ri. nt iu The Plattsmoutn Journal , 1TBLISUKP WEKKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. U. A. HATES, rim.isiiKK. nlenil slths p,ilomYv t I'UtUmoutta. N drunk, ss siVoihIi'Iism inattrr. Diaz shouM have no trouble in suppressing revolutionists since there is a surplus of .'.OOO.OOO, in the national treasury. It will lw a long time before Teddy forgets "Dear Marie." And only think of it, she is the aunt of the president's son-in-law. Why waste so much time on the matter of tax upon income and in heritance, so long as you are with out an income and expect no inheri tance? A mkssac.k every week day cer tainly entitles the president and the public to a rest on Sunday. Here's hoping that every day will be Sunday by and by! Ai'TKK the first of the year we will have noMiing but "pure whis key," nt least that is what the pure food commission says. This sug gests the query: "Is even pure whiskey a food?" I.iy MorT!mi;k PrK.wn's re ference to Mrs. Roosevelt's obliga tory 5-o'clock teas as departures at the "republican court" b'nds royal significance to the president's cen tralization scheme. With Kentucky counties going "dry," one after another, on the liquor question the Hourbon com monwealth may soon have nothing left of her former prestige but fair women and fast horses. It is a good thing, perhaps, that Governor Mickey's pardoning pow er is not curtailed to two weeks to come. There is danger that he will liberate about all the worst thugs in the state penitentiary. It has been suggested that a bill be passed by the legislature this winter prohibiting non-residents from enjoining the collection of taxes. This, it is thought, would cure the railroad tax-dodging. Thk Storer-Roosevelt episode ha: produced a most unpleasant iin pression and one that, in our judg ment, will not readily le dissipated. Mr. Roosevelt's intemperate denial is ineffective and leaves all the graver elements .in the case unan .-swered, or, at best, ignored. 1 hi-: Minstmas mails nave never Wore been so heavily burdened, and though they have made the holidays the season of the very hardest work for the men who assort and carry the mails, the work has liecn done in the best Christinas spirit. Thk deathly silence that has pre vailed in Nebraska since it was un derstood that Norris Ilrown will in all probability be chosen to succeed Senator Millard, has been broken by the gentleman himself, who wants to organize both houses o the legislature so that it won't, by any chance, break away from him A good edict comes from Judge Sutton of Omaha. He declares that no boy or girl under the age of sixteen years will be permitted to work in a store during the holi day shopping season. He say they must cease to work and go to school where they belong. H sends officers throughout Omaha among the factories and children found working under that age are sent home or to school. OfR Lincoln friends are now busy figuring how big an appropriation they can get out of the state for the 1907-1908 period. They are want ing several thousand dollars more for state fair purposes. If we re member correctly, there was a big balance left this year after paying all expenses. Why should Lincoln always be carrying its hat around for state help to institutions that ought to 1 and are seif-sustaintng Tin: President says he would like t0lm.chaathe,)0vvcr to put the .......... .w.r.1 tAil.- lttl Tliis IlVlVJ MUltUIIVVI.) ,u viittui a ..... is Russianization instead of central ization. Thosic "doubting Thomases" scored iu the canal message are in imminent danger of receiving pros- lential appointments in the Ana nias Club. Tin: president is going gunning n Virgiuia for small game during le holidays. Perhaps he will have more luck than he did with big game in Washington. Thk senate orders presidential messages to be printed in normal pclling. This is a rap over the nuckles for those who try to mutt- ate out mother tongue. i t Thk president is evidently deter mined that the Japanese in this country shall be well euucatcu, since he considers them better orkmen than the whites. This is the week in which to purchase your Christmas presents, and the advertising coluins of this aper will indicate to you where ... you can get wliat you want to tnc est ail ventage. Von the year 1906 agriculture urnished 56 per cent of all the ex ports trom the Muted Mates. .And our fanners did not realize one cent y reason of our tariff system. So ong as they support that inimical system they should not complain of