Murray Department When You Make Your PREPARED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READERS. lftuyiftlurttiJr$(ftheJ(mrntilkn(Mofa'-i'dtvoit uranism of intertst in this vicinity and will mail tnrne to this office it trill atar under this hendimj. Yi tru tit till items of inkrtnt. Editor Journal. r THIS WORLD HAS BEEN DIVIDED Ami sub-divided the people of the world have been divided and sub-divided the sub-divisions are endless. Suppose we divided the people into three classes. The very rich, who can afford to spend their in come; the very poor, who have to spend theirs. Then there is the third class the saving class, who start saving their money and keep it up continually. They never stop. The habit is formed early in life and they can't "swear off." The saving habit is the means to happiness and contentment. This bank offers the opportunity for every man to save his money. No one can afford to let the chance escape. The Murray State Bank C. S. STONE, Cashier. MURRAY, NEB. 1 I merit prevailed about the household, but up to the present time do serious results have appeared, and while the coin remains In the boy's system none are anticipated. The father of the boy says he Is sure a free silver man. James Holmes has now returned to Murray '-for sure." He has been look ing after their store In Mynard for the past few months, which has been closed out with the exception of a small portion of tbo hardware, which will be removed to Murray. A gentle man ty the name of Geo. Mason, from Bradshaw, has rented the room and is pening put a new stock of goods. Lcm Hall was a Sunday visitor at Ni'liawku. D. J. ritnian was a county seat visi tor Tuesday. Mrs. II. L. Olilhain was a passenger for Omaha Monday morning. Dr. G. II. Gllmore made a profes sional trip to Xehawka Wednesday afternoon. Frank K. Vallery was transacting business In Council RlulTs Wednesday afternoon. Chas. D. Spangler and wlfedrovo to riattsmoutli Saturday to do some holiday shopping. Mrs. II. C. Long and daughter, Miss Gertrude, were doing somo shopping in l'lattsmoutli Tuesday. Troy L. Pavl9 of Weeping Water was In Murray Monday looking after his farming Interests around here. CD Hugh and Gussle Robb and Miss Anna Mack went to Omaha Monday to spend a few days with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Radtkie of Murdock, Neb , are visiting with the family of J. P. Rrlsbln. Mrs. Radtkie Is a sis ter of Mr. Rrlsbln. Dr. A. E. Walker and William Wolfe of Union were In Murray Sunday vis iting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walker. Harry E. Graves, editor of the Mur ray Messenger, went to riattsmoutli Monday evening to attend the show t'ic rarmcle theatre. Miss Pearl Lowpy went to l'latts mouth Tuesday morning and from there went to Chllllcothe, Mo , to spend the winter with relatives. Miss Ethel Tuey, a rhartulng little lady from riattsmoutli, was In Mur ray Saturday and Sunday visiting her friend and schoolmate, Miss Ressie Rrendcl. Sam Record, the mule king from racitic Junction, was in Murray this week buying up mules. Sam Is a good buyer and knows a good mule when he sees it. Postmaster A. L. Raker was called to Portsmouth, Iowa, Monday to at tend the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Kruma Merrlnan, who died Sunday afternoon. W. C. Brown went to Vllllsca.Iowa, Monday to make bis wife a visit for a few days, who has been there for the past two weeks visiting with her par ents and friends. Harmond Beck and wife left Mon day for Perry, Okla., to spend the holidays with relatives, and before re turning will also make a visit with relatives In Kansas. Misses Pearl, Louise and Prucllla Thomas and Mr. Charley Lutz of Plattsmouth spent Sunday evening with Leola and Glen Vallery at Mur ray. W. II. McPanlel left Friday for the southern part of Kansas to look after bis land Interests which he has there. He expects to be gone about two weeks. Mrs. Jeff Brendcl Is ofilclatlng at the store during bis absence. C. S. Stone, J. M. Manners, L. F. Hall and W. C. Brown went out to W. II. Puis' Saturday evening to at tend the dance given by Billle in bis new house which has just been com plcted. There was a good attendance and the boys report a most enjoyable time. Chas. II. Boedeker aud A. F. Boe deker went to South Omaha Wednes day with the view of buying some more feed cattle, if the market was not too high. There are not many cat tle being shipped Inhere for feeding owing to the high price. II. C. L'ing was In Plattsmouth Tuekday. L C. Todd and wife wore in Om aha Tuesday. J. II. Norris and wife were In Mur ray Wednesday. D