a specimen of an Omaha bargain. It was in tbe shape of a rocking horse, unpalnted, without, a tall, tin hrldla strarj. and al- together a rough and shoddy piece of He also opens the general discussion .fnff.snrit.hanriMaaonlf 65 cents. Friday afternoon in the nigh School nr nwr-hant.. .nil t.h earn atvla 0f action upon the subject, "Limitations article, except that they are hand somely painted, have flowing tails, bridle straps and are well put to Floods the body with warm, glowing gether, for "5 cents. Such an article vitality, makes the nerves strong, las we saw from the Omaha markets quickens circulation, restores natural would not be bought by our mer- vigor, makes you feel like one born chants, as they would be ashamed to again. Ilolllstcr's Rocky Mountain of High School Influence Id Habit Formation or In Character Building." Returns With a Bride. About a week ago Lewis Curtis left on a trip to the east, and on the morn ing train, No. 4, he returned home to day, bringing a Mrs. Curtis with him. The bride, whose name was Blanche Dlllinger, Is from Greencastle, 111. and formerly was employed la Mrs. Street's millinery store in this city. The happy event occurred yes terday, and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis came In this morning, thinking that they would keep the affair a secret, but their relatives and friends caught on to the fact, and now Mr. Curtis Is passing around tbe cigars. The young man is a son of Mrs. Mil lie Curtis, who formerly resided In this city, but who Is now located near Union, and Is employed in the barber shop conducted by John Kuhney. sell it to anyone and ask more than a quarter for It. Weeping Water Herald. Moral: Buy at home and get your I Sey's worth. C ii n in. Gerlng Si Co. Wouldn't Go When Told. The Sunday State Journal contains the following: "Wesley Clark, a mem ber of the town board of I nlon. came to this city yesterday and taking on a a load of intoxicants refused to go Dade's Little Liver Pills thoroughly clean the system, good for lazy livers, makes clear complexions, bright eyes home when ordered by the police, but and happy thoughts. Sold by Gerlng told tbem who he was and dared them s to arrest him. He was arrested after considerable trouble and paid a fine of 110 and costs." Worthy of a Trial. Pineapple juice Is said to be a sure cure for diphtheria. Get a ripe pine- It Is noticeable a cold seldom comes apple, squeeze out inajmca arm iei 0n when the bowels are freely open, the patient swallow It. The Juice is K . f th nf mrrriv natnra that wil cut the l'lner can it stay if they aje open. diphtheria mucuous, and If you give Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup the juice otapineappie not yei ripe lasves as picasant as mapie sugar, tree to a person whose throat Is well, It f rom all ODlates. Contains Honey and Tar. Conforms to the National Fure Xh.;un V:.i,J BndTnrd ;.n, Food and Irui Law. Sold by F. G. Married This Afternoon. The necessary papers were made out today to Harold J. M. Ovcrbeck, age I 28, of Omaha, and Miss Julia Hoff man, age 2., of Wilbur. The cere mony was performed by Judge Travis. Tho newly married will spend X mas with Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Todd, after which they will go to Wilbur to visit with the bride's parents. Rushed With Work. The heavy rush of work at the shops will prevent the granting of a holiday next Monday as had been anticipated and hoped for. There Is an Impera tive demand for all the heavy engines possible, at this time, to handle the Christmas trsflo. And Instead of tak ing an eitra holiday, many of the men art working overtime. Havelock Warned In Time. Miss Cora Allen Raker, postmistress at Gretna, and her deputy, Miss Ger trude Bralnbrldge, came In yesterday morning to spend Christmas with her sister. Mrs. W. h. Rosenerans, and family. The Journal hopes that when the ladles return home they will not let Rosey put them on the wrong train as he did on Miss Raker's last visit to Plattsmouth, when he sent that lady across the river to Pacllic Junction Instead ol Omaha, where she had to remain nearly a half day. But the Journal warns the ladles against Roscy's instructions at the depot In time. It Takes Nerve Everything depends upon your nerves. It is nerve force that causes the brain to direct the motion of your body ; it is nerve force that causes youc heart to pulsate, and send the blood through your veins; it is nerve force that causes your stomach to digest food, your kidneys to filter the blood, and the liver to secrete bile. In fact, nerve force is the power that runs your body, so if you feel worn-out, irritable, nervous, cannot sleep, or eat well, have pain or misery, anywhere, your nerves are weak, and your system run down. To restore this vitality, take Dr. Miles' Nervine which will strengthen and build up the nerves. You cannot be healthy without strong nerves. For lnhtwn yr It. MlW NVrvlne and AnU-T'aUvMlln have br my ctow com pan km.- Kurlr In mar ried llf". whlU-nUalnaj-children, my nrv bwam4l worn-out cmilj not plxp; hul no-apprtlU; Indlgextion vrr bad.. and tiMtfisrh wfuf dliijr lift. Tiw epu. I Deimnnuun it. hi Korvloe, and at ouo I tw " pro, and rani Xountl mysti! in rt-ibeatth. 1 TOHNO. 1! rittabursxtit., NCUe, Ps. Or. MlleVNemne to oeM ey yju' drwfffet, mh w,euarantf that the ni Mttiil fi.mt H fane, he woi rf,V ""J Miles Medic! Co Elkhart, lad tried. I Frlcke St Co. Messenger.