their lot. Many of our local exchanges came to us in the past few days with eautiful Christinas editions. We commend the enterprise of the uiblishers as well as that of the merchants whose liberal patronage nables the papers to make a big bowing for their home town. President Rooskvklt's special message on the agitation growing out of the establishment and main tenanee by San Francisco of separ ate schools for Japanese residents is by all odds the most dangerous and revolutionary that has ever come out of the White House. It is rev olutionary lwcause in it the presi ent bullies the Californians and threatens them with all sorts of evil things which the constitution and the laws of the United States give lini no power to do unto them The founders of our government made it plain tnat tne tedcrai gor erment has no control whatever over the institutions and internal attairs ot t'v states. mere was not a man in the convention of 1787 who would not have been shocked y the claim now advanced by Mr. Roosevelt that rights strongly safe guard by the constitution could be taken away by any treaty made only y the president and the senate. An investigation into the coa! .unine that has existed in various parts of the country has shown that it was not for the lack of cars but rather a lack of motive power that has made it impossible to handle the freight. It appears from re ports that there, are hundreds of cars standing idle in the yards at Kansas City and other termina points which cannot bejscnt out to the country for lack of engines. also seems that a great many cars at starting points are left standing loaded and ready to go forward but there are no engines to take them. Certainly the business o the country has outgrown'the facili ties of the transportation compan ies. Secretary Georgk D. Bennett of the state board of equalization and assessment is sending out sample property schedule blanks to county clerks for the year 1907. They arc made out according to the new form prepared by Mr. Bennett, which lists automobiles, harness and saddles, cream separators and jewelry in separate classes by them selves. He believes that this will add a considerable amount to text year's assessment. The number of items on the schedule is eighty-six, the same as heretofore, some of the less important ones being taken off or bunched together to make room for the new property classes. Makes i Difference Li-lit-'. UY.kly. Considerably different face is put upon the exclusion of Japanese from San Prancisco schools when it is known that those excluded are said to be principally grown men. In the east, as well as in the west, and n the case of pupils of the same race, such separation is enforced. 'veil the most enthusiastic advo cates of racial equity cannot find ault with the objection of parents to having their children of tender years closely associated in school with adult pupils of an entirely alien civilization. If, as reported, there are separate schools for these adult Japanese, the sensibilities of their government should not be wounded by the San Franciscans' policy of segregation; but we still fail to see the appropriateness or justice of barring Japauese children rom attendance at the ordinary public schools. Certainly, if the excuse offered is not disingenuous, it should Ih; possible to discriminate between Japanese adults and chil dren, so as to avoid all grounds of complaint on either side. Tin; Lincoln Star says that State Superintendent McPrien has solved another free high school law for submission to the next legislature and he hopes it will have a better reception in the hands of the su preme court than that of its three predecessors, which have been de clared unconstitutional because they called for double taxation, in the opinion of the court. The proposed law calls for the tuition of the pu pils admitted into high schools free of charge to be paid from the ac cumulations of interest from the per manent school fund. The bill calls for a "more equitable distribution of the interest accuring from the in vestment of the permanent school fund." Congressman M. P. Kinkaid wrote a letter from Washington to his nephew in Denver, in which he spoke a few words complementary to that city. In return, one of the Denver newspapers "plays up" Mr. Kinkaid as the man who "thrice defeated Bryan." Inasmuch as Kinkaid ever ran against Bryan for any afiicc in his life, and as Mc Kinley is the only man who ever defeated Bryan even twice, the Denver paper has certainly