C. Rliodon was a Plattsmouth visitor Sunday. Miss Ida Roedeker was In Platts mouth Tuesday. Mrs. W. S. Smith was an Omaha visitor Wednesday. Will Wehrbeln was a Plattsmouth visitor Wednesday. Mrs C. N. Rcvcrige was a Platts mouth visitor Wednesday. Mrs. I). L. Amlck was a Platts mouth visitor Wednesday. Alex Campbell returned Tuesday from a visit to Kansas City. Mrs. G. P. Connally Js moving back to Murray from South Omaha. C. S. Stone and Jee Wheeler were In Plattsmouth Wednesday evening. Win. Shera, from near Rock RlulTs, has been on the sick list for the past few weeks. M. 0. Churchill was looking after some business matters In Omaha Wednesday. P.'L. Amlck and George Rergcr shipped h car of mixed stock to South Omaha Thursday. Tiie M. P. depot Is being treated to some needed repairs In the way of a new walk and curbing. Ernest Carrol and Miss Jessie Gil more attended the play at the Par- niele, WedtieaiM) evening. The Sunday ieh'H,i i.f the Christian church are prepailng for an entertain ment and tree on ChrMmas eve. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Rrendel spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Rrendel's parents, J. R. Vallery and family. John Gregory, who was Injured sev eral weeks ao by falling from acorn still in a very serious condition ! red Ohlcnhausen, i-r., came down Wednesday to assist his son-in-law, James McCullough, lu bis fall butch ering. Miss Deener, who has been visiting at the home of W. II. McDaniel and wife, returned to her home In Syra cuse this week. Mrs. Robt. Shrader of Furnas coun ty will arrive in Murray Friday to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. vnd Mrs. II. C. Long. Ben Dill went up to Plattsmouth Sunday to assist In taking care of his father, A. Dill, who has beeen con fined to his bed with a sick spell for the past few days. Mrs A. L. Baker will depart Satur day of this week for Iowa Falls and Eldora, Iowa, where she will spend Christmas with relatives and friends. Miss Mabel Peering, who has been visiting In Murray, the guest of her sister, Mrs. L. B. Underwood, departed last Friday for her home in Grand Island. Miss Marie Berger is making prep arations for her extended visit I California, and expects to depart with her relatives on tho western journey the day after Christmas. Bert Phllpot.whohad his arm caught In a corn shelter four weeks ago, is get ting aiong niceiy. Dr. uumore re moved the splints Wednesday and In a few days he expects to have full con trol of the Injured member. Hay, the fourteen-year-old son of John Spangler, swallowed a half do! lar piece of money last Saturday, and for a short time considerable eiclte- Take a Partner. Within the next few days the firm of L.B. Under wood will be numbered with the past, and In the future will be nown as Underwood & Pitman, the unlor member of tho tirm being Sam Pitman, son of our highly esteemed fellow citizen, P. J. Pitman. An In voice of the stock Is now being made 1th tho assistance of O. A. Pavls, and as soon as completed Mr. Pitman will enter the store as a half owner. Sam Pittman Is well known to all our readers of this section, and Is an ex cellent young man and wo predict abundant success for him in his first business venture. May the new tirm ve long and prosper. A Happy Occasion. A party was given at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ruster holtz Friday evening. The evening was spent In playing various games. Music was furnished by the Misses Maude and Gertie Rusterhcltz, which was appreciated by all. A delicious three course luncheon was served at the usual hour by the Misses Florence, Maude and Gertie Rusterholtz, to which the happy guests did ample ustlce. At a late hour all departed for home, with hut one regret, that the departing hour came too soon. This proved to be one of tho most happy events of the season. It is well nown that the Misses Rusterholtz. are royal entertainers. Among those to enjoy this happy event were the Misses Ida Roedeker, Pearl Lowrey, Leola Vallery, Truda Long, Edith Lemon, Opal Lemon, of Nehawka, Grace Rice, Millie Tlllson, Nora Stan- dish, Myrtle Standish, Anna Puis, dlth Pill, Etta Nichols; Messrs. Will Fatterson, John Purman, Glen Val lery, JimTillson, Tom Tlllson, Ray Pill, Glen Roedeker, Pr. Jake Rren del, Geo. Nichols, Steve Reckncr, Frank Pill, Alfred Gansemelr. Dentists. Prs. Newell & Tracy will Murray on Tuesday of each Otllcc with Pr. Gllmore. HOLD MEMORIAL SERVICE Members of Cass County Bar Honor De parted Brother A, J. 6raves. In the district court room this morning, the contentions and litiga tions occupying the