made a discovery that is all its own. Thk president's fantastic notions of his powers under the constitu tion have carried him too tar along the dangerous road of centralization and political revolution. It is nec essary for the welfare of the conn try and the perpetuity of its institu tions that he be brought up with a round turn before he goes further The fight upon which he is enter ing with congress is tolerably cer tain to end in that wav. President Roosevelt defiance ofeongress "to the point of im peachment" is nothing but : "bluff." He knows that he is safe ou that score. Before the govern ment under the present constitu tion was twenty years old this check upon misconduct on the part of executive, civil and judicial offi cers was tested to the limit and found to be a failure. Why Refer to Doctors Because we make medicines for them. We tell them all about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, con sumption. They trust it. Then you can afford to trust it. Ask your own doctor. Ths beet kind of a testimonial "Sold lor OTsr sixty Tears." Mule by . O. Arf 0., lawell, Ma aim MiMiim i J SASSAPAIILLA. yers nus. haii viooi. We trltt W h fbraatM f ll vr dlsUM. Aver' Pill grvatly aid th Chrry Pectoral In breaking up a cald. T ASKED TO ACT Prominent New Yorkers lUrgo Uncle Sam to Move in the Cono Matter. LEOPOLD IS SHARPLY INDICTED Abutrs That Have lVrn DUcmrml by lh King' Own l'oiiiinlion No llrt'urin in Sight Yet. Nr York, Iec. 20. A lettor signed by J. ricrpoat Morgan, Dr. Lyman Abbott nml other prominent cltlxeim of New York has bwa addressed to Sec retary of State Hoot directing bis at tention to conditions Iu the Congo Free State, where. It in asserted, "flagruot pit. lyman Acnorr. Inhumanity exists." and urging him on behalf of the people of the United State use the "moral support" of tlio T'nlted States government to cor rect the nbuses the Congo natives are alleged to be suffering from. The com munication is as follows: Condemned by II 1a Own Ilonrd. "Over n year lias passed since the report of the commissioners chosen by the chief executive and virtual owner of the Congo to investigate conditions In that state was published. In spire of their nntural desire to give all pos sible credit to their sovereign the com missioners felt constrained to rcpirt the existence of measures and prac tices of flagrant Inhumanity. Among these measure and practices an the following: Doing That Are I'nrlghtcous. "Ui The exaction of a lalor tax so oppressive that many natives on whom It falls have little If any freedom. , "(2) Appropriation of land to Mich nn extent that the natives are prac tically prisoners within their own ter ritory. "(.".) The employment under author ity of the government as sentries of cruel, brutish blacks, chosen from hos tile tribes, who murder, pillage and rspe the people for whose protection the government Is avowedly estab lished. "(4) The abuse of the natives by white representatives of officially rec ognlzed conipnnles. "(.") The binding of little children to yenrs of labor nt uncertain wages by contracts they (In not understand and even more serious maltreatment of children supposedly under the Im mediate care of the government. ' "0Ti Creat injustice In the adrninls tration of the courts, so that the na tives dread the name of Noma, the place where the judicial system is i-eii-trnlized. "(71 The sending out of punitive ex pcdltions. not for the .purpose of estab llshlng pence and order but for the purpose of terrifying the natives Into paying n tax. which, as administered. even the commissioners regard as In human." xot iu:mkiyixg thf: f.vii.s- Power, Thrrrforr, Should 8"cur Ac tion in the Matter. Tlio letter then proceed as follow '"It In to Im? remembwl tbat tb? are not cliarires broucht airalnst tb Congo government, but finding of tb coramlaxlon which wm appoint! by th chief executive of tfie poverDttent to Investigate and rvyort on the fart. Acting upon these flwliDgf a rotA commission-. also appointed Ljtbekltig, ha recommended incisure of rfcnn. Nf step have been taken to aVirt them. There Is do evidence that tb Conco government In undertaking ari outly to remedy these evlla. The por era which created the Conuro govern ment have clearly a right to call tt.af government to account "Inasmuch n the United State Kar Its moral miiiort to the etabiiahiinot of the Congo government It In Juntlftwl In giving Its moral support to any un dertaking to secure conditions In th Congo that will not disgrace civiliza tion. We wish to assure you that for any measure you may ndopt In order to give the Powers such moral sup- pfirt o( the.V'nlted State jroiLwIll have earnest ana urgent upproTni. The letter I signed by Rev. Messrs. I.ymnn Abbott. Henry Mottet. Wllford L. Robblns. (Jeorgo William Knox, Charles II. Tarkhurst, John P. Teters. William R. Richards. Anaon P. Atter bnry, Terry S. Grant, and Messrs. Wil liam Jay Schleffslln. William H. Doug las, Chas. A. iJcbleren, Speacsr Trask. Gaorgo Haven Putnam, Everett P. Wbaeler,' Robert C. Ogden, J. Plerpoot Morgan, IV Willis Janiea, R. Pulton Cottlng, J. CleveUms Ca4y and W. i. Havatneyer. Mil Sf! Ill o o A Boston schoolboy was tall, weak and sickly. His arms were soft and flabby. He didn't have a strong muscle in his entire body. The physician who hed attended the family for thirty years prescribed Scott's Emulsion, NOW: To feel that boy, arm you would think he was apprenticed to a blacksmith. 0 ALL DRUGGISTS! If Senator Foraker is playing per sonal politics in his caustic attacks upon President Roosevelt the mo tive behind them is considerably broader than the desire to have the support of the Ohio delegation in the republican national convention of 1908. As a candidate for the presidential nomination of his party, Mr. Foraker would want, of course. the support of republican delega tions from the southern states and in the election he would, if nomi nated, need the negro vote in all the debatable state, reaching across the country from New York to Col orado. If this is what he is bid ding for in his defensed of the men whom the president has denounced as mutineers and murderers, he is simply following the familiar lines pursued by all previous republican aspirants to the presidency since the death of Abraham Lincoln. The people of Plattsmouth en joyed the usual Christmas festivi ties. The day was propitious for ontdoor exercise, and people promenaded the streets equal to September weather. There were a number of family reunions; in fact, they were so numerous as to make it impossible for the Journal to give an extended notice. Not wishing to show partiality to any, we omit the publication of them entirely. It is not necessary to remark that the home-commers were made to feel that "Let it ever be so humble, there's no place like home," at Yuletide. A newspaper asks: "Does it pay to be beautiful?" We have a very near and a very dear friend who thinks that it does. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrupcontain Ing Honey and Tar Is especially appro priate for children, no opiates or poisons of any character, conforms to the conditions of the National Pure Food and Drug Law, June 30, 1900. For Croup, S hooping Cough, etc. It expels Coughs and Colds by gently moving the bowels. Guaranteed. Sold by GerlDg Si Co's drug store. - Pine Salve Carbollzed, acts like a poultice; highly antlseptlc.extenslvely used for eczema, for chapped hands and lips, cuts, burns. Sold tfy GerlDg & Co a drug st r pock: men numn Pocket Knives have been the standard of all ST American Cutlery for 35 years. You remember that only the highest quality la made under the brand KttKKUIffR. If there is one thing that you do want to be cood it la a Pocket Knife, one that will be sharp whea you buy it, and what is more, will stay sharp. We have them la a variety of patterns and sizes. May we have the pleasure 1 JOHN BAUER, Hardware 4 4 O O 4 4 4 O O 4 4 4 50e. AND $1.00. Water Proof ..High Cuts.. or low tops. It certainly dosen't pay to court a cold with wet feet. "Drv Feet or Doctor's Bills?'"' You have no other alter native. Ours are differ ent from others, for we insist on special leathers which makes them prac tically WATER PROOF SHERPOD & SON THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP Tor sit Ceurhj and stslsts In ipelling Coldi from tha sys The Res CloTer Blos som sndtbs Honey Bes tem oy (trtuy moYing ins sowait. a certain laliaf for croup and whoopini-ccugh. Nearly all other is on every bottle. conitipitinr.f - esDeciallr (hose containineODiates? Kennedy's Laiativ Honey & Tar mores the bowels, contains Bo Opiates. KENNEDY'S mm CONTAINING HOWEYMAR rilPAItID AT THK LABORATORY OF E. C. OaWITT & CO., CHICAGO, U. 8. A. ! "Pineules" (non-alcobollc) made from resin from our Pine Forests, used for hundreds of years for Bladder and Kidney diseases. Mejlclne for thirty days, II. Guaranteed to give satisfac tion or money refunded. Get our guarantee coupon from Gerlng&Co. 'fa S-S,JL. raCZZZtt Z. H J