attention or the court were laid aside for several hours, In order to honor the memory of the late A. J. Graves. All the members of the Cass county bar association, with the exception of three were present to pay tribute to the members who have passed to the Great Beyond where he sleeps the - rest, that knows no awakening. A Tribute. "To tlii I'nst iro more dead faoe, Kvery year: As tin- loveil Ii'bto vacant l:m, 4 Kvi-ry year: f.very where I lit' sail eyes meet us: In the evenlnif's dusk tlii'y ifi-eet us. And tnrnine to tin-in entreat as, Kvi-ry year." It is not now, It Is not strange that death should visit another home and take therefrom the husband and fath er, and the friend of all those who knew him, and yet It does not dimin ish the loss we feel and which his home has sustained. The life of our fellow laborer, Mr. A. J. Graves, as he lived it among us, was pure and clean and his inlluence In the community at all times whole some. As a public servant he served with fidelity; as a citizen he was never tainted with graft or dishonesty; as an attorney he was true to bis clients; as a father, actuated by good Judgment, he taught bis children the best citi zenship; as a husband he was devoted and kind. While physically weak for many years, he was always strong enough, true enough and courageous enough to do the right. Peath, which must come to each of us, has come to him and he sleeps. To Him, who cares for the sparrow when it falls, we commend the soul of the departed and the lives of those who remain. S. ClIAI'MAX, I'KK A. S. C. II. P. Travis, C. S. Polk. Committee of the Bar Asssociation. be In week. Clearing Out Sale to prepare for spring stock commenc ing October 12. Prices reduced on all buggies and surreys I have on hand until sold. J. II. C(kik. District Court Notes. Peles Pernler vs. Carrol. Motion for new trial overruled and judgment ordered on verdict. Clark vs. Flclschman. Motion for new trial overruled and judgment or dered on verdict. School Plstrict No. 32. vs. Geo. Wood, administrator. Petition of plaintiff dismissed. State vs. M. F. R. R. Co. Issues in favor of plaintiff and defendant guilty as charged. Judgment for plaintiff against defendant in sum of .VW and costs of action. Krecklcr vs. Modern Brotherhood of America. On motion of defendant, Judgment ordered on the mandate from the supreme court afllrmlnir former judgment of district court. Manan Pile Remedy put up la con venlent, collapsible tubes with nozzle attachment so that the remedy may be applied at the very seat of the trouble, thus relieving almost in stantly bleeding, Itching or protruding piles, satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Sold by Gerlng Jt Co's drug store. i Rooteveltltm Personified. A United States army recruiting of tlccr In a little Missouri town recently received the following letter: "Hear war boss. I reed In tbo cansas cttl times tat yu want me. I can reed, rite and use thelngllsh lengwedge all rite i wcign aooua im pouncis ena i cm ncerly to yards long, my karakter Is all rite to. I was never In gale, cept once In tbo callaboos, but I never stole nothln. 1 reken I ccn kill 20 Indians In one day, or spanyards too If I bafto. If yu send me som mony so I can com I Jlne sure, lm strong as a bull and thre's nothln de mater with me only a qlak I, but I can see all rite, yurs for business." Dear in mind that we ex tend you a cordial Invita tion to call and see us. We have many useful presents that will make, suitable gifts for Christmas, such as Silver and Nickle-plated Ware of all kinds, Carving Sets, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Razors and Fancy Straps, Rifles and Shot Guns, and a fine Roasting Pan to accommodate that Xmas turkey. For the next few days we will make a great reduction on our HEATERS -BASE BURNER We also have a full line of Butcher Supplies and Car penters Tools and Chests. "Keen Kutter" carpenter tools for men and boys at Bauer's. Suitable for Christmas presents. NehoovkaL Special CorivsiiondiMit. Grand pa Tucker and daghter, Lllie, were calling on Bert Tucker Friday. Bert Is convalescing slowly. Mr. Simon Hansen is very sick, so the attending physician says. Mr. Pavis drove to Union Thursday to get his daughter, Lulu, who has been making her home on a claim in Pakotafor the past fifteen months. Lulu will surprise her many friends by being Mrs. Chauncy Orton, being married some time ago to Mr. Orton, formerly of Weeping Water, now In Chicago. We extend our heartiest congratulations to the happy couple. Mr. Wes Magncy was taken sud denly 111 with appendicitis one day last week, but lias greatly Improved at last reports. Miss Pora Opp departed on the early train Saturday for Geneva, vis iting friends and relatives. Mrs. Henry Schumakcr returned Sunday evening from Omaha. She reports Mrs. Carsten as slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Carrol made a calling day Sunday on sick folks. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hansen Sundayed at Mr. and Mrs. John Knabe's. Henry Knabe and sister, Mrs. Behrns, visited In Nebraska City, Monday, returning on the evening train. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Young Is quite sick. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hlld and sister, Emma, spent Sunday with Henry Schomaker'a folks. John Wunderllch Is unable to be out owing to a severe cold which is keeping him down. Hans Stoll was under the weather last week suffering with a severe cold Will Pavls took the train to Platts mouth Saturday on business. A number of friends enjoyed Friday evening In dancing at Otto Ca. rot's. Pr. Allison of Omaha performed surgical operation on Mrs. Rough near Avoca, Sunday. Mr. McCarthy of Union called at the pleasant home of Mrs. Levi Pol lard Sunday evening. Mrs. Levi Todd went to Peru last week returning Thursday. Mrs. Wm. Betts and ber mother were sight seeing In Omaha one day last week. Two days' treatment free. Ring's Pyspepsla Tablets for Impaired diges tion, Impure breath, perfect asslmlla tlon of food, Increased appetite. Do not fail to avail yourself of the above ioffer. sold oy uering s wt drug 'store. S I Maple Grove Special Correspondence. John Bauer, sr., of Plattsmouth was Maple Grove business visitor last Tuesday. Quite a number attended the goose and duck shooting match at Wm. Puis' last Wednesday nlgbt. Mr. and Mrs. Rusterholtz entertain ed their friends Friday night. Quite a large number were present and a good time was had by all. Carpenters have begun to finish the new house of W. II. Puis. ' Glen Boedeker made a trip to Platts mouth Saturday. R. A. Young received three carloads of feeders from South Omaha last week. The dance given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Puis was largely attended and a good time was had. Herman Beck and wife and Pavld Murray left Tuesday for a few weeks visit in Oklahoma. John Ilabel finished husking corn Saturday and now John is stepping as high as the sky. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Noel visited at the home of R. A. Young Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Norris visited at the borne of Jesse Lowtber Sunday. The east Maplo Is being partly cut down this winter, and put up for fire wood. Razors, pocket cutlery and carving sets make both valuable and useful Christmas presents. We have them. II. L. Asemlssen & Son. Weeping Water From tlie Herald. Pr. II. Jensen has finished his post graduate work at Ames, Iowa, and re turned home Saturday evening. Mrs. Nels Sogard has been ill for several months, and last week Henri etta Hendrlckson, a new arrival frorx. Penmark, came to assist in caring for Mrs. Sogard. Mrs. F. W. Race and daughter, La Verne, came up from Kansas City, Thursday morning, and will visit Mrs. Race's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rat nour, until after the holidays. Last week Teegarden Bros, sold so Arthur Wiles the SE1 section 23-11-11 price $12,000.00, and the Barnum Tor rence farm northwest of town to Thomas F. KeckLr, price 870 per acre. The diphtheria cases are now about history. No new developements are reported, and the quarantine has been raised in all but one household, and that one will be released soon. Pr. E. T. Rickard reports the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele Miller, Saturday, Pecember 15. The doctor failed to report the birth of a daughter last week to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ash, but he knows It to be a fact. Mrs. Will Kennedy rceived word Thursday evening that her father, August Bomhak, at Mountain Grove, Mo., and suffered a stroke of paralysis and it was not expected that be could recover. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy left for there Friday morning. All kinds of brushes at Gerlng & Co.'s pP neat nurna Pocket Knives have been tho standard of all American Cutlery for 35 years. You remember that only the highest quality is made under tho brand KttH KWWt. If there is one thing that you do want to be good it is a Pocket Knife, one that will bo sharp when you buy it, and , what is more, will stay sharp. We have them ia a variety of patterns and sizes. May we have the i pleasure JOHN BAUER, Harchvaro 1 I